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Bad Boys Blue

  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #1

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

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Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
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Bad Boys Blue

Страна: Германия

Фото Bad Boys Blue

История Bad Boys Blue началась с песни. Называлась она "L.O.V.E. In My Car", а написали её летом 1984 года известные западногерманские авторы и продюсеры, супруги Тони Хендрик (Tony Hendrik) и Карин Хартманн (Karin Hartmann), владельцы независимого рекорд-лэйбла "Coconut Records".

Специально для этой песни они решили инициировать совершенно новый проект. Первоначально исполнителей стали искать в Лондоне, но затем кто-то из знакомых порекомендовал им выходца из США Эндрю Томаса (Andrew Thomas), музыканта и диджея, живущего в Кёльне. Эндрю, в свою очередь, познакомил продюсеров с Тревором Тэйлором (Trevor Taylor), а Тревор привёл в группу Джона МакИнерни (John McInerney).

Первоначально группу хотели назвать Bad Guys, но затем остановились на Bad Boys Blue - слово Blue появилось потому, что тогда музыканты выступали в сценических костюмах синего цвета.

Дебютный сингл "L.O.V.E. In My Car" группа выпустила в сентябре 1984 года. Ведущий вокал принадлежал Эндрю. Стиль песни представлял собой модную смесь поп-музыки, диско и европейского рэпа. К сожалению, несмотря на клубный успех у любителей танцевальной музыки, сингл в хит-парады не попал.

С выходом первой пластинки в жизни музыкантов мало что изменилось. Будни они проводили на основной работе, а на выходных выступали в клубах и на дискотеках.

Вероятно, к этому бы и свелась карьера Bad Boys Blue, если бы продюсеры коллектива не сменили саунд группы. Теперь главенствующее место у микрофонной стойки занял Тревор Тэйлор. На звучание группы (как и на всё евродиско в целом) оказал сильное влияние дуэт Modern Talking. Можно отметить, что в далёком 1978 году Тони Хендрик и Карин Хартманн написали пару песен для дуэта Monza, участником которого был никто иной, как сам Дитер Болен.

Настоящий успех к трио пришёл только весной 1985 года, когда следующий сингл "You're A Woman" произвёл настоящий фурор во многих европейских странах, моментально оказавшись в первой десятке лучших песен. В Германии сингл занял 8-е место и почти четыре месяца не покидал немецкий Top 20. Эта песня стала визитной карточкой трио и изменила жизнь всех трёх участников Bad Boys Blue раз и навсегда.

Началась настоящая гастрольная лихорадка. Музыканты были, что называется нарасхват, они давали по 28 концертов в месяц, и остаётся только удивляться тому, как у них нашлось время для записи своего первого альбома. Пластинка, вышедшая летом того же 1985 года, получила игривое название "Hot Girls - Bad Boys" и состояла из 8-ми композиций. Для первого альбома группы была характерна максимальная насыщенность аранжировок электронными "примочками", эффектные компьютерные и синтезаторные пассажи, удачно сочетающиеся с гитарными рифами. "Pretty Young Girl" - ещё одна песня с этого альбома, которая появилась в качестве сингла. В конце 1985 года музыканты принимали участие в съёмках популярной немецкой ТВ-программы "Peters Pop Show".

В бывшем Советском Союзе Bad Boys Blue моментально стали очень популярны. Сложно было найти дискотеку, на которой бы не звучали песни трио наравне с хитами Modern Talking, C.C.Catch, Fancy и многих других звёзд диско. Однако с названием группы в СССР произошёл настоящий казус, так как в буквальном переводе на русский язык оно звучало примерно как "Плохие Голубые Мальчики", что, в общем, наводило на мысли о не вполне традиционной сексуальной ориентации участников коллектива. Досадное недоразумение развеялось только в середине 90-х, когда музыканты начали регулярно гастролировать по нашей стране.

1986 год ознаменовался появлением в активе у группы двух новых хитов "I Wanna Hear Your Heartbeat" и "Kisses and Tears". Эти песни вошли в следующий альбом "Heartbeat". В целом новая пластинка не уступала предыдущим работам коллектива, но, всё же, второй альбом обрёл немного иное звучание, впервые появилось так называемое смешение стилей, к которым тяготели все участники группы. Поэтому "Heartbeat" можно назвать типичным альбомом евродиско с оговоркой. В целом ряде композиций, как, например, в "Rainy Friday", можно услышать элементы реггей, а "Dance The Night Away" заметно потяжелела, подвергнувшись изящной стилизации под хард-рок. Как обычно, авторами большинства песен были Тони Хендрик и Карин Хартманн, которая использовала псевдоним Karin van Haaren. Ведущий вокал вновь принадлежал Тревору Тэйлору. Кроме того, для этой пластинки Bad Boys Blue впервые записали кавер версии на композиции других исполнителей. "Love Really Hurts Without You" в оригинале пел Билли Оушен, а "Baby I Love You" исполнял Фил Спектор.

В 1987 году выходит сингл "Gimme Gimme Your Lovin", в котором, если достаточно внимательно прислушаться к припеву, явственно ощущаются отголоски более раннего хита группы "I Wanna Hear Your Heartbeat". Однако песня всё же оказалась очень заводной (евродиско переживало второй год своего бума и до спада оставалось ещё существенно много времени), и поэтому после выхода сингла "Gimme Gimme Your Lovin" никто не ожидал резких перемен, которые произошли с Bad Boys Blue во время работы над третьим альбомом. Совершенно внезапно… запел Джон МакИнерни. Продюсеры группы предпочли именно его голос для песни "Come Back And Stay".

Наряду с Bad Boys Blue на Coconut в то время записывалось женское поп-трио "Twenty One", одну из солисток которого Лиан Ли продюсеры пригласили принять участие в работе над третьим диском Bad Boys Blue.

Сингл "Come Back And Stay" покорил большинство европейских хит-парадов. Новый саунд группы понравился многим. В нем, несомненно, удачно переплелись: особый мелодизм, присущий лучшим песням, созданным Хендриком/ван Хаарен; более быстрый темп и элементы аранжировки, присущие итало-диско того периода. Справедливости ради, хотелось бы отметить, что "Come Back And Stay", по всей видимости, был навеян композицией Pet Shop Boys "It's A Sin", вышедшей в июне 1987 года. Но, в результате поисков и проб во время музыкальных сессий, заглавная композиция альбома "Love Is No Crime" получилась настолько энергичной, настолько пронзительной, что, пожалуй никакой другой последующий микс на эту песню не смог отразить этой экспрессии.

Нужно отметить, в целом альбом "Love Is No Crime" получился несколько необычным, возможно в какой-то степени даже экспериментальным (наряду с евродиско, исполняемым и Тревором и Джоном, в нём можно услышать совершенно не укладывающиеся в формат коллектива композиции, такие как "Victim Of Your Love", "Inside Of Me", "Why (Misty Eyes)"). Кроме того, в трек-лист пластинки вошла новая версия " Kiss You All Over, Baby", которая также выходила промо синглом в 1987 году. Вероятно, именно в это время за группой неформально закрепилась слава главного конкурента Modern Talking, что не вполне соответствовало истине. Популярность Bad Boys Blue даже в момент своей кульминации заметно уступала славе Modern Talking.

Период с 1988 по 1989 года, возможно, был самым успешным в истории группы. Похоже, что продюсеры окончательно определились с концепцией группы и альбом 1988 года "My Blue World" уже оказался выдержанным в едином ключе: энергичная танцевальная и мелодичная музыка, соответствующая всем канонам евродиско того периода. На этот раз Тревор Тэйлор исполнил только две композиции, все остальные были спеты Джоном МакИнерни. Сразу три сингла с альбома попали в хит-парады, но, безусловно, ведущую роль в успехе группы сыграла песня "A World Without You", повторившая успех "Come Back And Stay" и с тех пор ставшая эталоном евродиско конца 80-х.

Итог первых пяти лет существования трио подвёл выпущенный в 1989-м году сборник "Bad Boys Best". Выпуск этого сборника был в целом оправдан, т.к. привлёк к творчеству группы внимание тех меломанов, которые пропустили победное восхождение трио на музыкальный Олимп в 1985-1986 годах. В качестве бонуса в сборник включили очень успешную песню "Hungry For Love", в клипе на которую мы в последний раз можем увидеть трио в исходном составе. По ряду причин Тревор Тэйлор оставил Bad Boys Blue, и следующий юбилейный пятый альбом музыканты записывали вместе с новым участником группы, Тревором Баннистером, что, правда, не афишировалось. Нельзя сказать, чтобы перемены в составе группы сильно повлияли на звучание группы, продюсеры Coconut Records Хендрик/Хартманн по прежнему делали ставку на вокал Джона МакИнерни, оставляя остальных участников трио без сольных композиций.

Альбом 1989 года "The Fifth" отличало строгое, почти готическое, оформление и неожиданный минимализм в аранжировках песен. Некоторая скупость музыкального сопровождения удачно подчёркивала скрытую энергетику композиций. Проникновенность мелодий соседствовала с суровой и суховатой манерой исполнения. Однако нельзя не обратить внимания на то, что минимализм альбома коснулся не только аранжировок. Было выпущено только 2 сингла с этого альбома: "Lady In Black" и "A Train To Nowhere" (вероятно потому, что в этом году выходил так же сингл "Hungry For Love", по каким-то причинам не попавший ни в один из номерных альбомов). В песне "Show Me The Way" Эндрю Томас вполне удачно дебютировал в качестве рэппера.

Альбом 1990 года "Game Of Love" ознаменовал переосмысление продюсерами группы того момента, как коллективу работать дальше: использовать ставшие уже к тому времени архаичными и малопривлекательными для широкой публики сэмплы евродиско середины 80-х или взять на вооружение ультрамодные примочки техно, трип-хопа, хаус-мьюзик, и попытаться вновь взлететь в чартах как можно выше. В результате альбом оказался каким-то половинчатым: винегрет из песен осовремененного звучания и стилизаций саунда под песни, ставшие наиболее успешными 1-2 года назад, не придали звучанию альбома той монолитности, которая обычно ощущалась прежде. Возможно, продюсеры пошли на компромисс, поставив перед собой достаточно сложную задачу плавно изменить стиль, не оттолкнув старых поклонников.

Кроме того, альбом являлся отражением того кризиса, который возник тогда в танцевальной музыке и который привёл к окончательному господству в ней диджей-культуры. Если до конца 80-х роль диджеев сводилась в основном к микшированию пластинок различных исполнителей, то теперь в связи с развитием компьютерных технологий у многих, зачастую явно обделённых музыкальным талантом и не обременённых глубокими познаниями, появилась возможность творить. На смену культуре музыкантов пришёл компьютер со всеми его достоинствами и недостатками.

Всё же из трёх синглов, выпущенных с этого альбома, песня "How I Need You" оказалась весьма успешной, несмотря на явно неудачный видеоклип, снятый совершенно безыскусно даже по меркам 80-х. Особый романтический мелодизм всегда был сильной отличительной чертой, присущей творческому тандему Хендрик/Хартманн и им, подобно мичуринцам, удалось удачно привить ещё живой побег евродиско к быстро умирающему итало-хаус. Именно альбом 1990 года покорил Южную Африку, омывшись золотом и платиной. В спешном порядке в Южной Африке выпустили предыдущие диски коллектива, также оказавшиеся в топ-лидерах продаж.

Казалось, сейчас чета продюсеров сделает такой альбом, что все ахнут! Но… Вышедший в октябре 1991 года альбом "House Of Silence" чётко указал на то, что основная цель группы - адаптироваться к современному рынку музыкальной индустрии. Компромисс между мелодичностью и MTV-шностью оказался малопривлекательным как для старых поклонников, так и для младшего поколения. В преддверие релиза альбома выпускается одноимённый сингл, который тут же затерялся среди подобных стараний дискогрупп сделать что-либо привлекательное и коммерчески успешное в эпоху Enigma, C & C Music Factory, MC Hammer, Snap, Technotronic, The KLF и пр. Возможно, что причиной неуспеха сингла стало слишком явное цитирование другого супер успешного в то время немецкого проекта Enigma, поскольку вряд ли кто не услышит в этой песне заимствований из "Sadeness Part 1". Многим очень нравится одна из первых баллад в дискографии Bad Boys Blue - "Baby Blue", возможно самая чувственная и проникновенная песня, когда-либо сотворённая владельцами Coconut, но почему-то ей так и не суждено было появиться в качестве сингла.

Не стоит полагать, что всё было прямо так уж из рук вон плохо. Вовсе нет. Bad Boys Blue, равно как и активно работавший Дитер Болен, пользовались стабильным успехом в СССР и в целом ряде европейских стран. Казалось, пой они хоть рэп, хоть соул - всё будет слушаться на одном дыхании. С одним только нельзя было смириться: золотой век диско, казалось, прошёл безвозвратно.

1991 год, конец мая - начало июня. В Москве проходит масштабная благотворительная акция "Дети Чернобыля - наши дети", с участием популярных немецких и итальянских исполнителей. На сцене выступают Blue System, C.C.Catch, Den Harrow и Bad Boys Blue. Сотни тонн аппаратуры были доставлены военно-транспортными самолетами ВВС Советского Союза. Во время пресс-конференции менеджер Bad Boys Blue заявил, что "парни из Bad Boys Blue всегда с большим удовольствием принимают участие в благотворительных концертах". Это, несомненно, делает им честь!

В том же 1991 появился первый сборник видеоклипов группы, по традиции получивший название "Bad Boys Best". Положа руку на сердце можно сказать, что многие видеохиты коллектива были откровенно слабыми и совершенно бесхитростно снятыми за очень скромные деньги. Возможно, что в восьмидесятых годах роль музыкального телевидения в качестве средства раскрутки хит-композиций была значительно ниже, чем сейчас, но уж совсем упускать его из виду не стоило. Таким образом, у Bad Boys Blue практически не появилось композиций с приличным видеорядом, которые можно было бы смело подвергать ротации даже на самом лояльно настроенном ТВ-канале.

Примерно в тоже время со стапелей Coconut Records был спущен на воду ещё один проект - трио Chyp Notic. Новая молодёжная команда резво стартовала чартах, благодаря кавер-версии хита Принца "Nothing Comparess 2 U", выполненной в самых лучших традициях поп-музыки того периода. Chyp Notic оказались невольными соперниками Bad Boys Blue и, вполне вероятно, несколько затенили Bad Boys Blue, во всяком случае, на немецком музыкальном рынке. Казалось, что положение выровняется благодаря успеху композиции "Save Your Love", стремительно ворвавшейся в европейские Топ 20 и сумевшей попасть в хит-парад такого солидного американского музыкального еженедельника, как "Биллборд".

К концу 1992 года выходит, наконец, долгожданный альбом "Totally", который вдруг оказывается на удивление ровным и зажигающим. Ориентированный на танцевальные стандарты альбома "My Blue World", он оказался словно отдушиной модернизированного евродэнса среди ещё больше посуровевших европейских музыкальных тенденций и как никогда популярной в то время североамериканской музыки. Наряду с "Save Your Love" увидели свет синглы "I Totally Miss You" и "A Love Like This".

Новый, 1993 год ознаменовался появлением на радио многоплановой музыки, способной действительно удовлетворить любой вкус. Наряду с вводящими в транс 2 Unlimited, в Европе появляется ряд музыкальных коллективов, таких как Culture Beat со своей ударной песней "Mr.Vain", Captain Hollywood и др., исполняющие евродэнс с элементами рэпа. Этот стиль мгновенно стал популярным. Другая музыкальная сенсация - Ace Of Base - свела с ума весь мир своими шикарными песенками в умеренном (где-то около 100 ударов в минуту) ритме евро-реггей. В сентябре апостолы интеллектуального диско, Pet Shop Boys, выдают реинкарнированный "Go West". Студия Coconut во главе с Тони Хендрик и Карин Хартманн в ответ европейской музыкальной моде выпускает альбом свежеиспечённого проекта Haddaway и молодой мулат вливается в чарты сразу 4 синглами со своего дебютного альбома, сумевшего покорить даже верхушки американских чартов.

А что же Bad Boys Blue? Группа в очередной раз выпускает сингл "Kiss You All Over, Baby". А осенью - альбом "Kiss", где половина песен взята с предыдущих альбомов. Что ж, кризис в "датском королевстве" налицо. Продюсеры, по каким то причинам, которые нам с вами остаётся лишь угадывать, желают видеть продолжение своих творческих идей в более молодых и перспективных музыкантах, в то время как старая добрая команда ветеранов должна почивать на лаврах. Специально для рынка США в 1993 году выпускается сборник с предельно лаконичным названием "Bad Boys Blue ". На нём можно найти как полюбившуюся американцам "Save Your Love", так и старые проверенные временем хиты вроде "Come Back And Stay", "Show Me The Way" и "A Train To Nowhere". Ещё несколько песен перекочевали с европейского релиза 1992 года - альбома "Totally". В оформлении компиляции была использована не самая удачная обложка диска 1991 года - "House Of Silence". Эту пластинку многие североамериканцы на полном серьёзе считали дебютом какой-то малоизвестной европейской команды и удивлялись несколько устаревшему саунду ряда песен, что, в общем-то, немудрено, так как в альбом попали композиции образца 1987-1989 годов. В том же 1993 году музыканты Bad Boys Blue обращаются к известному в музыкальных кругах Холгеру Мюллеру, бывшему 10 лет крупным музыкальным чиновником концерна EMI с просьбой помочь им в заключении новых контрактов. Холгер Мюллер очень хорошо знал участников группы ещё с 1987 года и с удовольствием принял предложение стать их продюсером и тур-агентом. В результате в 1993-м году Bad Boys Blue меняют рекорд-лэйбл и переходят с Coconut Records на другой известный немецкий лэйбл Intercord, одно из структурных подразделений EMI, пожалуй, основной поставщик европейской танцевальной музыки в середине 90-х. На нём выходили диски таких проектов как E-Rotic, Masterboy, Captain Hollywood, Culture Beat и многих других не столь известных коллективов. В 80-х годах именно этот лейбл выпустил "№ 1" Silent Circle и "Time Machine" Silicon Dream.

Переход на новый лейбл сопровождался очередным изменением в составе группы. По всей видимости, что-то не сложилось в отношениях между Тревором Баннистером и остальными участниками группы, поэтому он оставил Bad Boys Blue и… пропал с музыкального небосклона. В результате свой первый альбом на Intercord Bad Boys Blue записывали как дуэт, что, кстати, никоим образом не повлияло на его качество. Диск получил очень красивое название "To Blue Horizons" и не менее красивую обложку. Пробным шаром стал сингл "Go Go". В ней удачно переплетаются отзвуки господствовавшего тогда техно с грустной романтикой ранних Bad Boys Blue. Клип для песни снимали в столице Норвегии Осло. Появился новый логотип группы: три слова "Bad", "Boys" и "Blue", написаны друг под другом, причём буквы "A", "Y" и "U" перевёрнуты "с ног на голову".

С музыкантами над новым материалом работал большой продюсерский и авторский коллектив, состоявший из профессионалов высокого класса. Поэтому, альбом получился очень мощным. Думаю, что в нашей стране его оценили по достоинству. Поколение 90-х, которое не застало диско триумфа Bad Boys Blue почти десятилетней давности, осознало, почему их старшие братья и сёстры так любят эту группу. Заслуга в этом таких людей, как продюсер Хорст Шнебель (поклонники диско должны хорошо его знать по работе с незабвенной командой Rewind), который так же выступил в качестве композитора. Песни писала целая команда авторов ( Пино и Анита Валентино, Томас Вернер, Люк Скайуокер и т.д.). Текст "Love's Not Always Like Paradise" принадлежал перу Джона МакИнерни.

Следующим синглом был "Luv 4U". Недостатком этой песни была её явная схожесть с "Mr.Vain" Culture Beat. Определённым успехом сингл пользовался, но хитом не стал. Впервые с группой начинают работать в качестве авторов Уве Хазелштайнер и Хейко Шнейдер. В результате появился третий сингл Bad Boys Blue с альбома "To Blue Horizons" - "What Else?". В качестве лучших песен этого диска можно выделить ещё "Take A Chance" и "Grand Illusion". Команда Coconut откликнулась релизом сборника "Completely Remixed", в котором, как это следует из названия, были собраны ремиксы многих песен группы. "To Blue Horizons" также был выпущен в США. Американский релиз отличался от европейского изменённым порядком песен, кроме того в диск включили 2 песни ("Don't Be So Shy" и "Family Beat", которые были выпущены в 1994-м году в качестве B-sides синглов "Luv 4U" и "What Else?". В последствии эти 2 песни, не включенные в европейский релиз альбома "To Blue Horizons", в качестве бонус-треков попали на следующую пластинку - "Bang! Bang! Bang!".

Спустя год в Кёльне побывала российская съёмочная группа во главе с Кириллом Котельниковым. Результатом поездки стал документальный фильм "Кто они?". Начинается этот фильм с маленького блиц опроса первых встречных людей о том, что они думают о Bad Boys Blue. Затем цитируется коротенькая заметка из журнала "Ровесник", в которой в двух словах рассказывается о группе, причём Джона "награждают" фамилией "Макинмай". Потом мы с вами побываем в пабе, принадлежащем Джону, увидим отрывки концертных выступлений группы в ЮАР, познакомимся с г-ми Мюллером и Феликсом Годером (он становится одним из продюсеров коллектива). Так же в фильм включён клип "Go Go", а в самом конце можно увидеть, как записывался сингл "Hold You In My Arms". А самым главным подарком становится знакомство с новым участником группы Мо (Ирмо) Расселом (Mo Russel Ringeling), который был старым приятелем Джона и Эндрю. Для всех поклонников Bad Boys Blue в первую очередь всегда воспринимались как трио и поэтому музыканты попросили Мо войти в состав группы. Не смотря на свою занятость в театре, после серьёзных размышлений, Мо принял это предложение. Поскольку в числе его несомненных талантов значился ещё и композиторский дар, то новичок во время работы над следующим альбомом стал автором сразу 2-х песен.

Новый альбом появился в июне 1996 года. С заглавной песней "Hold You In My Arms", в оригинальной упаковке с трёхмерной картинкой, он… стал провальным не только для европейской публики, но и для самых неприхотливых фанатов. Можно, конечно, долго говорить о не самом оригинальном материале, о конъюнктурности и прочем, но дело всё в том, что середина 90-х оказалась самым неблагоприятным временем для романтической музыки диско. На дискотеках, в клубах и, соответственно, в чартах пребывали рэйверы (Mark'Oh, U96, Interactive), вовсю набирал обороты Scooter, в пику им в Европе вошло в моду скоротечное "латино" и его симбиоз с европейским "дансом" (Los Del Rio, Mr. President). Вряд ли можно представить Джона и компанию, поющих "Coco Jambo" в гавайских рубахах и сомбреро! Они, скорее всего, тоже так считали, и … диск остался незамеченным.

1997 год не принёс нам новостей, участники коллектива сосредоточились на многочисленных гастролях, позабыв на время о студийной работе.

Объединение Modern Talking после десятилетнего перерыва в конце 1997 года казалось на первый взгляд событием не столь значительным: "они снова вместе, как когда-то, в старые добрые восьмидесятые!", блаженно вздыхали любители диско со стажем и сладостно тосковали по ушедшему детству. Однако, эффект возрождения дуэта оказался куда более сильным, как и в середине восьмидесятых, когда они появились. После выпуска ремиксов своих лучших хитов они заставили таки Европу и Азию последующие два года танцевать под музыку западных диско групп, безнадёжно, как казалось, забытых и потерянных в прошлом. Таким образом, совершенно новое поколение открыло для себя музыку диско-коллективов, в том числе и Bad Boys Blue.

Невероятный успех весной 1998 года сингла "You're A Woman '98", вновь возвращает группу на звукозаписывающий лейбл Coconut к авторам своих нетленных хитов. Те, в свою очередь, понимая, что превзойти бешеную популярность Modern Talking вряд ли удастся, подошли к созданию новой пластинки крайне основательно. Для этого к работе был привлечен ряд известных продюсеров, среди которых - Дэвид Брандес (создатель E-Rotic), Энди Матерн, Кристоф Шик. Хендрик, Хартманн и компания создали альбом, включавший хиты с 1984 по 1989 год и 7 новых песен. Последние, в свою очередь, оказались настолько подходящими имиджу и манере исполнения Bad Boys Blue что не знающий человек мог вполне принять их среди прочих за "нетленки" десятилетней давности.

В записи рэп-версии "You're A Woman '98" принимал участие не кто иной, как сам Эрик Синглтон, это были явные реверансы в сторону Modern Talking, а 27 июля вышел тот самый альбом "Back".

Позже любители диско со стажем будут снисходительно говорить молодому поколению о том, что современный уровень песен и аранжировок мастодонтов диско безнадёжно уступает музыке 1985-1988 годов. Оппоненты будут доказывать, что диско музыка возродилась в конце 90-ых именно благодаря обретению того звучания, какое имеет и поэтому трудно сравнивать музыку одного коллектива в разные годы творчества: каждое время диктует свои правила. Так или иначе, но тогда, летом 1998-го из окон России ручьём лилась музыка Modern Talking, Bad Boys Blue, Fancy, C.C.Catch и прочих, унося непритязательных любителей в своих ощущениях и в памяти далеко в прошлое. И это было действительно счастье!

Словно проснувшись после спячки 90-ых, Bad Boys Blue взялись за работу с удвоенной силой. Не прошло и полгода после выпуска "Back", как в январе 1999-го поклонники обнаружили на прилавках магазинов альбом с красноречивым названием "...Continued". Новая пластинка на самом деле являлась очевидным продолжением концепции, выработанной предыдущим CD, и включала в себя хиты с 1990 по 1992 год и, конечно, новые песни, которые снова не разочаровали. Проходит чуть больше полгода. Инвазия новейшего изобретения западной культуры - Бритни Спирс и подобных ей певиц, объективно и предсказуемо появившихся на гребне волны, ввергает Европу и в первую очередь молодёжь в новый транс. Мода на диско стала стремительно уходить прочь, как, впрочем, и когда-то появилась. Оставалось только лишний раз согласиться с доводом, что мода - скоротечна.

И вдруг, неожиданно для многих, в конце 1999-го Bad Boys Blue выпускают альбом "Follow The Light". И какой альбом! Удивительно красивые песни и при этом по-разному звучащие плюс ряд весьма удачных ремиксов. Круг сопродюсеров был расширен, песни создавались разными авторами, потому-то, наверное, подавляющее большинство песен не вызывает ассоциаций с "второсортным ширпотребом, предназначенным для заполнения пространства", как это, увы, часто бывает. К сожалению, Дэвид Брандес на этот раз не принимал участия в подготовке этого альбома, несмотря на тот факт, что он специально для Bad Boys Blue написал несколько композиций, в том числе и "Around The World". Что-то не сложилось у него в тот момент с владельцами Coconut Records. Bad Boys Blue вновь изменили свой состав. На смену Мо, оставившему группу, пришёл здоровяк Кевин Маккой, уже успевший поработать с Bad Boys Blue в качестве рэппера на целом ряде композиций из альбомов "…Continued" и "Follow The Light".

