22.2.2007, 14:37
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847
Alphaville Страна: ГерманияОригинальный состав: Marian Gold - вокал Bernhard Lloyd – синтезатор Ricky Echolette – синтезатор Фото AlphavilleВ начале восьмидесятых в западногерманском городке Энгере пересеклись пути двух юных, музыкально одаренных единомышленников, которых объединила одна пламенная идея - изменить мир к лучшему с помощью музыки. Как нетрудно догадаться, это были Бернхард Ллойд (Bernhard Lloyd) и Франк Мертенс (Frank Mertens). После непродолжительных экспериментов с синтезаторами ребята пришли к выводу, что единственное, чего недостает начинающей группе - это талантливый вокалист. Таким образом вскоре к ним присоединился Мариан Голд (Marian Gold), давний друг Бернхарда, живший в то время в Мюнстере - он и по сей день продолжает быть "лицом" группы, оставшись верным "идее и ее чистоте". Тройка юных романтиков, объединившись под хорошо известным поклонникам по одноименному бессмертному хиту группы названием "Forever Young", дают свой первый концерт в андеграунд-клубе, где Ллойд работал в то время ди-джеем. Выступление проходит на "ура", и воодушевленные успехом музыканты вместе со своими друзьями и подругами основывают в Мюнстере Nelson Project - идиллический мирок, убежище социалистически настроенных творческих идеалистов. 1983-84 годы стали решающими для коллектива - именно тогда был подписан контракт со звукозаписывающей компанией WEA. Тогда же возникла идея дать новое название группе. Мариан, Бернхард и Франк, будучи большими поклонниками кино и научной фантастики, недолго думая нарекли себя в честь одной из своих любимых кинолент. Alphaville - так называется научно-фантастический фильм Жана-Люка Годара (Jean-Luc Godard) о городе будущего, контролируемом компьютером, удостоившийся в 1965 г. главной премии в Западном Берлине. Время шло, и в начале 1984 г. Германия, за ней другие европейские страны, а потом и США стали свидетелями восхождения новой яркой звезды на музыкальном небосклоне - Alphaville взлетели на вершины чартов со своим синглом "Big In Japan"; аналогичная судьба постигла и два их последующих сингла - "Forever Young" и "Sounds Like a Melody". На волне успеха музыканты выпустили свой первый альбом "Forever Young" в сентябре 1984 г. Незамысловатые, но чарующие слух синтезаторные мелодии в сочетании с великолепным голосом Голда сделали свое дело - альбом разошелся по всему миру тиражом более 1,5 млн экземпляров. Мечта сбылась, но талантливые юноши и не думали почивать на лаврах - впереди их ожидал долгий путь, и перемены не заставили себя ждать. В декабре 1984 г. Франк Мертенс покинул состав группы, и его место занял профессиональный клавишник и гитарист Рикки Эколетте (Ricky Echolette), ранее работавший с Марианом в группе Chinchilla Green. К тому времени музыканты уже имели собственную студию в Берлине и работали над своим вторым альбомом "Afternoons In Utopia", увидевшим свет в 1986 г. Этот альбом, планировавшийся как мюзикл, рок-опера, стал отражением мироощущения творческих натур, выражением волнующих их глобальных проблем, что воплотилось в единой концепции, идее, связывающей все песни. "AIU" - это своеобразная ностальгия о будущем, о мире, в котором не будет места социальной несправедливости, ядерным конфликтам, проституции и прочим порокам современности; и то, что мы можем увидеть, а точнее, услышать в результате - яркая фантасмагория, изобилующая футуристическими, инопланетными и мифическими героями, архетипами, символами, расшифровка которых зачастую остается за слушателем - что прекрасно иллюстрируют такие композиции как "Fantastic Dream", "The Voyager", "Lassie Come Home", "Red Rose", "Jerusalem"... За этим последовал выпуск двух сборников песен группы - "Alphaville" (1986) в ГДР, что было редким явлением для западногерманской группы, и ремиксовый "The Singles Collection" (1988) - в США. Над следующим студийным альбомом, который вышел в марте 1989 г. под названием "The Breathtaking Blue", Alphaville полтора года работали вместе с легендарным электронщиком Клаусом Шульце (Klaus Schultze), известным своими многочисленными сольными проектами, а также экс-участием в группе "Tangerine Dream". Все началось с шуточного предложения Шульце помочь музыкантам с очередным ремиксом, а закончилось выпуском нового альбома. Плодами такого экспериментаторского сотрудничества стали разноплановые композиции с элементами джаза, рок-н-ролла, живой музыки и полным отсутствием коммерческого подхода, что, вкупе с отказом WEA в "раскрутке" привело к тому, что альбом успеха не имел. Впрочем, это не стало помехой для музыкантов осуществить свою давнюю мечту - снять масштабное видео, основой которого была бы сама музыка, атмосфера каждой отдельно взятой песни. Для воплощения этой идеи в жизнь были приглашены режиссеры из разных стран, двое из которых, немцы Вольфганг и Кристоф Лауэнштайны впоследствии получили "Оскар" за свою работу. В рамках проекта было снято 9 коротких фильмов, объединенных в одно 50-ти минутное видео. Этот фестиваль международной режиссуры получил название "Songlines", заимствованное из древнего предания австралийских аборигенов о том, что Бог "воспел" жизнь на земле, бывшей до того бесплодной пустыней. После этого ребята решили сделать небольшой перерыв - Мариан занялся сольным проектом "So Long Celeste", который увидел свет в августе 1992 г. и включил в себя 6 оригинальных песен и 4 кавер-версии; а у Бернхарда появился прекрасный шанс проявить свой талант студийного чародея, делая ремиксы известных хитов Alphaville, которые вошли в сборник "First Harvest 1984-1992". 1993 г. ознаменовался выпуском сборника "History", предназначавшегося исключительно для членов официального фан-клуба. На этот период пришлось также несколько выступлений группы, в том числе на фестивале в Финляндии, где под открытым небом собралось более 15 тысяч человек. Однако на свое первое настоящее европейское турне привыкшие исключительно к работе в студии музыканты решились только в 1995 г. Этому предшествовал выход в октябре 1994 г. пожалуй самого сложного и тяжелого для восприятия, и вместе с тем яркого, насыщенного реальными переживаниями альбома "Prostitute", обнажающего весь спектр эмоций чувствующей души - от счастливой умиротворенности ("Faith", "The Impossible Dream") до глубокой горечи ("The One Thing", "Parade") и агрессии ("Some People", "Ascension Day"); от тревоги и страха мечтательного резидента башни из собственных иллюзий, оказавшегося один на один с суровой реальностью ("Oh Patti", "Ivory Tower") до уверенного расставания со всем старым, бесполезным и отжившим, самотрансформации и триумфа новой надежды ("Euphoria", "Apollo"). Жанровый диапазон песен также широк - это и поп, и рок, и регги... "Prostitute" стал поворотным пунктом как в истории группы, так и в мировоззрении ее участников - наивные идеалисты повзрослели и сняли розовые очки, но не утратили веру в возможность изменения мира - напротив, облекли ее в новую, более зрелую и убедительную форму. Этот альбом, четвертый по счету, также не имел коммерческого успеха, не вписавшись в каноны музыкального рынка, обычно требующие от хита смысловой непритязательности и незатейливой, "цепляющей" мелодии - что, впрочем, не помешало синглу "Fools" войти в сотню лучших песен Германии. Еще через год, в конце 1996 г. свет увидел второй сольный альбом Мариана Голда, "United", сохранивший атмосферу "Prostitute" острыми переживаниями, порой граничащими с безысходностью, плавно сменяющейся тонкой иронией, легкой меланхолией, размышлениями о смысле жизни. В альбом вошло две кавер-версии ("Say It Ain't So Joe" Мэррэй Хэд и "Five Years" Дэвида Боуи). К сожалению для преданных поклонников, "United" изначально был издан и доступен исключительно в Южной Африке, и был переиздан в Штатах только 3 года спустя. Между тем, в сентябре 1997 г. вышел очередной совместный альбом группы - прощальный для Рикки, впоследствии покинувшего Alphaville - над которым музыканты работали во Франции, начиная как бы с чистого листа, в чем-то возвращаясь к первоистокам своего творчества, результатом чего стали простые и немного наивные, в духе "Forever Young", но красивые и проникновенные композиции ("New Horizons", "Guardian Angel") - как энергичные дискотечные танцевалки ("Control", "Wishful Thinking"), так и прочувствованные баллады ("Flame", "Inside Out"). Этим альбомом с красноречивым названием "Salvation" вечно молодые душой романтики подтвердили, что их рано списывать со счетов, и что Alphaville в состоянии составить конкуренцию многим современным группам. Украинские меломаны имели возможность убедиться в этом, побывав на фестивале "Рок-Киев" летом 1999 г., где Alphaville продемонстрировали, что есть еще порох в пороховницах, вдохновение и желание творить. В декабре 1998 года музыканты выпустили сборник "Dreamscapes", состоящий из восьми компакт-дисков, на которых собраны неизданные ранее, редкие концертные записи и ремиксы; в сентябре 1999 г. появился сборник "Visions of Dreamscapes" с избранными треками из Dreamscapes в поддержку бразильского тура Alphaville; а в июне 2000 г. вышел первый "живой" альбом группы - "Stark Naked And Absolutely Live", целый месяц пребывавший на вершине альтернативных чартов Германии. В этом же году Бернхард Ллойд со своим давним приятелем, музыкантом Максом Холлером (Max Holler), объявили о создании совместного музыкального проекта в интернете - Atlantic Popes. В октябре 2001 г. группа порадовала верных фанов альбомом ремиксов "Forever Pop", вдохнувшим новую жизнь в старые добрые хиты "Victory Of Love", "Big In Japan", "Jerusalem", "Forever Young" и др., которые приобрели несколько отличное от оригинального, более привычное уху современного слушателя звучание - что ж, великолепная возможность для воспитания новых поколений поклонников одной из самых романтичных групп последних десятилетий! Примерно в это же время, а точнее с октября 2000 по ноябрь 2001 г. на официальном сайте Alphaville в рамках своеобразного виртуального проекта "Dreamscapes #9" каждый месяц "в эфир" выходило по одной песне, в создании некоторых из них принимали участие и фаны. A 29 Января 2003 увидел свет новый альбом под названием "Crazy Show", в который и вошли песни из виртуального проекта "Dreamscapes #9" (как демо так и новые версии песен). Альбом состоял из 4-х дисков и распространялся только по интернету. В течении двух месяцев поклонникам группы предоставлялась возможность предварительно заказать "Crazy Show". В день релиза на сайте Moonbase была устроена онлайн вечеринка для всех поклонников группы. На ней были предложены для скачивания две новые на тот момент песни - "Ways" и "Heartbreaker", картинки из буклета, который входил в комплект "Сrazy Show", полный треклист нового альбома и чат с героями этого дня. В марте 2003-го официально объявил о своем уходе Бернхард Ллойд, а ядро Alphaville на тот момент составили Мариан Голд, клавишник Райнер Блосс, являвшийся соавтором многих песен группы с начала 90-х, и музыкальный директор Брайтон Мартин Листер, успевший приложить свою руку к созданию пары треков. В 2004-м группа впервые выступила в сопровождении струнного квартета. История Alphaville продолжается... Официальный сайт группы Alphaville: www.alphaville.de
22.2.2007, 16:56
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847
Дискография Alphaville:
1984 - Forever Young 1986 - Afternoons In Utopia 1986 - Alphaville 1988 - Singles Collection 1989 - The Breathtaking Blue 1992 - First Harvest 1984-1992 1993 - History 1994 - Prostitute 1997 - Salvation 1999 - Dreamscapes 2000 - Stark Naked And Absolutely Live 2001 - Forever Pop 2003 - Crazy Show
Сольные альбомы Мариана Голда:
1992 - So Long Celeste 1996 - United
Сольный альбом Бернхарда Ллойда:
2000 - Atlantic Popes
6.3.2007, 19:03
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847
Тексты песен альбома Forever Young (1984)
A victory of love Waiting for a change in the weather I'm waiting for a shift in the air, Could we get it together - ever - Hoping for your return Hoping for your sweet, sweet return Hello - is this how we calling? Hello - hello Is somebody there? She must be somewhere And then she says Hello - hello - hello She's really an angel - She stands in the sunshine She's closing her eyes - She's starting to dream She's pulling the strings She's dreaming a strange dream Where nothing is grey - Then she takes me away And she's pulling the strings When she's playing with love She's playing with love, hello - hello Counting - I count every second And I'm standing I stand in the rain, I walk up that lane Which leads to the sunshine She stands in the sunshine She's closing her eyes Then she takes me away And she's pulling the strings When she's playing with love She's playing with love Hello - hello
Counting I count every second And I'm standing I stand in the rain, I walk up that lane Which leads to the sunshine She stands in the sunshine She's closing her eyes Then she takes me away and she's pulling the strings When she's playing with love She's playing with love...
