12.2.2007, 13:14
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Europe Страна: Швеция Год образования: 1980 Оригинальный состав: Joey Tempest ( Джои Темпест) - вокал, клавишные John Norum ( Джон Норум) - гитара John Leven ( Джон Левен) - бас Tony Reno ( Тони Рено) - ударные Текущий состав: Joey Tempest ( Джои Темпест) - вокал John Norum ( Джон Норум) - гитара Kee Marcello ( Ки Марселло) - гитара John Leven ( Джон Левен) - бас Jan Hauglund ( Ян Хогланд) - ударные Mic Michaeli ( Мик Михаэли) - клавишные Фото EuropeИстория группы Europe началась в 1980 году со встречи двух школьных друзей вокалиста Йоакима Ларссона (Joakim Larsson) и гитариста Джона Норума в Стокгольме. До этого оба музыканта прошли через множество локальных коллективов. Так, например, Джон с 1977 года играл в коллективе под названием Dragonfly, а Йоаким - в постоянно переименовывающемся составе, который изначально назывался Made in Hong Kong, а затем упростился до Blaser. Музыкальная сцена Швеции была в те времена настолько невелика, что большинство исполнителей были хорошо знакомы и частенько играли вместе в тех или иных составах. Йоаким, например, пару лет был участником группы Power, родоначальником и лидером которой был знаменитый впоследствии гитарист Ингви Мальмстин (Yngwie Malmsteen). В том же составе с Ингви и Йоакимом был некоторое время басист по имени Джон Левен, которого вскоре сменил Марсель Якоб (Marcel Jacob). Надо сказать, что надежд на серьезный успех у ребят не было, так что все происходило на чисто любительском уровне, хотя демо-пленки создавались более или менее регулярно. Итак, в 1980 году Йоаким Ларссон и Джон Норум впервые выступили в одном из местных клубом Стокгольма вместе с басистом Джоном Левеном и ударником Тони Ниемисто (Tony Niemisto), с которым Джон выступал еще в Dragonfly. Новоявленная группа назвалась Force. Первое их выступление было не особо успешным, однако ребята решили продолжать совместную работу. Совместной, правда, ее можно было в то время назвать довольно-таки относительно, так как еще где-то полгода Джон Левен не мог решиться, где же ему играть - либо с Ингви, либо с Йоакимом. Такие же колебания испытывал и басист Ингви Марсель. Однако, в конечном счете, Джон Левен предпочел Force, а Ингви Марсель - Rising Force (так тогда называлась группа Ингви). В течение года Force постоянно дает концерты в местных клубах и пишет композиции. В 1982 году у музыкантов возникает идея попробовать свои силы на местном конкурсе талантов, так как группа-победитель получала право подписать контракт на запись одной пластинки с местной фирмой грамзаписи. Для участия в конкурсе нужно было записать демо-пленку и отправить ее в организационный комитет. Сделав на собственные деньги запись в одной из локальных студий, участники группы, тем не менее, остались недовольны качеством произведенного материала и решили не позориться. Однако подруга Йоакима рассудила по-своему, и именно благодаря ей пленка оказалась в оргкомитете. С группой же на тот момент произошло несколько серьезных перемен. Для избежания путаницы со всякими коллективами с похожим именем музыканты решают переименоваться в Europe. Одновременно с этим Йоаким Ларссон счел, что его имя и фамилия не вполне соответствуют общепринятым стандартам, то есть трудно произносятся и запоминаются, так что он переименовался в Джои Темпеста. Ударник Тони Ниемисто же предпочел просто поменять фамилию на Рено. Однако в оргкомитете об этих перестановках ничего не знали. Прослушав все присланные пленки, музыкальные знатоки выделили из всех именно Force и предложили группе выступить на конкурсе в качестве победителя. Концерт этот транслировался на всю Швецию и был настолько хорошо принят, что группа немедленно получила контракт на запись альбома. Через несколько недель запись была уже довершена, и в середине 1982 года одноименный с группой альбом вышел на местной фирме Hot International. Нельзя сказать, что диск был супер-успешным. Содержал он в себе довольно жесткий хард-рок в духе таких групп как Deep Purple, Thin Lizzy и Cream. По своему содержанию большинство композиций были весьма реалистичны, в какой-то степени даже поучительны ("In The Future To Come", "Children Of This Time", "Words Of Wisdom"), но была и одна мистическая вещь под названием "Seven Doors Hotel", навеянная фильмом ужасов "Beyond". Как только диск появился в продаже, он попал в руки одного из японских журналистов, и именно "Seven Doors Hotel" стал первой записью Europe, вышедшей в Японии в виде сингла и самой известной композицией группы на тот момент. Группа отправилась в небольшое турне по Скандинавии, после которого сразу приступила к созданию нового альбома. Однако в ходе записи диска Джои пришлось на несколько недель слетать в Японию в целях промоушена - настолько был силен интерес в этой стране к загадочным шведам. По его возвращению группа вновь приступила к репетициям и к февралю 1984 года подготовила новый альбом, озаглавленный "Wings Of Tomorrow". И уж на этот раз ребята показали себя во всей красе. На альбоме была целая пачка хитов - "Stormwind", "Scream Of Anger" (написанная еще с Марселем Якобом в 1980 году), "Open Your Heart" и "Dreamer". Альбому была обеспечена солидная реклама, успех уже достиг не только Японии, но и Европы и США. Надо сказать, что и по музыке группа заметно выросла со времен первого альбома. Аранжировки на этот раз были более продуманны, не было дерганых структур в композициях, появились более коммерческие композиции типа "Open Your Heart". Легкости звучания способствовало и то, что на альбоме появился (пока только в качестве сессионного музыканта) клавишник Мик Михаэли. Одним словом, у группы появились реальные шансы прорваться на мировую музыкальную сцену. Но тут возникла первая серьезная проблема с составом - Тони Рено предпочел покинуть коллектив, так как, по словам музыкантов, не соответствовал профессиональному уровню остальных. Заменой ему стал ударник по имени Ян Хогланд, с которым ребята были знакомы уже довольно давно. Ян в свое время играл в группе Trilogy, которая тоже участвовала в конкурсе, выигранном Europe. Ян был более-менее знаком с репертуаром нового коллектива, так что после некоторого времени, потраченного на репетиции и клубные пробы с новым ударником, группа отправилась в турне по Скандинавии и некоторым странам Европы. Клавишник Мик Михаэли уже официально стал пятым членом коллектива, так как Джои было очень тяжело петь и играть на клавишных в ходе концертов. По окончании турне музыканты уже готовы были отправиться в студию для записи нового альбома, когда на их пути возникли…телевизионщики. Они предложили группе написать несколько композиций для нового фильма ужасов "On The Loose". Было создано несколько композиций, три из которых - "On The Loose", "Broken Dreams" и "Rock The Night" вошли в саундтрек. В ходе записи группа пользовалась услугами все той же "Polar Studios" - знаменитой студии звукозаписи легендарных ABBA, однако вскоре после окончания работы над фильмом Europe решили поменять место записи и уехали в Швейцарию. Основной проблемой, по их словам, в данном случае стала невозможность создать настоящий хард-рок альбом на имевшейся в шведской студии аппаратуре. Помимо фильма группа приняла участие в проекте Swedish Metal Aid, который явился благотворительной записью всех более или менее известных на тот момент шведских музыкантов для граждан Эфиопии. Помимо Europe в записи, в частности, поучаствовали музыканты из групп Treat, Easy Action, Heavy Load и т.д. Результатом их совместной работы стала композиция "Give A Helping Hand", выпущенная отдельно в виде сингла, а сама запись была задокументирована на видео. И все-таки вернемся к самой группе. Когда были закончены все сторонние проекты, музыканты вновь вернулись к записи альбома. И тут ее снова пришлось отложить на несколько месяцев на этот раз из-за профессиональной болезни всех вокалистов - проблем с горлом Джои. Но как бы там ни было, а в самом начале 1986 года поклонники группы получили новый альбом шведов, озаглавленный "The Final Countdown". Это был самый настоящий прорыв. Заглавная композиция альбома имела сногсшибательный успех, диск многократно становился золотым и платиновым, отдельно вышедший сингл отрывали буквально с руками, саму песню бесчисленное количество раз крутили во всех радиопередачах, а клип получил бешеную раскрутку во всевозможным музыкальным (и не только) каналам (в том числе на MTV)! Группа пребывала в состоянии шока - ведь ни одному шведскому музыканту (помимо ABBA) доселе не удавалось достичь таких высот. Стоит ли говорить о том, что после этого события во всем мире заинтересовались доселе локальной шведской сценой и серьезно взялись за ее раскрутку. И если ранее диски Europe и других шведских команд выпускались на независимых мелких компаниях, то теперь их купили такие гиганты как CBS и EMI. Группа стала открытием и событием года и, наконец, отправилась в первое мировое турне, которое началось триумфальным выступлением в родном Стокгольме 26 мая 1986 года. Затем последовала