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Pet Shop Boys

  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #1

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Pet Shop Boys

Страна: Великобритания
Год образования: 1981

Chris Lowe
Neil Tennant

Их союз начался 19 августа 1981 года. В этот день Нейл Теннант зашел в маленький магазинчик на Кингс-роуд прикупить кое-что для своего синтезатора и натолкнулся на "парня, который много смеялся", по имени Крис Лоу. К этому моменту и тот, и другой успели поиграть в маленьких группах. Нейл получил степень по истории, работал в издательстве и писал песни. Крис играл на тромбоне и обучался архитектуре. Они сошлись на почве любви к танцевальной музыке (оба были страстно увлечены стилем "хай-энерджи") и немедленно образовали группу, которая сначала называлась West End, а потом Pet Shop Boys. Последнее имя, придуманное в честь нескольких друзей, которые действительно работали в зоомагазине, было принято потому, что, как им тогда казалось, Pet Shop Boys звучит как название английской рэп-группы. Через год, в восемьдесят втором, Нейл стал редактором популярного музыкального издания "Smash Hits". Когда его отправили в Нью-Йорк брать интервью у Стинга, Нейл решил попутно встретиться с Бобби Орландо, продюсером, который делал этот самый "хай-энерджи". В кармане у него была кассета, на которой были записаны "West End Girls", "It's a Sin" и "Paninero". Через два года, в 84-м, они выпустили "West End Girls" синглом (он, кстати говоря, сначала не имел особого успеха и стал небольшим хитом в Бельгии и Франции). Но зато сингл и Бобби 0рландо помогли им получить контракт с EMI, и в апреле восемьдесят пятого очередной номер "Smash Hits" содержал "некролог" покинувшему музыкальную журналистику Нейлу: через несколько недель, предрекал журнал, Pet Shop Boys загнутся, и Теннант приползет обратно на коленях. Через полгода песня "West End Girls", заново выпущенная на EMI и переделанная продюсером Стивеном Хагом, стала номером один в Великобритании. Потом в США. Потом в Канаде, Финляндии, Ирландии, Норвегии и Гонконге. "Нас бесконечное количество раз спрашивали, на что это похоже - быть номером один, - говорит Нейл. - Вообще-то, это никак не чувствуется. Совсем ничего. У нас совершенно не было намерения становиться поп-звездами. Когда я встретил Криса, мне было двадцать семь, и я думал, что для всего этого у меня уже не тот возраст. Когда мы сделали запись с Бобби, мне было почти тридцать. Мы хотели делать танцевальную музыку. Становиться большими поп-звездами, вроде "Culture Club", вовсе не было нашей целью. Но потом мы почувствовали, что мы делаем что-то такое, чего никто больше не делает, мы находимся на своем месте. Когда занимаешься чем-то, это начинает увлекать тебя. И когда у тебя появляется хит, как "West End Girls", ты попадаешь в мейнстрим. А так как мы подписали контракт с EMI, мы превратились в поп-звезд. В какой-то момент мы просто оказались перед этим фактом."

Они действительно оказались на своем месте. Pet Shop Boys удалось с самого начала найти для себя практически совершенную музыкальную форму: эффектно оркестрованный, отлакированный танцевальный поп и стихи, которые являются полной этому противоположностью - полные юмора по отношению к жизни или скептицизма, они одинаково не укладываются в понятие обычного "поп-текста". Крис обозначает все это просто: танцевальная музыка со смешными текстами. За два года они выпустили четыре альбома - "Please" в 86-м, в следующем - сборник ремиксов "Disco" и сразу же - "Actually", одно из самых больших их коммерческих и творческих достижений, где присутствуют такие их хиты, как "It's A Sin", "Rent", "Always on Mind". В 88-м выходит "Introspective", в 89-м Pet Shop Boys, уже признанные мастера танцевальной музыки, делают пластинку для Лайзы Минелли, продюсируют несколько песен для американской певицы Дасти Спрингфилд, Нейл присоединяется к группе Джонни Марра и Бернарда Самнера "Electronic". И в этом же году Pet Shop Boys отправляются в первый тур; они хотят создать на сцене атмосферу театрального действа и приглашают для постановки одного из самых ярких кинорежиссеров Англии Дерека Джармена. В девяностые Pet Shop Boys входят уже великой поп-группой, вооруженные альбомом "Behavior" и первым сборником - "Discography", вышедшем в 91-м и собравшем все классические хиты группы.

"Я думаю, если оглянуться назад на все эти группы - "Culture Club, Eurythmics, New Order" - мы с ними из разных поколений, - говорит Нейл. - Наш с Крисом первый большой хит вышел в 85-м, так что мы, наверное, были последней из поп-групп восьмидесятых, которые прорвались в Америку. Поэтому я никогда не воспринимал нас как восьмидесятническую группу. Мы были "следующими", потому что мы были одержимы танцевальной музыкой. И минимализмом. Мы недавно нашли выпуск Music Week за восемьдесят пятый год, когда вышли "West End Girls", и там есть все эти рок- и поп- рекламы, со всеми видами "символизма". А на задней странице есть реклама нашего сингла. Белая, с черно-белой картинкой, и там написано просто - Pet Shop Boys, - она сделана абсолютно в стиле девяностых. Сейчас это стало клише - это не обложка 80-х, это классическая обложка 90-х. Философская, с четким и скупым дизайном, по крайней мере."

Pet Shop Boys жили в девяностых, когда они еще не начались. Поэтому с началом нового времени они стали больше, чем просто поп-группой - их творчество и стало определять эстетику десятилетия. Их фантазия и ирония пришлись как раз кстати. Кому еще придет в голову сделать из песни U2 сладкое диско, да еще смешать ее с классической вещью Фрэнка Валли? (Боно с коллегами, услышав "Where the streets have no name/I can't take my eyes off you" на радио, отправили Нейлу и Крису факс с одной фразой - "What have I done to deserve this?"). Нейл сейчас с нежностью вспоминает период "высоких острых шляп", в которых они щеголяли в 93-м, в период альбома '"Verу". "В начале девяностых мы очень устали от этого. Мы так часто мелькали на ТВ, мы устали от того, как мы там выглядим. Ты делаешь то, что делаешь. Но в конце концов это начинает надоедать. И мы решили - либо не делать этого вообще, либо делать по-другому. Вот, например, почему мы придумали эти острые высокие шляпы. Нам казалось, что мы выглядим уставшими". Действительно, разве есть лучше способ избавиться от скуки, чем надеть шляпы высотой в метр и петь гимн геев, иллюстрируя ее Красной площадью и советским конструктивизмом? Нейл, кстати, любит рассказывать историю о том, как во время первого визита в Москву они давали пресс-коференцию в этих своих головных уборах, а потолок в помещении был слишком низкий, и им пришлось сидеть, сильно втягивая голову в плечи. Комизм заключался в том, что россияне не увидели в этом ничего странного и задавали вопросы, как ни в чем не бывало. Это было, кажется, в июле 93-го.

Выпустив в 1995-м по случаю десятилетия группы "Alternative", сборник "обратных сторон" синглов, Pet Shop Boys еще раз доказали, что умеют видеть намного дальше всех, выстрелив в 96-м, задолго до всякого латинского бума, взрывным диско альбома "Bilingual", построенным на бразильских ритмах. Чуть раньше вышел сингл "Hello, Spaceboy", ремикс, который они сделали для Дэвида Боуи по его просьбе - одна из лучших вещей, появившихся на свет в девяностые. После чего Крис и Нейл взяли себе перерыв на три года. Чтобы, вернувшись, предложить нам новую концепцию группы Pet Shop Boys: техно-самураи, одетые для субботнего клаббинга. Их новый альбом, "Nightlife", с первых тактов погружает в знакомый мир. Они звучат чуть-чуть по-новому, мягче и глубже, и на сто процентов так, как должна звучать группа Pet Shop Boys. "Мы хотели сделать что-то совсем новое, - говорит Нейл по поводу этого альбома. - Но когда я начинаю записывать голос, это превращается в Pet Shop Boys, и все тут. От этого никуда не денешься". Мягкие обволакивающие пульсации переходят в штормовое диско "New York City Boy", живо воскрешающие в памяти все тот же "Виллидж Пипл". "Эту вещь мы делали вместе с известным нью-йоркским ди-джеем Дэвидом Моралесом. У него появилась эта идея - сделать диско-гимн в духе "Виллидж Пипл". Так что мы просто слушали пластинки "Виллидж Пипл", чтобы поймать настроение".

Впереди у Нейла и Криса большие планы.Постоянная повестка дня - новая почва, новые источники вдохновения. "Мы постоянно находимся в поисках нового музыкального андерграунда, - говорит Крис. - Потому что его сейчас не существует." Когда-то в интервью Крис сказал фразу, ставшую квинтэссенцией того, что представляет из себя группа: "Я не люблю кантри. Я не люблю рок, в частности рокабилли и рок-н-ролл. Я вообще немногое люблю, не так ли? Но то, что я люблю, я люблю страстно". Крис отсылает к этой фразе, когда говорит в одном интервью, по своей привычке обращаясь к партнеру: "Нейл, есть сейчас что-нибудь, что я страстно люблю? Нет, кажется? Сейчас, кажется, нет ничего такого, что можно было бы страстно любить". Они готовы идти дальше. Потому что скучать они не умеют.

Официальный сайт группы Pet Shop Boys: www.petshopboys.co.uk

Pet Shop Boys
Pet Shop Boys
Pet Shop Boys
Pet Shop Boys

Pet Shop Boys
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #2

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Дискография Pet Shop Boys:

1986 - Please
1986 - Disco
1987 - Actually
1988 - Introspective
1990 - Behaviour
1991 - Discography - The complete singles collection
1993 - Very Relentless
1994 - Disco 2
1995 - Alternative
1996 - Bilingual
1999 - Nightlife
2001 - Closer To Heaven Musical
2002 - Release
2003 - Disco 3
2003 - Pop Art Mix
2005 - Battleship Potemkin
2006 - Fundamental
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #3

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Please (1986)

I Want A Lover

At this time of night, when the crowds have passed
We're the last to leave, we need some company
No need to look so shy, don't even wonder why
You know the reason that we need this company
I've been sitting here, looking out for you
Someone just like me, who's maybe had a drink or two

I don't want another drink or fight
I want a lover
I don't care whether it's wrong or right
I want a lover tonight

Outside the dawn is breaking, looks like it's started raining
We'll catch a cab, and soon be driving home
No need to look so shy, don't even wonder why
You'll know the reason just as soon as we get home
You've been sitting there, wondering what to do
I've been standing here, waiting to make the first move

I don't want another drink or fight
I want a lover
I don't care whether it's wrong or right
I want a lover tonight (tonight)
I don't want another drink or fight
I want a lover
I don't care whether it's wrong or right
I want a lover tonight

This anticipation is a stimulation
No need for conversation as we're driving home
Put your arms around me, it doesn't mean you love me
Just that you want me and you need my company
Driving through the night, it's so exciting
Turning off the light without another thought tonight

I don't want another drink or fight
I want a lover
I don't care whether it's wrong or right
I want a lover tonight (i want a lover tonight)
I don't want another drink or fight
I want a lover
I don't care whether it's wrong or right
I want a lover tonight

(i want you, i want your love) - i want a lover
(i want you, i want your love) - i want a lover
(i want you, i want your love) - i want a lover (i want your love tonight)

Later Tonight

You wait 'till later
'till later tonight
You wait 'till later, 'till later
'till later tonight

That boy never cast a look in your direction
Never tried to hook for your affection
Dresses like the mod of your invention, tall and proud
He is the head boy of the school of thought
That plays in your intentions, night and day

And you wait 'till later
'till later tonight
You wait 'till later, 'till later
'till later tonight

And you wait 'till later
'till later tonight
You wait 'till later, 'till later
'till later tonight
'cause tonight always comes

Love Comes Quickly

Sooner or later, this happens to everyone
To everyone

You can live your life lonely
Heavy as stone
Live your life learning
And working alone
Say this is all you want
But i don't believe that it's true
'cause when you least expect it
Waiting round the corner for you

Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)
Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)

You can live a life of luxury
If that's what you want
Taste forbidden pleasures
Whatever you want

You can fly away to the end of the world
But where does it get you to?
'cause just when you least expect it
Just what you least expect

Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)
Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)

I know it sounds ridiculous, but speaking from experience
It may seem romantic, and that's no defense
Love will always get to you

Sooner or later, sooner or later, this happens to everyone
To everyone

You can fly away to the end of the world
But where does it get you?

Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)
Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)
Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)

Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)
Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)

Opportunities (let's Make Lots Of Money)

I've got the brains, you've got the looks
Let's make lots of money
You've got the brawn, i've got the brains
Let's make lots of -

I've had enough of scheming and messing around with jerks
My car is parked outside, i'm afraid it doesn't work
I'm looking for a partner, someone who gets things fixed
Ask yourself this question: do you want to be rich?

I've got the brains, you've got the looks
Let's make lots of money
You've got the brawn, i've got the brains
Let's make lots of money

You can tell i'm educated, i studied at the sorbonne
Doctored in mathematics, i could have been a don
I can program a computer, choose the perfect time
If you've got the inclination, i have got the crime

Oh, there's a lot of opportunities
If you know when to take them, you know?
There's a lot of opportunities
If there aren't, you can make them
Make or break them

I've got the brains, you've got the looks
Let's make lots of money
Let's make lots of -
(aahhhhh) money
(aahhhhh - di du da di da bu di ba)

You can see i'm single-minded, i know what i could be
How'd you feel about it, come and take a walk with me?
I'm looking for a partner, regardless of expense
Think about it seriously, you know, it makes sense

Let's (got the brains)
Make (got the looks)
Let's make lots of money (oohh money)
(let's) you've got the brawn
(make) i've got the brains
Let's make lots of money (oohh money)

I've got the brains (got the brains)
You've got the looks (got the looks)
Let's make lots of money (oohh money)

Opportunities (reprise)



Lost in the high street, where the dogs run
Roaming suburban boys
Mother's got a hairdo to be done
She says they're too old for toys
Stood by the bus stop with a felt pen
In this suburban hell
And in the distance a police car
To break the suburban spell

Let's take a ride, and run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia
You can't hide, run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia

Break the window by the town hall
Listen, the siren screams
There in the distance, like a roll call
Of all the suburban dreams

Let's take a ride, and run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia
You can't hide, run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia

I only wanted something else to do but hang around
I only wanted something else to do but hang around
I only wanted something else to do but hang around
I only wanted something else to do but hang around

It's on the front page of the papers
This is their hour of need
Where's a policeman when you need one
To blame the colour TV?

Let's take a ride, and run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia
You can't hide, run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia

Take a ride, and run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia
You can't hide, run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia

Run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia
You can't hide
In suburbia
In suburbia
In suburbia
In suburbia
In suburbia

Tonight Is Forever

I may be wrong, i may be right
Money's short and time is tight
Don't even think about those bills
Don't pay the price, we never will
We're out again another night
I never have enough
It will be like this forever
If we fall in love

Tonight is forever, tell me now you don't disagree
Tonight is forever, open the door, you hold the key

I may be wrong, i may be right
So don't depend, i could lie
I haven't got a job to pay
But i could stay in bed all day
Then out again another night
I never have enough
It will be like this forever
If we fall in love

Tonight is forever, tell me now you don't disagree
Tonight is forever, open the door, you hold the key
Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight
Tonight is the first night

We don't need any more when we dance
I don't think of the future tonight

Tonight is forever, tell me now you don't disagree
Tonight is forever, open the door, you hold the key

I may be wrong, i may be right
But i don't give up any night
You could say conventional
And i could claim intentional
We're out again another night
We never have enough
It will be like this forever
When we fall in love

Tonight is forever, tell me now you don't disagree
Tonight is forever, open the door, you hold the key
Tonight is forever, tell me now you don't disagree
Tonight is forever, open the door, you hold the key


Two Divided By Zero

(two divided by zero, zero)
(two divided by zero, zero, zero)

Let's not go home, we'll catch the late train
I've got enough money to pay all the way
When the postman calls, he'll deliver the letter
I've explained everything; it's better that way

(divided by, divided by) i think they heard a rumour
(divided by, divided by) or someone tipped them off
(divided by, divided by) it's better to go sooner
(divided by, divided by) than call it all off

We'll catch a plane to new york, and a cab going down
Cross the bridges and tunnels, straight into town
Tomorrow morning we'll be miles away
On another continent and another day

(divided by, divided by) let's not go home
(divided by, divided by) or call it a day
(divided by, divided by) you won't be alone
(divided by, divided by) let's run away

(two divided by zero, zero)
(two divided by zero, zero, zero)
(d...d...d...d...d...divided by)
(divided by, divided by)
(z...z...z...z...z...zero, zero)
(divided by)

(turn of that noise...)

(divided by, divided by) someone spread a rumour
(divided by, divided by zero, zero)
(divided by, divided by) better to go sooner
(divided by, divided by) let's run away

So why hang around for the deed to be done
You can give it all up for a place in the sun
When the postman calls we'll be miles away
On a plane to New-York and another day

(divided by, divided by) i think they heard a rumour
(divided by, divided by) or someone tipped them off
(divided by, divided by) better to go sooner
(divided by, divided by) than call it all off

(divided by, divided by) someone spread a rumour
(divided by, divided by) and someone has to pay
(divided by, divided by) let's not go home
(divided by, divided by) let's run away
(divided by, divided by) let's not go home
(divided by, divided by) let's run away


The sons and brothers, fighting for another cause
Anything to give their lives some meaning
Busy with their guns and dreaming
Far away from here
Said they would act in self-defense

And all the others, running 'round so hot and bothered
Anything to give their lives some meaning
In the evening
Running around with guns and
Said they would act in self-defense
With violence

Violence breeds
Violence breeds

The son and brother, when he gets home
He gives someone some love
And mutters: "woman, you'll never understand
I did what i said in self-defense
With violence"

Violence breeds
Violence breeds
Violence breeds

West End Girls


Sometimes you're better off dead
There's gun in your hand and it's pointing at your head
You think you're mad, too unstable
Kicking in chairs and knocking down tables
In a restaurant in a west end town
Call the police, there's a madman around
Running down underground to a dive bar
In a west end town

In a west end town, a dead end world
The east end boys and west end girls
In a west end town, a dead end world
The east end boys and west end girls
West end girls

Too many shadows, whispering voices
Faces on posters, too many choices
If, when, why, what?
How much have you got?
Have you got it, do you get it, if so, how often?
And which do you choose, a hard or soft option?
(how much do you need?)

In a west end town, a dead end world
The east end boys and west end girls
In a west end town, a dead end world
The east end boys and west end girls
West end girls
West end girls

(how much do you need?)

In a west end town, a dead end world
The east end boys and west end girls
Oooh west end town, a dead end world
East end boys, west end girls
West end girls

You've got a heart of glass or a heart of stone
Just you wait 'till i get you home
We've got no future, we've got no past
Here today, built to last
In every city, in every nation
From lake Geneva to the Finland station
(how far have you been?)

In a west end town, a dead end world
The east end boys and west end girls
A west end town, a dead end world
East end boys, west end girls
West end girls

West end girls

West end girls
(how far have you been?)

East end boys
And west end girls
And west end girls
And west end girls

East end boys
The west end girls
The west end boys
And west end girls

The west end girls
The west end boys
The west end girls

Why Don't We Live Together?

There comes a time in everyone's life
When all of the parties every night
They're not enough
You want something more ((tell me))
I want you
I want you


I find you when i want you
And lose you late at night
The woman in me shouts out
The man in me just smiles
I may not always love you
You may not care
But if we should live together
There's something we could share
If we dare
Why don't we?

(baby) why don't we live together?
You won't believe in love until the day you try
(baby) why don't we live together? ((baby))
With all the love we had, and all the love we hide

We'll find a home together
((baby)) and sleep there every night
((baby)) there's a time and place for most things
((baby)) this time we'll get it right
((aah)) you may not always love me
I may not care
But intuition tells me, baby
There's something we could share
If we dare
Why don't we?

(baby) why don't we live together?
You won't believe in love until the day you try
(baby) why don't we live together? ((baby))
With all the love we had, and all the love we hide

Why don't we live together? ((together))
Together? ((together baby))
Why don't we live together? ((together))
Ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah
Ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah
((ooh, baby, baby, why don't we live?))
Ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah

((baby)) you may not always love me
I may not care
But intuition tells me, baby
There's something we could share
If we dare
Why don't we?

(baby) why don't we live together? ((ooh ooh))
You won't believe in love until the day you try
(baby) why don't we live together? ((baby, baby))
With all the love we had, and all the love we hide ((baby))

Why don't we live together? ((together))
Together? ((together baby))
Ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah
((baby, ooh, baby))
(saying why don't we live together))

You won't believe until the day you try ((baby, baby))
(baby) why don't we live together?
Why don't we live together?
(baby) why don't we live together? (ooh ooh)
You won't believe in love until the day you try
Without the love, love you feel inside
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #4

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Disco (1986)

In The Night

Zazou, what you're gonna do?
There's a lot of people coming for you
Zazou, comment allez-vous?
A knock on the door in the night

That zazou, he don't care
Dark glasses, long hair
Takes his time, sneers at men
Some ugly people want revenge

Zazou, comment allez-vous?
A knock on the door in the night (in the night)

In the night (in the night)

That zazou, he sleeps all day
Then down to select or le collisee
Sips his drinks, orders more
Says what he thinks and it's a crazy war

Zazou, what you're gonna do?
A knock on the door in the night
(in the night in the night ...)