Summer in Berlin This day's an invitation And it's just for you You've got a reservation For the 17th of June Open your eyes And let the sun break in for a while There may be something That you've never seen inside Feel how your heart beats Like a heavy machine The sound of the traffic Is like a silent dream The dust in the park The exhaust from the cars Ascends in that heated afternoon (You touch a sweaty body!) Summer in Berlin, it's alright The day feels so tired From the lead in the air And the fire in the skies Life seemed to be a fault of grace But it's ok It gave you a kiss In the middle of the crossroads Summer in Berlin, it's alright The heat of the sun Which is stored in the pavement Feels so fine Here stands the innocent And there it comes oh so wild That's when you're longing For a summer by the wall Summer in Berlin, it's alright Summer in Berlin, it's ok
Big in Japan
WinterВґs cityside Crystal bits of snowflakes All around my head and in the wind I had no illusions That I'd ever find a glimpse Of summer's heatwaves in your eyes You did what you did to me Now it's history I see Here's my comeback on the road again Things will happen while they can I will wait here for my man tonight It's easy when you're big in Japan Aah when you're big in Japan, tonight... Big in Japan, be tight... Big in Japan... ooh the eastern sea's so blue Big in Japan, alright, Pay! Then I'll sleep by your side Things are easy when you're big in Japan Oh when you're big in Japan Neon on my naked skin, passing silhouettes Of strange illuminated mannequins Shall I stay here at the zoo Or should I go and change my point of view For other ugly scenes You did what you did to me Now it's history I................ see Here's my comeback on the road again Things will happen while they can I will wait here for my man tonight It's easy when you're big in Japan Aah when you're big in Japan,tonight... Big in Japan be tight... Big in Japan... ooh the eastern sea's so blue Big in Japan, alright, pay! Then I'll sleep by your side Things are easy when you're big in Japan
To Germany with love
I am an emigre, I write to Germany In foreign words A tongue of actuality Coated in grey gloves To Germany with love A war between the wars To Germany with love I am an emigre, I write to Germany In foreign words A tongue of actuality Coated in grey gloves... To Germany with love A war between the wars A war between the wars Triumph over by-gone sorrow Can in unity be won Let them all pursue this purpose 'till reality is gone I am an unexpected spy... From the outside of my eye Translate it first then comprehend I'm here indeed but there I stand... I write to Germany, I write to Germany To Germany with love... Germany with love This is the turn of colours All real but still unseen There is no more decision 'cause there's too much in between Let us build a nightmare-nation Learn and work as never yet That this cold new generation Faith in its own fears beget Here comes the modern rat Here comes the terror-squad Ours is the salt of wisdom, Here we come all dressed in black From the ruins risen slowly To the future turned we stand Flourish in the blessing glory Flourish German fatherland... I write to Germany, I write to Germany To Germany with love... Germany with love All quiet in Germany, all quiet in Germany
Fallen angel
I hear those voices on the radio I switched it off because she told me so SheВґs an investigator SheВґs like an elivator Nobody told me weВґd be all alone You know Somewhere my friend heВґd left me In that red light zone You know She said: IВґve seen your deepest secrets, son TheyВґre just as lightning In the look of your eyes I said: I want you, Baby, I said: I want some more I said: I never ever felt it like that moment before SheВґs an assassin, SheВґs melting steel in my heart But I beg for more. She said: I want your body, She said: I want your soul She said: A fallen angel takes it but sheВґll never let go SheВґs an invader - SheВґs from another world But I beg for more and more SheВґs raising feelings cutting like a knife SheВґs pouring fire into my liquid life ThereВґs no escaping from her mysteries, She gives my kisses of the strangest kind
She says: I know youВґll like it, So come over here She says: Just let that rhythm filter Through your body, dear and then she... She always did it and she always will SheВґll stay that hunter Вґtill the end of time
Forever young
Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies Hoping for the best but expecting the worst Are you going to drop the bomb or not? Let us die young or let us live forever We don't have the power but we never say never Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip The music's for the sad men Can you imagine when this race is won Turn our golden faces into the sun Praising our leaders we're getting in tune The music's played by the mad men Forever young, i want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever Forever young, i want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever? forever young Some are like water, some are like the heat Some are a melody and some are the beat Sooner or later they all will be gone Why don't they stay young It's so hard to get old without a cause I don't want to perish like a fading horse Youth's like diamonds in the sun And diamonds are forever So many adventures couldn't happen today So many songs we forgot to play So many dreams swinging out of the blue We let them come true Forever young, i want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever Forever young, i want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever Forever young, i want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever?
In the mood
He's in the mood to touch the fire, He's in the mood to touch everything you are He's in the mood to touch the fire, Touch the fire, touch the fire Jacky's locked in a silent dream He's watching movies on the TV-screen He feels unsteady lights a cigarette He's getting mellow in his cabinet Oh, Jacky, when everything goes wrong, Get ready, for you've got to be so strong It's so supersensual, so sentimental Dial that cipher in your tears, The number to the golden year You've got to touch the fire, Wake up little boy You've go to play with fire, Wake up, you've got to... You've got to play with fire... Jacky hears it, is it her or not? His eyes are burning Cause the brain's too hot He's sitting calmly on a swivel chair There's something coming from the upper stairs Now listen to me Jacky, you were always So lonesome in that quiet lonely house High on the hill, Just come... come and meet me You know where and we'll take a nice holiday Back in the old, old days of happiness -- Oh, Jacky, when everything goes wrong... Dial that cipher in your tears
Sounds like a melody
It's a trick of my mind Two faces bathing in the screenlight She's so soft and warm in my arms I tune it into the scene My hands are resting on her shoulders When we're dancing away for a while Oh, we're moving, we're falling, we step into the fire By the hour of the wolf in a midnight dream There's no reason to hurry, just start that brand new story Set it alight, we're head over heels in love Head over heels The ringing of your laughter it sounds like a melody To once forbidden places we'll go for a while It's the definite show Our shadows resting in the moonlight It's so clear and bright in your eyes It's the touch of your sighs My lips are resting on your shoulder When we're moving so soft and slow We need the extasy, the jealousy, the comedy of love Like Cary Grants and Kellys once before Give me more tragedy, more harmony and fantasy, my dear And set it alight, just starting that satellite Set it alight
Baby dear -- what do I do? Playing my tune for you Just to get you in the mood Everybody's going to Hollywood You're driving me mad But I'm smiling to the crowd instead A lot of money is at stake This is a hit and that's a fake This is what you mean to me This is what they all should see Make a make-up in a foolish style Telling the truth by making a (big?) lie When I come, I come but nothing's at ease Breaking up the whole is a modern disease Maybe you think tomorrow's just a joke It's a joke after joke after joke after joke My love, everything's an interview And nothing's really new And everybody's looking for clues And you know what to do with a clue My love -- I get ready for the show They're waiting and they will never go This night is just to go-o-o-o And it's only for show Dig that deal and be a millionaire Drinking cocktails in the stratosphere Getting jetlagged with my business-friends In these supersonic wonderlands There's a shadow on the graphic display First he's smiling then he's fading away Maybe he thinks tomorrow's just a joke It's a joke after joke after joke after joke My love... And it's only for show Get ready! Get ready! Get ready...
The jet set
This is the time, now gimme that beat feel how the rhythm grips your feet ah kitty-baby, take my hand she's like a devil heaven-sent i'm in her armes and she's in mine maybe we'll make the film on time sitting in the 15th row oh baby baby, i love you so We are the jet-set society, we are the jet-set and that means liberty We're on the run, we know where to go we've got the tickets to the midnight show these nights are burning out so fast hop on the beam, you won't be last the russians seem to be that way we love 'em like we love D.kaye we are the high-high-high-high-high so-ci-e-ty We are the jet-set society, we are the jet-set and that means liberty We are the jet-set / hop on the beam we are the jet-set / hop on the beam Shine on sociaty - shine on liberty shine on luxury - shine on so-ci-e-ty Streets are full of love and fear this could be the final year Enrico's dead but still ok we dance the streets, feeling well if she's a liar, i'm her lover if she's a priestess, i'm her cover if she's a lady, i'm her man if she's a man, i'll do what i can We are the jet-set society, we are the jet-set and that means liberty Oooh, i do what i can Oooh, baby, i love you so and we don't care
6.3.2007, 19:11
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847
Тексты песен альбома Afternoons In Utopia (1986)
I.A.O. (International Aquarian Opera)
...night... you can halt your car for an afternoon in utopia we shall stop the wars on those afternoons in utopia...
Fantastic dream
Hello today -- open your eyes The snow is falling just like leaves Aquarian Warriors rebuild the ship Mr. Rainbow is gone Hello my love, here's to your heart Unfold the Lillies in the deep The season's over, the shores are sealed Now ashen roses rain on the fields Innocent dreamers, look what you've done Now it's time for the Phoenix to fly.
Hello today -- wake to the dawn To meet the guardians of the Isles The valient captains will rule the seas 'Til the comets return Hello my love, here's to your heart Release that dream into the world Join in the air-race, leaving tonight How does it feel to follow the light Beautiful Dreamer, it's up to you If we glide through the glamour of love.
We believe in our dreams reaching out for above We believe in our dreams reaching out for love.
Waiting on this empty street, watching the river's waves go by Feeling mellow, lighting a cigarette, silver moon floats through the night Eris, Princess of the Isles, disperse your sparkling traces Lead him on to the house of love where the Gods my turn his eyes
To Jerusalem we pray -- It's time to meet you there Let's take love to Jerusalem -- Oh yeah -- Let's make love
You might be the one I'm waiting for, I think we've met somewhere for sure Chasing shadows leaves you feelin' blue, this situation needs a cure New assassins, new messiahs, keepers of the balanced law Strangest lovers of the fire which ignites the Halo of our souls
Big yellow cadillac, carry me back home On glory roads of pure delight we head out for the stars
In Jerusalem...
Dance with me
When the heat of light melts into the speeding time When the king returns from the city-side Let the Magnet-Mages wave the signals, flashing oh so fast Then you'll meet me there under the moonshine
In a lover's heaven, we'll keep our promises at last In a lover's heaven, we'll forget the past
Do you want to dance with me through one of those lonely nights It's more than a dream, maybe we're reaching the Gardens of Delight Do you want to dance with me through one of those lonely nights It's more than a dream, maybe we're drowning in Empires of Delight
In the stardust dawn underneath the crystal roofs Where the solar boys are playing games they'll never lose Where the sailors are swaying through the light domes shining from the sky Then you'll meet me there under the moonshine
In a lover's heaven, we'll keep our promises at last In a lover's heaven, we'll forget the past
Do you want to dance with me through one of those lonely nights It's more than a dream, maybe we're reaching the Gardens of Delight Do you want to dance with me through one of those lonely nights It's more than a dream, maybe we're drowning in Empires of Delight
Afternoons in Utopia
Acrobats & Comets are floating by so fast Children's faces S.M.I.L.E. like suns at last Lilac butterflies are cruising without fear All inviting you to stay and rest here
You can halt your car for an afternoon in Utopia We shall stop the wars on those afternoons in Utopia
Mighty Maomoondog drifts across the grass Healing lullabies for Easter Time on Mars Paint your hats and shoes with flowers and with stars singing in Metropolitan Operas
Listen to the news, changes are coming soon: Atlantic engineers & cities in the moon You better look across the ocean, now tell me what you see: The southern cross explodes into the colours of the sea Mighty Maomoondog skips across the waves Kick the door and hit the shore and be somebody else Supersonic landscapes are melting in your hair Bubblegum comedians are planting skylarks in the air
Here we go with the new sensation We're on every station Such a kind of a legend to turn you on, dig that rhythm Genie, and listen to the voice of the dolphin
Listen to your radio...
