22.1.2008, 21:07
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Duran Duran Страна: ВеликобританияГод образования: 1978 Состав: Simon Le Bon ( Саймон Ле Бон) - вокал Andy Taylor ( Энди Тейлор) - гитара John Taylor ( Джон Тейлор) - бас Nick Rhodes ( Ник Родс) - клавишные Roger Taylor ( Роджер Тейлор) - ударные Cвое название британцы Duran Duran позаимствовали из культового научно-фантастического фильма 60-х "Barbarella" режиссера Роже Вадима с Джейн Фондой в главной роли - был там такой злобный персонаж доктор Дюран. Несмотря на "говорящее" название, ничего особо страшного ни в имидже, ни в музыке группы не было - красивая поп-музыка, исполняемая словно сошедшими с обложки журналов мод музыкантами. Международный успех пришел к ним в начале 80-х: романтичные мелодии, насыщенный синт-поп, яркий имидж и шикарные видеоклипы сделали свое дело. Первое поколение MTV выросло именно на их живописных видеосюжетах. Классический состав Duran Duran включал пятерых участников: вокалиста Саймона Ле Бона ( Simon Le Bon; родился 27 октября 1958 в Хэртфордшире), клавишника Ника Родса ( Nick Rhodes; родился 8 июня 1962 в Бирмингеме, настоящее имя Nicholas James Bates), гитариста Энди Тейлора ( Andy Taylor; родился 16 февраля 1961 в Уолверхэмптоне), басиста Джона Тейлора ( John Taylor; родился 20 июня 1960-го года в Бирмингеме, настоящее имя Nigel John Taylor) и барабанщика Роджера Тейлора ( Roger Taylor; родился 26 апреля 1960 в Бирмингеме). Но в 1978 году, которым датируются первые сведения о Duran Duran, игравшая в Бирмингеме группа имела несколько иной вид. Идея собрать команду принадлежала Нику Родсу и Джону Тейлору. За первые два года, своего рода начальную школу для музыкантов, через группу прошли: Саймон Колли (Simon Colley; бас, кларнет), Стивен Даффи (Stephen "Tin Tin" Duffy; вокал), Энди Викетт (Andy Wickett; вокал), Алан Кертис (Alan Curtis; гитара), Джефф Томпсон (Jeff Thompson). Получив резидентство в бирмингемском клубе "Rum Runner", музыканты нашли в лице хозяев клуба Майкла и Пола Берроу своих первых менеджеров. Мало-помалу зарабатывая репутацию крепкой живой команды, в 1980 году Duran Duran отправились на гастроли с Хэзел О'Коннор ( Hazel O'Connor). Это не только принесло им некоторую известность в Великобритании, но и контракт с EMI Records. К этому времени штатное расписание группы зафиксировало двух новых участников, однофамильцев Энди и Джона Тейлоров, гитариста и басиста. От первоначальных попыток играть пост-панк не осталось и следа. Музыканты берут на вооружение мелодичный и красивый стиль нью-романтик и делают это весьма успешно. В 81-м году Duran Duran опубликовали дебютный сингл "Planet Earth", покоривший британский Тор 20 (12 позиция). Второй сингл "Careless Memories" поднялся только в Тор 40, но для никому не известной группы и это было неплохим результатом. Поддержанный экстравагантным видео с полуобнаженными моделями, следующий сингл "Girls on Film" стал первым хитом, поднявшимся до 5 строки рейтинга. Новорожденное MTV только-только начинает набирать силу, а менеджмент группы уже берет на заметку роль броского видеоряда в успехе новых песен на музыкальном рынке. Клипы Duran Duran и впредь будут отличаться элегантностью и оригинальной картинкой. Дебютному альбому "Duran Duran" (1981) повезло с синглами. Благодаря нескольким ударным композициям диск со временем попал в Тор 3 и продержался в английских чартах 118 недель. Испытать свое обаяние уже на американской публике группа смогла во время своего первого клубного тура по США, включавшего выступления в знаменитых заведениях - "Roxy" в Лос-Анджелесе и "Ritz" в Нью-Йорке. Со вторым альбомом "Rio" группа решила долго не тянуть и издала его уже в следующем году. Становилось понятно, что отличные хиты "Hungry Like the Wolf", "Save a Prayer", "Rio" могли принадлежать только очень сильному композиторскому таланту. Зрелищные клипы для первых двух песен снимались в экзотической Шри-Ланке, а песню "Rio" экранизировали в Антигуа. Видео "Hungry Like the Wolf", с восторгом принятое зрителями MTV, вошло в число 15 клипов с наиболее активной ротацией на канале. Покорив Европу, альбом "Rio" добрался до Штатов, где без проблем стал платиновым. К 1983 году Duran Duran завладели музыкальным Олимпом - три их хита одновременно оккупировали американский Тор 10. Известный всему миру хит-сингл "Is There Something I Should Know?" дебютировал на первой строке британского рейтинга и стал номером 4 в чарте Billboard. Популярность Duran Duran не знала границ. Принцесса Диана назвала их своей самой любимой группой (а в 83-м по ее приглашению они выступили в театре Dominion в присутствии членов королевской фамилии). Такого накала страстей на живых концертах Великобритания не видела, пожалуй, со времен Beatles. В 1983 году был опубликован третий лонг-плей "Seven and the Ragged Tiger", ставший лидером английского чарта. Впечатляющая подборка международных хитов, возглавлявших чарты многих стран мира, включала треки "Union of the Snake", "New Moon on Monday", "The Reflex" (первый номер один группы в США), "The Wild Boys", "A View to a Kill". Последняя тема, попавшая в звуковую дорожку фильма о Джеймсе Бонде, стала еще одним номером один в Америке. Закрепить официальное признание помогли две премии Grammy 1983 года. Победу в номинации "лучшее музыкальное видео, короткая форма" принесли группе клипы "Girls on Film"/"Hungry Like the Wolf". В номинации "лучшее музыкальное видео, большая форма" победил видеоролик "Duran Duran". Осталось покорить Соединенные Штаты в сценическом варианте. В большом гастрольном туре Duran Duran впервые использовали видеокамеры прямой трансляции и проекционные экраны во время шоу. Истерия вполне битловского накала, сопровождавшая это турне, сохранена для потомков в документальном фильме "Sing Blue Silver". По материалам лучших шоу был подготовлен концертный альбом "Arena" (1984). Пятерка музыкантов появляется на обложке журнала "Rolling Stone", где их называют Fab Five - по аналогии с Fab Four, как титуловали Beatles. Кульминация в любом деле чревата самыми неожиданными последствиями. Так и английские романтики, вкусив невероятного успеха, на самом пике карьеры решили немного отдохнуть друг от друга. Благотворительное шоу "Live Aid" на стадионе JFK в Филадельфии стало последним выступлением Duran Duran в классическом составе. Пятеро участников увлекаются параллельными проектами. Среди самых известных можно назвать Power Station (Джон, Энди, роберт Палмер и Тони Томпсон) и Arcadia (Саймон, Ник и Роджер). Кроме того, музыканты устраивали свою личную жизнь, Ник подготовил книгу фотографий, обработанных на компьютере, Энди начал работу над сольным альбомом (вместе со Стивом Джонсом из Sex Pistols). Пока остальные участники реализовывали свои таланты на стороне, вокалист Саймон ЛеБон заставил вздрогнуть не одно сердце, когда в 1986 году едва не погиб во время крушения своей яхты. Когда ЛеБон восстановил рабочую форму, музыканты принимают решение объединиться. Правда, записывать пятый альбом "Notorious" им приходится без Роджера и Энди Тейлоров. Продюсером записи становится Найл Роджерс (Nile Rodgers, гитарист группы Chic). Заглавный трек оказался достаточно популярным, но чувствовалось, что музыканты подрастеряли былой кураж и чего-то главного им уже не хватает. Еще два сингла, "Skin Trade" и "Meet El Presidente", не поднялись даже в первую двадцатку хитов. Альбом, поддержанный массированным концертным туром в 1987 году, в первую десятку попал, но большого коммерческого успеха не имел. Оставшись втроем, ЛеБон, Родс и Джон Тейлор продолжали записывать новые песни, хотя и сами понимали, что лучшие времена Duran Duran остались позади. Даже компиляция лучших синглов не имела ожидаемого коммерческого эффекта. Дальнейшее существование группы оказалось под большим вопросом, но уже в июне 1989 года, приняв в свои ряды пополнение - гитариста Уоррена Кукурулло (Warren Cuccurullo), игравшего в группе Фрэнка Заппы и в Missing Persons, и Стерлинга Кэмпбелла (Sterling Campbell), Duran Duran снова ринулись на покорение мира. Забегая вперед, скажем, что Кэмпбелл провел в команде всего два года, приняв участие в создании лонг-плея "Liberty" (1990); позднее он играл с Синди Лопер ( Cyndi Lauper), Дэвидом Боуи ( David Bowie) и другими музыкантами. Но ни лонг-плей 1988 года "Big Thing", ни "Liberty" 1990-го года не получили былой популярности. Дюраномания явно шла на убыль. Правда, это не мешало успеху отдельных песен и клипов по обе стороны Атлантики. Сингл "I Don't Want Your Love" входит в Тор 5 многих стран мира, а видео "All She Wants Is", сделанное авангардным фотографом Дином Чемберленом (Dean Chamberlain), получает награду MTV за новаторство. Интерес к Duran Duran с новой силой вспыхнул в 1993 году, с выпуском сингла "Ordinary World". Громкий международный хит поднялся в Тор 3 Америки и стал #6 в Великобритании. Песня выиграла "Ivor Novello Award", которую вручают лучшим с точки зрения композиции произведениям. Следующий сингл "Come Undone" добрался до 7 строки чарта Billboard. Оба трека были включены в достаточно сильный альбом "The Wedding Album" (1993). Критики, которые уже поспешили списать группу со счетов, вынуждены были забрать свои слова обратно. Британская пятерка отправилась в долгожданное мировое турне, в рамках которого побывала (одной из первых) в Южной Африке. Во время тура музыкантам пришлось поволноваться, когда у вокалиста неожиданно начались проблемы со связками. В перерывах между гастролями, несколько раз продлевавшимися, они заезжают в Лос-Анджелес, где на Аллее славы Голливуда появляется звезда Duran Duran. В 1995 году музыканты подготовили диск "Thank You", объединивший кавер-версии исполнителей, которые оказали на Duran Duran наиболее сильное влияние. Работа была принята неоднозначно. Партия пуристов взбунтовалась. Особо резкой критике подверглись достаточно вольные версии рэп-классики "White Lines (Don't Do It)" и "911 Is а Joke", "Perfect Day" Лу Рида ( Lou Reed). А между тем, сами исполнители, подвергшиеся переработке, были довольны. Работу Duran Duran хвалили и сам Лу Рид, и Led Zeppelin, и Игги Поп, и Боб Дилан. В 1996 году Саймон ЛеБон согласился на достаточно необычный для себя шаг. В рамках благотворительного шоу в помощь детям, пострадавшим от военных действий в Боснии, он вместе с Лучано Паваротти ( Luciano Pavarotti) исполнил песню "Ordinary World", а в паре с вокалисткой The Cranberries Долорес О'Риордан (Dolores O'Riordan) спел хит группы своей коллеги "Linger". В 1997 году бас-гитарист Джон Тейлор, после почти 20 лет, проведенных вместе, оставил ЛеБона и Родса. Записанный в том же году втроем (вместе с верным Уорреном Кукурулло) диск "Medazzaland" лейбл EMI отказался издавать в Великобритании, да и в Европе. Отношения с рекординговой компанией подошли к естественному финалу. Между тем, Duran Duran сделали еще один новаторский шаг: они стали первой в истории группой, давшей возможность своим фанам загружать через интернет песню "Electric Barbarella" (прямо из знаменитой лондонской студии Abbey Road). "Medazzaland", вопреки опасениям лейбла, был высоко оценен прессой, хотя не стал (по вине EMI) коммерческой удачей. На волне возобновившегося интереса к музыке 80-х EMI издает альбом ремиксов "Essentials" и компиляцию лучших песен "The Greatest Hits". В 2000 году на лейбле Hollywood вышел студийный альбом группы "Pop Trash". В этой работе Родс и ЛеБон попытались избежать тех стандартных поп-ходов, которые в сознании массового слушателя намертво закрепились за группой. Летом 2000 года ЛеБон, Родс и Кукурулло вместе с приглашенными музыкантами объехали многочисленные европейские фестивали, а затем отправились на встречу с американскими поклонниками. Когда под Рождество они вернулись с концертами в Великобританию, их поклонников ждал большой сюрприз. Используя новейшие цифровые технологии, вместе с компьютерными художниками музыканты разработали визуальные спецэффекты, которые позволили проецировать анимационных героев прямо на сцену во время выступления группы. В 2001 году достаточно многочисленная армия верных поклонников с радостью встретила новость о том, что пять участников "классического" состава снова соберутся вместе впервые с 1984 года, когда был издан концертный диск "Arena". Саймон ЛеБон, Ник Родс, Роджер Тейлор, Энди Тейлор и Джон Тейлор загорелись идеей тряхнуть стариной и подготовить альбом нового материала. "Каждый раз, когда мы оказываемся в студии, - говорил Родс, - происходит какая-то химическая реакция, рождается особая музыкальная энергия. Мы с восторгом думаем о том, что сумеем создать все вместе". Выпущенные в 2004 и 2007 годах альбомы Astronaut и Red Carpet Massacre показали, что знаменитая британская пятерка все еще способна на очень и очень многое. Официальный сайт группы Duran Duran: www.duranduran.comРоссийский сайт о группе Duran Duran: duranduran.ru
22.1.2008, 21:47
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Дискография Duran Duran:
1981 - Duran Duran 1982 - Rio 1983 - Seven And The Ragged Tiger 1984 - Arena 1986 - Notorious 1988 - Big Thing 1989 - Decade 1990 - Liberty 1993 - Duran Duran (The Wedding Album) 1995 - Thank You 1997 - Medazzaland 1998 - Greatest 2000 - Pop Trash 2004 - Astronaut 2007 - Red Carpet Massacre
22.1.2008, 22:20
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Duran Duran (1981)
Girls On Film
See them walking hand in hand across the bridge at midnight Heads turning as the lights flashing out it's so bright Then walk right out to the fourline track There's a camera rolling on her back, on her back And I sense the rhythm humming in a frenzy all the way down her spine
Girls on film, girls on film, girls on film, girls on film
Lipstick cherry all over the lens as she's falling In miles of sharp blue water coming in where she lies The diving man's coming up for air cause the crowd all love pulling dolly by the hair, by the hair And she wonders how she ever got here as she goes under again
Girls on film (two minutes later), girls on film Girls on film (got your picture), girls on film
Wider baby smiling you just made a million Fuses pumping live heat twisting out on a wire Take one last glimpse into the night I'm touching close I'm holding bright, holding tight Give me shudders in a whisper take me up till I'm shooting a star
Girls on film (she's more than a lady), girls on film Girls on film (two minutes later), girls on film Girls on film (see you together), girls on film Girls on film (see you later), girls on film Girls on film (what ya doing), girls on film
Planet Earth
Only came outside to watch the night fall with the rain I heard you making patterns rhyme Like some new romantic looking for the tv sound You'll see I'm right some other time
Look now, look all around, there's no sign of life Voices, another sound, can you hear me now? This is planet earth, you're looking at planet earth Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop this is planet earth
My head is stuck on something precious Let me know if you're coming down to land Is there anybody out there trying to get through? My eyes are so cloudy I can't see you
Look now, look all around, there's no sign of life Voices, another sound, can you hear me now? Is is planet earth, you're looking at planet earth
Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop This is planet earth Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop This calling planet earth Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop This looking at planet earth Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop This is planet earth
Is There Anyone Out There?
I never found out what made you leave Another day's over just an hour to go Well I tried to phone last night but you never answered Just left me ringing on the line
Outside is there anyone out there anyone else outside Woah outside love is there anyone out there anyone else outside
My face in the mirror shows a break in time A crack in the ocean, it does not align I tried to sleep last night, but I've caught ya dreaming About days we used to wonder away
Outside is there anyone out there anyone else outside Woah outside love is there anyone out there anyone else outside
Look out of the window maybe you can call by my name Another night over babe another light comes on in vain Well I tried to phone last night but you never answered You just left me ringing in the air
Is there anyone out there (anyone out there) oh, oh Anyone out there (anyone out there) oh, oh Anyone out there (anyone out there) oh, oh Anyone out there (anyone out there) oh, oh Anyone out there (anyone out there)
Careless Memories
So soon, Just after you've gone My senses sharpen But it always takes So damned long Before I feel how much My eyes have darkened
Fear hangs a plane of gunsmoke Drifting in our room So easy to disturb With a thought With a whisper... With a careless memory
On the table Signs of love life scattered... And the walls break We go crashing within It's not as though-- As though you really mattered But being close, How could I let you go Without some feeling Some precious sympathy following
Fear hangs a plane of gunsmoke Drifting in our room So easy to disturb With a thought With a whisper... With a careless memory
I walk out into the sun I try to find a new day But the whole place It just screams in my eyes Where are you now? Cuz I don't want to meet you I think I'd die-- I think I'd laugh at you-- I think I'd cry-- What am I supposed to do, Follow you?