Япония, где восторгу фэнов не было никакого предела. На очереди была страна мечты, страна, где любой коллектив стремился (и до сих пор стремится) получить шанс дать хотя бы пару концертов - США. Однако перед столь грандиозным шагом группа решила взять небольшой отпуск, в ходе которого Джои и Джон поучаствовали в записи диска младшей сестры Джона - Тон Норум (Tone Norum) - "One Of A Kind" (1986). В целом все у группы шло просто замечательно… Новый альбом был на вершине всех возможных хит-парадов, концерты шли "на ура", новый сингл "Carrie" получил серьезную раскрутку на радио. Казалось, все идет по восходящей…. Однако, в рок-музыке есть очень мало коллективов, которые могут пройти множество испытаний и сохранить при этом свою сплоченность. Europe не суждено было попасть в число тех немногих. Произошло это в один из октябрьских дней 1986 года, когда Джон Норум заявил о своем желании оставить группу. Для такого решения у него было несколько причин. Во-первых, Джон был недоволен смягчением стиля группы, которое произошло во многом благодаря приходу Мика Михаэли. Против Мика лично Джон ничего не имел, однако протестовал против попсового звучания клавишных в композициях и старался сделать песни по возможности хард-роковыми. Во-вторых, Джону хотелось наравне со всеми музыкантами писать новые песни, однако менеджмент группы был против и "задвигал" множество идей всех участников за исключением Джои (при отборе материала для "The Final Countdown" упор был сделан именно на его песни). И третьей немаловажной причиной было то, что группа пользовалась бешеным успехом, но не имела с этого ни гроша, так как менеджмент и промоутеры гастролей забирали почти все деньги себе. Свои доводы Джон пытался втолковать и остальным участникам группы, однако они попросту его проигнорировали, так как чувство успеха заставило их забыть о чисто музыкальной стороне дела. Уступив просьбам друзей, Джон согласился остаться в коллективе, пока не будет найдена достойная замена. А замена была найдена на редкость быстро. Звали этого новичка Хелль Лавбем (Kjell Lavbom), однако еще на заре своей музыкальной карьеры он сменил имя на Ки Марселло. Начинал он, так же как и все музыканты Europe, в локальных коллективах, пока вместе с вокалистом по имени Бо Стагман (Bo Stagman), который позже стал именоваться Зинни Зен (Zinni Zen), не собрал коллектив Easy Action. Группа довольно быстро подписала контракт с одним из местных независимых лейблов и выпустила в 1983 году дебютный одноименный мини-альбом. По музыке это было что-то в духе ранних Motley Crue, однако с присущей европейским группам мелодикой и грамотными аранжировками. Позже мини-альбом был переиздан в 1984 году под тем же названием с добавлением еще нескольких треков. Второй альбом группы появился в 1986 году и назывался "That Makes One". Как уже ранее упоминалось, музыканты группы участвовали в проекте Swedish Metal Aid, и именно тогда Джои и познакомился с Ки. А когда возникли проблемы с Норумом, Джои моментально позвонил Ки, и через пару-тройку месяцев новый гитарист уже являлся полноценным членом Europe. Easy Action же продержались после этого еще некоторое время, однако Ки заменить не смогли и распались. Дебют нового гитариста состоялся в Стокгольме, а затем группа отправилась в долгожданное турне по США. Изначально все музыканты и менеджмент страшно волновались о том, какой прием им окажут в Штатах, однако с первых же концертов было ясно - все пройдет просто идеально. Так оно и получилось. Залы были полны зрителей в каждом городе, атрибутика группы расходилась со страшной скоростью, и каждый поклонник был просто в восторге от того, что такие "гранды" посетили его родной город. После США группа отыграла в Европе, а под конец 1987 засела в студии для создания очередного шедевра, который вышел уже ближе в лету 1988 года и назывался "Out Of This World". Диск был менее успешен, чем "The Final Countdown", однако хитов на нем все равно было предостаточно - "Superstitious", "Let The Good Times Rock" и "Tomorrow". Второе дыхание на этом альбоме обрела и композиция "Open Your Heart", изначально вышедшая на "Wings Of Tomorrow". В Швеции диск достиг платинового статуса через 24 часа после выхода, стал одним из самых успешных дисков года в США и Японии. Снова последовало турне по США, Японии и Европе. Одним из самых интересных моментов на тех концертах стали выступления на бис, в ходе которых группа исполняла две кавер-версии: The Beatles "A Hard Day`s Night" и "Hound Dog" Элвиса Пресли. Завершилось это турне в 1989 году выступлением на фестивале в Милтон-Кеннис, где группа представила четыре песни, подготовленные для нового альбома: "Yesterday`s News", "Seventh Sign", "Little Bit Of Lovin`" и "Sweet Love Child". Песни были тяжелее, чем все то, что группа создавала ранее, однако не утратили прежней мелодичности и очарования и были прекрасно восприняты слушателями. Однако фэны - это одно, а вот компания звукозаписи - Sony Music - была не особо довольна таким утяжелением звучания. Однако ребята не желали отбрасывать почти на 80% готовый материал и решили представить его публике в ходе серии клубных выступлений. Конечно, не было и речи о том, чтобы выступать в клубах под именем Europe (поклонники бы просто разнесли любой клуб), так что в срочном порядке группа сменила специально для этих выступлений свое название на Le Baron Boys. Кстати, если кто-то подумает, что имеются в виду бароны и герцоги, то он полностью ошибется, так как название появилось благодаря любимой машине всех участников группы марки Кадиллак Le Baron. Один из концертов был дан в лос-анджелесском клубе "Whiskey A Go Go", а второй - в лондонском "Marquee". На обоих выступлениях упор делался именно на новый материал, как то четыре вышеупомянутые песни плюс "Long Time Comin`", "Break Free" и "Girl From Lebanon", в то время как хиты минувших лет "The Final Countdown", "Carrie" и "Superstitious" не игрались вообще. Однако поклонники были просто в восторге. Таких тяжелых и в то же время очень приятных и мелодичных песен от Europe в те времена никто не ожидал. Таким образом успех новому альбому был заранее гарантирован. Группа была очень воодушевлена реакцией фэнов, и вскоре новый альбом был уже записан и планировался к выходу в 1990 году. Однако компания Sony Music была недовольна отходом музыкантов от попсового хард-рока и настояла на том, чтобы группа "дописала" несколько хитов для синглов. Собрав все силы, музыканты придумали еще несколько композиций - "All Or Nothing", "I`ll Cry For You" и "Got Your Mind The Gutter". Наконец, в сентябре 1991 долгожданный альбом "Prisoners In Paradise" появился на прилавках магазинов. Правда трек-лист этого нового шедевра не включал в себя многих вещей, которые группа исполняла под именем Le Baron Boys и которые анонсировались в различных музыкальных изданиях. Этим особенно было недовольно японское отделение Sony Music, которое настояло на включении в японский вариант альбома двух дополнительных вещей, а именно "Break Free" и "Yesterday`s News". Сразу после своего выхода альбом получил мировое признание, и турне по Европе, США и Японии имело громадный успех. В Японии группа выступила совместно с Thunder, Tesla и Metallica! Видя такой успех, Sony Music решила порадовать фэнов группы компиляцией лучших вещей коллектива наравне с редкостями. Большинство композиций, на самом-то деле, был взяты с различных синглов, выходивших с 1982 по 1992 годы, что и позволило назвать "новый" альбом "1982-1992". Вроде бы все шло довольно неплохо, и по идее группа уже должна была отправиться в студию для создания нового альбома, однако… некоторое время спустя после выхода сборника Джои заявил, что группа на время прерывает свое существование! Основными причинами для этого, по словам вокалиста, были следующие моменты: конфликты с компанией звукозаписи, бездарные и необдуманные шаги менеджмента и "отсутствие понятия дома у всех музыкантов коллектива". По словам Джои, с 1985 года группа жила одними только концертами и работой в студии, что не позволяло им даже заняться личной жизнью или навестить родителей и жен. С другой стороны, Темпест всячески опровергал слухи о распаде коллектива. И действительно, официально распад группы не был заявлен ни в одном музыкальном издании или по радиостанции, что давало надежду на дальнейшую работу под именем Europe… Казалось, что уже мало что способно собрать группу воедино, однако такой случай представился в самом конце 1999 года. Близился конец века, и музыкальным бизнесменам удалось уговорить Europe отыграть пару вещей прямо перед полуночью 31 декабря 1999 года за три миллиона долларов. В многочисленных интервью ребята не раз говорили, что не имеют ничего против совместного выступления, однако каждый раз оговаривались, что последнее слово в этом решении остается за Джои. Как раз за несколько месяцев до знаменательного выступления Джои предложили записать новую версию легендарной "The Final Countdown", что и было сделано. Композиция вышла отдельным синглом, достигла третьего места в шведском хит-параде, и разговоры