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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #1

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847


Страна: Германия

Фото C.C.Catch

Каролина Катарина Мюллер, именно так на самом деле зовут C.C.Catch, родилась 31 июля 1964 года в Голландии, в небольшом городе Осс. Родители Каролины были гражданами разных государств. Отец Юрген, немец по национальности, жил в Германии, а мама Корри, гражданка Нидерландов, жила вместе с дочкой Каролиной в Голландии. Семья постоянно переезжала с места на место: Оссе, Геффен, Бюнде... Окончив начальную школу (в Голландии это 6 классов), Каролина пошла в школу домашнего хозяйства.

До 14 лет Каролина редко видела своего отца, и изменилось это только после переезда в Бюнде. Каролине с мамой понравилась Германия. Но радость юной Каро прошла, когда она пошла в 9-ый класс основной школы, где преподавание велось на тогда для нее малоизвестном немецком языке.
После окончания школы она начала учиться на дизайнера и работать на швейной фабрике. Атмосфера была не самой благоприятной. Шеф часто кричал и всех изматывал. О том времени у Каролины остались самые мрачные воспоминания.

Однажды вечером в музыкальном кабачке в Бюнде она познакомилась с музыкальной группой. Ее спросили, есть ли у неё желание танцевать и не умеет ли она случайно петь. Каро уже училась всему этому какое-то время тайно в своей комнате, при этом она просто напевала современные хиты, даже не мечтая выступать на публике, однако теперь Каро знала совершенно точно, кем она должна быть: певицей. Каролина начала целенаправленно выстраивать свою карьеру, брала уроки игры на гитаре, ходила в Бад-Ойенхаузен на джазовые танцы и принимала участие во всех без исключения конкурсах талантов, проводимых неподалеку от дома. Из-за ее выступлений работа на фабрике одежды страдала все больше. Был скандал, Каро заболела. Надо было принимать решение. Семья Мюллер собралась вместе, и родители решили поддержать карьеру Каро в качестве поп-певицы всеми силами. Отец Каро оставил свою профессию шлифовальщика клинкера и за 20 000 марок и основал агентство "Орбита", чтобы самому организовывать конкурсы талантов и помочь карьере дочери. Через полгода Каро наконец оставила ненавистную работу.

Она прервала свое обучение и пережила много неудач, прежде чем достигла какого-то результата. Каролина сосредоточилась на конкурсах талантов и вызвала интерес нескольких продюсеров, ей предлагали подписать персональный контракт с различными рекорд-лейблами. На деле же продюссеры просто хотели нажиться на юной и неопытной Каролине. Один из них, например, придумал творческое имя "Кэрол Дин", пообещал контракт на запись пластинок и исчез. Потенциал Каролины в проекте Сarol Dean не раскрылся, песни "Королева сердец" (Джес Ньютон), "Се ля ви" (Эмили Харрис) не принесли ей успеха. Но дверь в мир шоу-бизнеса была приоткрыта. Каролина становится участницей группы Optimal (продюсер Петер Кент). Девушки (Сабина, Клаудиа, Сильвиа, Каро) были знакомы как соперницы ещё на конкурсах талантов, где каждая выступала сольно. Группа выпустила в Германии два сингла, "Er war magnnetisch" и "The goodbye", и совершила турне по Германии. В 1985 году во время выступления на конкурсе молодых артистов квартет Optimal был замечен продюсером и участником Modern Talking, известным композитором Дитером Боленом. Несмотря на то, что в 1985 году дуэт Modern Talking был на вершине успеха, Дитер нашел время и для нового проекта. В тот же вечер Дитер пригласил артистку в студию на пробы, а через некоторое время предложил ей подписать весьма выгодный контракт. Каро согласилась. В том же 1985 году Болен стал ее продюсером, он же и придумал будущее название проекта.

Новый проект назвали C.C.Catch - по заглавным буквам ее имени и слова "Catch" как синонима хитовой идеи. Летом 1985 года, в день рождения Каролины, был выпущен дебютный сингл С.С.Сatch: "I Can Lose My Heart Tonight". С этого момента дела Каролины Катарины Мюллер, получившей от Дитера Болена этикетку C.C.Catch, пошли в гору. Однако ее имя и личность для многих до следующего релиза оставались загадкой, поскольку нигде на пластинке не было указано ни настоящее имя, ни фотография. В начале 1986 года появляется второй сингл - "Сause You Are Young", и вскоре вся Европа была очарована легким, словно летний ветер, голосом певицы. Любопытство публики наконец было удовлетворено - на обложке изображена красивая девушка, а на обороте пластинки указано ее имя - Каролина Мюллер. Вторая песня стала еще более популярна, чем первая, и на волне этой популярности весной 86-го года был выпущен дебютный альбом - "Catch The Catch". Все песни в альбоме написаны Дитером Боленом. На обложке диска изображен любимый черный кот Каролины - Морти. Кошки - ее любимые животные, дома у нее целая коллекция кошачьих фигурок. Дебютный альбом моментально стал платиновым в Германии и золотым в Испании. И это несмотря на то, что в альбоме было только восемь оригинальных песен, семь из которых представлены в макси версиях. На одном сборнике, вышедшем в Германии сразу же после выхода первого альбома, появляется имя Сaro K. Еще один псевдоним?..

В 1986 году компания "Hansa" выпустила новые синглы - "Strangers By Night", "Heartbreak Hotel". В этом же году Каролина получила титул Королевы диско, который, правда, слегка потускнел от отсутствия других претенденток. В Рождество 1986 года выходит второй альбом - "Welcome To The Heartbreak Hotel". Заглавная песня достигла восьмого места и продержалась восемь недель в топ 30. В продажу также поступает и свежий сингл "Heaven And Hell". Песня "Heaven And Hell" держалась на первом месте "Top 10 Германии" три недели. Хиты C.C.Catch подолгу возглавляли хит-парады Бельгии, Испании, всех Скандинавских стран и стран Восточной Европы, в Советском Союзе популярность Каролины была огромной.

Летом 1987 года на всех европейских радиостанциях первым хитом была абсолютно новая песня C.C.Catch "Are You Man Enough?". Название трека Каролина объясняла так: "Это о тех парнях, которые красуются перед девушками, не имея ничего за душой". После выхода очередного сингла "Soul Survivor" число поклонников еще больше увеличилось, а сам сингл стремился к первым позициям в евро-чартах. В это же время Томас Андерс покидает Modern Talking, и публика начинает муссировать слухи, будто бы Каролина Мюллер займет место Томаса. Ее часто обвиняли в том, что манера пения уж больно похожа на все, что делает Modern Talking. Песни Дитера для Каро были не менее мелодичны, но романтики и лирики в хитах C.C.Catch было меньше. Дитер Болен в конце концов создает новую группу - Blue System, поставив точку во всех домыслах.
Ударником в Blue System был друг Каролины Франк Отто. Каро и Франк познакомились на телевизионной передаче с выставки Радио-85. Франк, ее ровесник, как раз окончил школу, с отличием окончил курс обучения на кровельщика, и в то время был барабанщиком в группе "Аквамарин". Вскоре они стали жить вместе, а до переезда в Берлин Каро и ее друг занимали целый этаж в доме ее родителей в Резингхаузе. Третий студийный альбом, в который попала песня "Soul Survivor", назвали "Like A Hurricane". На обложке Каролина предстала со слегка шокирующей фанатов короткой стрижкой - чтобы ее сделать, Каролина с Франком специально летали в Париж (утром туда, вечером обратно). Единственный салон, которому доверила Каролина изменить свой имидж, носил имя "Клеопатра". Изменился также и ее внешний вид: заклепки ушли в прошлое, теперь Каролина предпочитает широкие брюки и длиннющие ногти, этакая стильная кошка-разбойница. Альбом "Like A Hurricane" принес C.C.Catch еще больший успех, и весной 1988 года она отправляется в европейское турне.