Летом 2000 года был выпущен альбом "Tonite". Пластинка одним показалась весьма сильной, другим - просто невыразительной, невнятной. В любом случае, она не вызвала того однозначно положительного резонанса, что предыдущие альбомы. Наверное, коммерчески она стала не очень успешной: во всяком случае, в отличие от своих предшественниц даже не попала в немецкий Топ100. Именно это могло стать веской причиной компании Coconut не продолжать контракт с группой после истечении старого. Вероятно, настоящие причины разрыва отношений лежат гораздо глубже, но, к сожалению, нам приходится всего лишь догадываться, потому что главные участники событий не очень желают называть их.

Выпустив в 2001 году сборник с двумя новыми песнями, группа исчезает из поля зрения, оставляет Coconut и… неожиданно обретает свой новый адрес - Bros-Music. Эта компания принадлежит тому самому Дэвиду Брандесу, работавшему с ребятами из E-Rotic, чья музыка так не понравилась Даниле Багрову в "Брате"... И сразу же начинается кропотливая работа над созданием нового альбома, который был бы призван помочь группе преодолеть тот синдром провалов, сопутствовавших им в первый раз, когда они уходили из Coconut. Работа велась кропотливо и, по отзывам на Bros-Music, ею остались как продюсеры, так и сами музыканты.

Неожиданно, в январе 2003, практически в самый разгар подготовки нового альбома, команду оставил Кевин Маккой и, как десять лет тому назад, Bad Boys Blue снова превратились в дуэт. Но работа над диском шла полным ходом, а продюсер группы Дэвид Брандес (по совместительству автор большинства новых композиций) просчитывал маркетинговые ходы, чтобы обеспечить пластинке высокие и стабильные продажи. Одно время Дэвид даже попробовал выдвинуть своих протеже на международный конкурс Евровидение 2003, причём музыканты по замыслу продюсера должны были выступить от лица ... Эстонии! Однако эстонское жюри проявило "патриотизм" и выдвинуло своих доморощённых талантов. Возможно, по этой причине местом проведения следующего конкурса стала Турция.

Выпустить диск силами своего независимого лэйбла Bros Music Дэвид Брандес не решился и обратился к компании-мейджору KOCH UNIVERSAL. Руководство KOCH увидело в альбоме большой коммерческий потенциал и взяла под своё крыло релизы в Германии, Австрии, Швейцарии и Чехии. Сроки выхода нового альбома, получившего название "Around The World" переносились неоднократно, так же возникла проблема с выбором сингла, предварявшего выпуск диска. Практически до самого последнего момента Дэвид Брандес был на 99% уверен в том, что синглом станет заглавная композиция с альбома, но в мае 2003-го планы изменились. По всей вероятности на KOCH UNIVERSAL более перспективной посчитали другую песню - "Lover On The Line". 7-го июля 2003 года сингл "Lover On The Line" появляется на прилавках магазинов и, спустя некоторое время, попадает на #73 немецкого официального хит-парада. В общей сложности песня провела в германских чартах четыре недели, достигнув пиковой 72-й позиции.

Выпущенный в начале августа альбом "Around The World" сразу же оказался на #43, но затем моментально сдал свои позиции и более одной недели в немецком хит-параде не задержался. Успех 1998-го года музыкантам Bad Boys Blue так и не удалось повторить. Нельзя не отметить, что "Around The World" вызвал неоднозначные отзывы у многих фанов группы. С одной стороны, выпуск нового альбома ждали целых три года и лелеяли самые радужные надежды, с другой стороны было понятно, что любая смена авторского и продюсерского состава неизменно влечёт за собой изменения в саунде группы и заслуга Дэвида в том, что он достаточно бережно подошёл к тому, что мы привыкли ждать от парней из Bad Boys Blue. Следует отметить, что часть материала вошедшего в "Around The World" изначально планировалась Брандесом для других исполнителей, таких как Томас Андерс, Крис Норман, Fancy, в том числе и для самого Брандеса (CRESCENT), а затем была адаптирована под Bad Boys Blue.

Bad Boys Blue
Bad Boys Blue
Bad Boys Blue

Официальный сайт группы Bad Boys Blue: www.badboysblue.info
Русский сайт о группе Bad Boys Blue: www.badboysblue.ru
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Дискография Bad Boys Blue:

1985 - Hot Girls - Bad Boys
1986 - Heartbeat
1987 - Love Is No Crime
1988 - My Blue World
1989 - The 5th
1990 - Game Of Love
1991 - House Of Silence
1992 - Totally
1993 - Kiss
1994 - To Blue Horizons
1996 - Bang Bang Bang
1998 - Back
1999 - ...continued
1999 - Follow The Light
2000 - Tonite
2001 - Bad Boys Best 2001
2003 - Around The World
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Eternal Dreamer
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Из: Ленинград
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Тексты песен альбома Hot Girls - Bad Boys (1985)

You're A Woman

Tonight. There'll be no darkness tonight.
Hold tight. Let your love light shine bright.
Listen to my heart - and lay your body next to mine.
Let me fill your soul with all my dreams.

You're a woman. I'm a man.
This is more than just a game.
I can make you feel so right. Be my lady of the night.
You're a woman. I'm a man.
You're my fortune. I'm your fame.
These are things we can't disguise. Be my lady of the night.

Lay back. Back in my tenderness.
And take. Take all of my sweet caress.
You've got all of me - it can't go wrong if you agree.
Soon two hearts will beat in ecstasy.

You're a woman. I'm a man.
This is more than just a game.
I can make you feel so right. Be my lady of the night.
You're a woman. I'm a man.
You're my fortune. I'm your fame.
These are things we can't disguise. Be my lady of the night.

I Live

My world. All my walls are broken down.
I don't want to stay around. Cause I'm leaving you.
Oh girl. Everything I made you do.
Said I try to do for you. But you made me blue.
My world. I left everything to you.
Now I don't know what to do without you.
Oh girl. Now I see it in your eyes. Cause I feel the things you do to me.
First, you love me, then you hurt me.
Oh, you make me cry.
Crying. Cuz you broke my heart in two.

I Live for your love. Oh just set me free.
I Live for your love. Is it real?
I Live for your love. Oh just let me be.
I Live for your love. Cause I need your love to feel.

My world. I left everything to you. Now I don't know what to do without you.
Oh girl. Now I see it in your eyes. Cause I feel the things you do to me.
First, you love me, then you hurt me. Oh, you make me cry.
Crying. Cause you broke my heart in two.

I Live for your love. Oh just set me free.
I Live for your love. Is it real? I Live for your love.
Oh just let me be.
I Live for your love. Cause I need your love to feel.

Pretty Young Girl

I know. Life is different to you.
First love can be frightening, that's true.
But take me as your brother and your friend.
And take me as your lover and your man.

Pretty young girl on my mind.
How I wish you to be mine.
Girl you're no child anymore.
Pretty young girl on my mind.
Don't you know, know I can't hide.
Can't hide my feelings.
You're my girl and you're sixteen.

Don't know - is it wrong, is it right?
Sweet girl. I wanna love you tonight.
So take me as your brother and your friend.
But first of all, I wanna be your man.

Pretty young girl on my mind.
How I wish you to be mine.
Girl you're no child anymore.
Pretty young girl on my mind.
Don't you know, know I can't hide.
Can't hide my feelings.
You're my girl and you're sixteen.

L.O.V.E. In My Car

Well I'm burning, burning up the street.
Watching people on their feet in my car.
No time, no time to mess around.
Got my foot flat on the ground in my car.
I change the gears, I hear the wheels.
The ride is smooth and I decide to groove. Uh huh.
It's ten till eight, and I won't be late.
So please be there. Don't hesitate. Uh Huh.
I'll ride. Tonight.
I'll hold you tight and make you mine - it's now or never girl.
Outside. Starlight. You'll be flying high by my side.

L.O.V.E. - do you want a ride in my car?
I'm saying L.O.V.E. - do you want to get down in my car?
So if you want it, you got it, don't let it go.
I'm saying L.O.V.E.

So I step, I step down on the gas.
We're moving super fast. Wild and free.
Let me know is everything alright?
We'll rock it through the night, you and me.
Don't make me mad. Don't make me sad.
Gonna put me down. Gonna wear a frown. Uh Huh.
Let's groove all night till the morning light.
I'll play your music - you can't refuse it. Uh Huh.
I'll ride. Tonight.
I'll hold you tight and make you mine - it's now or never girl.
Outside. Starlight. You'll be flying high by my side.
(Accelerate, don't step on the brakes.)

L.O.V.E. - do you want a ride in my car?
I'm saying L.O.V.E. - do you want to get down in my car?
So if you want it, you got it, don't let it go.
I'm saying L.O.V.E.

Kiss You All Over, Baby

Girl. We can take off in the night.
Girl. Like two lovers. Joined in flight.
You know what is best for me, it's time to let it show.
Thrill me and let my body know.

And I kiss you all over baby all through the night.
Kiss you all over baby - make you feel alright.
Let yourself go freely girl and we soon will reach the sky.
When I kiss you all over baby - I will make you mine, mine, mine.

Love. There is magic in my hand.
Love. Gonna give you all I can.
You know how to ride my love, you have the special way.
Bless me with your touch by night and day.

And I kiss you all over baby all through the night.
Kiss you all over baby - make you feel alright.
Let yourself go freely girl and we soon will reach the sky.
When I kiss you all over baby - I will make you mine, mine, mine.

Hot Girls - Bad Boys

They're talking in the neighborhood,
about her sexy hips.
OW! She looks a bit like Hollywood,
wait till you hear her lips.
He's from the other side of town,
but in the hungry streets.
They say he's just a run around,
and he's an "easy-to-beat".
She gives an eye, he feels attraction.
A little smile - there's no attraction.

Hot girls - bad boys (bad boys).
Sticking on each other, like glue,
Hot girls - bad boys (bad boys).
Hugging on each other they do.
And when it's night, the lights are low.
They are looking for a place to go.
Hot girls - bad boys (bad boys).
Sticking on each other.

Nobody taught them etiquette.
So what. They're feeling strong.
And what they think they don't regret.
They're always having fun.
She gives an eye, he feels attraction.
A little smile - there's no reaction.

Hot girls - bad boys (bad boys).
Sticking on each other, like glue,
Hot girls - bad boys (bad boys).
Hugging on each other they do.
And when it's night, the lights are low.
They are looking for a place to go.
Hot girls - bad boys (bad boys).
Sticking on each other.

For Your Love

I know how it feels to be all alone.
In the darkness of the gloomy night.
Since you've been gone I just close my eyes.
And I'm gonna start to fantasize.
I touch your body, kiss your lips.
And I even need your love inside.
Shadows, dreaming and I start to realize.

For your love, for your love.
For your love, I'm gonna give my life away.
For your love, for your love.
For your love, I'm trying harder everyday.
I want you (I want you).
I want you by my side.
I cannot spend my life without you.
Want you back. (Want you back).
I cannot save your touch.
You know the way I feel about you.
For your love.

Forget what I did, the words that I said.
Like a fool I tumbled into lies.
I promise you girl. I'll give you what I got.
To make you rearrange your mind.
I touch your body. Kiss your lips.
Gonna love you till the morning light.
Blue hearts. Calling. Don't you realize.

For your love, for your love.
For your love, I'm gonna give my life away.
For your love, for your love.
For your love, I'm trying harder everyday.
I want you (I want you).
I want you by my side.
I cannot spend my life without you.
Want you back. (Want you back).
I cannot save your touch.
You know the way I feel about you.
For your love.

People Of The Night

The faces wear a frown. In the heavy disco sounds.
Seven days a week. To the steady disco beat.
Moving and grooving. Don't you know?
They want to let their feelings go.

The people of the night - they want to make it right.
The stars are shining bright. For the people of the night.
They're living in the life, in the disco heated light.
They hustle and they party to the brightest city life.
Oh, it's alright. Oh, in the night. Oh, it's alright. In the Night.
They're living in the life, in the disco heated light.
They hustle and they're fighting to survive the city life.

There's something going on. And you can come along.
They're parking all the cars. Around the discotheques and bars.
Moving and grooving. Don't you know?
They want to let their feelings go.

The people of the night - they want to make it right.
The stars are shining bright. For the people of the night.
They're living in the life, in the disco heated light.
They hustle and they party to the brightest city life.
Oh, it's alright. Oh, in the night. Oh, it's alright. In the Night.
They're living in the life, in the disco heated light.
They hustle and they're fighting to survive the city life.
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  Romantic Warrior
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Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Heartbeat (1986)

I Wanna Hear Your Heartbeat (Sunday Girl)

Half awake and half in dream.
On a Sunday, Sunday night.
Walking all alone in the streets.
On a Sunday, Sunday night.
But then an angel passed me by.
A little angel made me sigh.
Just when I wanted you.
A dream came true for love.

I wanna hear your heartbeat.
Wanna feel what you need.
Let me stay tonight by your side, by your side.
I wanna hear your heartbeat.
Share your dreams in your sleep.
Let me hold you tight in the night.
In the night.

I don't wanna waste one second without your lovin'.
Without you. Sunday girl.
You only got to reach out, reach out to taste my lovin'.
Want you so. Sunday girl. (Oh, I really want you).

Heaven sent you down to me.
On a Sunday, Sunday night.
To rescue me from misery.
On a Sunday, Sunday night.
You made me leave the past behind.
I've got you always on my mind.
Just when I wanted you.
A dream came true for love.

I wanna hear your heartbeat.
Wanna feel what you need.
Let me stay tonight by your side, by your side.
I wanna hear your heartbeat.
Share your dreams in your sleep.
Let me hold you tight in the night.
In the night.

I don't wanna waste one second without your lovin'.
Without you. Sunday girl.
You only got to reach out, reach out to taste my lovin'.
Want you so. Sunday girl. (Oh, I really want you).

Mon Amie

A storm is raging in my soul, raging in my head.
Why did you burn the bridges down?
It's true the words you said.
So listen to the sound, to the sound inside your heart.
And then remember things we had and how we made it start.

Mon amie, Mon amie.
Won't you take your heartache from me?
Mon amie, Mon amie.
I need love. I need sympathy.
Mon amie, Mon amie.
Can't you see you are still the love of my life?
Mon amie.
You're the woman for me, you're the sun of my beautiful life.

You made me think that love could last until eternity.
I still believe in everlasting, burning ecstasy.
I'm not the only one who is longing for your touch.
But in this world I am the one who's loving you too much.

Mon amie, Mon amie.
Won't you take your heartache from me?
Mon amie, Mon amie.
I need love. I need sympathy.
Mon amie, Mon amie.
Can't you see you are still the love of my life?
Mon amie.
You're the woman for me, you're the sun of my beautiful life.

One Night In Heaven

I'd like to say that I'm sorry.
I'd like to see you smile.
And I don't want you to worry.
I'd like to see you smile.
Do you still believe me?
Do I still fit in your life?
Is your heart still beating?
Like it did the very first time?

One night in heaven.
No matter what you say. Baby.
One night in heaven.
Don't let it slip away.
You say "I'm wasting time" , but that don't worry me.
Because I know that I'll get you eventually.
One night in heaven. I fell in love with you. Baby.

All this time I've been waiting.
About to lose my mind.
What's the game that you're playing?
Don't want to lose my mind.
Are you trying to hurt me?
Are you putting me down?
Is it love you're after?
Or are you fooling around?

One night in heaven.
No matter what you say. Baby.
One night in heaven.
Don't let it slip away.
You say "I'm wasting time" , but that don't worry me.
Because I know that I'll get you eventually.
One night in heaven. I fell in love with you. Baby.

Baby I Love You

Have I ever told you?
How good it feels to hold you.
It isn't easy to explain.
I know I'm really dying.
I think I may start crying.
My heart can't wait another day.
When you touch me I just had to say:

Baby I love you. Baby I love you. Baby I love you...

I can't live without you.
I love everything about you.
I can't help it if I feel this way.
Oh I'm so glad I found you.
I want my arms around you.
I love to hear you when you call my name.
Tell me baby that you feel this way.

Baby I love you. Baby I love you. Baby I love you...

Kisses And Tears (My One And Only)

My love. Now you're lyin' lonesome.
With visions of blue. Vision in you.
Again. You let your heart go and whenever you do.
It's hurting me too.
When damage is done. I watch you run.
It's me you call. To me you come.

Kisses and tears - my one and only.
Don't be lonely. I'm right here.
Kisses and tears will turn a bad dream to a good thing.
It's so clear.
Kisses and tears - you're worth waiting.
We're created without love.
Kisses and tears - my one and only.
Don't be lonely. Don't you run.

You know. How a heartache ends with visions of blue.
Abandoning you.
I know that we're more than friends.
You. You know that it's true. It's long overdue.
No more to run. No damage done.
Now here my call. To you I come.

Kisses and tears - my one and only.
Don't be lonely. I'm right here.
Kisses and tears will turn a bad dream to a good thing.
It's so clear.
Kisses and tears - you're worth waiting.
We're created without love.
Kisses and tears - my one and only.
Don't be lonely. Don't you run.

Rainy Friday

Since you went away.
I'm like someone who's left in the rain.
Girl, it's true and then when the weekend comes round I start going insane.
Without you lost in memories burning deep inside.
Friday's hard to take cause you're always on my mind.

Rainy day - rainy Friday. Rainy Friday brings me down.
Same old game on a Friday. Looking for a heart in town.
Walking to familiar places. Talking in the usual scene.
Looking into pretty faces. It's my Friday night routine.
In rainy Friday - you saw me.

The Monday's again.
In my world and I try to forget those bad news.
But then when the week's going on.
There I break down again.
And it seems since she's never cared.
So look what you've done.
Friday's hard to take - when you've lost your only one.

Rainy day - rainy Friday. Rainy Friday brings me down.
Same old game on a Friday. Looking for a heart in town.
Walking to familiar places. Talking in the usual scene.
Looking into pretty faces. It's my Friday night routine.
In rainy Friday - you saw me.

Lady Blue

Here she comes. The queen of hearts.
Here she comes. It's tearing me apart.
Don't walk on by. Don't make my heart cry.

Lady blue. Love me too. Lady Blue.
Only love can save me.
Rescue me from loneliness.
Save me with your sweet caress.
Lady Blue - don't be cruel.
Here I stand - a loving fool.
Waiting for the paradise. Promised by - by your blue eyes.

When she walks. It turns me on.
When she talks. It's really getting strong.
Now love's taking shame. And you - you can't escape.

Lady blue. Love me too. Lady Blue.
Only love can save me.
Rescue me from loneliness.
Save me with your sweet caress.
Lady Blue - don't be cruel.
Here I stand - a loving fool.
Waiting for the paradise. Promised by - by your blue eyes.

Love Really Hurts Without You

You're running around town.
Like a fool and you think that it's groovy.
You're giving in to some other guy who gives you the eye.
You don't give nothing to me.
You painted on a smile and you dress for a while to excite me.
But don't you know you're turning me on.
I know that it's wrong. Cause I can't stop the pain inside me.

Baby! Love really hurts without you!
Love really hurts without you!
And it's breaking my heart but what can I do.
Baby! Love really hurts without you!
Love really hurts through and through.
And it's breaking my heart.
But what can I do without you?

You walk like a dream.
And you make like a queen on the action.
You're using every trick in the book - the way that you look.
You're really something to see.
You're cheating your life to impress any guy that you're fancy.
But don't you know I'm out of my mind.
So give me a sign. That helps to ease the pain inside me.

Baby! Love really hurts without you!
Love really hurts without you!
And it's breaking my heart but what can I do.
Baby! Love really hurts without you!
Love really hurts through and through.
And it's breaking my heart.
But what can I do without you?

Blue Moon

Rain in my heart. Now we're apart.
Each hour is a lonely night. It's getting pretty hard.
How could I make. Such a mistake.
Looking out for new sensation.
But here's the price I have to pay.

It's a blue - blue moon tonight. I let my angel down.
It's a blue - blue moon tonight. This king has lost his crown.
But then the only thing that I've been dreaming of is touching you.
I can't give enough.
And the only thing that I've been living for. Is loving you - more and more.

I know you cry. So many nights.
How could I hurt you baby? How could I hurt your pride?
Girl I was wrong. And now you've gone.
I never had the notion that love could be so strong.

It's a blue - blue moon tonight. I let my angel down.
It's a blue - blue moon tonight. This king has lost his crown.
But then the only thing that I've been dreaming of is touching you.
I can't give enough.
And the only thing that I've been living for. Is loving you - more and more.

Dance The Night Away

Call me. When you need me better call me.
Cause loneliness is just a waste of time. Especially at night.
Baby. If you're trusting me and maybe.
Paradise is just one step from here.
And I will meet you there.

Let us dance the night away.
Right up till the dawn. Oh woman keep me warm.
Dance the night away.
When the music starts everything is fine.
The music makes you move. Love takes us into the groove.
Dance the night away.
This is. This is. This is sound of night.
Call me. When you need me better call me.
Cause I really know where we should go when the lights are low.
Miss you - wanna rock you - wanna kiss you.
Little lady, that's my special way to say that I love you.

Let us dance the night away.
Right up till the dawn. Oh woman keep me warm.
Dance the night away.
When the music starts everything is fine.
The music makes you move. Love takes us into the groove.
Dance the night away.
This is. This is. This is sound of night.
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Eternal Dreamer
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Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
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Тексты песен альбома Love Is No Crime (1987)

Come Back And Stay

Walk in the rain. Trying to wash away the pain.
You went away. I made you cry so many days.
Where do broken hearts go to?
How can broken hearts find their way back home?
When nobody cares about you, and you're feeling blue.

Come back and stay.
Don't keep me waiting. Baby.
Come back and stay. Don't say "good-bye".
Don't let my love die.
Come back and stay and try again.
Don't walk away for I'm still your man.
Where are you now? Where did you go?
Come back and stay. Don't keep me waiting.
I miss you so.

Walk in the rain. Thinking about the game I play.
I am to blame. I lost my lovin' yesterday.
Where do broken hearts go to?
How can broken hearts find their way back home?
When nobody cares about you, and you're feeling blue.

Come back and stay.
Don't keep me waiting. Baby.
Come back and stay. Don't say "good-bye".
Don't let my love die.
Come back and stay and try again.
Don't walk away for I'm still your man.
Where are you now? Where did you go?
Come back and stay. Don't keep me waiting.
I miss you so.

Since I've been gone. I've missed you.
I missed your touch. Oh, Baby.

Come back and stay.
Don't keep me waiting. Baby.
Come back and stay. Don't say "good-bye".
Don't let my love die.
Come back and stay and try again.
Don't walk away for I'm still your man.
Where are you now? Where did you go?
Come back and stay. Don't keep me waiting.
I miss you so.

If You Call On Me

Shining through the colors. Proud and not afraid.
Different to the others. Color to the gray.

If you call on me. I'm there for you.
If you call on me. I will care for you.
But nothing that you offer could never be enough forwords of love.

Molding on the places.
Wanted every night.
Taken in the spaces.
Hidden from the light.

If you call on me. I'm there for you.
If you call on me. I will care for you.
But nothing that you offer could never be enough forwords of love.

Oh. How you shine.
Oh. How you crawled up my spine.
Words of love.

Shining through the colors. Proud and not afraid.
Searching like the others. Needles in the hay.

If you call on me. I'm there for you.
If you call on me. I will care for you.
But nothing that you offer could never be enough forwords of love.

Victim Of Your Love

Oh no, no! Please don't tell me nothing.
Oh no, no! Why did you close the door?
You said you love me girl.
I see you clear. I know this can't be real.
And then you fool around.
My heart is really what you want to steal.

I was trapped in your emotion. But I never had the notion.
I was the victim of your love! Breakin' down.
I was the victim of your love! Blind and deaf.
I was the victim of your love! I was breakin down.
I was the victim of your love! Blind and deaf.
Oh no, no!

And when you hold me tight.
Your love is all so warm and feels so right.
I touch your fingertips. So come on girl.
Let me kiss your lips.

I was trapped in your emotion. But I never had the notion.
I was the victim of your love! Breakin' down.
I was the victim of your love! Blind and deaf.
I was the victim of your love! I was breakin down.
I was the victim of your love! Blind and deaf.
Oh no, no!

Let me be! Let me be!

I was trapped in your emotion. But I never had the notion.
I was the victim of your love! Breakin' down.
I was the victim of your love! Blind and deaf.
I was the victim of your love! I was breakin down.
I was the victim of your love! Blind and deaf.
Oh no, no!

Love Is No Crime

When. When you're young.
When your life has just begun.
And you feel your world is changing.
Do not be scared. Don't be shy.
Take your time. If you wanna know what love is.

Oh, love is no crime.
Life is to love all the time.
As long as the world is still alive.
Baby, love is no crime.
Love is for you. Hold on tight.
Tight to your dreams and you will see.
Love is no crime.

Do what you like. Day and night.
Do not fight. Just believe in all your feelings.
Give me your hand and you soon understand.
Love comes straight from my heart.

Oh, love is no crime.
Life is to love all the time.
As long as the world is still alive.
Baby, love is no crime.
Love is for you. Hold on tight.
Tight to your dreams and you will see.
Love is no crime.

Gimme Gimme Your Lovin' (Little Lady)

Little lady. You're my music.
You're my favorite song.
Little lady. Like to play.
Through the night on and on.
And I know how to go slowly
to the bottom of your soul.

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Your Lovin'.
Give me vibration and sweet inspiration.
Oh, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Your Lovin'.
Don't keep me waiting, forever.
Little lady give me more.
Give me more of your love and magical healing.
So little lady keep me warm in your arms tonight.

Little lady. You're my ocean.
Let my boat sail along.
Little lady. Something tender.
Through my heavenly home.
Take your time. Time for devotion.
Lay your body next to mine.

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Your Lovin'.
Give me vibration and sweet inspiration.
Oh, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Your Lovin'.
Don't keep me waiting, forever.
Little lady give me more.
Give me more of your love and magical healing.
So little lady keep me warm in your arms tonight.

I Remember Mary

I was seventeen. And she thirty-five.
When I fell in love. First time in life.
I still see her tempting lips and
feel her tender fingertips when she kissed me.

I remember Mary and the summer when I met her.
I remember Mary and the love that I shared with her.
Mary came and took my heart.
When she left she tore it apart.