Zazou, comment allez-vous?
A knock on the door in the night (the night the night)

And when the soldiers strut, all he cares about
Is love
When the flags are out, all he cares about
Is love
Well, there's a thin line between love and crime
And in this situation
A thin line between love and crime and -
Collaboration (-ration)

In the night
(in the night in the night in the night in the night ...)

(crime crime crime crime crime crime crime crime crime crime
Crime crime crime crime crime crime crime crime crime crime
Crime crime crime crime ...)

In the night (in the night in the night)

In the night (in the night in the night)

Zazou, what you're gonna do?
There's a lot of people coming for you
Zazou, comment allez-vous?
A knock on the door in the night

Now everybody's under somebody's spell
Unless they've already gone to hell
In the streets you can hear the people say
That, zazou, he should be locked away!

When the soldiers strut, all he cares about
Is love
Oh, when the flags are out, all he cares about
Is love
And there's a thin line between love and crime
And in this situation
A thin line between love and crime and

Love Comes Quickly

Sooner or later, this happens to everyone
To everyone

You can live your life lonely
Heavy as stone
Live your life learning
And working alone
Say this is all you want
But i don't believe that it's true
'cause when you least expect it
Waiting round the corner for you

Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)
Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)

You can live a life of luxury
If that's what you want
Taste forbidden pleasures
Whatever you want

You can fly away to the end of the world
But where does it get you to?
'cause just when you least expect it
Just what you least expect

Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)
Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)

I know it sounds ridiculous, but speaking from experience
It may seem romantic, and that's no defense
Love will always get to you

Sooner or later, sooner or later, this happens to everyone
To everyone

You can fly away to the end of the world
But where does it get you?

Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)
Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)
Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)

Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)
Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (ooh ooh)


I've had enough of scheming and messing around with jerks
My car is parked outside, i'm afraid it doesn't work
I'm looking for a partner, someone who gets things fixed
Ask yourself this question: do you want to be rich?

I've got the brains, you've got the looks
Let's make lots of money
You've got the brawn, i've got the brains
Let's make lots of money

You can tell i'm educated, i studied at the Sorbonne
Doctored in mathematics, i could have been a don
I can program a computer, choose the perfect time
If you've got the inclination, i have got the crime

Oh, there's a lot of opportunities
If you know when to take them, you know?
There's a lot of opportunities
If there aren't, you can make them
Make or break them

I've got the brains, you've got the looks
Let's make lots of money (oooooooh)
You've got the brawn, i've got the brain
Let's make lots of money

(money money money)
Money (money money)

(aaaah ah ah ah ah aaaah)
Money (money)
(aaaah ah ah ah ah aaaah - di du da di da bu di ba)

You can see i'm single-minded, i know what i could be
How'd you feel about it, come and take a walk with me?
I'm looking for a partner, regardless of expense
Think about it seriously, you know, it makes sense

Let's (got the brains)
Make (got the looks)
Let's make lots of money (oohh money)
(let's) you've got the brawn
(make) i've got the brain
Let's make lots of money (oohh money)
I've got the brains (got the brains)
You've got the looks (got the looks)
Let's make lots of money (oohh money)


Passion and love, sex, money,
Violence, religion, injustice, death

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Girls, boys, arts, pleasure
Girls, boys, arts, pleasure

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Food, cars, travel, food, cars, travel, travel
(travel travel)
New york, new york, new york,
New york

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Armani, armani, a-a-armani, versace, cinque

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Armani, armani, a-a-armani, versace, cinque

Paninaro (ro ro), paninaro, oh oh oh (oh)
Paninaro (ro ro), paninaro, oh oh oh (oh)

(i don't like country & western.
I don't like rock music.
Ehm, i don't like, i don't like rockabilly.
- rock'n'roll in particular -
I don't like much, really, do i? [laugh]
But what i do like, i love passionately)

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

You! you're my lover,
You're my hope, you're my dreams, my life
My passion, my love, my sex, my money,
Violence, religion, injustice and death

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Paninaro, (i don't like much, really, do i?)
Paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, (but what i do like, i love passionately)
Paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, oh oh oh


Lost in the high street, where the dogs run
Roaming suburban boys
Mother's got a hairdo to be done
She says they're too old for toys
Stood by the bus stop with a felt pen
In this suburban hell
And in the distance a police car
To break the suburban spell

Let's take a ride, and run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia
You can't hide, run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia

Break the window by the town hall
Listen, the siren screams
There in the distance, like a roll call
Of all the suburban dreams

Let's take a ride, and run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia
You can't hide, run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia

I only wanted something else to do but hang around
I only wanted something else to do but hang around
I only wanted something else to do but hang around
I only wanted something else to do but hang around

It's on the front page of the papers
This is their hour of need
Where's a policeman when you need one
To blame the colour TV?

Let's take a ride, and run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia
You can't hide, run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia

Take a ride, and run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia
You can't hide, run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia

Run with the dogs tonight
In suburbia
You can't hide
In suburbia
In suburbia
In suburbia
In suburbia
In suburbia

West End Girls


Sometimes you're better off dead
There's gun in your hand and it's pointing at your head
You think you're mad, too unstable
Kicking in chairs and knocking down tables
In a restaurant in a west end town
Call the police, there's a madman around
Running down underground to a dive bar
In a west end town

In a west end town, a dead end world
The east end boys and west end girls
In a west end town, a dead end world
The east end boys and west end girls
West end girls

Too many shadows, whispering voices
Faces on posters, too many choices
If, when, why, what?
How much have you got?
Have you got it, do you get it, if so, how often?
And which do you choose, a hard or soft option?
(how much do you need?)

In a west end town, a dead end world
The east end boys and west end girls
In a west end town, a dead end world
The east end boys and west end girls
West end girls
West end girls

(how much do you need?)

In a west end town, a dead end world
The east end boys and west end girls
Oooh west end town, a dead end world
East end boys, west end girls
West end girls

You've got a heart of glass or a heart of stone
Just you wait 'till i get you home
We've got no future, we've got no past
Here today, built to last
In every city, in every nation
From lake Geneva to the Finland station
(how far have you been?)

In a west end town, a dead end world
The east end boys and west end girls
A west end town, a dead end world
East end boys, west end girls
West end girls

West end girls

West end girls
(how far have you been?)

East end boys
And west end girls
And west end girls
And west end girls

East end boys
The west end girls
The west end boys
And west end girls

The west end girls
The west end boys
The west end girls
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #5

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Actually (1987)

What Have I Done To Deserve This?

You always wanted a lover
I only wanted a job
I've always worked for my living
How am I gonna get through?
How am I gonna get through?

I come here looking for money
(Got to have it)
And end up living with love, oh, oh
Now you left me with nothing
(Can't take it)
How am I gonna get through?
How am I gonna get through?

I bought you drinks, I brought you flowers
I read you books and talked for hours
Every day, so many drinks
Such pretty flowers, so tell me
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
What have I, what have I, what have I ...

Since you went away I've been hanging around
I've been wondering why I'm feeling down
You went away, it should make me feel better
But I don't know, oh
How I'm gonna get through?
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
How I'm gonna get through?
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?

You always wanted me to be something I wasn't
You always wanted too much, oh, oh
Now I can do what I want to - forever
How am I gonna get through?
How am I gonna get through?

At night, the people come and go
They talk too fast, and walk too slow
Chasing time from hour to hour
I pour the drinks and crush the flowers
What have I, what have I done to deserve this?
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
What have I, what have I, what have I ...

Since you went away I've been hanging around
I've been wondering why I'm feeling down
You went away, it should make me feel better
But I don't know, oh
How I'm gonna get through? (baby)
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
How I'm gonna get through? (baby)
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
How I'm gonna get through? (baby)
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
How I'm gonna get through? (tell me)
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
How I'm gonna get through? (baby)
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
How I'm gonna get through? (yeah)
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?

Gonna get through?
Gonna get through?
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
I'm gonna get through, right?
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?

We don't have to fall apart, we don't have to fight
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
We don't need to go to hell and back every night
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
You never ever left me, baby, think of me...
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
Oh, babe
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?

We don't have to fall apart, we don't have to fight
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
We don't need to go to hell and back every night
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?

Gonna get through, baby, I'm gonna get
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
Gonna get through, baby, yeah,
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
Gonna get through, get through, baby, ooh
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?

I Want To Wake Up

I heard what you said, and I can tell you it's true
I heard you've said that I am crazy about you
Turn in my sleep, the bad dream is over
Think of you and shall I ever recover?

Now, I want to wake up
How I want to wake up

I stood at the kitchen-sink, my radio played
Songs like 'Tainted Love' and 'Love Is Strange'
As I listened and the words hit my ears
I cried sudden tears

Now, I want to wake up
How I want to wake up
Wake up
(Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up)

(It's mad, it's mad, it's mad)
It's mad, to be in love with someone else
When you're in love with him, she's in love with me
But you know as well as I do
I can never think of anyone but you

(All my life,
all my life
I want to wake up)

Play with fire, play with guns
It's easy to impress someone
Turning in my sleep, you call me a fool
To fall in love, is it so uncool?

Now, I want to wake up
How I want to wake up
Now, I want to wake up
Wake up

(Wake up, wake up
Wake up, wake up - Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Wake up, wake up - Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Wake up, wake up - Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Wake up, wake up - Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Wake up, wake up - Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Wake up, wake up - Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Wake up, wake up - Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Wake up, wake up - Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Ooh ooh ooh oh oh
Ooh ooh ooh oh oh)

I, I want to wake up
(Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh)
I, I want to wake up
(Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh)
I, I want to wake up
(Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh)
I, I want to wake up, with you, oh
(Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh - Oooh)
I, I want to wake up, with you, oh, ooh
(Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh)
(Ooh ooh ooh oh oh) I want to wake up, wake up, wake up
(Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh)
I, I want to wake up, wake up, wake up with you
(Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh)
(Ooh ooh ooh oh oh) I want to wake up, ooh, ooh
(Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh, Ooh ooh ooh oh oh)

It's A Sin

(Twenty seconds and counting...
T minus fifteen seconds, guidance is okay)

When I look back upon my life
It's always with a sense of shame
I've always been the one to blame
For everything I long to do
No matter when or where or who
Has one thing in common, too

It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin
It's a sin
Everything I've ever done
Everything I ever do
Every place I've ever been
Everywhere I'm going to
It's a sin

At school they taught me how to be
So pure in thought and word and deed
They didn't quite succeed
For everything I long to do
No matter when or where or who
Has one thing in common, too

It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin
It's a sin
Everything I've ever done
Everything I ever do
Every place I've ever been
Everywhere I'm going to
It's a sin

Father, forgive me, I tried not to do it
Turned over a new leaf, then tore right through it
Whatever you taught me, I didn't believe it
Father, you fought me, 'cause I didn't care
And I still don't understand

So I look back upon my life
Forever with a sense of shame
I've always been the one to blame
For everything I long to do
No matter when or where or who
Has one thing in common, too

It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin
It's a sin
Everything I've ever done
Everything I ever do
Every place I've ever been
Everywhere I'm going to - it's a sin
It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin
It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin

(Confiteor Deo omnipotenti vobis fratres, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione,
verbo, opere et omissione, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa)



(Again... Again... Again... Ooooh
(Again... Again... Again... Again... ...)

You dress me up, I'm your puppet
You buy me things, I love it
You bring me food, I need it
You give me love, I feed it

And look at the two of us in sympathy
With everything we see
I never want anything, it's easy
You buy whatever I need

But look at my hopes, look at my dreams
The currency we've spent
(Ooooh) I love you, oh, you pay my rent
(Ooooh) I love you, oh, you pay my rent

You phone me in the evening on hearsay
And bought me caviar
You took me to a restaurant off Broadway
To tell me who you are

We never-ever argue, we never calculate
The currency we've spent
(Ooooh) I love you, oh, you pay my rent
(Ooooh) I love you, you pay my rent
(Ooooh) I love you, oh, you pay my rent

I'm your puppet
I love it

And look at the two of us in sympathy
And sometimes ecstasy
Words mean so little, and money less
When you're lying next to me

But look at my hopes, look at my dreams
The currency we've spent
(Ooooh) I love you, oh, you pay my rent
(Ooooh) I love you, you pay my rent
(Ooooh) Ooh, I love you, you pay my rent

Look at my hopes, look at my dreams
The currency we've spent
(Ooooh) I love you, oh, you pay my rent
(Ooooh) I love you, you pay my rent

Look at my hopes, look at my dreams
The currency we've spent
(Ooooh) I love you, oh, you pay my rent
(Ooooh) I love you, you pay my rent
(Ooooh) I love you, you pay my rent (It's easy, it's so easy)
(Ooooh) You pay my rent (It's easy, it's so easy)
(Ooooh) You pay my rent (It's easy, it's so easy)
(Ooooh) I love you (It's easy, it's so easy)
(It's easy, it's so easy)
(It's easy, it's so easy)
(It's easy, it's so easy)
(It's easy, it's so easy)
(It's easy, it's so easy)
(It's easy, it's so easy)

One More Chance

The city is quiet, too cold to walk alone
Strangers in overcoats hurry on home
Tonight I've been walking in the rain
Someone's been talking and I've got the blame

Chained, framed, you know what I mean
Push me in a corner and I'll scream
Just give me one more, one more chance
One more, one more chance

I will find out wherever you are
Drinking in another club or driving in your car
Walking through empty streets
Stupid fool, that was yours for keeps

Chained, framed, you know what I mean
Push me in a corner and I'll scream
One more, one more chance
Give me one more, one more chance
Give me one more, one more chance
Give me one more chance, one more chance tonight

The city is quiet, too cold to walk alone
Strangers in overcoats hurry on home
Tonight I've been walking in the rain
Someone's been talking and I've got the blame

Chained, framed, you know what I mean
Push me in a corner and I'll scream
Just give me one more, one more chance
Give me one more, one more chance
Give me one more, one more chance
Give me one more chance, one more chance tonight

You're so extreme
I want to take you home with me
Come on, tell me one more time
I don't mind, baby, I don't mind
I don't mind

Just give me one more ...

Push me in the corner and I'll scream ...

One more, one more chance
Give me one more, one more chance
Give me one more, one more chance
Give me one more chance, one more chance
Just give me one more
One more
One more, one more chance
Give me one more chance, one more chance to-...

I don't mind ...



Every time I see you something happens to me
Like a chain reaction between you and me
My heart starts missing a beat
My heart starts missing a beat
Every time
Oh oh oh, every time
Oh oh oh, every time

If I didn't love you, I would look around for someone else
But every time I see you, you have the same effect
My heart starts missing a beat
My heart starts missing a beat
Every time
Oh oh oh, every time
Oh oh oh, every time
Every time

I hear your heart beat next to me
I'm in love with you; I mean what I say
I'm in love with you, and you don't know
What it means to be with you



Every time I see you, no matter what we do
There's a strange reaction, can you feel it too?
My heart starts missing a beat
My heart starts missing a beat
Every time
Oh oh oh, every time
Oh oh oh, every time

I hear your heart beat next to me
I'm in love with you; I mean what I say
I'm in love with you, and you don't know
What it means to be with you

Oh oh oh, every time
Oh oh oh, every time
Oh oh oh, every time
Oh oh oh, every time
(Beat) Every time
(Beat) Every time


King's Cross

The man at the back of the queue was sent
To feel the smack of firm government
Linger by the flyposter, for a fight
It's the same story every night
I've been hurt and we've been had
You leave home, and you don't go back

Someone told me Monday, someone told me Saturday
Wait until tomorrow and there's still no way
Read it in a book or write it in a letter
Wake up in the morning and there's still no guarantee

Only last night I found myself lost
By the station called King's Cross
Dead and wounded on either side
You know it's only a matter of time
I've been good and I've been bad
I've been guilty of hanging around

Someone told me Monday, someone told me Saturday
Wait until tomorrow and there's still no way
Read it in a book or write it in a letter
Wake up in the morning and there's still no guarantee

So I went looking out today
For the one who got away
Murder walking round the block
Ending up in King's Cross
Good luck, bad luck waiting in a line
It takes more than the matter of time

Someone told me Monday, someone told me Saturday
Wait until tomorrow and there's still no way
Read it in a book or write it in a letter
Wake up in the morning and there's still no guarantee

Someone told me Monday, someone told me Saturday
Wait until tomorrow and there's still no way
Read it in a book or write it in a letter
Wake up in the morning and there's still no guarantee
And there's still no guarantee
There is still no guarantee

Hit Music

Hit music on the radio
Hit music on the radio

When you dance with me we dance forever
All night long to your favourite

Hit music on the radio
Hit music on the radio

When you dance with me we dance forever
All night long to the latest song
Live a lie, dance together
All night long to your favourite

Hit music
Hit music

I've been working hard all day
To pay the bills I have to pay
Don't have the strength to work all night
Or fight until it's almost light

Music on the radio
D-dance music at the disco

Live a lie dance together
All night long to your favourite song
Live and die, it's all that we know
I need a friend at the journey's end

Hit music, in stereo

It's all about love, and it's about forgetting
Choose a song when the night's too long
We all need love and we want protection
I need a friend at the journey's end
In Kensington, or Spanish Harlem
All night long to your desperate

Hit music on the radio
Music at the disco
Hit music on the radio
Hit music on the radio


We're buying and selling your history
How we go about it is no mystery
We check it with the city, then change the law
Are you looking forward?
Now you want some more

We're S-H-O-PP-I-N-G, we're shopping

It's easy when you got all the information
Inside help, no investigation
(No investigation, investigation)
No questions in the house, no give and take
There's a big bang in the city
We're all on the make

We're S-H-O-PP-I-N-G, we're shopping
We're S-H-O-PP-I-N-G, we're shopping

Our gain is your loss, that's the price you pay
I heard it in the House of Commons: everything's for sale

We're shopping
We're shopping

We're S-H-O-PP-I-N-G, we're shopping
We're S-H-O-PP-I-N-G, we're shopping

Ah ah ah, ah ah ah, ah ah ah, ah ah
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah, ah ah ah, ah ah

We're S-H-O-PP-I-N-G, we're shopping
We're S-H-O-PP-I-N-G, we're shopping

(We're shopping
We're shopping
We're shopping
We're shopping
We're shopping)

It Couldn't Happen Here

Yesterday, remember how clear it seemed
In six inch heels, quoting magazines
Go all the way, you knew you could
So far, so good

Someone asked: Who do you think you are?
Who pays your bills? How come you came this far?
Shrugged him off, and locked the door
So good, this far

Now it almost seems impossible
We've drunk too much, and woke up everyone
I may be wrong, I thought we said
It couldn't happen here

I don't expect to talk in terms of sense
Our dignity and injured innocence
It contradicts your battle-scars
Still healed, so far

Now it almost seems incredible
We've laughed too loud, and woke up everyone
I may be wrong, but I thought we said
It couldn't happen here

Now it almost seems impossible
We've found ourselves back where we started from
I may be wrong, I thought we said
It couldn't happen here

I may be wrong, I thought we said
It couldn't happen here
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #6

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Introspective (1988)

Always On My Mind/in My House

Maybe i didn't treat you quite as good as i should
Maybe i didn't love you quite as often as i could
Little things i should've said and done, i never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind

Maybe i didn't hold you all those lonely, lonely times
And i guess i never told you, i'm so happy that you're mine
If i made you feel second best, i'm so sorry, i was blind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind

Tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn't died
Give me one more chance to keep you satisfied

Little things i should've said and done, i never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind

Tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn't died
Give me one more chance to keep you satisfied

You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always in my house

(you were always)
(you were always)
(you were always)

"you were always on my mind, it's true
I never thought of anyone else but you
You were on my mind and in my dreams
I should have stopped to make you see
You were always..."

(you were always)

"i worked so hard, i thought you knew,
My love, i did it all for you
I never really had the time
I guess you couldn't read my mind
You were always..."

(you were always)
(you were always)
(you were always)
(you were always)
(you were always)
(you were always)
(you were always)
(you were always)
(you were always)
(you were always)
(you were always)
(you were always)
(you were always)
(you were always)

You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind

Maybe i didn't treat you quite as good as i should
Maybe i didn't love you quite as often as i could
Maybe i didn't hold you all those lonely, lonely times
And i guess i never told you, i'm so happy that you're mine

(maybe i didn't love you...)

Domino Dancing

(all day, all day)

I don't know why, i don't know how
I thought i loved you, but i'm not sure now
I've seen you look at strangers too many times
A love-you-once is of a, a different kind

Remember when we felt the sun
A love like paradise, how hot it burned
A threat of distant thunder, the sky was red
And when you walked, you always - turned every head

(all day, all day) watch them all fall down
(all day, all day) domino dancing
(all day, all day) watch them all fall down
(all day, all day) domino dancing

I thought that when we fought i was to blame
But now i know you play a different game
I've watched you dance with danger, still wanting more
Add another number to the score

(all day, all day) watch them all fall down
(all day, all day) domino dancing
(all day, all day) watch them all fall down
(all day, all day) domino dancing

When you look around you wonder
Do you play to win?
Or are you just a bad loser?