All across the planet, politicians tremble... Continental sister's rocking with the liquid gambler Now the time is here, now it's coming true... The enigmatic ecstasy is overwhelming you Acrobats & Comets streaking by 40,000 sirens are wailing in the sky Innersexual circuits are cruising without fear All inviting you for partytiming here
That's the start of the new sensation We're on every station Such a kind of a legend to turn you on, dig that rhythm Genie, and listen to the voice of the dolphin
Listen to your radio...
Listen to me -- Listen to the voice of the dolphin You better return to the sea -- listen to his Majesty You better return to the sea -- You better return to me..
Here's the new sensation We're on every station...
20th century
In the beginning There was no light No teenage heaven or hell No songs or voices came from across the outlands Where oceans are meant to be -- where oceans are meant to be
Oh my God, I feel so alone -- some million lightyears far from home HOW ABOUT YOU LIVING IN THE 20TH CENTURY, CAROL?
You can halt your car to get your tickets to the starlite skies, you know... Everybody wants to come home (what a dream) So, if you don't mind, Will you join me? On my way through the eye up to the light Into the world...
The voyager
Now she's touched the earth -- you feel her love Pouring down like an endless rain of colours on your skin She descends out of the blue, a breathless victor of time After more than a million lightyears preparing her comeback And she's rushing in from the outside On the crest of the seventh wave She's the crown of creation creating you
The Voyager! is here to stay The Voyager! she's calling all stars The Voyager! she's riding a rainbow The Voyager! gives you the kiss of life
Watch out, you can't ignore what's going on When your visions are drying out like the oceans of from the underworld Don't you know! Before you turn to stone You better head out for a Royal trip to the Ivory city-side And she's rushing in from the outside On the crest of the seventh wave She's the crown of creation creating you
Carol masters
She sits by the window Stares into the night Just waiting for a foreign sound from outside Far beyond the atmospheres, she is listening for a call To take her homewards to herself
Oh I love you so He who's Master of the icy shots won't harm you in the morning She knows that the pavement's hard, there between the stars To travel on to Martian-Homesick-City
She is weeping silently But there's not a tear Just raindrops falling from the painted ceiling The dance of the foraging bee will number all the things She has been longing for since she was young
"I will not pass this night in vain!" She says, "I'll stand this kind of rain, I'll break the glass, I'll find the path." Yes, Carol wants to go to Mars, back, where the red-cold sun Is sinking to the Channels of A'DAAR
Day breaks through the grating Someone moves a chair And sunlight blisters dazzling on a glass Take a pill and greet the day for sedative holidays Why aren't you sleeping at night?!
...Oh I love you so! He who's Master of the icy shots won't harm you till the evening We shall meet tomorrow night, and I kiss you just as tenderly As CYGNUS kissed the deserts (repeat two last verses)
Universal daddy
If you want a new connection I'll be just a step away Come on move in my direction Leave your dollshouse at the breaking of the day Get this message from your heartbeat, There's an ally you can trust You've been searching for adventure Follow me, let's take the golden path
There's a Universal Daddy for everyone From Universal Kingdom Number One He sends his Universal Angels through the air To Universal Dreamers everywhere Blowing kisses!!
Any girl from any nation Any boy could drive my car I'll supply the next sensation It'll happen if you wish upon a star Throwing stones against your windows Don't pretend you're not at home You can meet me if you want me But I'd like to meet you all alone...
Lassie come home
Lonely boy gazing on the afternoon People drifting cross the surface of the twilight day There's a Little Yellow Man, standing by the railway station Painting portraits on the brickwalls of Billie Holloway Lovely Lady S.M.I.L.E. Dance, my dear, I'm only operating on "Lassie Come Home" "This was authentic you" she spoke, "this was authentic you who blew me cold" He had no chance to realize, It hit her straight between the eyes So I've been told
In the park, she's giving out some photographs On which she's giving out some photos of what she hands around "They videoed a ghost tonight", she said before I turned it out "It rode an orange paper-bike, and left without a sound." Keep on riding, Sir Open up the door and shout it out: "Lassie Come Home, Come Home!!" "This was authentic you?" she spoke, "this was authentic you who blew, who blew me cold" I had no chance to realize, It hit her straight between the eyes So I've been told
Lonely Girl dancing in the music-hall Lightning struck her silver starship and turned it into stone And now it's falling all the time into that void beyond her grey eyes Somewhere a telephone is ringing, but nobody's at home "Hello Junkie-Sweetheart, listen now This is your Captain calling: Your Captain is dead." Keep on riding, Sir, open up the door And shout it out -- shout it out... Lassie come home -- Lassie come home Lassie come home -- Lassie come home...
Red rose
Little girl -- do you know what you are -- do you know This baby's gonna be a STAR -- do you know-wow A Teenangel-Empress form Hollywood highs... with wonderful eyes You're beautiful -- put your strato-blue suit -- put it on I know that you're in the mood to fly Ah, you got the power to make it come true -- the most exciting news
We'll be together till the end of time And when you S.M.I.L.E., Red Rose, it's just like Blue Sunshine, Blue Sunshine Oh, we're ascending and we'll never die 'cos when we kiss, Red Rose, we're changing 6 to 9, it's Revolution Time When 6 turns into 9...
Move over -- closer to my fantasies Pretty baby, we're standing at the turn of the centuries The daughter of time is groovin' Tonight -- Tonight -- Tonight Tonight, little dreamer, you're the D.J. of your soul, little dreamer C'mon lets swing to that Rock and Roll The sweetest arrows of desire will set this dance on fire
Above the City of the million Moons We'll reach the Palace of the Sun DO WHAT YOU WILL -- shall be your destiny, we will unfold the secrets of the new JERUSALEM...
Lady bright - faster than light
There was a young lady named Bright Whose speed was much faster, much faster than light She departed one day in a relative way And returned on the previous...
7.3.2007, 11:20
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847
Тексты песен альбома The Breathtaking Blue (1989)
Summer rain
World without a breeze Heartbeat of the heat above the harbour Lazy day lies dazed upon the shelf Atomic lizards lick at the blaze of the light that is forever No move in the solid skies No gleaming metal out of the breathtaking blue
My golden circus girls all sailed away The lion tamers are no longer due to play Whoever breaks the seven seals and lets the angry angels free I do not know Just waiting here For summer rain For summer rain Or anything else
Prophet hold your head up Into a cluster of bees and listen "Love of my life Here is all our honey Yes, we can change the world, together" And if we're still invited to walk in this party I'd go for a saucerful of secrets or more But last thing I heard of was that GOD had left the lines For a brandnew universe He was supposed to say
My golden circus girls all sailed away The lion tamers are no longer due to play Whoever breaks the seven seals and lets the angry angels free I do not care just waiting over there For summer rain For summer rain
What a glorious feeling I'm happy again Cool Rain
There's a boy with a little black dog There's a boy with a little black dog And he looks at his watch for a while And the falling years wash away his make up And the falling years wash away his make up Just like rain on the fading snow
He's a lonesome streetside Romeo You can see him from your window tonite This world's a divided place you know He's awaiting you
All the boys are locked in a fortress All the girls are locked in a fortress Just because it's a crime it could be It could be Flesh and blood in iron and steel Flesh and blood in iron and steel Just because it's a crime it could be It could be
We're all lonesome streetside Romeos You can see us from your window tonite This world's a divided place you know We're awaiting you
We're all lonesome streetside Romeos This world's a divided place you know We're awaiting you, we're awaiting you We all change our points of view, sometimes You can see us from your window, tonite
We're awaiting you Awaiting you
She fades away
She's like a frostfern in my head The lamplight burns my eyes and then she fades away My pencil's frozen in my hand And the letter I can't write It seems to be a desert without end I woke up late at night She called me up Then disappeared And the echo of her voice filled the empty places in my dreams With the silent tide
She fades away Again She fades away She fades away again Don't go now Please, stay
My senses are cruising through a void As pale reflections play on the deserted roads I hear the humming of machines A distant sound like thunder crawling through the void There's no escape I know I run around in circles without end And the more the memory grows Dissolving from reality With the silent tide
She fades away Again She fades away She fades away again Don't go now Please, stay Don't make me cry
This time I've got to learn I know, she won't return
The mysteries of love
All I want is you, don't you know that, forever loving you Don't you know that it's true. I'm leaving you tonight But don't listen if they say that we'll never meet again In the Land Of Make Believe, We cannot lose the race Breaking the secret spells they put on us, my Love We're far out of their reach a million years ahead They never understand the Mysteries of Love
Here's the Mysteries of Love give your body to the Mysteries Tear down your uniforms, here's the Mysteries of Love
All I want to be, don't you know that all we wanna be is free Like the beasts of the sea. We kiss the last Good-Byes And sailing with a S.M.I^2.L.E 'cross the iron borderlines That butterflies despise. We cannot lose at all Breaking the secret spells they put on us, my Love We're far out of their reach a million years ahead They never understand the Mysteries of Love
Driving down the streets, listening to the radio, what do we get
Ariana Reading the papers and the news, they scream, haven't you heard
Ariana She rules the business, she's such a restless genuine juvenile Everyone knows, wherever she goes She got chique, she got class, she got style
Arianamaniacs rule the world, haven't you heard Arianamaniacs set the scenes on fire, fire
We're goin' nutz for Ariana, We're goin' carrazy for her Everything glows, wherever she goes She got sex from her lips to her toes All the Casanovas and the zombies agree With the hummingbirds and the beasts from the seas Ariana's a real sensation, when will she be on the screen
Arianamaniacs rule the world, haven't you heard Arianamaniacs set the scenes on fire, fire
Heaven or hell
Once I awoke A shadow of your smile had crossed my mind How could I know this ws your last Good-Bye That's slipping through the Windmills of the night "You never understand when she's talking to you, little Boy You never understand when she's talking to you She's too far away..." Is it Heaven or Hell We're drifting in the wake of our dreams And the world is a clown who cries And no one can tell, is he real
Once I cried Whenever I awoke without you A stranger in the thunder of the dark I'm praying to the sun to shine tonight "You never understand when she's talking to you, mon Amour You never understand when she's talking to you She's too far away..." Is it Heaven or Hell We're drifting in the wake of our dreams And the world is a clown who cries And no one can tell, is he real
For a million
Oh I love to dance Under an alien sun Along the dunes with you I kiss you in the sand We give so that we live Beside the sleepy snakes They dream of you and me When will they ever end
For a million years they dream For a million years they dream And the fog conceals and hides and eats our souls Before they open up their eyes again How far we'll be Remember me
Won't stop lovin' you Although it seems to be Our time is running out I'm leaving you behind No matter what they say We'd never meet again Our love is bigger than our lives
For a million years they dream For a million years they dream And the fog conceals and hides and eats our souls Before they open up their eyes again How far we'll be How far we'll be
And we know that yesterday The moon was brown And that today it is black And that tomorrow it is red And we know that when we go to the sun The moon comes along (Hello there!) And the cows in the pasture graze And we know that we know what we know Is it truth?
Middle of the riddle
At the edge of the moon there's a lonely man And he blows on his horn as strong as he can And the girl at the bar wipoes the breath of winter away with a smile of her face And a little black dog barks along with a loon Is this my appointment or did I came too soon Got a strange invitation for teatime 'twas given by somebody I can't recall
It's the middle of the riddle It's not very serious It's nothing but a big surprise And the president's horse is a rabbit of course That is livin' in a big boy's mind Livin' in a big boy's mind
And I skate on a knife on a wire That is strung from this song to a distant shore And then I say Intuition is just another phase of chance While we're walking the old pyramid's floors (Little pharaoh's) And the little black dog Here it comes again He's a true companion in a foreign land On a quest for the valley of boojums and birthdays And phone calls I cannot recall
It's the middle of the riddle It's not very serious It's nothing but a big surprise And the president's horse is a rabbit of course That is livin' in a big boy's mind We're livin' in a big boy's mind Livin' in a big boy's mind
All of man shan't talk to the one at the helm And the man at the helm shall talk to no one at all (Rule forty-two) And a horse is a rabbit of course (Yes indeed) Yes, a horse is a rabbit of course
Patricia's park
Welcome Or should I say good bye? It's a question how close we are apart Are you goin' back home after this show Or leaving for the wild And when you're passing the wardrobe What will you take? Your worn out hat of hopes Or someone else's attractive furs to make it through The playgrounds of your life?
