23.10.2007, 12:05
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Camouflage Страна: ГерманияГод основания: 1983Состав: Oliver Kreyssig ( Оливер Крейссиг) Heiko Maile ( Хейко Мэйл) Marcus Meyn ( Маркус Мейн) В 1983 году друзья детства 23-летние немцы Markus Meyn, Oliver Kreyssig и Heiko Maile образовали базовый состав группы Lizenced Technology. Оливер и Хейко знали друг друга с песочницы. Маркус познакомился с ними в лагере отдыха на каникулах. Оказалось, что с Оливером они посещали одну и ту же школу. Сознательную творческую жизнь группа начала вести примерно с 1984 года, когда вместе с еще одним участником, клавишником Martin Koehling они написали около десятка песен и начали свои рейды по школьным спортзалам, играя практически даром. Можно было сказать, что Lizenced Technology тогда на 100 процентов оправдывали свое название, подражая легендам электронной музыки. Однако в газетах писалось, что школьники бурно приветствовали группу. В 1984 году название группы сменили, сдавшись перед аргументами Хейко. Одной из их любимых групп была японская Yellow Magic Orchestra, на альбоме "BGM" которой была очень красивая песенка под названием "Camouflage". Хейко нашел его очень лаконичным, запоминающимся и подходящим для названия их группы. Вот так они стали называться Camouflage. Летом 1984 года музыканты решились на первые шаги к признанию, заявив свою демо-кассету на конкурс молодых талантов, который спонсировала одна из немецких радиостанций. Их радиодебютом стала песня "Voices & images", которая, по мнению слушательского жюри, и сорвала первый приз. Осенью 1986 года на небольшом немецком лейбле "Westside" группа записывает свой дебютный сингл - знаменитый "The great commandment", который чуть позже ремикширует и выпускает на более солидном лейбле "Metronome Records". Camouflage оказываются в центре внимания всей Германии. Вскоре слухи о появлении новых преемников Kraftwerk долетают и до Америки. В том же году, после визита в Нью-Йорк, Хейко, Маркус и Оливер подписали контракт с американской звукозаписывающей компанией Atlantic, которая взяла на себя обязательства по распространению записей Camouflage в Америке. Группа выпускает там новую версию сингла "The great commandment", который становится там настоящим андеграундным хитом. На радио Camouflage становятся третьими после The Cure и Depeche Mode по количеству ротаций, опережая такие известные европейские коллективы, как New Order, Erasure и даже The Smiths. "The great commandment" в итоге добрался до 1-го места в "Billboard Dance Charts" и сделал хороший задел в основном хит-параде знаменитого журнала. В Штатах Camouflage даже побили своеобразный рекорд, попадав с ремиксом "The great commandment" на вершину танцевального чарта Billboard дважды. Вместе с новыми синглами "That smiling face", "Strangers thoughts" и "Neighbours" выходит долгожданный дебютный альбом Camouflage "Voices & images", который сразу же стали сравнивать с очень популярным в то время альбомом Depeche Mode "Music for the masses". У них и вправду было что-то общее в звучании и вокальная часть где-то пересекалась, но ведь основой для "Voices & images" были демо, которые немцы сочиняли, начиная с 1981 года. Так что, несмотря на то, что Depeche Mode выпустили свой альбом на год раньше, чем Camouflage, ни о каком плагиате не может быть и речи. По словам самих музыкантов, помимо Kraftwerk, на ранних Camouflage оказали существенное влияние такие группы, как The Beatles, у которых немцы почерпнули чувство гармонии. Но в основном это были синтезаторные монстры конца 1970-х - начала 1980-х. Это и YMO, и Depeche Mode, и OMD, Gary Numan, Ultravox, Heaven 17, The Humane League, Yazoo, Talk Talk и многие другие группы "новой волны". В принципе, это и понятно, исходя из выбранного Camouflage стиля. Camouflage создают новую студию "Boys Factory 2" на старой фабрике недалеко от родного города. В начале года группа начинает запись нового альбома в студии Synsound Studio в Брюсселе. Музыкальным продюссером стал Дэн Лаксман, который использовал интересную комбинацию из современных цифровых технологий и "музейного" студийного оборудования. Дэн Лаксман также известен как участник бельгийской группы "Telex". На волне успеха первого альбома, звукозаписывающая компания дает группе полную свободу в реализации их идей. Camouflage следует в новом направлении и, в результате, звук в новых песнях становиться более уникальным. В апреле выпускается новый сингл "Love is a Shield", который шесть месяцев остается в германском чарте и достигает 9-ой позиции. В мае выходит второй альбом, который получил название "Methods of Silence". Альбом поднимается до 13-ой строчки в чарте альбомов. Летом "Love is a Shield" был выпущен в США, а осенью альбом "Methods of Silence" был выпущен в более чем двадцати странах мира. В октябре в Германии выпущен сингл "One Fine Day". Вслед за этим группа отправляется в первый концертный тур, который имет огромный успех. Выпуск обоих синглов дал возможность группе появиться на германском телевидении. Начиная с 1989 года "Love is a Shield" находится в ротации многих радиостанций и появляется в эфире и по сей день. В начале 1990-го Оливер Крейссиг покидает группу по личным причинам. В октябре 1990-го Хейко и Маркус отправляются в Black Barn Studio в Англии и начинают работать над третим альбомом "Meanwhile" с музыкальным продюссером Колином Тарстеном (известен своей работой с David Bowie, Talk Talk и Duran Duran). К удивлению поклонников, они могли услышать в новом альбоме живые ударные и другие инструменты, партии которых исполнили приглашенные музыканты. В феврале 1991-го в Германии и США был выпущен первый сингл с этого альбома "Heaven (I Want You)" (57-я позиция в чарте). В марте альбом "Meanwhile" выпущен в более чем 25-ти странах мира. В мае начался второй германский тур группы, а в августе выпущен второй сингл "This Day / Handsome", имевший формат double A-side. К сожалению, "Meanwhile" не имел успеха предыдущих альбомов группы. В 1995 году Маркус сказал следующее относительно тех событий: "Естественно, мы бы предпочли, чтобы всё было по другому. Но таково было наше желание, сделать альбом именно таким. По этой причине мы считали ситуацию нормальной. Оглядываясь назад сегодня, было лучше, если бы нам дали совет не менять так резко стилистику нашей музыки. Но всё было так, как было..." В 1992-ом Маркус и Хейко переезжают из своего родного города в музыкальную столицу Германии Гамбург. Там они основывают свою собственную музыкальную компанию и создают новую музыкальную студию. Они записывают и выпускают сайд-проект "Areu Areu", который вышел в формате EP и содержал пять треков. Это были несколько кавер-версий песен The Cure, Depeche Mode и несколько песен из раннего творчества самих Camouflage. В середине 1992-го года они начинают работу над записью своего четвертого альбома "Bodega Bohemia". Снова, как в 1989 году, в Брюсселе на Synsound Studio с Дэном Лаксманом в роли музыкального продюссера. Также в записи принимали участие несколько приглашенных