(all day, all day)
(all day, all day)

(all day, all day) watch them all fall down
(all day, all day, domino dancing)

(all day, all day)
(all day, all day)

I don't know why, i don't know how
I'd thought i loved you, but i'm not sure now
I hear the thunder crashing, the sky is dark
And now a storm is breaking within my heart

(all day, all day) watch them all fall down
(all day, all day) domino dancing
(all day, all day) watch them all fall down
(all day, all day, domino dancing)

(all day, all daeheheheheheheh)
(all day, all daeheheheheheheh)

(all day, all day)
(all day, all day)
(domino dancing)

(all day, all day)
(all day, all day)

(all day, all day) watch them all fall down
(all day, all day, domino dancing)

(all day, all day) watch them all fall down
(all day, all day) domino dancing
(all day, all day) watch them all fall down
(all day, all day)

I'm Not Scared

Your life's a mystery, mine is an open book
If i could read your mind, i think i'd take a look
I don't care
Baby, i'm not scared

What have you got to fight? what do you need to prove?
You're always telling lies, and that's the only truth
I don't care
Baby, i'm not scared

Tonight the streets are full of actors
I don't know why
Oh, take these dogs away from me
Before they, they bite

What have you got to say of shadows in your past?
I thought that, if you paid, you'd keep them off our backs
But i don't care
Baby, i'm not scared

What have you got to hide? who will it compromise?
Where do we have to be, so i can laugh and you'll be free?
I'd go anywhere
Baby, i don't care
I'm not scared
I don't care
Baby, i'm not scared

Tonight the streets are full of actors
I don't know why
Oh, take these dogs away from me
Before they, they bite
Tonight i fought and made my mind up
I know it's right
I know these dogs still snap around us
But i can, i can fight

If i was you, if i was you
I wouldn't treat me the way you do
If i was you, if i was you
I wouldn't treat me the way you do - you
If i was you, if i was you
I wouldn't treat me the way you do
If i was you, if i was you
I wouldn't treat me the way you do - you

I'm not scared
Baby, i don't care
I'd go anywhere
Baby, i'm not scared
I'm not scared
No, i'm not scared

It's Alright

(it's alright)
(it's alright)
I can hear it
(alright alright alright alright)
(alright alright alright alright)

Dictation being forced in afghanistan
Revolution in south africa taking a stand
People in eurasia on the brink of oppression
I hope it's gonna be alright
'cause the music plays forever
(for it goes on and on and on and on)

I hope it's gonna be alright

(alright alright alright alright)

Generations will come and go (will come and go)
But there's one thing for sure
Music is our life's foundation
And shall succeed all the nations to come

I hope it's gonna be alright
'cause the music plays forever
(for it goes on and on and on and on...)

I hope it's gonna be alright
(on and on and on...)

'cause the music plays forever
(for it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on)

The year three thousand may still come to pass
But the music shall last
I can hear it on a timeless wavelength
Never dissipating but giving us strength

I hope it's gonna be alright
(alright alright alright alright)
(alright alright alright alright)
(alright alright alright alright)

I hope it's gonna be alright

(pu bu dup dup pu pu du bu dup...)

(alright alright alright alright)
(alright alright alright alright)
(for it goes on and on and on and on)
(alright alright alright alright)

Let your body move tonight
'cause it's gonna be alright
(it's alright) (it will be alright)
(it's alright) (it's gonna be alright)
(it's gonna be)
(it's gonna be)
(it's gonna beeee...)
(it's gonna beeeeeeee...)
(it's gonna be all)
(it's gonna be all)
(it's gonna be all)
(it's gonna be all)
'cause the music plays forever
(it's gonna be all)
(it's gonna be all)
(it's gonna be all)
(it's gonna be all)
(it's gonna be alright)
(it's alright)

I can hear it on a timeless wavelength (eeeeeehhhhhhh...)
Never dissipating but giving us strength (eeeeeehhhhhhh...)
I hope it's gonna be alright (aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh...)
'cause the music plays forever on and on and on and on and on and on and on...

("i hope it's gonna be alright")
("i hope it's gonna be alright")
("i hope it's gonna be alright")
("i hope it's gonna be alright")
("i hope it's gonna be alright")

I Want A Dog

I want a dog,
A chihuahua
When i get back to my small flat
I want to hear somebody bark
Oh, (oh oh) you can get lonely

Don't want a cat,
Scratching its claws all over my
Giving no love and getting fat
Oh, (oh oh) you can get lonely
And a cat's no help with that

I want a dog,
To walk in the park
When it gets dark, my dog will bark
At any passers-by
Oh, (oh oh) you can get lonely
I want a dog

I want a dog,
A chihuahua
When i get back to my small flat
I want to hear somebody bark
Oh, (oh oh) you can get lonely
I want a dog

Left To My Own Devices

I get out of bed at half past ten
Phone up a friend, who's a party animal
Turn on the news and drink some tea
Maybe if you're with me we'll do some shopping

One day i'll read, or learn to drive a car
If you pass the test, you can beat the rest
But i don't like to compete, or talk street, street, street
I can pick up the best from the party animal

I could leave you, say goodbye
Or i could love you, if i try
And i could
And left to my own devices, i probably would
Left to my own devices, i probably would

Pick up a brochure about the sun
Learn to ignore what the photographer saw
I was always told that you should join a club
Stick with the gang, if you want to belong

I was a lonely boy, no strength, no joy
In a world of my own at the back of the garden
I didn't want to compete, or play out on the street
For in a secret life i was a round head general

I could leave you, say goodbye
Or i could love you, if i try
And i could
And left to my own devices, i probably would
Left to my own devices, i probably would
Oh, i would

I was faced with a choice at a difficult age
Would i write a book? or should i take to the stage?
But in the back of my head i heard distant feet
Che Guevara and Debussy to a disco beat

It's not a crime when you look the way you do
The way i like to picture you
When i get home, it's late at night
I pour a drink and watch the fight

Turn off the TV, look at a book
Pick up the phone, fix some food
Maybe i'll sit up all night and day
Waiting for the minute i hear you say

I could leave you, say goodbye
Or i could love you, if i try
And i could
And left to my own devices, i probably would
Come on, baby, say goodbye
I could love you, if i try
And i could
And left to my own devices, i probably would
Left to my own devices, i probably would

Out of bed, at half past ten
The party animal phones a friend
Picks up news about the sun
And the working day has just begun

Sticks with the gang - at the back of the street
Pass the test - and you don't compete

Drive the car, if you're with me
Che Guevara's drinking tea
He reads about a new device
And takes to the stage in a secret life


Left to my own devices, i probably would
If i was left to my own devices, i possibly would


If i was left to my own devices, i probably would
Left to my own devices, i probably would

I could leave you, say goodbye
Or i could love you, if i try
And i could
And left to my own devices, i probably would
Left to my own devices, i probably would
Come on, baby
Left to my own devices, i probably would
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #7

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Behaviour (1990)

Being Boring

I came across a cache of old photos
And invitations to teenage parties
"dress in white" one said, with quotations
From someone's wife, a famous writer
In the nineteen-twenties
When you're young you find inspiration
In anyone who's ever gone
And opened up a closing door
She said: "we were never feeling bored

'cause we were never being boring
We had too much time to find for ourselves
And we were never being boring
We dressed up and fought, then thought: "make amends"
And we were never holding back or worried that
Time would come to an end

When i went i left from the station
With a haversack and some trepidation
Someone said: "if you're not careful
You'll have nothing left and nothing to care for
In the nineteen-seventies"
But i sat back and looking forward
My shoes were high and i had scored
I'd bolted through a closing door
I would never find myself feeling bored

'cause we were never being boring
We had too much time to find for ourselves
And we were never being boring
We dressed up and fought, then thought: "make amends"
And we were never holding back or worried that
Time would come to an end
We were always hoping that, looking back
You could always rely on a friend

Now i sit with different faces
In rented rooms and foreign places
All the people i was kissing
Some are here and some are missing
In the nineteen-nineties
I never dreamt that i would get to be
The creature that i always meant to be
But i thought in spite of dreams
You'd be sitting somewhere here with me

'cause we were never being boring
We had too much time to find for ourselves
And we were never being boring
We dressed up and fought, then thought: "make amends"
And we were never holding back or worried that
Time would come to an end
We were always hoping that, looking back
You could always rely on a friend

And we were never being boring
We had too much time to find for ourselves
And we were never being boring
We dressed up and fought, then thought: "make amends"
And we were never being boring
We were never being bored
'cause we were never being boring
We were never being bored

How Can You Expect To Be Taken Seriously?

You live upon a stage, and everyone's agreed
You're the brightest hope by far that anyone can see
So when you take the limelight you can guarantee
You're gaining fame and claiming credibility
Tell me baby are you gonna get high as a kite?
Tell me baby are you gonna let it happen every night
How can you expect to be taken seriously?

You live within the law, and everyone assumes
You must find this a bore, and try something new
You're an intellectual giant, an authority
To preach and teach the whole world about ecology
Tell me baby are you gonna make any other claims?
Tell me baby are you gonna take any of the blame?
How can you expect to be taken seriously?
How can you expect to be taken seriously?

You live within the headlines, so everyone can see
You're supporting every new cause and meeting royalty
You're another major artist on a higher plane
Do you think they'll put you in the rock'n'roll hall of fame?
Tell me baby how you generate longevity
Tell me baby how you really hate publicity
How can you expect to be taken seriously?
How can you expect to be taken seriously?
Seriously (seriously)
Seriously, aah

(do you have a message for your fans?)

How can you expect to be taken seriously?
How can you expect to be taken seriously?

Aah, seriously


At dead of night, when strangers roam
The streets in search of anyone who'll take them home
I lie alone, the clock strikes three
And anyone who wanted to could contact me
At dead of night, 'till break of day
Endless thoughts and questions keep me awake
It's much too late

Where've you been?
Who've you seen?
You didn't phone when you said you would!
Do you lie?
Do you try
To keep in touch? you know you could
I've tried to see your point of view
But could not hear or see
For jealousy

I never knew time passed so slow
I wish i'd never met you, or that i could bear to let you go
At dead of night, 'till break of day
Endless thoughts and questions keep me awake
It's much too late

Where've you been?
Who've you seen?
You didn't phone when you said you would!
Do you lie?
Do you try
To keep in touch? you know you could
I've tried to see your point of view
But could not hear or see
For jealousy
Where've you been?
Who've you seen?
You didn't phone when you said you would!
Do you lie?
Do you try
To keep in touch? you know you could
I've tried to see your point of view
But could not hear or see
For jealousy

Where've you been?
Who've you seen?
You didn't phone when you said you would!
Do you lie?
Do you try
To keep in touch? you know you could
I've tried to see your point of view
But could not hear or see
For jealousy
Where've you been?
Who've you seen?
You didn't phone when you said you would!
Do you lie?
Do you try
To keep in touch? you know you could
I've tried to see your point of view
But could not hear or see
For jealousy

I never knew 'till i met you

My October Symphony

So much confusion
When autumn comes around
What to do about October
How to smile behind a frown?
It's hard to settle down

It's so bemusing
Will they cancel the parade?
We marched each October
Now they say we were never even saved
We must be very brave

Shall i rewrite or revise
My October symphony?
Or as an indication
Change the dedication
From revolution to revelation?

So we're all drinking
As leaves fall to the ground
Because we've been thinking
How October's let us down
Then and now

Shall we remember
December instead?
Or worry about February?
Mourn our war-torn dead
Never seeing red?

Shall i rewrite or revise
My October symphony?
Or as an indication
Change the dedication
From revolution to revelation?


A nervous boy in several ways
I never knew the world could operate this way
I was nervous when we stopped to speak
And the world came crashing around my feet

We don't talk of love
We're much too shy
But nervously we wonder when and why

A nervous boy, in spite of which
I never thought i could tremble as much as this
Your flashing eyes and sudden smiles
Are never quite at ease, and neither am i

Oh, we'll talk about it all some night
But nervously we never get it
From the start i approved of you
Right from the moment you turned to face me

A nervous boy from another town
With a nervous laugh and a concentrated frown
I spoke too fast with watchful eyes
Of a recent past and some nostalgic surprise

We don't talk of love
We're much too shy
But nervously we wonder when and
Knowing why i approved of you
Right from the moment you turned to face me

A nervous boy

Only The Wind

It's only the wind blowing litter all around
Just a little wind and the trees are falling down
There's nobody crying, that was yesterday
Inside we're all smiling, everything's okay

It's only the wind blowing cans along the street
Someone's dustbin lid playing havoc with the peace
There's nobody hiding behind a locked door
And no one's been lying, 'cause we don't lie any more

It's only the wind, how it takes you by surprise
Suddenly begins, then before you know it dies
My hands are not shaking, i don't touch a drop
You must be mistaken, i know when to stop

When life is calmer, i have no doubt
No angry drama, a storm blows itself out

It's only the wind, they say it's getting worse
The trouble that it brings haunts us like a curse
My nerves are all jangled, but i'm pulling through
I hope i can handle what i have to do

When life is calmer, i have no doubt
No angry drama, a storm blows itself out
A storm blows itself out...

I'm sorry

So Hard

I doublecross you
And you get mysterious mail
I've tried hard not to shock you
It's hard not to with the things i could say
Tell me why don't we try
Not to break our hearts and make it so hard for ourselves?
Why don't we try
Not to break our hearts and make it so hard for ourselves?

You lock your letters in a box
And you've hidden the key
I go one better - i'm indebted
To a contact magazine
Tell me why don't we try
Not to break our hearts and make it so hard for ourselves?
Why don't we try
Not to break our hearts and make it so hard for us?

Everybody's got to live together
Just to find a little peace of mind there
If you give up your affairs forever
I will give up mine
But it's hard
So hard

I'm always hoping you'll be faithful
But you're not, i suppose
We've both given up smoking 'cause it's fatal
So whose matches are those?
Tell me why don't we try
Not to break our hearts and make it so hard for ourselves?

We make it so hard
(it's so hard)

Tell me why don't we try
Not to break our hearts and make it so hard
Tell me why don't we try
Not to break our hearts and make it so hard for ourselves?
Not to break our hearts and make it so hard for ourselves?
We make it so hard for ourselves
We make it so hard
So hard
We make it so hard

The End Of The World

Floods of tears and doors slamming
Stamping feet across the landing
Because of your obligation
To stay home and fight
Sitting down to a composition
Test the limits of your inhibition
If the phone hasn't rung by midnight
It's over tonight

If someone tried, you'd realise
It's just a boy or a girl
It's not the end of the world

Piles of toast and broken promises
Among the books and pens and reading glasses
It seems there's no escape from the humdrum
It's over and done

If someone tried, you'd realise
It's just a boy or a girl
It's not the end of the world
If someone cried, you'd sympathise
It's just a boy or a girl
It's not the end of the world

At midnight in desperation
Imagine total teenage destruction

The prophets all predicted extinction
The virgin spoke in apparitions
And if it all came to pass now
You feel we'd all deserve it somehow

But if someone tried (you'd realise)
You'd realise (and sympathise)

It's just a boy or a girl
It's not the end of the world
If someone cried (you'd sympathise)
You'd sympathise (and realise)
It's just a boy or a girl
It's not the end of the world
It's not the end

This Must Be The Place I Waited Years To Leave

(everybody e-e-everybody
Everybody e-e-everybody
Everybody e-e-everybody
Everybody jump to attention...)

Each morning after sunblest
Feel the benefit, mental arithmetic
I waited by the staffroom
In time for benediction
Living a law just short of delusion
When we fall in love there's confusion
This must be the place i waited years to leave

To our voices nobody's listening
We shiver in the rain by the touchline
Then a coach ride to the station
"my lord, the carriage awaiteth!"
Living a law just short of delusion
When we fall in love there's confusion
This must be the place i waited years to leave
This must be the place i waited years to leave
And how
How long?

I'm listening to the words i thought i'd never hear again
A litany of saints and other ordinary men
Kneeling on the parquet
Whatever has gone wrong?
The fear and feeling hopelessness
I don't want to belong

I dreamt i was back in uniform
And a candidate for examination
History, someone had blundered
And a voice rapped "knuckle under!"
Living a law just short of delusion
When we fall in love there's confusion
This must be the place i waited years to leave
This must be the place i waited years to leave
And how
And how
How long?

(trebuet nash narod odnogo)

To Face The Truth

You know it hurts me when you lie
Sometimes it even makes me cry
'cause i'm so in love with you
If you don't believe what i have said
Take a look, my eyes are red
'cause i'm so in love with you
But all those sleepless nights in bed
When you've been out somewhere instead
I wonder if you care and cannot bear the proof
It hurts too much to face the truth
To face the truth

A lawyer with a case to prove
Would sift the evidence, then move
It's the only thing to do
So why then can't i face the facts?
Sift this evidence that backs
I am so in love with you
But all the nights when you have said
You must be somewhere else instead
I wonder where you go, but daren't expose the proof
It hurts too much to face the truth
To face the truth
To face the truth

You are the only one, the only one

You know it hurts me when you lie
Sometimes it even makes me cry
'cause i'm so in love with you
If you don't believe what i have said
Take a look, my eyes are red
'cause i'm so in love with you
But all the nights you don't show up
I know it's time i should grow up
I ask you if you care, you stand and stare aloof
It hurts too much to face the truth
To face the truth
To face the truth
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  Romantic Warrior
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Eternal Dreamer
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Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Very Relentless (1993)

A Different Point Of View

When i'm sitting so close to you
There's only one thing that i wanna do
But i know what you're likely to say
That i'm going about it the wrong way

We can't agree about anything
Where to go or even where we've been
And i know what you're likely to do
Say that i've never cared about you

And all i wanted to say was that i love you
But you tell me now you don't believe it's true
You got a different, a different
A different point of view
You got a different
Point of view

You don't believe a single word i say
If i'd say black was white, you'd say it was grey
But in spite of being treated this way
I still dream of you all night and day

And all i wanted to say was that i love you
But you tell me now you don't believe it's true
You got a different, a different
A different point of view
You got a different
Point of view

Just this once
Just say yes

You've got a clever way of haunting me
I'm never scared, but you're still daunting me
'cause i know what you're likely to say
And i know that you'll get your own way

And all i wanted to say was that i love you
But you tell me now you don't believe it's true
You got a different, a different
A different point of view
You got a different
Point of view

You got a different, a different
A different point of view
You got a different
Point of view

Can You Forgive Her?

Another night with open eyes
Too late to sleep, too soon to rise
You're short of breath, is it a heart attack?
Hot and feverish you face the fact

You're in love, and it feels like shame
Because she's gone and made a fool of you in public again
You're in love, and it feels like pain
Because you know there's too much truth in everything she claims

So ask yourself now: can you forgive her
If she wants you to?
Ask yourself: can you even deliver
What she demands of you?

You drift into the strangest dreams
Of youthful follies and changing teams
Admit you're wrong, oh, no, not yet
Then you wake up and remember that you can't forget

She's made you some kind of laughing stock
Because you dance to disco, and you don't like rock
She'd make fun of you, and even in bed
Said she was gonna go and get herself a real man instead

So ask yourself now: can you forgive her
If she begs you to?
Ask yourself: can you even deliver
What she demands of you?
Or do you want revenge?
But that's childish, so childish!
(but that's childish, so childish!)

Remember when you were more easily led
Behind the cricket pavillion and the bicycle shed
Trembling as your dreams came true
You looked right into those blue eyes and knew

It was love, and now you can't pretend
You've forgotten all the promises of that first friend
It's bad enough, she knows how you feel
But she's not prepared to share you with the memory

So ask yourself now: can you forgive her
If she begs you to?
Ask yourself: can you even deliver
What she demands of you?
Ask yourself now: can you forgive her
If she begs you to?
And ask yourself: can you even deliver
What she demands of you?
Or do you want revenge?
But that's childish, so childish!