All is shown All shut down All the world is gone All the pieces came together Finally but not too late
All is shown All shut down All the world is gone Just pretend that I'm not there Make your choice I'll love you anyway I'll love you anyway Just make your choice Pretend that I'm not there All the world is gone All the world is gone Just take it Just take it And you'll make it Alright, yeah Ride on Ride on
All is shown All shut down All the world is gone All the pieces came together Finally but not too late
All shut down All the world is gone Just pretend that I'm not there Make your choice I'll love you anyway
7.3.2007, 17:48
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847
Тексты песен альбома Prostitute (1994)
The paradigm shift
Lets dance Stop to fight We do the paradigm shift tonite Yeah, it's a natural drift alright And it's coming up out of the blur Out of your mind from deep below The hidden harmonies discover Chaos which means order Evolution's not a model of yours
For quietness is stronger than motion and silence is stronger than sound We're listening to the tone which is not played Nothing is what we want Nothing is what we get But the holistic moment of all Yes That is the way Do you hear the river flow
You talked yourself into wrong questions You don't care about the answers You let the others be the good ones You're part of the deathbringing system There's no place where you can hide Stop! chasing the wrong gods of time I'm running out of time Time kills
You're lowering hopes much too much, getting into the grind much too much And losing faith in your abilities The loyalty to your beloved system of belief must surrender To chaos which means order, evolution's not a model of yours For quietness is stronger than motion Do you hear the river flow Do you hear it!?
We waste our time with big illusions Talking to the walls But jericho will never fall We sold our trumpets long ago Exchanging all the best we had Into atomic masterplans We read the books we had our chance We spend the world for just one dance
So keep on dancing, all you fools The cups of fury have been filled So keep on dancing, all you clowns Lets have sip before were killd So keep on dancing
These politicians make me sigh Democracy is just a lie As long as we are rich enough Each gouvernment will do for us We feed like vampires on the world We are the first, they are the third There ain't no hope, we had our chance We spent the world for one last dance
7 seals 7 trumpets 7 plagues 7 cups 7 angels The scarlet beast Mother of harlots Faithful and true
Theres a tremor in the city but it looks all quiet There is something awful brewing but there ain't riots Beethoven You can read between the lines that there must be more You're alarmed but you don't know what you're waiting for Beethoven
Beethoven, the boots are back in town When ignorance and fear are closing mouths and ears The skins are on their way when it gets dark in Europe Its just a state of mind, the blind leading the blind Beethoven
Theres a scrawling on a tombstone Judenschweine raus Once again the racial fury is burning down the house Beethoven Theres a bleeding yellow man lying in the streets But there isn't anybody doing anything
Beethoven, the boots are back in town When ignorance and fear are closing mouths and ears The skins are on their way when it gets dark in Europe Its just a state of mind, the blind leading the blind
And one grey day shall rise the flood no dikes will stem the heavy tides When cold pierced feathered bodies scream They fall as if the monstrous scythe of clouds had smashed them from the sky The scattered squadron of mankind stabs right into the churned up ether Of long forgotten birdless flights
Beethoven, the boots are back in town The demons of the past will be replaced at last There are smarter ones to stay, how can you stay away From the order of disgrace, how can you close your eyes Beethoven, the boots are back....
Ascension day
These are the days of evil perfection This is the world of torture and fame This is the age of most vicious infection These are the times of terror and pain
Let them inside and they build you a nightmare Show them, you fool, it'll not be in vain Here is your costume of deepest surrender These are the times of terror and pain
I wanna ride on a crest of sensation I wanna scream in the whirlpools of love I wanna drown in a climax of thunder I wanna be with the fools in the storm
Do what you want and then die when you want to We're gonna walk on the blood of the meek We're gonna sail through the oceans of wonder We're gonna live in the dreams that we seek
Send in the parasite clowns on their horses Send in the idiots and let them advance Send in the monsters of your own creation Send them all in and give them a chance
We're gonna dance to the sweetest of music We're gonna play with the whores in the rain We'll dissipate the lord's last temptations All in a crossfire of torture and fame
The impossible dream
Sometimes it seems so strange The way i feel for you It makes my life so quiet and free And when you smile at me It's just that special love A kind of liberty i never felt before
And i don't need to be a poet I don't need to be a hero When all i need to do is keep on loving you I just have to be me and i don't need to be The stranger anymore i used to be In my impossible dream
I keep my fingers crossed I never want to lose This new found love that's so alive I'm so in love with you My heart has circled in the past The demons of deceit but now aside i've cast
And i don't need to be a poet I don't need to be a hero When all i need to do is keep on loving you I just have to be me and i don't need to be The stranger anymore i used to be In my impossible dream
The crowd is looking drowned And a mother in tears There are flipflapping flags in the silence And a national anthem's a blues in these days
Flag him down, rest in peace What peace do you mean when the boys are coming back
He's live on TV He's dead as a hero can be But he didn't die for nothing, my dear The video of his death is travelling the world
Flag him down, rest in peace What peace do you mean when the boys are coming back In coffins
Way back in the crowd A girl says goodbye to a boy To a boy who's parading to heaven And she puts all the blame on the gouvernment
He's live on TV Dead as a hero can be ...when the boys are parading to heaven, my friend Put all the blame on you On you
Ain't it strange
Ain't it strange that we destroy What we embrace And we leave What we seek It's such a shame Ain't it strange that we smile When we cry And no one knows why we are here And where we going to Ain't it strange
We could be, we could be so good together
Ain't it strange that we share what we hate That we break what we love It's such a shame Ain't it strange when we pray, we betray anyway And no one knows what we are for Why we're so tough When we're so fragile Ain't it strange
Ain't it strange, still we could fall into a dream, i'd wish no one Will catch that fall For we could fall for love, life is but a dream, life is but a dream All the tears in the world not in vain for the pain is gone, the Shame is washed away When we're all one, life is but a dream, life is but a dream
It's hard to believe after thousands of years The world is still drowning in blood and tears We've been quite advanced but again we fail It is dog eats dog on the ratrace trail It is getting too much and we're getting nowhere While hatred and fear is all that we share I can't take it no more when i'm watching the news We must stick together or we're bound to lose
All in the golden afternoon
All in the golden afternoon full leisurely we glide For both our oars, with little skill, by little arms are plied While little hands make vain pretence our wanderings to guide
Ah, cruel three! in such an hour beneath such dreamy wheather To beg a tale of breath too weak to stir the tiniest feather And what can one poor voice avail against three tongues together
Anon, to sudden silence won, in fancy they persue The dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new In friendly chat with bird or beast- and half believe it true
And ever as the story drained the wells of fancy dry And faintly strove that weary one to put the subject by The next time. It is next time the happy voices cry
Thus grew the tale of wonderland, thus slowly, one by one It's quaint events were hammered out And now the tale is done and home we steer A merry crew Beneath the setting sun
Oh Patti
Patti can't take it She got to give it back The world is a big place and she's frightened And if you kiss her She got to kiss you back She couldn't stand a kiss for free On her own
And while she's playing With all she exchanged Yawning at the multitude Her world is a big place Full of toys and boys and teddy bears Where nothing is for free That's what her mother told her once
And Patti has a big, big heart Bigger than her life She just forgot the most fantastic thing within She's sitting in her glasshouse And she does not dare to throw the stone To make it all come true Of what she's dreaming of And so it seems to me
Patti can't take it She gotta give it back Her world is a big place and she's frightened But if you love her Maybe she'll accept Maybe she'll take your love for free On her own All alone
Ivory tower
Here is the news From my little hideaway My sweet ivory tower I've sent you songs about so many things Mighty moondogs skipping waves Dolphins playing their lives away Golden circus girls and pharaohs Fallen angels, streetside romeos Patricia's park and anyway Eternal youth and neverending summerdays Lonely girls, music halls, the mysteries of love
In the event That i don't return Please take this message to understand In the event... I am a stranger In a strange land Welcome stranger, to the land of the free Welcome, carol, to fantasy
Oh my god, i feel so alone A million lightyears far from home It seems to be a tragedy How can i live in germany Another house is burning down It's time to face the cruel reality This is a game no more Desasters in the twentieth century
In the event that i don't return Please, take this message to understand In the event In the event
Woke up in the morning still i heard this song Must be somewhere from my dreams, i don't know Made me feel so good, sun was shining bright God, i love you that you brought this little song to give me..
Faith In the morning I need that faith To go on, yeah Give me some faith Can't get enough of that sweet feeling, give me faith Oh yeah, i keep the faith
Sweet little girl, lying next to me Sunlight's playing on your face with soft shadows You're so beautiful, dream on, dream on, baby I'm gonna wake you up when the time is right I'll give you..
One day i shall be released by my creator Going home to where i came from long ago And the big wheel keeps on turning round and round Into eternity with me to cosmic meadows I will be there with all my friends..
..in the morning I need that faith...
Iron John
If you open up the cage You will hurt yourself The king said it's forbidden Or you may get hell But the prisoner lets you know Where to find the key Under her satin pillow Yes, there it has to be Modesty is fine but it doesn't take you very far When you make your decision Don't be afraid of the dark Longing for the golden ball That it will be yours for keeps Be sure about it as you saw So shall you reap
Lets take a ride on Iron John's shoulders He has more gold than anybody in this world Lets tak a ride, hey-ho on Iron John He has more gold Than anybody in this world
Jump on the train to nowhere From now on you are free After rising from the ashes You'll become a mystery Too many of those strange injections, too many gazes at the sun The lady says, well that's the business, running after no.1 For all their childish daydreams you caught their falling stars Just for the cheapest contracts you signed your autograph And if you started much too early, therefore you stopped too late Make sure no one can stop you now, here comes the ultimate
He will be with you, he will be there when you call out the magic words..
The one thing
With all the grace that you possess You're telling me your lies A kiss, a touch, a gentle stroke, a look into my eyes Your promises and fairytales have all turned into dust Your star was high, your kingdom grew in vain Now fades at last
That is the one thing i know Stop talking Stop talking with that voice I can't stand it When i look into your eyes Who do you think you are You're too perfect But this time you've gone too far
How can you be so sure about those tears you're giving me Your mysteries and agonies show no effect on me I can't believe the love we shared would ever grow so old Your warm embrace was heaven But tonite it feels so cold
That is the one thing i know... Stop talking... I can't stand it I can't stand it No more
Some people
Some people seem to have it all Some people always have to crawl Some people pay to be abused Some people end up destitute Some people search their souls for truth Some people try to be of use Some people pray before they kill Some people kill just for the thrill
Some people follow one man's vision, some others die on television Some people build their homes on sand, some people live in garbage cans
Some people think that live is dear, some people hope the end is near Some people fight for right to life, some people hate to stay alive Some people dream of life on mars, some people end their life in cars Some people throw their lives away, some others go on holidays
Some people live and love in vain, some people don't and go insane Some people always need to win, some other people love to sin
Some people breaking all their vows, some people slashing sacred cows Some people like to worship stars, some people think the world's a farce Some people try to make ends meet, some others end up kissing feet Some people find their holy grail, some other people go to hell
Some people never catch their breath, some people drink themselves to death Some people seem to have it all, some people always have to crawl Some people pay to be abused, some people end up destitute Some people search their souls for truth Some people try to be of use Some people!
Kind of thunder from my heart Flooding my eyes Flooding my eyes Kind of armies marching through my head Sombre soldiers From nowhere Kind of someone's moving out of me Have no fear Have no fear Kind of someone's moving out of me Going somewhere Going somewhere
Ship is leaving right on time Empty harbour, wave goodbye Evacuation of the isle Caveman's paintings drowning Famous last words on the air I stay here and you are there While our city softly sinks Cavemen's paintings drowning Drowning Drowning...