о воссоединении группы стали звучать все чаще и чаще. И вот, Джои дал согласие на выступление перед самым новым годом, причем было решено, что в концерте примут участие… оба гитариста коллектива, то есть Джон Норум и Ки Марселло! Восторгу фэнов не было предела, особенно в тот момент, когда в 23 часа 45 минут последнего дня XX века группа в составе Джои Темпест (вокал), Джон Норум (гитара), Ки Марселло (гитара), Джон Левен (бас), Мик Михаэлли (клавишные) и Ян Хогланд (ударные) вышла на плавающую сцену, и из колонок зазвучали первые аккорды "Rock The Night", за которой последовала "The Final Countdown"! Это событие транслировалось на весь мир, и множество людей ожидало продолжения, однако, по словам всех музыкантов группы, это был только "одноразовый" концерт и никаких конкретных планов о будущем группы у них не было. "В сущности, мы ничего не имеем против совместной работы и продолжим ее, как только представится подходящий момент", - подвел итог всем вопросам Джои. И наконец, после долгого ожидания, Europe возобновила свое совместное творчество, выпустив в 2004 году первый после тринадцатилетнего перерыва альбом "Start From The Dark". Следующим альбомом стал вышедший в 2006 году "Secret Society". Кроме того, в этом же году был выпущен DVD, посвященный двадцатилетию выхода легендарной композиции "The Final Countdown". Группа активно гастролирует и снова радует своим сумасшедшим драйвом многочисленных поклонников по всему миру. Официальный сайт группы Europe: europetheband.com
Официальный сайт Джои Темпеста: www.joeytempest.com
15.2.2007, 23:21
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Дискография Europe:
1984 - Wings Of Tomorrow 1986 - The Final Countdown 1988 - Out Of This World 1989 - Europe 1991 - Prisoners In Paradise 2004 - Start From The Dark 2006 - Secret Society
Сольные альбомы:
Joey Tempest 1995 - A Place to Call Home 1997 - Azalea Place 2002 - Joey Tempest
John Norum 1987 - Total Control 1992 - Face The Truth 1995 - Another Destination 1996 - Worlds Away 2000 - Slipped Into Tomorrow 2005 - Optimus
21.2.2007, 20:45
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Wings Of Tomorrow (1984)
Stormwind I like to sit beside the fire When the light is going down I like to hear the wild wind blow outside my door I have so much left to remember I have so much left to forget And I know I just don't have to search for more
But you want to change my world Stay out of my life
Stormwind You're just like a wind Comin' to drag me away Stormwind What can I say? I just don't want you to stay
I like to walk around in dreams at night And play with kings and queens 'til the morning light I like to wake up in the morning unaware Of the fact that you are calling me To ask me if I want to be Someone who you could love and always care for
But you want to change my world Stay out of my life
Stormwind You're just like a wind Comin' to drag me away Stormwind What can I say? I just don't want you to stay
Scream Of Anger
I won't live to see tomorrow There won't be another breath None of them will ever sorrow Those who sentenced me to death I've been waiting here for ages For the hangman to appear Soon the priest will read some pages From the Bible for my fear I see a place an evil place Comin' my way What can I do where can I run I'm gonna die anyway Things are getting clearer This is the price I have to pay I feel like screaming out my anger There is so much left here to do When it happened I was younger And my destiny was you I see a place an evil place... What can I do About leaving you We were only halfway through What can I say There was no other way They wouldn't let me stay
Open Your Heart
Days filled with joy and days filled with sorrow I don't know just what to do Am I happy today, am I lonely tomorrow Everything depends on you
And I've been waitin' For the angels to knock on my door I've been hopin' That everything could be like before
Open your heart and tell me what's wrong Why can't you talk like you used to do before I don't know if I'm weak, I don't know if I'm strong Hey girl I can't cope anymore
And I've been waitin'...
Open your heart, let me hear you Make up your mind, I want to hear you call Open your heart, want to come near you Make up your mind, before we lose it all
Maybe that time has its own way of healin' Maybe it dries the tears in your eyes But never changes the way that I'm feelin' Only you can answer my cries
And I've been waitin'...
Open your heart, let me hear you...
Treated Bad Again
Hey girl don't come to me And ask me for a helpin' hand 'Cause by the way things seem to be I would never ever understand When he comes to you You always take him back Hey girl, just wait and see You're bound to have a heartattack 'Cause whenever you meet It always turns out the same You're treated bad again Treated bad again Hey girl why can't you learn that changes can be made 'Cause when he comes to you You got to turn and walk the other way Go out, hit the town, Try to look for something new Go out, mess around, Understand what you are going through 'Cause whenever you meet It always turns out the same You're treated bad again Treated bad again So many nights My thoughts bring me to you I've seen him come and go And so many years You don't know I've been watching you But baby, baby, baby Would something change if you knew
Wings Of Tomorrow
You must be dreaming, Or going out of your mind There's no way of changing, The world over one night Maybe you need to recover, From all the things you've been through Maybe you need to discover That it ain't much left to do Ride, ride, ride the wings of tomorrow Ride, ride, ride to change the world You feel sorry for the nation of 1984 And it cuts you like a razor 'Cause you've seen it all before You've seen one war after another So many lifes on the line You must take care of one another Or it's the end of time
Wasted Time
Blood's been spilled throughout all times We should know better since we've been around There's been changes there's no denyin' But in what direction is good sense flying This world so endless blue Is better for lovers You cry 'cause you don't know if it's true If all those years've been wasted time Evil strikes, you feel the fear The vision of the future is no longer clear In your mind you see yourself Running and hiding you're somebody else
Lyin' Eyes
I can tell, just by the look In your eyes, that the love is gone, that I once took So much has changed in the way you live I bet there's nothing left that you can ever give The words of a madman are spoken I guess I'm not the only one The heart of a sadman is broken Eyes, lyin' eyes You can fool anyone without disguise Eyes, lyin' eyes Your look is cold as ice It's in your blood, it floats in your veins I sacrify myself but all I feel is pain You've done me wrong, you've been so bad But it's the last time a battle is lost Where I'm the one who's sad The words of a... Eyes, lyin' eyes... I wish you'd die, I wish you'd break down and cry I wish you'd move and then I know I'd be satisfied Can't you see I'm on the edge, I can't look down Is it me who's lost and never found
He is down by the riverside Late one night He's tryin' to count the stars In each of the signs All alone by the riverside And time passes by Gathering thoughts of the past And maybe he'll cry So they say he's a madman And he don't understand But I know that he's tryin' hard To act like a man All those years he has suffered, my friends All those years of pain But I don't think he knows for sure If those years were in vain He's a dreamer And he's fightin' for his life He's tryin' to understand He's a dreamer But he wants to carry on Yet I know he's a lonely man
Dance The Night Away
Hey girl I can feel your heart We had something goin' on right from the start When I look at you I just feel so good Hear the music breakin' up the ground Can you feel it I just love the sound And I'm lettin' go just like I should There's something goin' on that's so hard to describe Well, I can dance the night away There's nothin' else that I want to do I can dance the night away There's no one else that I want but you Tomorrow never gets in my way When I feel like dancin' night and day I just want to get up and never ever get down Seems to me I won't get old And my heart will never ever get cold It's so hard to feel bad when you're around
21.2.2007, 21:00
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома The Final Countdown (1986)
The Final Countdown
We're leaving together, But still it's farewell And maybe we'll come back, To earth, who can tell? I guess there is no one to blame We're leaving ground (leaving ground) Will things ever be the same again? It's the final countdown The final countdown We're heading for Venus and still we stand tall Cause maybe they've seen us and welcome us all With so many light years to go and things to be found (to be found) I'm sure that we'll all miss her so. It's the final countdown The final countdown The final countdown...