She give me all and made me feel strong.
And I was a man when I came till dawn.
Sometimes when I close my eyes then she's lying by my side.
And I kissed her.

I remember Mary and the summer when I met her.
I remember Mary and the love that I shared with her.
Mary came and took my heart.
When she left she tore it apart.


Is it her eyes? Is it her smile?
Is it her talk? Is it her style?
Is it the way she comes to me?
I feel so lonely. You can see.
She wants my heart. She wants my nights.
She's not for you. She's not your type.
She's not the kind to play the field.
Why don't you leave her to me?

Charlene. Charlene.
I got to write a letter to Charlene. Charlene.
Cause you should know the words she says to me.
(Won't you be my guy?)
Are the words she says to me.
(And it feels so nice.)
A letter to Charlene. Charlene.
I've got to get a message to Charlene. Charlene.
And give the girl an answer to her words. Answer to her words.
And she's the one for me. The one.
Oh! Oh! A letter to Charlene.

She's all I know. She makes my life.
If she should leave I wouldn't survive.
Now don't you go to fond with her.
Don't push your luck not in my girl.
Take all your love. Take all your chance.
To someone else and not to her arms.
Now can't you read between the lines.
Don't wait for her. Cause she's mine.

Charlene. Charlene.
I got to write a letter to Charlene. Charlene.
Cause you should know the words she says to me.
(Won't you be my guy?)
Are the words she says to me.
(And it feels so nice.)
A letter to Charlene. Charlene.
I've got to get a message to Charlene. Charlene.
And give the girl an answer to her words. Answer to her words.
And she's the one for me. The one.
Oh! Oh! A letter to Charlene.

Inside Of Me

Joy, love, bitterness and fame. I love to fool around.
It's hard to take the strain.
Shame, Shame. Who's to take the blame?
It was not me. Please don't call my name.

You make me wanna cry. There is no reason why.
I don't want wanna tell a lie.
But I'm alone and I'm thinking.
Would it be that I am just a fool.
Inside of me.
You know that I try to play cool.
Inside of me.
Inside of me. Inside of me.
Oh no! Oh no!

Love hate and jealously, jealousy. I'm not so sure.
Is that really me?
Living life inside no place in mind.
But tell me there is a way I want you by my side.

You make me wanna cry. There is no reason why.
I don't want wanna tell a lie.
But I'm alone and I'm thinking.
Would it be that I am just a fool.
Inside of me.
You know that I try to play cool.
Inside of me.
Inside of me. Inside of me.
Oh no! Oh no!

Why (Misty Eyes)

Close your looks. Close your looks.
Close your looks. Close misty eyes.
Close your looks. Close your looks.
Close your looks. Close misty eyes.

Something inside me beats me walking through the night.
Can't find what I'm looking for.
Dreaming of those misty eyes.
Is there a reason for your hurryin'.
Is it a love cry? Is it a love cry?
What is a reason for your worry?
Is it harder to come back or harder to tell me?

Why? Why are you walking away from me?
Just tell me why, why you walking away?
Is it a love cry?
Why? Why are you walking away from me?
Just tell me why, why you walking away?
Misty eyes. Those misty eyes.

There's something inside of me.
Reading from those misty eyes.
Where is the love that we were making?
I feel your heartbeat. I can feel your heartbeat.
Is it the memories that you're shaking?
Is it harder to run or harder to tell me?

Why? Why are you walking away from me?
Just tell me why, why you walking away?
Is it a love cry?
Why? Why are you walking away from me?
Just tell me why, why you walking away?
Misty eyes. Those misty eyes.
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Eternal Dreamer
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Тексты песен альбома My Blue World (1988)

A World Without You (Michelle)

The bright light of the boulevard.
Is shining in your tender eyes.
Your perfume is exciting me. It's still the same.
Michelle. How I love when we love.
And I love when you whisper je t'aime.
Michelle, mon amour. Is it true?
Do you feel the way I do?

A world without you. A world on my own.
Without your love my heart will turn to stone.
A world without you. A day without light.
Without your touch I couldn't stand one night.
Oh Michelle.

I know there'll be no better heart.
No better heart to hold on to.
If you should ever let me down. I can't survive.
Michelle. How I love when we love.
And I love when you whisper je t'aime.
Michelle, mon amour. Is it true?
Do you feel the way I do?

A world without you. A world on my own.
Without your love my heart will turn to stone.
A world without you. A day without light.
Without your touch I couldn't stand one night.
Oh Michelle.

C'est toi.
Et ce soir je te veux faire l'amour avec toi.
Je t'aime.
Je sais mon amour que tu es que tout.
Le seul pour moi.

A world without you. A world on my own.
Without your love my heart will turn to stone.
A world without you. A day without light.
Without your touch I couldn't stand one night.
Oh Michelle.

Don't Leave Me Now

What have I done? I feel my world is falling apart.
What can I do to find a way to your heart?
What have I done? I feel abandoned and so alone.
I'm on my own. What have I done to you?
Why do you treat me so cruel?
I'm down and out. And so full of doubt.
Cause I was given my heart.
You're gonna break it in two. So what can I do.
It isn't right. You'd better make up your mind.

Don't leave me now. Don't go.
Don't you run away.
One day you'll find. We're two of a kind.
Don't leave me now.
(Baby) Don't throw, throw my love away.
Want you to stay. What more can I say?
Oh baby! Don't leave me now.
Don't leave me now.

What have I done? There is no answer inside your eyes.
What can I do? Is every smile just a lie?
What have I done? I thought that loving you was right.
But now we find. What have I done to you.
I feel that I'm losing you.
Don't let it die. We've gotta try.
Just once again for a while.
Cause baby it's up to you. So what can I do?
And who's gonna care whenever I'm not there?

Don't leave me now. Don't go.
Don't you run away.
One day you'll find. We're two of a kind.
Don't leave me now.
(Baby) Don't throw, throw my love away.
Want you to stay. What more can I say?
Oh baby! Don't leave me now.
Don't leave me now.

Bad Reputation

I hear the voice calling me.
We're out on the road tonight.
My baby's leaving me.
Cause I'm never home at night.
I had a telephone. I'm in a hotel room.
Someone's knocking at my door.
It cannot be for me.

I got a bad reputation, bad reputation.
I needed love in the heat of the night.
You weren't around and I could not fight.
I got a bad reputation.

Oh, baby it hurts you so.
But the show must go on.
Tonight is another town.
It goes on and on.
I didn't take the time to stop.
And think of life without your love.
Oh baby please. I'm on my knees.

I got a bad reputation, bad reputation.
I needed love in the heat of the night.
You weren't around and I could not fight.
I got a bad reputation.

Don't Walk Away Suzanne

I used to think love was sweet.
I used to think when it's so complete.
But look at our lives. We shout and we fight.
Walking on the line. On the borderline.
I'm not so tough. Your price of love.
Is much too high. You make me cry.
But that's for sure - can't take no more.

You're breakin' my heart. Don't walk away Suzanne.
Don't go. Don't tear it apart.
You're breakin' my heart. Don't walk away Suzanne.
You're all. You're all that I've got.
Here's my confession - you're all that I need.
And you're my obsession. I'm down on my knees.
So don't walk away, don't walk away Suzanne.

The shadows are closing in.
The time is now to try again and again.
I'm chained to side. I'm chained to your life.
Walking on the line. On the borderline.
I'm down and out thinking about.
The words we said. Good times we had.
Don't close the door - I know for sure.

You're breakin' my heart. Don't walk away Suzanne.
Don't go. Don't tear it apart.
You're breakin' my heart. Don't walk away Suzanne.
You're all. You're all that I've got.
Here's my confession - you're all that I need.
And you're my obsession. I'm down on my knees.
So don't walk away, don't walk away Suzanne.

Love Don't Come Easy

Words can not explain how much you mean to me.
I long to hear you say I'll be the one.
Long to hear you say that you will take my hand.
Tell me pretty baby. Can I be your man?
Through many things and time this love has changed.
You broke my heart I feel the burning pain.

Love don't come easy.
Everyday I wake I hope it won't be long.
Love don't come easy.
Will you be my woman? I will be your man.

Take me in your arms, so girl come back to me.
Don't you know this love could be so real.
When they call your name I feel a burning pain.
Give me all your love and ease my pain.
Behind those tears I cried for you.
Now tell me baby what am I to do?

Love don't come easy.
Everyday I wake I hope it won't be long.
Love don't come easy.
Will you be my woman? I will be your man.

Promised me the heavens and you gave me hell.
Many dreams I have for you are real.
Took my world and you turn it upside down.
Tell me baby how am I to feel?
You notice I'll come running back to you.
So tell me baby what am I to do?

Love don't come easy.
Everyday I wake I hope it won't be long.
Love don't come easy.
Will you be my woman? I will be your man.

Lovers In The Sand

This is radio KLW Sunny California.
For you lovers out there it's going to be a great day
with temperatures around thirty degrees centigrade.

I didn't want emotions did not dare.
Cause I've lost too many love affairs.
I was in the mood to have some fun.
Somewhere in the sun.
I blame on the southern summer nights.
When I lost my heart at the site.
Now all I wanna do. Is just to be with you.

Lovers in the sand. Walking hand and hand.
And dreaming of the last night we shared.
Lovers in the sand. Deep in love again.
And now that I have found you.
I know I'll never let you go.

I know that you're the one I've always missed.
Know it everytime I kiss your lips.
When you're close to me down by the sea.
Somewhere in the sun.
When I feel your hands touching me.
Feel your heartbeat faster then I see.
All I wanna do. Is just to be with you.

Lovers in the sand. Walking hand and hand.
And dreaming of the last night we shared.
Lovers in the sand. Deep in love again.
And now that I have found you.
I know I'll never let you go.

Till The End Of Time

I just would like to talk to you.
Maybe a minute, girl, or two.
You had your time to think it over.
I tried to call you on the phone.
Somebody told me you're not at home.
And I wonder and I wonder.

Till the end of time my love.
I can't say goodbye till the day I die.
I'm not giving in my love.
This heart of mine it won't be changing.
Till the end of time.
Till the end of time.

It's not that I will cry or shout.
Girl, every time you mess around.
I simply want to talk it over.
And maybe I can make you see.
What in the world you mean to me.
Remember. Remember. Remember.

Till the end of time my love.
I can't say goodbye till the day I die.
I'm not giving in my love.
This heart of mine it won't be changing.
Till the end of time.
Till the end of time.

Till the end of time.
Gonna love you till the day I die.
Till I die.

I'm not giving in my love.
This heart of mine it won't be changing.
Till the end of time.
Till the end of time.

Till the end of time my love.
I can't say goodbye till the day I die.
I'm not giving in my love.
This heart of mine it won't be changing.
Till the end of time.
Till the end of time.

Lonely Weekend

I heard you talking about the state that were living in.
And I feel again. I never could win.
There I saw you walking.
Another lover right by your side.
Why can't you play fair? But I do not care.

Just another lonely weekend.
Just another weekend without you.
I will shed no tears. Girl, I will survive.
It's just another weekend alone.
Another lonely weekend.

I'm tired of waiting. Infatuation is over now.
I made up my mind. So don't waste my time.
Don't call me a loser.
Don't need your love till the end of time.
For I had my share. So I do not care.

Just another lonely weekend.
Just another weekend without you.
I will shed no tears. Girl, I will survive.
It's just another weekend alone.
Another lonely weekend.

Rain In My Heart

Sometimes I feel a bit of heaven.
It's still lingering in the air.
Then I see memories everywhere.
And our room is full of heartache.
Every time when I look around.
I'm on my own. Since you've been gone.
I don't who's to blame. And I don't know what to do now.
The only thing I know. That I can't stop loving you.

I feel the rain in my heart little baby.
Rain in my heart tonight.
And I see visions of blue.
Visions of you are running through my mind.
I feel the rain in my heart tonight.
Rain in my burning eyes. Oh baby I want you near.
Want you to be here. I want you back in my arms.

You broke my heart without a warning.
When you simply told me goodbye.
Wanna know every reason why.
So was it me who did you wrong?
Why can't I keep your loving alive?
Please let me know. What can I do?

I feel the rain in my heart little baby.
Rain in my heart tonight.
And I see visions of blue.
Visions of you are running through my mind.
I feel the rain in my heart tonight.
Rain in my burning eyes. Oh baby I want you near.
Want you to be here. I want you back in my arms.
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Eternal Dreamer
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Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
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Тексты песен альбома The 5th (1989)

Lady In Black

Deserted place and so far from home.
I was alone. I was all on my own.
The moon was shining. I saw her face.
The magic woman all dressed in lace.
She gave me a sign.
And I followed her to a house of light.
Somewhere in the night.

Behind the window. Symbols of red.
Painting the face of the lady in black.
Behind the window. I'll never forget.
The magic lady. The lady in black.
She'll never come back.

The lady's beauty was so divine.
She took my heart with her heavenly smile.
When I reached down just to kiss her hand.
I suddenly tumbled down in the sand.
There was broken lace lying on the ground.
And the house of light was fading in the night.

Behind the window. Symbols of red.
Painting the face of the lady in black.
Behind the window. I'll never forget.
The magic lady. The lady in black.

There was broken lace lying on the ground.
And the house of light was fading in the night.

Behind the window. Symbols of red.
Painting the face of the lady in black.
Behind the window. I'll never forget.
The magic lady. The lady in black.

Someone To Love

Someone to love. Someone to love.

Deep in my heart is a feeling.
A feeling that keeps me awake at night.
Heaven's your kiss and I'm dreaming.
That you're gonna stay for the rest of my life.

Someone to love. Someone to hold to.
The lucky star inside your eyes.
Someone to love. A heart of gold.
A heart forever till the end of time.

Whenever you call I come running.
I comfort your soul when you're down and blue.
Melting the ice by the fire.
And color my world everyday you do.
Two hungry hearts are hungry for love.
They're gonna win all the time.

Someone to love. Someone to hold to.
The lucky star inside your eyes.
Someone to love. A heart of gold.
A heart forever till the end of time.

A Train To Nowhere

I walk around and I tried to hide.
Cause your eyes - they're telling me goodbye.
I drive my car. Hear the radio.
Playing songs that go round and around in my mind.
Why can't you believe that I'm right?
Why can't you release all the feelings inside?

A train to nowhere that we are riding.
We're riding over and over again.
A train to nowhere. And we are gliding.
A way that never may happen again.
A train to nowhere.

So late at night when I want you home.
You said "No!" I would like to stay all alone.
What have I done that you turn this way?
What has happened to us? Now our love has gone.
Why don't you believe in your heart?
Why don't you agree to say sorry and hark?

A train to nowhere that we are riding.
We're riding over and over again.
A train to nowhere. And we are gliding.
A way that never may happen again.
A train to nowhere.

I'm Not A Fool

You throw away the love we share.
You push me down and don't play fair.
You go and break my heart.
With broken ends no one will change.
We'll never ever rearrange.
But I, I will survive.

I'm not a fool. I won't believe in your eyes.
You covered me with heartache when you're telling me lies.
But now I'm going to leave you behind.
I'm not a fool. Now that you're treating me cruel.
Don't talk about emotions for I've heard it before.
And you won't bring me down no more.
I'm not a fool.

It's just a phase I'm going through.
Some nights or days when I'll be blue.
Don't think I'll call your name.
Don't think that I could never win.
So look at me for here I am.
I'll make you fade away.

I'm not a fool. I won't believe in your eyes.
You covered me with heartache when you're telling me lies.
But now I'm going to leave you behind.
I'm not a fool. Now that you're treating me cruel.
Don't talk about emotions for I've heard it before.
And you won't bring me down no more.
I'm not a fool.

No Regrets

No Regrets.
No. No regrets.
We will have no regrets.
As you leave.
I can say love was king!
Though for only a day.

No. No regrets.
No. Let there be no regrets.
Why explain? Why delay?
Don't go away.
Simply call it a day.

Pleading moments we knew.
I will set them apart.
Every look. Every sign.
Will be burned in my heart.
But no tear will be shed.
There'll be no one to blame.
That it always be said.
We attempted what came.

Where Are You Now

People around me. People are talking.
And I'm by myself laughing loud.
Watching the strangers. When they are walking.
Looking for you in the crowd.
Cause you are my one and only and you're always on my mind.
I cannot explain but when I hear your name.
Emotions are driving me wild.

Where are you now? I want your love more than everything.
Where are you now? I need you here by my side.
Where are you now? Where are you now since you've gone away.
Where are you now? I need you more everyday.

Sunshine and raindrops. They're going together.
First it is pleasure then pain.
But now that I want you. I want you forever.
That's why I'm going insane.
Cause you are my one and only and you're always on my mind.
I cannot explain but when I hear name.
Emotions are driving me wild.

Where are you now? I want your love more than everything.
Where are you now? I need you here by my side.
Where are you now? Where are you now since you've gone away.
Where are you now? I need you more everyday.

Fly Away

We're gonna find a stairway to the shining stars tonight.
We close our eyes just you and I. We're gonna fly.
We're gonna fly through all the centuries and all the times.
And maybe we will find a paradise.

Fly away. Fly away.
We can fly away in a time machine.
Fly away. Fly away.
We can fly away in a time machine tonight.

We're gonna dream a hundred dreams.
A thousand fantasies. And our heartbeat is ringing in the air.
We're gonna meet the lovers - Romeo and Juliet.
And maybe for one night. We're gonna stay there.

Fly away. Fly away.
We can fly away in a time machine.
Fly away. Fly away.
We can fly away in a time machine tonight.

Love Me Or Leave Me

I see a lonesome road that leads my love away from you.
I see a distant line of beats.
It turns my soul to blue.
Don't keep me waiting all these nights make up your mind.

So love me or leave me.
Love me or leave me all alone.
Look inside your heart tonight.
Tell me what you see.
Love me or leave me.
Love me or leave me all alone.
Shadows of the past go by.
Shadows gonna die.

You let your heart run where it wanted to and I feel scared.
The more you take me high you push me down and I get hurt.
Before the heavens gonna burn. You need to know.

So love me or leave me.
Love me or leave me all alone.
Look inside your heart tonight.
Tell me what you see.
Love me or leave me.
Love me or leave me all alone.
Shadows of the past go by.
Shadows gonna die.

As I look into your eyes.
I see that love is just a game.
For everytime our lips touch.
There is just a bit of feeling.
No love. No pain.

So love me or leave me.
Love me or leave me all alone.
Look inside your heart tonight.
Tell me what you see.
Love me or leave me.
Love me or leave me all alone.
Shadows of the past go by.
Shadows gonna die.

Show Me The Way

All the lonely nights are full of shadows. Cause you went away.
I walk alone a million miles.
And I nearly died cause my lucky star is gonna fade to gray.
I feel alone a million times.
And you push me down on the floor.

Show me the way back away from the past.
Back to the future. The way out of the dark.
Show me the way and how long it might last.
I'll keep on searching the door to you heart.
Anywhere you go. I'll be waiting for you.
Anywhere you stay. I will build up a dream.
A life toned of love made of thousands of stars.
Don't let me live in the past.

We're running fast and playing our games. Faster all the time.
You're such a mystery to me.
And the wind that blows becomes a storm. Gonna make me lose my mind.
You're full of sensuality.
Oh I want you here by my side.

Show me the way back away from the past.
Back to the future. The way out of the dark.
Show me the way and how long it might last.
I'll keep on searching the door to you heart.
Anywhere you go. I'll be waiting for you.
Anywhere you stay. I will build up a dream.
A life toned of love made of thousands of stars.
Don't let me live in the past.
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Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
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Тексты песен альбома Game Of Love (1990)

Queen Of Hearts

It was late after midnight. I was sitting in a tavern.
I saw him playing cards and I went over to the old man.
He said I read inside the cards all about your life.
Do you want to know it? So listen to me.

The queen of hearts. The queen of hearts knows about life.
She knows all about the heartache of the lovers in the night.
Can you try to read the sign?
The queen of hearts. The queen of hearts knows about fate.
And the queen of hearts - she's telling me:
run home to your love - run before it is too late.

He shuffled all his cards and then he started dealing.
The Jack of Clubs and Queen of Hearts. I didn't know the meaning.
He said you'll lose your lover. I did not believe a word.
But when I got back home. My baby was gone.

The queen of hearts. The queen of hearts knows about life.
She knows all about the heartache of the lovers in the night.
Can you try to read the sign?
The queen of hearts. The queen of hearts knows about fate.
And the queen of hearts - she's telling me:
run home to your love - run before it is too late.

Jungle In My Heart

I really don't know the games that you play.
I don't know if you mean every word that you say.
And I don't care if you're telling me lies.
Cause I was falling for you by the look in your eyes.
You turn my world just upside down.

Jungle in my heart - burning jungle fever.
Burning when I see you in the night.
Jungle in my heart - losing my intention.
Losing when you came into my life.
I gotta run-a-run away. I gotta run-a-run away.
There's a jungle - jungle in my heart.
I gotta run-a-run away. I gotta run-a-run away.
But then I'll pray we will never part.

I'm gonna lose my control every night.
A million butterflies running around in my mind.
My heart is beating as wild as a drum.
I'm in danger and that's what the lady has done.

Jungle in my heart - burning jungle fever.
Burning when I see you in the night.
Jungle in my heart - losing my intention.
Losing when you came into my life.
I gotta run-a-run away. I gotta run-a-run away.
There's a jungle - jungle in my heart.
I gotta run-a-run away. I gotta run-a-run away.
But then I'll pray we will never part.

I Don't Know Her Name

I'm living in a lonely world now.
She crossed my heart in the heat of the night.
I've been waiting far too long now.
Since I've tasted her love. Sweet as red summer wine.
That night she took my breath away.
But then she left before the break of day.

But I don't know her name.
But I do know that I want her forever.
I want her back again.
For I do know that I cannot forget her.

I close my eyes and think about her.
I remember every word that she said.
Another restless night without her. And I feel love's sensuality she had.
That night she took my breath away.
But then she left before the break of day.

But I don't know her name.
But I do know that I want her forever.
I want her back again.
For I do know that I cannot forget her.

Jenny Come Home

Jenny was so young and full of desire.
Deep in her heart was burning the fire.
She wanted to live. Just like the bird so free.
One night she was gone. Gone with the wind.

Jenny come home - where you belong.
There's a heart to hold on tight.
Jenny come home - you're not alone.
I will stay by your side.
Jenny come home.

She didn't look back. Wanted to run away.
Just to escape small-town reality.
She wanted to live. In neon-light fantasies.
Take care of her dreams. They might fade away.

Jenny come home - where you belong.
There's a heart to hold on tight.
Jenny come home - you're not alone.
I will stay by your side.
Jenny come home.

Chains Of Love

I lose my direction. My world is tumbling down.
I need your protection. Can't get my feet on the ground.

And around goes my mind every night.
I've got a vision. I've got a vision.

Chains of love. Have chained me close to you forever.
Chains of love. Too strong to break in two.
Chains of love. They're tearing me apart.
And one day they will oppress my heart.

You made your decision. To leave me alone in the night.
And then I got the vision. I feel I'm losing the fight.

And around goes my mind every night.
I've got a vision. I've got a vision.

Chains of love. Have chained me close to you forever.
Chains of love. Too strong to break in two.
Chains of love. They're tearing me apart.
And one day they will oppress my heart.

How I Need You

I want you. Now and forever.
Then why did you do it?
I'll miss you. Now that you're gone.
I'm not the type of girl you mess around with.
I just called to say. I really love you.
You should have thought about it before.
And girl I do regret. Every single word that I said.

The night is so empty without you.
And lonely, it's falling upon my mind.
I'm trying to touch you in my dreams.
My heart is crying, baby.
Oh, how I need you. Oh, how I need you.

I'm waiting. Every night time.
My nights have been so lonely since you've been gone.
I kiss you and hold you tight.
I dream about this feeling every night.
What I mean is girl. I'm really changed now.
I'd really love to believe in you.
I swear to you I do. Girl, I'll never make you blue.

The night is so empty without you.
And lonely, it's falling upon my mind.
I'm trying to touch you in my dreams.
My heart is crying, baby.
Oh, how I need you. Oh, how I need you.

I Need A Woman

How deep is your love?
How sweet is your love tonight?
Tonight you can make me believe in paradise.
So give me your heart. And give me your arms to warm me.
This will be a love. Lasting for all of the time.
How deep is your love?

I need a woman. A woman to run to.
Someone who cares in the night.
To hold me tight.
Oh, I need a woman. A woman to talk to.
Someone who's near by my side.
For all of my life. I need a woman.

So light up my nights.
And light up my days with your love.
I promise to give you everything I can.
Lay back in my arms.
For heaven has just begun now.
And heaven is living deep inside our hearts.

I need a woman. A woman to run to.
Someone who cares in the night.
To hold me tight.
Oh, I need a woman. A woman to talk to.
Someone who's near by my side.
For all of my life. I need a woman.

I Don't Wanna Lose You

Some of your girlfriends. I know they are telling lies.
They're talking about us with jealously in their eyes.
Don't listen to what they may say. Rumors are bad enough.
The rumors are made to destroy and to kill our love.

So give me back my heaven.
I don't wanna lose you.
I don't lose no more my love.
So give me back my heaven.
I don't wanna lose you.
So don't throw my love away.

You're looking so blue girl. Why do you believe their lies?
My love is in danger. I read it inside your eyes.
So how can I make you believe what I am telling you?
I love you with all of my heart. And my love is true.

So give me back my heaven.
I don't wanna lose you.
I don't lose no more my love.
So give me back my heaven.
I don't wanna lose you.
So don't throw my love away.

I'm Your Believer

I had a dream and saw your face.
That night you took me to a place.
A million voices laid him on.
To sacrifice my loving heart.

So hear me cryin'. And give me mercy.
Here I am.

I am your believer. Come back to me.
Can't you hear my prayers to the break of day?
I am your believer. Come back to me.
And the bells are ringing. Cause you went away.
Come back to me. Come back to me.

They laughed at me. Called me a fool.
Fools gotta learn that love is cruel.
A little candle and I found.
My broken heart down on the ground.

So hear me cryin'. And give me mercy.
Here I am.

I am your believer. Come back to me.
Can't you hear my prayers to the break of day?
I am your believer. Come back to me.
And the bells are ringing. Cause you went away.
Come back to me. Come back to me.

A million voices laid him on. To sacrifice my loving heart.
For you.

So hear me cryin'. And give me mercy.
Here I am.

I am your believer. Come back to me.
Can't you hear my prayers to the break of day?
I am your believer. Come back to me.
And the bells are ringing. Cause you went away.
Come back to me. Come back to me.
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Eternal Dreamer
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Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
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Тексты песен альбома House Of Silence (1991)

House Of Silence

In my dreams I met a girl somewhere down the river.
She took me to an ancient house.
She looked young but also wise.
Something made me shiver.
She was both dead and alive.
And I could see the ravines fly.