Show me a place that ain't hell, if there's space, give me room to breathe That's all that i need for this body can't fail And if music be the food of love, play on, give me excess of it Let it all out, please let me out of here
And i shall rise from the ashes Grow like a rose from the ruins There must be light in the darkness Hope at the end of the night Yes, i've been tryin' all my life to get to heaven But awoke in the eye of the storm But i shall rise from the ashes, grow from the ruins and return Back home
This is a call from the gaols coming up to the prisoners of pleasure Drunk on the blood of the next generations And i've been through many strange confusions, splitting myself into to many faces Now the mirror is broken, i can see the worms behind
You may well have your ways of triumph, you may well have your ways of truth Just gimme some room to breathe, that's all that i need Me and my strange friends We all belong to the grand astral body (take my hand and i take you out of here) And there's you behind those legendary curtains Take my hand before you wither in the crowd And i take you out of here
This is the end of the show, i don't know was i wrong was i right Oh love, i don't know, i wasn't perfect for sure But now i feel like a new born baby, lying in the dew of the morning Laughing at the sky like a brave new apollo
9.3.2007, 11:25
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847
Тексты песен альбома Salvation (1997)
Inside out
Your hand full of hours - sand from the urns a traveling companion - the secret of ferns from darkness to darkness - where shall i begin when whiteness attacked us - sewn under our skin and there were the stars that helped to navigate our souls With all my love - i went into the world from inside out - and i gave it all to you but i need your love - that was looking for me just on my lips look for your kiss
And always i think where we might have gone if we'd never met inside this song our names are enciphered - but the words became true when i was the sun and you, you were the moon and there were the stars that helped to navigate our souls
With all my love - i went into the world from inside out - and i gave it all to you but i need your love - that was looking for me just on my lips look for your kiss
Monkey in the moon
Once I was so sure, once I was so blind Wonder what you said if you read my mind Angel in a car, devil on a cross Scarecrows in the fields, jesus on the rocks
Letters in the rain. rabbit on the run God was made for you, lizards for the sun Monkey in the moon, I can see you through Monkey in the moon, this ones made for you ( message understood? )
Flower in a word, words without a priest Wings without a bird, beauty without beast Signal overkill, trains are overdue Fool upon a hill, ocean overview
Letters in the rain. . .
Fool upon a hill, trains are overdue Except what we forgot nothings really new Head above the clouds, eyes are opened wide Windmill burning down, walk into the light
Walk into the light Monkey in the moon... Letters in the rain This ones made for you
Guardian angel
Be my guard just for tonight, that is all I'm asking for Take me under your wing, I cant make it anymore I am so full of fear, may you read a book to me And when the shadows grow wont you stay with me
Will you be my guard tonight. that is all I'm asking for Will you be my guard tonight, that is all I need to know
Be my guard beside my bed, that is all I need to know Will you please hold my hand, don't you ever let it go All the wonders of the world for a little second more I cant speak but cant you see, its your touch I'm crying for
Will you be my guard tonight. that is all I'm asking for Will you be my guard tonight, that is all I need to know
Be my guard just until dawn, when I can hear the birds again I'm as helpless as can be, will you guard my little flame If we never meet again, you shall always keep in mind That you were my guard tonight, that you were my guard tonight
Will you be my guard tonight. . .
Wishful thinking
Into the night Still falls the rain Even the dogs stay home tonight Out on the streets Going nowhere Just one direction in my thoughts Love can be magic It can be a game Sometimes it's tragic And sometimes a shame Words were my bullits Emotion my gun I was a runner Now i'm on the run
Sometimes i wish that you were dead That is because you haunt me so I wasn't right to let you go away I try to kill the pain inside But you are always on my mind No matter where i go or stay
Sometimes i dream my time away And we're together again But i know that can never be And all my hopes are in vain You were my treasure That i didn't know You were the sun in my life Thought i was dying When i realized There's just one chance to survive...
I've been searching for so long Now I'm chasing the shadows away I've been trying, yes I tried to find my way No more crying in the make or break decade
There were times when I was down There were times I felt so low My whole life just seemed to be A senseless quest for energy
But I carry your flame All through my life, I'm a believer Peace deep in our hearts, all things must pass But well be together again
I've been walking I've been walking in the rain When the angel of my intuition whispered hello Well I was quite surprised to face that kind of incarnation Love comes always unexpected, love strikes blind and undirected
Love is the answer Love is all we need my friend Now you came and changed the wheather Now I wanna live forever
I carry your flame All through my life, I'm a believer Peace deep in our hearts, all things must pass But well be together...
Point of know return
The gentle taste of orange A garden of fruit and flowers is what I embrace In ocean blue eyes, in each ones an island I'm stranded within your love
And as I fall deeper than ever And as we kiss, were each others guide into the unknown
Where men do not return, where men do not forget The sweetest suicide, as if we don't exist but live
The presence of angels, the inscense of indochine The quietness of movements, the slowness of Africa A point of know return, no way out of here Nothing compares to you Anything goes
And as I breathe deeper than ever I'm coming home, I'm coming home to the unknown
Where men do not return. . .
Pretty baby, don't you know, times they are a changin' Every little moment we grow up we lose control Life's a loaded gun with no directions And it keeps you on the run, it has no mercy Mum and daddy went to war, never coming back no more Did you ever think they'd make you whole again Maybe someone dropped a bomb Just right into the middle of your soul-they're in control
You got to get out of control again - no more control again You're getting whole again - ain't no control again You got to get out of control
20th century honey bee, what you're doing is what you'll be Life's no dress rehearsal when you bring the honey in Everything seems wrong to thee Nurtured from the poison of reality that has no mercy All your friends went for the thrill, now its yours to grab the kill Did you ever think you're getting whole again Maybe someone send a priest with some religion cooking in a bowl They're in control You got to get out of control again...
Whats the fucking thing about control, did you think you'd ever getting whole Just as long as there is no control, they have no control of you at all
Dangerous places
People buzzing around, they don't know a thing They just a laugh and the ones in power are always pulling the strings People do what they do, how much can they take They just get the news and the ones in power always get the cake
But you got ambition, you got the face, come on, lets go to a dangerous place You got the class, I think you're desperate, lets go to a dangerous place Come on - lets go, come on - lets go, come on...
I promise this thing will sell, I promise Ill take you to heaven I promise this thing will sell, and I just cant wait
You have your plans, all these plans And there are moments, shall I call them a chance If I was you I would make them all mine And if I ain't got the power I would commit a crime
But you got ambition... I promise this thing will sell...
I'm gonna make you a deal, you know I'm your friend I'm gonna stay with you until the very end I know you got the guts, I got a lot of time I'm gonna make me yours before I make you mine
Spirit of the age
Hate, lust, soul, rage You're so full of hate, you're so full of lust You're so full of soul, you're so full of rage Spirit of the age
Here comes the voodoo king, here comes a powerful man My face on every frontpage, my plans for everyone I reason your existence, that is what I want to be Your whore and your messiah if you believe in me
I'm not a true creator, I'm just a cheap reflection I'm the impersonator of anyones conception But if you read my lips just on your own behalf Ill be a remedy not just an epitaph
You're so full of hate, you need a vacation So full of lust, you need liberation You need damnation, you need salvation You're so full of hate Spirit of the age
Here comes the new religion of everything you are My sword is your conviction, my voice your media I'm here to justify you, thats what I want to do I don't believe in visions but I believe in you
Here comes the voodoo king, here comes a powerful man My face on every frontpage, my plans for everyone I'm here to satisfy you, thats what I want to be Your whore and your messiah if you believe in me
You're so full of crime, you wipe out a nation So full of sex, you're a sensation You need damnation, you need salvation Your so full of fear
You're so full of hate, you need a vacation So full of lust, you need liberation You need damnation, you need salvation You're so full of hate Spirit of the age....
Soul messiah
There is too much confusion Much too much impact of obscene terror I wonder why I'm still surfing on this wave of obsession Is there a reason to stay any longer Waiting for some cool messiah Give me a reason to stay here forever Waiting for something to come
Is it my soul Is it that glimpse of light I never forget to expect Or is it you, some kind of angel That keeps me in waiting forever
Theres too much war on the outside Much too much impact of symbols and meanings I wonder why I'm still fighting in this ocean of questions Is there a reason to stay any longer Waiting for something to come Give me a reason to stay on this island Waiting for something to come
New horizons
Once, we were together Once we were one Once we were running, we knew where we came from We were the music, we heard the call We were giants after the fall Once we were children, once we were so small
To the new horizons I cast my eyes When I look at you reaching out to the new horizons Once and today Once and today
Once, we were divided, once, we lost our sight Once, we were freezing in the TV light You are a rainbow, you're looking fine Shall we make it one more time
To the new horizons I cast my eyes When I look at you reaching out to the new horizons Once and today Once and today You are a rainbow
Pandora's lullaby
So you hugged the globe Now its whirling too fast I really got no hope to hang on to the past The train has departed, the toxins have started To announce that none will last
I cower in the gutter of a world thats not so near And I listen to their mutters that are spinning through the air The words unspoken, the promises broken And the ones who really care
I'm the watcher of the scene I see our shadows on the screen And when the subway brakes to preserve some suicidal bee I stop to breathe for a while Maybe it was me
This is the world gliding by Like the driftwood beams On a lifetimes stream The instant fundamental sky for Pandora's lullaby
I see distorted faces coined like gold And in their wrinkles programs that commercial gurus told A watermark against a spark Umbrellas that they hold
I'm gliding in the distance and watch the world go by An orbit full of questions, a perforated sky But I just sit and wonder a bit that they never wonder why
12.3.2007, 13:11
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847
Тексты песен альбома Crazy Show (2003)
State Of Dreams
Woke up at the break of day Something chased my dreams away IsnВґt it quite strange the way we live YouВґre so pretty, youВґre so sweet I like to watch you in your sleep IВґd give a million if I knew your name And all I need is to be with you In a state of dreams - a state of dreams ThatВґs where I want it to be with you In a state of dreams - a state of dreams Love is such a fractured thing Its splinters slither in our skin IsnВґt it quite strange the way we play Turn off the lights and come to bed Forget the dreadful things IВґve said Lets wait until the stars come up and we will go our way Cause all I need is to be with you In a state of dreams - a state of dreams ThatВґs where I want it to be with you In a state of dreams - a state of dreams Woke up at the break of day... Something chased my dreams away...
Ship Of Fools
Did you know when the journey started That weВґd ever reach that point Many years we sailed together Now itВґs time to say goodbye You donВґt know what IВґve been going through HavenВґt heard that much from you Isolation is a nice flower Now I wonder what to do You never know when your dreams come true Is it good for you, is it good for you On our ship of fools weВґre drifting along the shores never seen before When you told me that youВґre leaving Cause the stakes were much too high I was wondВґring why you said so Since we still got wings to fly I will never ever give up Just as long as I am here Till the end IВґll spread my wings And raise my dreams against your fears You never know when your dreams come true Is it good for you, is it good for you On our ship of fools weВґre drifting along the shores never seen before...
Look at me - you can watch me listen to me - you can hear me talk to me - you can yell at me play with me - you infuriate me look at me - just watch me try to see... - but you better not touch me look at me - just watch me try to see me through - but you better not touch me... does it make you feel better? to know that i'm here to stay. does it make you feel better? to know my heart is locked away. does it make you feel safer? knowing i won't get away. does it make you feel safer? to have my soul in chains. watching you - i can look at you hearing you - i can listen to you yelling at you - i can't talk to you feeling you - i wish i could touch you look at me - just watch me try to see... - but you better not touch me look at me - just watch me try to see me through - but you better not touch me... does it make you feel better? to know .... does it make you feel better? to know that i'm here to stay. does it make you feel....better? does it make you feel safer? knowing i won't get away. does it make you feel safer? to have my soul in chains....