Outside the thoughts Come flooding back now... I just try to forget you... So easy to disturb With a thought... With a whisper... With a careless memory...
Is There Something I Should Know
Please please tell me now Please please tell me now Please please tell me now Please please tell me now
I made a break I run out yesterday Tried to find my mountain hideaway Maybe next year maybe no go I know you're watching me every minute of the day yeah I've seen the signs and the looks and the pictures They give your game away yeah There's a dream that strings the road With broken glass for us to hold And I cut so far before I had to stay
Please please tell me now i Is there something i should know Is there something I should say That would make you come my way Do you feel the same 'cos you don't let it show
People stare and cross the road from me And jungle drums they all clear the way for me Can you read my mind can you see in the snow And fiery demons all dance When you walk through that door Don't say you're easy on me You're about as easy as a nuclear war Cos the dream that strings the road With broken glass for us to hold And I got so far before I had to say
Please please tell me now Is there something I should know Is there something I should say That would make you come my way Do you feel the same 'cos you don't let it show
Please please tell me now Is there something I should know Please please tell me now Can you see what makes me blow Please please tell me now Is there something I should know Is there something i should say That would make you come my way
Night Boat
Standing on the edge of a quay no lights flashing on the water for me Fog in my mind darkens my eyes silently streaming for a distant sound Ripple river yellows rising for a breath of breeding and drowns Stillness overcomes me in the night listen to the rising water moan
I'm waiting, waiting for the night boat woo I'm waiting Waiting for the night boat
Shadows all through me shudder away echo me echo me (echo me) Am I alone or is the river alive cause it echos me, echos me, echos me
I'm waiting, waiting for the night boat woo I'm waiting Waiting for the night boat
Waiting (waiting) waiting for the night boat woo I'm waiting (waiting) Waiting for the night boat waiting for the night boat woo I'm waiting Waiting for the night boat I'm wating for the night boat
Sound Of Thunder
I've been in this grass here for the last ten hours My clothes are dirty but my mouth isn't dry How does it happen does it fly through the air Woah I gave up asking days away I gave up asking days away
And now I'm lying here waiting for the sound of thunder Waiting for the sound of thunder
Here I am I'm a dotted line cut in through corners stick me through your door I'm the man who stepped off the path Am I just lying here that's what I was made for
And now my eyes are closing but I still feel the land Leaning out for the touch of my hand The world spins so fast that I might fly off The world spins so fast that I might fly off The world spins so fast that I might fly off
Waiting for the sound of thunder I'm waiting for the sound of thunder
Friends Of Mine
Friends of mine they said they were friends of mine Said they were passing time more like a waste of time Close the door I said close the door I've told you twice before what are you waiting for
Georgie Davis is coming out no more heros we twist and shout Oh no not me I'm not too late and I know that I'm not taking anymore Rocky picture has lost his gun leave him out now he's having fun Oh not not me I'm not too late and I know that I'm not waiting anymore hey hey
Silly lies don't have to advertise when will you realize I'm sick of your alibis Running cold the water's running cold it's time that you were told I think you're growing old
Georgie Davis is coming out no more heros we twist and shout Oh no not me I'm not too late and I know that I'm not waiting anymore Rocky picture has lost his gun leave him out now he's having fun Oh not not me I'm not too late and I know that I'm not taking anymore hey hey
I see you smile pictures on the wall there all friends of mine See you standing round the back friends of mine think youself lucky Friends of mine they said they were friends of mine They were just wasting time out on the dotted line Money's gone I've known it all along why don't you say i'm wrong Why don't they drop the bomb Cause Georgie Davis is coming out no more heros we twist and shout Oh no not me I'm not too late and I know that I'm not waiting anymore Rocky picture has thrown away his gun leave him out now he's having fun Oh not not me I'm not too late and I know that I'm not taking anymore What you doing friends of mine holding back you're no friend of mine I've always heard you calling
22.1.2008, 22:55
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Rio (1982)
Moving on the floor now babe you're a bird of paradise Cherry ice cream smile I suppose it's very nice With a step to your left and a flick to the right you catch that mirror way out west You know you're something special and you look like you're the best
Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand Just like that river twisting through a dusty land And when she shines she really shows you all she can Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grande
I've seen you on the beach and I've seen you on TV Two of a billion stars it means so much to me Like a birthday or a pretty view But then I'm sure that you know it's just for you
Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand Just like that river twisting through a dusty land And when she shines she really shows you all she can Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grande
Hey now woo look at that did she nearly run you down At the end of the drive the lawmen arrive You make me feel alive, alive alive I'll take my chance cause luck is on my side or something I know what you're thinking I tell you something I know what you're thinking
Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand Just like that river twists across a dusty land And when she shines she really shows you all she can Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grand Her name is Rio she don't need to understand And I might find her if I'm looking like I can Oh Rio, Rio hear them shout across the land From mountains in the north down to the Rio Grande Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do
My Own Way
I saw you at the airace yesterday April showers get out of my way Fear of flying no not me I'm never bothered what you say someone's kid just lives for today It ain't your problem anyway
Cause I've got my own way, I can find my own way, cause I've got my own way Cause I've got my own way, I can find my own way, cause I've got my own way
Number one public figure what a pain just puts another rattle in your brain Take another green but it's not the same So now you're on the sandlane everyday dancing with the bulls in any old way Running like a fox to keep up with me
Cause I've got my own way, I can find my own way, cause I've got my own way Cause I've got my own way, I can find my own way, cause I've got my own way
I'm on 45 between 6th and Broadway, 45 between 6th and Broadway 45 I'm drinking 7UP between 6th and Broadway 7UP between 6th and Broadway, 7UP
Cause I've got my own way, I can find my own way, cause I've got my own way Cause I've got my own way, I can find my own way, cause I've got my own way
Lonely In Your Nightmare
Even on the darkest night when empty promise means empty hand And soldiers coming home like shadows turning red And when the lights of hope are fading quickly then look to me I'll be your homing angel I'll be in your head
Because you're lonely in your nightmare let me in And there's heat beneath your winter let me in
I see the delta traces living lonely out on the limb And a passing glimmer warm beneath your skin Please tread gently on the ground when all around you earth turns to fire Only get a second chance when danger's on the wind
Because you're lonely in your nightmare let me in Because there's heat beneath your winter let me in
Must be lucky whether when you find the kind of wind that you need Come on show me all the light and shade that made your name I know you've got it in your head I've seen that look before You've built your refuge turns you captive all the same
Because your lonely in your nightmare let me in And it's barren in your garden let me in Because there's heat beneath your winter let me in Because you're so lonely in your nightmare let me in And it's cold out on the stone range let me in Because there's heat beneath your winter let me in
Hungry Like The Wolf Darken the city, night is a wire Steam in the subway, earth is a afire Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo Woman, you want me, give me a sign And catch my breathing even closer behind Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo
In touch with the ground I'm on the hunt I'm after you Smell like I sound, I'm lost in a crowd And I'm hungry like the wolf Straddle the line in discord and rhyme I'm on the hunt I'm after you Mouth is alive with juices like wine And I'm hungry like the wolf
Stalked in the forest, too close to hide I'll be upon you by the moonlight side Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo High blood drumming on your skin, it's so tight You feel my heat, I'm just a moment behind Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo
In touch with the ground I'm on the hunt I'm after you Scent and a sound, I'm lost and I'm found And I'm hungry like the wolf Strut on a line, it's discord and rhyme I howl and I whine, I'm after you Mouth is alive, all running inside And I'm hungry like the wolf
Hungry like the wolf Hungry like the wolf Hungry like the wolf
Burning the ground, I break from the crowd I'm on the hunt, I'm after you I smell like I sound, I'm lost and I'm found And I'm hungry like the wolf Strut on a line, it's discord and rhyme I'm on the hunt, I'm after you Mouth is alive with juices like wine And I'm hungry like the wolf
Hold Back The Rain
Hold back the rain Yes we're miles away from nowhere and the wind doesn't have a name So call it what you want to call it still blows down the lane People tell me I haven't changed at all but I don't feel the same And I've bet you've had that feeling too you can't laugh all the time
And if the fires burn out there's only fire to blame (hold back the rain) No time for worry cause we're on the roam again (hold back the rain) The clouds all scatter and we ride the outside lane (hold back the rain) Not on your own so help me please hold back the rain
So what if the words ain't rhyming did you thing that it's just a game I probably didn't even say that right and i really don't give a damn Okay go off and wander I'm guilty just the same Sometimes you're needed badly so please come back again And if the fires burn out there's only fire to blame (hold back the rain) No time for worry cause we're on the roam again (hold back the rain) The clouds all scatter and we ride the outside lane (hold back the rain) Not on your own so help me please hold back the rain
And if the stars burn out there's only fire to blame (hold back the rain) No time for worry cause we're on the roam again (hold back the rain) The clouds all scatter and we ride the outside lane (hold back the rain) Not on your own so help me please hold back the rain Hold back the rain, hold back the rain. hold back the rain Hold back the rain (hold back the rain), hold back the rain (Hold back the rain), hold back the rain (hold back the rain) Hold back the rain (hold back the rain), hold back the rain
New Religion
I've been now sauntering Out and down the path sometime Come on, it takes me nowhere, which I knew Faces everywhere pulling grins and signs in things Telling me not there, man, it's no go Don't go there boy
I need a reason I can't think without one now Too much learning got to show Call it treason Maybe catch her, don't know how Too many things, too much to know
Bring my timing in, seagulls gather on the wind Lady screaming, lady leave me out 'Cause sometimes people stare Coming down, electric chair And steaming crowds they gather and they shout
Don't know why this evil bothers me Take another chance boy, carry the fight, You can take him if you're fast So why is he trying to follow me? Didn't I say if you're holding on You'd be laughing at the last How many reasons do they need? I get along fine with them friends of mine But you have to make a choice I might just believe this time You're singing out of tune but the beat's in time And it's us who makes the noise
I'm talking for free, I can't stop myself, It's a new religion I've something to see, I can't help myself, It's a new religion
Okay, my reasoning might be clouded by the sun But someone sees the departmental lie You know this peacetime jabbing fist in stabbing knife Only get one look before you die
Don't know why this evil bothers me Take another chance boy, carry the fight, You can take him if you're fast So why is he trying to follow me? Didn't I say if you're holding on You'd be laughing at the last How many reasons do they need? I get along fine with them friends of mine But you have to make a choice I might just believe this time You're singing out of tune but the beat's in time And it's us who makes the noise
I'm talking for free, I can't stop myself, It's a new religion I've something to see, I can't help myself, It's a new religion
Gotta take pay the saints 'n sinners In regulation hats 'n scarves 'n things Walking in formation down the lane, They carry their cross, make a church bell ring Army majors pull a mean cool truth, There lying in a swimming pool Searching for the undeniable truth that A man is just a fool
Don't know why this evil bothers me Take another chance boy, carry the fight, You can take him if you're fast So why is he trying to follow me? Didn't I say if you're holding on You'd be laughing at the last How many reasons do they need? I get along fine with them friends of mine But you have to make a choice I might just believe this time You're singing out of tune but the beat's in time And it's us who makes the noise
I'm talking for free, I can't stop myself, It's a new religion I've something to see, I can't help myself, It's a new religion
Last Chance On The Stairway
I don't remember quite how I met you wasn't long ago I just get a picture of sun in your eyes the waves in your hair Maybe it's something said in a movie or you could've said last night It just took me out on a limb and I don't really know what I'm doing here
And sometimes I'm caught in a landslide and my beats so in time can you look at me I'm out of reach I'll talk if it feels right I've had my last chance on the stairway
Funny it's just like a scene out of Voltaire twisting out of sight Cause when all the curtains are pulled back we'll turn and see the circles we've traced Ain't no game (ooo-ooo) when you're playing with fire It doesn't seem right that we fight so the party runs all night
And sometimes I'm caught in a landslide and my beats so in time can you look at me I'm out of reach I'll talk if it feels right I'm so nervous to say tell me can't you see And if you want I'll fall off forever I can't say no more baby dance with me And please don't say leave it till later I've had my last chance on the stairway
Wonder why (wonder why ooo-ooo) what makes me rise so high Maybe it's something they put in your perfume or the look in your eyes It could be the atmosphere sinking ooo I don't even know what you're thinking I don't even know what you're drinking but it keeps this heaven alive
And sometimes I'm caught in a landslide and my beats so in time can you look at me I'm out of reach I'll talk if it feels right I'm so nervous to say tell me can't you see And if you want I'll fall off forever I can't say no more baby dance with me And please don't say leave it till later I've had my last chance on the stairway Last chance on the stairway, last chance on the stairway Last chance on the stairway, last chance on the stairway Last chance on the stairway, last chance on the stairway Last chance on the stairway
Save A Prayer
You saw me standing by the wall, Corner of a main street And the lights are flashing on your window sill All alone ain't much fun, So you're looking for the thrill And you know just what it takes and where to go
Don't say a prayer for me now, Save it 'til the morning after No, don't say a prayer for me now, Save it 'til the morning after
Feel the breeze deep on the inside, Look you down into your well If you can, you'll see the world in all his fire Take a chance (Like all dreamers can't find another way) You don't have to dream it all, just live a day
Don't say a prayer for me now, Save it 'til the morning after No, don't say a prayer for me now, Save it 'til the morning after Save it 'til the morning after, Save it till the morning after
Pretty looking road, Try to hold the rising floods that fill my skin Don't ask me why I'll keep my promise, Melt the ice And you wanted to dance so I asked you to dance But fear is in your soul Some people call it a one night stand But we can call it paradise
Don't say a prayer for me now, Save it 'til the morning after No, don't say a prayer for me now, Save it 'til the morning after Save it 'til the morning after Save it 'til the morning after Save it 'til the morning after Save it 'til the morning after
Save a prayer 'til the morning after
The Chauffeur
Out on the tar plains, the glides are moving All looking for a new place to drive You sit beside me, so newly charming Sweating dew drops glisten, freshing your side
The sun slips down bedding heavy behind The front of your dress all shadowy lined And the droning engine throbs in time With your beating heart Sing Blue Silver
Way down the lane away, living for another day The aphids swarm up in the drifting haze Swim seagull in the sky Towards that hollow western isle My envied lady holds you fast in her gaze
And watching lovers part, I feel you smiling What glass splinters lie so deep in your mind To tear out from your eyes With a word to stiffen brooding lies But I'll only watch you leave me further behind
22.1.2008, 22:56
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Seven And The Ragged Tiger (1983)
The Reflex
"You've gone too far this time" But I'm dancing on the valentine I tell you somebody's fooling around With my chances on the dangerline I'll cross that bridge when I find it Another day to make my stand High time is no time for deciding If I should find a helping hand
So why don't you use it? Try not to bruise it Buy time don't lose it The reflex is an only child he's waiting in the park The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark And watching over lucky clover isn't that bizarre Every little thing the reflex does Leaves you answered with a question mark
I'm on a ride and I want to get off But they won't slow down the roundabout I sold the Renoir and the TV set Don't want to be around when this gets out
Oh the reflex what a game he's hiding all the cards The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark And watching over lucky clover isn't that bizarre Evey little thing the reflex does Leaves you answered with a question mark
New Moon On Monday
Shake up the picture the lizard mixture With your dance on the eventide You got me coming up with answers All of which I deny I said it again Could I please rephrase it Maybe I can catch a ride I couldn't really put it much plainer But I'll wait till you decide Send me your warning siren As if I could ever hide Last time La Luna
I light my torch and wave it for the New moon on Monday And a firedance through the night I stayed the cold day with a lonely satellite
Breaking away with the best of both worlds A smile that you can't disguise Every minute I keep finding Clues that you leave behind Save me from these reminders As if I'd forget tonight This time La Luna
Cracks In The Pavement
I shed my skin When the party was about to begin I'm light years away but I'm walking back tonight Of all nights When I should be feeling just right Don't want to be in public My head is full of chopstick I don't like it
Something on my mind Breaking open doors I had sealed up before Something on my mind Makes me run when I thought I'd run too far
Somebody shaking my tree Maybe that somebody is me I'm standing in the light but I'm making a break for the shadows On the cinema wall They should be mine but I'm not that tall Now I'm saying this in privaate If I had a car I'd drive it Insane
I'm looking for cracks in the pavement
I Take The Dice
Midnight I think I'm gonna make it Feel the magical lash of the roll and the crash in their lives Headline in tomorrow's papers Kill that light it's so bright And you're shining it right in my eyes
Show me your secret and tell me your name Catch me with your fizzy smile Try to remember again and again What it is that I recognise Don't ask me now When I need you I don't know how To believe in your advice Just this once I take the dice