Dreaming Of The Queen

Dreaming of the queen
Visiting for tea
You and her and i
And lady di

The queen said: "i'm aghast
Love never seems to last
However hard you try"
And di replied

That there are no more lovers left alive
No one has survived
So there are no more lovers left alive
And that's why love has died
Yes, it's true
Look, it's happened to me and you

Then carriages arrived
We stood and said goodbye
Diana dried her eyes
And looked surprised

For i was in the nude
The old queen disapproved
But people laughed and asked
For autographs

And there were no more lovers left alive
No one had survived
So there were no more lovers left alive
And that's why love had died
Yes, it's true
Look, it's happened to me and you

I woke up in a sweat

For there were no more lovers left alive
No one had survived
So there were no more lovers left alive
And that's why love had died
Yes, it's true
Look, it's happened to me and you

Go West

Come on, come on, come on, come on

(together) we will go our way
(together) we will leave someday
(together) your hand in my hands
(together) we will make our plans

(together) we will fly so high
(together) tell all our friends goodbye
(together) we will start life new
(together) this is what we'll do

(go west) life is peaceful there
(go west) in the open air
(go west) where the skies are blue
(go west) this is what we're gonna do

(go west, this is what we're gonna do, go west)

(together) we will love the beach
(together) we will learn and teach
(together) change our pace of life
(together) we will work and strive

(i love you) i know you love me
(i want you) how could i disagree?
(so that's why) i make no protest
(when you say) you will do the rest

(go west) life is peaceful there
(go west) in the open air
(go west) baby you and me
(go west) this is our destiny (aah)

(go west) sun in wintertime
(go west) we will do just fine
(go west) where the skies are blue
(go west, this is what we're gonna do)

There where the air is free
We'll be (we'll be) what we want to be (aah aah aah aah)
Now if we make a stand (aah)
We'll find (we'll find) our promised land (aah)

(i know that) there are many ways
(to live there) in the sun or shade
(together) we will find a place
(to settle) where there's so much space

(without rush) and the pace back east
(the hustling) rustling just to feed
(i know i'm) ready to leave too
(so that's what) we are gonna do

(what we're gonna do is
Go west) life is peaceful there
(go west) there in the open air
(go west) where the skies are blue
(go west) this is what we're gonna do

(life is peaceful there)
Go west (in the open air)
Go west (baby, you and me)
Go west (this is our destiny)

Come on, come on, come on, come on

(go west) sun in wintertime
(go west) we will feel just fine
(go west) where the skies are blue
(go west) this is what we're gonna do

(come on, come on, come on)
(go west)

(go west)
(go, ooh, go, yeah)
(go west)
(go, ooh, go, yeah)
(go west)
(go, ooh, go, yeah)
(go west)
(go, ooh, go, yeah)
(gimme a feelin')
(gimme a feelin')
(go west)
(gimme a feelin')
(gimme a feelin')
(go west)
(gimme a feelin')
(gimme a feelin')

I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind Of Thing

Ask me why,
I say it's most unusual
How can i even try to explain
Why today i feel like dancing
Singing like lovers sing
When i wouldn't normally do this kind of thing?
I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing

Ask me when, (ta ra ra ra)
I say it started when i met you (ta ra ra ra ra ra)
And ever since then i knew that the past couldn't last
For right now, i think i'm running
A race that i know i'm gonna win
And i wouldn't normally do this kind of thing
I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing

If people say i'm crazy, i tell 'em that it's true
Let them watch with amazement
Say it won't last beyond breakfast
It's a phase he's going through
Denigrate or speculate on what i'm going through
Because it isn't the sort of thing i would normally do

Ask me what, (ta ra ra ra)
I say i think it's good for you (ta ra ra ra ra)
Believe it or not, i know where it's all leading to
I feel like taking all my clothes off
Dancing to the rite of spring
And i wouldn't normally do this kind of thing
I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing
I wouldn't normally do this kind of -
This kind of thing


Take my hand,
I've changed my mind again
Really, i believed it true
That all who fell in love were foolish
But i was wrong,
I've learned that lesson well
All the way back home at midnight
You were sleeping on my shoulder

Take my hand,
Don't think of obligations
Now, right now,
Your love is liberation

To free in me
The trust, i never dared
I always thought the risk too great
But suddenly, i don't hesitate, so

Take my hand,
Don't think of complications
Now, right now,
Your love is liberation

Ta ra ra ra ra ra
Ta ra ra ra ra ra

The night, the stars
Our light shone through the dark
All the way back home at midnight
You were sleeping on my shoulder

Take my hand,
Don't think of hesitation
Now, right now,
Your love is liberation

Ta ra ra ra ra ra
Ta ra ra ra ra ra

Ta ra ra ra ra ra

Back home at midnight
All the way back home at midnight

One And One Make Five

Have you heard the news?
Everybody's asking who
Is that man you've been seen with
And why i'm never out with you

Please, tell me that you love me
Sort out this confusion
Say our love is still alive
For people must be jumping
To the wrong conclusion
That one and one make five

What i need right now
Is to hear you say they got it wrong
That he's just a new friend
A perfectly innocent one

So, tell me that you love me
Sort out this confusion
Say our love is still alive
For people must be jumping
To the wrong conclusion
That one and one make five
People are assuming
'cause it's so confusing
That one and one make five

If one and one make two (make two)
(here we go here we go here we go here we go
Here we go here we go here we go here we go)
Don't need to worry about you
(here we go here we go here we go here we go
Here we go here we go here we go here we go)
But here, where gossip and rumor thrive
(here we go here we go here we go here we go
Here we go here we go here we go here we go)
One and one add up to three, four or five
(here we go here we go here we go here we go
Here we go here we go here we go here we go)

One and one and one and one and one make five
(one and one make five)

Let's stay in tonight
Maybe disconnect the phone
The correct arithmetic
Just two of us at home

Oh, tell me that you love me
Sort out this confusion
Say our love is still alive
(one and one make five)
For people must be jumping
To the wrong conclusion
That one and one make five
(one and one make five)

Tell me that you love me
Sort out this confusion
Say our love is still alive
(one and one make five)
For people must be jumping
To the wrong conclusion
That one and one make five
(one and one make five)

One and one make two (make two, make two)
(here we go here we go here we go here we go
Here we go here we go here we go here we go)
Don't need to worry about you
(here we go here we go here we go here we go
Here we go here we go here we go here we go)
(here we go here we go here we go here we go
Here we go here we go here we go here we go)
I don't need to worry about you
(here we go here we go here we go here we go
Here we go here we go here we go here we go)
(here we go here we go here we go here we go
Here we go here we go here we go here we go)
Don't need to worry about you
(here we go here we go here we go here we go
Here we go here we go here we go here we go)
One and one make two (make two)
(here we go here we go here we go here we go
Here we go here we go here we go here we go)
(here we go here we go here we go here we go
Here we go here we go here we go here we go)

One In A Million

This uncertainty?
It's not clear to me
Would you rather be independent?
Have i lost your love?
Have you had enough?
Do you feel too much resentment?
How can i make you see
When you disagree
That you just can't leave?

One in a million men
Could change the way you feel
One in a million men
Baby it's up to me

Won't stand in your way
I can make you stay
Though, of course, i feel rejected
You're a part of me
You're the family
I can't bear to leave

One in a million men
Could change the way you feel
One in a million men
Baby it's up to me

To leave
If you think you're trapped, but
I'll always want you back

One in a million men
Could change the way you feel
One in a million men
Baby it's up to me

One in a million men
Could change the way you feel
One in a million men
Baby it's up to me

(ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)
(ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)

One in a million men
Could change the way you feel
One in a million men
Baby it's up to me

One in a million men
Could change the way you feel
One in a million men
Baby it's up to me

The Theatre

It's another world here
The streets are gleaming
I was even dreaming
That they're paved with gold

Seventeen, at half past ten
All the crowds are surging past
An electric display

There's another world here
Below shop windows
Upon the pavement
Where you wave goodbye

Boys and girls
Come to roost
From northern parts
And scottish towns
Will we catch your eye?

While you pretend not to notice
All the years we've been here
We're the bums you step over
As you leave the theatre

It's another world here
Somebody is singing (yeah)
I was only wishing
For a bit of cash

From a patron of the arts
Or at least the phantom of the opera
Will i catch your eye?

While you pretend not to notice
(tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu)
All the years we've been here
We're the bums you step over
(tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu)
As you leave the theatre

(ha ha ha ha...)

Pavarotti in the park
Then you walked back up the strand
Did you catch my eye?

And then pretend not to notice
(tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu)
All the years we've been here
We're the bums you step over
(tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu)
As you leave the theatre

In the end, you pretend
(tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu)
'cause it's so much easier
We're the bums you step over
(tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu)
As you leave the theatre (yeah)
(tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu
Tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu)

We're the bums you step over
(tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu tu ru tu tu tu tu)
As you leave the theatre

To Speak Is A Sin

We've been around forever
Look at us now together
Ordering drinks at the bar

Saying hello to menfriends
Smiling across a friend's friends
Ordering drinks at the bar

To speak is a sin
You look first, then stare
And once in a while
A smile, if you dare

(ta da da da da aah ta da da da da)

We'll stand around forever
Regardless of time or weather
Ordering drinks at the bar

Looking for love, and getting
Nothing that's worth regretting
But wondering why we travel so far

To speak is a sin
You look first, then stare
And once in a while
A smile, if you dare

To speak is a sin
You'd better beware (aah)
But once in a while
A smile, if you dare (aah)

(aah, aah, aah)

To speak is a sin
You look first, then stare
And once in a while
A smile, if you dare

To speak is a sin
You'd better beware (aah)
And once in a while
A smile, if you dare (oooh)

Yesterday, When I Was Mad

Darling, you were wonderful, you really were quite good
I enjoyed it, though, of course, no one understood
A word of what was going on, they didn't have a clue
They couldn't understand your sense of humour like i do

You're much too kind
I smiled with murder on my mind

Yesterday, when i was mad
And quite prepared to give up everything
Admitting, i don't believe
In anyone's sincerity, and that's what's really got to me

You have a certain quality, which really is unique
Expressionless, such irony, although your voice is weak
It doesn't really matter 'cause the music is so loud
Of course it's all on tape, but no one will find out

You hated me too
But not as much as i hated you

Yesterday, when i was mad
And quite prepared to give up everything
Admitting, i don't believe
In anyone's sincerity, and that's what's really got to me

Then, when i was lonely
I thought again
And changed my mind

Then we posed for pictures with the competition winners
And argued about the hotel rooms, and where to go for dinner
And someone said: "it's fabulous you're still around today,
You've both made such a little go a very long way"

Yesterday, when i was mad
And quite prepared to give up everything
Admitting, i don't believe
In anyone's sincerity, and that's what's really got to me

Yesterday, when i was mad
And quite prepared to give up everything
Admitting, i don't believe
In anyone's sincerity, and that's what's really got to me

Then, when i was lonely
I thought again
And changed my mind

Young Offender

You may be broke now, and you may be bored
Call you delinquent or leave you ignored
You'll get what you want

Drive to distraction, crash on the way
Watch your reaction, wait 'till you say
You'll get what you want
It hurts if you can't

Young offender, what's your defense?
You're younger than me, obviously
Young offender, why the pretense?
You don't agree, i know, i know

I'll do what you want if you want me enough
I'll put down my book and start falling in love
Or isn't that done?

How graceful your movements, how bitter your scorn
I've been a teenager since before you were born
And i'm younger than some
I've only begun

Young offender, what's your defense?
You're younger than me, obviously

When i get in your way, or open your eyes?
Who will give whom the bigger surprise?

Is there fire in your eyes, or the glow of machines?
Watch how your fingers thumb over the keys
So sure what you do
I haven't a clue

Young offender, what's your defense?
You're younger than me, obviously
Young offender, how you resent
The lovers you need, it hurts when they bleed
Young offender, why the pretense?
You don't agree, i know, i know
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #9

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Alternative (1995)

A Man Could Get Arrested

Do it (do it do it do it do it do it...)
Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it...
Do it now do it now do it now do it now do it now do it now do it now
Do it (do it do it do it do it...)

Late on tuesday evening, such a commotion in the street
Someone broke a window, and someone's head got beat
A wave of breaking bottles, crashed across the city street
And someone got arrested, for the breach of the peace

If you wanna walk (walk walk walk walk)
Don't talk (talk talk talk talk)
Do it! (do it do it do it do it do it do it do it)

If you wanna earn (earn earn earn earn)
Learn (learn learn learn)
How to do it! (do it do it do it do it do it do it do it)

And if you wanna ride (ride ride ride ride)
Don't hide (don't hide)
Do it! (do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it)

If you wanna stay (stay stay stay)
Don't say (say say say)
Prove it! (prove it prove it prove it prove it prove it prove it)

How much longer are you gonna sit and talk to me?
You got so many problems and a split personality
You want to see a doctor before our love is tested
How much longer a man could get arrested?

If you wanna walk (walk walk walk walk)
Don't talk (talk talk talk talk)
Do it! (do it do it do it do it do it do it do it)

If you wanna earn (earn earn earn earn)
Learn (learn learn learn learn)
How to do it! (do it do it do it do it do it)

And if you wanna ride (ride ride ride ride)
Don't hide (hide hide hide hide hide)
Do it! (do it do it do it do it do it do it)

And if you wanna stay (stay stay stay)
Don't say (say say say)
Prove it! (prove it prove it prove it prove it prove it prove it)

You've got your health, you've got everything, that's what my doctor said
You may not have much cash, but you've got a roof over your head
Of course i said i loved you, not just 'cause you insisted
How much longer a man could get arrested?

If you wanna walk (walk walk walk walk)
Don't talk (talk talk talk talk)
Do it! (do it do it do it do it do it do it do it)

If you wanna earn (earn earn earn earn)
Learn (learn learn learn learn)
How to do it! (do it do it do it do it do it do it)

If you wanna ride
Don't hide
Do it! (do it do it do it do it do it do it)

If you wanna stay (stay stay stay stay stay)
Don't say (say say say say say say)
Do it! (do it do it)
Do it! (do it do it do it do it do it do it)

Why don't, why don't we do it now?
Do it now?
Why don't, why don't we do it now?
Why don't we do it now?

Why don't, why don't we do it now?
Why don't we do it now?
Why don't we do it now?

A New Life

At night it hits me cold
There's so much more to life than i'll ever know
I look around and i realise
It's time to make a move, though you won't sympathise

Stars collect overhead
They look down on the channel and our lives grown dead
Cars pass on through the night
How do you get to heaven if you never try?

New life, new love
Where's the heart i was dreaming of?
I need a new hope, new dream
Another heart in a different scene

Make a firm decision, it's time to go
That's for you to find out and for me to know
No more hard times or petty crimes
Forget that life i have left behind

The night goes by
Leaving you behind me, as i fly
Then rise, the day and night sky
How do you get to heaven if you never try?

New life, new love
Where's the heart i was dreaming of?
I need a new hope, new dream
Another heart in a different scene

A new life, it's so hard to find
A new love, it's so hard to find

The night goes by
Leaving you behind me, as i fly
There lies the day in that sky
How do you get to heaven if you never try?

New life, new love
Where's the heart i was dreaming of?
I need a new hope, new dream
Another heart in a different scene

New life, new love
Where's the heart i was dreaming of?
I need a new hope, new dream
Another heart in a different scene

Bet She's Not Your Girlfriend

(whisper whisper whisper whisper)
Whisper 'round the town,
'cause you're my friend and that's the end
For you're the only one in town
Who they will beg to hang around with
You're so beautiful and calm
But with an attitude that says:
"hands-off, you're just not good enough"

Every boy and man feeling lonely
Can't understand why you'd be with me
Furthermore, we laugh and we draw
More attention everyday, so they say:

(girlfriend) bet she's not your girlfriend, oh no,
(oh oh oh girlfriend) you better make her happy
(oh oh oh girlfriend) bet she's not your girlfriend, oh no,
(oh oh oh girlfriend) you better make her happy

Well, that says maybe, in a way, but it's okay
We are touche', while they stare in front of us
They draw away, as if to say:
"who are these people anyway?
How dare they confront us?"

Every boy and man feeling lonely
Can't understand why you'd be with me
Furthermore, we laugh and we draw
More attention everyday, so they say:

(girlfriend) bet she's not your girlfriend, oh no,
(oh oh oh girlfriend) you better make her happy
(oh oh oh girlfriend) bet she's not your girlfriend, oh no,
(oh oh oh girlfriend) you better make her happy

Oh no no no
Oh no no no
(girlfriend oh oh oh girlfriend
Oh oh oh girlfriend oh oh oh girlfriend)

I'd rather die, than satisfy their curiousity
I'm kind of shy and dry, and verging on ugly
They wonder what that i have got, that they have not
They'll never understand that none of that matters

Every boy and man feeling lonely
Can't understand why you'd be with me
Furthermore, we laugh and we draw
More attention everyday, so they say:

(girlfriend) bet she's not your girlfriend, oh no,
(oh oh oh girlfriend) you better make her happy
(oh oh oh girlfriend) bet she's not your girlfriend, oh no,
(oh oh oh girlfriend) you better make her happy

(oh oh oh girlfriend oh oh oh girlfriend
Oh oh oh girlfriend)
Bet she's not your, bet she's not your,
Bet she's not your,bet she's not your,
(oh oh oh girlfriend)
Bet she's not your girlfriend, oh no

(oh oh oh girlfriend) bet she's not your girlfriend
(oh oh oh girlfriend) you better make her happy
(oh oh oh girlfriend) bet she's not your girlfriend
(oh oh oh girlfriend) you better make her happy

Bet she's not your girlfriend


You don't care about nothing
So you don't care about love
If you want me to come back
You'd better change

You'd better give up talking about money
Begin thinking of love
If you want me to come back
You'd better change

You'd better change for the better
It cost more than dollars and cents
Take it from me there's - got to be
An end to this decadence
This decadence

You don't care about people
So you don't care about pain
If you want me to come back
You'd better change

You'd better change for the better
Start using some common sense
Take it from me there's - got to be
An end to this decadence

For decadence - is fatal
It's the beginning of the end
In self-defense
I cannot recommend
This decadence

You don't care about real life
You're too distant and strange
If you want me to come back

You'd better change for the better
It may be rather intense
Stop this caprice, you've got to cease
This fin-de-siecle pretence

For decadence - is fatal
It's the beginning of the end
In consequence
I cannot recommend
This decadence
This decadence
This decadence
This decadence

Don Juan

The man who's escorting don Juan to his bride
Knows he is courting an impudent pride
Think of his jealousy, oh, where will he hide?
The man who's escorting don Juan to his bride

The man who will cover for don Juan's old soothsayer
Films for a warner brother or mister Goldwyn-Mayer
Think of his starlet, how much will he pay her?
The man who will cover for don Juan's old soothsayer

An impasse has been reached with the teacher of the rich
To quit would be discreet and swift
But you know that i can't do that
It would be a disaster
It would be a disaster

I've got this sinking feeling, i'm not dreaming
We'll be sorry soon


At the end of the day, when everyone's resigned
To the heart of the matter and the measures in mind
King zog's back from holiday, Mary Lupescu's Grey
And king Alexander is dead in Marseilles

An impasse has been reached with the teacher of the rich,
To quit would be discrete and swift
But you know that i can't do that
It would be a disaster
It would be a disaster

I've got this sinking feeling, i'm not dreaming
We'll be sorry soon.


Do I Have To?

I don't care what you've said, and i mean it
I don't care what you've shared, 'cause i've seen it
Who's to judge if you're wrong? this is a bad time
Just as long as you break his heart and not mine

Tell him you're a liar, tell him i'm a saint
Say it's much too early, or just too late
Tell him that you're weak, beg him to be strong
Say you're very sorry but you were wrong

Do i have to? don't say!
Do i need to love you?
Do i have to? don't say!
Do i need to love you?

It's a fatal mistake, and you know it
That you're dying to make; you'll pay for it
It's already too late, go on, admit it

Tell him it's a problem, tell him it's too hard
Say you've phoned your best friend and Scotland yard
Swear that there'll be murder, tell him that i'm ill
Say you know it's blackmail, but that don't kill

Do i have to? don't say!
Do i need to love you?
Do i have to? don't say
That i need to love you?
Do i have to? oh, don't say!
Do i need to love you?
Do i have to? don't say
Do i need to love you?

I know what you assume about me
I hurt, but do i have to bleed?

Do i have to? don't say!
Do i need to love you?
Do i have to? don't say!
Do i need to love you?

Do i have to? don't say!
Do i need to love you?
Do i have to? don't say
That i need to love you?

Do i have to?
Do i have to?
Don't say
Do i have to?
Love you?


(viva viva viva viva)
(viva viva viva viva)
(viva viva viva viva)
(viva viva viva viva)

(viva viva viva viva) you're a euroboy
(viva viva viva viva) you're a euroboy
(viva viva viva viva) you're a euroboy
(viva viva viva viva) you're a euroboy

(viva viva viva viva) you're a euroboy (euroboy)
(viva viva viva viva) you're a euroboy (euroboy)
(viva viva viva viva) you're a euroboy (euroboy)
(viva viva viva viva) you're a euroboy (euroboy)

(viva viva viva viva) you want a lover, you want a new lover
(viva viva viva viva) you want a lover, you want a new lover
(viva viva viva viva) you want a lover, you want a new lover
(viva viva viva viva) you want a lover, you want a new lover

(viva viva viva viva) you want a lover
(viva viva viva viva) you want a new lover
(viva viva viva viva) you want a lover
(viva viva viva viva) you want a new lover

You was my lover, you want my love now
You was my lover, you want my love now
You was my lover, you want my love now
You was my lover, you want my love now

(viva viva viva viva)
(viva viva viva viva)
(viva viva viva viva)
(viva viva viva viva)


(viva viva viva viva)
(viva viva viva viva)
(viva viva viva viva)
(viva viva viva viva)

You're a euroboy
You're a euroboy
You're a euroboy
You're a euroboy

(viva viva viva viva) you're a euroboy (euroboy)
(viva viva viva viva) you're a euroboy (euroboy)
(viva viva viva viva) you're a euroboy
(viva viva viva viva) you're a euroboy

(viva viva viva viva) you want a lover, you want a new lover
(viva viva viva viva) you want a lover, you want a new lover
(viva viva viva viva) you want a lover, you want a new lover
(viva viva viva viva) you want a lover, you want a new lover

(viva viva viva viva) you want a lover
(viva viva viva viva) you want a new lover
(viva viva viva viva) you want a lover
(viva viva viva viva) you want a new lover (euroboy)

(viva viva viva viva)
You was my lover, you want my love now
(viva viva viva viva)
You was my lover, you want my love now
(viva viva viva viva)
You was my lover, you want my love now
(viva viva viva viva)
You was my lover, you want my love now

(viva viva viva viva) euroboy
(viva viva viva viva) euroboy
(viva viva viva viva) euroboy
(viva viva viva viva) euroboy

(euroboy he he he he he he)

Hey, Headmaster

Hey, headmaster, what's the matter with you?
Why're you always so serious, why so blue?
All the kids in the school have seen you
Being patient with the boys who fool you
When you used to hit them with your ruler
So independent too
Hey, headmaster, what's the matter with you?