В мае 1988 года вышел сборник лучших песен "House Of Mystic Lights", сингл стал хитом, и его танцевальная версия была включена в сборник "Diamond", а в самой песне слышен речетатив рэпера Captain Hollywood. Из-за критики по поводу схожести стилей с Modern Talking и Blue System Каро спросила разрешения у Дитера Болена на написание нескольких песен к следующему альбому, но получила отказ. Так как он все еще является продюсером Каро, то все стихи и вся музыка должны были находиться под его контролем. Каро решила разорвать все отношения с Дитером Боленом, но четвертый альбом под названием "Big Fun" все же был выпущен. В конце 1988 года вышел в свет сингл "Backseat Of Your Cadillac", а альбом "Big Fun" был последним, выпущенным с Дитером Боленом. Суперхит "Nothing But A Heartache" был последним в ее карьере, достигшим "горячей деcятки". Несмотря ни на что, Дитер и Каро изредка работали вместе до конца 1989 года. Всего ими было записано 12 синглов и 5 альбомов.

Летом 1989 года, когда Каро гостила в Лондоне, в Германии вышел сборник "Super 20". Там была песня "Summer Kisses". Песня отличная, но она не имела большой популярности. И опять поползли слухи среди поклонников - словно что-то пошло не так у Каро или у Болена. Разрыв произошел по инициативе Каролины, которая решила, что отныне она способна обходиться без его помощи. Превратившись в брюнетку с длинными локонами, Каро начала переговоры с английскими продюсерами. Однако проблемы начались там, где Каролина их меньше всего ожидала. Дитер вполне обоснованно заявил, что поскольку псевдоним C.C.Catch был придуман им, ему принадлежат все права на него, и теперь Каролина должна выступать либо под своим именем, либо под новым псевдонимом. После большой битвы в суде сценический псевдоним C.C.Catch был оставлен за Каролиной, тем не менее суд обязал ее выплатить несколько миллионов своему бывшему продюсеру.

Во время новогоднего шоу в Испании Каролина встретила Simon'a Рapier Bell (бывший менеджер группы Wham! Джорджа Майкла). Саймон был крайне заинтересован поработать с ней, и с этого времени он стал ее менеджером. На этот раз контракт был подписан с компанией "Metronome" (Polygram). Певица переезжает жить в Британию. В Лондоне Каро записала песню "Big Time" - это была первая не "боленовская" песня. Звучание композиции сильно отличалось от того, что C.C.Catch делала раньше - это смесь фанка, соул и диско.

Новый альбом "Hear What I Say" был записан с новыми продюсерами, в числе которых были Andy Taylor (ex Duran-Duran), Dave Clayton (работал с Джорджем Майклом и U2) и Jo Dworniak. Авторство Каролины есть в семи песнях. Две композиции из нового альбома - "Big Time" и "Midnight Hour" - стали популярны, но с прежними хитами сравниться они не смогли, хотя пластинка попала-таки в чарты, заняв в Германии 26 место. Сам альбом по инерции был раскуплен ее фанатами. Но в то же самое время BMG выпустила сингл "Baby I Need Your Love" наряду с компиляцией "Classics", в котором были представлены старые хиты, написанные Дитером Боленом. Когда C.C.Catch раскручивает следующий новый сингл "Midnight Hour", Дитер выпускает "Good Guys Only Win In Movies"! Это вызывает неразбериху среди фанатов. Все это можно назвать бойкотом фирмы BMG и Дитера Болена новому альбому C.C.Catch.

В начале 90-х C.C.Catch впервые посещает СССР. В 1990 году в качестве гостьи она выступала на фестивале молодых начинающих артистов "Ступень к Парнасу". Отвечая на вопросы журналистов на пресс-конференции, проведенной в дни съемок фестиваля, C.C.Catch сказала: "В моей жизни было много конкурсов. Когда я начинала, я принимала участие в подобных конкурсах, и они мне очень помогли, я научилась стоять на сцене, привыкла к публике. Безусловно, такие фестивали очень помогают выявить новые таланты, они очень важны".

Особо запомнился ее визит в нашу страну в 1991 году. C.C.Catch приняла участие в съемках программы "БРАВО-91" и фестивале-акции "Дети Чернобыля - наши дети". Спорткомплекс "Олимпийский" предоставил свою сцену для грандиозного шоу, которое состоялось 1-2 июня. Более 100 артистов из СССР, Германии, Англии, Италии, Голландии, Швеции, Швейцарии, Дании дали согласие на участие в этих концертах, среди приглашенных были такие звезды как Bad Boys Blue, Blue System, Den Harrow. В числе организаторов фестиваля был ее отец Peter Muller (Orbit-music).

Выпустив шестой студийный альбом, Каро рассталась с "Метроном" и с музыкальной индустрией, взяв на время тайм-аут. Во время этого перерыва она сфокусировалась на своем духовном развитии, занялась сочинением стихов и начала рисовать. Через несколько лет стала писать собственные песни и начала практиковать йогу и другие формы медитации. В 1998 году Каролина Мюллер выходит замуж за своего учителя медитации и йоги, но через некоторое время расстается с ним.

В конце девяностых в Европе вновь проснулся интерес к диско-музыке. C.C.Catch на некоторое время возобновила сотрудничество с Дитером Боленом. Она соглашается сделать промо-работу для BMG - новую компиляцию "Best of 98". Вышло два сингла - "C.C.Catch Megamix 98" и "I Can Lose My Heart Tonight 98". После записи в 1998 году самых известных хитов в новой современной обработке - с добавлением более жесткого бита и рэп-вокала - к группе присоединился вокалист Кеннет Льюис, он же рэпер Krayzee. Именно его бодрый голос звучит в новых версиях ее супер-хитов. Каролина: "Важно не столько участие рэпера в записи на студии, сколько его присутствие на сцене, он делает шоу более зажигательным". Кеннет в свое время сотрудничал с одним из проектов Болена - группой Touche, спел с ними кавер-версию классики диско музыки - композицию "Y.M.C.A."

Преддверие нового века отразилось и на артистическом имидже Каролины Мюллер. Теперь C.C.Catch блондинка. Ее глаза все еще сверкают зелеными, как у кошки, огнями, совсем не видно, что она стала старше, все та же безупречная фигура. Ее движения на сцене стали еще более пластичными и энергичными. Появление в ее команде двух танцоров: Marco Weis и Mark Rohde сделали ее шоу более красочным, зрелищным, импульсивным - словом, это настоящая евро-дискотека. Marco Weis и Mark Rohde работают инструкторами по аэробике и неоднократно участвовали в различных fashion-шоу как танцоры и постановщики. Иногда их заменяет танцор Омега Аулайм, уроженец государства Того.

Вернувшись на большую сцену, Каролина вновь стала появляться в различных шоу. Ее совместный тур с группами Bad Boys Blue, Fancy и Silent Circle - акция под названием "Hit Power Party Tour 2001 - all the stars from 80' live o stage" - показал, что немецкая публика все так же горячо любит C.C.Catch, восторгается ее незабываемыми хитами и с нетерпением ждет выхода нового альбома. Диско-легенды выступали на самых больших площадках почти всех крупнейших городов Германии. Comeback-концерты Каролины Мюллер с ее музыкантами прошли и в других странах, в том числе в больших и малых городах бывшего СССР: Красноярск, Москва, Витебск, Киев, Архангельск, Нарьян-Мар, Алма-Ата, Екатеринбург, Первоуральск, Челябинск, Санкт-Петербург, Сочи, Новосибирск ,Волгоград, Ханты- Мансийск и др.