Midnight so what's the point of faking For a kiss or a whisper you pull out a desperate prize Hold tight onto Daddy's bracelet Make them pay for their chances With money they don't think that's nice
Of Crime And Passion
Why did you let me run When you knew I'd fall for the gaping hole Where your heart should be Liar-couldn't cut me deeper with a knife if you tried Just take a look (before you run off and hide) At your victim arise
Clouds on you shoulder Aren't they grazed by the afterglow How quiet they gather When the storm is about to blow
No don't look away Caught in the crossfire And it ain't no wind of change I'm talking of crime and passion's rage
Summer of madness or the undertow Dragged me up an alley for the blossoming fire On a stranger's smile Bride of wire-how disguise so easily cracked Saw your heart turn spade This orchid's turned to black
Graze on your shoulder Like the clouds in the afterglow How quiet they gather When the storm is about to blow
Way down by the shoulder In the haze of the afterglow Stranded together And the storm is about to blow
Union Of The Snake
Telegram force and ready I knew this was a big mistake There'sa fine line drawing My senses together And I think it's about to break
If I listen close I can hear them singers Voices in your body coming through on the radio The Union of the Snake is on the climb Moving up it's gonna race it's gonna break Through the borderline
Nightshades on a warning Give me strength at least give me a light Give me anything even sympathy There's a chance you could be right
The Union of the Snake is on the climb It's gonna race it's gonna break Gonna move up to the borderline
Shadows On Your Side
Shackled and raised for a shining crowd They want you to speak but the music is louder than All of their roar with the heat of the planet's core-but
The shadows are on your side As soon as the lights go down In the darkest place you can find You belong to the hands of the night
Promises made with a distant friend Truth should be known it can only bend To a tune of its own Hey you'll never hear that voice again Scandal in white on a tangled vine With everybody to say that you're having the Time of your life when your life is on the slide-but
Spinning a compass to choose your way You can run you can dive you can stand and you can soar Whichever way you can be sure-that
Shadows on your side The shadows are on your side
The Seventh Stranger
Those words are all remainders Echoes growing in the heart of twilight They lay back laughing at naivety's star Awaken all those whispers in the dusty shadow of a Passing favour I wouldn't say that you were ruthless or right I couldn't see from so far Was I chasing after rainbows One thing for sure you never answered when I called And I wiped away the water from my face To look through the eyes of a stranger For rumours in the wake of such a lonely crowd Trading in my shelter for danger I'm changing my name just as the sun goes down In the eyes of a stranger
Can't tell the real from reflections When all these faces look the same to me In every city such a desolate dream Some days are strange to number Some say the seventh sounds a little bit stranger A year of Sundays seems to have drifted right by (I could have sworn) in one evening And I'm not seized in desperation No steel reproaches on the table from before But I still can feel those splinters of ice I look through the eyes of a stranger For rumours in the wake of such a lonely crowd Trading in my shelter for danger I'm changing my name just as the sun goes down In the eyes of a stranger
I must be chasing after rainbows One thing for sure you never answer when I call And I wipe away the water from my face To look through the eyes of a stranger For rumour in the wake of such a lonely crowd Trading in my shelter for danger I'm changing my name just as the sun goes down Walking away like a stranger From rumours in the wake of such a lonely crowd Trading in my shelter for danger I'm changing my name just as the sun goes down In the eyes of a stranger
22.1.2008, 22:57
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Arena (1984)
Is There Something I Should Know
Please please tell me now Please please tell me now Please please tell me now Please please tell me now
I made a break I run out yesterday Tried to find my mountain hideaway Maybe next year maybe no go I know you're watching me every minute of the day yeah I've seen the signs and the looks and the pictures They give your game away yeah There's a dream that strings the road With broken glass for us to hold And I cut so far before I had to stay
Please please tell me now i Is there something i should know Is there something I should say That would make you come my way Do you feel the same 'cos you don't let it show
People stare and cross the road from me And jungle drums they all clear the way for me Can you read my mind can you see in the snow And fiery demons all dance When you walk through that door Don't say you're easy on me You're about as easy as a nuclear war Cos the dream that strings the road With broken glass for us to hold And I got so far before I had to say
Please please tell me now Is there something I should know Is there something I should say That would make you come my way Do you feel the same 'cos you don't let it show
Please please tell me now Is there something I should know Please please tell me now Can you see what makes me blow Please please tell me now Is there something I should know Is there something i should say That would make you come my way
Hungry Like The Wolf
Darken the city, night is a wire Steam in the subway, earth is a afire Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo Woman, you want me, give me a sign And catch my breathing even closer behind Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo
In touch with the ground I'm on the hunt I'm after you Smell like I sound, I'm lost in a crowd And I'm hungry like the wolf Straddle the line in discord and rhyme I'm on the hunt I'm after you Mouth is alive with juices like wine And I'm hungry like the wolf
Stalked in the forest, too close to hide I'll be upon you by the moonlight side Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo High blood drumming on your skin, it's so tight You feel my heat, I'm just a moment behind Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo
In touch with the ground I'm on the hunt I'm after you Scent and a sound, I'm lost and I'm found And I'm hungry like the wolf Strut on a line, it's discord and rhyme I howl and I whine, I'm after you Mouth is alive, all running inside And I'm hungry like the wolf
Hungry like the wolf Hungry like the wolf Hungry like the wolf
Burning the ground, I break from the crowd I'm on the hunt, I'm after you I smell like I sound, I'm lost and I'm found And I'm hungry like the wolf Strut on a line, it's discord and rhyme I'm on the hunt, I'm after you Mouth is alive with juices like wine And I'm hungry like the wolf
New Religion
I've been now sauntering Out and down the path sometime Come on, it takes me nowhere, which I knew Faces everywhere pulling grins and signs in things Telling me not there, man, it's no go Don't go there boy
I need a reason I can't think without one now Too much learning got to show Call it treason Maybe catch her, don't know how Too many things, too much to know
Bring my timing in, seagulls gather on the wind Lady screaming, lady leave me out 'Cause sometimes people stare Coming down, electric chair And steaming crowds they gather and they shout
Don't know why this evil bothers me Take another chance boy, carry the fight, You can take him if you're fast So why is he trying to follow me? Didn't I say if you're holding on You'd be laughing at the last How many reasons do they need? I get along fine with them friends of mine But you have to make a choice I might just believe this time You're singing out of tune but the beat's in time And it's us who makes the noise
I'm talking for free, I can't stop myself, It's a new religion I've something to see, I can't help myself, It's a new religion
Okay, my reasoning might be clouded by the sun But someone sees the departmental lie You know this peacetime jabbing fist in stabbing knife Only get one look before you die
Don't know why this evil bothers me Take another chance boy, carry the fight, You can take him if you're fast So why is he trying to follow me? Didn't I say if you're holding on You'd be laughing at the last How many reasons do they need? I get along fine with them friends of mine But you have to make a choice I might just believe this time You're singing out of tune but the beat's in time And it's us who makes the noise
I'm talking for free, I can't stop myself, It's a new religion I've something to see, I can't help myself, It's a new religion
Gotta take pay the saints 'n sinners In regulation hats 'n scarves 'n things Walking in formation down the lane, They carry their cross, make a church bell ring Army majors pull a mean cool truth, There lying in a swimming pool Searching for the undeniable truth that A man is just a fool
Don't know why this evil bothers me Take another chance boy, carry the fight, You can take him if you're fast So why is he trying to follow me? Didn't I say if you're holding on You'd be laughing at the last How many reasons do they need? I get along fine with them friends of mine But you have to make a choice I might just believe this time You're singing out of tune but the beat's in time And it's us who makes the noise
I'm talking for free, I can't stop myself, It's a new religion I've something to see, I can't help myself, It's a new religion
Save A Prayer
You saw me standing by the wall, Corner of a main street And the lights are flashing on your window sill All alone ain't much fun, So you're looking for the thrill And you know just what it takes and where to go
Don't say a prayer for me now, Save it 'til the morning after No, don't say a prayer for me now, Save it 'til the morning after
Feel the breeze deep on the inside, Look you down into your well If you can, you'll see the world in all his fire Take a chance (Like all dreamers can't find another way) You don't have to dream it all, just live a day
Don't say a prayer for me now, Save it 'til the morning after No, don't say a prayer for me now, Save it 'til the morning after Save it 'til the morning after, Save it till the morning after
Pretty looking road, Try to hold the rising floods that fill my skin Don't ask me why I'll keep my promise, Melt the ice And you wanted to dance so I asked you to dance But fear is in your soul Some people call it a one night stand But we can call it paradise
Don't say a prayer for me now, Save it 'til the morning after No, don't say a prayer for me now, Save it 'til the morning after Save it 'til the morning after Save it 'til the morning after Save it 'til the morning after Save it 'til the morning after
Save a prayer 'til the morning after
Wild Boys
The wild boys are calling On their way back from the fire In august moon's surrender to A dust cloud on the rise Wild boys fallen far from glory Reckless and so hungered On the razors edge you trail Because there's murder by the roadside In a sore afraid new world
They tried to break us, Looks like they'll try again
Wild boys never lose it Wild boys never chose this way Wild boys never close your eyes Wild boys always shine
You got sirens for a welcome There's bloodstain for your pain And your telephone been ringing while You're dancing in the rain Wild boys wonder where is glory Where is all you angels Now the figureheads have fell And lovers war with arrows over Secrets they could tell
They tried to tame you Looks like they'll try again
Wild boys never lose it Wild boys never chose this way Wild boys never close your eyes Wild boys always shine
The Seventh Stranger
Those words are all remainders Echoes growing in the heart of twilight They lay back laughing at naivety's star Awaken all those whispers in the dusty shadow of a Passing favour I wouldn't say that you were ruthless or right I couldn't see from so far Was I chasing after rainbows One thing for sure you never answered when I called And I wiped away the water from my face To look through the eyes of a stranger For rumours in the wake of such a lonely crowd Trading in my shelter for danger I'm changing my name just as the sun goes down In the eyes of a stranger
Can't tell the real from reflections When all these faces look the same to me In every city such a desolate dream Some days are strange to number Some say the seventh sounds a little bit stranger A year of Sundays seems to have drifted right by (I could have sworn) in one evening And I'm not seized in desperation No steel reproaches on the table from before But I still can feel those splinters of ice I look through the eyes of a stranger For rumours in the wake of such a lonely crowd Trading in my shelter for danger I'm changing my name just as the sun goes down In the eyes of a stranger
I must be chasing after rainbows One thing for sure you never answer when I call And I wipe away the water from my face To look through the eyes of a stranger For rumour in the wake of such a lonely crowd Trading in my shelter for danger I'm changing my name just as the sun goes down Walking away like a stranger From rumours in the wake of such a lonely crowd Trading in my shelter for danger I'm changing my name just as the sun goes down In the eyes of a stranger
The Chauffeur
Out on the tar plains, the glides are moving All looking for a new place to drive You sit beside me, so newly charming Sweating dew drops glisten, freshing your side
The sun slips down bedding heavy behind The front of your dress all shadowy lined And the droning engine throbs in time With your beating heart Sing Blue Silver
Way down the lane away, living for another day The aphids swarm up in the drifting haze Swim seagull in the sky Towards that hollow western isle My envied lady holds you fast in her gaze
And watching lovers part, I feel you smiling What glass splinters lie so deep in your mind To tear out from your eyes With a word to stiffen brooding lies But I'll only watch you leave me further behind
Union Of The Snake
Telegram force and ready I knew this was a big mistake There'sa fine line drawing My senses together And I think it's about to break
If I listen close I can hear them singers Voices in your body coming through on the radio The Union of the Snake is on the climb Moving up it's gonna race it's gonna break Through the borderline
Nightshades on a warning Give me strength at least give me a light Give me anything even sympathy There's a chance you could be right
The Union of the Snake is on the climb It's gonna race it's gonna break Gonna move up to the borderline
Planet Earth
Only came outside to watch the night fall with the rain I heard you making patterns rhyme Like some new romantic looking for the tv sound You'll see I'm right some other time
Look now, look all around, there's no sign of life Voices, another sound, can you hear me now? This is planet earth, you're looking at planet earth Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop this is planet earth
My head is stuck on something precious Let me know if you're coming down to land Is there anybody out there trying to get through? My eyes are so cloudy I can't see you
Look now, look all around, there's no sign of life Voices, another sound, can you hear me now? Is is planet earth, you're looking at planet earth
Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop This is planet earth Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop This calling planet earth Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop This looking at planet earth Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop This is planet earth
Careless Memories
So soon, Just after you've gone My senses sharpen But it always takes So damned long Before I feel how much My eyes have darkened
Fear hangs a plane of gunsmoke Drifting in our room So easy to disturb With a thought With a whisper... With a careless memory
On the table Signs of love life scattered... And the walls break We go crashing within It's not as though-- As though you really mattered But being close, How could I let you go Without some feeling Some precious sympathy following
Fear hangs a plane of gunsmoke Drifting in our room So easy to disturb With a thought With a whisper... With a careless memory
I walk out into the sun I try to find a new day But the whole place It just screams in my eyes Where are you now? Cuz I don't want to meet you I think I'd die-- I think I'd laugh at you-- I think I'd cry-- What am I supposed to do, Follow you?
Outside the thoughts Come flooding back now... I just try to forget you... So easy to disturb With a thought... With a whisper... With a careless memory...
22.1.2008, 22:58
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Notorious (1986)
No-no-Notorious. Notorious. Ah. No-no-Notorious. I can't read about it. Burns the skin from your eyes. I'll do fine without it. Here's one you don't compromise. Lies come hard in disguise. They need to fight it out. Not wild about it. Lay your seedy judgements. Who says they're part of our lives? You own the money ; You control the witness. I'll leave you lonely. Don't monkey with my business. You pay the prophets to justify your reasons. I heard your promise,but I don't believe it. That's why I've done it again. No-no-Notorious. Girls will keep the secrets (uh) So long as boys make a noise. Fools run rings to break up. Something they'll never destroy. Grand Notorious slam (bam). And who really gives a damn for a flaky bandit? Don't ask me to bleed about it; I need this blood to survive. That's why I've done it again. No-no-Notorious. That's why I've done it again. No. No. That's why I've done it again. No-no-Notorious. That's why I've done it again. No-no-Notorious. No-no-Notorious. Yeah. That's why I've done it again. No-no-Notorious. No-no-Notorious. Yeah. That's why I've done it again. No-no-Notorious. No-no-Notorious.
American Science
It's a little bit late now, But there's times you will Get a little bit out of hand, Making all of a spill. And if we can lay this down, You're going all the way. Take a look and I'll check it out, 'cause I can always find it. Such a lonely place. Ooh. This room without your face. Ooh. Ooh. American Science. All night long she can two-step and sway. Ooh, it's such awful manners. Don't keep me waiting, come and lie beside me. A little megalomania becomes you, evidently. There ain't a thing you can acquire With your cling-wrap plaything. Just look at this state. I crawl around in a daze, Like symptomatic case Of your soul persuasion. Such a lonely place. Ooh. This room without your face. Ooh. Ooh, it's a little bit later now, And there's time you will let it all get Out of hand when you feel you feel. I just switched on the operation. Such a lovely face. Ooh. It pulls me into place. Ooh.
Skin Trade
Working on the weekend, baby. She's working all through the night. A jump into the deep end gave her The evidence she required. Takes five; she's got pearls. Don't fake it when it comes to making money. So she smiles. But that's cruel. If you know what she thinks If you knew what she was after. Sometimes she wonders, And she laughs in her frustration. Would someone please explain The reason for this strange behaviour. In exploitation's name We must be working for the Skin Trade. Doctors of the revolution gave us The medicine we desired. Besides being absolutely painless It's a question of compromise. They got steel. So cool to get angry at the weekend And go back to school. So big deal; it's what rules. When it comes to making money, Say yes, please; thank you. Sometimes you wonder, and ask yourself the question. I know the answer, but I'm asking you the question.
A Matter Of Feeling
How does it feel When everyone surrounds you? How do you deal? Do crowds just make you feel lonely? What do you say When people come and try to pin you down? Acquaintances smile, But that's no understanding. How, after a while You keep falling off the same mountain. Try to explain it, But nothing really gets them that high. Steal away in the morning; Love's already history to you. It's a habit you're forming. This body's desperate for something new. Just A Matter of Feeling These moments of madness are sure to pass, And tears will dry as you're leaving. Who knows, you might find something to last. Emotion's a game, Saved up for a rainy Monday. But you laugh just the same, 'cause it's been pouring on Sunday. Call up your numbers, And never let the zeros bring you down. How does it feel? Is time too heavy to hold? Whatever you decide for the moment is holy. Whenever you slow down to see life is passing by. You can... A matter of feeling. A matter of feeling. A matter of feeling. A matter of feeling.