Rock The Night
I've gone through changes I've gone through pain But there's not enough reason for me to go insane I know the feeling, when it grows I'm in a rage up from my head down to my toes. You know it ain't easy Running out of thrills You know it ain't easy When you don't know what you want. Rock now, rock the night 'Til early in the morning light Rock now, rock the night You'd better believe it's right. I know my limit Just what it takes When things ain't good enough I just pull the brake Sometimes it's easy Sometimes so tough But just have one thing clear I can't get enough.
When lights go down, I see no reason For you to cry. We've been through this before In every time, in every season, God knows I've tried So please don't ask for more. Can't you see it in my eyes This might be our last goodbye Carrie, Carrie, things they change my friend Carrie, Carrie, maybe we'll meet again somewhere again I read your mind, with no intentions Of being unkind, I wish I could explain It all takes time, a whole lot of patience If it's a crime, how come I feel no pain. Can't you see it in my eyes This might be our last goodbye Carrie, Carrie, oh things they change my friend Carrie, Carrie, maybe we'll meet again Can't you see it in my eyes This might be our last goodbye Carrie, Carrie, things they change Carrie, Carrie, Carrie, Carrie, maybe we'll meet again, oh somewhere again When lights go down...
Danger On The Track
I was heading for the mountains I had saved so much for you And in the town I left behind me There was nothing left to do. I knew that you were waiting For me to share your life Cause I told you when I left, that When I come back you'll be my wife. But someone was waiting In the shadows of the night Someone was waiting It just didn't feel right. Danger on the track Something told me there were Strangers on my back And I was so right. Maybe I should surrender Maybe I should give it up But the strength I had inside Told me you can never stop. The men wanted to break me Steal and bring me down But I fought for you and later They were lying on the ground.
Tell me the story, tell me the legend Tell me the tales of war Tell me just one time, What it was like before Bring me the feeling, right in that moment When a heart for battle cries Find me the treasure where the legend lies. If I were a noble ancient knight I'd stand by jour side to rule and fight It will always feel the same When I call out your name. Ninja survive, in dreams I walk by your side Ninja survive, with you there's no need to hide. A handful of sayings are more than a reason For me to feel this way I'd like to be near you Maybe for just one day So tell me the legend, tell me the story Tell me the tales of war Tell me just one time What it was like before.
They lived in peace, not long ago A mighty Indian tribe But the winds of change, Made them realize, that the promises were lies. The white man's greed, in search of gold Made the nation bleed They lost their faith And now they hade to learn There was no place to return Nowhere they could turn. Cherokee - marching on the trail of tears. They were driven hard, across the plains And walked for many moons Cause the winds of change, Had made them realize, that the promises were lies. So much to bear, all that pain Left them in despair They lost their faith And now they hade to learn There was no place to return Nowhere they could turn.
Time Has Come
Long for the sailor, beneath the skies Long for the white dove, no matter where she flies Long for the stranger you know so well. Pray for the soldier, who's wounded bad Pray for the dreamer, he's still so sad Pray for the stranger you know so well. Cause I'm coming home. Now the time has come For me to come back home. Long for the eagle, on wings so strong Long for the hunter, he won't be long Long for the stranger you know so well.
Heart Of Stone
I've told you once and I've told you twice Wait for that day, when our love will rise To that song that brought our hearts together. Even though you're mistreating me I know the girl that you used to be For me those days were meant to last forever. Time after time I'm wondering why Am I to be all alone Day after day I pray that you'll stay Cause you've got a heart of stone. I walk the streets like a broken man Oh I wish that you would understand Even though you're still the one I wait for. I guess in love there's no guarantee Sometimes it's not what it seems to be Even though you're still the one I care for.
On The Loose
Running out on the streets He lives from day to day Looking for someting to do He needs to get away. Hoping that maybe one day He could be someone Praying that maybe someday He could be number one. In his world of make believe He always tends to be On the loose, so young, so tough, so wild On the loose, again. Dreaming, dreaming about All the things he'd like to do Trying, trying so hard To make it all up to you.
Love Chaser
Someone's at your door tonight Someone wants your love Is it real or just imagination You decide to wait inside 'til the break of dawn In dreams you see yourself seeking affection. He'll know just who you are He'll know just where you've been He'll know just what to do. Love chaser - If you look deep in his eyes Then you're in for a big surprise He can take your breath away There's nothing you can do or say. You can feel that someone's at your back You can hear his pounding heart But something tells you not to be afraid Cause even in the darkest night Someone's at your side But when morning comes it all starts to fade away.
21.2.2007, 21:13
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Out Of This World (1988)
Keep on walkin' that road and I'll follow Keep on callin' my name I'll be there And if a mirror should break it's easy to take Cause deep down I know that you care I'm not superstitious I'm not superstitious, I have no doubt That there's a reason, how things turn out While things are changin' from day to day I'll keep this feelin' with me all the way And I want you to know That you're on my mind Every day, all of the time So keep on walkin' that road and I'll follow Keep on callin' my name I'll be there And if a mirror should break it's easy to take Cause deep down I know that you care I'm not superstitious There might be times of wonder When I'm on my own Tryin' to find out if love has gone It might make a difference It might bring me down But no superstition is gonna turn things around And I want you to know That you're on my mind Every day, all of the time So keep on walkin' that road and I'll follow Keep on callin' my name I'll be there And if a mirror should break it's easy to take Cause deep down I know that you care I'm not superstitious So keep on walkin' and we'll make things right Yeah, keep on dreamin' each and every night We're gonna make it, that's what we'll do Right to the end girl, we're gonna walk on through So keep on walkin' that road and I'll follow Keep on callin' my name I'll be there And if a mirror should break it's easy to take Cause deep down I know that you care I'm not superstitious
Let The Good Times Rock
You say that you want me I hope that you do Cause tell me just where I would be in this world Without someone like you When you say that you need me Like only you can Oh baby you don't really know what you've done To the heart of this man So baby tonight we will celebrate And talk of the times til it gets real late Yes baby tonight we'll appreciate Just what we've got So let the good times rock Oh when you squeeze me And say that you care There's nothin' I know that could drag me away When that feelin' is there Oh the way that you move me And makin' me feel Well I could have sworn that I lived in a dream If it wasn't for real Oh baby tonight we will celebrate...
Open Your Heart
Days filled joy and days filled with sorrow I don't know just what to do Am I happy today, am I lonely tomorrow Everything depends on you And I've been waitin' For the angels to knock on my door I've been hopin' That everything could be like before Open your heart and tell me what's wrong Why can't you talk like you used to do before I don't know if I'm weak, I don't know if Im strong Hey girl I can't cope anymore And I've been waitin'... Open your heart, let me hear you Make up your mind, I want to hear you call Open your heart, want to come near you Make up your mind, before we lose it all Maybe that time has its own way of healin' Maybe it dries the tears in your eyes But never change the way that I'm feelin' Only you can answer my cries And I've been waitin'... Open your heart, let me hear you...
More Than Meets The Eyes
Now he walks in shadows He's tryin' to pretend she never walked away But it's not deceivin' He's closer to an end he never could foresee Where love goes When love dies, heaven knows But it's more than meets the eye So much more than just a last goodbye It's a cold and lonely heart So sad and torn apart Yes it's more than meets the eye Now he's in for trouble His luck has turned away, nobody seems to care Well there's a cold moon risin' And another lonely day has passed and she's not there Where love goes... But it's more than meets the eye...
Coast To Coast
You look out that window For someone you know But it all looks the same and time and again It hurts you so You wonder if always You'll stand on your own But hear in your mind, you'll get through this time You're not alone When time seems so lonely And your day seems too long You wonder if you will ever get through And still be strong With eyes full of sadness You stand on you'r own It tears you apart, but you know in your heart You're not alone Coast to coast and land to land We're together hand in hand Coast to coast and land to land...
Ready Or Not
Ready or not but I waste no time I'm headin' out with some friends of mine Holdin' on to what we've got Oh even if we're ready or not Ready or not but they're back in town The word is out that this time around They'll be lettin' go with all they've got Oh even if we're ready or not Rock me til I hit that floor Rock me til I take no more Roch this hungry heart of mine Rock me down right to the ground Rock me like you never done before Then rock me just a little more Ready or not but for all I know We'll be hangin' on til it's time to go We're always there with all we've got Oh even if we're ready or not Ready or not but i waste no time... Rock me til I hit that floor...