In the house of silence far from here.
Distant voices coming out of the air.
The house of silence and our tears.
Shadows dancing for a hundred years.
And they cry.

I saw her speak but couldn't hear.
What the girl was saying.
And sadness filled the misty night.
Then I tried to hold her back while she was slowly fading.
Bitter sweet was her smile.
And I could see the ravines fly.

In the house of silence far from here.
Distant voices coming out of the air.
The house of silence and our tears.
Shadows dancing for a hundred years.
And they cry.

Under The Boardwalk

When the sun beats down and burns atop upon the roof.
And your shoes get so hot.
You wish your entire feet were fireproof.
Under the boardwalk - down by the sea.
On the blanket with my baby is where I'll be.

Under the boardwalk. Out of the sun.
Under the boardwalk. We'll be having some fun.
Under the boardwalk. People walking above.
Under the boardwalk. We'll be making love.
Under the boardwalk. Boardwalk.

From the park you hear the happy sound of the carousal.
You can almost taste the hot dogs and french fries they sell.
Under the boardwalk - down by the sea, yeah.
On the blanket with my baby is where I'll be.

Under the boardwalk. Out of the sun.
Under the boardwalk. We'll be having some fun.
Under the boardwalk. People walking above.
Under the boardwalk. We'll be making love.
Under the boardwalk. Boardwalk.

Train At Midnight

I've traveled ‘round so many lands.
The time was melting in my hands.
And where the desert meets the sky.
I saw the fires die.
All the years have come and gone,
but still my love for you is strong.

I'm coming back from shadow’s land.
I'm coming back. Give me your hand.
Can't you hear the train? The train at midnight,
Can't you hear the train? The train at midnight.
The train at midnight.

Have I been far away too long?
Our feelings dead and gone.
Will it all end in hurt and pain.
It matches end in rain.
The world keeps turning on and on.
And still the fever's growing strong.

I'm coming back - I'm on my way.
I'm coming back. Give me your hand.
Can't you hear the train? The train at midnight,
Can't you hear the train? The train at midnight.
The train at midnight.

I'm coming back from shadow’s land.
I'm coming back. Give me your hand.
Can't you hear the train? The train at midnight,
Can't you hear the train? The train at midnight.
The train at midnight.

Baby Blue

You tried to hide yourself in a shell.
You wanted heaven but you got hell.
And then the darkness gained control over you.
When everything turned into bitter blue.
You went into the land of no return.

I cry over you. Baby blue.
I cry over you. Baby blue.

They never ever gave you a chance.
No dreams. No hopes. No helping hand.
Someone took all the colors out of your life.
That's when one night you left it all behind.
You went into the land of return.

I cry over you. Baby blue.
I cry over you. Baby blue.

Dancing With The Bad Boys

As you see - like me - we can get you in a groove.
When you feel - it's real and will not be confused.
Standing all alone and as a pair on the floor
keeping on the go, as you know.

Dancing with the bad boys - dancing all night long.
Dancing with the bad boys - dancing all night long.
Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah - Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah
Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah - Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah
Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah

It's light - its alright - you can boogy hear the beat.
We'll mellow - like jello shaking on every street.
I say - hey people do you know the way?
Let's get together and then you will start to stay.

Dancing with the bad boys - dancing all night long.
Dancing with the bad boys - dancing all night long.
Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah - Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah
Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah - Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah
Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah

Deep In My Emotions

Your love is like an ocean.
So deep and stormy like the sea.
And we are sailing on so free.
The love that means devotion so full of life and ecstasy.
The love is huge and it's meager.

Deep in my emotions, deep inside my heart I know.
I want you forever.
Deep in my emotions I can never let you go.
Oh no no.
Deep in my emotions I'm forever close to you.
Ooh. Ooh.

The love is never easy.
There will be hurt and sometimes pain.
But then you'll see the sun again.
The love is meant forever.
It makes you feel you got a home.
That you are no longer alone.

Deep in my emotions, deep inside my heart I know.
I want you forever.
Deep in my emotions I can never let you go.
Oh no no.
Deep in my emotions I'm forever close to you.
Ooh. Ooh.

Tell It Everybody

Check out a little story called the Bad Boys Blue.
The things in life we've been going through.
The places and town that we never ever knew.
The countries and people hope to see them too.
And times are hard. Other times are great.
Standing all together and we can't be late.
With love and a heart and a mission to do.
We'll be gettin' to your place. We'd like to see you there too.

Tell it everybody. Tell it Everybody.
Telling everyone in town tonight.
Tell it everybody. Tell it Everybody.
Telling everyone in town tonight.

From the city to city and travel for a time.
Dancing and singing took all of our time.
We never make believe and play no games.
It's a lonely world if it's just for the fame.
Now keep in mind it's a matter of time.
Take all your feet and rock it to the beat.
So don't mess around. When you know we're getting down.
Just be prepared cause we want to get down.

Tell it everybody. Tell it Everybody.
Telling everyone in town tonight.
Tell it everybody. Tell it Everybody.
Telling everyone in town tonight.

See the music we know when it's time for the show.
Just call your friends - get ready to go.
We know it's hot and every time on the spot.
Get out on the floor and don't ever stop.
You move to the left and move to the right.
You're here for a good time and that's all right.
Every Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall.
We're the Bad Boys Blue and we would like to see you all.

Tell it everybody. Tell it Everybody.
Telling everyone in town tonight.
Tell it everybody. Tell it Everybody.
Telling everyone in town tonight.

Gimme Back My Love

You're driving me crazy. My life so hazy since you've been gone.
I've lost all my pride. No I can't carry on.
Now my friends are talking about the state that you'd left me in.
It's hard to survive when your loving can't win.

Gimme back my love. Gimme back my heart and my soul. Baby.
Gimme back my love. Gimme back my heart and my soul.

Wake up one night shakin'. My heart is breakin'. It's over now.
My souls on the line. Now I'm doing time.
I tried to forget you, no I won't regret you. Now that you're gone.
I'm cheating myself. I just can't go on.

Gimme back my love. Gimme back my heart and my soul. Baby.
Gimme back my love. Gimme back my heart and my soul.

Remember When Our Love Was Young

In my fantasies I am going through the scenes of the love we had.
Sweet emotions that we share.
What I see is forever you and me.
And I'm longing for the times when your heart was mine.

Remember when our love was young.
A burning flame all summer long.
I still hear (what remains) those melodies.
And I feel the cooling breeze.

Remember when our love was strong.
Two loving hearts beating like one.
What remains are memories.
And I feel the cooling breeze.

We have shared one world. Hand in hand just for a while.
On the wings of love. We've been flying up so high.
Until now. I can understand somehow.
What had torn our dream apart.
How you broke my heart.

Remember when our love was young.
A burning flame all summer long.
I still hear (what remains) those melodies.
And I feel the cooling breeze.

Remember when our love was strong.
Two loving hearts beating like one.
What remains are memories.
And I feel the cooling breeze.
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #10

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Totally (1992)

Have You Ever Had A Love Like This

You light my life when you're with me.
You're like a sun rise deep down in the night.
For you can touch my heart with sensuality.
I'm in paradise, must be in paradise.

Have you ever had a love like this.
It's so heavenly when we kiss.
Have you ever had a love like this.
Such a feeling that you have missed.
We are two in a million.

You need no strings to bind my hands.
For you have chained my heart so close to you.
I pray that our love will last for all my life.
Till the end of time. Until the end of time.

Have you ever had a love like this.
It's so heavenly when we kiss.
Have you ever had a love like this.
Such a feeling that you have missed.
We are two in a million.

I Totally Miss You

I did you wrong.
My foolish heart went down to play.
And then I lost you.
Oh what a price for me to pay.
Where have you gone?
Baby where you've gone?

Oh, I totally miss you.
My heart is painted blue.
I totally miss you.
I can't stop loving you.
So please come back.
(You'll be making me blue).
Please come back.
(For you have promised me the world. But you have been untrue).
I totally miss you.

I keep on waiting.
But in my dreams I see your face.
You're still in my life.
No one else can take your place.
Where have you gone?
Baby where you've gone?

Oh, I totally miss you.
My heart is painted blue.
I totally miss you.
I can't stop loving you.
So please come back.
(You'll be making me blue).
Please come back.
(For you have promised me the world. But you have been untrue).
I totally miss you.

What A Feeling

I feel I'm losing control of my heart and my soul.
It's rolling over me now from my head to my toes.
The temptation I fight is taking over my mind.
I've never been so impressed. And never obsessed.
When you're holding me tight I am shaking inside.
I can't resist the power of your lips.

What a feeling! Oh, what a feeling!
What a feeling when we love.
What a feeling! Oh, what a feeling.
And I will never get enough.

Everything that you do it convinces me more.
You're such a magical thing. You opened up heaven's door.
I know we'll get the things right. For this will be our night.
A night so sweet and divine - we all want you or mine.
When you're holding me tightI am shaking inside.
I can't resist the power of your lips.

What a feeling! Oh, what a feeling!
What a feeling when we love.
What a feeling! Oh, what a feeling.
And I will never get enough.

Who's That Man?

I don't expect the guarantee from you. But maybe somehow.
I thought your love was specially made for me. Now I know.
I've seen the signs, you've been sending.
So what is the game you're pretending?

Who’s that man by your side. The man by your side.
Who’s that man by your side. The man by your side.
Consequently - all or nothing.
Consequently - you and me.
Who’s that man by your side. The man by your side.

The lesson you have given me. I got it, that is for sure.
You better stop messing around or walk right out through the door.
I've seen the signs, you've been sending.
So what is the game you're pretending?

Who’s that man by your side. The man by your side.
Who’s that man by your side. The man by your side.
Consequently - all or nothing.
Consequently - you and me.
Who’s that man by your side. The man by your side.

Warm And Tender Love

Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.
Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.

Oh I love you for long long time.
Darling please you'll be mine.

Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.
Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.
Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.

Yes, I love you all so bad.
Come on! Please me with your touch.

Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.

Oh I love you for long long time.
Darling please you'll be mine.

Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.
Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.
Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.

Oh I love you for long, long time.
Darling please you'll be mine.

Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.

Yes, I love you all so bad.
Come on! Please me with your touch.

And let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.
Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.
Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.
Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.

Everything will be all right if you just let me in.

Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.
Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.
Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love.

Save Your Love

It started one night in Milano.
A candlelight dinner - Italian Style.
We danced and she whispered Ti Amo.
Morning came and we had to say goodbye.
So hold me once more.
Goodbye and kiss me one more time.
Just one more time.

Save your love.
Until I will return - let the flames of fire burn in your heart forever.
Save your love. Don't give it to someone new.
Everything is up to you. Till I'm back forever.

She gave me one night of devotion.
Fire of love was burning inside.
I couldn't escape my emotions.
And I nearly died when we had to say goodbye.
I want you to stay.
Goodbye and please come back one day.
Come back some day.

Save your love.
Until I will return - let the flames of fire burn in your heart forever.
Save your love. Don't give it to someone new.
Everything is up to you. Till I'm back forever.

I'm so in love with you.
It's the first time I felt this way.
I promise. I'll wait for you.

Save your love.
Until I will return - let the flames of fire burn in your heart forever.
Save your love. Don't give it to someone new.
Everything is up to you. Till I'm back forever.


I can hear them talking as I'm walking down the street.
They're saying you're a fool. Got to get back on your feet.
You tried so hard to keep her love and don't know what to do.
And ever since she left your life. She left you feeling blue.

Johnny try to forget her.
Maybe you better - then you won't feel so blue.
Johnny try to forget her.
It wasn't forever. What else can you do?
Johnny - don't feel blue.
Oh Johnny - it's up to you.

She left your life a year ago and you're still by yourself.
Put all your feelings in a case then you put it on the shelf.
You tried so hard to keep her love. Your life has fallen through.
You know you made a big mistake. And you're still feeling blue.

Johnny try to forget her.
Maybe you better - then you won't feel so blue.
Johnny try to forget her.
It wasn't forever. What else can you do?
Johnny - don't feel blue.
Oh Johnny - it's up to you.

I'm Never Gonna Fall In Love Again

I have wasted too much time. Feeling sorry just for myself.
But suddenly I realize. I don't need nobody else.
I just walk out through the door.
You won't see me anymore.

I’m never gonna fall in love again.
I don't want no love no more.
I’m never gonna fall in love again.
For I've been hurt so much before.
Love can shake you, break you.
Love can bring you down.

I was sorry to see you go.
But baby true love can be tough.
Agony and ecstasy. Joy and pain.
I've had enough. I can make it all alone.
Face my life - just on my own.

I’m never gonna fall in love again.
I don't want no love no more.
I’m never gonna fall in love again.
For I've been hurt so much before.
Love can shake you, break you.
Love can bring you down.

I just walk out through the door.
You won't see me anymore.

I’m never gonna fall in love again.
I don't want no love no more.
I’m never gonna fall in love again.
For I've been hurt so much before.
Love can shake you, break you.
Love can bring you down.

Rhythm Of The Night

I watched the sun beating down on the boulevard.
Neon light shining so bright on hot melted tar.
This is the certain place where I love to stay.
Street life is calling to me till the break up day.
I am waiting for you with your sexy eyes.
While the people are passing by.

Feel the rhythm of the night. Feel the heat.
Feel the rhythm of the night. Feel the heat.
Celebration - celebration time.
Keep on dancing - it's celebration time.

Beautiful people are ready to meet in the heat.
Body to body. Vibrations are over the street.
I am waiting for you with your sexy eyes.
While the people are passing by.

Feel the rhythm of the night. Feel the heat.
Feel the rhythm of the night. Feel the heat.
Celebration - celebration time.
Keep on dancing - it's celebration time.
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #11

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Kiss (1993)

Kiss You All Over, Baby

Girl. We can take off in the night.
Girl. Like two lovers. Joined in flight.
You know what is best for me, it's time to let it show.
Thrill me and let my body know.

And I kiss you all over baby all through the night.
Kiss you all over baby - make you feel alright.
Let yourself go freely girl and we soon will reach the sky.
When I kiss you all over baby - I will make you mine, mine, mine.

Love. There is magic in my hand.
Love. Gonna give you all I can.
You know how to ride my love, you have the special way.
Bless me with your touch by night and day.

And I kiss you all over baby all through the night.
Kiss you all over baby - make you feel alright.
Let yourself go freely girl and we soon will reach the sky.
When I kiss you all over baby - I will make you mine, mine, mine.

Sooner Or Later

He has hurt you. That is true.
Now he's gone and you feel blue.
But I know you will survive girl.
You can leave it all behind.
I can help. I'll be there.
I will take good care.

Sooner or later you're gonna be mine.
Sooner or later in a matter of time.
Sooner or later you're losing defense.
And the emotions that you hide.
Straight to my heart then fly.
Sooner or later.

I will fight to set you free.
Step by step and then you'll see.
Time can heal a wounded heart girl.
And we're gonna find a start.
Just give in. Let it go.
Let your feelings flow.

Sooner or later you're gonna be mine.
Sooner or later in a matter of time.
Sooner or later you're losing defense.
And the emotions that you hide.
Straight to my heart then fly.
Sooner or later.

Kisses And Tears (My One And Only)

My love. Now you're lyin' lonesome.
With visions of blue. Vision in you.
Again. You let your heart go and whenever you do.
It's hurting me too.
When damage is done. I watch you run.
It's me you call. To me you come.

Kisses and tears - my one and only.
Don't be lonely. I'm right here.
Kisses and tears will turn a bad dream to a good thing.
It's so clear.
Kisses and years - you're worth waiting.
We’re created without love.
Kisses and tears - my one and only.
Don't be lonely. Don't you run.

You know. How a heartache ends with visions of blue.
Abandoning you.
I know that we're more than friends.
You. You know that it's true. It's long overdue.
No more to run. No damage done.
Now here my call. To you I come.

Kisses and tears - my one and only.
Don't be lonely. I'm right here.
Kisses and tears will turn a bad dream to a good thing.
It's so clear.
Kisses and years - you're worth waiting.
We’re created without love.
Kisses and tears - my one and only.
Don't be lonely. Don't you run.

The Woman I Love

The woman I love. The woman I love.
She gives to me everything and all that I need.
The woman I love. This woman I love.
I'm speaking of a love of a woman.
Which is a love that's for me.

Cuz I know that her love will always be there.
And no matter what I've done.
She shows me her sweet and loving care. That's what I know.
When I'm sick one summer and there is nothing I can do.
She lightens up my world so bright then I feel no longer longer blue.

The woman I love. The woman I love.
Every man needs the love of a woman.
Just like a woman needs it too.
The woman I love. The woman I love.
Don't you know the love of a woman?
A love is so special to me.

Wherever I go and whatever I do. Her love is so close.
She's my one only dream come true.
She gives me that something which I will never ever know.
Yes I love this woman. Oh, she has a mind of her own.

I said the woman I love. The woman I love.
She gives my whole life. She gives the true love to me.
Oh I'm sayin' the woman I love. The woman I love.
When we are together she's all that I need.
The woman I love. Yes that woman I love.
Let's be for each other forever will be.

I Do It All For You Baby

Just imagine we're on a highway.
The sunset right in our eyes.
You're on the back seat of my motorbike, babe.
And you're holding on tight.
You can get it if you really want.
You can get it, it's all up to you.

I do it all for you baby. I do it all for you baby.
I do it all for you baby. Everything just for you.

Lying down by the ocean shore bay.
Beneath the fire lights.
Magic colors and waves of roses.
Fly on the wings of a kite.
You can get it if you really want.
You can get it, it's all up to you.

I do it all for you baby. I do it all for you baby.
I do it all for you baby. Everything just for you.

I Live

My world. All my walls are broken down.
I don't want to stay around. Cause I'm leaving you.
Oh girl. Everything I made you do.
Said I try to do for you. But you made me blue.
My world. I left everything to you. Now I don't know what to do without you.
Oh girl. Now I see it in your eyes. Cause I feel the things you do to me.
First, you love me, then you hurt me. Oh, you make me cry.
Crying. Cause you broke my heart in two.

I Live for your love. Oh just set me free.
I Live for your love. Is it real?
I Live for your love. Oh just let me be.
I Live for your love. Cause I need your love to feel.

My world. I left everything to you. Now I don't know what to do without you.
Oh girl. Now I see it in your eyes. Cause I feel the things you do to me.
First, you love me, then you hurt me. Oh, you make me cry.
Crying. Cause you broke my heart in two.

I Live for your love. Oh just set me free.
I Live for your love. Is it real?
I Live for your love. Oh just let me be.
I Live for your love. Cause I need your love to feel.

Heart Of Midnight

She comes out in the night. Sure you've seen her before.
Don't expect to get free. What the others pay for.
She just plays her own games. And her love is for sale.

She's living in the heart of midnight.
Deep in the heart of midnight. Free and wild.
She's living in the heart of midnight.
Deep in the heart of midnight. She's so cool.

She can't ever look back. Doesn't know where she's from.
Sure her heart never breaks. It is made out of stone.
She doesn't want you to stay. For she goes her own way.

She's living in the heart of midnight.
Deep in the heart of midnight. Free and wild.
She's living in the heart of midnight.
Deep in the heart of midnight. She's so cool.

Where Have You Gone?

Where have you gone?
Where have you gone?
Where have you gone?

On my window I can see the rain.
My empty room is filled with hurt and pain.
And I listen to the wind blowing cold outside.
This is the night when love died.

Where have you gone?
Where have you gone?
Where have you gone?

My heart inside feels like a dying flame.
I close my eyes, I think of you again.
And I see you walking by. Walking in the night.
This is the night when love died.

Where have you gone?
Where have you gone?
Where have you gone?

I'm Still In Love

I do my work from 9 to 5 and I'm still driving my Benz.
So nothing really changed my life. And I still meet with my friends.
Now that you've gone. I am free to do what I wanna do.
Yeah. But there is something on my mind that's making me blue.

Oh, I’m still in love with you.
Oh, I'm so in love with you.
I'm so in love with you.

I tell myself a hundred times that I'm just turning the page.
To close the chapter in my life. Now that you're leaving the stage.
But there is something brings me down to earth. When I'm thinking of you.
Cause there is something on my mind that's making me blue.

Oh, I’m still in love with you.
Oh, I'm so in love with you.
I'm so in love with you.

I Totally Miss You

I did you wrong.
My foolish heart went down to play.
And then I lost you.
Oh what a price for me to pay.
Where have you gone?
Baby where you've gone?

Oh, I totally miss you.
My heart is painted blue.
I totally miss you.
I can't stop loving you.
So please come back.
(You'll be making me blue).
Please come back.
(For you have promised me the world. But you have been untrue).
I totally miss you.

I keep on waiting.
But in my dreams I see your face.
You're still in my life.
No one else can take your place.
Where have you gone?
Baby where you've gone?

Oh, I totally miss you.
My heart is painted blue.
I totally miss you.
I can't stop loving you.
So please come back.
(You'll be making me blue).
Please come back.
(For you have promised me the world. But you have been untrue).
I totally miss you.
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #12

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома To Blue Horizons (1994)

Luv 4 U

If you want it - you got it - I would give all my luv 4 U.
Cause I won’t never stop I would give all my luv 4 U.
So why don’t you believe it - I would give all my luv 4 U.
You will always receive it - I would give all my luv 4 U.
Please believe, please believe - my luv 4 U.
Please believe, please believe - my luv 4 U.

Dream on, so you say. Move on go away.
Too many things are on my mind. The way to you I can’t find.
Make me lose my brain. The way you act makes me insane.
Write your name across my heart. Give me love from the start.
Your advice, I don’t doubt it, treat a girl nice that’s about it for me.
To have a good time. Cause love like your’s no crime.
There’s no way to stop this. There’s no time to top this.
And I can’t get enough. Cuz I just want your love.

If you want it - you got it - I would give all my luv 4 U.
Cause I won’t never stop I would give all my luv 4 U.
So why don’t you believe it - I would give all my luv 4 U.
You will always receive it - I would give all my luv 4 U.
Please believe, please believe - my luv 4 U.
Please believe, please believe - my luv 4 U.

Girl you know you’re my fantasy. Come on, be a part of my destiny.
I would do anything for you. Why don’t you love me too.
Color my world day and night. There’s more to life than black and white.
Tell me now what’s your problem. Or I can’t help you solve’em.
It took me long to find you. Come on leave it all behind you.
Don’t be afraid, have no doubt. Cuz you’re the girl I can’t do it without.
Write your name across my heart. Give me love from the start.
Love is all I got to give. Without you I cannot live.

If you want it - you got it - I would give all my luv 4 U.
Cause I won’t never stop I would give all my luv 4 U.
So why don’t you believe it - I would give all my luv 4 U.
You will always receive it - I would give all my luv 4 U.
Please believe, please believe - my luv 4 U.
Please believe, please believe - my luv 4 U.

Go Go (Love Overload)

Go! Go! Go! But she said No! No! No!

Looking for some cover. You might find a lover.
That’s alright with me.
Now you got a notion. Filled up with emotions.
Go and set them free.
Come on it’s easy (Come on, come on, come on).
Come on it’s easy (Come on, come on, come on).

And I said go go go for your love and you slip into dreaming.
And you said no no no when I dream. I can’t go for the real thing.
But when I’m touching you all over.
I get a signal from your love… love overload.

Closer but not touching. I will tell you one thing.
Life is not for free.
If you wanna live it. Step right out and give it.
A chance to make you see.
Come on it’s easy (Come on, come on, come on).
Come on it’s easy (Come on, come on, come on).

And I said go go go for your love and you slip into dreaming.
And you said no no no when I dream. I can’t go for the real thing.
But when I’m touching you all over.
I get a signal from your love… love overload.

Now you better stay. It will be ok.
I will hold you when you’re falling.

And I said go go go for your love and you slip into dreaming.
And you said no no no when I dream. I can’t go for the real thing.
But when I’m touching you all over.
I get a signal from your love… love overload.

Take A Chance

Flames are burning in my heart.
Can’t fight the fire. You are always on my mind.

Another sleepless night with you on my mind.
An empty space in my heart.
That’s how I feel. Emotions tear me apart.
Another rainy day you’re still on my mind.
My head keeps spinning around.
I hear you say. I’ll meet you in a dream one day.

Take a chance on me.
Like I’m taking a chance on you.
I wanna hold you. Hold you forever.
Take a chance on me.
Like I’m taking a chance on you.
I wanna hold you. Hold you forever.

I walk the streets so many places to go.
Decided to let you know. I want you now.
I will never ever let you down.

Take a chance on me.
Like I’m taking a chance on you.
I wanna hold you. Hold you forever.
Take a chance on me.
Like I’m taking a chance on you.
I wanna hold you. Hold you forever.

Take a chance. Be ready for romance.
Just be smart and you will get the part.
Let’s break the chain. Be ready for the game.
When I see you again. Take your chance.

Flames are burning in my heart.
Can’t fight the fire. You are always on my mind.

Take a chance on me.
Like I’m taking a chance on you.
I wanna hold you. Hold you forever.
Take a chance on me.
Like I’m taking a chance on you.
I wanna hold you. Hold you forever.

Is It You?

I’ve been watching the same old movie.
Over and over again.
So enchanted with this one beauty.
I became her greatest fan.
Am I only dreaming? Am I only dreaming of this love?

Is it you?
I know I’ve seen that face before.
And I surely wanna find out more.
Who’s fooling who? Is it false or true?
Is it you? (The power of love).
I know I’ve seen that face before (I need a sign from above).
And I surely wanna find out more (at any cost).
Yet I haven’t got a clue (but the lady is lost).
Is it you?

Looking for her in different places.
This world’s too big for one man.
But I keep on investigating.
And I’ll do the best that I can.
Am I only dreaming? Am I only dreaming of this love?

Is it you?
I know I’ve seen that face before.
And I surely wanna find out more.
Who’s fooling who? Is it false or true?
Is it you? (The power of love).
I know I’ve seen that face before (I need a sign from above).
And I surely wanna find out more (at any cost).
Yet I haven’t got a clue (but the lady is lost).
Is it you?

What Else?

Many hearts have been broken.
But the wounds are healed by time.
I still wait and I wonder.
Why you broke this heart of mine.
Finals words have been spoken.
And we kissed our last goodbye.
This scar is forever.
All I need is one more try.

What else can I do? I’m still loving you.
It’s the only thing I need.
What else can I do? This feeling’s so true.
I won’t end down on my knees.
But I am begging you please.

We have been up in heaven.
And there’s much that we’ve been through.
But I can’t fight a feeling.
When there’s so much left to do.
Final words have been spoken.
And we kissed our last goodbye.
Do you think it’s forever?
All I want is one more try.