Hold Me
Yeah, this time. Shall we walk? Shall we run through my head, you understand? Does the body you conceal Need the touch of someone's hand? Ashes; violations. Who would they burn for? In your isolation what can't you see? I wonder if the light's down. I wonder if they're listening. Hold me. Lay your shame away. Show me where your lovers stay. Hold me. Lay your ghost away. Show me for yourself. You are lost and alone, But a prisoner of your pride. When the passions you ignore You can never hide. One of these days you're gonna find out, 'cause one of these days you're gonna try. And what did I say To make you wind up With this spear of guilt inside. I wonder if the light's down. I wonder if they're listening. Na na na na na na na. Hold Me. Na na na na na na. Show me. No na na na na na na na na na.
Vertigo (Do The Demolition)
Hey guys, turn it up to get sleazy. Twist it in a vice Nobody said it was easy. Just use your naked eyes, oh. How to see and how to hide it. How to save it. Well, maybe. Maybe. Maybe. You can take it and eat it, and chew your life supply. Where's the real life in your illusion? On the dark side your power's in confusion. Do the dance. Do the demolition. And lose the chance to hear when you don't listen. Don't you feel edgy? Bite your lips and bleed. Conversation is empty; Abandoned in the freeze. Freedom is your condemnation. Free to say well, maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. You can take it or leave it. Just need a little hit tonight. Where's the real life in your illusion? On the dark of power in confusion. Do the dance. Do the demolition. Don't lose the chance to hear 'cause you don't listen. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe you can try to believe it. Just need a little help tonight. Where's the real life in your illusion? On the dark side of power in confusion. Do the dance. Do the demolition. And lose the chance to hear when you don't listen. Where's the real life in your illusion? On the dark side of power in confusion. Do the dance. Do the demolition. And lose the chance to hear when you don't listen. Hear it when you listen. You don't hear when you don't listen.
So Misled
I....... So Misled. In the summer of a London life, "Gold," she said, was a month before I Realised sold instead. Babe, it's such an awful choice. Don't break my back. Take it easy, now you whipping boy. Don't wanna feel the crack. Trust my head to say lose it; Now my body's got to use it. I should not be So Misled. I should not be So Misled. Saw an advert in a magazine; Safe it said, with the satisfaction Guaranteed to cool your head. I can't see the solution To this state of confusion.
Meet El Presidente
Miss November Tuesday, Bend your rubber rules. Take your time, but don't take Off your high heeled shoes. She's in demand at dinner time; She's on the factory wall. And when the gentlemen retire Guess who's in control? She blew your money On taking a cruise. If that isn't funny, Well, watch out teacher. Ooh, ooh. When the chamber's empty She said ooh, ooh, Meet El Presidente. Dressed in flimsy clothing, Use your lipstick line To colour fear and loathing With a pink disguise. You've never refused when she lies back Put a stripe on the union; and a star on the jack. She's on the case at dinner time. She's on the evening news. And if you dare step out of line You're going to be abused. You may not like it; You may not be scared. But hell has no fury like a Young girl's ego. Ooh, ooh. Doo, doo, doo. You might adopt an attitude; Look on the moral side. But if police are after you, Where's the best place to hide? For this production They gave her a gun. Ain't no director-- So watch out actors!
Winter Marches On
The trade's on. She drains emotion To drink from her breast of fortune. Dreams have frozen crystal in the morning. Birth time rose; A thorn for coronation. All arise from your rest. We will find enough there to feed you. Soon you'll belong to the blest. Spare us your lives while we need you. Loud is the music the crowd is bringing Out of my head as the winter marches on. Loud is the music. The sky is ringing. Out of my head as the winter marches on. Loud is the music the crowd is bringing Out of my head as the winter marches on. Loud is the music. The sky is ringing. Out of my head as the winter marches on. And on. Winter marches on.
"Bring back that child," she said. Spare me the price of freedom. Cold is my baby's head, Blown by the wind of reason. Even the rage behind Cries out to see We're still standing Under the closing edge. Pay for the crime of feeling. When all your pride is dead You must be scared instead. A quiet word is my Proposition. A promise made of a fierce day. A body bleeds for this coalition. Without surrender if you stay. "Show me my youth," she cried. Wasted for desolation. Hold up the sacrifice. Pull down your institution. Resting while anger flies. Question's the same. Who's deciding after the clouds have lain. Shame on your generation. When all your guilt lies dead You must be scared instead. When all your pain lies dead You must be scared instead.
22.1.2008, 22:59
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Big Thing (1988)
Big Thing
Get it up get it out get it in time Hang it up hanging out hanging on a big thing Move it in move it out move up the line Bang it up bang it out banging on a big thing
Brothers and sisters let me hear it Get it up get it on get it in time Give me the green light and watch me move it Move it up move it out move up the line This is temptation power rotation Give me the friction and watch me make it Make it up making out making it slide
So glad you came along This time you won't be wrong You love to turn it on And you'renot the only one
Brothers and sisters we can take it Shake it up shake it out shake it all the time Give me the suction we can stick it Lick it up suck it up stick it outside This is temptation (station) Power rotation (to station) Give me the playlist and watch me eat it Eat it up beat it up beat it in time
So glad you came along This time you won't be wrong You love to turn it on And you'renot the only one
Get it up get it out get it in time Hang it up hanging out hanging on a big thing Move it in move it out move up the line Bang it up bang it out banging on a big thing
Get it up get it out get it in time Hang it up hanging out hanging on a big thing Move it in move it out move up the line Bang it up bang it out banging on a big thing
I Don't Want Your Love
I don't mind if you're keeping someone else behind I don't care 'cause you've got something I can share
Hey, take a chance, even if it's only Only while we're dancing in the Light of your second sight because When you understand me You might feel good around me now.
I don't want your love to bring me down I don't want your love so turn it around
I won't turn you out if you've got someone else Someone else you care about Because you must realise My obsessive fascination is in your imagination
Your rhythym is the power to move me It's something you control completely I don't want your love I don't want your love
I like noise 'cause I like waking up the house I cannot sit down. I can't shut my mouth But when you understand me, You might feel good around me
Your rhythym is the power to move me It's something you control completely I don't want your love I don't want your love
All She Wants Is
All she wants is All she wants is All she wants is
Spend your money on the corner now Know you've gotta save some For the shoeshine boys You've been pulling 'em By the hand inside Oh...collecting all your toys If you need a lead heaven now, Just stick around-- You're going to be there What do you dare? What do you care? What does your heart say now?
All she wants is All she wants is All she wants is
Divine intervention Couldn't keep the word From leaking out With your pleasure in suspension Not to mention What you hang it around If you need a lead to heaven, yeah A place to share In every position What do you dare? What do you care? What does your heart say now?
All she wants is All she wants is All she wants is
All she wants is
Too Late Marlene
Waking out of nowhere And I let you in Til my imagination went for a spin I seen you every night Been making out since then And still I wonder why everybody's saying That ice is thin.
And I think I know you Just a little bit by nowA And I think I can show you You see baby, I don't want to fight about it
Send down your rain Then who's to blame And you'll understand Because its' much too late to change
Awaken to this hunger And then watch my heat Grow paler than the moonlight That you made me eat And if we run our lives Along a one way street We'll always wonder why everytime It still tastes just as sweet
Send down your rain Then who's to blame You'll understand Because it's much too late to change I will explain We're to much the same No I won't leave Because it's just too late Marlene
Take me every morning Take me every night Take me when you're feeling low Take me when you want to stay Up all night
Before you slip into the white There's something i want you to know In all your stretch of consciousness You've still got a long way to go Some make you spin, Some make you sweat, It's only here for you to choose Some like it hot, But I like it wet, so tell me... What have we got to lose now?
Take me every morning Take me every night Take me when you're feeling low Take me when you want to stay Up all night
(a hit, a hit) A hit to fit reality It's just a state of mind And you, and it, it's more than just And that's what you've got to find We'll make you spin, We'll make you sweat All you have to do is choose me And if you would try And alternative high Then tell me, what have we got to lose now?
Take me every morning Take me every night Take me when you're feeling low Take me when you want to stay Up all night
Take me every morning Take me every night Take me when you're feeling low Take me when you want to stay Up all night
Do You Believe In Shame
Do you believe in love? Do you believe in shame? And if love can conquer all Then why do we only feel the pain?
I heard you speak my name Heard you singing The Stones Maybe heard you laughing in a line of static On my telephone
So why your eyelids are closed, Inside a case of rust And did you have to change All your poets fire into frozen dust
I've tried to justify it to learn from your mistake But where's the stupid lie that has to make it's point With such a pointless waste
Come out
Do you believe in shame? Do you believe in love? And if they taste the same Would you love again or abandon both?
I don't think I ever can Belive my friend has gone Keep saying it's alright I'm going to bring you back But I know I'm wrong
There's nothing I can say There's nothing left to do It's just that lately I feel so damn lonely When I think of you
And it may seem selfish now But I'll hold on to the memory Until all this fear is washed away Do you believe in love? Do you believe in life? 'Cos I believe a little part of you inside of me Will never die...
She lays on the wall Watching the strangers drift away Mid-day's ore--thick With the sun of Arabia
She surrenders her voices They gather, on the wind Talkin, chanting, breathing Into her body...yesterday
Awakened beside The scent of burnt sugar--on the skin Painting eyes--thick With the color she brings in Oh, and sure and strong When the lightning tumbles down Don't you frown Everything will be In time for this evening
If there's secrets She has to be pardoned to Every one of them If there's heaven She gets to the heart
And you'll know... Why she says When I run out of blue Help me rise instead Then I will run to you Why she says When I run out of blue Give me rain instead Now let me run... (let me run)
If there's secrets She has to be pardoned to Every one of them If there's heaven She gets to the heart
And you'll know... Why she says When I run out of blue Help me rise instead Then I will run to you Why she says When I run out of blue Give me rain instead Now let me run... (let me run)
Hey-hey.... Why she says When I run out of blue Help me rise instead Then I will run to you Why she says When I run out of blue Give me rain instead Then I will run to you
Baby, I'm really sorry To break your dream When it's so early Headlights On the windowpane They're getting lost In the light of day
Tomorrow is today And soon my ship will sail
Away from here To walk a howling sealane Stay for me Your love is life For love is land
Baby, just hear my story Before I leave Before we write the end Standing, across the ocean stream I'll need to know I'll need your country then
Tomorrow and today You keep my landfall safe
Away from here (away from here) To walk a howling sealane (away from you) Stay for me (stay for me) I need your love to land Away from here (away from here) To walk a howling sealane (away from you) Stay for me (stay for me) Your love is life, for love is land
Away from here (away from here) To walk a howling sealane (away from you) Stay for me (stay for me) I need your love to land Away from here (away from here) To walk a howling sealane (away from you) Stay for me (stay for me) Your love is life, for love is land
Love is land Love is land Love is land
The Edge Of America
Walk the edge of America A concrete beach to scrape my hand Inside the subway stinking fear and shame Becomes the violent breath
Vigilantes out on dawn patrol But now there's nothing left to hide I'm just a number on the metal fence Which marks the great divide
Hey boy Give your dreams a rest If you're tired of searching This is where it ends There's nothing left to lose Nothing to protest Learn to love your anger now Anger here is all you possess Welcome to the age
Below the towers of the citadel Seems someone overlooked the cost Forgotten soldier of paradise Now paradise is lost
Recognition never realized Salvation lost among the crowd So tell me beside this sterile sea Where is your nation now?
And we say Hey boy Give your dreams a rest If you're tired of searching This is where it ends There's nothing left to lose Nothing to protest Learn to love your anger now Anger here is all you possess Welcome to the edge
22.1.2008, 23:02
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Liberty (1990)
Violence Of Summer (Love's Taking Over)
Pick it up This'll get you out of your head
China's hangin' out by the railings Of the motorshed She goes with a real hit biker He's a metalhead She looks me up and down Talkin' dirty eyes Sweet sayin' boy baby I could lick ya any time
Keep it up That's right...here we go again
Bit later I'm gonna run Into her round the back While other guys break heads In the Shugar Shack Don't give me drink I don't wanna Get too stoned Then we're gonna see who's gonna Take who home
The violence of summer A love's taking over It starts with desire Ends up under cover
Those lips will make me rise You may look down but don't think twice Slow death is on the way So what man I still want to play....
One, two This'll get you out of your mind This'll get you up...let's go
Maybe take a ride goin' south Where her mother writes Before bad news catches up We still got a little time We'll leave it all so far away One thing is sure we shouldn't stay I take it all little Chine gonna Get the runaround a run... a runaround
The violence of summer A love's taking over It starts with desire Ends up under cover
China... na china...nanana China... na china...nanana China... na china...nanana China... na china...nana
The violence of summer A love's taking over It starts with desire Ends up under cover...mmm... love's takin' over Yes love's takin' over Love's takin over...
I'll tell you something To let you understand the way i feel Just what you mean to me
Thank you for fine times We nearly made it all the way but no It wasn't meant to be
You say we feel the same There ain't no blame to decide But if a little time could change your mind I'll be here...
And you can call me (if you want to stay with me) At your liberty You can hold me (if you want to be with me) At your liberty
Do you remember How lovers ripe on summer's heathen night Would never seem to end? And does December (December) Come stirring with that finger of desire (desire) To feel it once again?
You worry 'bout your friends What if they find what's going on But a little time could change your mind I'll be here
And you can call me (if you want to stay with me) At your liberty You can hold me (if you want to be with me) At your liberty
Help me out I live in doubt Sort me out Yeah....
Don't make it every night Don't wanna be the love of your life So if you are inclined To spend a little time I'll be here
And you can call me At your liberty And you can hold me At your liberty And you can call me At your liberty And you can touch me girl At your liberty ...touch me girl (at your liberty) Help me out (at your liberty) ...sort me out (at your liberty) ...or you can set me free
(if you wanna stay with me If you wanna be with me If you wanna stay with me If you wanna write to me) At your liberty
(We will continue...er...to...er...watch This situation very closely) Here in the shadows where we stand Watching lady, watching man (And it may take nature three years the experts Say to make up for the damage done) Greedy for pictures as they roll We see the planet lose control (The average credit card holder has About $750 of revolving debt)
Hothead! evolution nonstop evolution Hothead! Hothead! evolution nonstop evolution Hothead! ....... Hothead Time, time will change the picture (Ah it's a good sign) About time, time will change the picture
Power to change the point of view But what is fake and what is true (There are charges today that a consumer product Is torching homes and killing Americans) Blow by blow you're telling me You'll change the course of history (Our television tends to come out of Hollywood Action cars, crashes, chases)
Hothead! evolution nonstop evolution Hothead! Hothead! evolution nonstop evolution Hothead! ....... hothead Time, time will change the picture (Ah it's a good sign) About time, time will change the picture
I turn you on you turn me off Right now I'm suffering from this culture shock Spread confusion wherever you can With shaking heads and shaking hands Cue propoganda to manipulate Where there's megabucks you protect the state Let the body break and the body tumble So you build it up, then you watch it crumble
Time will change the picture Evolution, nonstop evolution About time, time will change the picture Evolution, nonstop evolution About time, time will change the picture Evolution, NONSTOP!
Oh woman you make me feel Like I'm on fire Oh woman you make it real It's the only way for me So if we sometimes fight Doesn't mean we got problems Ain't always black and white 'n who cares anyway?
Doesn't have to be serious Doesn't have to be serious Serious Doesn't have to be serious Doesn't have to be serious
Oh baby you get so wild Too much understanding Oh baby you're such a child Full up with on love and tears and cryin' Don't worry if you're confused We all tend to be sometimes The whole world is getting used That's just the way it is...
May be right, ooh it may be wrong Doesn't have to be serious Being hard isn't being strong Doesn't have to be serious Fighting for love, fighting for pain Doesn't have to be serious And if you win, oh what do you gain? Doesn't have to be serious
Ooh, doesn't have to be serious Maybe right, oh but maybe wrong Doesn't have to be serious Fighting for love, fighting for pain Doesn't have to be serious And if you win, oh what do you gain? Doesn't have to be serious Maybe right, oh but maybe wrong Doesn't have to be serious Being hard, isn't being strong
All Along The Water
Guess you know Where I wanna go Got to see the water flow Try to understand
Got me trapped Playing with me like a cat Scrape your fingers down my back Pin me to the ground
All along the water baby Take me to your water babe All along the water babe
I get fired Can't you see I'm burning up When you come and turn it up Higher every time
If I stay Oh the end is near Come and get me out of here Come and get me now
All along the water baby Take me to your water babe All along the water babe
Tell me is there any left I wanna drink it up Drink it up Baby, if there's any left I'll drink it up, drink it up, drink it up
All along the water baby Take me to your water baby All along the water baby
All along the water baby Take me to your water baby All along the water baby
All along the water baby Thirsty for your water babe Spare me from this torture baby Take me to the water babe All along the water baby
Sliding on your torso babe Take me to your water babe All along the water babe
My Antarctica
Once I thought that I was in control But that was just another trick of fate Playing with my life There have been some times I was so tied up And I said to myself Gotta break it all But didn't really try
Two hearts beating in this place you've made You know nothing changes my Antarctica
You can make your rhymes And paint your rules In black and white For me to memorize But never understand And there will be time For a thousand vows Oh a thousand promises We forgot To be realized
Two hearts beating in this place you've made You know nothing changes my Antarctica One life pumping We make love to make our heat And we throb in my Antarctica
We'll keep the rhythm going And we'll remember We'll keep the laughter flowing And we'll remember We let the music jangle And we'll remember
Two hearts beating in this place you've made You know nothing changes my Antarctica One life pumping We make love to make our heat And we throb in my Antarctica Caught and sheltered this is what you made You know I will stay here In Antarctica
And you Will stay here With me
First Impression
(rock-n-roll star)
He turns on the animal It's that time of day Here comes little Johnny From the back streets of the UK He's got the answer Doesn't go away Who's gonna treat you right Who's gonna change the world tonight...tonight
The lasting first impression Is what you're looking for I said oh, is that your first impression And is that good enough for you?