музыкантов. Основной целью этого альбома был возврат к электронному звучанию, насколько это возможно. В марте 1993-го в продажу поступил сингл, достойный звания "хит", "Suspicious Love". Видео к песне попало в ротацию на MTV и часто звучала в радиоэфире. В очень короткое время сингл "Suspicious Love" продался тиражом 20.000 штук, но так и не смог попасть в чарты. Это произошло в значительной мере из-за того, что звукозаписывающая компания в то время отдавала приоритет продвижения на рынке шведской группе Ace of Base и не смогла поддержать Camouflage до необходимой степени. Следующие релизы были обречены на провал и были выпущены только в Германии - в мае альбом "Bodega Bohemia", в июне сингл "Close" и в августе сингл "Jealousy". Договорные условия по выпуску следующего альбома звукозаписывающей компанией не были выполнены. Контракт и сотрудничество с Metronome закончились в том же году. С тех пор Camouflage стали часто менять лейблы. Поп-музыка отошла для Camouflage на второй план. Через общих знакомых они познакомились с организатором оперных проектов. Под влиянием этой встречи Camouflage посвятили более полугода оперному проекту и создали визуальную концепцию, эксперементальные звуки и многочисленные демонстрационные записи. К сожалению, они не смогли заершить работу из-за юридических споров между акционерами и организаторами проекта. После этого Маркус и Хейко даже думали оставить музыкальный бизнес навсегда. Менеджер группы "Die Fantastischen 4", А. "Медведь" Лэскер узнал о Camouflage, услышав их сингл "Suspicious Love". Он узнал, что у Camouflage нет контракта со звукозаписывающей компанией и помог им в 1994-ом заключить контракт с BMG для продаж их записей в Германии. С октября Маркус и Хейко начали записывать пятый студийный альбом "Spice Crackers" в их студии в Гамбурге. BMG дала им полную творческую свободу. Музыка, которая была написана для оперного проекта (например "Je Suis Le Dieu") и более открытый подход к работе нашли место в новом альбоме. Создание электронных песен было вдохновлено в основном научно-фантастическими фильмами. В марте 1995-го Camouflage дали концерт в Штутгарте, где и представили новый материал публике. В августе был выпущен сингл "Bad News", в сентябре альбом "Spice Crackers" и в начале 1996-го второй сингл "X-Ray". Из-за неправильно выбранного направления в маркетинговых стратегиях звукозаписывающей компании и из-за сложности для массового покупателя концепции альбома, "Spice Crackers" также не имел успеха. Группа закончила свои отношения с BMG. В 1996-ом Camouflage также представили на сборнике "Treasury" одну эксклюзивную песню "Winter". Хейко и Маркус переехали из Гамбурга в Штутгарт. Маркус работает продукт-менеджером в звукозаписывающей фирме принадлежащей группе "Die Fantastischen 4", известной как "Four Music". Хейко стал свободным музыкантом и продюсировал музыку для других групп с самыми разными стилями, включая House и Hip-Hop. 1997-ой год группа провела прежде всего в переговорах о контракте с Sony Music. Sony планировала выпустить альбом ремиксов старых хитов прежде, чем будет издан новый материал. В это время Polydor (которая приобрела права на издание у Metronome) выпустила сборник лучших песен "We Stroke The Flames" и ограниченным тиражом макси-сингл с ранее выходившими ремиксами "Suspicious Love", "Handsome" и "Love is a Shield" без участия Маркуса и Хейко. Прежний участник группы Оливер Крейссиг (который остался в хороших отношениях с Хейко и Маркусом) работал в Polydor и отвечал за дизайн и презентацию сборника "We Stroke The Flames". Это дало ему возможность после многих лет снова участвовать в Camouflage, но уже в другой роли. Он создал оформление для обложек сборника и макси-сингла. Из-за этих релизов переговоры с Sony зашли в тупик. В результате, контракт был подписан с Virgin, которая также проявила интерес к Camouflage. Оливер Крейссиг принял предложение воссоединиться с группой и в 1999-ом снова официально стал членом Camouflage. В июле был выпущен новый сингл "Thief" (трек сделан в фирменном звучании Camouflage), который в течении двух недель присутствовал в чартах Германии. Будущее нового альбома опять стало неопределенным. Но Camouflage не разочаровывались и продолжали выступать с новыми песнями и работать. Маркус Мейн переезжает из Штутгарта в Берлин и работает продукт-менеджером в Sony Music. Хейко Мэйл продолжал продюсировать музыку других групп в своей студии "Saal 3" в Штутгарте, а также пишет музыку для рекламных роликов. Оли продолжает работать в Гамбурге на Polydor. В июне 2000-го состоялся первый за много лет концерт в городе Фрайберге. Множество поклонников праздновали воссоединение группы вместе с Camouflage. Альбом "Rewind" выпущен в феврале 2001-го на Metronom (которая к тому времени стала частью Polydor). Это был новый сборник лучших песен группы, в подготовке которого они сами принимали участие. Все песни были подобраны по их пожеланиям, а лимитированое издание содержало DVD со всеми видеоклипами группы. Сборник 1997-го года "We Stroke The Flames" был отозван из магазинов. В марте Polydor выпустила сингл "You Were There" от танцевального проекта Resistance D. Песня была очень похожа на творчество Camouflage, что вызвало некоторое количество слухов. Всё разъяснилось, когда стало известно, что в этом проекте принимал участие Маркус и его друзья музыканты Паскаль F.E.O.S. и Майк Морис. Маркус помогал в написании песни и записал вокал для неё. Сингл поднялся до 63-ей строчки в чарте. Новый материал ещё не был готов, а название нового альбома уже было известно, "Sensor". Перед выходом нового альбома компания Virgin предложила группе напомнить о себе. Camouflage записали и выпустили сингл "The Great Commandment 2.0". Чтобы избежать конфликта с прежней звукозаписывающей компанией, вокал был записан по-новому. Сингл был спродюссирован трио из Лондона "Toy". Часть ударных партий была исполнена Кристианом Эйнером, который принимает участие в концертных турах Depeche Mode. Среди других проектов "Toy" можно назвать их участие в альбоме "Ultra" от Depeche Mode. "The Great Commandment 2.0" три недели присутствовал в чарте и поднялся только до 83-ей позиции. Такой результат оставлял мало надежды на выпуск альбома "Sensor" на Virgin. Оливер Крейссиг меняет место работы и жительства и переезжает из Гамбурга в Берлин. В 2001-м году Camouflage дают три концерта. Один из них - первое их выступление на фестивале "Wave Gotik Treffen" в Лейпциге. После того, как стало понятно, что выпустить новый альбом на Virgin не удастся, были начаты переговоры с другими звукозаписывающими компаниями. В феврале 2002-ого были проведены переговоры с Polydor о выпуске долгожданного альбома "Sensor". Работа над альбомом началась довольно быстро. Над этим начали работать несколько команд. Роб Кирван и Toy в Лондоне и Геррет Фрерихс в Гамбурге. Ожидалось, что три команды продюссеров принесут быстрый и качественный результат. Сначала не было идей о том как будет звучать "Sensor", было только чувство, как это должно быть. Было определенно