2003 год. Каролина снова живет в Германии. Она записала свой новый сингл ("Shake Your Head") совместно с компанией "Savage Productions". В 2004 году C.C.Catch стала одной из 10 звезд прошлых лет, которые приняли участие в шоу на канале "Pro 7" в Германии, это большое событие для певицы и ее фанатов. В шоу участвовали такие звезды как Chris Norman, Coolio, Markus, Haddaway и другие. Каро исполнила новую версию своего супер-хита "Heartbreak Hotel" и кавер-версии на хиты Мадонны, Кайли Миноуг и Дженнифер Лопез. Осенью 2004 года выходит новый сингл "Silence" он открывает новые возможности ее таланта как певицы и поэта-песенника. Каролина сама выступила в роли поэтессы и композитора. Совершенно новый звук, новые ритмы придала живая гитара - любимый музыкальный инструмент Каролины. Видео для этой песни снимали в Санкт-Петербурге, в особняке на Каменном острове. Петербург был выбран для съёмок неслучайно, Каролина считает его одним из красивейших городов мира. И своё 40-летие 31-го июля 2004 года она также отмечала в Петербурге.
В Сентябре 2005 года в продаже появился новый диск "Catch The Hits - The Ultimate Collection". Наряду c лучшими хитами прошлых лет на диске представлены ремиксы ее песен и новый мегамикс. Сюрпризом для поклонников стал DVD ее лучших клипов.

Официальный сайт C.C.Catch: www.cccatch.com


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Eternal Dreamer
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Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847

Дискография C.C.Catch:

1986 - Catch The Catch
1986 - Welcome To The Heartbreak Hotel
1987 - Like A Hurricane
1988 - Big Fun
1989 - Hear What I Say
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #3

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847

Тексты песен альбома Catch The Catch (1986)

'Cause you are young

Heartache, heartache, heart was gold
All it had you instant cold
Lonely, lonely wasted years
You're a winner with bad souvenirs
You're a hero, you're a man
You're a winner, take my hand

'Cause you are young
You will always be so strong
Hold on tight to your dreams, hold on
You are right, don't give up
(Baby, baby, baby)
'Cause you are young
You are right and you are wrong
You are a hero, next day you're done
So hold on to your dreams

All or nothing you can give
Live your life, love to live
Oh man, oh man, feel the night
Strong enough till the morning light
You're a hero, you're a man
You're too tough to lose this game

I can lose my heart tonight

Take, your chance for paradise
I'm looking in your eyes
You might be mine tonight
Yeah, I'm feelin' like a fool
'Cause you still act so cool
Spend the night with me

I can lose my heart tonight
If you're lonely, feel alright
This is just the night for me and you

I can lose my heart tonight
Are you lonely deep inside?
There is something in the air tonight

I can feel it everywhere
There's magic in the air
You might be mine tonight
Yeah, I feel so hypnotised
I feel like paradise
I see heaven in your eyes

Take me in your arms
Hold me close tonight
Take my heart away
Take me to the night

You shot a hole in my soul

He's a midnight dream romancer
He's the only lonely dancer
Oh, only love breaks my heart
He's the nearest thing to heaven
Stole my heart and tried to say then
Oh, only love breaks my heart

You shot a hole in my soul
It's the kind out of love I know
You shot a hole in my soul
Hold on tight, don't let go
You get always what you want from me
You can make it easy, can't you see
You shot a hole, hole, hole
Hole in my soul

Dreams go on forever and ever
Good things do not last forever
Heaven can wait but I can't
But I'd do it once again, babe
I think tomorrow it's too late, babe
Oh, only love breaks my heart

One night's not enough

Every little thing's been said about it
Make you know you light up my day
Everybody hates to live without it
And I hope you don't go away
A pillow soft with tears
I can forget my fears

One night's not enough, can't you see
You get all my love away from me
One night's not enough, can't you see
Breakin' up breaks my heart

One night's not enough, can't see you
Babe, if you will ever set me free
Then our love will break my heart
Forever and ever

The way you love is very special to me
Maybe my dreams will come true
And I know if you should ever leave me
I will never feel so brand new
Maybe behind your eyes
There will be bad surprise

Love lost its meaning
It will never stop bleeding

When my heart is breaking
You find my tears are waking
'Cause I feel so lonely
You are my only
Love lost its meaning...

Strangers by night

When you're down and feelin' blue
Close your eyes, I'll be with you
Oh heartache, here comes heartache
Makin' love for him was fun
He never needed anyone
Oh heartache, here comes heartache

Strangers by night
Be strangers tomorrow
'Cause deep in the night
The light is fooling your hearts
And lovers tonight inside our hearts
Are lovers tomorrow
But lovers by night
Sometimes be strangers today

Nights won't last forever, girl
Strange are the ways of this world
Oh heartache, here comes heartache
Cinderella, heroes wait
For your hard times it's too late
Oh heartache, here comes heartache

Strangers tonight
Be strangers tomorrow
Lady, tonight
Tonight be careful with love
Some love is too hot, too hot to stop
A bad fall tomorrow
And lovers by night
Sometimes be strangers today
And lovers by night
Sometimes be strangers today


The extreme is played with hearts
ABC of love to me
Troubles storm at paradise maybe
Love will hurt, love for you
If it's too hot too stop maybe
Stay by me tonight
Keep the love alive

Stay and listen to your heart
I'm hungry for your love
You always play a game tonight
Two wrongs never make it right
Oh baby, stay
I wanna be your heart
Let's try a brand new start
'Cause I don't want to be alone
I dry the tears I never show

Wasted days and wasted nights
Save my love for you
Always hurt the one you love
It's true
Helpless fire of desire
Are the ways of love to me
Stay by me tonight
Only love survive

Jump in my car

Take me tight in your arms
Take me in your heart tonight
If you really want me
Got to learn to love me right
It's tearin' me apart
Babe, believe me in your heart
'Cause all I ever want is only you

Jump in my car
Don't be afraid
Only your heroes can never wait
You are my number one
Till the morning chance to dawn

Jump in my car, I want some fun
Baby, when the workin' day is done
You are my everything, you give me more
You fill my dreams

You are dancin' in my mind
Take me to the end of time
'Cause tonight is the night
Darlin', oh you hold me tight
Oh baby, you've got style
When you give that special smile
You've got something
That I really love

Jump in my car, I just can't wait
Jump in my car, do not be late
Jump in my car, give me your heart
It doesn't matter when we'll start

You can be my lucky star tonight

You can be my lucky star tonight
Baby, keep the fire burnin' bright

Never say never
When you're young and in love
Never need anyone
Are you still dreamin'?
No nothin' can change when your love is gone
Be young, be foolish tonight
But never behave like a child

You can be my lucky star tonight
Baby, keep the fire burnin' bright
If you win this time my heart
We can make a brand new start
You can be my lucky star tonight
Baby, come on take me to the night

Never say never
There are times in your life
You've been wondering why
Are you still dreamin'?
I'll give you a reason
To start a new try
How can I live without love
You are the one I'm dreamin' of
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #4

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847

Тексты песен альбома Welcome To The Heartbreak Hotel (1986)

Heartbreak Hotel

Will make a high class fool - oh, takes
Your heart and break the rules.
Oh, touch your heart!
Oh, touch your soul!