Don't want illusion A power glory ride Doesn't run with the neighborhood shadows On a death trip body slide He won't give up And he won't give in And he won't let up until He gets inside your pretty skin
I said oh, the lasting first impression Is what you're looking for I said oh, is that your first impression And is that good enough for you?
He turns on the animal It's that time of day To make a little honey In the backstreets of the UK And he loves the noise And he loves to play Just living here and now boys Coz tomorrow's on the way
I said oh, the lasting first impression Is what you're looking for I said oh, is that your first impression And is that good enough for you? Good enough for you Enough for you And is that good enough for you?
The possibility he sees the possibility To seize the opportunity he sees the possibility To turn on the animal
I said oh, the lasting first impression Is what you're looking for I said oh, is that your first impression And is that good enough for you? Good enough for you Enough for you And is that good enough for you?
Read My Lips
I got something You got nothing to lose I could give you So much more than you're used to Move a little closer Maybe we can slip away
Right now we could use a little privacy All too much attention from your friends in here Move a little closer Trust me I'm not on the make (That's a lie) If I could pull you over C'mon lady, what d'you say
Get a grip Don't resist Read my lips
It's a trip Ain't a risk Read my lips
Get a grip Don't resist Read my-- (lips)
Part of you wanna get lucky Part of you wanna go trade Part of you wanna come looking Part of you want to stay.....
Get a grip Don't resist Read my lips
It's a trip Ain't a risk Read my lips
She's all mine...
Can You Deal With It?
There must be somebody Who'll make love to me Blow the rules away Trash these yesterdays
Live in sympathy Use psychology To find the twist in me Can you deal with it?
A recent enquiry Showed no boundary Love's the only way Can you handle it?
Can you deal with it? Can you deal with it? Can you deal with it? Can you deal with it?
Can you deal with it? (when you ain't sorry...) Can you deal with it? (for all that you apologize) Working up to something I know you're up to something
Can you deal with it? (something's got to happen) Can you deal with it? (something's got to get me up) Can you deal with it? (nothing ever happens) Can you deal with it? (nothing's ever good enough)
Venice Drowning
Venice breeding shy chimeras Of sex and violence In the purple evening silence Venice dreaming of a partner Fills your hands with breasts of marble From the cradle to the table Coax this naked treasure from Your saviour
Come swim into my love Come swim into my life
Divine blasphemer tempting Holy beads of jism With the scarlet catechism Her lips will answer (oh, her lips will answer) How to be ther perfect stranger The perfect lover wanting And as you'll discover...giving And as you'll discover...being
Come swim into my love Come swim into my life Enter this sublime corrosion Venice drowning in emotion
The body stirs and is reanimated Only briefly-- But then life is very brief
Venice drowning Venice drowning Venice drowning Venice drowning
Deliver us from evil We go with the flow But here's a little secret I think you ought to know Providers and abusers They know where to go With Sunday refugees from Sunday TV shows
Downtown all of the way down Downtown all of the way downtown
Let's sink imagination Past your wildest wild (all of the way downtown) Go way below below below Is it such a crime? The uptown can't teach you how to live They don't have the time Coz where i'm gonna take you Is a state of mine
Downtown all of the way down Downtown all of the way downtown Downtown all of the way down Downtown all of the way downtown
You better learn to use your heart You got to loose your money You better use it all up Coz you can't take it with you When you're going down...
You'll never come home babe You'll never come home baby And you'll never be alone All of the way downtown All of the way... Down Down Down Downtown...
22.1.2008, 23:04
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома The Wedding Album (1993)
Too Much Information
Destroyed by MTV, I hate to bite the hand that Feeds me so much information The Pressure's on the screen To sell you things that you don't need It's too much information for me
Hey TV Child look into my eyes Here by intervention I want your attention
Promotion Boy in a suit and tie He wants you to use it You're too shot to loose it
It's pumpin down the cable Like never seen before A COLA (condom) manufacturer is sponsoring the war
Here comes the news with love from me to you
Destroyed by ABC I hate to bite the hand that Feeds me so much information The Pressure's on the screen To sell you things that you don't need It's too much information for me
Turn on the tube Hits you with the Groove Advertizin muzik We want you to choose it
These teeth are white trainers ULTRA BRITE
This band is perfect just don't scratch the surface
We covered all the angles The survey people said Just put us on the cover we'll be smilin anyway
This video was made with LOVE to you
Destroyed by BBC I hate to bite the hand that Feeds me so much information The Pressure's on the screen to Sell you things that you don't need It's too much information for me
Destroyed by MTV I hate to bite the hand that Feeds me so much information The Pressure's on the screen to Sell you things that you don't need It's too much information for me
Dialate your MIND Dialate your MIND Dialate your MIND
Got to give it to me Got to listen to me Got to give in to me Now I'm on the line
I try......
Ordinary World
Came in from a rainy Thursday On the avenue Thought I heard you talking softly
I turned on the lights, the TV And the radio Still I can't escape the ghost of you
What has happened to it all? Crazy, some are saying Where is the life that I recognize? Gone away
But I won't cry for yesterday There's an ordinary world Somehow I have to find And as I try to make my way To the ordinary world I will learn to survive
Passion or coincidence Once prompted you to say "Pride will tear us both apart" Well now pride's gone out the window Cross the rooftops Run away Left me in the vacuum of my heart
What is happening to me? Crazy, some'd say Where is my friend when I need you most? Gone away
But I won't cry for yesterday There's an ordinary world Somehow I have to find And as I try to make my way To the ordinary world I will learn to survive
Papers in the roadside Tell of suffering and greed Here today, forgot tomorrow Ooh, here besides the news Of holy war and holy need Ours is just a little sorrowed talk
And I don't cry for yesterday There's an ordinary world Somehow I have to find And as I try to make my way To the ordinary world I will learn to survive
Every one Is my world, I will learn to survive Any one Is my world, I will learn to survive Any one Is my world Every one Is my world
Love Voodoo
When I first met you on the roof You cought me in your web of youth But now I know the wicked truth It's much to late so what's the use in fighting?
You peel me like an onion skin And wonder at the state I'm in One day you'll turn up to begin And find there's nothing left but innuendo
Beside you others fade away Like Amateurs in love's charade Much more than just a game you play These certain rules become a way of living
Night after night I try to prove That I can resist you Tied up inside your Love Voodoo Designed to Manipulate
The Queen of sensuality You shelter me from Liberty It's nothing short of Piracy That's not to say it doesn't please me sometimes.
Now this may come as no surprise But I'm content to compromise Until the day you realize That I have been manipulating you
Night after night I try to prove That I can resist you Tied up inside your Love Voodoo Designed to Manipulate
Yes, I'm tied up inside your loving But it's voodoo to me
Everynight how I try How I try to resist you But it's no good to me
Night after night I try to prove That I can resist you Tied up inside your Love Voodoo Designed to Manipulate
Night after night I try to prove That I can resist you Tied up inside your Love Voodoo Designed to Manipulate
Drowning Man
He's sinking faster than a drowning man He'll grab a hold of anyone he can Gun in his poket and a heart of ham Uncle Sam
He's dying faster than a rabid dog Infect us all now he's losing blood Nose for trouble and a soul of rock Smokey's man
Don't drag me down I don't wanna drown Your going down
There's not much flesh Just skin and bone Cheeks sunk deep Eyes popping wide
Don't put out a hand to help him This drowning man will bite it right off
Don't drag me down I don't wanna drown Your going down
He's selling faster than a magazine Infect us all with his TV Screen
Don't drag me down I don't wanna drown Your going down
Get it together Thing is jumpin' I wanna see your Bullets pumpin'
Itchy finger On the trigger Got to make the Shooter bigger
Come Undone
Mine, immaculate dream made breath and skin I've been waiting for you Signed, with a home tattoo, Happy birthday to you was created for you
(can't ever keep from falling apart At the seams Can't I believe you're taking my heart To pieces)
Oh, it'll take a little time, Might take a little crime To come undone now
We'll try to stay blind To the hope and fear outside Hey child, stay wilder than the wind And blow me in to cry
Who do you need, who do you love When you come undone
[Verse 2] Words, playing me deja vu Like a radio tune I swear I've heard before Chill, is it something real Or the magic I'm feeding off your fingers
(Can't ever keep from falling apart At the seams Can I believe you're taking my heart To pieces)
Lost, in a snow filled sky, we'll make it alright To come undone now
Breath After Breath
Breath After Breath Ama! Danca!
Every day I wake up in this room And I don't know Where I come from, Where I'm going to Then I hear the voice
Senhora musa da paz Me abraca Me carrega no teu andor
Dormir no colo da dor Amiga, arrasa! A tua mao desenhou O sonho na areia Agora, entrega de vez Meu rumo E vida
From where I stand The truth isn't black and white Alone we live and die We love and fight Breath after breath We carry this mortal coil Safe for tomorrow
Do I dare Oh do I dare Follow through the goorsteps My whole body hears Beating on my heart like a feather Beating of a moment til I disappear
Diga uma palavra alegre Manda um recado Que seja agoca Faz o mundo ficar novo E dancar no colo do tal de amor
From where I stand The truth isn't black and white Alone we live and die We love and fight Breath after breath We carry this mortal coil Safe for tomorrow
Circles in sand are washed out into the sea Just as we slip on through to eternity Breath after breath We carry this mortal coil Safe for tomorrow
Diga uma palavra, cara Bem alegre Corre, manda logo um recado Me abraca Faz um clima doce Me arrepia! Chega de sufocol Me poe louco! Me faz diamante Teu amante Danca ao som do vento Me ensina Basta de sufoco Nao faz jogo...
A flame of love is burning Always The song is of the planets Oh whooooooo The dance is to the rhythm of the rain Where everyone is coming from Is coming to
And birth is just a Breath after breath
Here we stand In the shadow of the master plan Makin' touble wherever we can, Stir it up, stir it up, stir it up Can't you see this boy is going cheap - Knockdown to a basement deal But I really won't stop til I get to the top Take it from me, I'm waiting here on my knees And I love the way you tease me (oh) such a wonderful person Don't play rough - It's easy when you know your stuff Say please and sure enough, so kind, I'm makin love to the ultimate mind
Come on, take a look, put it to me, baby You could feel a love come tumbling down I just want to wrap myself in you baby We could tell the world we're fooling around
Ultimately, I'd say shes toying with me It's a case of wait and see, But right now I'm gonna keep my pants on A to Zed, shes doin' it to my head We don't need to go to bed, you'll find, To make love to the ultimate mind
(Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...) Put it to me, baby (you could feel a love...)
(Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...) Wanna wrap myself in you, baby (we'll tell the world...)
Talk me round, Let's do it right here and now I don't want you cooling down, Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up We could fit reality's two-way split personality Life's a bitch, but I'm fine, Making love to the ultimate mind Heaven's bent, we're completely innocent We all got to pay the rent, And in time we learn to compromise Talkin' tall, but I feel invisible Can you see me after all that I said, There's only one thing for it
Take a look, put it to me, baby You could feel a love come tumbling down I just want to wrap myself in you baby We can tell the world were fooling around
(Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...) Come on, take a look, put it to me, baby (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...) You could be a love come tumbling down (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...) I just want to wrap myself in you baby (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...) We could tell the world we're fooling around (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...) Come on, take a look, put it to me, baby (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...) You could feel a love come tumbling down (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...) I just want to wrap myself in you baby (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...) We could tell the world we're fooling around (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...) Come on, take a look (put it to me baby) (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...) (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...) (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...)
I'm making love to the ultimate mind Ultimate mind Ultimate mind...
None Of The Above
There was a time I was so afraid Of everything people around me said That I wanted to hide my face in the shadows
There was a time on a bed of nails I was dreaming a plan I thought could not fail But no power under the sun could pull it together
I can't take this attitude Got to show now I got to move on God knows where I'm going to Its a lonely burning question
I am I myself alone Realize I never need to use No-one Money, power, Holy roads. Freedom puts my faith in none of the above
If there's a time that we ever see The nature of life in reality Then I want to be there To kick at the answer
I can't take this attitude Got to show now I got to move on God knows where I'm going to Its a lonely burning question
I am I myself alone Realize I never need to use No-one Money, power, Holy roads. Freedom puts my faith in none of the above I am I myself alone Realize I never need to use No-one Money, power, Holy roads. Freedom puts my faith in none of the above
I am I myself alone Realize I never need to use No-one Money, power, Holy roads. Freedom puts my faith in none of the above I am I myself alone Realize I never need to use No-one Money, power, Holy roads. Freedom puts my faith in none of the above
None of the above I stand by none of the above
Femme Fatale
Here she comes you better watch your step. She's going to break your heart in two Its true it's not hard to realize Just look into her false coloured eyes She'll build you up just to put you down, What a clown
'Coz everybody knows... she's a femme fatale Things she does to please, sees just a little tease See the way she walks, hear the way she talks
You're written in her book, You're number 37 take a look She's going to smile to make you frown, what a clown Little boy she's from the street Before you start your're already beat She's going to play you for a fool Yes it's true
'Coz everybody knows... she's a femme fatale Things she does to please, sees just a little tease See the way she walks, hear the way she talks She will try to put you doen, the hardest girl around
'Coz everybody knows... she's a femme fatale Things she does to please, sees just a little tease She's a femme fatale.
I watch you from my window working this vicious road You shudder when the wind blows Girl you're looking beat and cold Don't know your situation but you look so alone to me In my imagination this is how the message reads
Just come softly to me in the shelter of my heart
Trust my intuition you're the one I've got to know I give without condition wouldn't try to save your soul Money or reputation doesn't mean a thing to me Special communication it's the only thing we need
Reaching out... Calling out Just come softly to me Calling out... Hear me now In the shelter of my heat
Reaching out... calling out... Hear me now... do you read me? In the shelter of my heart.
Here is no pain to feel Here is safe for lips unsealed Just come softly to me Reaching out Reaching out for your love babe Calling out Calling out for your love For your love babe Just come softly to me in the shelter of my heart
To Whom It May Concern
Dear Mr. Bones, I've (We've) had enough You can try to pull us down With your pinstipe weasle stuff But word travels in this town I wouldn't write home about you We're better off without you Without you Mr. Bones
Some people feed on other people's troubles Some people beat on other people's meat Some people want to bleed us dry And some people...Gonna down on your feet.
You said "Boy's I'll get you more But you have got to pay me by the hour". Anyways you are just another bore Who believes he's a superpower.
When you talk about loyalty I just hope you realize Since you ate my roalities Mr. Bones this is goodbye.
This is goodbye and such hereinafter shall be reffered. Notwithstanding or foregoing statements unpreferred. Don't claim you understand When you've not heard a single word, a dicky bird.
Some people feed on other people's troubles. Some people beat on other people's meat. Some people want to bleed us dry And some people... gonna drown on your feet.
Sin Of The City
Coat check girl up in Happyland Has a violent row with a Cuban man Julio leaves in a drunken rage Comes back with the gasoline The club has no fire exit The club had no door Only five people came out alive
The sin is that 89 died 89 dead 89 dead 89 dead 89 dead
The sin is that a year and a half Before the fire chief's out And he's raising cain brands Happyland hazzard close down but no.
No-one ever paid him no mind City living heavy trouble City living rough We are given angry heart But angers not enough
Daily News reviews of the landlords life Found six thousand code violations light. The city has more a hundred thousand wars All for one of Forbes' Four Hundred whores. Just one fire cracker on a big bonfire Of self serving penny pinching wiseguy style. Never allowing for the human condition. The sin is that these guys survive.
City living heavy trouble City living rough. We are given angry heart But anger's not enough... rpt.
You're using your people up. Stop killing your people now. Stop wasting your people now Sin of the City.
22.1.2008, 23:06
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Thank You (1995)
White Lines
White! Ooh-white! White! Ooh-white! White! Ooh-white! White! Ooh-white! (White Lines) Vision dreams of passion (Going through my mind) And all the while I think of you (Pipeline) A very strange reaction (Yours to unwind) The more I see, the more I do
Something of a phenomenon, Telling your body to come along Cause White Lines blow away Blow! Rock! Blow!