одно - необходимо вернуться к опыту первых альбомов, к их электронному звучанию. Значительные расстояния между всеми участниками проекта были преодолены посредством специального сайта, через который шел обмен звуковыми файлами и мнениями. Первые проблемы начались после того, как Роб Кирван перестал работать над альбомом из-за разности мнений о конечном результате, и продолжались, когда "Toy" осенью 2002-го также покинули проект, когда работа уже шла полным ходом. Ожидаемые конец работы и даты релизов уже не были реальными. В итоге, работу над альбомом продолжили Геррет Фрерихс в Гамбурге и Хейко в студии "Saal 3" в Штутгарте. Наряду с работой над записью в 2002-ом группа дала три концерта, на которых исполнила несколько новых песен. Долгий путь от сингла "Thief" в 1999-ом к альбому "Sensor" потребовал много времени, энергии и терпения. В начале 2003-го этот путь был пройден. Первый сингл "Me and You" был выпущен 14-го апреля, а вслед за ним, 26-го мая и альбом. Сингл поднялся до 53-го места в германских чартах, а альбом до 26-го. После выступлений на нескольких музыкальных фестивалях, осенью 2003-го, начался "Sensor Tour" в поддержку альбома. Тур прошел по Германии и, впервые, за её пределами(в т.ч. в России). Второй сингл "I Can't Feel You" поднялся в германских чартах до 75-го места. Как и все компании звукозаписи в Германии, Polydor провел внутреннюю реструкторизацию для минимизации финансовых потерь. Компания стала уделять больше внимания иностранным исполнителям, что негативно сказалось на поддержку Camouflage. Пришлось отменить выпуск запланированного третьего сингла "Perfect" и отодвинуть на неопределенный срок запись нового альбома. Несмотря на это группа продолжала работу над новыми песнями. В 2004-ом Camouflage провели успешный тур по Германии и другим европейским странам. В связи с тем, что Polydor не хотели ставить в план релизов новый альбом, контракт с ней пришлось расторгнуть. В августе 2005-го группа подписывает новый контракт с компанией SPV. Хейко переезжает из Штутгарта в Берлин, где создает новую студию. С этим переездом работа над альбомом должна была стать легче, т.к. все участники группы теперь собрались в одном городе. Хейко взял ответственность за продюссирование альбома на себя. В 2005-ом группа дала только два концерта в Германии, чтобы сосредоточиться на работе над новым альбомом. Работа над альбомом продолжилась, и в феврале 2006-го объявлено название нового альбома, "Relocated", а в конце марта на сайте группы появляются короткие видеоотчеты из студии. Также группа заявляет о грядущем после выпуска альбома концертном туре. В конце мая объявляются даты релизов первого сингла "Motif Sky" (28.07.06) и альбома "Relocated" (18.08.06). 15 июня группа объявляет первые даты грядущего тура и переносит релиз альбома "Relocated" на 25.08.06. 23 июля 2006 года российское интернет-издание "Shout! Online" публикует специальное интервью с группой, в котором музыканты обещали дать несколько концертов в России в начале декабря 200 года. Официальный сайт группы Camouflage: www.camouflage-music.com
23.10.2007, 12:19
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Дискография Camouflage:
1988 - Voices & Images 1989 - Methods Of Silence 1991 - Meanwhile 1993 - Bodega Bohemia 1995 - Spice Crackers 1997 - We Stroke The Flames 2001 - Rewind 2003 - Sensor 2006 - Relocated 2007 - Archive#01
23.10.2007, 21:18
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Тексты песен альбома Voices & Images (1988)
That Smiling Face
All these words are not a rescue in my eyes Never sure about the love deep in your smile
Never sure if I'm right or if I'm wrong Never sure about the things which were going on and on
All this love just while you were standing near to me Never sure about the time you spent with me
I can't stand the way you deal with friends of mine Never sure if love's not just a waste of time
All these words I try to find to say to you I can't stand a thousand dreams I dream of you
While you stand beside me while you move into my arms
Helpless Helpless
I hear helpless voices calling rescues of imprisoned minds Trash and waste
redumptious glory falsehood kills the friendships more and more
We are helpless helpless We are helpless helpless
Proceed from the understanding no one has the right to accuse Preacher preaches the damned man story
party leaders try to fog your senses
We are helpless helpless We are helpless helpless
Black men leaders cried for freedom white policemen shot them dead The survivors were sent to prison based on laws which no one understands
White man yawning in his armchair smiled while watching white TV Hundreds of people dead or injured he never understands this hysteria
What can we do what can we say? Can it be law to kill your neighbour? What can we do what can we say? Can it be wrong to end it all?
Snipers sitting in police-cars cautiously stroking machine-guns Never thought of black supression they were paid for every hit they have
What can we do ...
The Great Commandment
Some people suppress you they parch you and reap a disaster Reeducation for the infants who demanded for an innocent instance
The great commandment shows the contempt between the world and their embarrassing pavement Believe the scholars read the readings realize the man who says anything
The great commandment
The needies believe you they treat you like survivors of a disaster Reeducation for the infants who demanded for an innocent instance
The great commandment ...
Winner Takes Nothing
Beyond the basic things I wish you I will just recall you to my love From time to time I will show this fact preferrably to you although everything has gone by
I was so sure that I would get you but it was a fight against your heart And today the day I've met you is the day since I can see that there's someone who is better than me
Strangers' Thoughts
In the last few hundered years some people lost their place on earth they never had a chance to stay just like they were
I can't understand why should this happen here we should accept and learn how to live together
These are just some Strangers' Thoughts These are just some Strangers' Thoughts
The reason for the pain is always based on history the madness in some minds had started to do this all
I can't understand why should this happen here we should accept and learn how to live together
These are just some Strangers' Thoughts
From Ay to Bee
The lonely day I've met you has changed my world I can't exist without your smile You pushed me up you filled my days you realize the right things which can help me everywhere
Visions have incensed and destroyed my mind voices would only explain I have restricted the feelings of shame but we can't put back the time
Where has the childhood gone
I remember all the days which have gone by Years before now when I was a child We ran through the town and held our hands We did all the things which we had planned
Where has it gone Where has the childhood gone? Where has it gone Where has the childhood gone?