May come and years may go - oh, heart
Is high, heart is low.
It's strange, and sometimes it makes you blue
'Cause breaking up it's hard to do.

We are livin',
We are livin' in a Heartbreak Hotel!
I'm feeling there's no love you can save.
I'm shooting from my heart
Shadows of the dark:
We're livin' and we're lost without love!
We're living' in a Heartbreak Hotel!
Anyone who has a heart - oh, can tell:
The eyes of a child are weak and wild.
We are livin' in a Heartbreak Hotel!

Will keep you always young - oh you
Have sorrows, you have fun.
Oh, touch your heart.
Oh, touch your soul.

You live the more you love - oh see
The stars in the sky above.
It's strange and sometimes it makes you blue
'Cause breaking up it's hard to do.

Picture blue eyes

Love hurts, I'm hypnotized
Baby, love hurts
Strange are the ways of lies
I'm more than a woman
I pretend
Trust me baby to the end
Love is what it means to be so young

Picture blue eyes
I need your sweet love devotion
Picture blue eyes
The countdown for love
Picture blue eyes
Need your sweet emotions
Your diamond smile
Reach for the stars
Oh tonight, oh tonight
Breaks the rules of the light
And I'm lost in your love
Picture blue eyes
Oh tonight, oh tonight
Our love's burning bright
That is nothing at all
Picture blue eyes

Love hurts
Baby, you need a friend
Baby, for hearts
There must be an end
Oh, you're waiting
Forever and ever
I know it's now or never
Try me
'Cause I know we make it, babe

Picture blue eyes
Your diamond smile
I need your picture blue eyes

Tears won't wash away my heartache

Oh, I sold my heart to you,
Babe, like all dreamers do.
Feel the shadows of a heartache.

Out of reach and out of touch,
If I give you, babe, so much.
Feel the shadows of a heartache.
All the restless world, I need my dream!
Someone save my life!
And I know what it means:

Tears won't wash away my heartache!
Tears won't wash away, tears won't wash away.
Tears won't wash away my heartache!
Tears won't wash away, tears won't wash away.

And I'm losing my dream - I'm praying to you.
Davie, oh Davie - I'm dreaming!
Davie, oh Davie - believe me!
Tears won't wash it away,
Oh, no wash it away
'Cause you get all my heart, babe.

Say farewell, don't say goodbey!
It's too late for a try.
Why can't we live together?

Years may come and years may go.
Oh, you're hurt before you grow
In the shadows of a heartache.
I'll be afraid I'm losing you.
I'll go save my life babe.
Oh, you're making me blue!

V.I.P. (They're calling me tonight)

Oh, baby you can see me on TV.
I know the hearts are mine!
Baby, baby in the light of mystery -
Oh, that's a good sign.
Baby, baby seek my heart in motion.
Baby, baby feel the deep devotion.
Baby, baby but my heart is feeding.
I know my heart's succeeding.

V.I.P. - they're calling me tonight
(V.I.P. - they're calling me tonight)
V.I.P. - your time is on my side
(V.I.P. - your time is on my side)
Baby, baby I'm living on airports.
Baby, baby, I'm going to New York.
Baby, baby, all my heart is burning.
I'm tossing and I'm turning.
V.I.P. - they're calling me tonight
(V.I.P. - they're calling me tonight)
V.I.P. - your time is on my side
(V.I.P. - your time is on my side)

Oh, baby do you see the magazines?
Oh, that's so so fine!
Baby, baby right next to good James Dean,
I know the hearts are mine.
Baby, baby feel my vibrations!
Babe, I'm an overnight sensation.
Baby, baby but my heart is feeding.
I know my heart's succeeding.

You can't run away from it

Big yellow taxi, bring him back to me
Big yellow taxi, love's guaranteed
I know she's a Venus in blue jeans.
But know, she's a queen of broken dreams.
Come on hold me! I'll be your lady!

You can't run away from it!
We are nightbirds in the street.
You can save your heart!
If you break apart
You can lose my heart a bit,
You can't run away from it!
Can't you hear, babe, my heartbeat?
You can see the chance
For a new romance,
You can't run away from it!

Big yellow taxi, you let the four winds blow
Big yellow taxi, love will come and go
Two rounds, my babe, don't make it right
Whose hearts are just breaking just tonight?
Come on, hold me - I'll be your lady

You can't run away!
You can't run away!
You can see your next!
You can't run away from it!

Heaven and hell

Heaven can be cold,
Baby, baby, when you lose control.
Everybody needs someone to love -
Be careful in the night!

He can hurt you more
Baby, baby, as he did before.
Come on baby, keep your hands off him
In the gypsy night!
It will come and go.
Everybody knows.

You make your own - Heaven and hell -
Daytime lovers' love for sale.
You make your own - Heaven and hell -
Letters full of tears will tell.
He takes your heart - I know him well.
You've got no time to lose
For heaven and hell!

Behind the painted smile,
Baby, baby, he is running wild.
Everybody needs some love tonight,
Be careful in the night!
You don't wanna lose.
Baby, baby, it's a simply this.
Come on, baby, keep your hands of him
In the gypsy night!
It will come and go.
Everybody knows.

For heaven and hell!
For heaven and hell!

Hollywood nights

Daytime friends and nighttime fools
Oh, they're breaking golden rules.
Dreaming all that dreams come true,
Dreaming like the big guys do.
From a day in paradise
And a life without a lie,
Little dreams can go along, long way!

Don't stop these Hollywood nights!
Stand up and fight!
O-ho-ho, o-ho-ho
Hollywood nights!
Stop these Hollywood nights -
Know that it's right!
O-ho-ho, o-ho-ho
Hollywood nights!

Dreams are more than a little wish
Broken promise's maybe your reach
There is a will and there is a way
You'll build the pain another day
You can make it if you try
Don't give it up!
Oh baby, why?
Little dreams can go along, long way!

O-ho-ho, o-ho-ho
Hollywood nights!
O-ho-ho, o-ho-ho
Stand up and fight!
O-ho-ho, o-ho-ho
Know that is right!

Born on the wind

Oh, he's breaking my heart now again
Over and over I'm crying
Down, oh down in my heart

Some day you want me,
Babe, to want you
Easier said and done for you
Down, oh down in my soul
Baby, down, oh down in my heart

Born on the wind
That's where my heartache blow
Born on the wind
That's where my feelings go
Born on the wind
Oh, running in the night
Born on the wind
Hold back the tears and fight

Tossing and turning
He wants me no more
Tossing and turning before
Down, oh down goes my heart

Never there will be another you
Breaking up, oh you do
Down, oh down in my soul
Baby, down, oh down in my heart

Wild fire

I'm a stranger here
You have no heart of stone
I'm feeling so alone
I know what hell is
Reach out of the dead
Long as the rose is red
Oh, do not make me sad in the mystic light
Don't lose my number, hey
Oh babe, we hope could be
Oh baby, come with me
I get no guaranties

Wild fire - is the name of love
Wild fire - I can't get enough
Do anything you wanna do
Nights are forever without you
Wild fire - I've been born again
Wild fire - come and be my friend
Do anything you wanna do
Nothing can take the place of you

On the wings of love
Good love can never die
My hope is still alive
Oh, I hate these lies

Like a flame of love
I know, babe, what to do
'Cause I am missing you in the mystic light
Don't treat me like a child
I've almost lost my mind
Time, babe, is on my side
It's a loving kind

Stop - dragging my heart around

Save me when I hurt you!
Secret message, dangerous games,
Reach out - love is so proud.
It's the countdown to my dream,
It's a danger - you're a stranger.