Ticket to ride a white-line highway tell all your friends they can go my way Pay your toll, sell your soul pound for pound it costs more than gold The longer you stay, the more you pay my white lines go a long way Either up your nose or through your vein with nothing to gain except killing your brain
Freeze! (say rock, come on y'all) Rock (say freeze, come on!) Freeze! (say rock, come on y'all) Rock (say freeze, come on!) Freeze! (say rock, come on y'all) Rock (say freeze, come on!) Freeze! (say rock, come on y'all) Rock (say freeze, come on!) Aaaaah... Higher baby, get higher baby, get higher baby and don't ever come down... Free base!
Pipeline (pure as the driven snow) connected to my mind (and now I'm having fun, baby!) Highrise (it's getting kind of low) 'cause it makes you feel so nice (I need some one on one, baby!)
Tell me it'll blow your mind away (baby) going to your little hideaway 'Cause white lines (what do white lines do?) blow away Blow! - Rock! - Blow!
A million magic crystals painted pure and white A multi-million dollars almost overnight Twice as sweet as sugar, twice as bitter as salt And if you get hooked baby, it's nobody else's fault - so don't do it!
Freeze! (say rock, come on y'all) Rock (say freeze, come on!) Freeze! (say rock, come on y'all) Rock (say freeze, come on!) Freeze! (say rock, come on y'all) Rock (say freeze, come on!) Freeze! (say rock, come on y'all) Rock (say freeze, come on!) Aaaaah... Higher baby, get higher baby, get higher baby and don't ever come down... Free base!
(Don't you get too high) Don't you get too high, baby (It turns you on) You really turn me on and on (Can't you ever come down) My temperature is rising ('Til the thrill is gone) No, I don't want you to go
A street kid gets arrested, gonna do some time He got out three years from now just to commit more crime
A businessman is caught with twenty four kilos He's out on bail, and out of jail, and that's the way it goes!
Cane! Sugar! Cane! Sugar! Cane!
Athletes reject it - governors correct it Gangsters, punks, and smugglers are thoroughly respected The money gets divided - the women get excited Now I'm broke and it's no joke it's hard as hell to fight it - don't buy it!
Freeze! (say rock, come on y'all) Rock (say freeze, come on!) Freeze! (say rock, come on y'all) Rock (say freeze, come on!) Freeze! - Rock (say freeze, come on!) Freeze! (say rock, come on y'all) Rock (say freeze, come on!) Freeze! (say rock, come on y'all) Rock (say freeze, come on!) Freeze! (say rock, come on y'all) Rock (put 'em up, put 'em up, put 'em up!) Aaaaah...
I Wanna Take You Higher
Beat is getting stronger, feel it getting stronger Sound is getting longer, too Music is a thought to me
I want to, I want to I wanna take you higher (take you higher) I wanna take you higher (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby, light my fire (light my fire) I wanna take you higher (take you higher) Whoo!
Beat is nitty gritty, feel it nitty gritty Sound is in your city, too Music's been a thought to me
Don't you, don't you, don't, don't Don't you wanna get higher (take you higher) Don't you wanna get higher (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby, light my fire (light my fire) I wanna take you higher (take you higher)
Boom shaka-laka-laka! Boom shaka-laka-laka! Boom shaka-laka-laka!
Beat is nitty gritty... I 'm gonna take you high... Beat is there, I'm with you Beating there to lose you Sound is there to help you groove Music's been a thought to me Everybody take your places
I'm gonna take you higher (take you higher) I wanna take you higher (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby, light my fire (light my fire) I wanna take you higher (take you higher) Higher, higher, higher, mmm... I wanna take you (take you higher) I wanna take you higher (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby, light my fire (light my fire) I'm gonna take you higher (take you higher) Don't you wanna get higher (take you higher) (Take you higher) I'm gonna take you high (higher) I'm gonna take you high (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby - baby, baby, baby (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby, light my fire (take you higher) Higher (take you higher) (Take you higher) Baby, baby, baby - baby, baby, baby (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby, light my fire (take you higher) Higher (take you higher) (Take you higher) I'm gonna take you (take you higher) I'm gonna take you (take you higher) I'm gonna take, gonna take, gonna take you higher (light my fire) I wanna take you, I wanna take you higher (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby, light my (take you higher)
Perfect Day
Just a Perfect Day Drank Sangria in the Park And Later, when it gets dark We go Home
Just A Perfect Day Feed Animals in the Zoo And Later, a movie too And then Home
It's Such a Perfect Day I'm Glad I spent it with you Such a Perfect Day You Just keep me hanging on You Just keep me hanging on
Just a Perfect Day Problems all Left Alone Weekenders on our own Such Fun
Just a Perfect Day You made me forget myself I thought I was someone else Someone new
It's Such a Perfect Day I'm Glad I spent it with you Such a Perfect Day You Just keep me hanging on You Just keep me hanging on
You're gonna reap just what you sow. written by/copyright: Lou Reed original artist: Lou Reed
Lay Lady Lay
Lay lady lay lay across my big brass bed Lay lady lay lay across my big brass bed
Whatever colors you have in your mind I show them to you and you see them shine
Lay lady lay lay across my big brass bed Stay lady stay stay with your man a while Until the break of day let me see you make him smile
His clothes are dirty but his, his hands are clean And you are the best thing that he's ever seen
Stay lady stay stay with your man a while
Why wait any longer for the world to begin you can have your cake and eat it, too Why wait any longer for the one you love when he's standing in front of you
Lay lady lay lay across my big brass bed Stay lady stay stay while the night is still ahead
I long to see you in the morning light I long to reach for you in the night
Stay lady stay stay while the night is still ahead
Watching The Detectives Nice girls not one with a defect Cellophane shrink-wrapped so correct Red dogs under illegal legs She looks so good that he gets down and begs She is watching the detectives, oh he's so cute She is watching the detectives When they shoot shoot shoot shoot. They beat him up until the teardrops start. But he can't be wounded cos he's got no heart
Long shot of that jumping sign Visible shivers running down my spine Cut the baby taking off her clothes Close-up of the sign that says "we never close" You snatch a tune, you match a cigarrette. She pulls the eyes out with a face like a magnet I don't know how much more of this I can take She filing her finger nails while they're dragging the lake She is watching the detectives oh he's so cute She is watching the detectives Oh they shoot shoot shoot shoot They beat him up until the teardrops start But he can't be wounded cos he's got no heart
Now you think you're alone until you realize you're in it Now fear is here to stay love is here for a visit. They call it instant justice when it's past the legal limit. Someone's scratching at the window. I wonder who is it? The detectives come to check if you belong to the parents Who are ready to hear the worst about their daughter's disappearance. Though it nearly took a miracle to get you to stay It only took my little fingers to blow you away
Just like watching the detectives. Don't get cute It's just like watching the detectives. I get so angry when the tear-drops start but he can't be wounded cause he's got no heart. Watching the detectives. It's just like watching the detectives. Watching the detectives. Watching the detectives.
911 Is A Joke
Now I dialed nine one one a long time ago Don't you see how late they're reactin' They only come and they come when they wanna So get the morgue truck and bag the goner They don't care 'cause they get paid anyway They treat you like an ace that can't be betrayed I know you stumble with no use people If your life is on the line then you're dead today
Late comings with the late comin' stretcher That's a body bag in disguise y'all I'll betcha I call 'em body snatchers quick they come to fetch you with an autopsy ambulance just to dissect ya
They are the kings 'cos they swing amputation Lose your arms your legs to them it's compilation I can prove it to you watch the rotation It all adds up to a funky situation
So get up get get get down 911 is a joke in yo town Get up get get get down Late 911 wears the late crown
911 is a joke
Everyday they don't never come correct You can ask my man right here with the broken neck He's a witness to the job never bein' done He would've been in full effect 911 They the token to your life when it's croakin' They need to be in a pawn shop on a 911 is a joke we don't want 'em I call a cab 'cause a cab will come quicker The doctors huddle up and call a flea flicker The reason that I say that 'cause they Flick you off like fleas They be laughin' at ya while you're crawlin' on our knees And to the strength so go the length Thinkin' you are first when you really are tenth You better wake up and smell the real flavor Cause 911 is a fake life saver
Ow, ow 911 is a joke
Here comes success Over my hill Here comes success Here comes my car Here comes my Chinese rug Here comes success Yeow!
In the last ditch I'll think of you In the last ditch I will be true Sweetheart, I'm telling you Here comes the zoo
Here comes success Hoo-ray success
Oh oh success Hoo-rah success Oh Oh Sucess I can't help myself
I just gotta gotta gotta... I can't stand it! I need success
Ah, Ah, Ah
Here comes my face It's plain bizzare Here comes my face Out of the crowd Sweetheart I'm telling you Here comes the zoo
oh oh oh
Baby lets blast off We blast of for success I'm gonna crash my car I'm gonna wear a dress Oh you slay me baby Were gonna do the twist Were gonna hop like a frog Cause we love success
da, da, da, da, da
Crystal Ship
Before you slip into unconsciousness I'd like to have another kiss Another flashing chance at bliss Another kiss, another kiss
The days are bright and filled with pain Enclose me in your gentle rain The time you ran was too insane We'll meet again, we'll meet again
So tell me where your freedom lies The streets are fields that never die Deliver me from reasons why You'd rather cry, I'd rather fly
The crystal ship is being filled A thousand girls, a thousand thrills A million ways to spend your time When we get back, I'll drop a line
Ball Of Confusion
People moving out People moving in Why? Because of the color of their skin Run, Run, Run but you sure can't hide
An eye for an eye A tooth for a tooth Vote for me, I'll set you free Rap on brother, rap on
Well the only person talking about love thy brother is a preacher See, No body is interested in learning but the teacher
Segregation Domination Demonstration Integration Aggrivation Humiliation Obligation to the nation
Ball of Confusion, Ball of Confusion That's what your world today Ball of Confusion, Ball of Confusion That's what your world today
is like an all time high City's aflame in the summer time, and Oh, The beat goes on
Evolution, Revolution, Evolution.... Gun Control, the sound of soul Politicians, can you fucking believe them?
And the band played on And the band played on
Round and around and around we go Where ever we're standing no body knows
Take a look around Can't you hear me talking to you? Just a
Ball of Confusion, Ball of Confusion That's what your world today Ball of Confusion, Ball of Confusion That's what your world today
See it in the air Tension everywhere Unemployment rising fast Killers gangs watch your ass
Gun control, the sound of soul
Segregation Domination Demonstration Integration Aggrivation Humiliation Obligation to the nation
Ball of Confusion, Ball of Confusion That's what your world today
That's what your world today Ball of Confusion, Ball of Confusion.... repeat
Thank You
If the sun refused to shine, I would still be lovin' you. When mountains crumble to the sea, There will still be you and me.
Kind woman, I give you my all, Kind woman, nothing more. Little drops of rain whisper of the pain, Tears of loves lost in the days gone by.
My love is strong With you there is no wrong, Together we shall go until we die. My, my, my, Inspiration is what you are to me, Inspiration, look see.
And so today, my world it smiles, Your hand in mine, we walk the miles, Thanks to you it will be done, For you to me are the only one. Happiness, no more be sad, Happiness....I'm glad.
Drive By
It was the hottest day in July And all along Santa Monica Blvd cars were stood still And a gleaming metal tube Would stretch all the way from Highland Back to La Brea. And she met under Los Angeles sunshine
Young man was sitting at the wheel On his way to make a pickup Turned off the air-con Rolled down the window And began to sweat
Out over the Hollywood hills He saw the clouds building Like great dark towers of rain Ready to come tumbling down Any day now Not a day too soon
(any day now)
And as the music drifted in From other cars His eyes started to slip This is the story of his dream
(Sing Blue Silver, Sing Sing Blue Silver)
This is the story of his dream...
I Wanna Take You Higher Again
Beat is getting stronger, feel it getting stronger Sound is getting longer, too Music is a thought to me
I want to, I want to I wanna take you higher (take you higher) I wanna take you higher (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby, light my fire (light my fire) I wanna take you higher (take you higher) Whoo!
Beat is nitty gritty, feel it nitty gritty Sound is in your city, too Music's been a thought to me
Don't you, don't you, don't, don't Don't you wanna get higher (take you higher) Don't you wanna get higher (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby, light my fire (light my fire) I wanna take you higher (take you higher)
Boom shaka-laka-laka! Boom shaka-laka-laka! Boom shaka-laka-laka!
Beat is nitty gritty... I 'm gonna take you high... Beat is there, I'm with you Beating there to lose you Sound is there to help you groove Music's been a thought to me Everybody take your places
I'm gonna take you higher (take you higher) I wanna take you higher (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby, light my fire (light my fire) I wanna take you higher (take you higher) Higher, higher, higher, mmm... I wanna take you (take you higher) I wanna take you higher (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby, light my fire (light my fire) I'm gonna take you higher (take you higher) Don't you wanna get higher (take you higher) (Take you higher) I'm gonna take you high (higher) I'm gonna take you high (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby - baby, baby, baby (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby, light my fire (take you higher) Higher (take you higher) (Take you higher) Baby, baby, baby - baby, baby, baby (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby, light my fire (take you higher) Higher (take you higher) (Take you higher) I'm gonna take you (take you higher) I'm gonna take you (take you higher) I'm gonna take, gonna take, gonna take you higher (light my fire) I wanna take you, I wanna take you higher (take you higher) Baby, baby, baby, light my (take you higher)
22.1.2008, 23:07
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Medazzaland (1997)
(Oh, Medazzaland) I have a problem, they said they can solve Soon I won't speak I have no words left in me I dream in pictures But the sound is muted I have no way to understand what they say (Into Medazzaland) People are starting to talk But I don't hear them anymore Now I can't see But I am still able to think Do I have any feeling left? What are they saying about me? Do they really understand what's wrong? I feel their hands on my skin The time has come for them to begin I'm sinking deeper and deeper Into Medazzaland I can feel the scalpel on my skin It's cutting in Deeper and deeper I'm in Medazzaland (Oh Medazzaland)
Big Bang Generation
Falling into space At the end of time Black as the black in your eye Staring through a hole in the ozone There's nobody home To play back your ansaphone Climax out of blue Is it just another high? No there must be something new Now that I'm so alien
Entering the atmosphere Don't know what is waiting here (oh no) If there's nothing left to fear When they come together in the Big Bang Generation
Teardrop in the sky Bursting my eye Sound of morning sighs This life is stranger than fiction Surreal addiction It's all I recognize Feeding off the habit Losing control Where is it leading to? Now that I'm the alien
Entering the atmosphere Don't know what is waiting here If there's nothing left to fear When we come together in the Big Bang Generation
(Feel like I'm losing control) Big Bang Generation (Now that I'm here alone) Big Bang Generation (Feel like I'm losing control) Big Bang Generation (Feel like I'm losing it) We're gonna come together here
Where you coming from? When we gonna burn out? Don't know Having so much fun Greetings from the Big Bang Generation Big Bang Generation
Meet you in the Big Bang Generation Together in the Big Bang Generation Together we're the Big Bang Generation
Electric Barbarella
I knew when I first saw you on the showroom floor You were made for me I took you home and dressed you up in polyester Princess of my dreams Emotionless and cold as ice All of the things I like The way you look The way you move The sound you're makin' In ultra-chrome, latex and steel
I plug you in Dim the lights Electric Barbarella Your perfect skin Plastic kiss Electric Barbarella Try to resist Then we touch Hallucinate and tranquilize
(she's so fine) (she's all mine)
Our private life is subject to investigation No time to waste People say they heard about our deviation But you never looked so good Wear the fake fur and fake pearls for me And put on your mystery The way I feel you know I'll never keep you waiting In ultra-chrome, latex and steel
I plug you in Dim the lights Electric Barbarella Your perfect skin Plastic kiss Electric Barbarella Try to resist Then we touch Hallucinate and tranquilize
Princess of my dreams Princess of my dreams Major domo plasticomo Barbarella (She's so fine) Pro-genetic you Electric Barbarella (She's all mine) My pretty pretty pretty pretty Barbarella
Out Of My Mind
Light a candle Lay flowers at the door For those who were left behind And the ones who've gone before But here it comes now Sure as silence follows rain The taste of you upon my lips The fingers in my brain Ever gentle as it kills me where I lay Who am I to resist? Who are you to fail?
Got to get you out of my mind But I can't escape from the feeling As I try to leave the memory behind Without you what's left to believe in?
And I could be so sorry For the way it had to go But now I feel your presence In a way I could not know And I wonder Do you ever feel the same In whispering darkness Do you ever hear my name?
Got to get you out of my mind But I can't escape from the feeling As I try to leave the memory behind Without you, what's left to believe in?
How could you dare To become so real When you're just a ghost in me
And I've got to get you out of my mind But I can't escape from the feeling As I try to leave the memory behind Without you, what's left to believe in?
Here in the back of my mind
Deep in the back of my mind
Who Do You Think You Are
I'm giving you the news Your domination's through You gave the best you've got Now I'm out on top
If you're in any doubt Listen to me I've got a right to say If you know what it's all about Who do you think you are?
Don't want to be your enemy If I'm not the one you want me to be And I've got to do things the way that I do
Always trying to control me Who do you think you are?