What else can I do? I’m still loving you.
It’s the only thing I need.
What else can I do? This feeling’s so true.
I won’t end down on my knees.
But I am begging you please.

Grand Illusion

If you wanna love somebody.
How about cruisin’ in the night.
If you wanna love somebody.
Why don’t you hold a stranger tight.
These eyes might amuse you.
Don’t let them abuse you, no, no.

Welcome to the grand illusion. Look what you have found.
Love is not an institution.
And lonely hearts go around and around.
Love is just a grand illusion. When you’re all alone.
There is only one conclusion.
So find a love of your own.

If you wanna love somebody.
Would it be right to pay the price?
If you wanna love somebody.
Maybe there is no paradise.
These eyes might amuse you.
Don’t let them abuse you, no, no.

Welcome to the grand illusion. Look what you have found.
Love is not an institution.
And lonely hearts go around and around.
Love is just a grand illusion. When you’re all alone.
There is only one conclusion.
So find a love of your own.

Don’t believe in neon lovers. Go and find a heart that covers.
All your wishes all your dreams. Life’s not really what it seems.
When you go out there tomorrow. You might find that day is borrowed.
I told you the answer’s easy. Shout it out. Shout it out.

Welcome to the grand illusion. Look what you have found.
Love is not an institution.
And lonely hearts go around and around.
Love is just a grand illusion. When you’re all alone.
There is only one conclusion.
So find a love of your own.

Prove Your Love

Girl, now you have gone. Away for much too long.
And I won’t stay alone. No, I won’t wait no more.
It’s a matter of fact. That you have left me.
It’s just a matter of time. Before you return.

Prove your love. Show me what’s inside your heart.
Take a chance with me. You know how it feels.
Prove your love. Tell me what you’re thinking of.
Prove your love to me. Before you come back.

Girl, you know by now. That things have changed somehow.
And I used to cry all night. Now someone else is by your side.
It’s a matter of fact. That you have left me.
It’s just a matter of time. Before you return.

Prove your love. Show me what’s inside your heart.
Take a chance with me. You know how it feels.
Prove your love. Tell me what you’re thinking of.
Prove your love to me. Before you come back.

One More Kiss

You knock on my door asking for something.
I have never been asked for.
Should I say yes? Or should I say no?
I want you to know.

All the things that you say. They make me wanna stay.
All the things that you do. They make me fall in love with you.

Just one more kiss and I believe that I’m in paradise.
Just one more touch. I feel that an angel has passed me tonight.

Water has turned into wine. Come and taste it.
Cause we’re running out of time.
I’m ready to fly all through the night.
Let your love decide.

All the things that you say. They make me wanna stay.
All the things that you do. They make me fall in love with you.

Just one more kiss and I believe that I’m in paradise.
Just one more touch. I feel that an angel has passed me tonight.

Just one more.
Just one more kiss from you - it’s paradise.
Just one more.
Just one more touch and I feel that an angel has passed me tonight.
Time, time’s not waiting.

All the things that you say. They make me wanna stay.
All the things that you do. They make me fall in love with you.

Just one more kiss and I believe that I’m in paradise.
Just one more touch. I feel that an angel has passed me tonight.

It Was Only Love

My summer dream is over now. I sent my SOS.
I was another move it seems. In her game of chess.
Comme ci, comme ca, she said and smiled.
Just another kiss. A reason for goodbye.

It was only love we had.
In a french café we met.
And I can’t forget I’m coming back.
Cause love, love, love, love, love, love is the way.
Love is the way.

When summertime is here again. I’ll be on flight 68.
If you got to love someone. It never is too late.
Comme ci, comme ca, I say and smile.
Just another kiss. A reason for goodbye.

It was only love we had. In a french café we met.
And I can’t forget I’m coming back.
Cause love, love, love, love, love, love is the way.
Love is the way.

Feeling so lonely. Feeling so blue.
I’m all alone again without you.

It was only love we had. In a french café we met.
And I can’t forget I’m coming back.
Cause love, love, love, love, love, love is the way.
Love is the way.

Say You’ll Be Mine

That special feeling you get inside.
When you stand face to face looking eye to eye.
And you feel your emotions growing strong.
Knowing this is where you belong.
And your heart beats faster, loud and hard.
I know you wanna be my girl.

I wanna be groovin’ on a natural high.
I wanna be movin’. Let my feelings fly.
I wanna be groovin’ being closer to you.
Just feeling fine.

I’ve been waiting for a long long time.
For some sweet love I could call all mine.
It’s just so hard to be all alone.
No one to squeeze or call my own.
Please say you’ll be mine. Let’s do it together.
Please say you’ll be mine. Let’s do it together.

Now we’re living up baby. Now we’re living up.
I’ll turn the whole world upside down.
If that’s what it takes to keep you around.
This isn’t a dream. I know it’s real.
Tell me that you’ll be my girl.

I’ve been waiting for a long long time.
For some sweet love I could call all mine.
It’s just so hard to be all alone.
No one to squeeze or call my own.
Please say you’ll be mine. Let’s do it together.
Please say you’ll be mine. Let’s do it together.

Love’s Not Always Like Paradise

Tears. I see them run down your face.
Just like a river - they’re leaving a trace.
Days. They’re passing by much too slow.
You want to run - but there’s nowhere to go.
The night is dark and you can’t find a place.
The wind blows cold and right into your face.
Turning you around.

Love’s not always like paradise. Sometimes you can get hurt.
Love’s not always like paradise. When nights are lonely and dark.
It’s not easy to pay the price. Such a long way to go.
Love’s not always like paradise. This feeling I know.

Pain. It’s only time that can heal.
A broken heart these emotions you feel.
Nights. The stars are shining above.
You want to cry - you’re still missing your love.
The night is dark and you can’t find a place.
The wind blows cold and right into your face.
Turning you around.

Love’s not always like paradise. Sometimes you can get hurt.
Love’s not always like paradise. When nights are lonely and dark.
It’s not easy to pay the price. Such a long way to go.
Love’s not always like paradise. This feeling I know.
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #13

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Bang Bang Bang (1996)

Hold You In My Arms

Hold you in my arms. I wanna be with you.
Hold you in my arms. Is all I wanna do.
Hold you. Hold you.
I wanna be with you.
Just wanna be with you. Just wanna be with you girl.

Games of love are empty rooms you find yourself alone.
Games of love they rarely lead the way.
Games of love are highs and lows but hungry hearts go on.
Games of love is ancient as today.

I'm calling love I try to. Go on and find a way through.
I live for love I try to. And all I want to do is.

Hold you in my arms. I wanna be with you.
Hold you in my arms. Is all I wanna do.
Hold you in my arms. I wanna be with you.
All I want is you. Only you.

Games of love so close and yet a distant world apart.
Games of love are bridges and ravines.
Games of love are books that tell about my state of heart.
Games of love are races you can't win.

I'm calling love I try to. Go on and find a way through.
I live for love I try to. And all I want to do is.

Hold you in my arms. I wanna be with you.
Hold you in my arms. Is all I wanna do.
Hold you in my arms. I wanna be with you.
All I want is you. Only you.

Bang Bang Bang

Sometimes you got to try and know the reason why.
Got to change your plans take a chance.
Looking in the glass. You wonder how it lasts.
Not a day, not a day. Same old way.

Talking about a kind of vision. Taking all your blues away.
Got to find your own religion. So here is how we play.

Bang Bang Bang. It's your Bang.
Bang Bang Bang.
Don't let him tell you that you cannot swing.
Bang Bang Bang. Be free cuz it's your Bang.
Your Bang. Your Bang.

Get it to the groove shake your body make your move.
Let the rhythm take you to the floor.
Oh you sweat. You're mind soak and wet.
That's what you came in here for.

From LA to Chicago. From Moscow to Tokyo.
From Berlin to Milano. It don't matter where you go.

Bang Bang Bang. It's your Bang.
Bang Bang Bang.
Don't let him tell you that you cannot swing.
Bang Bang Bang. Be free cuz it's your Bang.
Your Bang. Your Bang.

Beat up your drums. You're living in a coma.
Get off your bums. You make your body go now.
It is too serious to make your life go solo now.
Feel free to check. Check out the way we show ya.

Bang Bang Bang. It's your Bang.
Bang Bang Bang.
Don't let him tell you that you cannot swing.
Bang Bang Bang. Be free cuz it's your Bang.
Your Bang. Your Bang.


You just push the clouds away. Made my life a sunny day.
All the time we passed together.
Floating circles through the sky. We'll make anything we try.
It's a kind of now or never. Now or never.

Any moment we live. Any smile that you give.
Love take me there. Anywhere.
Tears are in my eyes. It ain't no surprise.
Love take me there. Anywhere.
Love just takes me there. Anywhere.
Love just takes me there. Anywhere.

Take you to where you've never been. Close your eyes and join the scene.
All the times we passed together.
Time to rule this wonderland. Trust in me just take my hand.
It's a kind of now or never. Now or never.

Any moment we live. Any smile that you give.
Love take me there. Anywhere.
Tears are in my eyes. It ain't no surprise.
Love take me there. Anywhere.
Love just takes me there. Anywhere.
Love just takes me there. Anywhere.

Keep It In Your Soul

Please don't tell the secrets that we share.
I want you to keep it in your soul.
Keep it well and if you really care. (Keep it in your soul).
I want you to keep it in your soul.

My best friend called me up. And told me he'd stop by.
And with the girl he loves. So pretty I could die.
I felt the danger in the moment I saw you.
He's my best friend. This girl and I can never be true.

Please don't tell the secrets that we share.
I want you to keep it in your soul.
Keep it well and if you really care. (Keep it in your soul).
I want you to keep it in your soul.

I know you keep the promise. I read in your eyes.
Making excuses up and giving false advice.
But I would lose my friend. I felt so bad inside.
What I feel for you. I think I can not hide.

Please don't tell the secrets that we share.
I want you to keep it in your soul.
Keep it well and if you really care. (Keep it in your soul).
I want you to keep it in your soul.

Fly Away

Une desire. Une histoire de vie.
De reve.
De sentiment et de desire.
De sentiment et de desire.

I'm the one you're waiting for.
Dancing shadows on the floor.
It's the night you will remember. Remember.
Tricks of light sparks on the ground.
Tensions springs you all around.
Fans of flame and you surrender.
Surrender, baby.

For your life. Music's all around.
For your life. Just the way the sounds move.

Fly away. Find your place and stay.
Eyes are telling tales that words just fail.
All you gotta do is make this dream come true.
Baby. Fly away.
Find your place and stay.
Eyes are telling tales that words just fail.
All you gotta do is make this dream come true.

Let it turn you inside out.
Feel the beat go fast and loud.
It's a night you will remember. Remember.
There's an answer you should find.
Far beyond what's on your mind.
Fans of flame and you surrender.
Surrender, baby.

For your life. Music's all around.
For your life. Just the way the sounds move.

Fly away. Find your place and stay.
Eyes are telling tales that words just fail.
All you gotta do is make this dream come true.
Baby. Fly away.
Find your place and stay.
Eyes are telling tales that words just fail.
All you gotta do is make this dream come true.


Love. I can give it.
To everyone who opens up.
Soft. Ain't a limit.
You can't be sure you will ever know.
Once you believe it. You take my word.
I won't give up. Yeah.

The world is full of illusion man. Be my baby.
If you can.
Now our worries are losing and they won't stay.
Listen to what I got to say.

U'N'I can hold it on. Love will keep us together.
U'N'I can hold it on. As long as we're working together.
And I will always.
(Don't Don't Don't). (Don't Don't Don't).

Close. You can give it.
To everyone who opens up.
Soft. Ain't a limit.
Let me be sure. You will ever know.
Once I believe it. Give me your word.
You won't give up. Yeah.

The world is full of illusion man. Be my baby.
If you can.
Now our worries are losing and they won't stay.
Listen to what I got to say.

U'N'I can hold it on. Love will keep us together.
U'N'I can hold it on. As long as we're working together.
And I will always.
(Don't Don't Don't). (Don't Don't Don't).

See the fact. Make them high.
Old man see the fact!
You got to put it cause you're getting back.
Go man! Make them high.
Don't let them down. Gotta let them fly.

The world is full of illusion man. Be my baby.
If you can.
Now our worries are losing and they won't stay.
Listen to what I got to say.

U'N'I can hold it on. Love will keep us together.
U'N'I can hold it on. As long as we're working together.
And I will always.
(Don't Don't Don't). (Don't Don't Don't).

Hold Me Now

Hold me now. Hold me now.
Don't you wait any longer.
Hold me now. Hold me now.
Don't you wait any longer. Longer.

Time to hide myself away. Feel my body shiver.
It's the oldest game we play.
High above this tension in the air. Took some time to get there.
Now it's more than I can bare.

Hold me now. Hold me now.
Don't you wait any longer.
Hold me now. Hold me now.
Don't you wait any longer. Longer.

Feelings growing day by day. Eyes are telling stories.
Melting all our lies away.
They don't like the way you care. About your hidden feelings.
It's still more than I can bare.

Hold me now. Hold me now.
Don't you wait any longer.
Hold me now. Hold me now.
Don't you wait any longer. Longer.

Little Girl

Where will you go tonight? What makes you feel all right?
When you know.
Your love one's gone away. You're going astray.
You know there's a place to hide. A light in the darkest night.
Going through. If you want me too.
I'll be there for you. I'll be there for you.

My little girl. Changed in the world.
Walking through a land of dreams.
She had never seen before.
My little girl. Shine like a pearl.
Won't you be down your knees.
But I will show you how to fly.
I see it in your eyes.

All through deserted streets. A call from a heart that beats.
Just as now.
I had her all and gone. And the going has just begun.
You, you can feel the pain. Clouds cry at every rain.
Like you do. If you want me too.
I'll be there for you. I'll be there for you.

My little girl. Changed in the world.
Walking through a land of dreams.
She had never seen before.
My little girl. Shine like a pearl.
Won't you be down your knees.
But I will show you how to fly.
I see it in your eyes.

Anyway Forever

Take my heart. Come beam it up.
Never let this feeling stop.
Drop, your love on me.
Girl I love U. Can't you see?
You're in my head. You're in my mind.
A love like her is hard to find.
Girl, you're my shining star. Sweet, that's what you are.
Help me make it through the night.
Be my lover. Be my life.
Stay with me. And feel the heat.
Girl, you're all I need.
Fear no fighting. Fear no force.
Never let us get divorced.
Ooh, I feel so fine. Yeah.
Gonna make you mine.

Gonna make you mine. Do it right in time.
Let me take you anyway forever.
Gonna make you mine. Do it right in time.
Anyway forever.

I dream of you. Oh yes, it's true.
Without your love I'm feeling blue.
This is our night. Tonight's the night.
Celebrating yours with candle lights.
I can't be holding back for love.
You must be sent from high above.
And if you think that dissipates.
No you break.
I'm hungry for the words you say.
Can't wait in vain for another day.
Call anytime and I'll be there.
I'll always love you. Yes, I swear.
The rhythm of my heart beats fast.
Forever. Our love will last.
I'm feeling fine. Yeah.
Gonna make you mine.

Gonna make you mine. Do it right in time.
Let me take you anyway forever.
Gonna make you mine. Do it right in time.
Anyway forever.

When I See You Smile

You can make the world go round.
When I see you smile.
Make me happy. Make me proud.
When I see you smile.

Close your eyes. Let me wipe your tears away.
Hate to see you crying. Crying.
What is wrong?
Someone must have hurt you bad.
Push away your sorrows.
Don't be sad. So sad.

You can make the world go round.
When I see you smile.
Make me happy make me proud.
When I see you smile.
You can make the world go round.
When I see you smile.
Make me happy make me proud.
When I see you smile.

Don't you cry. Rainy days are over now.
Futures bright and joyful.
Care free. Believe me.
Show me how.
Your pretty face looks with a smile.
Bring the sunshine back.
Where clouds were.

You can make the world go round.
When I see you smile.
Make me happy make me proud.
When I see you smile.
You can make the world go round.
When I see you smile.
Make me happy make me proud.
When I see you smile.

Don’t Be So Shy

It’s now or never. Too late or forever.
You can love me or you can leave me.
Take my heart or you’ll deceive me.
Come rain or sunshine. For now’s the right time.
Show me the feelings. What’s inside you.
Open your heart and love will shine through.

I’ve just got to get in touch with you. I don’t know what to do.
I think about it everyday now.
Don’t be so shy.
Give me a sign and let’s get closer now.
I wanna make my dream come true.
Don’t be so shy.
Give me a sign so let’s get closer now.
I wanna hold you. I wanna hold you tight.

The good and bad days. The right or wrong ways.
Love has come and now it’s gone.
Take my heart or you’ll deceive me.

I’ve just got to get in touch with you. I don’t know what to do.
I think about it everyday now.
Don’t be so shy.
Give me a sign and let’s get closer now.
I wanna make my dream come true.
Don’t be so shy.
Give me a sign so let’s get closer now.
I wanna hold you. I wanna hold you tight.

Family Beat

Downtown Tijuana. I was born in a little red shed.
My mama cared for me.
And my papa. Took me to the great blue sea.
With a big white summer hat.
When I left my family. I was not very old.
Mama can you hear me?

So I take my big white hat. And I’m coming home.
So I take my big white hat. And I’m coming home.
Sister make ends meet. Get me on to my feet.
Welcome back to the family beat.
Sister make ends meet. Get me on to my feet.
Welcome back to the family beat.

Downtown Albuquerque. I was living on my own.
No mama cared for me.
And no papa. Took me to the great blue sea.
This is bad. Don’t you agree?
When I left my family. I was not very old.
Mama can you hear me?

When you’re far away from home.
There’s a promise and a prayer.
Oh so far away from home.
Just a promise and a prayer.

So I take my big white hat. And I’m coming home.
So I take my big white hat. And I’m coming home.
Sister make ends meet. Get me on to my feet.
Welcome back to the family beat.
Sister make ends meet. Get me on to my feet.
Welcome back to the family beat.
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #14

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Back (1998)

You're A Woman

Tonight. There'll be no darkness tonight.
Hold tight. Let your love light shine bright.
Listen to my heart - and lay your body next to mine.
Let me fill your soul with all my dreams.

You’re a woman. I'm a man.
This is more than just a game.
I can make you feel so right. Be my lady of the night.
You’re a woman. I'm a man.
You're my fortune. I'm your fame.
These are things we can't disguise. Be my lady of the night.

Lay back. Back in my tenderness.
And take. Take all of my sweet caress.
You've got all of me - it can't go wrong if you agree.
Soon two hearts will beat in ecstasy.

You’re a woman. I'm a man.
This is more than just a game.
I can make you feel so right. Be my lady of the night.
You’re a woman. I'm a man.
You're my fortune. I'm your fame.
These are things we can't disguise. Be my lady of the night.

L.O.V.E. In My Car

Well I'm burning, burning up the street.
Watching people on their feet in my car.
No time, no time to mess around.
Got my foot flat on the ground in my car.
I change the gears, I hear the wheels.
The ride is smooth and I decide to groove. Uh huh.
It's ten till eight, and I won't be late.
So please be there. Don't hesitate. Uh Huh.
I'll ride. Tonight.
I'll hold you tight and make you mine - it's now or never girl.
Outside. Starlight. You'll be flying high by my side.

L.O.V.E. - do you want a ride in my car?
I'm saying L.O.V.E. - do you want to get down in my car?
So if you want it, you got it, don't let it go.
I'm saying L.O.V.E. L.O.V.E.

So I step, I step down on the gas.
We're moving super fast. Wild and free.
Let me know is everything alright?
We'll rock it through the night, you and me.
Don't make me mad. Don't make me sad.
Gonna put me down. Gonna wear a frown. Uh Huh.
Let's groove all night till the morning light.
I'll play your music - you can't refuse it. Uh Huh.
I'll ride. Tonight.
I'll hold you tight and make you mine - it's now or never girl.
Outside. Starlight. You'll be flying high by my side.
(Accelerate, don't step on the brakes.)

L.O.V.E. - do you want a ride in my car?
I'm saying L.O.V.E. - do you want to get down in my car?
So if you want it, you got it, don't let it go.
I'm saying L.O.V.E. L.O.V.E.

Don’t Break The Heart

Don’t break the heart that loves you.
Don’t let the good times fade away.
Don’t break the heart that loves you.
Cause you might need this heart one day.

Oh what an ordinary day.
When I learned that love’s a liar.
When you left my heart unfold.
And the wind blows cold.
Was it love or borrowed time or just a game or in between?
How can love that was so strong.
How can this love go wrong?

Don’t break the heart that loves you.
Don’t let the good times fade away.
Don’t break the heart that loves you.
Cause you might need this heart one day.

You're the air I need to breathe.
Every night and every day.
And when you‘re not by my side.
It feels like I’m gonna die.

Don’t break the heart that loves you.
Don’t let the good times fade away.
Don’t break the heart that loves you.
Cause you might need this heart one day.

From Heart to Heart

And there is a dream of love and freedom.
I’ve been dreaming for so long.
So many nights and so many lonely bars.
I never found a girl like you babe.
Assumed my life just went all wrong.
Only your love can take me to the stars.

From heart to heart. Heaven and Hell.
Loving you is like a message forever.
And I know we'll never part.
Cause your feelings are so tender and true.
Heart to heart. Heaven and Hell.
You send your feelings to my realm of darkness.
Heart to heart. Don’t break the spell.
The only thing I want is loving you.
Heart to heart. Heart to heart.

Please come close and let me listen to the words your heart can tell.
I know you’re the best. You’ve given me a life.
I want you. I want your body.
And I want your soul as well.
Cause you’re my chance to make a dream survive.

From heart to heart. Heaven and Hell.
Loving you is like a message forever.
And I know we'll never part.
Cause your feelings are so tender and true.
Heart to heart. Heaven and Hell.
You send your feelings to my realm of darkness.
Heart to heart. Don’t break the spell.
The only thing I want is loving you.
Heart to heart. Heart to heart.

B By Your Side

I will B by your side. I will B by your side.
If you love me tonight.

Get out of this love, we can do it in style.
Jam before the feeling, we are not on trial.
Can you see it’s true? Don’t you know the bad sign.
Remains to us it was love you wanna find.
Move it to my soul and set my spirit on fire.
Cause our love is long I don’t feel no desire.
I’m losing the stars that led us so far.
I’m saying to you girl we forgot who we are.

I can’t beat this life.
Sticking around in my heart.
And girl just tell me why.
I’m dreaming of another start.

I will B by your side. Always be by your side.
If you treat me all right.
I will B by your side. Always be your side.
If you love me tonight.
But if the love keeps flowing. Love keeps growing.
Baby we’re out of loneliness.
So let our hearts keep going. Hearts keep going.
We’ll find our way into tenderness.

We’re gonna forget the very first time.
When we decided to make up our mind.
Feeling happy with joy in our hearts.
Knowing that never can keep us apart.
It took the pain from many things.
And left the great emotion that was ready to sing.
So pick up our love that’s still in our heart.
And let the funny feeling be our new start.

And tears come in your eyes.
Oh baby I know it’s hard.
It’s time to realize.
Our love is not apart.

I will B by your side. Always be by your side.
If you treat me all right.
I will B by your side. Always be your side.
If you love me tonight.
But if the love keeps flowing. Love keeps growing.
Baby we’re out of loneliness.
So let our hearts keep going. Hearts keep going.
We’ll find our way into tenderness.

Lady In Black

Deserted place and so far from home.
I was alone. I was all on my own.
The moon was shining. I saw her face.
The magic woman all dressed in lace.
She gave me a sign.
And I followed her to a house of light.
Somewhere in the night.

Behind the window. Symbols of red.
Painting the face of the lady in black.
Behind the window. I'll never forget.
The magic lady. The lady in black.
She'll never come back.

The lady's beauty was so divine.
She took my heart with her heavenly smile.
When I reached down just to kiss her hand.
I suddenly tumbled down in the sand.
There was broken lace lying on the ground.
And the house of light was fading in the night.

Behind the window. Symbols of red.
Painting the face of the lady in black.
Behind the window. I'll never forget.
The magic lady. The lady in black.

There was broken lace lying on the ground.
And the house of light was fading in the night.

Behind the window. Symbols of red.
Painting the face of the lady in black.
Behind the window. I'll never forget.
The magic lady. The lady in black.

Pretty Young Girl

I know. Life is different to you.
First love can be frightening, that's true.
But take me as your brother and your friend.
And take me as your lover and your man.

Pretty young girl on my mind.
How I wish you to be mine.
Girl you're no child anymore.
Pretty young girl on my mind.
Don't you know, know I can't hide.
Can't hide my feelings.
You're my girl and you're sixteen.

Don't know - is it wrong, is it right?
Sweet girl. I wanna love you tonight.
So take me as your brother and your friend.
But first of all, I wanna be your man.

Pretty young girl on my mind.
How I wish you to be mine.
Girl you're no child anymore.
Pretty young girl on my mind.
Don't you know, know I can't hide.
Can't hide my feelings.
You're my girl and you're sixteen.

From Heaven To Heartache

And babe it’s all over.
We’ve crossed the road of no return.
I’m in the darkness.
Our bridges of love they burn.

Nights in white satin.
Memories of feelings had all gone.
Where are we going.
Oh baby what have we done?

From heaven to heartache in one night.
My guardian angel out of sight.
We wanted it all and lost ourselves in the flames of lies.
From heaven to heartache once again.
We lost our illusions in the end.
I look in your face and see a tear missing in your eyes.

If you still miss me.
Just send a signal to my heart.
I will remember.
We’re only worlds apart.

Close to each other.
I let some freedom in the sun.
Where are we going.
Oh baby what have we done?

From heaven to heartache in one night.
My guardian angel out of sight.
We wanted it all and lost ourselves in the flames of lies.
From heaven to heartache once again.
We lost our illusions in the end.
I look in your face and see a tear missing in your eyes.

Oh, Guardian angel out of sight.
You left me alone that very night.
Oh baby I still miss you.

From heaven to heartache in one night.
My guardian angel out of sight.
We wanted it all and lost ourselves in the flames of lies.
From heaven to heartache once again.
We lost our illusions in the end.
I look in your face and see a tear missing in your eyes.

Lovers In The Sand

This is radio KLW Sunny California.
For you lovers out there it's going to be a great day
with temperatures around thirty degrees centigrade.

I didn't want emotions did not dare.
Cause I've lost too many love affairs.
I was in the mood to have some fun.
Somewhere in the sun.
I blame on the southern summer nights.
When I lost my heart at the site.
Now all I wanna do. Is just to be with you.

Lovers in the sand. Walking hand and hand.
And dreaming of the last night we shared.
Lovers in the sand. Deep in love again.
And now that I have found you.
I know I'll never let you go.