Sign Of The Times
When the word is out from the other side She turns around Cause day and night she's waited patiently Now a different kind of world out there Is to be found It's over not for everyone to see This is the way it's meant to be It's the way that we make things right It's the way that we hold on tight I know, it's the sigh of the times It's the way that we make things turn It's the way that we live and learn I know, it's the sigh of the times It wakes him up, he turns around And now he's gone He's been waitin' for this moment desperately Now the time is right, he's turnin' back He's going home Yeah it's over now for everyone to see This is the way it's meant to be It's the way that we make things right... And everytime it's on my mind I fell so insecure It worries me to end up here alone But everytime I realize I need her more and more I'd never make it on my own It's the way that we make things right...
Just The Beginning
I can walk on fire, it ain't stopin' me It's just showin' me the way Come thunder, lighting all over me I'd still be on my way You can put me through loads of trouble But in anyway It's just the beginnin' and not the end No use in pretendin' cause you can't win It's just a beginnin', the beginnin' Not the end It's not a strange behavior, it's the way I am Nothin' puts me down And if a situation would get out of hand I'd still be back around You can put me through loads of trouble But never bring me down It's just the beginnin' and not the end... I can walk on fire, it ain't stoppin' me... You can put me through loads of trouble But in any way It's just the beginnin' It's just the beginnin' It's just the beginnin' It's just the beginnin' It's just the beginnin', and not the end...
Never Say Die
Oh who took that shot Well I couldn't say, I was already down Oh who set me up Well I couldn't say cause I saw no one around Now I'm lyin' here in desperation I had it all worked out Everything I hear is consolation I've got this feelin' you should never say die In my fantasy There were days to come that I wanted so bad Someone sold me out then it all was done That dream was all that I had Now I'm lyin' here in desperation... Oh who took that shot... Now I'm lyin' here in desperation...
Lights And Shadows
One night she came, in from the cold Like a long lost friend, someone to hold She said, don't ask me now Cause what's in a name But when I'm gone you'll neverbe the same So won't you hold me now Can't you see what I came here for Save me now, cause I now We'll keep on headin' through Lights and shadows We're talkin' lights and shadows She came from far, with so much to tell Cause when you're lookin' for love You can walk through hell Just like a ricohet, she might come and go And one look can say more than you'll ever know So won't you hold me now... Oh lights and shadows We're talkin' lights and shadows So won't you hold me now... Oh lights and shadows... We keep on headin' through Lights and shadows
Tower's Callin'
All set ready to go, but little does he know He ain't comin' back no more All set ready to fly, into that deep blue sky Like so many times before Now the tower's callin', there's no reply And there's nothin' they can do Now the night is fallin' before their eyes Still no one's comin' through, callin' Somewhere out in time, God knows what's on his mind Is there a reason for his doubt Somehow unaware just like he didn't care There must be ways of gettin' out Now the tower's callin', there's no reply...
Will you be there beside me If the world falls apart And will all of out moments Remain in your heart Will you be there to guide me All the way through, I wonder will you Walk by my side, and follow my dreams And bear with my pride, as strong as it seems Will ou be there tomorrow Will you be there beside me As time goes on by And be there to hold me Whenever I cry Will you be there to guide me All the way through, I wonder will you Walk by my side, and follow my dreams...
21.2.2007, 21:27
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Europe(1989)
In The Future To Come
So many years ago the people on this earth, they were laughin' They didn't think of anything else than love and peace But generations failed to see that they were causin' trouble for the future They didn't know that one single war would continue to increase But I'll be beside you cause I want to hide you I'll cover my pain or I'll go insane Oh Lord, where will it end When tomorrow is gone Oh Lord, can we stop to pretend that we can survive in the future to come As long as you can see As long as you can feel There's no cause for alarm As long as you can touch As long as you can move It ain't too bad But one day or another this world would maybe be destroyed forever A holocaust could maybe be spread and drive us all mad
There was a time when I was satisfied There was a time when everything felt right But now' the time for me to decide and I've only got one solution in sight Don't know where I'm going but I know it feels right And though my feelings are showing I'm not afraid, it's alright So long, farewell I've got to go Be strong, be well I want you to know that maybe we'll meet someday Should I stay or should I go It was not easy to decide But you told me I already knew I guess you wondered why I lied
Seven Doors Hotel
Four hundred years back in this time Seven Doors Hotel A massacre took place and a young man died Opened one gate to Hell The Eibon is open use your eyes to read and learn In the end it could be your turn
1981 traces were found that could not exist in one´s mind A woman could lead you totally deceive you without your knowing she´s blind Seven Doors Hotel One of seven gates to Hell Seven Doors Hotel One of seven gates to Hell Do always watch out for things that you see but don´t understand The Devil is there always somewhere ready to command
The King Will Return
They were attacked by surprise in the middle of the night They didn't stand a single chance A single chance to fight After the battle they gathered around the king they had never seen that man so sad "I'm riding out to get those men who hurt my people bad, so bad" The king will return with gold in his hand The castle will burn in the enemy land And he will save our people When two springs had passed a messanger came down the track He said that he heard a great news "The king is coming back" All the time he was gone They suffered bad in misery They didn't know they way Everyone was shouting "Save our kingdom now" They suffered bad in pain The time he was away But maybe now they could survive Now they could survive When the king came down the hill To his people and his land There were many tears that touched the ground They marched in the sand Yes, now they could start all over again And live in peace throughout time Everyone was shouting when the king came down the hill The king is returning with gold in his hand The castle is burning in the enemy land the king is....
Children Of This Time
She spent one evening alone she's on fire Thinking of you in a dream You come home and she says you're a liar Asking "Where have you been" But she's the angel of your heart There is not a thing that could set you apart If nothing comes back 'till the end If nothing goes wrong She will always be your friend You're a fool when you think she's someone Who'll believe in a lie You're a fool when you don't think she's someone Whom you can't make cry Cause you're the hero of her heart There's not a thing that could set you apart If nothing comes back 'till the end If nothing goes wrong You will always be her friend You are the children of this time You are the bread and the wine You are companions 'till the end You've got yourselves to defend Give her more so much more and you'll find out That it will come in return Tell her more so much more about your feelings And she will make them burn Cause you're the children of today There's not a thing that could stand in your way If nothing comes back 'till the end If nothing goes wrong You will always be friends
Words Of Wisdom
So many words have passed through my mind Never thought I'd be so blind Wish I could understand you So many things I've heard and seen But still don't know what you mean When you say "I'm leaving you" I wish I could remember Everything I've learnt I've tried and tried to be so good And I know I should Say something before you go Cause every time I've done something wrong It's so hard to be strong Gone are the feelings I want to show Words of wisdom, teach me more Words of wosdom, so much more
Paradize Bay
Lay your hand upon my shoulder Say something that I want to hear Time will wash out every trace of sadness If only you are near I've tried so hard to be somebody But now I'm found And we can be together And travel far away And we can love forever In some of Paradize Bay Carry me, oh bring me out of fantasy Tell me this is real Tell me that you won't give up And tell me it's a good thing to feel The wind is carrying your voice The message is "Don't ever walk away" And the only answer I can give to you Is that I'm always gonna stay
There is no time to pay my sin And everywhere blows a firewind I'm all alone trying to survive It's coming back into my head Memories of the time we had I'm trying hard to stay alive The sun is down, the day is done The sky is dark, and I'm on the run Yesterday is so far away The wind is strong, there's something wrong But I just have to carry on For tomorrow is a brand new day Cause I left you without saying I'd go Yes, I left you without letting you know My memory is chasin' me Over mountains high, and across the sea Will I ever be well again I want the strength to carry on, What's done is done, I want the power in me to remain strong
21.2.2007, 21:32
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Prisoners In Paradise (1991)
All Or Nothing
I'd bet my soul on a roll of a dice I hit the ground runnin' And I never think twice I'd brave the heat of a Wild cat fire to satisfy My animal desire Can't stop me now I've set my sights on you Right to your heart My aim is true, that's why All or nothing at all Is how I feel about it Won't stand my back to the wall I'll find my way around it All or nothing at all There's nothing I won't do And the one thing I want All of is you Don't want to labor at love Rather do without Won't carry the tourch I want to burn down the house I wanna give you all my lovin' Baby listen to this I would never settle for Anything less Can't stop me now Once you've got me goin' Can't slow me down I'm driven by your motion