There's a crisis rumoured in the school
The boys have cut their hair short to look cool
Examination time is drawing near
Disintegration of the football team
No one seems to want to play for real
In classroom, club or pool
Hey, headmaster, what're you gonna do?

There's an invitation in the post
To a reading party on the coast
Pack your bags up, you old bibliophile
Get together with your friends, who will
Give you time to think and time to kill
With independent hosts
Hey, headmaster, aren't you gonna go?
Hey, headmaster, aren't you gonna go?

If Love Were All

I believe in doing what i can
In crying when i must
In laughing when i choose

Hey ho if love were all
I should be lonely

I believe the more you love a man
The more you give your trust
The more you're bound to lose
Although when shadows fall
I think if only
Somebody splendid really needed me
Someone affectionate and dear
Chaos would be ended if i knew that he
Wanted to have me near
But i believe that since my life began
The most i've had is just a talent to amuse
Hey ho if love were all
Hey ho if love were all

In The Night

Zazou, what you're gonna do?
There's a lot of people coming for you
Zazou, comment allez-vous?
A knock on the door in the night

That zazou, he don't care
Dark glasses, long hair
Takes his time, sneers at men
Some ugly people want revenge

Zazou, comment allez-vous?
A knock on the door in the night (in the night)

In the night (in the night)

That zazou, he sleeps all day
Then down to select or le collisee
Sips his drinks, orders more
Says what he thinks and it's a crazy war

Zazou, what you're gonna do?
A knock on the door in the night
(in the night in the night ...)

Zazou, comment allez-vous?
A knock on the door in the night (the night the night)

And when the soldiers strut, all he cares about
Is love
When the flags are out, all he cares about
Is love
Well, there's a thin line between love and crime
And in this situation
A thin line between love and crime and -
Collaboration (-ration)

In the night
(in the night in the night in the night in the night ...)

(crime crime crime crime crime crime crime crime crime crime
Crime crime crime crime crime crime crime crime crime crime
Crime crime crime crime ...)

In the night (in the night in the night)

In the night (in the night in the night)

Zazou, what you're gonna do?
There's a lot of people coming for you
Zazou, comment allez-vous?
A knock on the door in the night

Now everybody's under somebody's spell
Unless they've already gone to hell
In the streets you can hear the people say
That, zazou, he should be locked away!

When the soldiers strut, all he cares about
Is love
Oh, when the flags are out, all he cares about
Is love
And there's a thin line between love and crime
And in this situation
A thin line between love and crime and

It Must Be Obvious

Are you feeling alright?
It's easy, we've been there before
But it feels like the flight
Of the von trapps, does that mean it's war?
Oh no,
From my head to my toes
I'm in love with you
Do you think it shows?

We're meant to be friends
That's what it says in the script
Is it really the end
If, sometimes, i stray just a bit?
Oh no,
It should be poetry, not prose
I'm in love with you
Do you think it shows?

And everyone knows when they look at us
'course they do, it must be obvious
I never told you, now i suppose
That you're the only one who doesn't know

You were different when
We met in an ordinary way
I didn't intend
To interrupt your own shadowplay
Oh no,
I won't upset the status quo
I'm in love with you
Do you think it shows?

And everyone knows when they look at us
'course they do, it must be obvious
You've never asked me, and i'm surprised
That you're the only one who hasn't tried

Everyone knows when they look at us
'course they do, it must be obvious
I never asked you, now i suppose
That you're the only one who doesn't know

When they look at us
It must be obvious

I Get Excited (you Get Excited Too)


(excited excited excited excited)
(excited excited excited excited)

(i get excited)
(i get excited)

We're both in the gutter, that's no surprise
What does it matter, when i look in your eyes?
We've lost all our money, we're thrown out of bars
We're lying in the gutter, but we're looking at the stars

I get excited, you get excited too (excited) (i get excited)
I get excited, you get excited too (excited) (i get excited)

I hear the sound of the subway, the sigh of the heat
The click of the visitors' heels on the street
The rattle of the taxi, the scream of the cars
The clatter of the dustbin and the beat of my heart

I get excited, you get excited too (excited) (i get excited)
I get excited, you get excited too (excited) (i get excited)
I don't know why, i don't know why (i get excited)
I don't know why, i don't know why
(excited excited excited excited)
(excited excited excited excited)

You're in my soul
My body moves to your control
Baby, i've been thinking about you
All night long, and the neighbours are talking

I don't know why, i don't know why (excited) (i get excited)
I don't know why, i don't know why
(excited) (i get excited)

We're both in the gutter, that's no surprise
What does it matter, when i look in your eyes?
We've lost all our money, we're thrown out of bars
We're lying in the gutter, but we're looking at the stars

I get excited, you get excited too (excited) (i get excited)
I get excited, you get excited too (excited) (i get excited)
I don't know why, i don't know why (i get excited)
I don't know why, i don't know why
(excited excited excited excited)
(excited excited excited excited)

I get excited, you get excited too (excited) (i get excited)
I get excited, you get excited too (excited) (i get excited)
I don't know why, i don't know why (i get excited)
I don't know why, i don't know why (i get excited)
I get excited, you get excited too

I Want A Dog

I want a dog,
A chihuahua
When i get back to my small flat
I want to hear somebody bark
Oh, (oh oh) you can get lonely

Don't want a cat,
Scratching its claws all over my
Giving no love and getting fat
Oh, (oh oh) you can get lonely
And a cat's no help with that

I want a dog,
To walk in the park
When it gets dark, my dog will bark
At any passers-by
Oh, (oh oh) you can get lonely
I want a dog

I want a dog,
A chihuahua
When i get back to my small flat
I want to hear somebody bark
Oh, (oh oh) you can get lonely
I want a dog

Jack The Lad

Ooooooh oooooh

Lawrence in the desert, how was he to know
Under so much pressure from the men back home?

Play with fire, you must be mad
Are you only jack the lad?
Play with guns, you must be bad
Or hiding something, jack!

Telling lies in public, breaking codes at home
Underneath the blankets, for another role

Tell these lies, you must be mad
Are you only jack the lad?
To feast with panthers every night
You must be careful, jack!

Don't let them try to restrain you
This is your only religion
Don't let them try to detain you
You're not the only fool

We all fall, even jack the lad
We all fall, even jack the lad
Will fall

Philby in the desert
Looking for a phone
Waiting on the pavement
For a call from home

Play with fire, you must be mad
Are you only jack the lad?
Turn your back on friends you had
They must have hurt you, jack!

Don't let them try to restrain you
This is your only religion
Don't let them try to detain you
You're not the only fool

We all fall, even jack the lad
We all fall, even jack the lad

Don't let them try to restrain you
This is your only religion
Don't let them try to detain you
You're not the only fool

We all fall, even jack the lad
We all fall, even jack the lad
Will fall...

Losing My Mind

The sun comes up - i think about you
The coffee cup - i think about you
I want you so, it's like i'm losing my mind

The morning ends - i think about you
I talk to friends and think about you
And do they know it's like i'm losing my mind?

All afternoon doing every little chore
The thought of you stays bright
Sometimes i stand in the middle of the floor
Not going left - not going right

I dim the lights and think about you
Spend sleepless nights to think about you
You said you loved me, or were you just being kind?
Or am i losing
My mind?

All afternoon doing every little chore
The thought of you stays bright
Sometimes i stand in the middle of the floor
Not going left - not going right

I dim the lights and think about you
Spend sleepless nights to think about you
You said you loved me, or were you just being kind?
Or am i losing my mind?

Or am i losing
Losing my mind?

You said you loved me, or were you just being kind?
Or am i losing my mind?

Were you just being kind?
Or am i losing my mind?
Losing my mind?
Losing my mind?


It seems to me there's something serious beginning
A new approach found to the meaning of life
Deny that happiness is open as an option
And disappointment disappears over night

Say that love is an impossible dream
Face the facts, that's what it's always been
Relax, what you see is what you've seen
What you get, is a new philosophy

(that's what you got, that's what you get)
(that's what you got, that's what you get)

Miserablism, is is and isn't isn't
Miserablism, is is and isn't isn't

Meanwhile your life is still directed as a drama
With realism on the sparsest of sets
Every performance tends to reach the same conclusion
No happy endings but a message to depress
Saying life is an impossible scheme
That's the point of this philosophy

Miserablism, is is and isn't isn't
Miserablism, is is and isn't isn't

But if is wasn't, and isn't were
You can't be sure, but you might find ecstasy

(oh no)

Just for the sake of it, make sure you're always frowning
(get get get)
It shows the world that you've got substance and depth
You know, life is an impossible scheme
And love an imperceptible dream

(that's what you got, that's what you get)
(that's what you got, that's what you get)

Miserablism, is is and isn't isn't
Miserablism, is is and isn't isn't
Miserablism, is is and isn't isn't
Miserablism, is is and isn't isn't
Miserablism, is is and isn't isn't
Miserablism, is is and isn't isn't

Music For Boys

- music for boys -

- music for boys -

(oh yeah)
(oh yeah)
(oh yeah)
(oh yeah)
(oh yeah)
(oh yeah)
(oh yeah)
(oh yeah)

- music for boys -

(oh yeah)
(oh yeah)
(oh yeah)
(oh yeah)
(oh yeah)
(oh yeah)
(oh yeah)
(oh yeah)

- music for boys -

One Of The Crowd

When i go fishing with my rod
I often get that urge
To fall asleep a sleep so deep that
No-one notices me

Don't want anyone to know my name
Don't want to get a fax
Don't want to meet the royal family
Just 'cause i've paid my tax

Don't wanna be seen or heard
Don't want to shout out loud
I want to be part of the herd
One of the crowd

Dressing individually doesn't impress me
I think that it's pathetic
Following fashion, i just like it
Don't i?

Don't wanna be seen or heard
Don't want to shout out loud
I want to be part of the herd
One of the crowd

(one of the crowd)
(one of the crowd)


I never fight, but every night
I think it's gonna be alright
I think i might think in spite of
Every - thing

Don't wanna be seen or heard
Don't want to shout out loud
I want to be part of the herd
One of the crowd

One of the crowd
One of the crowd
One of the crowd
One of the crowd

One of the crowd

(one of the crowd)
(one of the crowd)


Passion and love, sex, money,
Violence, religion, injustice, death

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Girls, boys, arts, pleasure
Girls, boys, arts, pleasure

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Food, cars, travel, food, cars, travel, travel
(travel travel)
New york, new york, new york,
New york

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Armani, armani, a-a-armani, versace, cinque

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Armani, armani, a-a-armani, versace, cinque

Paninaro (ro ro), paninaro, oh oh oh (oh)
Paninaro (ro ro), paninaro, oh oh oh (oh)

(i don't like country & western.
I don't like rock music.
Ehm, i don't like, i don't like rockabilly.
- rock'n'roll in particular -
I don't like much, really, do i? [laugh]
But what i do like, i love passionately)

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

You! you're my lover,
You're my hope, you're my dreams, my life
My passion, my love, my sex, my money,
Violence, religion, injustice and death

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Paninaro, (i don't like much, really, do i?)
Paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, (but what i do like, i love passionately)
Paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh

Paninaro, paninaro, oh oh oh
Paninaro, oh oh oh


(ooh ah ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh) [hello]
(ooh ah ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh)
(ooh ah ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh)
(ooh ah ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh) [dahhhling - mmwah!]
[how dare you? do you know who i am?]
[you look fabulous! - mmwah!]

I know what you think
It's clear as mud in your eyes
We're the plastic poseurs and prostitutes
You've obviously come to despise

But you don't know nothing
You're not hot enough to matter
You don't understand it's the glamorous life
A dream that no one can shatter

We're shameless
We will do anything
To get our fifteen minutes of fame
We have no integrity
We're ready to crawl
To obtain celebrity
We'll do anything at all

I'm ambitious
Believe me, i'm going to be big
I'm a slave to glamour
Applause and clamour
My makeup, my wardrobe, my wigs

Don't call me pathetic
I'm harder than you'll ever guess
Relentlessly tough, for when the going gets rough
The tough get their picture in the press

We're shameless
We will do anything
To get our fifteen minutes of fame
We have no integrity
We're ready to crawl
To obtain celebrity
We'll do anything at all

(anything, anything, anything at all)
(we'll do anything, anything, anything at all)
(we'll do anything, anything, anything at all)
(we'll do anything, anything, anything at all)
[it's going perfectly alright]
[how dare you? do you know who i am?]
[it's an absolute disgrace]

Tell me you love me
Admit it, you're really impressed
Would it not amuse you
For me to seduce you
Have you ever seen me undressed?

We're shameless
We will do anything
To get our fifteen minutes of fame (give me fifteen minutes)
We have no integrity
We're ready to crawl
To obtain celebrity
We'll do anything at all

We're shameless
We will do anything
To get our fifteen minutes of fame (give me fifteen minutes)
We have no integrity
We're ready to crawl to obtain celebrity
We'll do anything
With anyone
Go absolutely anywhere
For anything
At all

(ooh ah ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh) [i'm terribly sorry]
(ooh ah ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh)
(ooh ah ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh)
(ooh ah ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh)
(ooh ah ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh)
(ooh ah ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh)
(ooh ah ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh)
(ooh ah ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh)

Some Speculation

There's been some speculation about a recent invitation
There's been some speculation about a recent invitation
What's your game?
What's his name?

Is it your inclination to accept this invitation?
Is it your inclination to accept this invitation?
What's your game?

Going away with someone new
Yesterday i went there too
Going away with someone new
Yesterday i went there too

There's been some speculation about a recent invitation
There's been some speculation about a recent invitation
What's your game?
What's his name?

Is it your inclination to accept this invitation?
Is it your inclination to accept this invitation?
What's your game?

Going away with someone new
Yesterday i went there too
Going away with someone new
Yesterday i went there too

That's My Impression

I went looking for someone i couldn't find
Staring at faces by the serpentine
Walking slowly, i realised
You'd been and gone - i know you lied
That's my impression
That's my impression
That's my impression
That's my impression

The wind was chilly and the sky was dull
I went for shelter to the temple
Once inside i couldn't believe my eyes
You'd been and gone - i know you lied
That's my impression
That's my impression
That's my impression
That's my impression

Go to a club - you think i'll be there
I don't go 'cause i'm not a member
You said you went to apologise
It's plain to me that's one more lie
That's my impression
That's my impression
That's my impression (impression)
That's my impression

I went looking for someone i couldn't find
Staring at faces by the serpentine
Walking slowly, i realised
You'd been and gone - i know you lied
That's my impression
That's my impression
That's my impression
That's my impression
It's an expression
And a suggestion
I learned my lesson
That's my impression
That's my impression (impression)
That's my impression
That's my impression (impression)
I learned my lesson

I went looking for someone i couldn't find
Staring at faces by the serpentine
Walking slowly i - realised
You'd been and gone - i know
You lied - that's my impression
I know you lied
And that's my impression
That's my impression
My impression
That's my impression

The Sound Of The Atom Splitting (12" Mix)

I hate you
I hate you
Nothing will ever be the same
Oh really
Don't be silly
I told you it was all a game
Whenever i see you or your work
It makes me feel like spitting
What's that noise?
Oh that
We've been expecting it for ages
It's the sound of the atom splitting

He's a villain,
Him over there
With a stocking on his head
Look, there's another one
They call themselves pinheads
What's that noise over there?
Is it the corrogated iron they're hitting?
No, no, it's perfectly normal
It's just the sound of the atom splitting

Whose side are you on anyway?
Is that some kind of threat?
Well, i suppose it will have to do
As long as you don't make too much mess
And would the last person to leave
- once you all finish kissing -
Turn the video on to record
You never know what you're missing
Bread and circuses
And maybe later
The sound of the atom splitting

Quiet at the back, please!
No whistling
It's the sound
The sound
The sound of the atom splitting

I hate you
I hate you
Quiet at the back, please!
No whistling

It's the sound
The sound
The sound of the atom splitting

It's the sound
The sound
The sound of the atom splitting

Oh really
Don't be silly
I told you it was all a game

It's the sound
What's that noise?
Quiet at the back, please!

Too Many People

I sometimes think that i'm too many people
Too many people, too many people
I sometimes think that i'm too many people
Too many people, too many people at once

The husband or the hedonist
The businessman or the communist
The artist or the showbiz creep
The lover or the nervous geek
The question of identity is one that's always haunted me
Whoever i decide to be depends on who is with me

I sometimes think that i'm too many people
Too many people, too many people
I sometimes think that i'm too many people
Too many people, too many people at once

The tactless twit putting his foot in it
Or the sensitive soul who's a role model
The urban jet setter - never at home
Or the country recluse - just leave me alone
Extrovert or introvert
Love is kind, and love hurts
Rebellion or conformity
What is my identity?

I sometimes think that i'm too many people
Too many people, too many people
I sometimes think that i'm too many people
Too many people, too many people at once

The intellectual and bon-viveur
Or the naive simpleton, so immature
A devoted son and family man
Or the wicked uncle who doesn't give a damn
How often these have tempted me
The question of identity depends on what i'm meant to be

I sometimes think that i'm too many people
Too many people, too many people
I sometimes think that i'm too many people
Too many people, too many people at once

I sometimes think that i'm too many people
Too many people, too many people
I sometimes think that i'm too many people
Too many people, too many people at once

Violence (hacienda Version)

The sons and brothers, fighting for another cause
Anything to give their lives some meaning
Busy with their guns and dreaming
Far away from here
Said they would act (said they would act)
In self-defense

And all the others, running 'round so hot and bothered
Anything to give their lives some meaning
In the evening
Running around with guns and
Said they would act (said they would act)
In self-defense
With violence

Violence breeds
(ooh yeah, ooh yeah)
Violence breeds
(ooh yeah, violence breeds violence)
(ooh yeah, breeds yeah, breeds yeah)
(ooh yeah, ooh yeah)

The son and brother, when he gets home
He gives someone some love
And mutters: "woman, (mutters woman)
You'll never understand (never understand)
I did what i said (did what i said)
In self-defense
With violence"

Violence breeds
(ooh yeah, ooh yeah)
Violence breeds
(ooh yeah, ooh yeah)

(ooh yeah, violence)
(ooh yeah, violence breeds violence)

Was That What It Was?

Think again - remember what we said
Promises - how we both forget
Even now i see it in your eyes
When and why, and where was paradise?
Something's been and gone
When all is said and done; we were wrong
Was that what it was?
Was that what it was?

Think again - remember what you said
You'd never leave - if you did i wouldn't care
I never dared to ring you up and ask you why
Too proud to beg or hear you cry
Something's been and gone
When all is said and done; we were wrong
Was that what it was?
Was that what it was?

I don't need any more in my life
Did you need something more in your life?
Was that what it was?
Was - that - what it was?

Something's been and gone
When all is said and done; we were wrong
Was that what it was?
Was that what it was?

We All Feel Better In The Dark

(the secrets of sexual attraction)

(get down get down get down get down
Get down get down get down get down)

The music's pumping through me, i rush into the crowd
The sweat is pouring off me, the beat is dead loud
I want someone to love me, and i know i want it now
These feelings that i'm feeling must be satisfied somehow
I want it, i want it, you know i really want it!
I want it, i want it, you know i really want it!
I want it, i want it, you know i really want it!

We all feel better in the dark
We all feel better in the dark
(get down get down get down get down
Get down get down get down get down - oooh)

My body surges with energy, shivers down my spine
I look deep into your eyes, and i know that you'll be mine
(pump that bass pu-pump that bass
Pump that bass pu-pump that bass
Pump that bass pu-pump that bass
Pump that bass pu-pump that bass - aah
Pump that bass pu-pump that bass (yeah yeah)
Pump that bass pu-pump that bass (yeah yeah)
Pump that bass pu-pump that bass (yeah yeah)
Pump that bass pu-pump that bass (yeah yeah))

We all feel better in the dark
(get down get down get down get down
Get down get down get down get down)
We all feel better in the dark
(get down get down get down get down
Get down get down get down get down)

The music's pumping through me, i rush into the crowd
The sweat is pouring off me, the beat is dead loud
I want someone to love me, and i know i want it now
These feelings that i'm feeling must be satisfied somehow
You want it, you want it, you know you really want it!
You want it, you want it, you know you really want it!

I want it, i want it, you know i really want it!

We all feel better in the dark
(get down get down get down get down
Get down get down get down get down)
We all feel better in the dark (oooh)

We all feel better in the dark

What Keeps Mankind Alive?

You gentlemen who think you have a mission
To purge us of the seven deadly sins
Should first sort out the basic food position
Then start your preaching, that's where it begins

You lot, who preach restraint and watch your waist as well
Should learn for all time how the world is run
However much you twist, whatever lies you tell
Food is the first thing, morals follow on

So first make sure that those, who now are starving
Get proper helpings, when we all start carving

What keeps mankind alive, the fact that millions
Are daily tortured, stifled, punished, silenced, oppressed
Mankind can keep alive, thanks to its brilliance
At keeping its humanity repressed
For once, you must not try to shirk the facts:
Mankind is kept alive by bestial acts.