C Me Thru
I'm living in a perfect world Embedded in a perfect game Can't get enough of all this stuff But everything is quite the same And all the cigarettes and pills All the visions, all the thrills They seem to come second hand I wonder if you understand The mirror is a brilliant place To lose myself within a maze They moved the moon when I looked down And then they turned the stars around I try to speak but what's the use Instead I scream, I'm so confused And when I tried to touch your face You disappeared without a trace Just see me through And please believe me what I'm telling you (you disappeared without a trace) Don't bring me down I'm standing naked here in front of u Just when I tried to touch your face Just come on here What do you think that i can do for you I might have lied so many times before But this time I'll be true
These days are fast, they seem like glass They rushing in and then they pass They have no value anymore They seem like clones or metaphors And honesty is what we hate It's what we're trying to escape from I wash my hands a million times Like Pilate when he did his crimes When we are young we're wild and free When we get old we're history I struggled hard to fit the mold I hope I die before you're old It doesn't matter what we gain When all our does or dies are in vain And when the music fades away Our memories just go astray Just see me through And please believe me what I'm telling you (and when the music fades away) Don't bring me down I'm standing naked here in front of you (your memories just go astray) Just come on here What do you think that I can do for you I might have lied so many times before But this time I'll be true...
Upside Down
You carved the runes into my bones and signed them up for me I still don't know what's on your list and what's prepared for me You killed the fairies in my dreams, you poured their blood on me If i only knew your plans, i'd drink it happily I hate to be in love with you but put the blame on me You're innocent just like a gun, you love me dangerously Your body seems to be unreal, your touch is like the sea And when i gaze upon your smile the devil grins at me But if i lost your gleaming look i'd lose the light in me As long as i can feel the pain i burn fantastically I hate to be in love with you but put the blame on me You're innocent just like a gun, you love me dangerously You brought the stars right down to me, you smashed them on the ground You ripped the moon out of its place and turned it upside down Maybe you thought i'd take it cool but i feel like i'm cursed Armed with the rapture of a fool i ruin my universe I hate to be in love with you but put the blame on me You're innocent just like a gun, you love me dangerously ..you carved the runes into my bones and signed them up for me I still don't know what's on your list and what's prepared for me... ...for me ...for me ...for me
And As For Love
...that I denied one time too many She left me at the break of day When I awoke she seemed still spinning in my head But she was gone, the capsule empty And her body dead Was all she'd left behind without a last adieu Sometimes I wonder if she'd left a hundred years ago To start anew we need to be strangers from now on And as for love we need to be strangers from now on
And I remember when she came into my life It didn't count who she was or what I was like I never meant to hurt her but she never did Her name was love, her bodies infinite And now she is gone, the capsule empty And her body dead Sometimes I wonder if she'd left a hundred years ago To start anew we need to be strangers from now on And as for love we need to be strangers from now on...
Girl From Pachacamac
I wish I'd had the time to look into your eyes And quietly say the words The words that you'd expect I wish I'd touched your face And you would hold my hand Then tears were on our guard And silence was our friend And we would leave behind the chaos in our lifes The struggle and the strife and the black and white And all the letters that we wrote Would be printed out in gold In our memories to behold Without explanations To be told... I dreamt I had the time to listen what you'd say And what you'd say was true and we could start anew I saw u bachstage in that chair Dressed up in lies but oh so fair And then I took you by the hand and off we went And we just drank to quench our thirst That never dies and always burns Deep in the night out on the streets I'd like to kiss you too but it wouldn't do And all the poems that we wrote Would be printed out in gold In our memories to behold Without explanations To be told... And we would leave behind the chaos in our lifes The struggle and the strife and the black and white And all the letters that we wrote Would be printed out in gold In our memory to behold without explanations... And we just drink to quench our thirst That never dies and always burns Deep in the night out on the streets I'd like to kiss you too without explanations.. To be told.
Carry Your Flag
We must have played For more than ten years We must have thought That we're immortal Shame, shame on us, Ah little hussy, What did you think I was I look at us We have grown older A lot too much For me to take I thought We were immortal I'm so sorry I couldn't keep my promise.. ...to carry on your flag for you Some superhero-being
It seems to me That we are changing There ain't no limit to imagination The world just turns around Without a care Sometimes I feel like crying And every time I need to touch you How can I ever Break the distance That's why my love Became so strong and pure That's why I keep on Trying forever.. ...to carry on your flag for you Some superhero-being For you Some superhero-being Waiting Under the light of the moon For you.. I'm coming soon.
Sometimes it seems the night will last forever Sometimes it seems that darkness always falls A dark star woke you up and with a dark star You go to bed You're sinking slowly into the deep You wonder if you ever touch the ground Where you would walk through sparkling spheres, On strangest drugs and without fears You feel just like a little girl And all your dreams lie frozen on the moon You left them ther some time ago But it ain't true that you don't need them anymore You are so beautiful, you are so very beautiful Don't give up, kill the pain, don't start crying again Here it comes, here it comes The golden handshake of life You are so beautiful, you are so very beautiful Keep the faith, stop to fight And walk out into the night You're so strong, yes you are Reach out for your star.... Even those who are afraid to live They're dying some day
Sometimes it seems that silence crawls all over Sometimes it's hell inside and hell out there Your heart is nothing but a haunted place Is that you in the mirror? You're all alone inside a world Full of confusion and of strange alarms And though your courage left you long ago It doesn't mean that you don't have it anymore
Return To Paradise Part 2
Kings and queens and frogs and princes Gnomes and dwarfs and dragons old Treasures hidden, golden sphinxes Lovely maiden, giants bold Hush, my little lovely darlings Dream on through the deepest night Here's a kiss for each of you Wonder where you going to When you're sleeping tight Return to paradise... Sometimes when it's really quiet I come running to your bed Listen hard to hear you breathing Stroke your tender little heads You are flowers sent from heaven On a gentle golden breeze Here's a kiss for each of you Maoamoondog's singing too Lullabies of peace Return to paradise... On a ship to elfland wonders Just a little trip away There you're playing in the starshine Underneath the milky way All the angels in their glory Will be watching over you Dream on while the stars are falling (Falling on you) May your dreams come true...
Those Wonderful Things
Some days you run, run, run You never stop and when you stop You're too tired to think about anything. But some day, when you finally stop, You're able to think and wonder about your Breathless running And if i could have a christmas wish come true... I would wish for nothing but (for) wonderful things And in your life, which is so precious to me, May troubles, worries never linger; May they only make you stronger... And may you rise each day with sunlight In your heart And success on your path And answers to your prayers And that smile That i love to see Always there... In your eyes... And if i could have a christmas wish come true... I would wish for nothing but (for) wonderful things And in your life, which is so precious to me, May troubles, worries never linger; May they only make you stronger... ...and able and wise ...and able and wise ...and able and wise And if i could have a christmas wish come true... I would wish for nothing but (for) wonderful things And in your life, which is so precious to me, May troubles, worries never linger; May they only make you stronger... ...those wonderful things ...stronger ...those wonderful things ...stronger ...those wonderful things ...stronger ...those wonderful things
On The Beach
This is our place In the free and open air Under starry skies By the endless sea In an endless chain We are locked together I became a star You were my creator Never have we been closer than tonight U & I when our shadows crossed the light Never have we walked Further wondrous ways And this is where we stand Here on the beach
And I'm tolling my bell In the fog 2 let u know I'm here by your side In this madness called life Though the knights have all gone And we lowered our flags I sing you this song as the tides wash the sands On the beach Take my hand like I once took yours Look me in the eye like i once looked in yours Here we go again, speaking in strange codes Reading all the stars Like an open book On the beach
I haven't been very good For some time but now I listen to the music once again To bowie and the petshop boys Getting better as the music's getting back to my head When the moon has turned the blood At the end of the world Then the saints go marchin in and everybody starts to cry Wake up, wonderboy I haven't been very well Feeling kind of seasick, tryin' to follow your contrail You're flying miles above my head While I'm dreaming underwater sleeping in a whale When the stars begin to shine Let me be in this number And then it comes within a wave, like lsd to phantasy Like gasoline into a fire, like virgin blood to a vampire And everybody starts to smile Cause i'm the wonderboy again... Wake up, wonderboy...
I used to live in the greyness of life Like a parrot in a flock of crows Better put on my gold-feathered cloak And walk out into the cold And since I was a kid I shone so much from inside out Like San Sebastian on prime time TV And I sigh when I look at all the good things around All those untold treasures And unmeasured pleasures I'd like to be like no other honeybee Sucking on the sweet, sweet flower And when the sun goes down I got the power to fly... And that is the only feeling, The one and only chance to get away From anything that hurts That's what my manager used to say... When you came into my sight I (had to) put on my shades Cause I was blinded so much By the light that you spread And I'm sure it will grow forever And scare all the zombies away And since I know we belong to each other You can try me out cause it gets me on the go Could we ever hope that we would star tonite In this crazy show I know you'll be like no other honeybee Sucking on the sweetest flowers And when the night is falling we got the power to fly... And that is the only feeling, The one and only chance to get away From anything that hurts That's what my manager used to say... And that is the only moment Giving away is all we got to do To take away the pain Till the music will rage in our brains And then we're standing in a hurricane 2 b free... You're standing in a hurricane To be free Hand in hand with me to be free... And the sun goes down... And the sun goes down...
Do The Strand
There's a new sensation, a fabulous creation A danceable solution to teenage revolution Do the strand, love, when you feel love It's the new way, that's why we say Do the strand Do it on the tables, Quaglino's place or Mabel's Slow and gentle, sentimental All styles served here, Louis seize he prefers Laissez-faire le Strand Tired of the tango, fed up with Fandango Dance on moonbeams, slide on rainbows In furs or blue jeans, you know what i mean Do the strand
We're playing our tune by the pale moon We're incognito down the Lido And we like the strand Had your fill of quadrilles, the madison and cheap thrills Bored with the beguine, the samba isn't your scene If you feel blue look through who's who See La Goulue and Nijinsky Do the strandsky Weary of the waltz, mashed potato schmaltz The Sphinx and Mona Lisa, Lolita and Guernica Rhododendron is a nice flower Evergreen it lasts forever But it can't beat the strand power Do the strand
Still Falls The Rain
The rain against the windshield endlessly For many years i cruised around the world I've finally disembarked my ship of fools A hero then, a stranger to return I'd trade my goldrush 'gainst your silvernets To know what happened after all this time And in your arms i'm lost forevermore I wonder how you ever felt in mine Isn't it strange, i still can hear your call Isn't it strange, i'm not a ghost at all Isn't it strange or is it just insane Isn't it strange, the glory and the fame Still falls the rain.. Do you remember how we used to play And how we waved our banners in the sun Do you remember how we gave ourselves away For some strange kind of fun And how we smiled as if we'd understood the writings on the walls And cooked our spice on silver spoons And if we wouldn't see the light We overdosed the foll'wing night Isn't it strange... I've got burnholes in my fingers that could not ease your pain Or was it me who killed the blue inside your eyes? When silence grew behind our shadows on the wall But if all was silent, could we hear a bit more? I wonder can you hear me now? - isn't it strange Ohhh... Isn't it strange, i still can hear your call Isn't it strange, i'm not a ghost at all Isn't it strange or is it just insane Isn't it strange, the glory and the fame Still falls the rain...
Hey mrs fields, why do you look so sad Is the whole world gone mad or is it still a strawberry-cake How i wish to kiss your sweet, sweet lips To share your blissfulness It made me feel like floating on a cloud I'm talking to you soon There's so much left to say On a crystal winter's day... And the snowflakes outside show a million ways Show a million days in their dance And the wind blows them on and carries them away Into anywhere from moment to moment Hey mrs grey, tell me what would you say If i turned on the sun and poured all the colours down on you Would you smile and say it's alright I can see the light at the end of the tunnel And then we'd face the sky, sitting side by side Going very far to a distant star... And the snowflakes outside... I can tell by the sound of your voice And i can tell by the look of your eyes There must be something goin' wrong in your life But please, please believe me, baby, i'm by your side There's so much left to do, so much left to say in a million ways There's so much to be seen, so much to be touched, so much to be loved Take my hand and come out to play .. There's so much left to do For me and for you... There's so much to be loved Please, come back Don't walk into the dark Hey mrs fields, why do you look so sad Is the whole world gone mad or is it still a strawberry-cake How i wish to kiss your sweet, sweet lips To share your blissfulness It made me feel like living anew I'm talking to you soon There's so much to be done When the winter's gone... And the snowflakes outside... There's so much left to do, so much left to say in a million ways There's so much to be seen, so much to be touched, so much to be loved Take my hand and come out to play... Come out to play...