Halfway To Heaven Another day has come Can't face it on my own I almost let you walk away I guess I should have known I'll give it to you straight 'Cause some things just can't wait I've got to make it up to you And I'll pray it's not too late 'Cause when you look at me With those sad blue eyes It stops me cold and I realize You're all I need tonight We're halfway to heaven Lyin' beside you on a night So still We're halfway to heaven I ask you if you'll stay and baby Say you will So what's a man to do To get it through to you Another lost and lonely night Would break this heart in two So let's take a chance And it'll be alright Just put your trust in me tonight Girl we're almost there We're halfway to heaven There's something magic 'Bout the way you kiss We're halfway to heaven Runnin' with you baby On a night like this We're halfway to heaven I never dreamed that I could get this high We're halfway to heaven Girl I couldn't leave you Even if I tried You got me captured In a crazy spin You got me so I just Can't tell the shape I'm in
I'll Cry For You
I never dreamed that I could fall But something's come over me Now I'm sittin' starin' at the wall Afraid for my sanity The sound of your voice The touch of your skin It's hauntin' me I'm still tryin' to come to my senses But I can't look back So I'm takin' my chances I wanna give you my heart Give you my soul I wanna lay in your arms Never let go Don't wanna live my life without you But I know when you're gone Like a fire needs a spark Like a fool in the dark Honey, I'll cry for you Cry for you Wonderin' why I'm runnin' scared From what I believe in I know that love is just another word To say what I'm feelin' For once in my life, the future is mine It's callin' me I've been searchin' so long for an answer But it's too late now So I'm takin' my chances I wanna give you my heart Give you my soul I wanna lay in your arms Never let go Don't wanna live my life without you But I know when you're gone Like a fire needs a spark Like a fool in the dark Honey, I'll cry for you For once in my life, the future is mine It's callin' me I've been searchin' so long for an answer But it's too late now So I'm takin' my chances I wanna give you my heart Give you my soul I wanna lay in your arms Never let go Don't wanna live my life without you But I know when you're gone Oh honey, I'll cry for you I wanna give you my heart I'll cry for you I wanna lay in your arms Yeah honey, I'll cry for you I wanna give you my heart I'll cry for you I wanna lay in your arms Don't make me cry for you
Little Bit Of Lovin'
Give a little bit of lovin' And I'll treat you right Give a little bit of lovin' And I'll stay the night Just like a gypsy I come to town I've been longin' for that girl I left behind I might be a fool yeah But come what may I've been lovin' every minute Everyday Give a little bit of lovin' And I'll treat you right Give a little bit of lovin' And I'll stay the night I don't need nobody I stand alone But there's a woman that I Like to call my own I ain't got the money To make her shine But I've got plenty other ways To make her mine Give a little bit of lovin' And I'll treat you right Give a little bit of lovin' And I'll stay the night You got to give me some lovin' I'm gonna make you feel so good She's got deadly eyes A twisted mind She's one in a million One of a kind Cold chills runnin' Down to the bone She gives me lovin' Like I've never known We tumble and roll over 'Til the break of day She's so wild Blows my world away With her there's nothin' I wouldn't do Baby we've got something To hold on to Lay it down and it's plain to see The woman's got the best of me
Talk To Me
It's not like before baby Tou can't come running back no more And talk to me When it cuts like a knife You just talk to me baby When the feelin' ain't right Who do you think you're foolin' Not me Septermber rain is fallin' I see you on the street Just passin' by And though your lips are smilin' I can see the coldness in your eyes So hell is what you've been through I never thought I'd see you 'Round here no more Now you need someone to talk to Just like before You only talk to me When it cuts like a knife You just talk to me baby When you hurt deep inside Who do you think you're foolin' Not me You had to have it your way From you that was a promise And a threat Now you look for consulation Just remember what you give Is what you get The hardest part was changin' I was holdin' on to dreams From yesterday I used to be here waitin' Here's what I say You only talk to me When it cuts like a knife You just talk to me baby When the feelin' ain't right Who do you think you're foolin' Not me
Seventh Sign I've been sailin' 'cross the ocean With the devil by my side I've been flyin 'cross the great Blue sky But there's nowhere to hide I've been standin' by the crossroads I've been lookin' for a clue I've been prayin' for the Human race There's not a lot I can do I've been waitin' for the warnin' As we look to the sky Now we all seem lost If you ask me why It's the seventh sign See the blood-red sky tonight It's the seventh sign See the blood-red sky There's a voice out on the wasteland It says we're runnin' out of time I used to think the world Could change Lord I must have been blind I've been cryin'out for mankind I've been hangin' on to faith But the comin' of a messenger Says it's much too late We could all come together And gather all around What good is war when we All go down
Prisoners In Paradise I want to learn how to fly I want to be respected I want to get lucky I want to get out of this dump I just want to watch TV I want to be loved I want to be different I want a brother and sister I'd just rather be forgotten I want to save the world I want to be understood I want to be rich Man, I just want to be somebody Julie's got the word today She lost her job just one last pay Life don't come easy anymore Still strugglin'on by herself Got a picture of Jimmy There on the shelf And she looks at him and says Why did we let it go I know that sometimes baby We didn't see things eye-to-eye But I got just one question Did we have to say goodbye Just like prisoners in paradise Still far from heaven's door We had it all but still we Wanted more Now I realize that I can't Turn back the future's here To stay but hey We're just children of tomorrow Hangin' on to yesterday Jimmy still recalls the night When he took his guitar And headed on out To find the big time That was his dream He gave up his past And made it alright But there's something missin' In his heart tonight Sometimes what you want Ain't what you need He misses drivin' down To the lake at night Holdin' his baby In his arms so tight Ain't it hard to find illusions When you're livin' in a memory Just like prisoners in paradise So close but yet so far There will come a time No matter who you are When you ask yourself Was it right or wrong For me to turn away but hey We're just children of tomorrow Hangin' on to yesterday
Bad Blood Always lookin' for a good time She came on just like a hurricane Man she was far too hot to handle Like fightin' fire with gasoline All I needed was compassion I'd been out there on my own too long But she hungered for my lovin' That first bite chilled me To the bone Bad blood Runnin' through my veins Bad, bad blood Is drivin' me insane Hey I've become a wild one I'mnot quite the man I used to be Just like livin' on a knife edge That woman put a spell on me Bad blood Runnin' through my veins Bad, bad blood Is drivin' me insane Always lookin' for a good time I come on just like a hurricane Now I'm far too hot to handle Like fightin' fire with gasoline
Homeland Remember that summer Down by the shoreline I still can hear those old Forgotten songs And we made promises To last forever I just can't belive those Days are gone There used to be a place That we could call our own We used to think tomorrow Was a long, long time But sadness filled my heart When I knew the moment had come When I had to leave those days Behind I felt so free Where I wanted to be The days went so fast How I wish they could last So far from my homeland I'm lost in time My soul's still searchin' For that peace of mind Those sacred landscapes Come miles around And my heart's still beatin' For those country grounds Remember when our hearts Were filled with laughter It echoes in my trail Of fallen tears But no matter where I am today Or what the future might bring I will remember those Long gone years I can't let go I wanna know Does it have to end For the best of friends So far from my homeland I'm lost in time And my soul's still searchin' For that peace of mind Those sacred landscapes Come miles around And my heart's still beatin' For those country grounds Lord I know That those days are gone Long, long, gone I felt so free Where I wanted to be The days went so fast How I wish they could last
Got Your Mind In The Gutter What's a man to do When he's bein' accused I hear you talkin' It's real bad news Nothin' happened with That girl last night So baby won't you Tell me why You got your mind in the gutter You got your mind in the gutter You're jumpin' to conclusions And it's plain to see You got your mind in the gutter Don't blame me So you say I'm foolin' 'round Playin' the field Baby let me tell you It's no big deal No I ain't gettin' A little on the side But I feel like a prisoner With both hands tied You say you found a number On a matchbook in my coat And lipstick smeared On my shirt I hate to disappoint you And it scares me to death That if your shovel ain't full You just keep diggin' up Some dirt You've pushed me into a corner You've got my back to thte wall I stand accused of bein' Some kind of liar Hey I wouldn't hose you down If you were on fire You've got your mind in the gutter You've got your mind in the gutter Baby I keep those women Far away from my skin But since your mind's In the gutter Man I just can't win I took her aside To give her my point of view What you tryin' to pull babe It just ain't true There should be a warnin' Up above your cage Sayin' don't feed the lion She's in a state of rage How can I prove That I've done nothin' wrong You know in your heart That you're all that I want Youre all fired up Just a little bit too tight Now babe whata can I tell you You just ain't right Aint got a baad reputation So why you tearin' it down Don't know what happened But your mind's gone south No I can't believe what comes Out of your mouth You've got your mind in the gutter You've got your mind in the gutter I know what you're sayin' But it just ain't true You've got your mind in the gutter Baby shame on you So you say I'm foolin' 'round Playin' the field You know better 'Cause it's no big deal I ain't gettin' a little On thte side Baby what can I tell you You just ain't right
'Til My Heart Beats Down Your Door Hey you should know by now I'm gonna take you down Can't keep me out forever 'Cause now I'm back around Put your best defense I've made up my mind I ain't like the others I'm gonna make you mine I'm gonna keep on knockin' Knockin' like before 'Til my heart beats down your door I'm gonna keep on comin' Comin' back for more 'Til my heart 'Til my heart beats down your door Baby you know you love me So why do you pretend When I could make you happy If you just let me in Well I remember better days With you by my side I'll keep you warm forever And if it takes all night