You say the girls may strip with your permission (whoa!)
You draw the line dividing art from sin
So first sort out the basic food position
Then start your preaching, that's where it begins

You lot, who bank on your desires and our disgust
Should learn for all time how the world is run
Whatever lies you tell, however much you twist
Food is the first thing, morals follow on

So first make sure that those, who now are starving
Get proper helpings, when we all start carving

What keeps mankind alive, the fact that millions
Are daily tortured, stifled, punished, silenced, oppressed
Mankind can keep alive, thanks to its brilliance
At keeping its humanity repressed
For once, you must not try to shirk the facts
Mankind is kept alive by bestial acts

Mankind can keep alive, thanks to its brilliance
At keeping its humanity repressed
For once, you must not try to shirk the facts:
Mankind is kept alive by bestial acts

Your Funny Uncle

A windy day
The cars in slow formation
Not far away
A final destination
One mother's son
His father's distant gaze, regretting
Where they went wrong
He always found it too upsetting

Me and my friend
We lived our lives completely
From start to end
You and your friend, so sweetly
With strength and pride
In spite of everything, and swimming
Against the tide
To obstinately hope of winning

And at the end
Your funny uncle staring
At all your friends
With military bearing
And stopped to stand
To smile and speak of you directly
Goodbye, shake hands
Like you did everything correctly

To wipe away the tears
No more pain, no fear
No sorrow or dying
No waiting or crying
These former things have passed away
Another life begins today

You Know Where You Went Wrong

Two men on the street
Drinking something cheap
No home, no family
It's cold, nowhere to sleep
Passers-by never catch their eye
Anywhere, one man drinks, the other swears

You know where you went wrong
You know where you went wrong
(aaaah) you know
You know where you went wrong
You know where you went wrong
(aaaah) you know

The old man can't understand
No one will shake his hand
I gave security, bombs and colour TV
It cost a few lives
Someone's son always dies
No one shakes his hand
He don't understand

You know where you went wrong
You know where you went wrong
(aaaah) you know
You know where you went wrong
You know where you went wrong
(aaaah) you know

This is the history of the world
Of every boy and every girl
Who don't understand what's going on anymore
The history of the world
Of every boy and every girl
Who don't understand what's going on anymore
(what's going on?)

Two girls have a photograph
One looks, the other laughs
He could have been mine
Why did i change my mind?
Then hands on hips
The other girl says: admit! admit!

You know where you went wrong
You know where you went wrong
(aaaah) you know
You know where you went wrong
You know where you went wrong
(aaaah) you know

This is the history of the world (of the world)
Of every boy and every girl
Who don't (who don't) understand (understand)
What's going on anymore (what's going on?)
The history of the world (ooooh)
Of every boy and every girl (every boy and girl)
Who don't (who don't) understand (understand)
What's going on anymore (what's going on?)

You know where you went wrong
You know where you went wrong
(aaaah) you know
You know where you went wrong
You know where you went wrong
(aaaah) you know


You know where you went wrong
You know where you went wrong
(aaaah) you know


You know where you went wrong
You know where you went wrong
(aaaah) you know
You know where you went wrong
You know where you went wrong
(aaaah) you know

You know where you went wrong
You know where you went wrong
You know
You know where you went wrong
You know where you went wrong
You know
You know where you went wrong
You know where you went wrong
You know
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #10

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Bilingual (1996)


The telephone's not answered
So many times you'll call
For many different reasons
So many tears will fall

You find your love before
It comes knocking at your door
Before you know for sure
This is what you were waiting for

So many fears will haunt you
Deny them or regret
Some men will make you want to
And you will not forget

You find your love before
It comes knocking at your door
Before you know for sure
This is what you were waiting for

There's a story of a man
Who loved too much
He ended up inside a prison cell
You've got to want to give
To get it
Or you could land up in the same
Suspicious hell

It's happened before
It's happened before

Coincidence and patience
Will mend this fatal flaw
Though it may seem a long wait
Others have been here before

You find your love before
It comes knocking at your door
Before you know for sure
This is what you were waiting for

One day when the phone starts ringing
You'll answer to the words you're longing for
No tears no trade no prison cell
Whatever you need he will return more

It's happened before
It's happened before


Hay una discoteca por acqui?

I don't speak the language
I can't understand the word
Where angels fear to tread
I've sometimes walked and tried to talk
But how can i be heard
In such a world
When i'm lost?
I'm doing what i do
To see me through
I'm going out
And carrying on as normal

Hay una discoteca por acqui?

Te quiero
Entiende usted?
Cuanto tiempo tengo que esperar?

I don't speak in anger
Though the chances that i've let
Pass me by
And now regret i can't forget
They're haunting me
Like a score of unpaid debts
Is it enough
To live in hope
That one day we'll be free
Without this fear?
I'm going out
And carrying on as normal

Hay una discoteca por acqui?

Te quiero
Entiende usted?
Cuanto tiempo tengo que esperar?


I'm an artist honey
You'll see me sometimes
Making crazy pictures out of music and rhymes
Costume changes
Performed with poise
Dancing in formation
With a couple of boys
I take them on the road
With my reel-to-reels
I'm an artist honey
You know how that feels?

It's the greatest show
With the best effects
Since disco-tex
And the sexelettes

It's the greatest show
With the best effects
Since disco-tex
And the sexelettes

It's all about wonder
The power to be
Like thunder expressing electricity

It's the greatest show
With the best effects
Since disco-tex
And the sexelettes

Disco-tex and the sexelettes

Call it performance
Call it art
I call it disaster
If the tapes don't start
I've put all my life
Into live lip-sync
I'm an artist honey
You gonna get me a drink?

It's the greatest show
With the best effects
Since disco-tex
And the sexelettes

It's all about wonder
The power to be
Like thunder expressing electricity

It's the greatest show
With the best effects
Since disco-tex
And the sexelettes

Disco-tex and the sexelettes

It Always Comes As A Surprise

I can't be cool
Or nonchalant
Call me an impulsive fool
You're all i want
You may be right
It's too much too soon
To talk of love all night
In your bedroom

I don't know why
It always comes as a surprise
To find
I'm here with you
You smile
And i am rubbing my eyes
At a dream come true

I won't play games
Or waste your time
But i won't feel ashamed
To speak my mind
So just relax
Don't question why
For calculated facts
Will not apply

I don't know why
It always comes as a surprise
To find
I'm here with you
You smile
And i am rubbing my eyes
At a dream come true

In my life
There've been few
Who've affected me
The way you do
(you do you do)

I'll tell no lies
I won't pretend
But if you've a broken heart
I'll help it mend

I don't know why
It always comes as a surprise
To find
I'm here with you
You smile
And i am rubbing my eyes
At a dream come true

And i am rubbing my eyes
At a dream come true


Please allow me to try and explain
I'm living proof that man can change
I knew what i wanted
I knew how to get it
It didn't make it happy so i started again
What i wanted to be was a family man
But nature had some alternative plans
So i did without the lot put emotion on hold
And hoped my instincts would do what they were told

I wanna know yeah
I wanna know

But every now and then
Often at night
A particular feeling would surface in spite
Of what i told myself and tried to deny
I kept on asking the question: why?

I wanna know yeah
I wanna know

You grow up and experience this
A total metamorphosis

It's all about change
It's a metamorphosis

With time and age i had to change
'cause my behaviour was getting strange
People on the street caught my eye
And i began to think i might be their kind of guy
The long-term suppression of an adolescent urge
Was in retreat and i was on the verge
Of falling in love or having fun
Time was running out
Something had to be done

I wanna know yeah
I wanna know
I wanna know yeah
Tell me what's the reason

Where was i?
Laying down the law
Dancing with others
Out on the floor
Music and smoke
What did it mean?
Somebody spoke and i went into a dream
I had what i wanted
Madly in love
Nothing else mattered
This was enough
Questions were answered
Which used to perplex
In particular those about the big s.e.x.

I wanna know yeah
I wanna know
I wanna know yeah
Tell me what's the reason

You grow up and experience this
A total metamorphosis
It's all about love
It's a metamorphosis

Dreaming is easy
Life is tough
I got the picture
The most important thing
Is not to end up bitter
'cause when you start to feel
Increasingly forlorner
Woomph! love comes
Right around the corner
It may not last
But here am i
Once a caterpillar
Now a butterfly
It can seem strange
But when you reminisce
It's all about change
It's a metamorphosis

I wanna know yeah
I wanna know
I wanna know
It's all about love
It's a metamorphosis

You grow up and experience this
A total metamorphosis
It's all about change
It's a metamorphosis

I wanna know yeah
I wanna know
I wanna know yeah
I wanna know
It's all about change
It's a metamorphosis

I wanna know yeah
I wanna know
It's all about love
It's a metamorphosis

Red Letter Day

Go to work and take your calls
Hang the fruits
Of your labour on the walls
Such precision and care
What does it matter
If there's no one here to share

Flowers in the garden
Blue wine
The "waiting for godot"
And so much modern time?

All i want
Is what you want
I'm always waiting
For a red letter day

The years perfecting a stance
Of measured cool
Fade into insignificance
The moment one starts to understand
What on earth
Does it profit a man?

All i want
Is what you want
I'm always waiting
For a red letter day

For something special
Somehow new
Someone saying 'i love you'
Baby, i'm waiting
For that red letter day

You can sneer
Or disappear behind a veneer
Of self-control
But for all of those who don't fit in
Who follow their instincts
And are told they sin
This is a prayer for
A different way

All i want
Is what you want
I'm always waiting
For a red letter day

Like christmas morning
When you're a kid
Admit you love me
And you always did
Baby i'm hoping
For that red letter day

Saturday Night Forever

I don't care what these commentators say
I swear i don't care
For what difference do they make?
I go where i go
And i get there fast
Don't stop me i know
That it's not gonna last

Forever forever
(saturday night, saturday night)
Forever forever
(saturday night, saturday night)

If you see someone gorgeous
Then you think
Am i in with a chance?
Should i try?
Buy a drink?
Or maybe it's too much
Like hard work tonight
But if they look my way
I might be alright

Forever forever
(saturday night, saturday night)
Forever forever
(saturday night, saturday night)

I go where i go
And i get there fast
Don't stop me
I know that it's not gonna last

Forever forever
(saturday night, saturday night)
Forever forever
(saturday night, saturday night)


They call this a community
I like to think of it as home
Arriving at the airport
I'm going at it alone
Ordering a boarding pass
Travelling in business class
This is the name of the game
I'm single bilingual
Single bilingual
I come to the community from u.k. p.l.c.
Arriving at my hotel there are faxes greeting me
Staying in a junior suite
So there's room to meet and greet
And after work explain how i feel
'perdoneme me llamo neil'
I'm single bilingual
Single bilingual

In brussels
Bonn or barcelona
I'm in demand and quite at home
There 'adelante'
Through the door
'un momento por favor'
This is what i get paid for
'muchas gracias senor'

I'm a player in the continental game
With unlimited expenses to reclaim
Information's easy
Tapping at my pc
That is the frame of the game
I'm single bilingual
Single bilingual
I'm single bilingual
Single bilingual

Hay una discoteca por acqui?

The Survivors

Cross a windy bridge
One winter night
Past embankment gardens
Enter warmth and light

Face the music
(it's never easy)
Forget the chill
Face the future
(it's never easy)
Find the will

If life is worth living
It's got to be done
One might be forgiven
For thinking
It's a life on the run
Many roads will cross through
Many lives
But somehow you survive

Look around
Picture what's in store
Is this the final edit
Or is the subject now a bore?

Don't shrug your shoulders
(it's always easy)
You can't ignore
That life is worth living
It's still worth a damn
One might be forgiven
For thinking
It's something of a sham
Many words may make it sound contrived
But somehow we're alive
(the survivors)
Our heads bowed
(the survivors)
At memorials for other faces in the crowd

Teachers and artists
(it's never easy)
And saturday girls
In suits or sequins
(it's never easy)
Or twinsets-and-pearls

If life is worth living
It's got to be run
As a means of giving
Not as a race
To be won
Many roads will run through
Many lives
But somehow we'll arrive
Many roads will run through
Many lives
But somewhere we'll survive

To Step Aside

By the cathedral
Into the sun
Pilgrims are singing
Their journey done
I look at my short life and think
Of all the champagne that i drink
With all the faces that i know
And how much further can one go?

And if i decide
To step aside
I will try to reply to
The feelings i hide

I look from my window
Down to the square
At workers still queuing
Patiently there
For market forces to provide
What history's so far denied
For a different kind of fate
Than to labour long and always wait

And if i decide
To step aside
I will try to return to
The person inside

Will i always need you?
Would you want me to?
Can you love me for good
The way you thought you could?
Or will spring bring rain and summer burn?
Will tears at last precede the turn
From summer warmth to sudden cold
As certainly as growing old?

And if i decide
To step aside
I will try to forget all
The tears i'll have cried

Up Against It

News in the city
Breaks without pity
Long after the war has ended
We're still in fatigues

Up against it
The higher you fly
The further you fall

Up against it
Wondering why we
Fought after all

Such a cold winter
With scenes as slow as pinter
Synchronize your watches
There's still time to kill

Up against it
Drinking this swill
To sweeten the pill

Up against it
The more that it hurts
The less that it works

Wrapped up in nostalgia
To queue for a show
Back to Trafalgar
One kiss then i'll go

So deep in quicklime
The bones of an old crime
I knew a man who raked them over
He's still suffering

Up against it
Buried so deep
It gives me the creeps

Up against it
The longer you hate
The more that it grates

Up against it
Look left then right
And run for your life

Up against it
The more that it hurts
The less that it works
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #11

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Nightlife (1999)

Happiness Is An Option

It is not easy
It is not easy

Looking from a window
At the edge of a house
At the edge of a town
It's grey like the day
When I lost it
Clouds overhead
I talked to a flower
That was almost dead
My body a prison
Why did I do it
Someone want me not to
But I still went through it

(Living it upside, you gotta remember, that happiness is an option)
It is not easy
But don't give up now
(So don't give up)
It is not easy
Happiness is an option
(But happiness is an option)

Needed somewhere to clear my head
Find some strength a warmer bed
Maximum love in a minimal world
I'd never achieved it
But then I believed it
So when I lost it - how
I'm not sure - now
It was a strange feeling
Like a law repealing itself

It is not easy
But don't give up now
(So don't give up)
It is not easy
Happiness is an option
(But happiness is an option)
It is not easy
But don't give up now
(So don't give up)
It is not easy
Happiness is an option
(Giving it up, if you are giving it up, if you are giving it up)

I can wake up in the morning
And not believe what I see
Look in a mirror and think
If that's really me
I don't think I suit my face
It's not a catastrophe
It's more a philosophy
Like the Russians wondering why
We're born under a blue sky
But die in a dark forest

It is not easy
But don't give up now
(So don't give up)
It is not easy
Happiness is an option
(But happiness is an option)
It is not easy
But don't give up now
(So don't give up)
It is not easy
Happiness is an option
(But happiness is an option)

This is neither old nor new
It's always forever
Somewhere between sense
And ambition
Pleasure and decision
We have to make a choice
What do we want
Everyone singing
'War, what is it good for?'
While planning the next one

I don't need to win
You don't have to loose
We can choose
Happiness is an option
(You can choose)

It is not easy
But don't give up now
(So don't give up)
It is not easy
Happiness is an option
(Chris: Happiness is an option)

It is not easy
(No, it is not easy)
The war within us
(So war within us)
(So don't give up)
But it gets easier
(But it gets easier)
The more we learn
(The more we learn)
I don't need to win
(I don't need to win)
You don't have to loose
(You don't have to loose)
So don't give up
We can choose
Happiness is an option
(Happiness is an option)
(Chris: Happiness is an option)

It is not easy
(No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No)
But don't give up now
(Don't give up now)
(So don't give up)
It is not easy
(It is not easy)
Happiness is an option
(Happiness is an option)
(If you are giving it up, if you are giving it up)
You don't have to loose
(You don't have to loose)
(If you are giving it up, you gotta remember)
We can choose happiness is an option
(We can choose happiness is an option)

The Only One

I think of you and wonder who
You are and what's your line
I wonder if there's someone else
Or if it's true that I'm the only one
In your life

I only worry for your own sake
I don't know much about the deals you make
There's so much that you hide from me
The mystery: Am I the only one
The only one

(The only one, The only one, The only one)

I don't know you
You don't know me
I wonder what we share
It's just that now
And then you smile
And suddenly I know you care
And I'm the only one for a while
Though you have many reasons
To tell me a lie
I can't help believing
That I should be for you
And you for me the only one

(The only one, The only one)

As enigmatic as you can be
I'm not suspicious naturally
There's so much that you hide from me
The mystery: Am I the only one
In your life

Though you have many reasons
To tell me a lie
I can't help believing
That I should be for you
And you for me the only one

(The only one, the only one)
Wanna be the only one
(The only one, the only one, the only one, the only one)
wanna be, wanna be, wanna be, wanna be, wanna be,
wanna be, wanna be the only one
The only one

New York City Boy

When you're a boy
Some days are tough
Lying on your bad
Playing punk rock and stuff
Home is a boot camp
You gotta escape
Wanna go and wander
In the ticker-tape

You feel the deal is real
You're a New York City boy
So young, so run
Into New York City

New York City boy
You'll never have a bored day
'Cause you're a New York City Boy
Where Seventh Avenue meets Broadway

The street is amazing
The hoochies unreal
Check out all the hardware
At the latest deal
Hear a song
That's the bomb
If you don't get the mix
It's got eighty-six

You feel the deal is real
You're in New York City

New York City boy
You'll never have a bored day
'Cause you're a New York City Boy
Where Seventh Avenue meets Broadway
New York city boy
This is your reward day
'Cause you're a New York City Boy
Where Seventh Avenue meets Broadway

Then as the evening falls
You can return its calls

You feel the deal is real
You're a New York City boy
So young, so run
Into New York City

New York City boy
You'll never have a bored day
'Cause you're a New York City Boy
Where Seventh Avenue meets Broadway

I Don't Know What You Want But I Can't Give It Anymore

Did you get what you want
Do you know what it is
Do you care
Is he better than me
Was it your place or his
Who was there
Did you think it was wrong
Do you find that it's worse than it was
Has it gone on too long
Do you mind that it hurts me because
You're breaking my heart

Don't know what you want but I can't give it anymore
Don't know what you want but I can't give it anymore

You're breaking my heart

Was it cracking the code
Or just filling in time
Was that all
So then why'd you go back
To the scene of the crime
Did he call
Shall I take the blame
Or another assault on how it was
Then we'll get to the fact
That it's always my fault just because
You're breaking my heart

Don't know what you want but I can't give it anymore
Don't know what you want but I can't give it anymore
Don't know what you want but I can't give it anymore
Don't know what you want but I can't give it anymore

You're breaking my heart

Don't know what you want but I can't give it anymore
Don't know what you want but I can't give it anymore

Don't know what you want
Don't know what you want

You Only Tell Me You Love Me When You're Drunk

What a performance tonight
Should I react or turn off the light
Looks like you're picking a fight
In a blurring of wrong and right
But how your mood chances
You're a devil, now an angel
Suddenly subtle and solemn
And silent as a monk

You only tell me you love me
When You're drunk

It's better than nothing I suppose
Some doors have opened
Others closed
But I couldn't see you exposes
To the horrors behind some of those
Somebody said listen don't you know
What you're missing
You should be kissing him instead of
dissing him like a punk

But you only tell me you love me
When You're drunk
You only tell me you love me
When You're drunk

All of my friends
Keep asking me why, oh why
Do you not say goodbye
If you don't even try you'll be sunk

'Cause you only tell me you love me
When you're drunk

What's the meaning
When you speak with so much feeling
Is it over when you're sober
Is it junk

You only tell me you love me
When you're drunk
You only tell me you love me
When You're drunk


In the air
In the air
In the air

The night was long
Now the crowd has gone
There's sunlight on my bed
Feels like a radiophonic workshop's
Beaming straight into my head
I could make you weep
I can't get to sleep
There's ringing in my ears
Like a radiophonic workshop
Orchestrating all my stupid fears

I think I'm in love
I think I'm in love

In the air

My skin is itching
I'm totally twitching
With the pounding in my head
Like a dud sub-sonic beat-box
Booming bass under the bed
My hands are shaking
My mind is aching
With a feeling deep inside
That you've been staring
Sending signals
Every time our paths collide

I think I'm in love
I think I'm in love

Think I'm in love
In the air

I think I'm in love
I think I'm in love

Think I'm in love


In Denial

In denial, no my life's a trial
I'm not denying that every
little bit hurts
It's a problem that I'm not solving
Don't mind admitting
I feel like quitting this job
For a while getting away
Before it gets any worse today

You're in denial, and that is final
You're not admitting
You should be quitting all these
Queens and fairies
And muscle Marys
The rough trade boyfriend
Who in his pathetic own way
Denies he's gay
Why can't you see
This is a fantasy world

Think I'm going mad
How'd you know if you're going mad

Look at me I'm lonely

Look at me I'm sad

I'm not denying
I could be trying
A little harder
To deal with some of this stuff

Know what I'm thinking
Less drugs and drinking
No cigarettes and you'd feel
A little less rough

Is that enough
My life is absurd
I'm living it upside down
Like a vampire
Working at night and
Sleeping all day
A dad with a girl
who knows he's gay

Can you love me anyway


Footsteps in the dark
Only love will break your heart
Footsteps, footsteps

Whenever trouble comes around
Or lonely nights lead underground
And far in the dark
Abandoned cars suddenly start up
An anxious sound
As long as I hear your footsteps
In the dark that's all I need