I know that you're the one I've always missed.
Know it everytime I kiss your lips.
When you're close to me down by the sea.
Somewhere in the sun.
When I feel your hands touching me.
Feel your heartbeat faster then I see.
All I wanna do. Is just to be with you.

Lovers in the sand. Walking hand and hand.
And dreaming of the last night we shared.
Lovers in the sand. Deep in love again.
And now that I have found you.
I know I'll never let you go.

I Wanna Hear Your Heartbeat (Sunday Girl)

Half awake and half in dream.
On a Sunday, Sunday night.
Walking all alone in the streets.
On a Sunday, Sunday night.
But then an angel passed me by.
A little angel made me sigh.
Just when I wanted you.
A dream came true for love.

I wanna hear your heartbeat. Wanna feel what you need.
Let me stay tonight by your side, by your side.
I wanna hear your heartbeat. Share your dreams in your sleep.
Let me hold you tight in the night. In the night.
I don't wanna waste one second without your lovin'.
Without you. Sunday girl.
You only got to reach out, reach out to taste my lovin'.
Want you so. Sunday girl.
(Oh, I really want you).

Heaven sent you down to me.
On a Sunday, Sunday night.
To rescue me from misery.
On a Sunday, Sunday night.
You made me leave the past behind.
I've got you always on my mind.
Just when I wanted you.
A dream came true for love.

I wanna hear your heartbeat. Wanna feel what you need.
Let me stay tonight by your side, by your side.
I wanna hear your heartbeat. Share your dreams in your sleep.
Let me hold you tight in the night. In the night.
I don't wanna waste one second without your lovin'.
Without you. Sunday girl.
You only got to reach out, reach out to taste my lovin'.
Want you so. Sunday girl.
(Oh, I really want you).

A World Without You (Michelle)

The bright light of the boulevard.
Is shining in your tender eyes.
Your perfume is exciting me.
It's still the same.

Michelle. How I love when we love.
And I love when you whisper je t'aime.
Michelle, mon amour. Is it true?
Do you feel the way I do?

A world without you. A world on my own.
Without your love my heart will turn to stone.
A world without you. A day without light.
Without your touch I couldn't stand one night.
Oh Michelle.

I know there'll be no better heart.
No better heart to hold on to.
If you should ever let me down.
I can't survive.

Michelle. How I love when we love.
And I love when you whisper je t'aime.
Michelle, mon amour. Is it true?
Do you feel the way I do?

A world without you. A world on my own.
Without your love my heart will turn to stone.
A world without you. A day without light.
Without your touch I couldn't stand one night.
Oh Michelle.

C'est toi.
Et ce soir je te veux faire l'amour avec toi.
Je t'aime.
Je sais mon amour que tu es que tout.
Le seul pour moi.

A world without you. A world on my own.
Without your love my heart will turn to stone.
A world without you. A day without light.
Without your touch I couldn't stand one night.
Oh Michelle.

All About You

Just 10 years ago. No one to lead me.
I followed my heart to where it would lead me.
My feelings went wild. I lost my direction.
But finally found the love of a lifetime.

All about you.

Just 5 years ago. Two hearts together.
I thought it would last. Would last forever.
The love that we shared. Just kept on going.
Don’t ever forget, you’re so...

All about you.

Just 1 year ago. Love seemed to be lying.
You didn’t come home. For … dying.
It gave me the blues to be on my own babe.
But in the night your voice on the phone babe.

Oh baby. Can’t you see?
(Ten years ago).
That I’m in danger.
(No one to lead me).
I can’t let you leave.
(Followed my heart).
Oh baby I’m missing you.
(To where it would lead me).
Oh baby. Don’t you see?
(Feelings went wild).
That I’m in danger.
(Lost my direction).
Oh I can’t let you leave.
(Finally found).
I need to know now.
(Love of a life time)

All about you.

Come Back And Stay

Walk in the rain. Trying to wash away the pain.
You went away. I made you cry so many days.

Where do broken hearts go to?
How can broken hearts find their way back home?
When nobody cares about you, and you're feeling blue.

Come back and stay.
Don't keep me waiting. Baby.
Come back and stay.
Don't say "good-bye". Don't let my love die.
Come back and stay and try again.
Don't walk away for I'm still your man.
Where are you now? Where did you go?
Come back and stay.
Don't keep me waiting. I miss you so.

Walk in the rain. Thinking about the game I play.
I am to blame. I lost my lovin' yesterday.

Where do broken hearts go to?
How can broken hearts find their way back home?
When nobody cares about you, and you're feeling blue.

Come back and stay.
Don't keep me waiting. Baby.
Come back and stay.
Don't say "good-bye". Don't let my love die.
Come back and stay and try again.
Don't walk away for I'm still your man.
Where are you now? Where did you go?
Come back and stay.
Don't keep me waiting. I miss you so.

Since I've been gone.
I've missed you.
I missed your touch.
Oh, Baby.

Come back and stay.
Don't keep me waiting. Baby.
Come back and stay.
Don't say "good-bye". Don't let my love die.
Come back and stay and try again.
Don't walk away for I'm still your man.
Where are you now? Where did you go?
Come back and stay.
Don't keep me waiting. I miss you so.

Out Of The Blue

We walked through the dark.
You’ll know we’ll land.
I was sure that we belong together.
And I always thought there'll be no end.
And a love like ours would last forever.

Oh baby out of the blue.
In your eyes I found your heart was lying.
So why did love that was true.
Fade away when feelings started dying.
Out of the blue.

I can hear the thunder and the rain.
Running through my veins when I am with you.
And I feel my feelings going insane.
Just a think that someone else might kiss you.

Oh baby out of the blue.
In your eyes I found your heart was lying.
So why did love that was true.
Fade away when feelings started dying.
Out of the blue.

I Believe

I believe. I believe in love.
I believe. I believe in love.
I believe in you.

I didn’t want to change to anything.
Oh I felt good. Only good in doing just permanent things.
And I never ever could imagine. A life so heavenly.
But then you came along.
And you have changed the way I feel.

I believe. I believe in love.
I believe. I believe in love.
I believe in you.

You bring me joy in everything you do.
And I know. Well, I know.
You never ever let me go.
And in you I found my woman. My lover and my friend.
Since you have come into my world.
The magic will never end.

I believe. I believe in love.
I believe. I believe in love.
I believe in you.
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #15

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома ...continued (1999)

Jungle In My Heart

I really don't know the games that you play.
I don't know if you mean every word that you say.
And I don't care if you're telling me lies.
Cause I was falling for you by the look in your eyes.
You turn my world just upside down.

Jungle in my heart - burning jungle fever.
Burning when I see you in the night.
Jungle in my heart - losing my intention.
Losing when you came into my life.
I gotta run-a-run away. I gotta run-a-run away.
There's a jungle - jungle in my heart.
I gotta run-a-run away. I gotta run-a-run away.
But then I'll pray we will never part.

I'm gonna lose my control every night.
A million butterflies running around in my mind.
My heart is beating as wild as a drum.
I'm in danger and that's what the lady has done.

Jungle in my heart - burning jungle fever.
Burning when I see you in the night.
Jungle in my heart - losing my intention.
Losing when you came into my life.
I gotta run-a-run away. I gotta run-a-run away.
There's a jungle - jungle in my heart.
I gotta run-a-run away. I gotta run-a-run away.
But then I'll pray we will never part.

I Totally Miss You

I did you wrong.
My foolish heart went down to play.
And then I lost you.
Oh what a price for me to pay.
Where have you gone?
Baby where you've gone?

Oh, I totally miss you.
My heart is painted blue.
I totally miss you.
I can't stop loving you.
So please come back.
(You'll be making me blue).
Please come back.
(For you have promised me the world. But you have been untrue).
I totally miss you.

I keep on waiting.
But in my dreams I see your face.
You're still in my life.
No one else can take your place.
Where have you gone?
Baby where you've gone?

Oh, I totally miss you.
My heart is painted blue.
I totally miss you.
I can't stop loving you.
So please come back.
(You'll be making me blue).
Please come back.
(For you have promised me the world. But you have been untrue).
I totally miss you.

Never Never

You came. You changed the way I feel.
You turn me upside down.
And now the past has disappeared.
Since I know you’re around.

So never never never break my heart.
Never leave me stranded.
So never never let us fall apart.
Don’t take me for granted.

I give to you the best of me.
Reach out and take it all.
My love and sensuality.
My body and my soul.

So never never never break my heart.
Never leave me stranded.
So never never let us fall apart.
Don’t take me for granted.
I need you. Baby more and more each day.
Don’t you know?
I can’t survive if you should walk away.

Sit back. How good could a Bad Boy be?
Said I'd be jealous, cuz I get another term to meet.
You're the one for me.
It should be plain to see. Your love is not a game to me.
Love is just for those who don’t have a heart.
I remember the times you were there when the days were dark.
Taking long talks and walks in the park.

So never never never break my heart.
Never leave me stranded.
So never never let us fall apart.
Don’t take me for granted.
I need you. Baby more and more each day.
Don’t you know?
I can’t survive if you should walk away.

House Of Silence

In my dreams I met a girl somewhere down the river.
She took me to an ancient house.
She looked young but also wise.
Something made me shiver.
She was both dead and alive.
And I could see the ravines fly.

In the house of silence far from here.
Distant voices coming out of the air.
The house of silence and our tears.
Shadows dancing for a hundred years.
And they cry.

I saw her speak but couldn't hear.
What the girl was saying.
And sadness filled the misty night.
Then I tried to hold her back while she was slowly fading.
Bitter sweet was her smile.
And I could see the ravines fly.

In the house of silence far from here.
Distant voices coming out of the air.
The house of silence and our tears.
Shadows dancing for a hundred years.
And they cry.

Can’t Live Without You

My feelings for you are solid and strong.
I know in my heart to whom I belong.
This beautiful feeling it can’t be wrong.
I know.
Cause head over heels I’m falling for you.
And there’s nothing that I wouldn't do.
Or rather than give my love to you.

Can’t live without you. Can't live without you.
I think about you every night, every day.
Can't live without you. Now that I found you.
I need you right here in my arms to stay.
This love is forever. There is nothing better.
This feeling you've given. You slipped down from heaven.
When we are together. There is nothing better.
I want you so bad. Believe when I hand it only to you.

I promise to you. You’re safe in my heart.
I've locked you inside right from the start.
My heart is a place created for you.
That's true.
Whereever you go. I will be there.
If ever you need me. I'll take good care.
That no one can hurt you. Baby I swear.

Can’t live without you. Can't live without you.
I think about you every night, every day.
Can't live without you. Now that I found you.
I need you right here in my arms to stay.
This love is forever. There is nothing better.
This feeling you've given. You slipped down from heaven.
When we are together. There is nothing better.
I want you so bad. Believe when I hand it only to you.

Baby Don't Miss Me

Oh baby don't cry. When daydreams are dying.
Just try to forget. That my heart was lyin'.
I'm gone with the wind. Don't try to find me.
The tears and the sun are likely to blind me.

Baby don't miss me. Let me just miss you.
When I'm not with you. Life is a dead-end street.
Oh baby don't miss me. Let me just miss you.
My dreams will kiss you. Baby you're all I need.

Oh baby don't cry. Cause I'm gone forever.
I did you so wrong. When we were together.
But maybe someday. I'll send you a letter.
So you'll understand. A little’ll be better.

Baby don't miss me. Let me just miss you.
When I'm not with you. Life is a dead-end street.
Oh baby don't miss me. Let me just miss you.
My dreams will kiss you. Baby you're all I need.

Save Your Love

It started one night in Milano.
A candlelight dinner - Italian Style.
We danced and she whispered Ti Amo.
Morning came and we had to say goodbye.
So hold me once more.
Goodbye and kiss me one more time.
Just one more time.

Save your love.
Until I will return - let the flames of fire burn in your heart forever.
Save your love. Don't give it to someone new.
Everything is up to you. Till I'm back forever.

She gave me one night of devotion.
Fire of love was burning inside.
I couldn't escape my emotions.
And I nearly died when we had to say goodbye.
I want you to stay.
Goodbye and please come back one day.
Come back some day.

Save your love.
Until I will return - let the flames of fire burn in your heart forever.
Save your love. Don't give it to someone new.
Everything is up to you. Till I'm back forever.

I'm so in love with you.
It's the first time I felt this way.
I promise. I'll wait for you.

Save your love.
Until I will return - let the flames of fire burn in your heart forever.
Save your love. Don't give it to someone new.
Everything is up to you. Till I'm back forever.

The Power Of The Night

We are in danger. I feel it deep down in my soul.
Lost in emotions. Sometimes we seem to lose control.

Oh baby I'm fallin'. Fallin for you and for your love.
Want it forever. I can't get enough.

It's the power of the night. It's the power of belief.
It's now or it's never. Let's do it together.
The power of the night. It's the power of the dark.
Beware of the night. Hold on to your heart.

Baby come closer. Heat up my body with your eyes.
And when you touch me. Oh I can feel the fever rise.

Just let it happen. Cause burning hearts can't slip away.
Maybe we're crazy. Babe that's okay.

It's the power of the night. It's the power of belief.
It's now or it's never. Let's do it together.
The power of the night. It's the power of the dark.
Beware of the night. Hold on to your heart.

Baby I'm fallin'. Fallin' for you and for your love.
Want it forever. I can't get enough.

It's the power of the night. It's the power of belief.
It's now or it's never. Let's do it together.
The power of the night. It's the power of the dark.
Beware of the night. Hold on to your heart.

Queen Of Hearts

It was late after midnight. I was sitting in a tavern.
I saw him playing cards and I went over to the old man.
He said I read inside the cards all about your life.
Do you want to know it? So listen to me.

The queen of hearts. The queen of hearts knows about life.
She knows all about the heartache of the lovers in the night.
Can you try to read the sign?
The queen of hearts. The queen of hearts knows about fate.
And the queen of hearts - she's telling me:
run home to your love - run before it is too late.

He shuffled all his cards and then he started dealing.
The Jack of Clubs and Queen of Hearts. I didn't know the meaning.
He said you'll lose your lover. I did not believe a word.
But when I got back home. My baby was gone.

The queen of hearts. The queen of hearts knows about life.
She knows all about the heartache of the lovers in the night.
Can you try to read the sign?
The queen of hearts. The queen of hearts knows about fate.
And the queen of hearts - she's telling me:
run home to your love - run before it is too late.

Stay With Me

Can you hear me calling. Calling your name.
You know that I'm falling. Baby you are to blame.
Words don't come easy when a man is too proud.
Oh, baby too proud.
Some are saying their prayers. Now I'm saying mine.
We two have a love to last till the end of time.
Don't kill this love. Don't tear it apart.

Stay with me. Please don't go away.
Don't go away. Don't leave me this way.
Stay with me. Please don't go away.
Don't go away. Don't leave me this way.
Leave me this way. Stay with me.

Look into my eyes girl. Hand out your heart.
Don't tell me no lies after all that we got.
I can't believe that we should be through.

Stay with me. Please don't go away.
Don't go away. Don't leave me this way.
Stay with me. Please don't go away.
Don't go away. Don't leave me this way.
Leave me this way. Stay with me.

Wouldn't It Be Good

Wouldn't it be good? Wouldn't it be good?

Take a look around you baby. And you will find.
So many people out there walking by.
They don't seem to love no babe don't. Not even life.
They're standing lonesome in this endless night.

Wouldn't it be good to do it better.
Wouldn't it be good?
Wouldn't it be good to stay together.
Wouldn't it be good?
Wouldn't it be good? Wouldn't it be good?

Take a look inside you baby. You'll recognize.
My lonely face behind the blinded pair of eyes.
Say that you'll be my guide. And help me see.
Your love can shine the light where darkness used to be.

Wouldn't it be good to do it better.
Wouldn't it be good?
Wouldn't it be good to stay together.
Wouldn't it be good?
Wouldn't it be good? Wouldn't it be good?

How I Need You

I want you. Now and forever.
Then why did you do it?
I'll miss you. Now that you're gone.
I'm not the type of girl you mess around with.
I just called to say. I really love you.
You should have thought about it before.
And girl I do regret. Every single word that I said.

The night is so empty without you.
And lonely, it's falling upon my mind.
I'm trying to touch you in my dreams.
My heart is crying, baby.
Oh, how I need you. Oh, how I need You.

I'm waiting. Every night time.
My nights have been so lonely since you've been gone.
I kiss you and hold you tight.
I dream about this feeling every night.
What I mean is girl. I'm really changed now.
I'd really love to believe in you.
I swear to you I do. Girl, I'll never make you blue.

The night is so empty without you.
And lonely, it's falling upon my mind.
I'm trying to touch you in my dreams.
My heart is crying, baby.
Oh, how I need you. Oh, how I need You.

Kiss You All Over, Baby

Girl. We can take off in the night.
Girl. Like two lovers. Joined in flight.
You know what is best for me, it's time to let it show.
Thrill me and let my body know.

And I kiss you all over baby all through the night.
Kiss you all over baby - make you feel alright.
Let yourself go freely girl and we soon will reach the sky.
When I kiss you all over baby - I will make you mine, mine, mine.

Love. There is magic in my hand.
Love. Gonna give you all I can.
You know how to ride my love, you have the special way.
Bless me with your touch by night and day.

And I kiss you all over baby all through the night.
Kiss you all over baby - make you feel alright.
Let yourself go freely girl and we soon will reach the sky.
When I kiss you all over baby - I will make you mine, mine, mine.

Lady Of Hearts

Oh baby where are you? I hear you whispering in my mind.
But I can't see you. Tears keep my eyes so blind.

Your lady of hearts is gone with the rainbow.
And left you alone while daydreams are dyin'.

So goodbye lady of hearts.
I could feel those poison darts hurting me.
No angel can heal me.
Goodbye lady of hearts.
When the light of lovin' parts.
I believe you're with me and feel me.
My lady of hearts. Lady of hearts.

Can you imagine? Me feeling you here by my side.
But I can't touch you. You're just a shade of light.

Your lady of hearts. You’ll never forget her.
She captured your soul. The moment you let her.

So goodbye lady of hearts.
I could feel those poison darts hurting me.
No angel can heal me.
Goodbye lady of hearts.
When the light of lovin' parts.
I believe you're with me and feel me.
My lady of hearts. Lady of hearts.

Don't Walk Away Suzanne

I used to think love was sweet.
I used to think when it's so complete.
But look at our lives. We shout and we fight.
Walking on the line. On the borderline.

I'm not so tough. Your price of love.
Is much too high. You make me cry.
But that's for sure - can't take no more.

You're breakin' my heart. Don’t walk away Suzanne.
Don't go. Don't tear it apart.
You're breakin' my heart. Don’t walk away Suzanne.
You're all. You're all that I've got.
Here's my confession - you're all that I need.
And you're my obsession. I'm down on my knees.
So don’t walk away, don’t walk away Suzanne.

The shadows are closing in. The time is now to try again and again.
I'm chained to side. I'm chained to your life.

Walking on the line. On the borderline.
I'm down and out thinking about. The words we said.
Good times we had. Don't close the door - I know for sure.

You're breakin' my heart. Don’t walk away Suzanne.
Don't go. Don't tear it apart.
You're breakin' my heart. Don’t walk away Suzanne.
You're all. You're all that I've got.
Here's my confession - you're all that I need.
And you're my obsession. I'm down on my knees.
So don’t walk away, don’t walk away Suzanne.

A Kiss In The Night

A Kiss in the Night.

Can't find a second chance for love.
Cause a broken heart is never strong enough.
So find a new horizon where the dreams come true.
But even though my heart is longing for you.

A kiss in the night. Lost in the dark.
When lovers hide. Angels are crying.
Heaven's closed. No tears allowed.
When lovers try to say goodbye. Goodbye.
A kiss in the night.

I feel you're still a part of me.
I will always love you in my fantasy.
The streets are dark and lonely.
We walk hand in hand.
I understand our love has come to an end.

A kiss in the night. Lost in the dark.
When lovers hide. Angels are crying.
Heaven's closed. No tears allowed.
When lovers try to say goodbye. Goodbye.
A kiss in the night.

A Kiss in the Night. You're mine.

A kiss in the night. Lost in the dark.
When lovers hide. Angels are crying.
Heaven's closed. No tears allowed.
When lovers try to say goodbye. Goodbye.
A kiss in the night.

There’s Nothing That Compares

Nothing. Nothing compares to your love.
Nothing. Nothing compares to your love.
You're the air that I breathe.
There's nothing that compares to your love.

I've been in love before. But never like this.
I tried to let you go to escape the kiss.
Could it be I'm just fooling myself.
By keeping the moments we shared far upon the shelf.
I told you from the start that you're one of a kind.
Everytime we touched, sent chills down my spine.
I can feel your tears running down from above.
Then remember nothing compares to your love.

There's nothing that compares to your love.
It's deep in my heart and my soul.
There's nothing that compares to your love.
I should have told you from the start.
There's nothing that compares to your love.
It's more than my world has ever known.
And if there is a heaven above.
Oh I pray it doesn't keep us apart.
Nothing. Nothing compares to your love.
Nothing. Nothing compares to your love.
You're the air that I breathe.

Now it's the time in this final hour.
I'm back in your arms. So feel the power.
The power of your love that I kept from you. I love all the thing that you do.
Whenever I'm down you keep me cool. To lose your love I'd be a fool.
I will run to your arms when I need a hug.
Cause there's nothing in this world better than your love.

Cause all I know girl I still need you.
Even more than I know that I should.
And all I know is I just can't help it.
I wouldn't try even if I could.

There's nothing that compares to your love.
It's deep in my heart and my soul.
There's nothing that compares to your love.
I should have told you from the start.
There's nothing that compares to your love.
It's more than my world has ever known.
And if there is a heaven above.
Oh I pray it doesn't keep us apart.
Nothing. Nothing compares to your love.
Nothing. Nothing compares to your love.
You're the air that I breathe.

I’m Your Believer

I had a dream and saw your face.
That night you took me to a place.
A million voices laid him on.
To sacrifice my loving heart.

So hear me cryin'.
And give me mercy. Here I am.

I am your believer. Come back to me.
Can't you hear my prayers to the break of day?
I am your believer. Come back to me.
And the bells are ringing. Cause you went away.
Come back to me. Come back to me.

They laughed at me. Called me a fool.
Fools gotta learn that love is cruel.
A little candle and I found.
My broken heart down on the ground.

So hear me cryin'.
And give me mercy. Here I am.

I am your believer. Come back to me.
Can't you hear my prayers to the break of day?
I am your believer. Come back to me.
And the bells are ringing. Cause you went away.
Come back to me. Come back to me.

A million voices laid him on.
To sacrifice my loving heart. For you.

So hear me cryin'.
And give me mercy. Here I am.

I am your believer. Come back to me.
Can't you hear my prayers to the break of day?
I am your believer. Come back to me.
And the bells are ringing. Cause you went away.
Come back to me. Come back to me.
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  Romantic Warrior
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Eternal Dreamer
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Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
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Тексты песен альбома Follow The Light (1999)

Follow The Light

There are things in life that you can't explain.
Like the hands of time and the sunshine after the rain.
The sunshine after the rain.
You can the search the stars. You can roll the dice.
But you never know it until you look inside.
Until you look inside.

Follow the light. Follow the light.
Follow the light. Into the corners of your mind.
Follow the light. Follow the light.
Follow the light. Then you will find the truth in time.

You can hide away. Maybe close your eyes.
You can try to run but you're running out of time.
You're running out of time.
You can build the wall that may touch the sky.
But the night will fall and the truth is far behind.
The truth is far behind.

Follow the light. Follow the light.
Follow the light. Into the corners of your mind.
Follow the light. Follow the light.
Follow the light. Then you will find the truth in time.

You can search the stars. You can roll the dice.
But you never know it until you look inside.

Follow the light. Follow the light.
Follow the light. Into the corners of your mind.
Follow the light. Follow the light.
Follow the light. Then you will find the truth in time.

Thinking About You

I feel the world is spinning 'round.
I feel the rain is falling down.
But I wanna know where are you now?
Just like a river to the sea.
Your love is flowing away from me.
So I keep on living in the past.

So many dreams. So many nights.
And I will never forget your smile.
So many dreams. So many nights.
Yet I've been thinking about you.
Thinking about you. Whoa.
Thinking about you now. Whoa.

Sometimes it's hard but I believe.
Only your love made me complete.
I like to kiss the tears away.
Now I'm with my back against the wall.
The more you believe the harder you fall.
I still keep on living in the past.

So many dreams. So many nights.
And I will never forget your smile.
So many dreams. So many nights.
Yet I've been thinking about you.
Thinking about you. Whoa.
Thinking about you now. Whoa.

When I Kiss You

Lover, lover of my heart.
It's not easy, no it's not easy.
All I remember from the start.
It's not easy, it's not easy to fall. To fall in love again.
There's no one else like you. How I miss you.
Why can't we just go on. Think about you.

When I kiss you. I know that it's true.
When I kiss you. I know I love you.
When I kiss you. I know that it's true.
When I kiss you. I know I love you.
When I kiss you.

Lover, lover of my life.
Don't you leave me, no never leave me.
I want you always by side. Don't you leave me.
No never leave me alone.
I'll never let you go.
Come lay your love on me. How I miss you.
I hope you feel the same. I'm crazy for you.

When I kiss you. I know that it's true.
When I kiss you. I know I love you.
When I kiss you. I know that it's true.
When I kiss you. I know I love you.
When I kiss you.

I Can't Live

Neverending - what a feeling that we shared.
Since you came into my world. You're like another part of me now.
Neverending - burning fever deep inside.
What a magic when I hold you baby.
When you're lying by my side.

No I can't live, live without your love.
Cause i need you just here by my side.
I can't live, when we're not together.
If you ever should leave me I'll die - that is true.

Everlasting - I'll never find another you.
I'll never ever make you blue.
And keep you warm for all the times.
Everlasting - gonna give you more and more.
All the things you've been longing.
Or when you're by my side.

No I can't live, live without your love.
Cause i need you just here by my side.
I can't live, when we're not together.
If you ever should leave me I'll die - that is true.

Under The Boardwalk

When the sun beats down and burns atop upon the roof.
And your shoes get so hot.
You wish your entire feet were fireproof.
Under the boardwalk down by the sea.
On the blanket with my baby is where I'll be.

Under the boardwalk. Out of the sun.
Under the boardwalk. We'll be having some fun.
Under the boardwalk. People walking above.
Under the boardwalk. We'll be making love.
Under the boardwalk. Boardwalk.

From the park you hear the happy sound of the carousal.
You can almost taste the hot dogs and french fries they sell.
Under the boardwalk down by the sea, yeah.
On the blanket with my baby is where I'll be.