For thousand of times we played down in the street We had fun while we played hide and seek We ran though the town like we'll never do anymore We did all the things we should ignore
Where has it gone ... ?
Music for Ballerinas
I once had a dream
I once had a dream in my head I worked on machines and it made me upset I felt so alone
She nearly had filled all my days she let me forget all the things around me she was all I wanted
You and me were approaching hiding from everyone I once had a dream in my head but I know she had gone
She quietly moved by my side I turned around and looked in her eyes I felt so in love
I once had a dream in my hands we laughed at each other and started to dance nothing seemed to be real
You and me were approaching hiding from everyone I once had a dream in my head but I know she had gone
23.10.2007, 21:25
Eternal Dreamer
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Из: Ленинград
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Тексты песен альбома Methods Of Silence (1989)
One Fine Day
I hear your spirit calling, I hold your hand and see you falling into the debris of it all. We're making love and living in dreams, we crash through walls, but no one wants to hear the screams, and no one knows the way or where it ends.
Anytime, any day, we may find a way One fine day.
Love is a Shield
Love is a shield, to hide behind, love is a field to grow inside, and when I sometimes close my eyes my mind starts spinning round. Love is a baby in a mother's arms, love is your breath which makes me warm, and when I sometimes close my eyes, my mind starts spinning round. There is a feeling that flows through me, when you are near you make it real and we could live for this ideal. And all the pictures we run through, seem to be perfect, seem to be true. But nothing is quite forever, especially staying together.
I don't care now what comes along, what counts is us, no matter what will be, just this naivety. The changing words we're taking in, seem to be perfect, seem to win. But nothing is quite forever, especially staying together.
You can feel the pain, can feel the handcuffs binding me. And on the way I'll try to escape, you tell me how you want me to bleed. And you know it's true that you hate me too that I feel the way I do, I torture you. Now i know it's time to change your mind, that you stop to hate me when I smile. We should speak it out 'cause there are ways to meet again, from time to time. The world is dark from your point of view, try to see me just like anyone.
We have shared the blame and started to find ourselves again. And while I try to find a way, you tell me how you want me to bleed. And you know it's true that you hate me too that I feel the way I do, I torture you. Now I know it's time to change your mind, that you stop to hate me when I smile.
We should speak it out 'cause there are ways to meet again, from time to time. The world is dark from your point of view, try to see me just like anyone.
Your Skinhead Is The Dream
You head was the reason I spoke to you and then it was your smile that made me sure. Our alliance is like China and that is why I'm full of fear that something will get broken, which is so fragile here.
Come on my little dwarf.
On Islands
On islands we all run onto islands in the sun and the sun to is an island with islands all around we're all islands in the sea and the islands want to reach other islands passing by an island in the sky on islands everywhere all the islands ever there are all waiting on an island that island stands alone on islands on islands on islands on islands
Feeling Down
I know I've lost the nerve to fight with you, feeling down, turning round, breaking down. I know I've lost the strength to fight with you, breaking down, I'm chained and bound, 'cause of you.
But you won't see it, I can't stay with you. And you should taste the bitterness in me; these feelings you can't ignore.
I know I've lost the nerve to fight with you; I know I've lost the strength to fight with you.
The first time that my feet touched unknown ground: secret ways, secret days, a waste of time.
The first time I confronted all your doubts hidden thoughts, was it just a waste of time?
Well you just smiled and threw it all away. Now you must have the wounds I had before: these feelings you can't ignore.
The first time that my feet touched unknown ground: The first time I confronted all your doubts.
Sooner Than We Think
Take off your shoes, walk with me on the mossy forest ground to those places out of bounds. Taste my skin, explore me, under the shadowy forest's roof, making moves. Sooner than we think an endless day goes by. Sooner than we think these moments we'll deny.
So now we walk on thorns and in the end we're torn apart by all this loneliness.
The wind blows through your hair, drifts you away. In the dying forest's light you disappear from sight.
A Picture of Life
A fine young man, a picture of life, dislikes himself in the mirror. We saw him off, we talked of love, we talked of sin and forgot him.
A fine young man, a picture of life, died alone in the gutter. We drank the wine, we felt the pain, but no one felt like his mother.
Father's not there, a coward's choice, he scorned his son, so inhuman! We shook our heads and turned away, we also denied that we knew him.
Les Rues
Nous marchons dans les rues. Sans trouver ni les gares, ni les trains qui nous meneraient la ou nos reves et la realite ne font qu'un, la ou nos fantomes et nos pensees prennent forme. En essayant d'eviter de prendre le train ou en cherchant des raccourcis, nous nous berзons d'illusions, il n'y a pas d'autres moyens d'aller la ou nos reves et la realite ne font qu'un, la ou nos fantomes et nos pensees prennent forme.
Evidemment, chacun espere l'arrivee du train de ses reves, chacun espere attenindre enfin sa destination. Et nous vivons tous dans nune gare immense.
Rue De Moorslede
23.10.2007, 21:38
Eternal Dreamer
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Из: Ленинград
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Тексты песен альбома Meanwhile (1991)
Seize Your Day
Everyone's got his strength, got his weakness, life offers more to you, than prayer and working. Why do you hide yourself behind excuses? Why don't you take your chance and presume your own way.
Seize your day, trust yourself, believe in yourself, go straight, your own way, seize your day.
You've got to run your world, you've got to learn how. Waiting to get things done, presents no answers. Why don't you free yourself, clear of excuses? Why don't you take your chance and presume your own way...
Seize your day, trust yourself, believe in yourself, go straight your own way, seize your day.
Heaven (I want you)
When I look into your eyes, then I know that life's worth living, just without you, more or less, there's nothing left to tell. All the years we shared our time, all the things we had in common, all the crisis, more or less, we've nothing left to tell.
All excuses, all your plights, all your nice ideas, effusions of your mind, but I'll tell you for a thousand times:
I want you going down, just for one time. I want you going down, going down to the place where you belong to.
When I woke up in your arms and I felt myself, I'm freezing thats unusual, more or less, there's nothing left that's warm. All the years we shared our dreams, now I know it was a nightmare, of your loving, more or less, there's nothing left to loose.
All excuses, all your plights, all your nice ideas, effusions of your mind but I'll tell you for a thousand times:
I want you going down, just for one time. I want you going down going down to the place where you belong to.
A simple word a litte move a bit of a smile. A secret place a secret code to get inside. We often reach that point a mental wall too high for us to climb. You never know for sure if it's worth to get yourself behind. All the time you'll move on you never know how to survive you think you'll never make it you think you better step aside. And all the words you want to say are getting stuck deep inside you and all the courage to get through is leaving.
All I need is just to move ahead, but I didn't even try. I feel like two foot tall.
All the warmth and the secret, where I come from, are the things that I'm searching, when I'm inside you, deep inside you.