Footsteps in the dark
Only love will break your heart
Footsteps, footsteps

When loneliness induces fear
Like waves against a
Ramshackle pier
When thunder and rain
Scar the windowpane once again
I want you near
As long as I hear your footsteps
In the dark that's all I need

I'm longing to see you
I want you, I need you

Like a child who feels afraid
Of the dark at night
Hoping to hear a gentle touch
Turning on a welcome light
As long as I hear your footsteps
In the dark that's all I need
As long as I hear your footsteps
In the dark that's all I need

Footsteps in the dark
Only love will break your heart
Footsteps, footsteps
Footsteps in the dark
Only love will break your heart
Footsteps, footsteps


Brother it don't matter
Sister don't worry
Say what you like
I'll do what you want me to do
You're a vampire, I'm a vampire, too

Sun in the kitchen
Boy you're still sleeping
When you get hungry
I'll do what you want me to do
You're a vampire, I'm a vampire, too
You're a vampire, I'm a vampire, too

Night in the city
New Orleans pretty
Do what you want
And then can I do it to you
You're a vampire, I'm a vampire, too
You're a vampire, I'm a vampire, too
You're a vampire, I'm a vampire, too
You're a vampire, I'm a vampire, too

It's a reflex
Just a reflex
Like fear or sex

Brother it don't matter
Sister don't worry
Say what you like
I'll do what you want me to do
You're a vampire, I'm a vampire, too
You're a vampire, I'm a vampire, too

Brother it don't matter
Sister don't worry
Brother it don't matter
Sister don't worry
Brother it don't matter
Sister don't worry
Brother it don't matter
Sister don't worry

Closer To Heaven

Never been closer to heaven
Never been further away
Never been closer to heaven
Never been further away

Give me hope
Give me all your love
Tell me now
You're coming home tonight
Have some faith
In the love we share
Is it fate
Does darkness end in light

Never been closer to heaven
Never been further away
Never been closer to heaven
Never been further away

Where'd you go
Did you loose your way
Tell me now you're coming back to stay
In my hopes
Paradise is real
Can't forecast how we'll feel

Never been closer to heaven
Never been further away
Never been closer to heaven
Never been further away

Give me hope
Give me hope

Never been closer to heaven
Never been further away
Never been closer to heaven
Never been further away

Give me hope
Give me hope

Boy Strange

See Boy Strange on the horizon of love
He's calling to you
What do you say

See Boy Strange as an example of youth
So close to the truth but still far away

And he's such a strange boy
D'you think he'll make a good exchange for
The one before a closed door
That you left behind

When you realize that this boy is strange
It's too late to change your point of view
He's often there when the sun meets the sky
With a perfect alibi unlike you

And he's such a strange boy
D'you think he'll make a good exchange for
The one before a closed door
That you left behind

To talk of common sense is
A complete waste of time
His looks are a crime
Bound to commit

In the eyes of the world he's a borderline fool
Both naive and cruel
Why would you inflict him on you

And he's such a strange boy
D'you think he'll make a good exchange for
The one before a closed door
That you left behind

For Your Own Good

For your own good
Call me tonight
Don't you think you should
Call me tonight

Life isn't easy
So why don't you stay
With the lover you need
and not the devil you pay
For your own good
Call Me tonight

For your own good
Call me tonight
Don't you think I could
Make a difference tonight
When you need a lover
and it's so cold outside
I could help you recover
from the pain that you hide

Life isn't easy
So why don't you stay
With the lover you need
and not the devil you pay
For your own good
Call Me tonight

Come on call me

Call me tonight
I'll make you feel good
Come on, call me
Come on, call me
Call me tonight
I'll make you feel good
Want your body
Want your body

Come on call me
Come on call me

For your own good
Call me tonight

I Don't Know What You Want But I Can't Give It Any More

Did you get what you want?
Do you know what it is?
Do you care?
Is he better than me?
Was it your place or his?
Who was there?
Did you think it was wrong?
Do you find that it's worse
Than it was?
Has it gone on too long?
Do you mind that it hurts me?
You're breaking my heart

I don't know what you want
But i can't give it any more
I don't know what you want
But i can't give it any more
You're breaking my heart

Was it cracking the code
Or just filling in time?
Was that all?
So then why'd you go back
To the scene of the crime?
Did he call?
Shall i take further blame
Or another assault on how
It was
Then we'll get to the fact
That it's always my fault just
You're breaking my heart

I don't know what you want
But i can't give it any more
I don't know what you want
But i can't give it any more
You're breaking my heart
I don't know what you want
But i can't give it any more
I don't know what you want
But i can't give it any more
You're breaking my heart

Don't know what you want
Don't know what you want
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Eternal Dreamer
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Тексты песен альбома Closer To Heaven Musical (2001)

My Night

[Billie Trix & cast]

We're gonna light up the night like fireworks
Flashing through the sky like a satellite
A series of bangs, beautiful colours
Baby, tonight this is my night

If you want to scream
You can do it
Anything obscene
You can do it
Put it to the test
You can do it
Momma knows what's best
You can do it

This is my night
Anything goes in fashion!
This is my night
I'm in the throes of passion!
This is my night
I planned it for me and you!
This is my night
And nothing is taboo!

Entire cast:
We're gonna light up the night like fireworks
Flashing through the sky like a satellite
A series of bangs, beautiful colours
Baby, tonight this is my night

If you want to scream
You can do it
Anything obscene
You can do it
Put it to the test
You can do it
Momma knows what's best
You can do it

This is my night
This is my night

I planned it for me and you and you and you and you
And nothing, no, no nothing is taboo!

Something Special

[Straight Dave]

What am I now?
Another boy becoming man
Who wants to change
Who's not afraid
I've had to run
From boring streets
And bitter priests
From smoking gun
And stern parade

For when you're living on your own
Without a girlfriend or a home
People speculate
But I'm much stronger than them
I want to be something special
I want to be something special

Now I play the London game
A hand-to-mouth existence
'Til someone calls my name

I want it now
My chance has come
And I will grab it
Just to change
The way I am
I understand
The plans you make
The risks you take
The way you can
When you're a man

And if I sometimes have to do
The things I've always wanted to
I won't shy away
'Cause I'm much harder than that
I want to be something special
I want to be something special

Now I play the London game
A hand-to-mouth existence
'Til someone calls my name

I want to be something special
I want to be something special

Closer To Heaven

[Shell, Straight Dave]

Give me hope
Give me all your love
Tell me now
My luck is in tonight
Is this real?
Can I learn to trust
How I feel?
Does darkness end in light?

Never been closer to Heaven
Never been closer to Heaven

What was wrong seems right
Feels to me
I'm coming home tonight
I can't wait
Till we meet again
Is it fate?
Does darkness end in light?

Never been closer to Heaven
Never been closer to Heaven

In Denial

[Vic, Shell]

In denial, no
My life's a trial
I'm not denying
That every little bit hurts
It's a problem
That I'm not solving
Don't mind admitting
I feel like quitting this job
For a while, getting away
Before it gets any worse today

You're in denial
And that is final
You're not admitting
You should be quitting
All this "celebrating"
It's totally frustrating
I'm coming close to hating
You and your whole attitude
To be crude
I'm looking at you
Pissing your life away
Day after day

Think I'm going mad
How d'you know if you're going mad?

Look at me I love you

Look at me I'm sad

I'm not denying
I could be trying
A little harder
To deal with some of this stuff

Know what I'm thinking?
Less drugs and drinking
No cigarettes and you'll feel
A little less rough

Is that enough?
My life is absurd
I'm living it upside down
Like a vampire working at night, sleeping all day
A dad with a girl who knows he's gay

Call Me Old-fashioned


I have to admit
I'm an absolute shit
At least you can't call me
A hypocrite
I don't want fame
Or the critics' acclaim
Take it from me
That's a pointless game
I've got a minder
A chauffeur, a flunkey
I'm the organ-grinder
Not the monkey

Call me old-fashioned
At least I know what I like
Call me old-fashioned
If you're so wet
Why don't you get
On your bike?
Call me old-fashioned
At least I'm moving ahead
Call me old-fashioned
If I can't charm you
I'll just strong-arm you
To bed

The moment I see you with your trousers dropped
Will be as rewarding as just having shopped
All of the names that I've spent years collecting
They're the only things that are worth respecting
Prada and Porsche and Philippe Starck
The only little problem is where to park

Call me old-fashioned
You're all so quick to condemn
Call me old-fashioned
Until you learn how much I earn and I spend
Call me old-fashioned
And I've been called worse than much
Call me old-fashioned
But understand
What I've got planned
Won't be luck

'Cause sex is fun and sex sells, honey
A shiny dream to make me money
Where the sea is blue, the sky is sunny
Love is hot and surprisingly

I'll make love down the phone
Call me tomorrow
I'll give you breaks
I'll be as long as it takes to your home
Call me old fashioned
At least I'm moving ahead
Call me old-fashioned
If I can't charm you
I'll just strong-arm you
To bed

Where you can be
With me

Nine Out Of Ten

[Shell, Straight Dave]

This is great!

I'm straight

Just great!
I love the way you kiss
It's bliss

How much bliss?

Will nine out of ten do?
You used to be so shy
Now I can't deny
You satisfy
You're scoring high
Will nine out of ten do?

Leaves room for improvement!

And how do I rate?

An eight?
No wait
To score
Some more:
Come on, explore!

Only an eight?

I'm one of those men
Who thinks he can surprise

So I realise
When I close my eyes
And feel your size

Will nine out of ten do?

Is that inches or centimeters?

Size isn't everything!
Let's do it again and again
Until we're scoring ten out of ten

How does this compare with back then
Back when you used to do it with men?

What men?

Did you never do it with men?

Don't you dare
Go there
To compare
Haven't you found
Boys fool around?

So you don't deny it?

I have spent months with you
And loved each moment too
Just being with you
Has made me new

And just how new?

Will nine out of ten do?

I love you

And just how much?

Will nine out of ten do?

It's Just My Little Tribute To Caligula, Darling!


Do you like my new look?
It's very classical, don't you think?
It's just my little tribute to Caligula, darling!
Haven't you seen the movie?
It's a masterpiece!
All that history and sex!
I love it!

Caligula was a bastard
Like most important men
And, over the years, I've known
Quite a few of them
I wish I'd poisoned
As my little tribute to Caligula, darling!

It's just my little tribute
To Caligula, darling!
It's just my little tribute
To Caligula, darling!

He was a Roman emperor
Which makes him almost certainly bisexual
If not actually gay
But then
So many men
Are that way inclined
Don't you find?
I mean, can you believe he's straight?

It's just my little tribute
To Caligula, darling!
It's just my little tribute
To Caligula, darling!

Murder and mayhem
In the eternal city
Poison and torture
He knew no pity
Pain is always best
inflicted at home
Down in your dungeon
Live back and think of Rome!

It's just my little tribute
To Caligula, darling!
It's just my little tribute
To Caligula, darling!


Hedonism, ha ha ha

Friendly Fire


An inspirational tirade against me
How to explain my life
Girls to the left of me
Boys to the right of me
Neither husband nor wife

Though the days are filled with pain
There is no one who'll explain
Why I'm coming under
Friendly fire
Shot in the fatal cause
Of rock 'n' roll

But there's no one
Really no one
To say why I endure
Under force majeure
Slander without shame or tact
I who studied make up, mime and Buddha
Who taught two generations to react

About me the critics lied
I ignored them and survived
In spite of coming under
Friendly fire
Shot in the fatal cause
Of rock 'n' roll
But there's nothing
Really nothing to deny

When I look back
My eyes are filled with tears
Danger to mascara
Applause to my peers
When fame sustained me
And arenas acclaimed me
I floated through life on a cloud
Of love and insanity
And pagan profanity
Before a worshipping crowd

Now my status is ill-defined
As an icon I'm inclined
To be coming under
Friendly fire
Shot in the fatal cause
Of rock 'n' roll

But whatever
Dull or clever
Points they've scored
I have never
Oh no never
Been ignored


[Vile celebrities]

I know what you think
It's clear as mud in your eyes
We're the plastic poseurs and prostitutes
You've obviously come to despise

But you don't know nothing
You're not hot enough to matter
You don't understand it's the glamorous life
A dream that no one can shatter

We're shameless
We will do anything
To get our fifteen minutes of fame
We have no integrity
We're ready to crawl to obtain celebrity
We'll do anything at all

First Vile Male Celebrity:
I'm ambitious
Believe me, I'm going to be big

First Vile Female Celebrity:
I'm a slave to glamour
Applause and clamour
My make-up, my wardrobe, my wigs

Second Vile Male Celebrity:
Don't call me pathetic
I'm harder than you'll ever guess

Relentlessly tough, for when the going gets rough
The tough get their picture in the press

We're shameless
We will do anything
To get our fifteen minutes of fame
We have no integrity
We're ready to crawl
To obtain celebrity
We'll do anything at all

We're shameless
We will do anything
To get our fifteen minutes of fame
We have no integrity
We're ready to crawl
We'll do anything
With anyone
Go absolutely anywhere
For anything
At all


[Vic, Billie]

Brother, it don't matter
Sister, don't worry
Say what you like
I'll do what you want me to do
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too

Sun in the kitchen
Boy, you're still sleeping
When you get hungry
I'll do what you want me to do
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too

It's a reflex
Just a reflex
Like fear or sex

Night in the city
New Orleans pretty
Do what you want
And then can I do it to you?
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too

Whenever I reach the end of that dusty little dirt track called relationship I get off my head big time. And it helps. And why does it help? Because you feel great, you feel you're the most fantastic thing on the planet, in the cosmos, everywhere darling. And you think I'm OK. I'll get by.

Brother, it don't matter
Sister, don't worry
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too

Closer To Heaven

[Straight Dave, Mile End Lee]

Dave: Why do you need that money?
Lee: I lost Billie's drugs, didn't get paid. Now I'll lose my kneecaps.
Dave: Shit. Really?
Lee: I've always got some bastard after me. I'm easy to hate.
Dave: You? But you're beautiful.
Lee: What?
Dave: You are.
Lee: Blokes don't go round calling other blokes beautiful.
Dave: Well, fit then.
Lee: Shut up. So, you ain't seeing that Shell no more then?
Dave: No.
Lee: Why not?
Dave: Why do you think?
Lee: We're only mucking about.
Dave: But it's the first time it's ever felt right for me... Oh, I'll shut up.
Lee: No.
Dave: What?
Lee: I like your accent.

Give me hope
Give me one more kiss
I've never felt
A love as strong as this
You're so cool
And so warm to touch
Since we met
I've wanted this so much

Never been closer to Heaven
Never been closer to Heaven

Dave: Has anyone ever loved you?
Lee: Where I grew up they had this picture of Jesus on the wall. Hippie-looking geezer with a beard. They told me he loved me. I thought, well, that's alright then, innit? When I die, I'll meet him, I'm laughing. When they used to say "what do you want to be when you grow up?", I go "dead". No one's ever told me they loved me. Not my mum. Too smacked off her nut. No one in the homes. Not even someone E'd off their nut, you know. They'd say it to everybody else, they'd never say it to me. I think there must be something wrong with me. Listen, mate...

Give me time
This is all new to me
But I think we could learn
Together you and me
It's good to kiss
And do all that stuff
But I'll tell you this
A hug would be enough

Never been closer to Heaven
Never been closer to Heaven

Dave: Look, stay.
Lee: I gotta go.
Dave: It's three in the morning.
Lee: I've got business. I'm sorry, mate.

Out Of My System

[Shell, Billie's Babes]

What's the matter with you, girl?

Haven't you heard?

No! What?

Of all the boys
In the world
I had to choose this one
Where did he come from?
Dumb and deluded
Young and confused
Suddenly gay
Who'd be in my shoes?
It had to be me
Who found out the truth
After catching him
With the roughest youth
Now I've ripped away his mask
Don't turn to me and ask...

What's the matter with you, girl?

Isn't it obvious?

What's the matter with you, girl?

Whaddaya mean what's the matter with me?

We get the picture
Yes, we see
What you're going through
But what you gonna do?

What do you think I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna do what's overdue...

I'm gonna get him out of my system
Get him out of my system
Get him out of my system
I'm getting him out of my system
I'm gonna get him out of my system
Get him out of my system
Get him out of my system
I'm getting him out of my system

Uh-oh, girlfriend, wounded pride!
Your boyfriends bats for the other pride!
You're sure we're not gonna suddenly find
Tomorrow morning you change your mind?

My decision is implacable
Because we're not compatible
After three months sleeping
In my bed
Every night
Held me tight
And this is what
Does in my head!
He runs off with his pride and joy
A young, drug-dealing, East End boy!

We get the picture
Yes, we see
What you're going through
But what you gonna do?

What do you think I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna do what's overdue...

I'm gonna get him out of my system
Get him out of my system
Get him out of my system
I'm getting him out of my system
I'm gonna get him out of my system
Get him out of my system
Get him out of my system
I'm getting him out of my system



Run, girl, run

Run, girl, run
away from the sun
Napalm burns
so close to your body
Photographers shoot
cameras roll
The western world
would like to say sorry

Run, girl, run
You'll be someone
One fine morning
without any warning

Because peace comes
from the barrel of a gun
A thousand flowers
will bloom where you run
Intellectuals frown
Headlines scream
Nixon's a clown
Mao is obscene

Run, girl, run
It's only begun
You're going far
They've made you a star

What d'you want to be?
Joan of Arc on TV?
A whore or a nun?
Run, girl, run
You'll be enshrined
in the Guggenheim
The western art world
needs another icon

Run, girl, run
You'll be someone
One fine morning
without any warning
Run, girl, run
You've only begun
You're going far
They've made you a star

Is that what you want?

Run, girl, run
Run, girl, run

For All Of Us

[Straight Dave]

There are people who think we lead
A fabulous life
One endless party
No pain or strife
If only they knew
The absolute truth

I hoped we had a future
The two of us together
Something shared between us
Would change us both forever
He helped me recognise myself
And set me on a mission
To find there's more to life
Than following ambition

After all that we've been through
Only tears can tell the truth
I'm not crying just for you
I'm crying for me
Look around and see
I'm crying for all of us

For the impossibility
Of love in a world where sex
Is a cruel, competitive sport
For the love this world rejects
I mustn't be vindictive
We shouldn't feel ashamed
That no one tried to help him
So no one can be blamed
Go back to being fabulous
Ignore the pain inside
Find some compensation
For all the love denied

After all that we've been through
Only tears can tell the truth
I'm not crying just for you
I'm crying for me
Look around and see
I'm crying for you, for me
For what we cannot be
For you, for me
For all of us
For all of us

Closer To Heaven

[Straight Dave]

Give me hope
Give me all your love
Tell me now
I'm coming home tonight
Have some faith
In the love we share
Is it fate?
Does darkness end in light?

Positive Role Model

[Straight Dave]

Here I stand, where I planned
Given one more chance
Take it then, start again
Time to join the dance

All I've seen and all I've been
Led me here today
Forget the lies, the tears I've cried
I'm doing it a different way

I want a positive role model
I want a positive role model

My intention
How to make the change?
We're children then
Boys to men
It doesn't feel so strange
A broken heart
For a start
A new identity
Feel the
Love up above
Watching over me

I want a positive role model
I want a positive role model

My reflection on the street
Is that the way I walk?
Introspection as I speak
I need to change the way I talk
In a changing world
There's so much you could be
Why can't you choose yourself
Like your enemy?
Have you ever imagined
A new you?
I could be someone else
The question is: who?

I want a positive role model
I want a positive role model
(Who's it gonna be, who's it gonna be?)

Give me hope
Give me all your love
Give me hope
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Eternal Dreamer
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Из: Ленинград
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Тексты песен альбома Release (2002)

Home and Dry

So my baby's on the road
doing business, selling loads
charming everyone there
with the sweetest smile

Oh tonight
I miss you
Oh tonight
I wish you
could be here with me
but I won't see you
'til you've made it back again

Home and dry
Home and dry

There's a plane at JFK
to fly you back from far away
all those dark and frantic
transatlantic miles

Oh tonight
I miss you
Oh tonight
I wish you
could be here with me
but I won't see you
'til you've made it back again

Home and dry
Home and dry

Far away
through night and day
you fly long haul tonight
Come to me
you know I'll be here
when you call tonight

Oh tonight
I miss you
Oh tonight
I wish you
could be here with me
but I won't see you
'til you've made it back again

Home and dry
Home and dry

I Get Along

Feeling like I'm stuck in a hole
body and soul
while you're out of control
Now I know why you had to go
well I think we both know
why it had to be so
I've been trying not to cry
when I'm in the public eye
Stuck here with the shame
and taking
my share of the blame
while making
sudden plans that don't include you

I get along, get along
without you very well
I get along very well

Now I know you'd much rather be
with rock royalty
instead of someone like me
The big boys are back and we need them, you said
Think it was something you'd read
and it stuck in your head
Even though I don't suppose
that's as far as it goes
You've go quite an appetite
for being wronged and in the right
Well from now on it won't affect me

I get along, get along
without you very well
I get along very well

The morning after the night before
I'd been alerted
to your lies
I phoned you up
Your calls were all diverted
Took a long time to track you down
even then you were defiant
It's not what you think it is, you said
and proceeded to deny it

So I lost my patience at last
and it happened so fast
you belong in the past
I've been trying not to cry
when I'm in the public eye
Stuck here with the shame
and taking
my share of the blame
while making
sudden plans that don't include you

I get along, get along
without you very well
I get along very well

Birthday Boy

Birthday boy
can't explain
Christmas Eve
He's born again

On the line
a broken train
going nowhere
Endless rain

Birthday Boy
so afraid
plays the machines
in the arcade

Oh baby do you remember
he's been through all this before?
Spent the summer
getting nowhere
Taking all of the blame
for the city
from pain comes pity

Christmas Eve
a time of joy
if you believe
in Birthday Boy

This time around
it's all a mistake
Is he deluded
or just a fake?