Oh-oh, stop (Stop) dragging my heart around (around)!
I'm qualified too satisfied,
I'm qualified for love, my baby.
Stop (Stop) dragging my heart around (around)!
Close your eyes and count to ten,
I'm standing here again,
Oh baby, oh baby...

Save me from this heartline!
Oh, I'm looking through magic tears.
God knows all your love grows,
Oh, I'm feeling pain and fears.
It's a danger - you're a stranger.
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #5

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847

Тексты песен альбома Like A Hurricane (1987)

Good guys only win in movies

Computerised half read...
My mother was a teacher...
I-i-i-i-including the captain
May I send, may I send...
My mother was a teacher...
Computerised half read...
Captain, Ch-ch-ch-ch-captain...
I was happy, I was happy, I was happy...
I was happy, may I send...
My mother was a teacher...
I had walked by the wall, so?
Captain, chap, chap...
I was happy, I was happy, I was happy...
Ma-a-a-aay I send...
Kevin, Kevin...

Oh, I need you
My heart cries out, I miss you
How can you mend a broken heart?
More than ever
My heart needs you forever
How can you try a brand new start?
How can you mend my heart, my heart, my heart?

Good guys only win in movies
Million miles from nowhere
My heart is crying
Take care, take care
Good guys only win in movies
From a distant fire
I'm burning in desire

Friends and strangers
Don't you see the danger
Oh baby, look behind closed walls
Oh, I'm falling
Don't you hear my calling
How can you try a brand new start?
How can you mend my heart, my heart, my heart?

Good guys only win in movies
Million miles from nowhere
My heart is crying
Take care, take care
Good guys only win in movies
From a distant fire
I'm burning in desire

Come on take my heart again
Come on take my love again

Good guys only win in movies
Million miles from nowhere
My heart is crying
Take care, take care

There is no evidence of no function...
May I send...
Ch-ch-ch-captain, ch-ch-ch-ch-captain...
My mother was a teacher...
Computerised half read..
My mother was a teacher...
There is no evidence of no function...
May I send...
My mother was a teacher...
My mother was a teacher...
Captain, captain...
Ma-a-a-aay I send...
There is no evidence of no function...
Kevin, Kevin, Kevin
Kevin, Kevin, Kevin
May I send...
Kevin, Kevin, Kevin, Kevin...
May I send...

Come on take my heart again
Come on take my love again

Good guys only win in movies
Million miles from nowhere
From now-nowhere

My mother was a teacher...
May I send...

Like a hurricane

In the city of lost and found
Mean it from my broken down
You light the flame, light this flame of love, baby
Dreams are made for you and me
No one wants you if you'll be the losing guy
Come on and take my hand
Come on, come on and take my hand

Like a hurricane is coming tonight
Tonight my love is just on your side
You break my heart boy
My heart boy, tonight
Like a hurricane is coming tonight
Tonight my youngheart's beating, that's right
You break my heart boy
My heart boy, tonight

You're living in a world of broken dreams
It's your time to pull the strings
You light the flame, light the flame of love, baby
Dreams are made for you and me
No one wants you if you'll be the losing guy
Come on and take my hand
Come on, come on and take my hand

Like a hurricane is coming tonight
Tonight my love is just on your side
You break my heart boy
My heart boy, tonight
Like a hurricane is coming tonight
Tonight my youngheart's beating, that's right
You break my heart boy
My heart boy, tonight

Like a hurricane is coming tonight
Tonight my love is just on your side
You break my heart boy
My heart boy, tonight

Smokey Joe's cafe

There's no mountain that's high enough
Oh, to break the ways of love
Where is all the feeling gone?
On this new world, baby
Deep in the heart of you
You know what your love can do
Seven lonely nights and days
You're walking through fire, baby
Dreams will never die
Come on my baby, let us try
Pull the strings of all emotions
In the shadow's nights

In Smokey Joe's Cafe
I'll see you back again
In Smokey Joe's Cafe
At the rainbow's end
These fight won't last forever
Babe, when we stay together
Come let us build a better world

In Smokey Joe's Cafe

Oh, we're living in a world of dreams
And we're hiding behind the shims
Sunshine feeds the brand new world
In this heartbeat city, baby
City of lost and found
We are young and we will count
All the tears to a better life
Meet me in the dreamland, baby
Dreams will never lie
Come on my baby, let us try
Pull the strings of all emotions
In the shadow's nights

In Smokey Joe's Cafe
I'll see you back again
In Smokey Joe's Cafe
At the rainbow's end
These fight won't last forever
Babe, when we stay together
Come let us build a better world

In Smokey Joe's Cafe
In Smokey Joe's Cafe
In Smokey Joe's Cafe

Are you man enough?

Dreams, babe, are made of emotion
Shadows and dark deep devotion
Stay here, my heart is on fire
Oh, I won again
My heart is in your hands
My heart is burning, turning
Over and over, my friend

Are you man enough?
But baby are you really tough?
To take my heart away, my love
Don't look back! Here I am just for you
Are you man enough?
Oh baby are you really tough?
If you light the flame of love
On the wings of my love we will fly

Love me like there's no tomorrow
Give up the fears and the sorrows
Passion of love stays forever
Didn't I tell you that I need you so?
My heart is burning, turning
Over and over again

Are you man enough?
But baby are you really tough?
To take my heart away, my love
Don't look back! Here I am just for you
Are you man enough?
Oh baby are you really tough?
If you light the flame of love
On the wings of my love we will fly

Keep the fire burning in your soul
Oh, my heart is losing its control
What I got is what you need tonight

Are you man enough?
But baby are you really tough?
To take my heart away, my love
Don't look back! Here I am just for you
Are you man enough?
Oh baby are you really tough?
If you light the flame of love
On the wings of my love we will fly

Don't be a hero

Hearts of stone looks at you
Diamond smiles
Oh, what you feel
Oh anyway, it's not too late
Remember all the lies you made
Oh, dreams go on - I lost my mind
Oh, it's hard a love to find
Yeah, I don't care - cry for you
Anyway, like dreamers do

You touched my life, feel my heart
Over and over we'll try a start

Baby don't don't don't be a hero tonight!
Baby don't don't don't be a fool!
If your heart is been broken, I'll be by your side.
Baby don't don't don't break the rules!

King of fools take your time
Oh, I lose this heart of mine
Yeah, no more tears, I'm born to run
Oh, my baby, we are young
Oh, feel my heart - can't explain
Now I feel your love again
Oh anyway, win my love
Over and over I need that stuff

You touched my life, feel my heart
Over and over we'll try a start

Baby don't don't don't be a hero tonight!
Baby don't don't don't be a fool!
If your heart is been broken, I'll be by your side.
Baby don't don't don't break the rules!

Baby don't don't don't be a hero tonight!
Baby don't don't don't be a fool!
If your heart is been broken, I'll be by your side.
Baby don't don't don't break the rules!