Under the boardwalk. Out of the sun.
Under the boardwalk. We'll be having some fun.
Under the boardwalk. People walking above.
Under the boardwalk. We'll be making love.
Under the boardwalk. Boardwalk.

Back To The Future

Back to the future. Back to the future.

It's a sad emotion. Think about the days gone by.
My head is turning as I surrender.
My heart is burning when i remember you.
A touch in the dark. A kiss in the night.
How I wanna be by your side. Let's go!

Back to the future. Back for good.
I just want you to be my baby.
Back to the future. Back for love.
I can't get enough.
I don't know if it's right. I don't know if it's wrong.
But I know you are only one.
Back to the future. Back for love.
I can't get enough.

Such a great devotion. Never ever felt so right.
I was lonely, but now I found that you're the only lover in found in my life.
A touch in the dark. A kiss in the night.
How I wanna be by your side. Let's go!

Back to the future. Back for good.
I just want you to be my baby.
Back to the future. Back for love.
I can't get enough.
I don't know if it's right. I don't know if it's wrong.
But I know you are only one.
Back to the future. Back for love.
I can't get enough.

Listen To Your Heart

You can make it a better place.
Now everything is up to you.
Just take a look into yourself.
The truth is in your heart.
I'm sending out an SOS.
Can someone hear my distant call?
What should I do? What should I say?

Listen to your heart. Before you slip away.
When we are apart we shouldn't be afraid.
Listen to your heart. When we are apart.
Don't matter what they say.
Then you'll know it has to be this way.

We can make it a better day.
It's not too late to turn around.
You hold the answers in your hands.
Don't throw them all away.
I'm looking out for miracles.
Raise me up - don't let me fall.
What should I do? What should I say?

Listen to your heart. Before you slip away.
When we are apart we shouldn't be afraid.
Listen to your heart. When we are apart.
Don't matter what they say.
Then you'll know it has to be this way.

The time is fading away…
The time is fading away…

Listen to your heart. Before you slip away.
When we are apart we shouldn't be afraid.
Listen to your heart. When we are apart.
Don't matter what they say.
Then you'll know it has to be this way.

Hungry For Love

Tossin' and turnin'. There's a fever so deep inside.
The fever is burnin'. And I'm lying awake at night.

How I want you to kiss. Want your body to move
And I want you to touch. Gonna break every rule.

It can't be wrong to be in love. It can't be wrong, so don't say no.
I have been waiting for so long. So can't we do it now?

Hungry for love.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi.
In the heat of the night.
Hungry for love.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi.
Won't you stay by my side?
Tell me that I am just your lovin' man.
'Cause all I want is you.
Would you like to spend the night with me?
Tell me that you do.
'Cause I'm hungry for love.

Over and over. My emotions are runnin' wild.
Make me your lover. Let me take you back home tonight.

How I want you to kiss. Want your body to move.
And I want you to touch. Gonna break every rule.

I can imagine how it feels. When we are lying skin to skin.
Heaven is just one word away. So can't we do it now?

Hungry for love.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi.
In the heat of the night.
Hungry for love.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi.
Won't you stay by my side?
Tell me that I am just your lovin' man.
'Cause all I want is you.
Would you like to spend the night with me?
Tell me that you do.
'Cause I'm hungry for love.

Sweet Love

Sweet, sweet love - won't you save me?
Cause all I've got to give.
I would give it for you. Give it just for you.

Another broken heart. Another endless lullaby.
But i can't stay apart. I've tried.
Now everything is gone.
I need to feel your warm embrace.
I never want to say goodbye.

Sweet, sweet love is all around me.
Wherever I stay.
Sweet, sweet love - won't you save me?
Cause all I've got to give.
I would give it for you. Give it just for you.

Wish I can bring myself.
To offer you a helping hand.
Would you perceive this little sign.

Sweet, sweet love is all around me.
Wherever I stay.
Sweet, sweet love - won't you save me?
Cause all I've got to give.
I would give it for you. Give it just for you.

Baby Blue

You tried to hide yourself in a shell.
You wanted heaven but you got hell.
And then the darkness gained control over you.
When everything turned into bitter blue.
You went into the land of no return.

I cry over you. Baby blue.
I cry over you. Baby blue.

They never ever gave you a chance.
No dreams. No hopes. No helping hand.
Someone took all the colors out of your life.
That's when one night you left it all behind.
You went into the land of return.

I cry over you. Baby blue.
I cry over you. Baby blue.

Rhythm Of Rain

Rhythm of rain can't stand it when the rain comes down.
Rhythm of rain can't stand it when the rain comes down.

I am standing at the window. Staring down the street.
Gonna think about the times when you were mine.
And I tell myself again I can't get over you.
But I'm missing you like crazy, I do.

Rhythm of rain can't stand it when the rain comes down.
Rhythm of rain can't stand it when the rain comes down.

But no matter how I try. I cannot sleep tonight.
And I blame it on the thunder from outside.
When I listen to the sound of tears that heaven cries.
Then I'm missing you like crazy, tonight.

Rhythm of rain can't stand it when the rain comes down.
Rhythm of rain can't stand it when the rain comes down.

I'll Be Around

I'll be around. I'll be around.
I'll be around.
Around. Around. Around. Around.
I'll be around.
And Around. And Around.

Open my eyes from a dream.
I can swear the phone was ringing.
But it was all in my sleep.
Just another lonely warning.

I'll be around.
Whenever you want - whenever you call my name.
I'll be around, around and around to call up.
You never have to explain.
I'll be around.
Around. Around. Around. Around.
I'll be around and around and around,
and around and around.

I was inside of a dream.
And I've heard you were returning.
But now I know that you won't.
I'll keep living without learning.

I'll be around.
Whenever you want - whenever you call my name.
I'll be around, around and around to call up.
You never have to explain.
I'll be around.
Around. Around. Around. Around.
I'll be around and around and around,
and around and around.

Ride On A Star

Let us ride on a star.
Let us ride too far - be my lover.
Let us Ride, Oh!

Just for you and me the satellite came shining through.
Can you tell me what it means.
You dialed my number out of the blue. Who are you?
Give me just a little time. Just a little mystery.
Give me just a little gig. Show me what my dream can be.
I just have to know.

Let us ride on a star.
Let us ride too far - be my lover.
Let us ride, Oh!
Let us right Satellite. Let us fly so high.
Till it's over.
Take me in. Take my love. Take me higher tonight.
Take me up to the place. Straight into the light.

Steal my heart and kiss my soul.
Why don't you play with me?
Ah, yeah.
Come on send your message clear. Tell me how it's got to be.
Tell me now.
Give me just a little fate. Just a little fantasy.
Give me just a little hope. Show me where my dream can be.
I just have to know.

Let us ride on a star.
Let us ride too far - be my lover.
Let us ride, Oh!
Let us right Satellite. Let us fly so high.
Till it's over.
Take me in. Take my love. Take me higher tonight.
Take me up to the place. Straight into the light.

Love Is No Crime

When. When you're young.
When your life has just begun.
And you feel your world is changing.
Do not be scared. Don't be shy.
Take your time.
If you wanna know what love is.

Oh, love is no crime.
Life is to love all the time.
As long as the world is still alive.
Baby, love is no crime.
Love is for you. Hold on tight.
Tight to your dreams and you will see.
Love is no crime.

Do what you like. Day and night.
Do not fight. Just believe in all your feelings.
Give me your hand and you soon understand.
Love comes straight from my heart.

Oh, love is no crime.
Life is to love all the time.
As long as the world is still alive.
Baby, love is no crime.
Love is for you. Hold on tight.
Tight to your dreams and you will see.
Love is no crime.

Have You Ever Had A Love Like This

You light my life when you're with me.
You're like a sun rise deep down in the night.
For you can touch my heart with sensuality.
I'm in paradise, must be in paradise.

Have you ever had a love like this.
It's so heavenly when we kiss.
Have you ever had a love like this.
Such a feeling that you have missed.
We are two in a million.

You need no strings to bind my hands.
For you have chained my heart so close to you.
I pray that our love will last for all my life.
Till the end of time.
Until the end of time.

Have you ever had a love like this.
It's so heavenly when we kiss.
Have you ever had a love like this.
Such a feeling that you have missed.
We are two in a million.
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #17

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Tonite (2000)

I’ll Be Good

When you’re next to me. It feels so heavenly.
Oh ask me anything. And baby I get chills, yes I will.
You came. And turned me upside down.
Oh baby you turned my life around.
Around in just one night.

And I’ll be good, I’ll be good, I’ll be true.
Whatever you might need I would do.
And I’ll be good and I swear.
I’ll be there - every single minute in my life.
And I’ll be good, I’ll be good.
If I could - I’d get for you the stars from above.
And what I do. I just do it for you.
I’m longing for your love.
I want you right here by my side.
I want your love until the end of time.
And I’ll be good, be good to you.
And you know it’s true.

You control my mind. Stick inside my head.
That’s why I have no say.
My heart decides instead but I feel glad.
You came. And turned me upside down.
Oh baby you turned my life around.
Around in just one night.

And I’ll be good, I’ll be good, I’ll be true.
Whatever you might need I would do.
And I’ll be good and I swear.
I’ll be there - every single minute in my life.
And I’ll be good, I’ll be good.
If I could - I’d get for you the stars from above.
And what I do. I just do it for you.
I’m longing for your love.
I want you right here by my side.
I want your love until the end of time.
And I’ll be good, be good to you.
And you know it’s true.

Do What You Do

You do what you do to me.

I need to feel. So be prepared.
I want to touch. Wanna taste of your sugar skin.
So open up and let me in.
Don’t you know that I’m here to tease you.
Let’s do it right now.

You do what you do to me.
And give me love instinctively.
Let’s go all the way. Come on and make my day.
Do what you do to me.
The way that it’s supposed to be.
Live your fantasy. Love in ecstasy.

I said take me like a man. I said take me as I am.
I said take me by the hand. I said take me if you can.
I said you can’t turn away. I said you cannot defy.
I said you can’t be afraid. And you cannot deny.

I long to feel your heartbeat race.
I want to rise. Want to fall in your special place.
So get it on, now face to face.
Don’t you know that I’m gonna thrill you.
I want you right now.

You do what you do to me.
And give me love instinctively.
Let’s go all the way. Come on and make my day.
Do what you do to me.
The way that it’s supposed to be.
Live your fantasy. Love in ecstasy.

I said take me like a man. I said take me as I am.
I said take me by the hand. I said take me if you can.
I said you can’t turn away. I said you cannot defy.
I said you can’t be afraid. And you cannot deny.

S.O.S. For Love

S.O.S. - can’t you hear me?
S.O.S. for love.

Baby I can’t believe what you did.
You really made a fool out of me.
When we met I felt love was around. You turned me upside down.
Then you came. Filled the hole in my life.
I need you baby. I can’t deny.
Now you're gone. I still remember the times.
I can't forget your smile.

I’m sending out an S.O.S.
Can’t you hear me? S.O.S. for love.
Sending out an S.O.S. Please believe me.
S.O.S. for love.
S.O.S. Sending out an S.O.S. for love.
S.O.S. Sending out an S.O.S. for love.

I can tell by the look on your face.
You stole the memory. I can’t erase.
In my dreams you appear every night.
Until the morning light.

I’m sending out an S.O.S.
Can’t you hear me? S.O.S. for love.
Sending out an S.O.S. Please believe me.
S.O.S. for love.
S.O.S. Sending out an S.O.S. for love.
S.O.S. Sending out an S.O.S. for love.

Waiting For Tonight

Man on the run. Sad and alone.
Sees no solution. Looking for someone.
All his life. It’s so sad.
All his dreams are only bad.
But someday in his mind he will find. He will find.

You are the one. I’m waiting for so long.
Give me a chance. Let us romance.
Love me tonight.

Waiting for tonight.
Forever I’m longing for your love.
Waiting for tonight.
And no one else can feel the same.
When I hold you tight. Not only this one night.
I’m waiting just for you.
Right here. Right now.
I’m waiting for tonight.

Man on the run. Sad and alone.
Looking for emotions. Looking for someone.
All the times so alone.
In the night when she’s gone.
But somewhere in his mind he will find. He will find.

You are the one. I’m waiting for so long.
Give me a chance. Let us romance.
Love me tonight.

Waiting for tonight.
Forever I’m longing for your love.
Waiting for tonight.
And no one else can feel the same.
When I hold you tight. Not only this one night.
I’m waiting just for you.
Right here. Right now.
I’m waiting for tonight.

Somewhere In My Heart

How can I forgive her then? How can I forget?
After all these lies I've heard from you for so long.
I still remember all the pain. That you caused in me.
When I saw you hand in hand with another man.
Now your tears are falling on me.
Now you're under my command.
It’s a strange kind of feeling when I hear you say.

Somewhere in my heart there’s a place for you.
I’ll do what you want me to do.
Somewhere in my heart there’s a light that will shine for you.
Somewhere in my heart there’s place for you.
I know we are broken in two.
But somewhere in my heart there’s a fire that still burns for you.

Have you ever said the truth? Have you ever tried?
To respect my mind, my words, everything I do.
I don’t know my own emotions.
Did I lose my faith in you.
It’s a strange kind of feeling when I hear you say.

Somewhere in my heart there’s a place for you.
I’ll do what you want me to do.
Somewhere in my heart there’s a light that will shine for you.
Somewhere in my heart there’s place for you.
I know we are broken in two.
But somewhere in my heart there’s a fire that still burns for you.

I Wanna Fly

I will do everything. I will move any mountain.
I would walk every step it takes to let my dreams come true.
Is it right or is it wrong? No I’m not satisfied at all.
Oh, you can’t get what you deserved.
When you’re not feeling strong.

I wanna fly to the stars above me.
I wanna find a place where I can be what I’m supposed to be.
I wanna fly with the birds around me.
And watch the world spinning round from high up in the sky.

I won’t believe anymore. I won’t follow everybody.
Cause I begin to understand what life is all about.
Now I guess the time is right for me to move into the light.
For you can’t see what’s going on.
When you always tried to hide.

I wanna fly to the stars above me.
I wanna find a place where I can be what I’m supposed to be.
I wanna fly with the birds around me.
And watch the world spinning round from high up in the sky.

Take A Piece Of My Heart

Last night when we were together.
No more promises, no more words that I used to say.
We thought that this could last forever.
Oh, it felt sometimes you and me belong together.

Take a piece of my heart while you’re away.
I’ll be waiting for you day after day.
Take a piece of my heart.
Why don’t you care for me?
Take a piece of my heart while you’re away.
I’ll be waiting for you day after day.
Take a piece of my heart.
Why don’t you care for me?

Your love keeps my heart in motion.
It’s still keeps me strong even know you’re far away.
We can’t live without each other.
Don’t know how to say that we still belong together.

Take a piece of my heart while you’re away.
I’ll be waiting for you day after day.
Take a piece of my heart.
Why don’t you care for me?
Take a piece of my heart while you’re away.
I’ll be waiting for you day after day.
Take a piece of my heart.
Why don’t you care for me?

You Take Me To The Light

You take me to the light. You take me to the light.

When I met you in the sun. I fell in love with you.
But now it’s dark. I’m on the run.
You broke my heart in two
Oh but I need you.
I need you all the time.
Oh, how I need you to be mine.

Ohohoh, you take me to the light. And I believe in love.
When you are by my side. I know it’s getting better.
Come take me to the light. And I believe in love.
When you are by my side.

Did you ever feel the same. Why don’t you take my hand?
You left me standing in the rain. But I don’t understand.
Oh but I need you.
I need you all the time.
Oh, how I need you to be mine.

Ohohoh, you take me to the light. And I believe in love.
When you are by my side. I know it’s getting better.
Come take me to the light. And I believe in love.
When you are by my side.

Close Your Eyes

A First sign. A summer night.
She was standing in the rain.
A first sign and her smile washed away all my pain.
I sat beside her to explain just who I am. I asked her name.
She held my hand and said: love is not a game.

Close your eyes and we fly.
(We fly in the sky.)
So high.
(I’ll be, be your guy.)
Up to the land of love.
(Got you through the night.)
Next to the moon.
Close your eyes and we fly.
(We fly in the sky.)
So high.
(I’ll be, be your guy.)
Up to the stars above.
Into the dreams of love.

She came into my life. Pure lightning in the night.
And when, when we make love. She makes me feel so right.
We let it go. We tossed and turned.
The fever grew. The passion burnt.
I touched her skin and said: love is not a game.

Close your eyes and we fly.
(We fly in the sky.)
So high.
(I’ll be, be your guy.)
Up to the land of love.
(Got you through the night.)
Next to the moon.
Close your eyes and we fly.
(We fly in the sky.)
So high.
(I’ll be, be your guy.)
Up to the stars above.
Into the dreams of love.

Heaven Must Be Missing You

In the name of love. In the name of love.

I have tasted love and pain.
I win then lose again. It’s just a neverending game.
Now my heart is safe with you and everything I do I’m gonna do it for you.
Feels like paradise when you’re here with me.
Angel in disguise. You’re my fantasy.

Heaven must be missing you.
You’re an angel this is true.
Sent from high above in the name of love.
Heaven sent you down to me.
Just to ease my misery.
From the skies above in the name of love.

Her love felt like a desert sand.
Just running through my hands. Before you came into my life.
Now, the shadows gone away.
Because you’re here to stay to make my night shine bright.
Feels like paradise when you’re here with me.
Angel in disguise. You’re my fantasy.

Heaven must be missing you.
You’re an angel this is true.
Sent from high above in the name of love.
Heaven sent you down to me.
Just to ease my misery.
From the skies above in the name of love.

You’re The Reason

Dream. The everlasting dream.
As long as you are free.
A love is a magic little thing.
Day after day. Time’s running out.
I’m so lonely there’s no doubt.
My love - hear what I say.

You are the reason for my life.
Now and forever hold me tight.
And no one else should ever do.
Be mine now. It's no time to say goodbye.
Tell me the truth and please don’t lie.
I’m tired of waiting and feeling blue.
Soon tears on my pillow show me I’m so sad and blue.
Some dream. Dreaming of you never come true.

Love. An everlasting love.
And this time long enough.
Love is a magic little thing.
Time afer time you’re checking out.
If you’re lonely scream it out.
My love - hear what I say.

You are the reason for my life.
Now and forever hold me tight.
And no one else should ever do.
Be mine now. It's no time to say goodbye.
Tell me the truth and please don’t lie.
I’m tired of waiting and feeling blue.
Soon tears on my pillow show me I’m so sad and blue.
Some dream. Dreaming of you never come true.

Love Really Hurts Without You

You're running around town.
Like a fool and you think that it's groovy.
You're giving in to some other guy who gives you the eye.
You don't give nothing to me.
You painted on a smile and you dress for a while to excite me.
But don't you know you're turning me on.
I know that it's wrong.
Cause I can't stop the pain inside me.

Baby! Love really hurts without you!
Love really hurts without you!
And it's breaking my heart but what can I do.
Baby! Love really hurts without you!
Love really hurts through and through.
And it's breaking my heart.
But what can I do without you?

You walk like a dream.
And you make like a queen on the action.
You're using every trick in the book - the way that you look.
You're really something to see.
You're cheating your life to impress any guy that you're fancy.
But don't you know I'm out of my mind.
So give me a sign.
That helps to ease the pain inside me.

Baby! Love really hurts without you!
Love really hurts without you!
And it's breaking my heart but what can I do.
Baby! Love really hurts without you!
Love really hurts through and through.
And it's breaking my heart.
But what can I do without you?
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #18

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Bad Boys Best 2001 (2001)

You're A Woman

Tonight. There'll be no darkness tonight.
Hold tight. Let your love light shine bright.
Listen to my heart - and lay your body next to mine.
Let me fill your soul with all my dreams.

You’re a woman. I'm a man.
This is more than just a game.
I can make you feel so right. Be my lady of the night.
You’re a woman. I'm a man.
You're my fortune. I'm your fame.
These are things we can't disguise. Be my lady of the night.

Lay back. Back in my tenderness.
And take. Take all of my sweet caress.
You've got all of me - it can't go wrong if you agree.
Soon two hearts will beat in ecstasy.

You’re a woman. I'm a man.
This is more than just a game.
I can make you feel so right. Be my lady of the night.
You’re a woman. I'm a man.
You're my fortune. I'm your fame.
These are things we can't disguise. Be my lady of the night.

Back To The Future

Back to the future. Back to the future.

It's a sad emotion. Think about the days gone by.
My head is turning as I surrender.
My heart is burning when i remember you.
A touch in the dark. A kiss in the night.
How I wanna be by your side. Let's go!

Back to the future. Back for good.
I just want you to be my baby.
Back to the future. Back for love.
I can't get enough.
I don't know if it's right. I don't know if it's wrong.
But I know you are only one.
Back to the future. Back for love.
I can't get enough.

Such a great devotion. Never ever felt so right.
I was lonely, but now I found that you're the only lover in found in my life.
A touch in the dark. A kiss in the night.
How I wanna be by your side. Let's go!

Back to the future. Back for good.
I just want you to be my baby.
Back to the future. Back for love.
I can't get enough.
I don't know if it's right. I don't know if it's wrong.
But I know you are only one.
Back to the future. Back for love.
I can't get enough.

L.O.V.E. In My Car

Well I'm burning, burning up the street.
Watching people on their feet in my car.
No time, no time to mess around.
Got my foot flat on the ground in my car.
I change the gears, I hear the wheels.
The ride is smooth and I decide to groove. Uh huh.
It's ten till eight, and I won't be late.
So please be there. Don't hesitate. Uh Huh.
I'll ride. Tonight.
I'll hold you tight and make you mine - it's now or never girl.
Outside. Starlight. You'll be flying high by my side.

L.O.V.E. - do you want a ride in my car?
I'm saying L.O.V.E. - do you want to get down in my car?
So if you want it, you got it, don't let it go.
I'm saying L.O.V.E.

So I step, I step down on the gas.
We're moving super fast. Wild and free.
Let me know is everything alright?
We'll rock it through the night, you and me.
Don't make me mad. Don't make me sad.
Gonna put me down. Gonna wear a frown. Uh Huh.
Let's groove all night till the morning light.
I'll play your music - you can't refuse it. Uh Huh.
I'll ride. Tonight.
I'll hold you tight and make you mine - it's now or never girl.
Outside. Starlight. You'll be flying high by my side.
(Accelerate, don't step on the brakes.)

L.O.V.E. - do you want a ride in my car?
I'm saying L.O.V.E. - do you want to get down in my car?
So if you want it, you got it, don't let it go.
I'm saying L.O.V.E.

Jungle In My Heart

I really don't know the games that you play.
I don't know if you mean every word that you say.
And I don't care if you're telling me lies.
Cause I was falling for you by the look in your eyes.
You turn my world just upside down.

Jungle in my heart - burning jungle fever.
Burning when I see you in the night.
Jungle in my heart - losing my intention.
Losing when you came into my life.
I gotta run-a-run away. I gotta run-a-run away.
There's a jungle - jungle in my heart.
I gotta run-a-run away. I gotta run-a-run away.
But then I'll pray we will never part.

I'm gonna lose my control every night.
A million butterflies running around in my mind.
My heart is beating as wild as a drum.
I'm in danger and that's what the lady has done.

Jungle in my heart - burning jungle fever.
Burning when I see you in the night.
Jungle in my heart - losing my intention.
Losing when you came into my life.
I gotta run-a-run away. I gotta run-a-run away.
There's a jungle - jungle in my heart.
I gotta run-a-run away. I gotta run-a-run away.
But then I'll pray we will never part.

From Heaven To Heartache

And babe it’s all over. We’ve crossed the road of no return.
I’m in the darkness. Our bridges of love they burn.

Nights in white satin.
Memories of feelings had all gone.
Where are we going.
Oh baby what have we done?

From heaven to heartache in one night.
My guardian angel out of sight.
We wanted it all and lost ourselves in the flames of lies.
From heaven to heartache once again.
We lost our illusions in the end.
I look in your face and see a tear missing in your eyes.

If you still miss me. Just send a signal to my heart.
I will remember. We’re only worlds apart.

Close to each other.
I let some freedom in the sun.
Where are we going.
Oh baby what have we done?

From heaven to heartache in one night.
My guardian angel out of sight.
We wanted it all and lost ourselves in the flames of lies.
From heaven to heartache once again.
We lost our illusions in the end.
I look in your face and see a tear missing in your eyes.

Oh, Guardian angel out of sight.
You left me alone that very night.
Oh baby I still miss you.

From heaven to heartache in one night.
My guardian angel out of sight.
We wanted it all and lost ourselves in the flames of lies.
From heaven to heartache once again.
We lost our illusions in the end.
I look in your face and see a tear missing in your eyes.

Lady In Black

Deserted place and so far from home.
I was alone. I was all on my own.
The moon was shining. I saw her face.
The magic woman all dressed in lace.
She gave me a sign.
And I followed her to a house of light.
Somewhere in the night.

Behind the window. Symbols of red.
Painting the face of the lady in black.
Behind the window. I'll never forget.
The magic lady. The lady in black.
She'll never come back.

The lady's beauty was so divine.
She took my heart with her heavenly smile.
When I reached down just to kiss her hand.
I suddenly tumbled down in the sand.
There was broken lace lying on the ground.
And the house of light was fading in the night.

Behind the window. Symbols of red.
Painting the face of the lady in black.
Behind the window. I'll never forget.
The magic lady. The lady in black.

There was broken lace lying on the ground.
And the house of light was fading in the night.

Behind the window. Symbols of red.
Painting the face of the lady in black.
Behind the window. I'll never forget.
The magic lady. The lady in black.

Don't Walk Away Suzanne

I used to think love was sweet.
I used to think when it's so complete.
But look at our lives. We shout and we fight.
Walking on the line. On the borderline.
I'm not so tough. Your price of love.
Is much too high. You make me cry.
But that's for sure - can't take no more.

You're breakin' my heart. Don’t walk away Suzanne.
Don't go. Don't tear it apart.
You're breakin' my heart. Don’t walk away Suzanne.
You're all. You're all that I've got.
Here's my confession - you're all that I need.
And you're my obsession. I'm down on my knees.
So don’t walk away, don’t walk away Suzanne.

The shadows are closing in.
The time is now to try again and again.
I'm chained to side. I'm chained to your life.
Walking on the line. On the borderline.
I'm down and out thinking about. The words we said.
Good times we had. Don't close the door - I know for sure.

You're breakin' my heart. Don’t walk away Suzanne.
Don't go. Don't tear it apart.
You're breakin' my heart. Don’t walk away Suzanne.
You're all. You're all that I've got.
Here's my confession - you're all that I need.
And you're my obsession. I'm down on my knees.
So don’t walk away, don’t walk away Suzanne.