Oh baby do you remember
he's been through all this before?
Spent the summer
getting nowhere
Taking all of the blame
for the city
from pain comes pity

If you knew his name
would you feel the same?
If you knew his name?

Birthday boy
stands apart
as the drama's
about to start

A quick betrayal
A speedy trial
As before
complete denial

Oh baby do you remember
he's been through all this before?
Spent the summer
getting nowhere
Taking all of the blame
for the city
from pain comes pity

If you knew his name
would you feel the same?


We came from the far North
summered in Crimea
deserted the armed forces
had to disappear
made it to the free West
on a chartered flight
so we could see what
we trained to fight

We were in London
"Let's do it - let's break the law!"
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London
Tell it like it is

Looking for hard work
or credit card fraud
What do you expect from us?
We come from abroad
to get ourselves a new job
on a building-site
They work you so hard
but we trained to fight

We were in London
"Let's do it - let's break the law!"
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London
"Let's do it - let's break the law!"
We were in London
Tell it like it is

My father fought in Afghanistan
His widow's pension ain't worth a damn
My mother works and goes home to cry
I want to live before I die

We were in London
"Let's do it - let's break the law!"
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London
Tell it like it is


Communication's never been
as easy as today
and it would make me happy
when you've gone so far away
if you'd send me an e-mail
that says "I love you"
Send me and e-mail
that says "I love you"

Now time and distance
melt away
No digital delay
And some things
can be written down
that we're too shy to say

Send me an e-mail
that says "I love you"
Send me an e-mail
that says "I love you"

There may be other
temptations in your life
Don't want to add more
complications to your life
but I'm sending this e-mail
to say "I love you"

Now there's a ghost
within this house
I'm looking at some photographs
and thinking that I might
jump on a plane
and surprise you where
you are
but do you want me there?
I'm so insecure
but one thing would make me sure
if you'd
send me an e-mail
that says "I love you"
Send me an e-mail
that says "I love you"

The Samurai in Autumn

It's not as easy as it was
or as difficult as it could be
for the Samurai in autumn

It's not as easy as it was
or as difficult as it could be
for the Samurai in autumn

Love Is a Catastrophe

Love is a catastrophe
Look what it's done to me
Brought me down here so low
stranded, nowhere to go

No concentration
just rerunning conversation
Trying to understand
how I fell into this quicksand

What happens next?
With life I'm unimpressed
Pain like a cutter's knife
Never been lonelier in my life

Who issued the instruction
for this mad act of destruction?
An end to equilibrium
Fate laughs:
Look what we've done to him!

High wind through the trees
Falling November leaves
A weak sun hanging low
Summer seems so long ago

All my former dreams
tender romantic schemes
revealed as so naive
To think I could believe

In love as the kindest law
not as a declaration of war
on my life and sanity
Now I know at last for me
love is a catastrophe


We all have a dream
of a place we belong
The fire is burning
and the radio's on
Somebody smiles
and it means 'I love you'
but sometimes we don't notice
when the dream has come true

You've got a home here
Call it what you want
You've got a home here
to return to when you can't
face the world and you need
some support to succeed
You've got a home

We all make a mess
of our lives from time to time
It's part of the process
that you stumble as you climb
And if you ever feel
the pain is far too big a deal
I say with pride
I'll be on your side

You've got a home here
Call it what you want
You've got a home here
You're gonna want it when you can't
face the world and you need
some support to succeed
You've got a home

The Night I Fell in Love

I was backstage
couldn't believe my luck was in
I saw him approach
wearing a most approachable grin
When he said hello
I was surprised he spoke so politely
I said I'd liked his show
Well he just smiled
I guess it happens nightly
and so
I fell in love

We went to his room
he had a video camera
I was so nervous
I had to try hard not to stammer
He said
'I'm glad you liked the show
that crowd was dope out there tonight, alright
You wanna see some more?
Well be my guest
You can have a private performance'
I'd fallen in love

I didn't ask why
though he seemed like such a regular guy
he said we could be
secret lovers
just him and me
Then he joked
'Hey, man!
Your name isn't Stan, is it?
We should be together!'
And he was passionate
I guess I would rate
him a nine out of ten
by then
I'd fallen in love

When I asked
why have I heard so much
about him being charged
with homophobia and stuff
he just shrugged

Next morning we woke
he couldn't have been a nicer bloke
Over breakfast made jokes
about Dre and his homies and folks
Neither of us asked if or when
we would see each other again
but I thought that was cool
'cause I was already late for school
by then
I'd fallen in love

You Choose

He's gone
You've lost
Stay behind
and count the cost
You try
You lose
You don't fall in love by chance
You choose

It's a decision
made over time
Should you take a risk
and start to climb
the steepest hill
only to find
halfway there
you've been left behind?

Choosing to love
is risking a lot
and trying to change
and to give all you've got
But don't pretend
it comes out of the blue
You take a chance
and see it through
and if it's refused
what can you do?
Continue hopefully?
Start anew?

Lick your wounds
Buy your booze
You won't get drunk by accident
You'll choose
Don't blame him
for refusing your bid
He didn't decide to love
You did

Learn the lesson
Take the blows
You didn't fall in love by chance
You chose
Play the sad songs
Sing the blues
You don't fall in love by chance
You choose
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #14

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Disco 3 (2003)

Time On My Hands

Seventy, eighty, ninety, party
Seventy, eighty, ninety, party
Seventy, eighty, ninety, party
Seventy, eighty, ninety, party

It's very nice
but it's not what I'm used to
Time on my hands

Positive Role Model

Here we are
where we were
back on everything
Went too far
now we're fine
back on everything
So much for making it day by day
Back on everything
Instead of taking another way
we're back on everything

I want a positive role model
I want a positive role model

My reflection on the street
Is that the way I walk?
Introspection as I speak
I need to change the way I talk
In a changing world
there's so much you could be
Why can't you choose your self
like your enemy?
Have you ever imagined
a new you?
I could be someone else
Somebody new

my intention

I want a positive role model
I want a positive role model
I want a positive role model
I want a positive role model

Try It (I'm in Love With A Married Man)

I think of you each day
I think of you at night
Do you think about me, darling,
when you make love to your wife?
The world won't understand
my affair with a married man

(Try it, try it, try my love)
Try my love
(Why won't you try it, try it)
I'm in love with a married man

Do you think of us on weekends
when you're with your family
Are you lonely when you're with her
and do you ever long for me?
As I get down on my knees
As I cry myself to sleep

(Try it, try it, try my love)
Try my love
(Why won't you try it, try it)
I'm in love with a married man

Oh lord, the risk is me
I've done for you what I can
I'm in love with a married man

(Try it, try it, try my love)
Try my love
(Why won't you try it, try it)
I'm in love with a married man

London (Thee Radikal Blaklite Edit)

We came from the far North
summered in Crimea
deserted the armed forces
had to disappear
made it to the free West
on a chartered flight
so we could see what
we trained to fight

We were in London
“Let’s do it - let’s break the law!”
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London
Tell it like it is

Looking for hard work
or credit card fraud
What do you expect from us?
We come from abroad
to get ourselves a new job
on a building-site
They work you so hard
but we trained to fight

We were in London
“Let’s do it - let’s break the law!”
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London
“Let’s do it - let’s break the law!”
We were in London
Tell it like it is

My father fought in Afghanistan
His widow’s pension ain’t worth a damn
My mother works and goes home to cry
I want to live before I die

We were in London
“Let’s do it - let’s break the law!”
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London
Tell it like it is

Somebody Else's Business

Somebody's life...

He loves her
but he sometimes thinks she's crazy
the next minute mad
and saying
'I think you're wasting my time'
then changing her mind

She's screaming and shouting
and everything's blinding
She's laughing out loud
and busy 'cause she's minding
somebody else's business
Somebody else's business
Somebody's life...

She suffers
from such violent mood swings
he says
They disagree
He loves her
and life is never boring
Some say
it's just being free

She's screaming and shouting
and everything's blinding
She's laughing out loud
and busy 'cause she's minding
somebody else's business
Somebody else's business
Somebody's life...

Here (PSB New Extended Mix)

We all have a dream
of a place we belong
The fire is burning
and the radio’s on
Somebody smiles
and it means 'I love you'
but sometimes we don’t notice
when the dream has come true

You’ve got a home here
Call it what you want
You’ve got a home here
to return to when you can’t
face the world and you need
some support to succeed
You’ve got a home

We all make a mess
of our lives from time to time
It’s part of the process
that you stumble as you climb
And if you ever feel
the pain is far too big a deal
I say with pride
I’ll be on your side

You’ve got a home here
Call it what you want
You’ve got a home here
You’re gonna want it when you can’t
face the world and you need
some support to succeed
You’ve got a home

If Looks Could Kill

What d'you want?
You've got nothing to say
and you can't
hide that look of dismay
Why pretend?
You only want revenge
It's been said
I'd be dead
If looks could kill

Where'd you go
with that threadbare crowd
still in tow?
Do they appreciate your
tales of woe?
Droning on and on
Lost your thread?
I'd be dead
If looks could kill

You think you're acting
in self-defence
but you're fooling no one
and you never will
The only crime is irrelevance
No wonder you're worried
I'd be dead and buried still
If looks could kill

Welcome to a unique event
where we see what you represent
Flaunt that look
of 'Let battle commence!'
It changes nothing
and it never will
And on that matter of self-defence
I'm not worried
I'd be dead and buried still
If looks could kill
If looks could kill

Sexy Northerner (Superchumbo Mix)

Came down from the North
You know the way they do
Got a cheeky smile
Sexy Northerner

Hanging round the clubs
Gets in them for free
Don’t know how he does it
Sexy Northerner

Drinks a lot of beer
At least he doesn’t smoke
Hasn’t lost his accent
Sexy Northerner

How does he do it?
How does he do it?
Acts like he’s got nothing to prove
Sexy Northerner

It’s not all football and fags
No it’s not all football and fags

Don’t you dare imply
that it’s grim up North
He went last weekend
Sexy Northerner

In the latest clothes
Wears a posh cologne
Got a lot of pride
Sexy Northerner

Says he wants a job
Something interesting
like a graphic designer
Sexy Northerner

How does he do it?
How does he do it?
Acts like he’s got nothing to prove
Sexy Northerner

It’s not all football and fags
No it’s not all football and fags

Home and Dry (Blank & Jones Mix)

So my baby’s on the road
doing business, selling loads
charming everyone there
with the sweetest smile

Oh tonight
I miss you
Oh tonight
I wish you
could be here with me
but I won’t see you
’til you’ve made it back again

Home and dry
Home and dry

There’s a plane at JFK
to fly you back from far away
all those dark and frantic
transatlantic miles

Oh tonight
I miss you
Oh tonight
I wish you
could be here with me
but I won’t see you
’til you’ve made it back again

Home and dry
Home and dry

Far away
through night and day
you fly long haul tonight
Come to me
you know I’ll be here
when you call tonight

Oh tonight
I miss you
Oh tonight
I wish you
could be here with me
but I won’t see you
’til you’ve made it back again

Home and dry
Home and dry

London (Genuine Piano Mix)

We came from the far North
summered in Crimea
deserted the armed forces
had to disappear
made it to the free West
on a chartered flight
so we could see what
we trained to fight

We were in London
“Let’s do it - let’s break the law!”
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London
Tell it like it is

Looking for hard work
or credit card fraud
What do you expect from us?
We come from abroad
to get ourselves a new job
on a building-site
They work you so hard
but we trained to fight

We were in London
“Let’s do it - let’s break the law!”
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London
“Let’s do it - let’s break the law!”
We were in London
Tell it like it is

My father fought in Afghanistan
His widow’s pension ain’t worth a damn
My mother works and goes home to cry
I want to live before I die

We were in London
“Let’s do it - let’s break the law!”
We were in London
Tell it like it is
We were in London
Tell it like it is
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #15

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Fundamental (2006)


You've got a problem
with the reason why
An asymmetric haircut
and a painted eye
It's psychological

Is it a cry for help
or call to arms?
False alarms
It's psychological
(All in the mind)

There's something in the attic
and it smells so bad
An undertaker
in a bowler hat
What's that spilt
on the kitchen floor?
Who's that knocking
on the cellar door?
It's psychological
Or is it only your imagination?
driving me crazy, crazy
baby, baby, please
It's psychological

I thought I heard a baby cry
I thought I heard a train
Down in the cemetery

It's second nature to you
All in the mind
It's psychological
It's psychological

The Sodom And Gomorrah Show

I lived a quiet life
a stranger to champagne
I never dared to venture out
to cities of the plain
I'd heard about their way of life
took it with a pinch of salt
The freedom and the time to play
a life so easy
it intrigued me
when you called to say:

"Are you gonna go
to the Sodom and Gomorrah Show?
It's got everything you need for your complete
entertainment and instruction
Sun, sex, sin, divine intervention,
death and destruction
The Sodom and Gomorrah show
is a once-in-a-lifetime production"

I think it's true to say
my life was changed that night
In the liberated
all around me
Someone found me
whispered in my ear

"Are you gonna go
to the Sodom and Gomorrah Show?
It's got everything you need for your complete
entertainment and instruction
Sun, sex, sin, divine intervention,
death and destruction
The Sodom and Gomorrah Show
is a once-in-a-lifetime production"

Then we went on
there was place down below
It was there I realised
the meaning of the show

You've got to love
to learn to live
where angels fear to tread
I did it and I don't regret the day
Even now
I think of how
you turned to me to say

"Are you gonna go
to the Sodom and Gomorrah Show?
It's got everything you need for your complete
entertainment and instruction
Sun, sex, sin, divine intervention,
death and destruction
The Sodom and Gomorrah Show
is a once-in-a-lifetime production"

I Made My Excuses And Left

"I'm all alone again"

I walked into the room
Imagine my surprise
you were sitting close to him
staring in each other's eyes

Each of you looked up
but no one said a word
I felt I should apologise
for what I hadn't heard

A silence filled the room
awkward as an elephant
In the crowded court of your love
I was now a supplicant

And clumsy as I felt
at stumbling on this theft
to save further embarrassment
I made my excuses and left

So long ago
I felt like such a fool
for crying
All that I know
is when you feel inside
you're dying
it all begins again
your excuses


White on white
light, sublime, subliminal
The void is clean
a cell but not for a criminal
Light and shade
Time and space

M. I. N. I. M. A. L.
Minimal Minimal
M. I. N. I. M. A. L.
Minimal Minimal

Draw a line
more is less is minimal
Form, earth, life
Decide something less decisional
Light and shade
Time and space

M. I. N. I. M. A. L.
Minimal Minimal
M. I. N. I. M. A. L.
Minimal Minimal

An empty box
An open space
A single thought
leaves a trace
An empty box
An open space
a single thought
leaves a trace

Light and shade
Time and space

M. I. N. I. M. A. L.
Minimal Minimal
M. I. N. I. M. A. L.
Minimal Minimal


Don't wanna hear the news
What's going on
What's coming through
I don't wanna know
don't wanna know
Just wanna hide away
make my my escape
I want the world
to leave me alone
Feels like I feel too much
I've seen too much
For a little while
I want to forget

I wanna be numb
I don't wanna feel this pain no more
Wanna lose touch
I just wanna go and lock the door
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I just wanna be
wanna be numb

Can't find no space to breathe
World's closing in
right on me now
Well that's how it feels
that's how it feels
Too much light
There's too much sound
Wanna turn it off
Wanna shut it out
I need some relief
Think that like I think too much
I've seen too much
There is just too much
thought in my head

I wanna be numb
I don't wanna feel this pain no more
Wanna lose touch
I just wanna go and lock the door
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I just wanna be
wanna be
taken away from all the madness
Need to escape
escape from the pain
I'm out on the edge
about to lose my mind
For a little while
For a little while
I wanna be numb

I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I don't wanna feel this pain no more
Wanna lose touch
I just wanna go and lock the door
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I just wanna be
wanna be numb
I just wanna be
wanna be numb

God Willing


Luna Park

Shadows on the sun
Another night's begun
It's always dark
in Luna Park
Wind across the moon
Electric storms and soon
a flying spark
in Luna Park

And when we're getting higher
we're happy
Somebody's eating fire
we're happy
The big wheel in the sky
will make you scream

Come on, join a line
The ghost train leaves on time
It's always dark
in Luna Park
On the shooting range
the plastic prizes never change
So make your mark
on Luna Park

And when we're getting higher
we're happy
Somebody's eating fire
we're happy
The big wheel in the sky
will make you scream

Thunder. I wonder?
A storm will come one day
to blow us all away
like dust on the moon
In Luna Park
it can't be dark
too soon

A storm is coming soon
Like dust on the moon

Every night we go
to the latest horror show
and hear the screams
in Luna dreams
Fortune-tellers muse
on palms that bode bad news
The future's dark
in Luna Park

And when we're feeling scared
we're happy
With circuses and bread
we're happy
The whirling fair machines
are all we need

Thunder. I wonder?
A storm will come one day
to blow us all away
like dust on the moon
In Luna Park
it can't be dark
too soon

I'm With Stupid

Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid

See you on the TV
Call you every day
Fly across the ocean
Just to let you get your way
No one understands me
Where I'm coming from
Why would I be with someone
who's obviously so dumb?
Love comes
Love grows
every time you rise to meet me
take my hand to greet me
Love comes
Love grows
and power can give a man
much more than anybody knows

Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid

Before we ever met
I thought like everybody did
you were just a moron
a billion-dollar kid
You flew up all the way
like a hawk chasing a dove
I never thought that I would be
a sacrifice in love
It comes
It grows
and now we're tied together
everybody knows

Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid

Is stupid really stupid
or a different kind of smart?
Do we really have a relationship
so special in your heart?

Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid

I have to ask myself
like any lover might:
Have you made a fool of me?
Are you not Mr. Right?
You grin
I pose
It's not about sincerity
Everybody knows

Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid

Is stupid really stupid
or a different kind of smart?
That's how you stole my heart
I'm with Stupid

Casanova In Hell

The girl's perfection
inspires affection
It's queer
that here
he can't cast his spell
in her direction
Somewhere near
One senses fear
Casanova in Hell

The girl is naked
The boy is naked
He hides
a secret chamber
There to gape
through a velvet drape
and dream of rape
Casanova in Hell

Her sharp suggestion
he couldn't get an erection
came as a shock
He finds himself
a laughing-stock
His ageing fate
to contemplate
Casanova in Hell

Back in the library
his revenge is his story
What he will write
will recall the bite
of his wit
and legendary appetite
The sybarite
Casanova is well

For Casanova has the last laugh
Creates the myth and vindication
of his sexual vocation
Makes the definitive collection
His lives and lovers and above all
his erection
will live in history

Twentieth Century

Oh, I learned a lesson
from the Twentieth Century
that I don't think we can just dismiss
After one hundred years
of inhumanity
the lesson that I learned was this:

Sometimes the solution
is worse than the problem
Let's stay together

Well I bought a ticket
to the revolution
and I cheered when the statues fell
Everyone came
to destroy what was rotten

but they killed off what was good as well

Sometimes the solution
is worse than the problem
Let's stay together

Stay with me
this century
Together we're better

Oh, I learned a lesson
from the Twentieth Century
It may seem somewhat hit or miss
If you've certainty
'bout the way it's all meant to be
the lesson that you need is this:

Sometimes the solution
is worse than the problem
Let's stay together

Indefinite Leave To Remain

I was lost
for so long
Feels like it's taken
half my life
to find
where I belong

Seeing you here
You're my nation
This is my application
Give me hope
Keep me sane
Give me
indefinite leave to remain

All the worlds
that I saw
I went so far away
and still wanted you more

It may sound superficial
but can we make it official?
Give me hope
Keep me sane
Give me
indefinite leave to remain

Tell me where I stand
What do you envision?
One way or another
Give me your decision now

Is it time
to proceed?
Will you give me a chance
and the status I need?

Seeing you here
You're my nation
This is my application
Give me hope
Keep me sane
Give me
indefinite leave to remain


If you've done nothing wrong
you've got nothing to fear
If you've something to hide
you shouldn't even be here

Long live us
the persuaded we
to the whole project
it's brand new
conceived solely
to protect you

One world
One reason
One season

If you've done nothing wrong
you've got nothing to fear
If you've something to hide
you shouldn't even be here
You've had your chance
now we've got the mandate
If you've changed your mind
I'm afraid it's too late
We're concerned
you're a threat
You're not integral
to the project


Everyone has
their own number
in the system that
we operate under
We're moving to
a situation
where your lives exist
as information
One world
One life
One chance
One reason
All under
one sky
one season

If you've done nothing wrong
you've got nothing to fear
If you've something to hide
you shouldn't even be here
You've had your chance
now we've got the mandate
If you've changed your mind
I'm afraid it's too late
We're concerned
you're a threat
You're not integral
to the project

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RSS Текстовая версия Сейчас: 18.4.2024, 16:03