Our time on earth is running through (This is not a question of my pride) Sometimes I think it's a game to you (Ever wonder how I feel inside?) And sometimes I play along But man I've got a mind!
You've got to live with yourself For the rest of you life Do you understand? Everybody asks themselves the question Who do you think you are?
Why do you feel ashamed When you can't explain the things I say To other people
It's just occurred to me A possibility The thought that you might really want to be me?
Silva Halo
You shine Where others fade You dare To be so brave
Don't compromise No one can touch you Just believe Just believe
Come to heaven, silva halo Come to heaven, silva halo Silva halo Silva halo
Be My Icon
I follow you, I wait for you You know there's no escape from me You're more than wallpaper in my room
I write you letters and bring you gifts I'm going through all your trash I love you so much, I keep your cigarette butts
Now is the time to come out Come out of the shadows
No need to be scared You're gonna be so happy I built you a shrine Now you can Be My Icon
I'm out on the edge There's no way back inside All my friends are gone They didn't understand me
It makes so much sense It's no coincidence Just you and I alone here And I need you Oh
How many hours have I stared at my face in the mirror I get worried sometimes that the image will shatter
No need to be scared You're gonna be so happy I built you a shrine Now you can be my icon No need to be Scared Now you can Be My Icon
I know this is real Believe it We belong together What ever happens You're gonna be with me Forever
Be my icon You will be my icon Be my icon you will be my icon
Buried In The Sand
Can't say that I was surprised When you broke the ties They were hanging by a thread But now I have realized It couldn't be the same Cause everything has changed And still I held out my hand Tried to pull you back But you were buried in the sand
I'm glad that you came along But here our journey ends I say goodbye to you My very dear friend
You were buried in the sand. Head buried in the sand. You were buried in the sand. Head buried in the sand. You are buried in the sand.
Michael You've Got A Lot To Answer For
I came over your place today In a roundabout sort of way Nothing holding me Just the company Gentle giving the afternoon
Don't ever try to be any more Michael, you've got a lot to answer for You unlocked some of the doors To my soul
And I don't see you for awhile Thinkin of you will make me smile You never bother me with responsibility Misbehaving in candlelight
Don't ever try to give any more Michael, you've got a lot to answer for You got me wakin up wise to the world
Trust you to get caught up in somebody's war You'll come out of it all in time, I'm sure Just remember what friends were put here for Michael, you've got a lot to answer for
And I know that you're gonna call If you need me When you need me If you need me
Midnight Sun
As I watch you flickering slowly In the shadows, nothing to hold It's as if I don't recall our time before And would it be so wrong Not to remember?
There are times I look at you differently Like I'd never seen you before Funny after all we've done You could be someone I don't know at all (Don't know you at all)
Catch me I don't want to fall
But you pull the mountain from under me Look, I'm dangling up in the blue And it's a cartoon coyote eternity Before I drop down to you What am I supposed to do now?
There is something beautiful shining In the far off night of your hair Funny for a while it seemed to come from the sky But it's in your head Yes it fills your head
You and I don't always fly Let me go I want to fall Deep into the dark But I'll get back to you And I'll always know how to find you Cause you shine like the midnight sun
Yes I'll always be here beside you When I follow the midnight sun
Follow follow follow the midnight sun.
So Long Suicide
Do you know how to feel? Do you know what it means?
Rock-a-bye baby it's time to break The habit that you fed Sweet sorrow while the cherished dead Blow in my mouth, every breath I take Although I need you I don't want to bleed for you
So long suicide Going right out of sight, out of mind Leave me alone and abandoned Hello, I'm alive I'm loaded alive, yes I know In my bones I know what is going to do it for me
I steal the beauty and I taste the hurt There's always time for pretty flowers growing in the dirt But time is your needle aimed to my heart And I must be hollow because I can't follow there
So long suicide Gone right out of sight, out of mind Leaving me alone and abandoned Hello, I'm alive I'm loaded alive and I know In my bones I know what I'm good for Hello I'm alive I'm loaded alive yes I know In my bones I know what I'm doing
And I'm scared of being ordinary God I swear to live like anyone And you know it's hard to swallow But life goes on
And after all this crash and swell We are just human And after all is said and done We're only human You're out of sight and out of mind I'm saying so long suicide
The half dreamed shade of yesterday In bloom tomorrow
Undergoing Treatment
We are undergoing treatment Watching others in the news Studying our worst reviews They say we'll get over it Disappear like dinosaurs To the sound of small applause Resign to the mid-price section
If you see me walking in the garden Don't ever ask me for an autograph If you ever catch me in the arcade Don't even stop me for a photograph
We are undergoing treatment 'Til our ethic fits the scene Laid out in Q Magazine They crave our conformity Mediocre to the bone Terrified testosterone But why do we still face the music?
If you see me walking in the garden Don't ever ask me...
Now and then you get the strangest notion That there's something missing But it keeps you guessing Wild ambition can you really blame us? Can you entertain us? Can you give a little more?
If you see me walking in the garden Don't ever ask me for an autograph If you ever catch me in the arcade Don't even stop me for a photograph
We are undergoing treatment But will the doctors ever cure These delusions of grandeur?
22.1.2008, 23:10
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Pop Trash (2000)
Someone Else Not Me
Now while the beat is slow Here in your arms I sway Now that the light is low Something I want to say I guess you've known it for a while But I mean trouble I only want to see you smile And I burst this bubble The hardest thing is to let go
When love is real... Like a flower loves a bee But I know you're meant to give yourself to someone else Not me
And I could carry on with you Does that sound crazy? I think you feel the same way too And you can't face it The hardest thing is to let go
But it's not defeat When you set somebody free And I know you're meant to be yourself with someone else Not me
Can you let go? 'Cause that's love that's real Like a flower loves a bee And you know you're meant to give yourself to someone else Not me
Somebody else not me Meant for somebody else not me Somebody else not me
Lava Lamp
In the half light of the evening I can almost see you glow Can tell by the way you're moving Time may be right to let you know You got many coloured halo, The body of Venus, a babe rainbow And if I come any closer I might fall into your silhouette But the shape of things to come is constantly changing So let it, so let it, so let it flow
La la la la lava lamp La la la la lava lamp
Indigo, violet and blue Can we meet where the edges blur? Because I am coming at you Like a bug eye heading for the burn Truth is I can't stay away No, I wanna let you light my volcano And maybe it's just in my imagination But you never know Because the shape of things to come is constantly changing So let it, so let it, so let it flow
La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on) La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)
La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on) La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)
So let it, so let it, so let it... La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on) La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)
Playing With Uranium
In for an evening Of light entertainment And who would believe you Could worry the neighbours? Come on over to my place Playing with uranium If it blows up in your face See you on the other side Come on over to my place
Playing with uranium Reinvent the human race You just got the invitation
We go undiscovered 'Cause people are careless One way or another They'll never forget us
Come on over to my place Playing with uranium And if it blows up in your face See you on the other side Come on over to my place Never be the same again Reinvent the human race You just got the invitation
Playing with uranium Playing with uranium Never be the same again Because we're playing with uranium
Hallucinating Elvis
(I was hallucinating, I was hallucinating)
I was hallucinating Elvis Hawaii to Las Vegas Special treatment all the way Hallucinating Elvis Missing 18 hours Losing oxygen to the brain
Lying on the floor There's a limit how much more I can take Rhinestone inside my shoe Because I'm turning into you
I was hallucinating, I was hallucinating, I was hallucinating...Elvis
FBI tapping the King's phone 74, he's trapped in his home Hidden cameras, 2-way mirror walls Walkie-talkie, kung-fu Then the president calls
I was hallucinating Elvis Hawaii to Las Vegas Special treatment all the way Hallucinating Elvis Missing 18 hours Losing oxygen to the brain
Whoever has to know Tune in to my show What you see ain't what you get I'm shooting movies and the TV set...
Elvis, Elvis, Elvis, Elvis
I was hallucinating Elvis Hawaii to Las Vegas Special treatment all the way Hallucinating Elvis Missing 18 hours Losing oxygen to the brain
I was hallucinating, I was hallucinating, I was hallucinating...Elvis Elvis, Elvis, Elvis, Elvis
Hallucinating, hallucinating, hallucinating
Starting To Remember
How to begin do I shed a skin? Now that I am starting to remember It takes a while But you find a way to open up the door Let demons walk Now that I am starting to remember Can't change my world
I was happy ever after Was it only yesterday? That I bought the dream? But I don't sleep no more Counting the hours 'Til the dawn
Now that I am starting to remember How to love How to learn draw like a child Run for miles and miles Now that I am starting to remember Who I am Another lonely night ahead for me now Buried in the darkening day That lingers on And drags me down But you've got to believe Time will heal.
Pop Trash Movie
Saw a close up of your pretty face Overnight sensation Smiling for cameras From all around the world If I rewind back to yesterday And stop the tape there No one knew who you were But now they're at your door
I'm living in a pop trash movie We star together in every scene We'll all be famous for just a few minutes Part of a celluloid dream
Watching slow-mo going frame-by-frame Might have blurred my vision Your life went flashing by Where did it all go wrong?
I'm living in a pop trash movie We star together in every scene We'll all be famous for fifteen minutes Part of a celluloid dream
I'll wait in the wings for you I'll read your lines to you But now the script is final you know, it's time to go So we'll have to say goodbye
I'm living in a pop trash movie We star together in every scene We'll all be famous for those fifteen minutes Part of a celluloid dream We star in every scene And it's never quite what it seems
I'm living in a pop trash movie I know we'll make it with that pop trash - yeah We'll all be famous for those fifteen minutes Part of a celluloid dream, yeah
Mars Meets Venus
Thirtysomething graduate - green eyes - Perfect Christian lady - candlelit dinner - Slim female figure - sense of humour - Extrovert where are you?... Where are you?...where are you?
Let's start as friends - Seeking soul mate - long-term relationship - Choose life - soul sister - Hippie chick for soul brother bluesman - Genuine American frog seeks princess..
Someone is perfect for you (when Mars meets Venus) Do you wanna bet your life They're gonna be perfect for you too? (Mars meets Venus)
New-age man - shake me up, wild girl - gay guy - Romantic German - Indian - long-term relationship - Beauty with brains - missing something - Say...are you the one?... are you the one?
Someone is perfect for you (when Mars meets Venus) Do you wanna bet your life They're gonna be perfect for you too? (Mars meets Venus)...
Here's looking at you.
Lady Xanax
Here comes the morning light you can't face Lie on your bed staring into space Watch the time slip gently by Don't ask why
So many friends but nobody calls Can't be alone when the darkness falls Got to make it to the party Socialise, break the ice
Oh, Lady Xanax where were you last night? All the cracks in your make-up are starting to show Don't think that you realise how far away you go now Look into the future and don't be afraid...afraid Of what is on your mind
There, in the emptiness deep inside You are the one that's been left behind So you paint with your mascara Social eyes, don't look twice
Oh, Lady Xanax where were you last night? All the cracks in your make-up are starting to show Don't think that you realise how far away you go now Look into the future and don't be afraid...afraid
Lady Xanax, you're out tonight Lady Xanax, you're, oh, so tired Lady Xanax, sleep well tonight
Lady Xanax (Lady Xanax)
The Sun Doesn't Shine Forever
At the end of the rainbow Found each other there Strange, we never thought the colours would fade Be easy to walk But it's much harder to stay Why, oh why, are we reckless today?
You and I Got to hold on together Because in this life Maybe the sun doesn't shine forever
Could say that I'm sorry But there's no one to blame Anger seems to dissolve into tears Been so many good times Not only despair Somehow we'll find the love we can share
You and I Got to hold on together Because in this life Maybe the sun doesn't shine forever
You and I Make this life for each other Because I believe We've got enough for when the sun doesn't shine You and I Got to hold on together Because in this life Maybe the sun doesn't shine forever
Last Day On Earth
Mesmerised You get sucked in by the hype Headlights in your eyes
Flame burns fast Then your soul goes up in smoke Where's your faith in life?
Now what would you do If there was no tomorrow? And where would you go If you knew this was your last day on Earth?
Having the time of your life But you don't realise
Play to win So you got to roll the dice It's a vicious game
One false move That's how fortunes change And you're going down
Now what would you do If there was no tomorrow? And where would you go If you knew this was your last day on Earth?
This is the time of your life But you don't realise
Now what would you do If you knew this was your last day on Earth?
I'd kiss you goodbye
Last chance, living, taking, giving, having, Losing, needing, loving, waking, standing, Hoping, dreaming, smiling, laughing, feeling, Crying, wanting something, touching, living:.
Your last day on Earth
22.1.2008, 23:11
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Astronaut (2004)
(Reach Up For The) Sunrise
Now the time has come The music's between us Though the night seems young Is at an end Only change will bring You out of the darkness In this moment everything is born again
Reach up for the sunrise Put your hands into the big sky You can touch the sunrise Feel the new day enter your life
Reach up for the sunrise Put your hands into the big sky You can touch the sunrise Feel the new day enter your life
Now the fireball burns We go round together As the planet turns into the light Something more than dreams to Watch out for each other Coz we know what it means to be alive
Reach up for the sunrise Put your hands into the big sky You can touch the sunrise Feel the new day enter your life
Reach up for the sunrise Put your hands into the big sky You can touch the sunrise Feel the new day enter your life
Feel the new day enter your life Feel the new day
Reach up for the sunrise Put your hands into the big sky You can touch the sunrise Feel the new day enter your life
Reach up for the sunrise Put your hands into the big sky You can touch the sunrise Feel the new day enter your life
Reach up for the sunrise Put your hands into the big sky You can touch the sunrise Feel the new day enter your life
Want You More!
You had plans all along Musta seen me coming down a mile above the ground Coz I am weak where you are strong It's a thrill that makes me curious Whatever I'm thinking of You always seem to know Coz nothing is good enough There's always something to keep me guessing What if it's real, what if you're just faking? What if you knew you could? What if you get off on manipulating? Why does it feel so good? Drivin' the car turn up the sound Gets yer head in a hailstorm, man I'm gonna feel the blast I pick you up - you throw me down And it only gets more serious What could you be thinking of? You never let it show Coz you give me just enough There's always something You keep it coming What if it's real,what if your just faking? What if you knew you could? What if you get off on manipulating? Why does it feel so good? Why do I want you more? Why do I want you? Why do I feel so torn? Why do I want you more? Why do I want you? Why do I want you more? What could you be thinking of? You never let it show Coz you give me just enough There's always something, you keep me coming Just keep it coming What if it's real, what if you're just faking? What if you knew you could? What if you get off on manipluating? Why does it feel so good? Why do I want you more? Why do I want you? Why do I feel so torn? Why do I want you more? Why do I want you? Why do I want you more? Why do I want you more? Why do I want you? Why do I want you more? Why do I want you more? Why do I want you? Why do I want you more?
What Happens Tomorrow [Verse One:] Child, don't you worry It's enough you're growing up in such a hurry Brings you down, the news they sell you To put in your mind that all mankind is a failure
But nobody knows what's gonna happen tomorrow We try not to show how frightened we are If you let me - I'll protect you - however I can You've got to believe it'll be alright in the end You've got to believe it'll be alright again
[Verse Two:] Fighting because we're so close There are times we punish those who we need the most Though we can't wait for a saviour Only got ourselves to blame for this behaviour
And nobody knows what's gonna happen tomorrow We try not to show how frightened we are It would seem lonely - if you were the only - star in the night? You've got to believe it'll be alright in the end You've got to believe it'll be alright again
And nobody knows what's gonna happen tomorrow So don't let go, now we've come this far Hold my hand please, understand me - we're never alone
We've got to believe it'll be alright in the end (Nobody knows) You've got to believe it'll be alright my friend (Nobody knows) And yes we believe it'll be alright again
Makes my hair stand up on end, Something alien happening, Sychronize but don't comprehend, 'Cause where I stop that's where you begin!
Another moment I commit, A pleasure as I'm gonna' take the hit, And I'm addicted to the state you're in, 'Cause you're getting me out of it!
Wasted, there's nothing gonna ace this, And were gonna go to space it, 'Cause I'm leaving with an astronaut!
Groovin' out to X-ray specs, Something tells me your the alien sex, I can't imagine now what comes next, When this astronaut connects!
Coming on when I touch your skin, A kinda' strange light you emit, I hear you're gravity pull me in, Now your getting me out of it!
Wasted, there's nothing gonna ace this, And were gonna go to space it, 'Cause I'm leaving with an astronaut!
There, feat for quantum leap, Because space is hot and deep, And we follow giant footprints, As we fall in, falling like the twins, Through Saturn's holy rings, And if they can't hold us, where it's gonna end up, Anybody knows
Bedroom Toys
I been around the world I seen a lot of things That make your chicken curl You're squeezing like boys and teasing like girls Confusing like boys and girls Plan an exit route... parachute... rubber suit Are you ready for a little swim There's regular... queen size... flip it on the b side... solid gold
Oh my God what's this?