You're feeling older, then ever before and apple-pie order, exists no more. But he's sending you to school, following a common rule, frightened by the implications, follow by indication. Voices whisper inside your head, no one will believe, 'cause he's your dad.
And at night, he came and tried, to take your light. And at night, he came and tried, to take your light. You were not even 15, Weaping lonesome, there's no one to tell, that he came and broke the shell.
Bodies land covered with lava, makes you feel, like a cadavre wish to touch the sky, only once before you die. Voices whisper inside your head, no one will believe, 'cause he's your dad.
These Eyes
These eyes are stones and hard like rock and darkness they are as blooming trees sever with strength and green the way they look at you will just reflect yourself again.
These eyes are different they change their colour into grey these smiles are faking they try to hide what's deep inside These eyes are seas that flow and foam in blue they are as blossims soft wide open too and what they give to you is beauty just before they die.
What for
Tell me all what happens, in the name of God. All the misunderstandings, of the written word. The crusader stories, the killing, for the true faith, the persecution of the jews, all the unknown pain.
What for? A place in heaven, in another world? What for? As a final solution, in a fight against ourselves!?
Tell me all what happens, far away from good and bad. Our mental frontiers where sense stops to explain. Any kind of hatred, the witch is hunting, all the misunderstandings which happened, in a coloured, christian world.
What for? The defense of culture, the excuse for all? What for? A kind of magic, in a fascinated world!?
I want you down, on your knees, but feel better waiting, 'cause I want you begging, begging for all that you did and I want you to keep, the prmises you made. And all the time I feel, it's all unreal, with nothing left to lose. The time has come and you're the one who's waiting.
I'll be around, when you call, 'cause you know, you know I'm waiting. All I want is to listen, listen to all what you'll say and I want you to keep all the promises you made. And all the time I feel, it's all unreal, with nothing left to loose. The time has come and you're the one who's waiting.
This Day
Swimming in a sea of light, all that I have is a single day, that can't be changed. Flower-power, deflored mine, I'll be amused for a certain time and I can't change it, that's all that I can see.
This day, nothing's gonna knock me down, This day, nothing's gonna make the upside down.
Midday's gone, half a lifetime, I'm moving around an apple-pie, it's just refreshment, Ladies, babies, having fun, I know that I'm not the only one, but I can't change it, now it's time to leave.
This day, nothing's gonna knock me down. This day, nothing's gonna make the upside down.
He's a dream, see the manly way he moves, see the trendy kind he suits and his toothpaste-smile doesn't need to be proved.
He's so smooth, with the slimy things he tells, and his parfume everywhere, he will tell you all, you want to hear.
He's handsome, like a piece of wood, just a smile to be understood. He's handsome, like a piece of wood and the more that you see, the more you will be amused.
He's alone and he can't believe in you, he is further from the truth, what's best for him, won't be good for you.
He's a fake and the only things you see, is a play for you and me, but his simple mind, is mostly mean.
He's handsome, like a piece of wood, just a simle to be understood. He's handsome, like a piece of wood and the more that you see, the more you will be amused.
Bitter Sweet
Bitter sweet, I need to know the way you feel, things have changed, but all the time I think of you, I'm longing for the things we did, with nowhere left to go, the distance's growing further still.
When I see you there I'm realizing, all the time we knew, we're sacreficing, our love.
Bitter sweet, I know it's time to face the truth, we have changed, but all the time I'll be with you, we're silent on the things we did, Intimacy has gone.
When I see you there I'm realizing, all the time we knew, we're sacreficing, our love.
An old man sitting in a bar drinking alone I saw him. The smiling eyes moving round and round touched me. His furrowed face tells the story of life - I was thinking I was spellbound by him - but I can't hide my looking.
He's so happy He's smiling on his face.
And suddenly he came over and spoke to me I was listening - and all the time he had this uncertain smile I was thinking.
He's so happy He's smiling on his face.
23.10.2007, 21:44
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Bodega Bohemia (1993)
Pedestrians' Adventures
Heaven is a miracle, watch out everything! A car comes from the right. Cops are a miracle, watch out everything! A car comes from the right. Symmetry's a miracle, watch out everything! A car comes from the right. Manners are a miracle, watch out everything! A car comes from the right, watch out! A car comes from the left, watch out everything! Mammae are a miracle, Junk food is a miracle, miracles are miracles. Watch out, watch out!
Little one, I'll blind you with charm, I feed you with pleasing things, you'll see, I'll make you believe, before you life was boring.
For a while, I meticulously try, to be the way you want me. But you'll see, I always believe, nothing in life's for free.
I can stand looking in your eyes, to turn around and start smiling, feel the pressure rise, you may hide, but it's far too late and you need to face the element of crime. Time reveals the harm, you awake, but it's far too late, then you need to face the element of crime.
Little one, I'm planted in your brain, to guide you the way I like. My plea, for total relief, brought you to your kneew.
Now I'm through, the things that you knew, and all you could give to me. Time has come for me to carry on, cause there's someone new com'n for tea.
Jealousy's provoking feelings, inner fears will make you sweat, advice in your ears, marm and helping hands, all these good ideas are moving round and round and around your head.
Fantasy let it grow, the truth is playing somewhere else. Advice strokes your fears, warm and helping hands, all of these good ideas are moving round and round and around your head.
Time is Over
Once upon a time, I was free and no one knew, just where or how to find me. But this time has passed, now there is someone, who can reach me here, there, and everywhere.
Did you think we wouldn't get you; Don't you know this was wrong? I'll present you the first prize, you're the chosen one, whose game is up!
When my time has come, I'll rise up to the sky, watch the sunshine, shine for me all the time. All the angels sing, followed by the Holy hand, to bring me a message:
Did you think we wouldn't get you, Don't you know this was wrong? I'll present you the first prize, you're the chosen one, whose game is up!
'Cause time is over (we were waiting for so long) Time is over. (declarations made quite wrong) Time is over. (We insist on what you own) Time is over.
You take a deep gulp, waiting for the fog in your mind and you know, that you better change something.
Reality starts to fade, but it'll last just for a while. You know that you're falling, lost again. You feel that you're falling, hitting the ground.
Your knees start to shake, when you think of what you'll do and there's no return. They trained everyone, but the thought about the jump, leaves cold sweat on your skin.
You know you'll be falling, once you are off the plane, you know you'll be falling, alone.
So many people, but there's no one giving you a helping hand. You climb higher and higher to the top of your wrecked life. And then you'll be falling, once again. You feel that you're falling, hitting the ground.
You sit side by side, with fear in your eyes waiting for the green light. The moment has come, then you struggle up and jump, with the rip cord in your hand.
You feel that you're falling, the dream of a lifetime comes true. You feel that you're falling and hope it never ends.