Girl From Lebanon It's time to break out from the cage It's time to change your ways It's time to find those Shattered dreams That vanished in the haze It's time to lose those Concrete shoes They held you down too long 'cause Trouble days have come and gone And the night has just begun Another dawn is yet to come Carry on my little one Girl from lebanon It's time to meet the changes They come from all around It's time for you to realize Freedom has been found It's time to meet the future And forget about the past It's time to make a good thing last And the night has just begun Another dawn is yet to come Carry on my little one Girl from Lebanon It's time to cut the barbwire And walk out on the street It's time that we stayed Up all night And lose all kinds of sleep It's time to wear those bright Blue jeans And let your hair hang down The word of peace is goin' 'round
21.2.2007, 22:30
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Start From The Dark (2004)
Got to Have Faith
The race is on I found my way Something has changed since I've been away The fear is gone and I can't wait I feel the rut, still got dues to pay Well I had enough Gonna stand up straight Rebuild my life Well you gotta have faith and it will be tough gonna fight each day 'til I'm back on top Well you gotta have faith Full speed ahead I waste no time Now I know how to live my life I've been knocked down - come back around It put some soul in this heart of mine Well I had enough Gonna stand up straight Rebuild my life Well you gotta have faith and it will be tough gonna fight each day 'til I'm back on top Well you gotta have faith I get the feelin' I can go that extra mile I get the feelin' I can reach that open sky I get the feelin' Things will never be the same I get the feelin' That I can WIN again! Well I had enough Gonna stand up straight Rebuild my life Well you gotta have faith and it will be tough gonna fight each day 'til I'm back on top Well you gotta have faith Well you gotta have faith Well you gotta have faith
Start from the Dark
Thought you were ordinary Would not amount too much I guess they never knew you You found the place they couldn’t touch Said you were nothing special Always kept to yourself You had to fight your own way There’s always been touch too much at stake. What you gonna do ? 'Cause you’re just like me What you gonna do ? Tonight, this is where we go To find out who we really are We’ve got nothing left to lose Tonight, this is how we breathe To put some strength back in our hearts We’ve got nothing left to lose We start from the dark You'll never pass for someone Who'll find a place in life You'd sooner take that last breath To give away your heart and mind What you gonna do ? 'Cause you’re just like me What you gonna do ? Tonight, this is where we go To find out who we really are We’ve got nothing left to lose Tonight, this is how we breathe To put some strength back in our hearts We’ve got nothing left to lose We start from the dark Start from the dark What you gonna do ? 'Cause you’re just like me What you gonna do ? Tonight Tonight, this is where we go To find out who we really are We’ve got nothing left to lose Tonight, this is how we breathe To put some strength back in our hearts We’ve got nothing left to lose We start from the dark Start from the dark
The pressure is mounting, I'm ready and countin' There's something I've got to be I'm fearless, I'm feeling Scared senseless, who needs this, Still something I've got to be There is no going back, this is what we know We come to entertain, asking you to follow Be born to self-destruct, here it comes again A desire to go down in flames My heart's racing, my legs shakin', Is more drama in the making I had a feeling this day would come So are we really good or just delirious, But if you stop us now it could get serious I'm sorry, mama, for what I've become There is no going back, this is what we know We come to entertain, asking you to follow Be born to self-destruct, here it comes again A desire to go down in flames You can turn it off, but it never stops, Madness or not, I risk everything I've got And if I've got to do it all over again I'd still believe in these friends And the mess they get me in There is no going back, this is what we know We come to entertain, asking you to follow Be born to self-destruct, here it comes again A desire to go down in flames Flames... Flames...
It's not like I wouldn't dream If you had not show the way It's not like I wouldn't fight Not knowing 'bout your life It's not like I wouldn't stand Right here with my friends You threw us all alive When our days slipped away You gave us of your time 'Cause you are my hero My fridaynight You wrote the soundtrack to my life And gave me something To hold on to When I was growing up You were the rock In my life It's not like I live my days By every word you spoke Like I'm up every night Drinking with your ghost It's not like I can't look back Without movin' on You threw us all alive When our days slipped away You gave us of your time You are my hero My fridaynight You wrote the soundtrack to my life And gave us kids A chance to dream Days when I had enough You were the rock In my life You still throw me that like As my days slipp away You give me of your time You're still my hero My fridaynight You wrote the soundtrack to my life You give me something To hold on to As I'm still growing up You are the rock In my life
Wake Up Call
Hello what keeps you going The way we're running through these years I guess they're showing I don't have no clever lines To explain my state of mind Well it doesn't matter It's just a while since I could feel This song is what I need Like a wake up wake up call Hello what made you come here You defy all kinds of logic When you don't stay clear I don't talk the way you do I guess you feel the same way too But it doesn't matter We meet somewhere in between This song and what we need Like a wake up wake up call We're just laying down this track Guess I'll have to call you back But it doesn't matter We'll connect again one day An the song will find it's way Like a wake up wake up call
And everybody will get to play The hand they're given And everybody will deserve The space they live in And everybody will get to feel Some peace within And everybody will get Someone to talk with Cause there must be a reason Why you're keeping me alive On broken days like this There must be a reason A hope that God exist And everybody will lead a life They feel will matter And everybody will know such a simple thing Like laughter Cause there must be a reason Why you're keeping me alive On broken days like this There must be a reason A hope that God exist After all the fear is gone There's place where everybody goes After all the feelings show There's a secret everybody knows After all the fear is gone There's place where everybody goes After all the feelings show There's a secret everybody knows
Song #12
Hoping you will find this message The words begin to leave my mouth Through the capsule down the wire Yeah you came for love setting of that killer spark You came for love tearing all my doubts apart Boost the signal need some gain Amplify my deepest thoughts The consol guides my masterplan Cause you came for love setting of that killer spark Yeah you came for love tearing all my doubts apart And I'll reach you through the air And I'll reach you through the air Hoping you will find this message As I watch the faders move I think of how you make me feel Cause you came for love setting of that killer spark Yeah you came for love tearing all my doubts apart I'll reach you through the air
Run With You
She works hard to enjoy the weekends All glammed up to describe the feelin' makin her way through the crowd somethin' is drivin' her wild (Chorus) She's turnin up the stereo She wants everbody to know She's fixin to see the show She's a s-s-s-s-sucker for a guitar hero Her obsession is legedary And all her boyfriends are temporary Her idea of a perfect man plays custom trough a marshall amp. (Chorus) She's turnin up the stereo She wants everbody to know She's fixin to see the show She's a s-s-s-s-sucker for a guitar hero (Guitar solo) God knows she can't controll her weakness Sometimes she settles for local talent Everone knows it's a phase Just tappin' to kill some time Cause' she'll be back in a wrackfull place Where the trucks roll into town (Chorus) Now she wont need a stereo Cause' everbody will know That she's right there watchin' the show She'll be throwin all her love around Now the boys are back in town Until she just can't take it no more She's a s-s-s-s-sucker for a guitar hero
Spirit of the Underdog
Seen you round I know your face Watched you try to grow up with grace Seen that heart out on your sleeve Like it's so much life you're dying to feel dying to feel Cause if you got to steal you've got to steal the show It's the spirit of the underdog And if you got to break you've got to break the mould It's the spirit of the underdog I've seen you reach that main event And make it look like an accident Your need for love can't be replaced Just put away at least for today at least for today Cause if you got to steal you've got to steal the show It's the spirit of the underdog And if you got to break you've got to break the mould It's the spirit of the underdog
You'd think by now I've learned to fake it You'd think by now I'd find my peace And there's no risk for me worth taking You'd think that I'd go quietly But the journey's still on for my America You'd think by now I'd take the easy way And be content with what I've seen You'd think by now I'd get it in to my head I'm the same boy I have always been So the journey's still on for my America You'd think by now I'd be to jaded To feel what love can do You'd think by now that I've done everything I can In finally reaching you But the journey's still on for my America
Settle for Love
Don't misunderstand me I was just a little kid Thinking that the street life was the only way to live Always holding out for another thrill We've come a long long way So tell me why can't we settle for love Is it that hard at the end of the day Tell me why can't we settle for love before it's too late Whatever it is you think you're missing Time to let your heart go Cause when you've walked this kind of distance We can't fool each other anymore Maybe there is a light that won't go out We've come a long long way So tell me why can't we settle for love Is it that hard at the end of the day Tell me why can't we settle for love before it's too late
21.2.2007, 23:03
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Secret Society (2006)
Secret Society
Running against the line, against the time Wondering what the fuzz is all about Finding a way to dream away your love Taking it in before it takes me out Just like a Secret Society, yeah...