I’ll Be Good

When you’re next to me. It feels so heavenly.
Oh ask me anything. And baby I get chills, yes I will.
You came. And turned me upside down.
Oh baby you turned my life around.
Around in just one night.

And I’ll be good, I’ll be good, I’ll be true.
Whatever you might need I would do.
And I’ll be good and I swear.
I’ll be there - every single minute in my life.
And I’ll be good, I’ll be good.
If I could I’d get for you the stars from above.
And what I do. I just do it for you.
I’m longing for your love.
I want you right here by my side.
I want your love until the end of time.
And I’ll be good, be good to you.
And you know it’s true.

You control my mind. Stick inside my head.
That’s why I have no say. My heart decides instead but I feel glad.
You came. And turned me upside down.
Oh baby you turned my life around.
Around in just one night.

And I’ll be good, I’ll be good, I’ll be true.
Whatever you might need I would do.
And I’ll be good and I swear.
I’ll be there - every single minute in my life.
And I’ll be good, I’ll be good.
If I could I’d get for you the stars from above.
And what I do. I just do it for you.
I’m longing for your love.
I want you right here by my side.
I want your love until the end of time.
And I’ll be good, be good to you.
And you know it’s true.

A World Without You (Michelle)

The bright light of the boulevard.
Is shining in your tender eyes.
Your perfume is exciting me.
It's still the same.

Michelle. How I love when we love.
And I love when you whisper je t'aime.
Michelle, mon amour. Is it true?
Do you feel the way I do?

A world without you. A world on my own.
Without your love my heart will turn to stone.
A world without you. A day without light.
Without your touch I couldn't stand one night.
Oh Michelle.

I know there'll be no better heart.
No better heart to hold on to.
If you should ever let me down.
I can't survive.
Michelle. How I love when we love.
And I love when you whisper je t'aime.
Michelle, mon amour. Is it true?
Do you feel the way I do?

A world without you. A world on my own.
Without your love my heart will turn to stone.
A world without you. A day without light.
Without your touch I couldn't stand one night.
Oh Michelle.

C'est toi.
Et ce soir je te veux faire l'amour avec toi.
Je t'aime.
Je sais mon amour que tu es que tout.
Le seul pour moi.

A world without you. A world on my own.
Without your love my heart will turn to stone.
A world without you. A day without light.
Without your touch I couldn't stand one night.
Oh Michelle.

Queen Of Hearts

It was late after midnight. I was sitting in a tavern.
I saw him playing cards and I went over to the old man.
He said I read inside the cards all about your life.
Do you want to know it? So listen to me.

The queen of hearts. The queen of hearts knows about life.
She knows all about the heartache of the lovers in the night.
Can you try to read the sign?
The queen of hearts. The queen of hearts knows about fate.
And the queen of hearts - she's telling me:
run home to your love - run before it is too late.

He shuffled all his cards and then he started dealing.
The Jack of Clubs and Queen of Hearts. I didn't know the meaning.
He said you'll lose your lover. I did not believe a word.
But when I got back home. My baby was gone.

The queen of hearts. The queen of hearts knows about life.
She knows all about the heartache of the lovers in the night.
Can you try to read the sign?
The queen of hearts. The queen of hearts knows about fate.
And the queen of hearts - she's telling me:
run home to your love - run before it is too late.

Come Back And Stay

Walk in the rain. Trying to wash away the pain.
You went away. I made you cry so many days.

Where do broken hearts go to?
How can broken hearts find their way back home?
When nobody cares about you, and you're feeling blue.

Come back and stay.
Don't keep me waiting. Baby.
Come back and stay. Don't say "good-bye".
Don't let my love die.
Come back and stay and try again.
Don't walk away for I'm still your man.
Where are you now? Where did you go?
Come back and stay. Don't keep me waiting.
I miss you so.

Walk in the rain. Thinking about the game I play.
I am to blame. I lost my lovin' yesterday.

Where do broken hearts go to?
How can broken hearts find their way back home?
When nobody cares about you, and you're feeling blue.

Come back and stay.
Don't keep me waiting. Baby.
Come back and stay. Don't say "good-bye".
Don't let my love die.
Come back and stay and try again.
Don't walk away for I'm still your man.
Where are you now? Where did you go?
Come back and stay. Don't keep me waiting.
I miss you so.

Since I've been gone. I've missed you.
I missed your touch. Oh, Baby.

Come back and stay.
Don't keep me waiting. Baby.
Come back and stay. Don't say "good-bye".
Don't let my love die.
Come back and stay and try again.
Don't walk away for I'm still your man.
Where are you now? Where did you go?
Come back and stay. Don't keep me waiting.
I miss you so.

Lovers In The Sand

This is radio KLW Sunny California.
For you lovers out there it's going to be a great day
with temperatures around thirty degrees centigrade.

I didn't want emotions did not dare.
Cause I've lost too many love affairs.
I was in the mood to have some fun.
Somewhere in the sun.
I blame on the southern summer nights.
When I lost my heart at the site.
Now all I wanna do. Is just to be with you.

Lovers in the sand. Walking hand and hand.
And dreaming of the last night we shared.
Lovers in the sand. Deep in love again.
And now that I have found you. I know I'll never let you go.

I know that you're the one I've always missed.
Know it everytime I kiss your lips.
When you're close to me down by the sea.
Somewhere in the sun.
When I feel your hands touching me.
Feel your heartbeat faster then I see.
All I wanna do. Is just to be with you.

Lovers in the sand. Walking hand and hand.
And dreaming of the last night we shared.
Lovers in the sand. Deep in love again.
And now that I have found you. I know I'll never let you go.

Do What You Do

You do what you do to me.

I need to feel. So be prepared.
I want to touch. Wanna taste of your sugar skin.
So open up and let me in.
Don’t you know that I’m here to tease you.
Let’s do it right now.

You do what you do to me.
And give me love instinctively.
Let’s go all the way. Come on and make my day.
Do what you do to me.
The way that it’s supposed to be.
Live your fantasy. Love in ecstasy.

I said take me like a man. I said take me as I am.
I said take me by the hand. I said take me if you can.
I said you can’t turn away. I said you cannot defy.
I said you can’t be afraid. And you cannot deny.

I long to feel your heartbeat race. I want to rise.
Want to fall in your special place.
So get it on, now face to face.
Don’t you know that I’m gonna thrill you.
I want you right now.

You do what you do to me.
And give me love instinctively.
Let’s go all the way. Come on and make my day.
Do what you do to me.
The way that it’s supposed to be.
Live your fantasy. Love in ecstasy.

I said take me like a man. I said take me as I am.
I said take me by the hand. I said take me if you can.
I said you can’t turn away. I said you cannot defy.
I said you can’t be afraid. And you cannot deny.

Save Your Love

It started one night in Milano.
A candlelight dinner - Italian Style.
We danced and she whispered Ti Amo.
Morning came and we had to say goodbye.
So hold me once more.
Goodbye and kiss me one more time.
Just one more time.

Save your love.
Until I will return - let the flames of fire burn in your heart forever.
Save your love. Don't give it to someone new.
Everything is up to you. Till I'm back forever.

She gave me one night of devotion.
Fire of love was burning inside.
I couldn't escape my emotions.
And I nearly died when we had to say goodbye.
I want you to stay.
Goodbye and please come back one day.
Come back some day.

Save your love.
Until I will return - let the flames of fire burn in your heart forever.
Save your love. Don't give it to someone new.
Everything is up to you. Till I'm back forever.

I'm so in love with you.
It's the first time I felt this way.
I promise. I'll wait for you.

Save your love.
Until I will return - let the flames of fire burn in your heart forever.
Save your love. Don't give it to someone new.
Everything is up to you. Till I'm back forever.

Have You Ever Had A Love Like This

You light my life when you're with me.
You're like a sun rise deep down in the night.
For you can touch my heart with sensuality.
I'm in paradise, must be in paradise.

Have you ever had a love like this.
It's so heavenly when we kiss.
Have you ever had a love like this.
Such a feeling that you have missed.
We are two in a million.

You need no strings to bind my hands.
For you have chained my heart so close to you.
I pray that our love will last for all my life.
Till the end of time. Until the end of time.

Have you ever had a love like this.
It's so heavenly when we kiss.
Have you ever had a love like this.
Such a feeling that you have missed.
We are two in a million.

Hungry For Love

Tossin' and turnin'. There's a fever so deep inside.
The fever is burnin'. And I'm lying awake at night.

How I want you to kiss. Want your body to move
And I want you to touch. Gonna break every rule.

It can't be wrong to be in love. It can't be wrong, so don't say no.
I have been waiting for so long. So can't we do it now?

Hungry for love.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi.
In the heat of the night.
Hungry for love.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi.
Won't you stay by my side?
Tell me that I am just your lovin' man.
'Cause all I want is you.
Would you like to spend the night with me?
Tell me that you do.
'Cause I'm hungry for love.

Over and over. My emotions are runnin' wild.
Make me your lover. Let me take you back home tonight.

How I want you to kiss. Want your body to move.
And I want you to touch. Gonna break every rule.

I can imagine how it feels. When we are lying skin to skin.
Heaven is just one word away. So can't we do it now?

Hungry for love.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi.
In the heat of the night.
Hungry for love.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi.
Won't you stay by my side?
Tell me that I am just your lovin' man.
'Cause all I want is you.
Would you like to spend the night with me?
Tell me that you do.
'Cause I'm hungry for love.

Kiss You All Over, Baby

Girl. We can take off in the night.
Girl. Like two lovers. Joined in flight.
You know what is best for me, it's time to let it show.
Thrill me and let my body know.

And I kiss you all over baby all through the night.
Kiss you all over baby - make you feel alright.
Let yourself go freely girl and we soon will reach the sky.
When I kiss you all over baby - I will make you mine, mine, mine.

Love. There is magic in my hand.
Love. Gonna give you all I can.
You know how to ride my love, you have the special way.
Bless me with your touch by night and day.

And I kiss you all over baby all through the night.
Kiss you all over baby - make you feel alright.
Let yourself go freely girl and we soon will reach the sky.
When I kiss you all over baby - I will make you mine, mine, mine.

S.O.S. For Love

S.O.S. - can’t you hear me?
S.O.S. for love.

Baby I can’t believe what you did.
You really made a fool out of me.
When we met I felt love was around. You turned me upside down.
Then you came. Filled the hole in my life.
I need you baby. I can’t deny.
Now you're gone. I still remember the times.
I can't forget your smile.

I’m sending out an S.O.S.
Can’t you hear me? S.O.S. for love.
Sending out an S.O.S. Please believe me.
S.O.S. for love.
S.O.S. Sending out an S.O.S. for love.
S.O.S. Sending out an S.O.S. for love.

I can tell by the look on your face.
You stole the memory. I can’t erase.
In my dreams you appear every night.
Until the morning light.

I’m sending out an S.O.S.
Can’t you hear me? S.O.S. for love.
Sending out an S.O.S. Please believe me.
S.O.S. for love.
S.O.S. Sending out an S.O.S. for love.
S.O.S. Sending out an S.O.S. for love.

Love Really Hurts Without You

You're running around town.
Like a fool and you think that it's groovy.
You're giving in to some other guy who gives you the eye.
You don't give nothing to me.
You painted on a smile and you dress for a while to excite me.
But don't you know you're turning me on.
I know that it's wrong.
Cause I can't stop the pain inside me.

Baby! Love really hurts without you!
Love really hurts without you!
And it's breaking my heart but what can I do.
Baby! Love really hurts without you!
Love really hurts through and through.
And it's breaking my heart.
But what can I do without you?

You walk like a dream.
And you make like a queen on the action.
You're using every trick in the book - the way that you look.
You're really something to see.
You're cheating your life to impress any guy that you're fancy.
But don't you know I'm out of my mind.
So give me a sign.
That helps to ease the pain inside me.

Baby! Love really hurts without you!
Love really hurts without you!
And it's breaking my heart but what can I do.
Baby! Love really hurts without you!
Love really hurts through and through.
And it's breaking my heart.
But what can I do without you?

House Of Silence

In my dreams I met a girl somewhere down the river.
She took me to an ancient house.
She looked young but also wise.
Something made me shiver.
She was both dead and alive.
And I could see the ravines fly.

In the house of silence far from here.
Distant voices coming out of the air.
The house of silence and our tears.
Shadows dancing for a hundred years.
And they cry.

I saw her speak but couldn't hear.
What the girl was saying.
And sadness filled the misty night.
Then I tried to hold her back while she was slowly fading.
Bitter sweet was her smile.
And I could see the ravines fly.

In the house of silence far from here.
Distant voices coming out of the air.
The house of silence and our tears.
Shadows dancing for a hundred years.
And they cry.

Don’t Want Your Love

Don’t want your love.
No no no more…

If you think I’m a fool girl, and this is just a game.
Then you should run and think again.
Oh baby, why did you let me go? You’re not the only one.
I wonder if you know what you’ve done.

Don’t want your love.
I’m gonna find another heart in time.
Don’t want your love any more.
Now it’s good-bye, bye, bye.
Don’t want your love.
Even if I know I’ll go insane.
In heaven’s stars I gotta find another one.

All the time that we share, together day and night.
It’s hard to shake it from my mind.
Oh baby, you’ve lost your tender touch. Don’t wanna feel this pain.
Why do you do things that drive me insane?

Don’t want your love.
I’m gonna find another heart in time.
Don’t want your love any more.
Now it’s good-bye, bye, bye.
Don’t want your love.
Even if I know I’ll go insane.
In heaven’s stars I gotta find another one.

No no no more...
No no no more...

Don’t want your love.
I’m gonna find another heart in time.
Don’t want your love any more.
Now it’s good-bye, bye, bye.
Don’t want your love.
Even if I know I’ll go insane.
In heaven’s stars I gotta find another one.

Sweet Litle Things

Sweet little things - I wanna play.
Cause I like to play that way.
Sweet little things.

I feel that the table is turning.
You’re under my skin and you got my heart burning.
You give me love, sweeter love and affection.
You do it so right, now you’re the only attraction for me.

Sweet little things. Little things you do.
Take me up so high tonight all my dreams will come true.
Sweet little things. Little things you say.
Make me wanna play your game.
Cause I like it that way.
Sweet little things.

All over me I’m running through my mind.
And I can’t concentrate when you are by my side.
Sweet little things.
I lose control - control my heart and soul.
Because I want your soul and all the things you do.

Sweet little things - I wanna play.
Cause I like to play that way.
Make me wanna play your game,
Cause I like to play that way.

You’re coming to me so much stronger.
Than others before, you’re the one I am longing for you.
You give me love, sweeter love and affection.
You do it so right, now you’re the only attraction for me.

Sweet little things. Little things you do.
Take me up so high tonight all my dreams will come true.
Sweet little things. Little things you say.
Make me wanna play your game.
Cause I like it that way.
Sweet little things.

All over me I’m running through my mind.
And I can’t concentrate when you are by my side.
Sweet little things.
I lose control - control my heart and soul.
Because I want your soul and all the things you do.
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  Romantic Warrior
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Eternal Dreamer
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Из: Ленинград
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Тексты песен альбома Around The World (2003)

Around The World

When I was in your arms last night.
I felt this aching pain inside.
Oh, baby, I knew we must part.
You gave me all the things I missed.
Oh, I just loved the way you kissed.
I felt this song in my heart.

Around and 'round the world.
Love is the only connection.
Around and 'round the world.
Oh, baby, I'm lost in affection.
Around and 'round the world.

Turn on the radio and listen to the sound.
It goes round and round and round.

Young love is made of joy and fears.
I hear our song and feel the tears.
Just wanna be sure you are true.
Maybe I was too blind to see.
But you can't fortell what will be.
Before it comes ouf of the blue.

Around and 'round the world.
Love is the only connection.
Around and 'round the world.
Oh, baby, I'm lost in affection.
Around and 'round the world.

Turn on the radio and listen to the sound.
It goes round and round and round.

Cold As Ice

We went a long, long way.
We stuck together night and day.
And I shared the best I found with you.
You were a friend of mine.
But sometimes love can make you blind.
You fell for a man and we were through.

And I lost you on my way.
You just told me that you could not stay.
And you took the road back home. And let me walk alone.
And I threw my dreams away.

On a road that made me curse and pray.
You saw love deep in his eyes.
But I knew that he was - cold as ice.

We lived an easy life.
'Cause good friends always will survive.
But men often make girls' hearts turn blue.
Heaven's a part of hell.
What really happened I can't tell.
But sometimes at night I think of you.

And I lost you on my way.
You just told me that you could not stay.
And you took the road back home. And let me walk alone.
And I threw my dreams away.

On a road that made me curse and pray.
You saw love deep in his eyes.
But I knew that he was - cold as ice.

The night of lies will role the dice.
And no disguise for angels.

And I lost you on my way.
You just told me that you could not stay.
And you took the road back home. And let me walk alone.
And I threw my dreams away.

On a road that made me curse and pray.
You saw love deep in his eyes.
But I knew that he was - cold as ice.

Baby Come Home

Look in my eyes and you'll find out.
Just wanna be sure that you know how I feel cause it's true.
Oh, baby, I'm crying, just follow your heart.
Don't break our world apart.

Oh, baby come home, where have you gone?
I'm searching my soul for the reason you're not with me.
Just come home, be by my side.
Just throw me a lifeline, babe, I'll cry out to you.
Just come home.

Look in your heart, there are no doubts.
The cards we were dealt in this game, they went wrong.
So I feel, it's time for a new start.
So baby, come back 'cos I'm waiting for you.

Oh, baby come home, where have you gone?
I'm searching my soul for the reason you're not with me.
Just come home, be by my side.
Just throw me a lifeline, babe, I'll cry out to you.
Just come home.

Think About You

I close my eyes and see you standing there alone in the dark.
Your hair is flowing gently in the wind.
I know that you keep missing me as much as I miss you.
Though we are apart, just apart.

Your smile is what I need. Your touch is what I feel.
Your love - the only thing that's true. Think about you.

There was a time when we walked hand in hand. Together as one.
We shared the hidden fortunes of our dreams.
We walked through seasons in the sun. That warmed us tenderly.
Forever in love, you and me.

Your smile is what I need. Your touch is what I feel.
Your love - the only thing that's true. Think about you.

It's a cold and lonely winter of despair and I saw the tears.
Just slowly running down your face like rain.
The winds of change blow through your hair.
And made me feel so sad - we almost lost all we had.

Your smile is what I need. Your touch is what I feel.
Your love - the only thing that's true. Think about you.

Tomorrow is not just another day. 'Cause I will be back.
Back in your arms, back in your life again.
And I will give up everything to feel your tenderness.
Forever with you home at last.

Your smile is what I need. Your touch is what I feel.
Your love - the only thing that's true. Think about you.

Lover On The Line

One day I'll see I let you go away.
One day I'll think that everything is okay.
One day I'll feel that it won't hurt no more.
One day I'll know that I have lost you.

I'll be your lover on the line. And if I suffer - never mind.
La de da lover on the line. We got to heaven number nine.
I'll be your lover on the line. La de da lover on the line.
I'll be your lover on the line.

One day I'll look into your cold, blue eyes.
One day I'll try to get away from your lies.
One day I saw you didn't care at all.
One day I knew that I have lost you.

I'll be your lover on the line. And if I suffer - never mind.
La de da lover on the line. We got to heaven number nine.
I'll be your lover on the line. La de da lover on the line.
I'll be your lover on the line.

One day I'll do the things I wanna do.
One day I know, won't even think about you.
One day I'll feel that I am free again.
One day I'll know that I have lost you.

I'll be your lover.
I'll be your hunter.
I'll be your lover.
I'll be your lover.

I'll be your lover on the line. And if I suffer - never mind.
La de da lover on the line. We got to heaven number nine.
I'll be your lover on the line. La de da lover on the line.
I'll be your lover on the line.

A Bridge Of Heartaches

My heart feels like crying. I never wanted to end it this way.
No point in us trying. I guess it's up to you.

Maybe you should have known better.
When all your friends kept telling you lies.
Maybe I should have known better.
You would be there for me.

It's a bridge of heartaches we're walking over.
It's just a passion I'm feeling deep down inside.
It's a heartache which isn't over.
And my emotions are turning hurting my pride.
A bridge of heartaches.
It's a heartache. It's a heartache.

Love is a thin line. And I broke the rules, I'm sorry to say.
Don't wanna hurt you, we gotta find a way.

Maybe you should have known better.
When all your friends kept telling you lies.
Maybe I should have known better.
You would be there for me.

It's a bridge of heartaches we're walking over.
It's just a passion I'm feeling deep down inside.
It's a heartache which isn't over.
And my emotions are turning hurting my pride.
A bridge of heartaches.
It's a heartache. It's a heartache.

Join The Bad Boys Blue

Do you wanna party on a Saturday night?
All you gotta be is hungry and loud.
Do you wanna feel that everybody's all right?
Come on, baby, we will rock and shout.

Gotta join the Bad Boys Blue.
And tonight we're rockin' and we're rollin' with you.
Here we are: the Bad Boys Blue.
Baby, we're not fakin' we're just breakin' the rules.
Will you keep the world on turning?
So come on, join the Bad Boys Blue.

Do you wanna leave? -just feel the heat of the night.
Don't let anybody get you down.
Do you wanna win? - you gotta fight for the right.
Keep the world on turning 'round and 'round.

Gotta join the Bad Boys Blue.
And tonight we're rockin' and we're rollin' with you.
Here we are: the Bad Boys Blue.
Baby, we're not fakin' we're just breakin' the rules.
Will you keep the world on turning?
So come on, join the Bad Boys Blue.

Don't you ever ask yourself to whom you belong.
Gotta listen to your heart and soul.
Don't you even try to understand what goes on.
There are things in life you can't control.

Gotta join the Bad Boys Blue.
And tonight we're rockin' and we're rollin' with you.
Here we are: the Bad Boys Blue.
Baby, we're not fakin' we're just breakin' the rules.
Will you keep the world on turning?
So come on, join the Bad Boys Blue.


An angel said good bye now. And darkness lies ahead.
My heart just seems to cry out. All the words we left unsaid.
But in my soul I'll hold you forever.

Feel me, babe, I need you here.
Just by my side to ease my fear.
Oh, with you babe, I could survive.

I'm tortured by my feelings. Just you can heal the pain.
Don't want to go on stealing. The forbidden fruits again.
We gotta keep the magic together.

Feel me, babe, I need you here.
Just by my side to ease my fear.
Oh, with you babe, I could survive.
But careless love has turned off the light in our life.
Oh, babe.

Heaven Or Hell

You know the streets are littered with lies.
The truth is burning holes in your eyes.
But you played the cards as they fell.
It's up to you - it's Heaven or Hell.
It's Heaven or Hell.
It's up to you - it's Heaven or Hell.

Well, everytime you touch - too much for my heart.
It's beating too fast, make it last, never part.
Make it, take it, I never will fake it.
My heart's in your hand, in the end never break it.
You, always true, I fell for you.
And the fever of belief came out of the blue.
It's right tonight, we have to decide.
Shall we whisper or yell: it's Heaven or Hell?

You know the streets are littered with lies.
The truth is burning holes in your eyes.
But you played the cards as they fell.
It's up to you - it's Heaven or Hell.
It's Heaven or Hell.
It's up to you - it's Heaven or Hell.

So, you're here, so near, I can still feel the fear.
I lose what I choose at the falling of a tear.
You're so close to my soul, take control over me.
The passion of obsession made me cry helplessly.
In the night you can't hide from the feeling inside.
Forever together, we'll go for a ride.
To endless darkness or everlasting light.
Your heart will tell, is it Heaven or Hell?

You know the streets are littered with lies.
The truth is burning holes in your eyes.
But you played the cards as they fell.
It's up to you - it's Heaven or Hell.
It's Heaven or Hell.
It's up to you - it's Heaven or Hell.

I'm Your Lover

Baby we're riding a highway. Leading into the dark.
And if we keep doing it my way. We'll do it heart by heart.

(female voice)
You are the only one I need. Baby believe me I won't cheat.
I need you more than I can say.

I'm your lover my heart's not faking.
Baby the chain of emotion's not breaking.
Cause I'm your lover and you're my lady.
Love will survive to the end of our life.
I'm your lover. I'm your lover.

Let's put our passion together. I wanna touch your skin.
And if I can't hold you forever. At least my heart will win.

(female voice)
I know I was born to be with you. and what we feel's forever true.
I want you more than I can say.

I'm your lover my heart's not faking.
Baby the chain of emotion's not breaking.
Cause I'm your lover and you're my lady.
Love will survive to the end of our life.
I'm your lover. I'm your lover.

(male voice)
Baby it feels so good to hold you in my arms.
I'm never gonna let you go because I will always love you.

I'm your lover my heart's not faking.
Baby the chain of emotion's not breaking.
Cause I'm your lover and you're my lady.
Love will survive to the end of our life.
I'm your lover. I'm your lover.

I'm Living For Your Love

I'm still the prisoner of your heart. I know that we will never part.
Even if Heaven turns to Hell.
I fall asleep within your dreams. Though love is never what it seems.
It's simply more than words can tell.

I'm living for your love, living till I die.
You make me laugh and make me cry.
I'm living how I live giving all I give.
Baby, you're always on my mind.
I'm living for your love, oh, baby, it's true.
I'm living for you.

I think of you most every night. And I can feel it deep inside.
I need your loving to survive.
You take my soul to no man's land. We'll walk forever hand in hand.
You are the best part of my life.

I'm living for your love, living till I die.
You make me laugh and make me cry.
I'm living how I live giving all I give.
Baby, you're always on my mind.
I'm living for your love, oh, baby, it's true.
I'm living for you.

Only One Breath Away

Late at night I hear a phone call in my sleep.
And I hear the words that once touched me so deep.
Though we're far apart, you whisper - I miss you.
Baby, it's true, I still love you.

Only one breath away.
I listen to your voice, it seems.

You're just one breath away.
Hopelessly near.
Only one breath away.
But this time I won't let your words hurt me.
Unless you'll say you soon be back here.

You say better times are coming - wait and see.
You were always good at selling dreams to me.
But I know your words could make me lose control.
You're still close, close to my soul.

Only one breath away.
I listen to your voice, it seems.

You're just one breath away.
Hopelessly near.
Only one breath away.
But this time I won't let your words hurt me.
Unless you'll say you soon be back here.

Everything you say brings tears right to my eyes.
Promises and hopes, and dreams, and little lies.
But you always say so much but never when.
You'll come back, come back again...

Only one breath away.
I listen to your voice, it seems.

You're just one breath away.
Hopelessly near.
Only one breath away.
But this time I won't let your words hurt me.
Unless you'll say you soon be back here.
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