The II Girlz
...this may be true or might come false While delving into far beyond I'm here at hand but in the end What have ya been I do not comprehend, just don't understand Mmmhh... the parallel girlz They look as if they had been squeezed From the same tube of toothpaste The wrong way about right from the start We're close apart, in each other's heart, ...the parallel girlz I love you all, the prude, the wild And the shameless... The quiet and the sad and the helpless... The parallel girlz, they're in my head And in my bed The ones I met i can't forget A stupid try on cloud 9 So I beat on against the current Borne back ceaselessly into the past Sometimes they talk with wordless kisses Sometimes they see with gentle touch, ...the parallel girlz I love you all, the cruel, the weak And the useless... The naive and the bold and the loveless... The parallel girlz, they're in my head And in my bed The ones I met I can't forget A stupid try on cloud nine On cloud nine with a parallel girl The wicked and the poor and the worthless... The cruel and the weak and the useless... The prude, the wild and the shameless I love you all... I love you all, the cruel, the weak And the useless... The naive, the bold and the loveless The parallel girlz, they're in my head And in my bed The ones I met I can't forget A stupid try on cloud nine The quiet and the sad and the helpless... The naive, the bold and the loveless... The cruel and the weak and the useless... The prude, the wild and the shameless... The quiet and the sad and the helpless... The naive, the bold and the loveless... I love you all, I love you all, I love you all...
I feel so lonely when I'm not with you It's such a shame that I'm spending my time Without you Yet I have found you're from a different world It must be Venus cause love's such a prime time With you, girl Don't you understand We ride on a space-ship out of control, How sublime Who's breaking who's heart first You say you can't do it, mama Yes you can It's so easy to do By giving me less of your love Than you hold in your heart My baby with your come-to-bed eyes Just one little kiss from your lips Is enough for a lightyear or more in love You're breaking my heart Each night that i don't get enough Each night, and i can't get enough of you Each night and i can't get enough of you Each night and i can't get enough...
Waiting 4 The Nu Lite
He's sitting in the lobby of an african hotel A gun in his pocket, he's waiting for himself And this girl at the bar says: hey, what do you think C'mon, pay me a drink, be my karaoke king Cause you're bigger than Elvis and smarter than Bob And you're singing songs you've never heard before And this is judgement day so tell me what you have to say But why don't you sing it when you're singing anyway Tell me, why don't you sing it when you're singing anyway Evermore i drove down the glowing bones Of a shattered highway without an end And i watched your hair 'gainst the fields of wheat Like a flickering flame in the screaming winds If our love was bigger than the 7 seas Wonder how big our lifes in the end might be To fit in everything, all the goods, all the sin But we shouldn't complain as long's we're not givin' in We're all waiting for the new light... I am sitting in the lobby of an african hotel I'm waiting for someone who will never come And the girl at the bar says: angel, pay me a drink C'mon, c'mon, be my karaoke king Cause you're bigger than Bernhard and you're smarter than Gold And i bet in your pocket is a 45 colt And this is judgement day, so why don't you stay And we're killing some time before it kills us anyway Don't wanna be too negative, so please don't get me wrong It's just that life's too short and that your dead for too long And ain't it strange we care the most about the least important things I've been waiting here for so long since a million fucking drinks Cause you're bigger than Bernie and you're smarter than Gold And i bet in your pocket is a 45 colt And this is judgement day, so why don't you stay And we're killing some time before it kills us anyway Waiting for the new light...
Shadows She Said
There's no more place to go The other bars are closed The night the stranger came to town How do you know When you're right or wrong? How do you know If you hurt or if you don't? So many people say so many things But nobody agrees on anything There's no more place to go Shadows she said There's no more place to go Shadows she said This night's an empty shell Shadows she said And all the shadows followed after her You burned the book of life The cradle and the tomb How could you ever dare There's no more turning back Your stars lit up in flames There's gunsmoke in the air And yesterday you bought a brand-new car But you don't feel like going very far There's no more place to go... There's no more place to go Shadows she said There's no more place to go Shadows she said This night's an empty shell Shadows she said And all the shadows followed after her Here they come... Shadows she said... And all the shadows followed after her... Shadows she said...
Oh let me live In a non-stop Crazyshow From dawn to dusk On the meadows of happiness And your billion dollar smile rises up the horizon In a golden glow Just like the sun in some Crazyshow Crazy, crazy... And I'm dancing on the roof of your mind In a golden glow...
Go west, dreamcar, gas-mask, superstar War crime, sun sail, big time, blue whale Greatest love on TV, telecom, reality Drag queen, millionaires, Truth machine and teddybears, Boop-a-loola, genocides, Coke & coola, Northern lights Red bobs, ocean liner, big knobs, sweet Regina Black hole, serialkiller, Nat King Cole and wishfulfiller Oh let me live in a non-stop Crazyshow Oh let me live in a non-stop Crazyshow... And your billion dollar smile rises up the horizon In a golden glow Just like the sun in some Crazyshow Yes I can see you there (on the roof of your mind) Yes I can see you there (on the roof of your mind) Oh let me live In a non-stop Crazyshow From dawn to dusk On the meadows of happiness And your billion dollar smile rises up the horizon In a golden glow Just like the sun in some Crazyshow...
You gave me strength You pushed the blades away from me Oh how we dreamt to change the world And we would never give in, no matter what they say A really cool connection in a cruel world You led me through the nights And through the hardest fights We dreamt we'd be the ones And we would never lose You made me speechless - and fearless Yet it made you fearless too Oh how we dreamt to be so fearless No matter what they do I don't know where you are now We shared a dream of being together You led me to the light, yeah For this i would like to thank you forever Moonboy...
You've been around, a distant star You've seen them come and go Those unknown chaps without a slightest chance I know, all without faith are liars Even when they're dreaming I'd even put my faith in God if he knew how to dance Our minds are filled with crazy dreams They seem to be unreachable But if you give them up they stay Till someone else takes them away I met you in this hotel hall Oh Nino, ain't it hard Not to be understood But all you said was: hey, I just wanna sing (like an angel) I don't know where you are now We shared a dream of being together You led me to the light, yeah For this I would like to thank you forever Moonboy... I don't know where you are now You come and go whenever you like.. Just believe in your powers You might find out you're invincible... No matter what they say...
Miracle Healing
Hello my friend! It's late and I want to sleep But I just can't make it to my bed I've got a brand-new song on my screen It's called Miracle Healing I read it on a sign somewhere in Port of Spain (29. 4. 2000) I remember a bright-blue-colonial building For me it looked like the entrance to paradise A place full of smiling people, a place full of happiness I was dreaming to go there Instead of doing the interview & receive... A miracle healing of innocence & ecstasy Dreams of independence Love, caress & energy The circle & square, sound & vision, angels are singing You're gonna burn in hell no more You're gonna burn in hell no more... Are you sure what to think of me? Do you know how I should be? Is there any damn explanation for this world? And what kind of healing would I need? Only one thing I know is that I need some help I must finish this song to find it all out A miracle healing...
Hello my friend! It's late and I want to sleep And I'm sitting here all alone with my ghosts tonite I don't know what to write to you I just want to say that I'm thinking of you And I hope that you're alright I am, well, ...better I think it must be because of this letter And if it's not so then I really don't have a clue If I slept for a thousand years Would you dig inside my pyramid? Would you resurrect me from the dead Would you light up my darkness Would you give me... A miracle healing...?
Be on your guard when you sit in the open places Because I'm blessed with all the wonders of the sun When tigers, palmtrees, rattlesnakes unfold their graces That kind of magic you may get a sunburn from And there's no better way for us Than our old sweet ways And angels burn to dust before the human race We're giants under a rainbow We're stranded east of Eden Sometimes we're crying in the afterglow In a world of broken toys How can we live without them Freedom that is what you are always screaming It is a scream but more a nightmare than a laugh Those without faith are liars Even when they're dreaming I'd put my faith in God if he knew how to dance But there's no devil in the darkness No demon in the skies Nothing to be afraid of Cross my heart and hope to die Freedom... Freedom...
Wish You Were Dead/Wishful Thinking
Into the night Still falls the rain Even the dogs stay home tonight Out on the streets Going nowhere Just one direction in my thoughts Love can be magic It can be a game Sometimes it's tragic And sometimes a shame Words were my bullits Emotion my gun I was a runner Now i'm on the run Sometimes i wish that you were dead That is because you haunt me so I wasn't right to let you go away I try to kill the pain inside But you are always on my mind No matter where i go or stay Sometimes i dream my time away And we're together again But i know that can never be And all my hopes are in vain You were my treasure But i didn't know You were the sun in my life Thought i was dying When i realized There's just one chance to survive...
About A Heart
There's a doubt in my heart And it's sinking deep inside of me It's the way that you talk It's in the way you're touching me When I look into your eyes You're a million miles away from me And there's nothing I can do There's nothing left to say You'll break my heart, there's nothing left to say You'll break my heart, there's nothing I can do You'll break my heart... Rip it out and watch it fall..
Will you go - will you stay Is there any chance for me to keep you here By my side - or is my fate already sealed Is there anybody else Or am I still the only one If it's so then I don't care Just waiting for the final blow to come You see, there's nothing I can do You'll break my heart There's nothing left to say (you'll break my heart...) Rip it out and watch it fall... You'll break my heart, there's nothing left to say You'll break my heart, there's nothing I can do You'll break my heart, rip it out, rip it out You'll break my heart...
For The Sake Of Love
Sounds Like A Melody (MaXx MysteryВґs 80Вґs Remix)
It's a trick of my mind To faces bathing in the screenlight She's so soft and warm in my arms I tune it into the scene My hand are resting on her shoulders When we're dancing away for a while Oh, we're moving, we're falling, we step into the fire By the hour of the wolf in a midnight dream There's no reason to hurry, just start that brand new story Set it alight, we're head over heels in love Head over heels The ringing of your laughter it sounds like a melody To once forbidden places we'll go for a while It's the definite show Our shadows resting in the moonlight It's so clear and bright in your eyes It's the touch of your sighs My lips are resting on your shoulder When we're moving so soft and slow We need the extasy, the jelousy, the comedy of love Like the cary grants and kellys once before Give me more tragedy, more harmony and phantasy, my love And set it alight, just starting that satellite Set it alight
Something (George Harrison 1968)
Something in the way she moves Attracts me like no other lover Something in the way she woos me I don't want to leave her now You know i believe and how Somewhere in her smile she knows That i don't need no other lover Something in her style that shows me I don't want to leave her now You know i believe and how You're asking me will my love grow I don't know, i don't know You stick around now it may show I don't know, i don't know Something in the way she knows And all i have to do is think of her Something in the things she shows me I don't want to leave her now You know i believe and how...
Because Of U
Oh, I want to know I want to go Through that situation again, I'd like to catch That something in your eyes it thrilled me once again That gentle touch I can't describe It's like a reflection of the moon on the water Don't let it go, because of you the earth stood still Just do it again Burn, burn away, sacred letters, ragged backdrops I don't care, the certainty of death, The boring rituals of life they seem so far I don't care for my life, I just live for your love That is because of what you do, just do it again Because of you the earth stood still Just do it again
Inside Out (Thou Shalt Not Remix 2002)
Your hand full of hours - sand from the urns A travelling companion - the secret of ferns From darkness to darkness - where shall I begin When whiteness attacked us - sewn under our skin And there were the stars That helped to navigate our souls With all my love - I went into the world From inside out - and I gave it all to you But I need your love - that was looking for me Just on my lips look for your kiss And always I think where we might have gone If we'd never met inside this song Our names are enciphered But the words became true When I was the sun and you, you were the moon And there were the stars That helped to navigate our souls
The Opium Den
May I introduce myself I'm your poison I'm gonna kill you tonite I do it slowly, you gonna like it You remember me for the rest of your life But it won't last very long, hang on It won't last very long, so hang on To the opium den I hang out here every nite I'm just waiting, I'm just waiting for you You gonna like what I..., you gonna like it You gonna like what i do But it won't last very long, hang on It won't last very long, so hang on To the opium den... May I introduce myself I'm your poison, I'm gonna kill you tonite I do it slowly, you gonna like it You remember me for the rest of your life But it won't last very long, hang on It won't last very long, so hang on To the opium den... It offers you comfort As everything about it It is mild, without reason And for all it is perfect And it is there, where I go now And it is there, where I now go And it is there, where I now go It is there... where I... now... go...