Baby don't don't don't break the rules

Soul survivor

Lady lady Lai you hurt me
Oh, don't make me cry
Leavin' me, oh girl, it's easy
He will say goodbye
It's a hard time for lovers
And a broken dream to you
Let me stay together, my love, forever
I never wanna, wanna feeling blue

Be my soul survivor
Oh, come on take me higher
Don't let me down, oh it's just too late girl
Soul survivor
It's like a burning fire
He pulls the strings of my deep emotions
Tonight, the night it's alright

Nothing, lady, hurts forever
Stop your lipstick lies
He will spend the night together
Just with me, don't try
'Cause my love is so precious
Love will never be the same
And I'm never lonely, cause he's the only
I never wanna, wanna play a game

Be my so-so-soul survivor, oh come on, take me higher
Don't let me down, oh it's just too late girl
So-so-soul survivor it's like a burning fire
He pulls the strings of my deep emotions
Tonight, the night it's alright

It's the night, it's the night, yeah
He'll win my heart
It's the night of my burning dream
Secret love, secret love, oh I wanna start
I never wanna lose you baby
Oh, I'll never break apart

Be my so-so-soul survivor
Oh, come on take me higher
Don't let me down, oh it's just too late girl
So-so-soul survivor
It's like a burning fire
He pulls the strings of my deep emotions
So-so-soul survivor

(So-so-soul survivor)

(Soul survivor, soul survivor)

Be mine so-so-soul survivor, oh come on, take me higher
Don't let me down, oh it's just too late girl
So-so-soul survivor it's like a burning fire
He pulls the strings of my deep emotions
So-so-soul survivor, oh come on, take me higher
Don't let me down, oh it's just too late girl
So-so-soul survivor (it's like a burning fire)
(He pulls the strings of my deep emotions)

Midnight gambler

It was raining out that nightcafe
When I watched my dreams all fade away
Oh don't tell me how the story ends
'Cause I'm sitting here crying in my hands
You're a million miles away
And you're playing every day
So come on, so come on, so come on

He's a midnight gambler
On a highway of fools
Why you're breaking my heart boy?
Why you're breaking the rules?
He's a midnight gambler
On a highway of fools
Diamonds are forever
But your heart is too cruel

Oh, you're breaking down my paradise
At the fire, baby, I feel lies
And I'm telling - there's no end
And I'm sitting here crying in my hands
You're a million miles away
Come on baby, make my day
So come on, so come on, so come on

He's a midnight gambler
On a highway of fools
Why you're breaking my heart boy?
Why you're breaking the rules?
He's a midnight gambler
On a highway of fools
Diamonds are forever
But your heart is too cruel

Come on, come on
From the highway of fools
Come on, come on
We are breaking the rules
Come on, come on
Let's stay together

He's a midnight gambler
On a highway of fools
Why you're breaking my heart boy?
Why you're breaking the rules?
He's a midnight gamb...

But your heart is too cruel

Don't wait too long

Another time, another place
Heart to heart and face to face
Can you hear my heart beating through the night?
Oh what a night, another night
A good heart is hard to find
Can you hear my heart beating through the night?
Can you feel my heart crying deep inside?

Don't wait too long (too long)
Don't waste your time (your time)
You'll never find a love
A love is more than mine
Don't wait too long (too long)
We're young and strong (so strong)
Oh babe, you'll find a love
A place where you belong

You wasted days and wasted nights
On your way to paradise
Can you hear my heart beating through the night?
You can make it if you try
With your supernova smile
Can you hear my heart beating through the night?
Can you feel my heart crying deep inside

Don't wait too long (too long)
Don't waste your time (your time)
You'll never find a love, a love is more than mine
Don't wait too long (too long)
We're young and strong (so strong)
Oh babe, you'll find a love
A place where you belong

Don't wait too long (too long)
Don't waste your time (your time)
You'll never find a love
A love is more than mine
Don't wait too long (too long)
We're young and strong (so strong)

Dancing in shadows

Oh, when my heart beats baby
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Love hurts maybe
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Baby, gonna stop it
Baby, gonna stop your heart
Like a burning fire
Yeah, yeah, yeah
It will lift you higher
Baby, gonna stop it
Never gonna stop it
Baby, gonna save your heart

Oh come tonight, oh come tonight
We're dancing in shadows
I can hear your heartbeat's calling every night
Oh come tonight, oh come tonight
We're dancing in shadows
Friends and strangers, baby, walking side by side

Dancing in shadows, dancing in shadows

Oh, when my heart beats baby
Oh Yeah, yeah, yeah
A heartbeat's calling
Oh Yeah, yeah, yeah
Baby, come and stop me
Baby, gonna stop my heart
The time is like the right time
Oh Yeah, yeah, yeah
From the rest in the skyline
Oh Yeah, yeah, yeah
They'll hurt you baby
Heart is broken maybe
Baby come and stop your heart

Oh come tonight, oh come tonight
We're dancing in shadows
I can hear your heartbeat's calling every night
Oh come tonight, oh come tonight
We're dancing in shadows
Friends and strangers, baby, walking side by side

Dancing in shadows, dancing in shadows

I can hear your heartbeat's calling every night
Oh come tonight, oh come tonight
We're dancing in shadows
Friends and strangers, baby, walking side by side
Oh come tonight, oh come tonight
We're dancing in shadows
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  Romantic Warrior
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Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847

Тексты песен альбома Big Fun (1988)

Backseat Of Your Cadillac

Touch my heart - a fool I am
My dreams fade away
Oh, I know you are my friend
Feeling stronger every day
Do you wanna? - sentimental lady
Do you wanna? - be my baby
Do you wanna break my heart?
Over and over again

In the backseat of your Cadillac
Oh baby, ooh you make me mad, so mad
In the backseat of your Cadillac
I want to have my feelings back
Oh, kiss me with devotion
all I want is you
Oh, kiss you and hold you and touch you baby

What does it take my heart to win back your love?
I never tear apart my baby - I never get enough
Do you wanna?- sentimental lady
Do you wanna? - be my baby
Do you wanna try my heart?
Over and over again

Try me my love
Fly with me - I'm lost in love
(give me your emotion)
Try me, my love
My love, my heart and my soul

Summer Kisses

Stop hey man - there's a way
Oh, save me just for a sunny day
Oh, I wanna - Yes, I want your heart
Shoo - Shoo- Shoo
Young hearts are full of pride
And you never see what's deep inside
Ooh, I wanna - Yes, I want to give my heart to you

S-s-summer kisses
A summer in love
S-s-summer kisses
Oh, I'm dreaming off
S-s-summer kisses
Forever in love
S-s-summer kisses
Oh, I need that stuff

Stop hey man - hear me
Give me your love what's gonna be
Oh, I wanna - yes I want you heart
Shoo -Shoo- Shoo
Hey you - my words are true
Do you feel my love - oh like I do
Ooh, I wanna - Yes I wanna, give my heart to you

Summer kisses love
Ooh, my heart is true
S-s-summer love

Are You Serious?