Suspicious Love
Try to tell me something, try to tell me how it feels, build it up to beat it down again, all the things you're hiding, all the games you play with me, build it up to beat it down again.
Suspicious love, froze my natural laugh, and I need to change, but something keeps me here. I feel I know, I won't let it grow, and I need to change, but something keeps me here, I refuse to crawl.
Got to tell you something, got to tell you how it feels, once built up and beaten down again. Promises once spoken, all the warmth you gave to me Leave me always somehow in between.
I'd like to see you crawling.
Bondage People
Survivors of a wasted land, fed with an unknown brand. You watch the forests fall - the stars collide, and you soylent green tonight.
Your dreams are fake and you're always waiting, just to get your soylent green tonight.
Oh, we're the bondage people, Oh, we're the bondage people tonight.
You slows lose your understanding, no one knows what happens when. You die tonight. Your body's changing, nothing's wasted and you're slashed and hacked to, soylent green tonight.
They're creeping on, through your mind, won't you think it over. We know the scenes, they're marching on with torches, peeping from inside, with evil's eyes. the ferris wheel is turning, the tale is told again. And if we don't care, we end up all the same.
We stroke the flames, we never quenched all those years, we should have learned from things which may come close.
We need to talk, time has come, don't play it down, it's over. We know their themes, it's creeping on with caution, peeping from inside, with evil's eyes.
In Your Ivory Tower
I swear I saw your face change, a teardrop from your weary eyes. The world we've come to know sis changing fast, and you believe the crying's over, it ain't over.
Now you may run and you may hide, when night enfolds, the breath of life, the friend you left behind, died to young, and you believe the dying's over, it ain't over, in your ivory tower.
Now every day you hear about, the ocean's rising, days of drought, you watch the forests fall - the stars collide, and you believe the fighting's over, it ain't over, you believe the fighting's over, it ain't over, in your ivory tower.
It ain't over. and you believe the crying's over, it ain't over. and you believe the dying's over, it ain't over, and you believe the fighting's over, in your ivory tower.
23.10.2007, 21:51
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Spice Crackers (1995)
Spice Crackers
The secret of spice seems to follow the journey about to begin. The time you will spend won't be wasted, no matter the steward may bring. Come taste them one by one - the crackers he lays in your hand.
Focus my eyes, I'll get in your mind, sleepy now I'll do no harm in any kind Truth can ease it, what you can't deny, everyone is hiding something deep inside. Try to be wide open, I will promise, that you'll see new relief will free your fantasy One by one we'll make it all your fears will come to me, new relief will free your fantasy.
X-Ray You will lose the anguish in your life X-Ray happiness is all that stays inside X-Ray no one knows the difference till he tries X-Ray everything depends on your alone, I'll strip you to your bones.
Also happy, I'm a gentle guy I will keep it all and no one will look behind. Useful somehow, in a different way as I took it, I might give it back someday. That's no strange behavior, there's a coercion in my being Your relief rakes my insanity. Hyde is Jekyll's pleasure, there's the coercion in my being Your relief rakes my insanity.
Der Verstand weib den Weg, der Wille birgt die Kraft, das Gefuhl treibt mich an, doch die Angst lahmt den Schritt.
Understanding knows the way, will contains power, feeling drives me on, but fear paralyses me.
La raison connait le chemin, la volonte est ma force, l'emotion me fait avancer, mais la peur m'en empeche.
Electronic Music
Bad News
Baby, you ain't a man 'cause my heart's carried in your hand. any fool can see, I love my misery.
Bad news It's born in my blood. Bad news
Some live to undo, some live to be undone my grey sky's growing dark I feed on my own heart.
Bad news It's born in my blood. Bad news.
Whisper's what you done, crazy I've brought a gun my finger's to your window, Whiskey's on my clothes I'm bad news It's born in my blood.
Bad news. It's born in my blood.
Days Run Wild
There was a time when plans were my religion. A world of schemes, 92 dreams prediction But I confess, got into a mess 'cause all my days run wild.
Days run wild, while I'm wondering What's going wrong All the things I've planned got right out of my hands and leave me upside down. Lose my smile and my friend, Mr. "Green-back" Washington. In God we trust but it's business or bust and no God's on your side when days run wild.
Mirror, mirror, be my great deceiver The truth you tell makes me a true believer But the face I see, seems no part of me Now all my days run wild.
A Place in China (Heaven's Not)
Heaven's not a place in China but there it seems to be. Heaven's not a place in China but there it seems to be.
Every morning on the front page. big type headlines seen before; another land locks up the free mind, students try to find a door.
Heaven's not a place in China but there it seems to be. Heaven's not a place in China but there it seems to be.
Followed by the TV nations, some soft targets for the corps, standing in the name of freedom, beaten in the name of law.
Every morning we're reminded, just to think about ourselves. Shocked by the silence - switch the channels that's music for the show.
Zwischenspiel 2
Funky Service (What do you want to Drink?)
Back to Heaven
Time no sense of time no sense of no one me and the endless sky.
Scenes the fading scenes the world that I've seen a shade of transparency
Heaven back to heaven it's back on my mind back with me.
Should I stay or should I stumble should I pray or should I run to find a place to live somehow.
Time no sense of time no sense of no one me and the endless sky.
Dreams I'm giving in sweat on my skin a feeling so pure and clean.
Je Suis le Dieu
New Romantic Surrealistic Neuromantic
Ronda's Trigger
Travelling Without Moving
Ladies and Gentlemen, we would not liketo welcome you on board our Spacetrain on its non-stop flight to the end of this album. Now that you're here, Please don't fasten your seatbelts and refrain from listening to anything else other than the music. In case of an emergency just light a cigar and relax in a comfortable position. Have a pleasant trip and thank you for flying Mendoza Airways!
Keep on running - we keep on running Now you heard or news, and we keep on running - we keep on running someone blew the fuse, but we keep on running - we keep on running.
We're riding on, inside our spacetrain we will never reach the end We know the way we're not insane at all Don't be afraid, my friends.
Keep on running - we keep on running.
We made someone's heaven come, keep on running - we keep on running. Chewing surrealistic gum keep on running - we keep on running.
23.10.2007, 21:59
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома We Stroke The Flames (1997)
The Great Commandment
Some people suppress you they parch you and reap a disaster Reeducation for the infants who demanded for an innocent instance
The great commandment shows the contempt between the world and their embarrassing pavement Believe the scholars read the readings realize the man who says anything
The great commandment
The needies believe you they treat you like survivors of a disaster Reeducation for the infants who demanded for an innocent instance
The great commandment ...
Jealousy's provoking feelings, inner fears will make you sweat, advice in your ears, marm and helping hands, all these good ideas are moving round and round and around your head.
Fantasy let it grow, the truth is playing somewhere else. Advice strokes your fears, warm and helping hands, all of these good ideas are moving round and round and around your head.