Last Summer On Earth
Diamonds Are 4 Eva
Diamonds are 4 ever They are all I need to please me They can stimulate and tease me The won't leave in the night I've no fear that they might desert me... Diamonds are forever, hold one up and then caress it Touch it stroke it and undress it I can see every part, nothing hides in the heart To hurt me I don't need love, for what good will love do me? Diamonds never lie to me For when love's gone, they luster on They luster on... Diamonds are forever, sparkling round my little finger Unlike girls the diamonds linger Girls are mere mortals Who are not worth going to your grave for I don't need love, for what good will love do me? Diamonds never lie to me For when love's gone, they luster on Diamonds are forever, forever, forever, forever And ever...
Return To Paradise Part 1
Kings and queens and frogs and princes Gnomes and dwarfs and dragons old Treasures hidden, golden sphinxes Lovely maiden, giants bold Hush, my little lovely darlings Dream on through the deepest night Here's a kiss for each of you Wonder where you going to When you're sleeping tight Return to paradise... Sometimes when it's really quiet I come running to your bed Listen hard to hear you breathing Stroke your tender little heads You are flowers sent from heaven On a gentle golden breeze Here's a kiss for each of you Maoamoondog's singing too Lullabies of peace Return to paradise... On a ship to elfland wonders Just a little trip away There you're playing in the starshine Underneath the milky way All the angels in their glory Will be watching over you Dream on while the stars are falling (Falling on you) May your dreams come true...
State Of Dreams
Woke up at the break of day Something chased my dreams away Isn't it quite strange the way we live You're so pretty, you're so sweet I like to watch you in your sleep I'd give a million if I knew your name And all I need is to be with you In a state of dreams - a state of dreams That's where I want it to be with you In a state of dreams - a state of dreams Love is such a fractured thing Its splinters slither in our skin Isn't it quite strange the way we play Turn off the lights and come to bed Forget the dreadful things I've said Lets wait until the stars come up and we will go our way Cause all I need is to be with you In a state of dreams - a state of dreams That's where I want it to be with you In a state of dreams - a state of dreams Woke up at the break of day... Something chased my dreams away...
Scum Of The Earth
You should be killed You should be wiped out from the face of the world There's no excuse for the likes of you And no one will cry for a worm like you You're a stain on the face of the nation And like your mother I curse the day of your birth You're the scum of the earth, the scum of the earth And I cry - but not for you.. Why do you scream at me Why are you trying to explain what can't be explained If it's not your will - your will to kill And why are you praising those heroes When you're not a hero at all You're the scum of the earth, the scum of the earth And I cry - but not for you... Solingen Rostock Hoyerswerda Erfurt Brandenburg Luebeck Potsdam Hannover Frankfurt Dresden Nurnberg Chemnitz Altenstadt Dusseldorf Berlin
Upside Down
You carved the runes into my bones and signed them up for me I still don't know what's on your list and what's prepared for me You killed the fairies in my dreams, you poured their blood on me If i only knew your plans, i'd drink it happily I hate to be in love with you but put the blame on me You're innocent just like a gun, you love me dangerously Your body seems to be unreal, your touch is like the sea And when i gaze upon your smile the devil grins at me But if i lost your gleaming look i'd lose the light in me As long as i can feel the pain i burn fantastically I hate to be in love with you but put the blame on me You're innocent just like a gun, you love me dangerously You brought the stars right down to me, you smashed them on the ground You ripped the moon out of its place and turned it upside down Maybe you thought i'd take it cool but i feel like i'm cursed Armed with the rapture of a fool i ruin my universe I hate to be in love with you but put the blame on me You're innocent just like a gun, you love me dangerously ..you carved the runes into my bones and signed them up for me I still don't know what's on your list and what's prepared for me... ...for me ...for me ...for me
Shadows She Said
There's no more place to go The other bars are closed The night the stranger came to town How do you know When you're right or wrong? How do you know If you hurt or if you don't? So many people say so many things But nobody agrees on anything There's no more place to go Shadows she said There's no more place to go Shadows she said This night's an empty shell Shadows she said And all the shadows followed after her You burned the book of life The cradle and the tomb How could you ever dare There's no more turning back Your stars lit up in flames There's gunsmoke in the air And yesterday you bought a brand-new car But you don't feel like going very far There's no more place to go... There's no more place to go Shadows she said There's no more place to go Shadows she said This night's an empty shell Shadows she said And all the shadows followed after her Here they come... Shadows she said... And all the shadows followed after her... Shadows she said...
First Monday In The Y3K
As I walk these empty streets With the remains of warfare scattered on the ground And I tried to remember your face An empty page in my diary And I tried to remember all the ways Which now belong to the past Many ways, many days have gone by And your face became an empty page in my diary And my life lies there Split up into a million pages Always a moment in front of me Racing with the speed of light And i tried to remember all the ways Which now belong to the past...
Sometimes it seems the night will last forever Sometimes it seems that darkness always falls A dark star woke you up and with a dark star You go to bed You're sinking slowly into the deep You wonder if you ever touch the ground Where you would walk through sparkling spheres, On strangest drugs and without fears You feel just like a little girl And all your dreams lie frozen on the moon You left them ther some time ago But it ain't true that you don't need them anymore You are so beautiful, you are so very beautiful Don't give up, kill the pain, don't start crying again Here it comes, here it comes The golden handshake of life You are so beautiful, you are so very beautiful Keep the faith, stop to fight And walk out into the night You're so strong, yes you are Reach out for your star.... Even those who are afraid to live They're dying some day
Sometimes it seems that silence crawls all over Sometimes it's hell inside and hell out there Your heart is nothing but a haunted place Is that you in the mirror? You're all alone inside a world Full of confusion and of strange alarms And though your courage left you long ago It doesn't mean that you don't have it anymore
Waiting 4 The Nu Lite
He's sitting in the lobby of an african hotel A gun in his pocket, he's waiting for himself And this girl at the bar says: hey, what do you think C'mon, pay me a drink, be my karaoke king Cause you're bigger than Elvis and smarter than Bob And you're singing songs you've never heard before And this is judgement day so tell me what you have to say But why don't you sing it when you're singing anyway Tell me, why don't you sing it when you're singing anyway Evermore i drove down the glowing bones Of a shattered highway without an end And i watched your hair 'gainst the fields of wheat Like a flickering flame in the screaming winds If our love was bigger than the 7 seas Wonder how big our lifes in the end might be To fit in everything, all the goods, all the sin But we shouldn't complain as long's we're not givin' in We're all waiting for the new light... I am sitting in the lobby of an african hotel I'm waiting for someone who will never come And the girl at the bar says: angel, pay me a drink C'mon, c'mon, be my karaoke king Cause you're bigger than Bernhard and you're smarter than Gold And i bet in your pocket is a 45 colt And this is judgement day, so why don't you stay And we're killing some time before it kills us anyway Don't wanna be too negative, so please don't get me wrong It's just that life's too short and that your dead for too long And ain't it strange we care the most about the least important things I've been waiting here for so long since a million fucking drinks Cause you're bigger than Bernie and you're smarter than Gold And i bet in your pocket is a 45 colt And this is judgement day, so why don't you stay And we're killing some time before it kills us anyway Waiting for the new light...
Those Wonderful Things
Some days you run, run, run You never stop and when you stop You're too tired to think about anything. But some day, when you finally stop, You're able to think and wonder about your Breathless running And if i could have a christmas wish come true... I would wish for nothing but (for) wonderful things And in your life, which is so precious to me, May troubles, worries never linger; May they only make you stronger... And may you rise each day with sunlight In your heart And success on your path And answers to your prayers And that smile That i love to see Always there... In your eyes... And if i could have a christmas wish come true... I would wish for nothing but (for) wonderful things And in your life, which is so precious to me, May troubles, worries never linger; May they only make you stronger... ...and able and wise ...and able and wise ...and able and wise And if i could have a christmas wish come true... I would wish for nothing but (for) wonderful things And in your life, which is so precious to me, May troubles, worries never linger; May they only make you stronger... ...those wonderful things ...stronger ...those wonderful things ...stronger ...those wonderful things ...stronger ...those wonderful things
C Me Thru
I'm living in a perfect world Embedded in a perfect game Can't get enough of all this stuff But everything is quite the same And all the cigarettes and pills All the visions, all the thrills They seem to come second hand I wonder if you understand The mirror is a brilliant place To lose myself within a maze They moved the moon when I looked down And then they turned the stars around I try to speak but what's the use Instead I scream, I'm so confused And when I tried to touch your face You disappeared without a trace Just see me through And please believe me what I'm telling you (you disappeared without a trace) Don't bring me down I'm standing naked here in front of u Just when I tried to touch your face Just come on here What do you think that i can do for you I might have lied so many times before But this time I'll be true
These days are fast, they seem like glass They rushing in and then they pass They have no value anymore They seem like clones or metaphors And honesty is what we hate It's what we're trying to escape from I wash my hands a million times Like Pilate when he did his crimes When we are young we're wild and free When we get old we're history I struggled hard to fit the mold I hope I die before you're old It doesn't matter what we gain When all our does or dies are in vain And when the music fades away Our memories just go astray Just see me through And please believe me what I'm telling you (and when the music fades away) Don't bring me down I'm standing naked here in front of you (your memories just go astray) Just come on here What do you think that I can do for you I might have lied so many times before But this time I'll be true...
You gave me strength You pushed the blades away from me Oh how we dreamt to change the world And we would never give in, no matter what they say A really cool connection in a cruel world You led me through the nights And through the hardest fights We dreamt we'd be the ones And we would never lose You made me speechless - and fearless Yet it made you fearless too Oh how we dreamt to be so fearless No matter what they do I don't know where you are now We shared a dream of being together You led me to the light, yeah For this i would like to thank you forever Moonboy...
You've been around, a distant star You've seen them come and go Those unknown chaps without a slightest chance I know, all without faith are liars Even when they're dreaming I'd even put my faith in God if he knew how to dance Our minds are filled with crazy dreams They seem to be unreachable But if you give them up they stay Till someone else takes them away I met you in this hotel hall Oh Nino, ain't it hard Not to be understood But all you said was: hey, I just wanna sing (like an angel) I don't know where you are now We shared a dream of being together You led me to the light, yeah For this I would like to thank you forever Moonboy... I don't know where you are now You come and go whenever you like.. Just believe in your powers You might find out you're invincible... No matter what they say...
Miracle Healing
Hello my friend! It's late and I want to sleep But I just can't make it to my bed I've got a brand-new song on my screen It's called Miracle Healing I read it on a sign somewhere in Port of Spain (29. 4. 2000) I remember a bright-blue-colonial building For me it looked like the entrance to paradise A place full of smiling people, a place full of happiness I was dreaming to go there Instead of doing the interview & receive... A miracle healing of innocence & ecstasy Dreams of independence Love, caress & energy The circle & square, sound & vision, angels are singing You're gonna burn in hell no more You're gonna burn in hell no more... Are you sure what to think of me? Do you know how I should be? Is there any damn explanation for this world? And what kind of healing would I need? Only one thing I know is that I need some help I must finish this song to find it all out A miracle healing...
Hello my friend! It's late and I want to sleep And I'm sitting here all alone with my ghosts tonite I don't know what to write to you I just want to say that I'm thinking of you And I hope that you're alright I am, well, ...better I think it must be because of this letter And if it's not so then I really don't have a clue If I slept for a thousand years Would you dig inside my pyramid? Would you resurrect me from the dead Would you light up my darkness Would you give me... A miracle healing...?
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