I saw the bedroom toys Now I'm stalling I can't believe my eyes I saw the bedroom toys Now I'm crawling I learn to improvise
Checking out the five star atmosphere You want some expertise If you got treasure, I'll pay you for the pleasure It'll bring you to your knees Silicone romance, what's your name fancypants? Got your eye on the employees Forget about the reeling, talk about the feeling Solid Gold
You want it... you got it... now what you gonna do with it?
Now you washed up, beat smashing, grab no receipt takes the platinum off your shine Lazy bed star, la di da, petty bourgeois Oh my would you look at the time Until you wise up, you know we're gonna line up The pimps and snitches to dip into your riches If you can't destroy it, you might as well enjoy it
Take the beautiful sting of a Scorpio A careless smile and it begins to snow And it hurts me to think That you might never know That I've got this thing about you
In case you don't understand There's something else I meant to tell you
There is nothing better Than being with you And I'm feeling so nice There is nowhere better Than here with you And it's feeling so nice
Staying up with the moon And walking home in the rain Mixed with your perfume And never twice the same I got a lot to lose But everything to gain When I really think about it
You haven't got a clue It's all that I can do to hide it
There is nothing better Than being with you And I'm feeling so nice There is nowhere better Than here with you And it's feeling so nice
Did I already say 'Cause you make me forget I might as well be brave and tell 'ya
And it hurts me to think that You might never know Will it hurt as much being true? I might as well be brave and tell 'ya
Yeah I'm feeling And it's feeling so nice
Taste The Summer
Doo doo doo doobeedoo Doo doo doo, doo doo doo Doo doo doo doobeedoo Doo doo doo, doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doobeedoo Doo doo doo, doo doo doo (Taste the summer, you can taste the summer)
Can you, can you taste the summer? I do, I find it in your mouth
Now if I have a weakness it's for sweetness And it's... floating on your breath, the sweetest melody
Doo doo doo doobeedoo Doo doo doo, doo doo doo (Taste the summer, you can taste the summer)
Sure we can make it till the evenings Cool haze is reflected off your thighs
Long days are coming up and staying up and playing Music of the falling stars, a melody (melody...)
Doo doo doo doobeedoo Doo doo doo, doo doo doo (Taste the summer, you can taste the summer)
Finest Hour How does it feel out on the ice? You speak to the crowd but nobody hears It's not a dream and you are no Christ And you're not alone come in from the fear
Gonna take it back Take back the life that you wanna lead Been under quiet attack But now it's time for you and me Gonna take it back You've got to fight for what you believe We're gonna make this stand The finest hour that we see
When did our choice become erased? Where is the violence in this crowd? Now that our voice has been replaced With a silence that screams out loud
Gonna take it back Take back the life that you wanna lead Been under quiet attack But now it's time for you and me Gonna take it back You've got to fight for what you believe We're gonna make this stand The finest hour that we see
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Gonna take it back Take back the life that you wanna lead Been under quiet attack But now it's time for you and me Gonna take it back You've got to fight for what you believe We're gonna make this stand The finest hour that we see
Yeah... The finest hour that we see We're gonna make this stand The Finest Hour that we see Yeah -eah - eah -eah -eah
An hour since the sundown The ghosts are creepin in Are gathering around me Like starlings in the wind
Dark shapes gather round
Voices like my brother's Are whispering to me But I don't know these others Who want to set me free
Come home you're out of time
But the life cannot let go It's a chain cuts across my soul Anchoring in this world
I put my hand into the flame Burning but I feel no pain Don't speak, don't speak my name Hold on to this life of chains
The door is standing open But I'm too tired to be afraid My whole life's in this moment I've been fighting all the way
Just need a little more time
Cuz the life just can't let go It's a chain cuts across my soul Anchoring in this world
I put my hand into the flame Burning but I feel no pain Don't speak, don't speak my name Hold on to this life of chains
Nah nah nah nah nah
I put my hand into the flame Burning but I feel no pain Don't speak, don't speak my name Hold on to this life of chains
Chains... chains... chains...
One Of Those Days
Suddenly it all looks so familiar Gone and wrecked it like I always do Don't you know it? Life is out to kill 'ya But you still go getting on with it
Seen better times than right now But I'm not running away No nothing's gonna bring me down
It's just been one of those days I'm not the only one
They can drag me to the gates of hell now There's nothing left but I'm still hanging in Not for me, ain't no final showdown I'm too shattered to do anything
Seen better times than right now But I'm not running away 'Cause nothing's going to bring me down
It's just been one of those days I'm not the only one feeling this way And I'm not sorry
I'm not the only one feeling this way And I'm not sorry Not running away
Point Of No Return
The random aspects of our lives Come together once in a while So blinding and decidedly Naivety falls from our eyes And we'll not regain As we watch the tower falling down
Maybe things can change Only if you want Maybe things can change Only if you want
You know, you know there's no avoiding The lesson to be learned The lesson to be learned The point of no return You say "What if?" But can you live it? It's all that we deserve It's all that we deserve The point of no return
Don't blame yourself Don't blame me But we're the ones Who can feed the ground So this poison tree, don't let it grow again And from this glass and broken earth There is a way that can be built A better life for everyone
Maybe things can change Only if you want Maybe things can change Only if you want
Still Breathing
Home, it's not brick or stone Or comfort in the firelight, Not in that sense anyway. Dreams, if only I had known But these things always seem So much clearer at a distance.
I'm walking out of this town I'm never going back there, I'm never going back there. I'd burn the place to the ground. I'm never going back there, I'm never going back there again.
Words only could break that ring You know the words still sting So much harder than the blows ever did. Heart, though it's hot and violent My head is cool and quiet As the ashes that fall from the sky
I'm walking out of this town I'm never going back there, I'm never going back there. I burn the place to the ground. I'm never going back there, I'm never going back there again.
Now, I know this shattered feeling, Trampled but still breathing.
I'm just waiting for a good day I'm walking out of this town I'm never going back there, I'm never going back there. I've burn the place to the ground. I'm never going back there, I'm never going back there again. Never going back there again, I'm never going back there again
22.1.2008, 23:30
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Red Carpet Massacre (2007)
The Valley
These are days of hit and run In the stream with everyone Is a moment of our lives
On a wandering river Going on together Many journeys to arrive
I've been walking Through the valley Through the tall grass And the shadows And I feel it I can see it Yes I need it I believe it
Through the city And the towers Turning minutes Into hours And I feel it I can see it Yes I need it I believe it
When I think I'm being strong And I lose direction then a life starts looking mischievous Finding revelation Out of desperation Always stretching time But it's never long enough
You think you're happy Think you're free But maybe we're just Comfortably dizzy
I've been running Through the valley Through the tall grass And the shadows And I feel it I can see it Yes I need it I believe it
Through the city And the towers Turning minutes Into hours And I feel it I can see it Yes I need it I believe it
I've been running Through the valley Through the tall grass Through the shadows And I feel it I can see it Yes I need it I believe it
Through the city And the towers Turning minutes Into hours And I feel it I can see it Yes I need it I believe it
Red Carpet Massacre
Dark sun rose on the ridge cut clear across the sky As good a day as any to die No reservation madam No reason to know why Running late stiletto heels Try to loosen up the wheels
You spend your life in preparation for this day Breathe in the air; it's loaded with fame Check out those weapons sister before you hit the fray String of pearls meet bits of gems Enter the battle of the lenses
Red carpet massacre Don't want to hassle you Red carpet massacre Deathstalk papparazzi yeah Red carpet massacre It's going to mess with you We're in business You're on the hit list
There's not so many now still standing on their feet Their knives are out and singing so sweet Engage with sharper minds that cut you when you meet Anyplace to mess around When someone wants to take you down
Maybe you think you're above this But baby we know that you love it Baby you know where to shove it Apply your lipstick 'Fore dying in public
Red carpet massacre Don't want to hassle you Red carpet massacre Deathstalk papparazzi yeah Red carpet massacre Don't want to mess with you Now it's time Next in line We're so busted Done and dusted
You're nocturnal Only come out at night And I'm learning All the ways you want to ride
Cuz you're on the roam But not until the darkness arrives And I'm certain I'll catch up to you one of these times, baby Oh
Can I get my hands on you tonight (I must be feeling something) Some thing tells me I'm in for a ride (I wonder if you see me coming) Can I put my hands on you tonight (One night has got me running) Something tells me I'm in for a ride (Right into your nighttime world cuz I'm a)
Nite Runner I think I'm falling for you Nite Runner You got a style that put me under Nite Runner What you gonna do with it now Nite Runner Nite, nite runner
Light scatters When you walk into the room Under shadow I can feel the heat in you Should I be surprised I see the possibility Moving right across to me And it all matters When I'm getting close to you, hey yeah Uh huh
Can I get my hands on you tonight (I must be feeling something) Something tells me I'm in for a ride (I wonder if you see me coming) Can I put my hands on you tonight (One night has got me running) Something tells me I'm in for a ride (Right into your nighttime world cuz I'm a)
Nite Runner I think I'm falling for you Nite Runner You got a spell that puts me under Nite Runner What you gonna do with it now Nite Runner Nite, nite runner
Love is haunting She wanted to go That's what she told me Love is haunting She wanted to go But I can't, can't
Nite Runner I think I'm falling for you Nite Runner You got a spell that put me under Nite Runner What you gonna do with it now Nite Runner Nite, nite runner
Nite Runner I think I'm falling for you Nite Runner You got a spell that puts me under Nite Runner What you gonna do with it now Nite Runner Nite, nite runner
Falling Down
Once was a man who consumed his place and time He thought nothing could touch him But here and now it's a different storyline Like the straw he is clutching
Why has the sky turned grey Hard to my face and cold on my shoulder And why has my life gone astray Scarred by disgrace, I know that it's over
Because I'm falling down With people standing round But before I hit the ground Is there time Could I find someone out there to help me?
Howl at the wind rushing past my lonely head Caught inside it's own motion How I wish it was somebody else instead
Howling at all this corrosion
Why did the luck run dry Laugh in my face, so pleased to desert me Why do the cruel barbs fly? Now when disgrace can no longer hurt me
Because I'm falling down With people standing round But before I hit the ground Is there time Could I find someone out there to help me?
Because I'm falling down With people standing round But before I hit the ground Is there time Could I find someone out there to help me?
Because I'm falling down With people standing round But before I hit the ground Is there time Could I find someone out there to help me? I don't know… Why…
Box Full o' Honey
Box full o' honey At the sharp end of the view The edge of me and you And all good sense had tread no further And as the ghost will shiver trees How I'm trembling on my knees But I'm still drawn on by the murmur
Are you laughing at me now In my circumstance When still I wear I your crown My life's penitence And for what What's so funny A box full o honey
What I thought a pretty tune Was howling at the moon To keep me company this evening It's so lonely in the dirt A scratching at the hurt But I so generously did leave you
Are you laughing at me now In my circumstance When still I wear I your crown Some cruel penitence for what What's so funny Box full o honey
Is she flirting with me now Ohh Is she dallying with me now Ohh ohhh Are you flirting with me now You'll always be my queen of tumble down Miss melancholy
Are you laughing at me now In my circumstance When still I wear I your crown And my life's a penitence And for what What's so funny Ain't it funny A box full o honey
Skin Divers
Walking under skies Waiting for the fall Meet me at the cornershop I'll show you it all Free you of your mind Something you wont find In the west-end pages with your google dirty fingers
It's a skin dive In deep silence we are Going underwater It's a lifeline Teardrop, bullets, all night Dip into the water
[Rap:] Baby, that's what it feels like when you come up for air When you come up for air You feel brand new When you come up for air When you come up for air That's what it feels like when you come up for air When you come up for air You feel brand new When you come up for air When you come up for air
Wipe us of the face Of the human race Whichever way you look it's indisposed or disgraced Fighting on the shore The hoi polloi want more Howling bloody murder but it's nothing just a murmur
In your skin dive In deep silence we are Going underwater It's a lifeline Teardrop, bullets, all night Slip into the water
[Rap:] Baby....that's what it feels like when you come up for air When you come up for air You feel brand new When you come up for air When you come up for air That's what it feels like when you come up for air When you come up for air You feel brand new When you come up for air When you come up for air
A blushing rose is torn From these sugar walls I've misplaced my future could I please borrow yours? Panic on the scene You know what I mean Anything you want to be the only thing you want from me
Is skin dive In deep silence we are Going underwater It's a lifeline Teardrop, bullets, all night Go inside the water
[Rap:] Babygirl you're swimming A little too deep So deep....that I think you might hit a reef I think you low on oxygen And you're too glad to leave Babygirl swim to the top Grab my hand and hold me and breathe
Baby....that's what it feels like when you come up for air When you come up for air You feel brand new When you come up for air When you come up for air That's what it feels like when you come up for air When you come up for air You feel brand new When you come up for air When you come up for air
Jupiter risin' through the floor You require a little bit more To excite You will go Gettin' busy On the floor
All about the way ya move it When you really got to prove it Finally, you will know What it is you're turnin' on
Night is gonna tempt you Oh yeah Like you know it's meant to Oh yeah Devil's gonna tempt you Oh yeah How much do you want to Oh, oh
Get back to London Comin' undone When you ride the underground Sonic Island Breakin' silence got your body started now
And you love the way you're moving When you really got to prove it Finally
It's what you do What it is you're turning on
Night is gonna tempt you Oh yeah Like you know it's meant to Oh yeah Devil gonna tempt you Oh yeah How much do you want to Oh, oh
Night is gonna tempt you Oh yeah Like you know it's meant to Oh yeah Devil gonna tempt you Oh yeah Devil gonna tempt you Oh yeah
If you want to know Oh yeah Do you want to know Oh yeah What it is you're turning on What it is you're turning on
If you want to know What it is you're turning on Do you want to know What it is you're turning on
Tricked Out
Zoom In
Zooming in Stood on the line You understand I've been waiting forever Come rain come shine In the wind in the snow In the filty weather You've got it all worked out Ya but it knocks you out But I'm zooming in
Now she arrives In a flaming crash Like a falling star Heading straight for the dive Gonna make some cash With the avatar
You got it all worked out I know you know I don't want you to go Ya but it knocks you out I'm zooming in on you on you
Don't look back you're a heart attack You've got it all worked out Ya but it knocks you out
We're not alone In the 2nd life There are millions like us Right here In the stones In the air too bright All the new insiders
You've got it all worked out I know you know I don't want you to go Ya but it knocks you out I'm zooming in on you on you
Na na na na na na I know you know I don't want you to go Na na na na na na I'm zooming in and out on you
She's Too Much
She's gentle to the touch She's everything head first So happy to be causing trouble
Sometimes The pressure gets too much And you think she's going to burst And shatter like a Christmas bubble
I'll be there when the world is coming down upon her When she's scared, I'll be there Fighting in her corner
She cries when she's alone For all life's little knocks Everything is supposed to make us tougher Thinking is doesn't really show But I know how she hurts And I can't bare to see her suffer
I'll be there when the world is coming down upon her When she's scared, I'll be there Fighting in her corner I'll be there when the world is closing to surround her In the air as she falls with my arms around her
Holding on I'm looking out for Her thin skin Because she's everything and I don't think she knows
She's such a gentle touch She's too much a gentle touch She likes to catch the sun Plays with it like a ball And never mind whatever keeps it burning Someday, she might just be the one Whose going to save us all If this apocalipse is coming
I'll be there when the world is coming down upon her When she's scared, I'll be there Fighting in her corner I'll be there when the world is closing to surround her In the air as she falls with my arms around her
Holding on I'm looking out for Her thin skin Because she's everything and I don't think she knows
I don't think she knows I don't think she knows (she's too much) I don't think she knows (she's too much) a gentle touch
Dirty Great Monster
There's a dirty great monster In this house We pretend it's not there And there's no escape From It's grip But nobody seems to care Do you ever wonder About the days When we were straight But daddy got the hunger So much to hide We learn to lie
So watch yourself In the hall Where you're not supposed to know Cuz we're all afraid of each other We're the victim's in this show
Well Do you ever wonder About the days When we were straight when daddy got the hunger too much to hide We learn to lie Silently out numbered We made mistakes When we were straight Now we're all going under
Oh oh
So with a sigh we say good bye
Last Man Standing
Now an unexpected peace comes to the day As the howling dimmed the fighting dies away when the hanging dust is clearing from the air you can just make out a lonely figure there
He's the last man standing on the track He does not look down He does not look back He's the last man standing on the track You can't hold him down You can't hold him back
He's the last man standing on the track He does not look down He does not look back He's the last man standing on the track You can't hold him down You can't hold him back
he's sorry for the wrong he has done And he cries out for the anger for so long All the cuts and bruises suffered In whose name oh but now is not the time to face his shame
He's the last man standing on the track He does not look down He does not look back He's the last man standing on the track You can't hold him down You can't hold him back
the last man standing on the track He does not look down He does not look back He's the last man standing on the track You can't hold him down You can't hold him back
He's the last man standing Last man standing He's the last man standing
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