Sooner Than We Think
Take off your shoes, walk with me on the mossy forest ground to those places out of bounds. Taste my skin, explore me, under the shadowy forest's roof, making moves. Sooner than we think an endless day goes by. Sooner than we think these moments we'll deny.
So now we walk on thorns and in the end we're torn apart by all this loneliness.
The wind blows through your hair, drifts you away. In the dying forest's light you disappear from sight.
He's a dream, see the manly way he moves, see the trendy kind he suits and his toothpaste-smile doesn't need to be proved.
He's so smooth, with the slimy things he tells, and his parfume everywhere, he will tell you all, you want to hear.
He's handsome, like a piece of wood, just a smile to be understood. He's handsome, like a piece of wood and the more that you see, the more you will be amused.
He's alone and he can't believe in you, he is further from the truth, what's best for him, won't be good for you.
He's a fake and the only things you see, is a play for you and me, but his simple mind, is mostly mean.
He's handsome, like a piece of wood, just a simle to be understood. He's handsome, like a piece of wood and the more that you see, the more you will be amused.
One Fine Day (Single Version)
I hear your spirit calling, I hold your hand and see you falling into the debris of it all. We're making love and living in dreams, we crash through walls, but no one wants to hear the screams, and no one knows the way or where it ends.
Anytime, any day, we may find a way One fine day.
Neighbours (Single Version)
Black men leaders cried for freedom white policemen shot them dead The survivors were sent to prison based on laws which no one understands
White man yawning in his armchair smiled while watching white TV Hundreds of people dead or injured he never understands this hysteria
What can we do what can we say? Can it be law to kill your neighbour? What can we do what can we say? Can it be wrong to end it all?
Snipers sitting in police-cars cautiously stroking machine-guns Never thought of black supression they were paid for every hit they have
What can we do ...
Suspicious Love (Radio Remix)
Try to tell me something, try to tell me how it feels, build it up to beat it down again, all the things you're hiding, all the games you play with me, build it up to beat it down again.
Suspicious love, froze my natural laugh, and I need to change, but something keeps me here. I feel I know, I won't let it grow, and I need to change, but something keeps me here, I refuse to crawl.
Got to tell you something, got to tell you how it feels, once built up and beaten down again. Promises once spoken, all the warmth you gave to me Leave me always somehow in between.
I'd like to see you crawling.
A Picture of Life
A fine young man, a picture of life, dislikes himself in the mirror. We saw him off, we talked of love, we talked of sin and forgot him.
A fine young man, a picture of life, died alone in the gutter. We drank the wine, we felt the pain, but no one felt like his mother.
Father's not there, a coward's choice, he scorned his son, so inhuman! We shook our heads and turned away, we also denied that we knew him.
Love is a Shield (Single Version)
Love is a shield, to hide behind, love is a field to grow inside, and when I sometimes close my eyes my mind starts spinning round. Love is a baby in a mother's arms, love is your breath which makes me warm, and when I sometimes close my eyes, my mind starts spinning round. There is a feeling that flows through me, when you are near you make it real and we could live for this ideal. And all the pictures we run through, seem to be perfect, seem to be true. But nothing is quite forever, especially staying together.
I don't care now what comes along, what counts is us, no matter what will be, just this naivety. The changing words we're taking in, seem to be perfect, seem to win. But nothing is quite forever, especially staying together.
Strangers' Thoughts (Single Version)
In the last few hundered years some people lost their place on earth they never had a chance to stay just like they were
I can't understand why should this happen here we should accept and learn how to live together
These are just some Strangers' Thoughts These are just some Strangers' Thoughts
The reason for the pain is always based on history the madness in some minds had started to do this all
I can't understand why should this happen here we should accept and learn how to live together
These are just some Strangers' Thoughts
Little one, I'll blind you with charm, I feed you with pleasing things, you'll see, I'll make you believe, before you life was boring.
For a while, I meticulously try, to be the way you want me. But you'll see, I always believe, nothing in life's for free.
I can stand looking in your eyes, to turn around and start smiling, feel the pressure rise, you may hide, but it's far too late and you need to face the element of crime. Time reveals the harm, you awake, but it's far too late, then you need to face the element of crime.
Little one, I'm planted in your brain, to guide you the way I like. My plea, for total relief, brought you to your kneew.
Now I'm through, the things that you knew, and all you could give to me. Time has come for me to carry on, cause there's someone new com'n for tea.
Heaven (I want you)
When I look into your eyes, then I know that life's worth living, just without you, more or less, there's nothing left to tell. All the years we shared our time, all the things we had in common, all the crisis, more or less, we've nothing left to tell.
All excuses, all your plights, all your nice ideas, effusions of your mind, but I'll tell you for a thousand times:
I want you going down, just for one time. I want you going down, going down to the place where you belong to.
When I woke up in your arms and I felt myself, I'm freezing thats unusual, more or less, there's nothing left that's warm. All the years we shared our dreams, now I know it was a nightmare, of your loving, more or less, there's nothing left to loose.
All excuses, all your plights, all your nice ideas, effusions of your mind but I'll tell you for a thousand times:
I want you going down, just for one time. I want you going down going down to the place where you belong to.
I want you down, on your knees, but feel better waiting, 'cause I want you begging, begging for all that you did and I want you to keep, the prmises you made. And all the time I feel, it's all unreal, with nothing left to lose. The time has come and you're the one who's waiting.
I'll be around, when you call, 'cause you know, you know I'm waiting. All I want is to listen, listen to all what you'll say and I want you to keep all the promises you made. And all the time I feel, it's all unreal, with nothing left to loose. The time has come and you're the one who's waiting.
Close (Remix)
They're creeping on, through your mind, won't you think it over. We know the scenes, they're marching on with torches, peeping from inside, with evil's eyes. the ferris wheel is turning, the tale is told again. And if we don't care, we end up all the same.
We stroke the flames, we never quenched all those years, we should have learned from things which may come close.
We need to talk, time has come, don't play it down, it's over. We know their themes, it's creeping on with caution, peeping from inside, with evil's eyes.
I once had a dream
I once had a dream in my head I worked on machines and it made me upset I felt so alone
She nearly had filled all my days she let me forget all the things around me she was all I wanted
You and me were approaching hiding from everyone I once had a dream in my head but I know she had gone
She quietly moved by my side I turned around and looked in her eyes I felt so in love
I once had a dream in my hands we laughed at each other and started to dance nothing seemed to be real
You and me were approaching hiding from everyone I once had a dream in my head but I know she had gone
Love is a Shield (William Orbit Remix)
Love is a shield, to hide behind, love is a field to grow inside, and when I sometimes close my eyes my mind starts spinning round. Love is a baby in a mother's arms, love is your breath which makes me warm, and when I sometimes close my eyes, my mind starts spinning round. There is a feeling that flows through me, when you are near you make it real and we could live for this ideal. And all the pictures we run through, seem to be perfect, seem to be true. But nothing is quite forever, especially staying together.