I'm in the arms of love
I want to lose control
Oh, come and give that stuff
Oh, love will let me go
I never ever touch a man that talks too much
My love will lift you up
I got a bet on you
I'll never get enough
Oh, what you wanna do
You're so hot in the night
I'm careful in pride
I know that it's right, tonight

Are you serious? - babe when you break my heart
Are you serious? - you will tear apart
Are you serious? - babe when you're next to me
Are you serious? - oh, it's ecstasy

Don't be afraid of me
I'll find my way back home
I'll never set you free - my house is a danger zone
I never ever touch a man that talks too much
Don't take my love to town
oh, I'm much too young
Don't let them get you down
Oh, when two hearts beat as one
You're so hot in the night
I'm careful in pride
I know that it's right, tonight

Night In Africa

Babe, I cry my tears - leaving me is easy
Play that game again and break my heart
Fire in my soul
If you never need me - I'm nobody's child
I'll break apart
Oh, my heart is too young
If you want just your fun
Miss you so deep tonight
Babe, I'm drowning in your eyes

I'm dreaming of a night in Africa
I'm dreaming - you'll never break my heart

Miss you so tonight - don't believe in diamonds
Have a love like this - never before
Never saw the world
Tell me all the areas.
What I have to do? - to get more
Oh, my heart is too young
If you want just your fun
Miss you so deep tonight
Babe, I'm dying in your eyes

You belong to the night
Babe you make my day
Oh I cry my tears
All over the way

Heartbeat City

Oh, he's young and strong - eyes like ivory
He's my heart and soul - he's a mystery
Oh, he's born to win and he's loving me
In the night he lives for love
And like the moon he was made for my nights
He's my friend - he's my lover
Side by side

Do you know the way to heartbeat city, yeah
Everybody's talking it's so pretty, yeah
And tonight is the night - all my dreams come alive
Give me more - give me more of that stuff
Do you know the way to heartbeat city, yeah
Everybody's talking it's so pretty, yeah
In a world made of steel
Baby, ooh I can feel that this place give me more
Of your love

Then I wish you and then I'm born again
Oh, I heard him say : love is a crazy game
Oh, we're just a woman and just a man
In the night we live for love
If you'll hear oceans beating in my heart
Going through emotion from the start

Baby I Need Your Love

I had too much to dream babe
Let's do it again
That's what my baby is made for
Baby, be my friend
When girls will stick together
They're talking about boys
What does it take to win your love
Don't wanna be your toy

Baby, I need your love
Never give you up for a one-night shot
Baby, you're so hot
Never give you up for a one-night love
Meet me in another world, my baby
In a world, a world of love
Meet me in another world, oh maybe
I'm not an one-night shot

Come step inside my rainbow
Deep - and if you can
I'll give you all - I'll be your woman behind the man
Whenever you're away love
I make it through the night
What does it take to win your love
Oh baby hold me tight

Little By Little

When the love is born
Baby, owner of my heart
Will you still be there?
When friends break apart
Tears, more lonely nights
Oh, you lost the game of love
There's a rainbow in his eyes
And I just can't get enough
'Cause I need your smile
Stronger than before
Drowning in a sea of love
Can I give you more

Oh, little by little - you can break my heart
Oh, little by little - promise in the dark
(Magic touch you gave to me is more than fantasy)
Oh, little by little - you can break my heart
Oh, little by little - baby you're so smart
Take me in your heart tonight
Take me in your heart tonight
My love, my sweet love

Two hearts beat as one
all the days and all the nights
I'm too young for lies doesn't make it right
Why can't we be friends in the shadow of your love
Someone saved my life
'Cause I need that stuff
I'm running with the night
I'm running my own way
Drowning in a sea of love
Baby make my day

Nothing But A Heartache

Tears are not enough - oh, you lose a friend
Baby, the more you live - more you love again
Heaven can be cold - heaven can be hot
In the middle of the night - oh you need some love
That's no fantasy - loving me
Oh, that's extasy - next to me
When you understand - you're man
Oh, just calling me

It's nothing but a heartache
Friends and strangers side by side
It's nothing but a heartache
You wasted days and nights

(I told her I never fall in love)

On the wings of love I'll fly to you
A rainbow at midnight - all your dreams come true
Running with the night - running with a touch
Shadows of your smile - are telling me so much
That's no fantasy - loving me
Oh, that's extasy - next to me
When you understand - you're man
Oh, just calling me

It's nothing but a heartache
Friends and strangers side by side
It's nothing but a heartache
You wasted days and nights

Daytime friends and nighttime lovers
You've been born again
Another heart you undercover
Love is not a game

It's nothing but a heartache
Friends and strangers side by side
It's nothing but a heartache
You wasted days and nights

If I Feel Love

Heaven baby stand the heat
It's so dangerous- love's so deep
Follow me in a dream of you, my love
Oh, baby baby - you'll win
Do you think, oh, it's a sin
Loving me to ecstasy?

If I feel love
I say alright
'Cause I know baby, you make my night
If I feel love
I say okay
'Cause baby ever you hold me
Yes means that you love for ever
You will dance in heavy weather
No means that I'll be so lonely
'Cause you're the one, the one and only

Hunters baby will survive
You will have a better life
Follow me in a dream of you, my love
Oh, baby baby - you'll win
Do you think oh, it's a sin?
Loving me to ecstasy

Fire Of Love

Heart to heart - I need to surrender
Don't look back - my blue eyes cry
Face to face - oh loving me tender
Oh, again and again - baby, dreams will fly
Lost in love - afraid of a stranger
I'm too young to cry my tears
Love's life - I'll stay out of a danger
Oh, again and again babe, I'm hating these fears
Baby, you're the man who saved my world babe
Baby, you're the man and I'm your girl
Face to face and heart to heart, babe
You're playing the game and you play it smart

Oh, it's a fire of love - a fire of love
That you'll share with me
Oh, it's a fire of love - a fire of love
And my love's free

Cheek to cheek - we're staying together
Don't give up - just you and me
Tears of love - are staying forever
Oh again and again - 'cause I feel what you feel
Touch a hand and feel the desire
The wasted days - the wasted nights
Make a friend - I'm feel the fire
Oh, again and again baby, holding me tight
Baby, you're the man who save my world babe
Baby, you're the man and I'm your girl
Face to face and heart to heart, babe
You're playing the game and you play it smart
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #7

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847

Тексты песен альбома Hear What I Say (1989)

Midnight Hour

In your midnight hour
When you're alone and lonely
Do you think of him
(Do you think of him)

And in your midnight hour
Can you feel the darkness closing
Does it frighten you
You must learn to
Hide your feelings baby (baby), baby (baby)

Now he's not there
To hold, he's always on the run
And you're the lonely one
Face it girl you need him
In your midnight hour

If he stayed the night
Would it be alright
To have a midnight love affair

If he held you tight
And he promised you the night
Would you still want him there
(Want you there - baby)

Is it worth the pain (worth the pain)
And would you feel the same
When morning comes
And he's gone (don't go - baby)

And do you really care
As long as he is there
In your midnight hour

In your midnight hour
Do you toss and turn
To find him, but it's just
A dream (yeah, it's just a dream)

And in your midnight hour
Do your thoughts begin to wander
Do you want to scream
'Cause he's not near you
When you need him, (baby) baby (baby)

Now he's not there
To hold, he's always on the run
And you're the lonely one
Face it girl you need him
In your midnight hour

If he stayed the night
Would it be alright
To have a midnight love affair
(Don't go - baby)

And do you really care
As long as he is there
In your midnight hour

In your midnight hour
When you're all alone
And you feel like crying
And you loose control
And you start thinking
That it don't make sense
How did you get yourself
Into this fine...fine mess
Now you knew he wasn't perfect
And he wasn't the best
But you still wanted him all over the rest
And although he never promised you
And never said when
You knew in your heart
That he'd be your man

In your midnight hour

If he stayed the night
Would it be alright
To have a midnight love affair

If he held you tight
And he promised you the night
Would you still want him there
(Want you there - baby)

Is it worth the pain (worth the pain)
And would you feel the same
When morning comes
And he's gone (don't go - baby)

And do you really care
As long as he is there
In your midnight hour

Big Time

When I look at you - and everything you do
It makes me feel so good inside
Big time - anytime you kiss me I feel great
Big time - anytime you kiss me I can't wait
Can you still remember the things we used to say
Won't you please surrender
We're gonna make it right today

Got you - I want you - stay

Let's have a big time - you and I
Just wanna have a good time - when we fly
Let's have a big time - yeah-ah-ah
Just wanna have a good time - when we fly