Always The Pretenders
Maybe we forced the deal to live in some kind of blow Maybe we broke the seal, Cracks begin to show Maybe we crossed the line, got everything of the ground Maybe we lit the fuse, a habit hard to lose All i can remember, all i can recall is you Telling me theres been an, accident Always the pretenders, always thought that love would do Every day i miss your, innocence Maybe we ran the lights, somehow we caused a scene Maybe we learn to fight, as part of our routine Maybe we jumped the wall, suddenly tipped the scale Maybe we tried to hard, so afraid to fail All i can remember, all i can recall is you Telling me theres been an, accident Always the pretenders, always thought that love would do Every day i miss your, innocence Something's lost and what its worth You and me this is our church There is still some love 'round here All i can remember, all i can recall is you Telling me theres been an, accident Always the pretenders, always thought that love would do Every day i miss your, innocence
Love Is Not The Enemy
Glowing on the outside Coming by the moonlight Looking at this blue thing Falling by the waste time The years keep on calling Riding on a moonbeam Having on a daydream Crash the barricades, raise the alarm We've forgotten how to feel Break the silence, shout it out Call the angels there's a friend in need Love is not the enemy Love is not the enemy Looking at the bright side Walking in the sunshine Loving this blue thing Want it in my life The years keep on calling Headed for Venus No sign of life Crash the barricades, dont be afraid We've forgotten how to feel Break the silence, shout it out Call the angels there's a friend in need Love is not the enemy Love is not the enemy Oh, can you feel it, does anybody care Oh, do you need it, say a little prayer Oh, can you feel it, does anybody care Oh, do you need it, say a little prayer Crash the barricades, raise the alarm We've forgotten how to feel Break the silence, shout it out Call the angels there's a friend in need Love is not the enemy Love is not the enemy Oh, can you feel it, does anybody care Oh, do you need it, say a little prayer Oh, can you feel it, does anybody care Oh, do you need it, say a little prayer
Wish I Could Believe
If you let me i will pick up the remains of your day If you let me i will take a hold of your hand tell you that you're sane You say: give me what you've got give me, what you've got Show me what we're not There must be a plan for the every man give me what you can Cause I, wish i could believe in God so i could move ahead I know i cant believe in God time to move ahead If you let me i will I will soften the blow of the forces that play If you let me i will I would find some grace in the modern day You say: give me what you've got give me, what you've got Show me what we're not There must be a plan for the every man give me what you can Cause I, wish i could believe in God so i could move ahead I know i cant believe in God time to move ahead
Let The Children Play
My mother would tell me better stay in line you gotta look for the magic if there's a way there comes a time My dad used to tell me you gotta work real hard keep it straight and simple from the head, then the heart If you'd ask my brother i know what he'd say Let the children play It's not where we're coming from it's how we turn from here We know where we want to go we just need a line, to get us there... My sister would show me to land on your feet you got to suffer fools before you get, life and need So God would you tell me is there an other way Let the children play It's not where we're coming from it's how we turn from here We know where we want to go we just need the line, to get us there... My mother would tell me better stay in line you gotta look for the magic if there's a way there comes a time It's not where we're coming from it's how we turn from here We know where we want to go we just need the line, to get us there...
Human After All
Live, baby life is loud We'll make it through the filth and the glory Give, more of what you've got Funk it up, and tell your story For every dream that got away We found our ordinary day For every blue sky turning gray We found imaginary ways I look at you and where we are We're human after all Time, there's no remedy Just hold our broken hearts together Your touch, all that chemestry Now im lost, unlikely defender For every dream that got away We found our ordinary day For every blue sky turning gray We found imaginary ways I look at you and where we are We're human after all It's alright, when the day is done It's alright, there's something better It's alright, when the morning comes It's alright, there's nothing better For every dream that got away We found our ordinary day For every blue sky turning gray We found imaginary ways I look at you and where we are We're human after all
The Getaway Plan
Hey, Im the voice in your head A friend that you once left for dead I've been buisy, did you miss me No, you're not paranoid, Im back to fill the void Did you understand, The getaway plan Im the shiver that runs, up your spine A strange kind of piece of your mind You've been lonely, Im the only I know you're damaged goods, you did the best you could I think you understand, the getaway plan Can you feel me, can you reach me I lived a thousand lives, feels like i've just arrived I think you understand, the getaway plan
A Mother's Son
There's a light, a different kind of light when we close, we close our eyes There's a place, a distant kind of place we cant let go, just cant let go There's a faith, a stronger kind of faith it makes you try, just a little harder There's a time, a lonely kind of time when you know, you simply know, that you just cant fake it A mothers son knows he never walks alone no matter what, he's become Hard as he tries, he can never give it back life's to short, for a mothers son There's a rage, a silent kind of rage it makes you live, out on the edge There's a pain, a different kind of pain knowing time, will change everything, you just cant fake it A mothers son knows he never walks alone no matter what, he's become Hard as he tries, he can never give it back life's to short, for a mothers son ...you just cant fake it A mothers son knows he never walks alone no matter what, he's become Hard as he tries, he can never give it back life's to short, for a mothers son There's a light, a different kind of light...
Forever Traveling
A voice that fly, is broken just the same You spin this life around You bring me where some harder soul remain From a cold, cold place in time And you say: I, I just know how you make me feel you take it all the way, you send me all the way Oh, I, I just know where I want to be Forever wandering, forever traveling A voice that cry, but im smiling just the same You show me where to look I was skin and bones, just circeling the sun one glimps was all it took And you say: I, I just know how you make me feel you take it all the way, you send me all the way Oh, I, I just know where I want to be Forever wandering, forever traveling Somewhere in my mind, Im under the golden gate Somewhere in my heart, remember sitting by the lake Sometimes i cant feel, the wheel from the sky, its been turning Oh, I, I just know how you make me feel you take it all the way, you send me all the way Oh, I, I just know where I want to be Forever wandering, forever traveling
Brave And Beautiful Soul
I see you all cynical it's the amunition that you need Here's another song about empathy Please yourself think what you will In her light that shines I fall apart Her life is blessed and I dont understand The brave and beautiful soul brave and beautiful soul Here's to you all sensible Never taken time to stand for something Hey, the future always come round here to soon I just cant leave here doing nothing In her light that shines I fall apart In her darkness, how she wins my heart The brave and beautiful soul brave and beautiful soul An emotional response Sometimes better than an intellectual one In her light that shines I fall apart Her life is blessed and I dont understand The brave and beautiful soul brave and beautiful soul
Devil Sings The Blues
Today, Im the dirt beneth your feet At your beckon call Today, Im down on my bended knees I learned to crawl Days like theese, it's like I never lived at all And my heart is open And my eyes are open Today, I give my life to you And my arms are open And my faith is open Today, the devil sings the blues Tonight, angels presence fill the room so this is how it feels Tonight, the devil takes the long way round There will be no deal Times, like theese it's like I never lived at all And my heart is open And my eyes are open Tonight, I give my life to you And my arms are open And my faith is open Tonight, the devil sings the blues And my heart is open And my eyes are open Tonight, I give my life to you And my arms are open And my faith is open Tonight, the devil sings the blues
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