A sign of love behind my tears
I'm gonna tell you that I'm misunderstood
I can't believe it you walked away
Do you remember - what we said

Let's have a big time - you and I
Just wanna have a good time - when we fly
Let's have a big time - yeah-ah-ah
Just wanna have a good time - when we fly

Now I'm next to you - so the dream is true
It makes me feel so good inside
Big time - anytime you kiss me I feel great
Big time - anytime you kiss me I can't wait
Feel that sweet surrender -just like yesterday
We are strong together
We gonna make it right today

Got you - I want you - stay

Let's have a big time - you and I
Just wanna have a good time - when we fly
Let's have a big time - yeah-ah-ah
Just wanna have a good time - when we fly

Let's have a big time
Let's have a big time - yeah-ah-ah
Big time - big time

Let's have a big time - you and I
Just wanna have a good time - when we fly
Let's have a big time - yeah-ah-ah
Just wanna have a good time - when we fly

Love Away

I'm missing you, you're far away
What can I do, to give you all my loving
I'll wrap it up, to send to you
So maybe baby, you'll know what to do

I've got this feeling
That you're really getting in to my life
I've got this feeling
That you're really getting in to my life
- Oohh, baby

I'll send my love away
Will you return someday
I'll send my love away
Will you return someday
(Will you return someday)

How can you stay, away from my heart
Another day, to give me all your loving
It's been too long, without your touch
So next time baby, it won't be too much

I've got this feeling
That you're really getting in to my life
I've got this feeling
That you're really getting in to my life
- Oohh, baby

I'll send my love away
(Send my love away)
Will you return someday
(Will you return someday)
(Aaaahh, aaaahh, send my love,
aaaahh, aaaahhaa)

(I'll send my love away)
I'll send my love away
(Will you return someday)
Will you return someday

I'll send my love away
(Send my love away)
Will you return someday
(Will you return someday)

Give Me What I Want

Now I'm sitting here all alone
Another message on the answerphone
- Oh, no -
Hanging on when there's no time
- no time -
I think that's my warning sign

You're acting strange
Just keep no distance
When I feel your love
There is no resistance
Time won't wait for us
'Cause we're in love - we're in love -

Give me what I want
'Cause I want satisfaction
Give me what I need
Set up that chain reaction
Give me what I want
'Cause I want satisfaction
Now - with you - with you - only you -

You gimme what I want
And it better be real
Or the bass drum or the snare you feel
(No way!)
'Cause I'm up on the mike
Like all through the night
I'm givin' you my lovin'
And givin' it right (oh, yea!)
You stay on my mind like all the time
I think about you girl when I'm bossin' a rym
I'm a dog yeah
I'm in heat (big deal!)
Satisfaction is what I need

You're acting strange
Just keep no distance
When I feel your love
There's no resistance
Time won't wait for us
'Cause we're in love

Give me what I want
'Cause I want satisfaction
Give me what I need
Set up that chain reaction
Give me what I want
'Cause I want satisfaction
Now - with you - with you - only you -

I'll give you my loving
You give me your love, love, love, love
When you give me this feeling
That's all I need - I want it right now

Give me what I want
'Cause I want satisfaction
Give me what I need
Set up that chain reaction

(and Hollywood is messin' around)

I'm Gonna Miss You

I lie awake here in my bed
Picturing the fight I've had with you
(Tears around my eyes)
I've hoped you would understand
Boy you're not my lover, you're my friend
(Would you like me to tell you lies)

Never meant to hurt your feelings
Don't meant to ruin your day
But if you thought twice
And you know what you're doing
I won't stand in your way

Don't you know that I'm gonna miss you
(I'm gonna miss you)
Don't you know that I'm gonna miss you

We were friends for all those years
I have shared my fun and tears with you
(We grew up together)
Gonna get through without you though
I'll never find a friend like you I know
(Thought you were my friend forever)

Never meant to hurt your feelings
Don't meant to ruin your day
But if you thought twice
And you know what you're doing
I won't stand in your way

Don't you know that I'm gonna miss you
(I'm gonna miss you)
Don't you know that I'm gonna miss you


You must learn, to talk away
From that lover, I know another game to play
Say! Passions burns, it's not too late
To loose that infatuation

Just say you won't
Need him again, leave him, like he left ya
It's a mixed up thing
But - I know a way that you can win -

Back, back, back, back girl you
Stay away from that boy
That isn't love he's dealing
Back, back, back, back girl you
Fool around with that boy
And you'll feel the hurt that I'm feeling

Darkness falls, just walk away
There be another, who makes
You feel that way

Wind of change, blowing strong today
You'll find a better vocation

Just say you won't
Need him again, leave him, like he left ya
It's a mixed up thing
But - I know a way that you can win

Back, back, back, back girl you
Stay away from that boy
That isn't love he's dealing
Back, back, back, back girl you
Fool around with that boy
And you'll feel the hurt that I'm feeling

Stop running
Stop running, running back for more
Just stop the tears 'cause I know that boy
Is not worth crying for

Back, back, back, back girl you
Stay away from that boy
That isn't love he's dealing
Back, back, back, back girl you
Fool around with that boy
And you'll feel the hurt that I'm feeling

Can't Catch Me

You touch my feelings
You touch my soul
You held my body
And now I'm loosing control
Give me what I want
Just give me healing
Open up inside
And show your feelings

Love is what you want
But you can't catch me
Love is what you want
Love is what you want

We played like children
Until the sun goes down
Life has more meaning
Because of what we found
I ask for what I want
You gave me healing
Let go of all the pride
And show your feelings

Love is what I want
But you can't catch me
Love is what you want

Hear What I Say

I walked into your life
Something told me that love lay in your eyes
I feel like it's going all wrong
But I never knew love like this before

So say sweet words like you mean them
Say sweet words to me 'cause I need them

Hey hear what I say
Don't take this love away now
Hey hear what I say
Don't take this love away now
No no no no no
Don't take this love now, no

You have walked out of my life
And you left me with the pain down deep inside
Played around searching
For something more
Now you never had love like this before

So say sweet words like you mean them
Say sweet words to me 'cause I need them

Hey hear what I say
Don't take this love away now
Hey hear what I say
- (Don't take this love - no, not my love) -
Don't take this love away now - (away) -
No no no no no (not my love)
Don't take this love now, no

So say sweet words like you mean them
Say sweet words to me 'cause I need them

Hey hear what I say
Don't take this love away now
No (not my love)
No no (not my love)
No no (don't take my love)
- Come back and stay with me -
Don't take this love now

Nothing's Gonna Change Our Love

Hey boy what's your fantasy
I like the way you're kissing me
I wasn't sure if you were the one
The one that's gonna stay with me

You and I, have taken this decision
You and I, we know

Nothing's gonna change our love
Just you and me, to live our life forever
Nothing's gonna take our love
From you and me, yes we'll be here together

Hey boy what's your fantasy
To put your love inside of me
Now I know that you are the one
That can not stop carresing me
So take my arm don't pull away
I'll take you to my hiding place

You and I, have taken this decision
You and I, we know
You and I, have lived with this decision
You and I, we know

Nothing's gonna change our love
Just you and me, to live our life forever
Nothing's gonna take our love
From you and me, yes we'll be here together

Feels Like Heaven

We fall in love
It feels like heaven in my heart
We fall in love
It feels like heaven in my heart

I walk down the streets of Amsterdam

We fall in love
It feels like heaven in my heart
We fall in love
We fall in love

It feels like heaven in my heart


We fall in love
It feels like heaven in my heart

We fall in love

This song is dedicated to the lovers
all over the world

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