I don't care now what comes along, what counts is us, no matter what will be, just this naivety. The changing words we're taking in, seem to be perfect, seem to win. But nothing is quite forever, especially staying together.
23.10.2007, 22:06
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Rewind (2001)
Love is a Shield (Single Version)
Love is a shield, to hide behind, love is a field to grow inside, and when I sometimes close my eyes my mind starts spinning round. Love is a baby in a mother's arms, love is your breath which makes me warm, and when I sometimes close my eyes, my mind starts spinning round. There is a feeling that flows through me, when you are near you make it real and we could live for this ideal. And all the pictures we run through, seem to be perfect, seem to be true. But nothing is quite forever, especially staying together.
I don't care now what comes along, what counts is us, no matter what will be, just this naivety. The changing words we're taking in, seem to be perfect, seem to win. But nothing is quite forever, especially staying together.
That Smiling Face
All these words are not a rescue in my eyes Never sure about the love deep in your smile
Never sure if I'm right or if I'm wrong Never sure about the things which were going on and on
All this love just while you were standing near to me Never sure about the time you spent with me
I can't stand the way you deal with friends of mine Never sure if love's not just a waste of time
All these words I try to find to say to you I can't stand a thousand dreams I dream of you
While you stand beside me while you move into my arms
Suspicious Love (Radio Remix)
Try to tell me something, try to tell me how it feels, build it up to beat it down again, all the things you're hiding, all the games you play with me, build it up to beat it down again.
Suspicious love, froze my natural laugh, and I need to change, but something keeps me here. I feel I know, I won't let it grow, and I need to change, but something keeps me here, I refuse to crawl.
Got to tell you something, got to tell you how it feels, once built up and beaten down again. Promises once spoken, all the warmth you gave to me Leave me always somehow in between.
I'd like to see you crawling.
Strangers' Thoughts (Single Version)
In the last few hundered years some people lost their place on earth they never had a chance to stay just like they were
I can't understand why should this happen here we should accept and learn how to live together
These are just some Strangers' Thoughts These are just some Strangers' Thoughts
The reason for the pain is always based on history the madness in some minds had started to do this all
I can't understand why should this happen here we should accept and learn how to live together
These are just some Strangers' Thoughts
Sooner Than We Think
Take off your shoes, walk with me on the mossy forest ground to those places out of bounds. Taste my skin, explore me, under the shadowy forest's roof, making moves. Sooner than we think an endless day goes by. Sooner than we think these moments we'll deny.
So now we walk on thorns and in the end we're torn apart by all this loneliness.
The wind blows through your hair, drifts you away. In the dying forest's light you disappear from sight.
One Fine Day (Single Version)
I hear your spirit calling, I hold your hand and see you falling into the debris of it all. We're making love and living in dreams, we crash through walls, but no one wants to hear the screams, and no one knows the way or where it ends.
Anytime, any day, we may find a way One fine day.
Heaven (I want you) (Single Version)
When I look into your eyes, then I know that life's worth living, just without you, more or less, there's nothing left to tell. All the years we shared our time, all the things we had in common, all the crisis, more or less, we've nothing left to tell.
All excuses, all your plights, all your nice ideas, effusions of your mind, but I'll tell you for a thousand times:
I want you going down, just for one time. I want you going down, going down to the place where you belong to.
When I woke up in your arms and I felt myself, I'm freezing thats unusual, more or less, there's nothing left that's warm. All the years we shared our dreams, now I know it was a nightmare, of your loving, more or less, there's nothing left to loose.
All excuses, all your plights, all your nice ideas, effusions of your mind but I'll tell you for a thousand times:
I want you going down, just for one time. I want you going down going down to the place where you belong to.
You take a deep gulp, waiting for the fog in your mind and you know, that you better change something.
Reality starts to fade, but it'll last just for a while. You know that you're falling, lost again. You feel that you're falling, hitting the ground.
Your knees start to shake, when you think of what you'll do and there's no return. They trained everyone, but the thought about the jump, leaves cold sweat on your skin.
You know you'll be falling, once you are off the plane, you know you'll be falling, alone.
So many people, but there's no one giving you a helping hand. You climb higher and higher to the top of your wrecked life. And then you'll be falling, once again. You feel that you're falling, hitting the ground.
You sit side by side, with fear in your eyes waiting for the green light. The moment has come, then you struggle up and jump, with the rip cord in your hand.
You feel that you're falling, the dream of a lifetime comes true. You feel that you're falling and hope it never ends.
The Great Commandment
Some people suppress you they parch you and reap a disaster Reeducation for the infants who demanded for an innocent instance
The great commandment shows the contempt between the world and their embarrassing pavement Believe the scholars read the readings realize the man who says anything
The great commandment
The needies believe you they treat you like survivors of a disaster Reeducation for the infants who demanded for an innocent instance
The great commandment ...
Pedestrians' Adventures
Heaven is a miracle, watch out everything! A car comes from the right. Cops are a miracle, watch out everything! A car comes from the right. Symmetry's a miracle, watch out everything! A car comes from the right. Manners are a miracle, watch out everything! A car comes from the right, watch out! A car comes from the left, watch out everything! Mammae are a miracle, Junk food is a miracle, miracles are miracles. Watch out, watch out!
Bad News (Single Edit)
Baby, you ain't a man 'cause my heart's carried in your hand. any fool can see, I love my misery.
Bad news It's born in my blood. Bad news
Some live to undo, some live to be undone my grey sky's growing dark I feed on my own heart.
Bad news It's born in my blood. Bad news.
Whisper's what you done, crazy I've brought a gun my finger's to your window, Whiskey's on my clothes I'm bad news It's born in my blood.
Bad news. It's born in my blood.
Der Verstand weib den Weg, der Wille birgt die Kraft, das Gefuhl treibt mich an, doch die Angst lahmt den Schritt.
Understanding knows the way, will contains power, feeling drives me on, but fear paralyses me.
La raison connait le chemin, la volonte est ma force, l'emotion me fait avancer, mais la peur m'en empeche.
Focus my eyes, I'll get in your mind, sleepy now I'll do no harm in any kind Truth can ease it, what you can't deny, everyone is hiding something deep inside. Try to be wide open, I will promise, that you'll see new relief will free your fantasy One by one we'll make it all your fears will come to me, new relief will free your fantasy.
X-Ray You will lose the anguish in your life X-Ray happiness is all that stays inside X-Ray no one knows the difference till he tries X-Ray everything depends on your alone, I'll strip you to your bones.
Also happy, I'm a gentle guy I will keep it all and no one will look behind. Useful somehow, in a different way as I took it, I might give it back someday. That's no strange behavior, there's a coercion in my being Your relief rakes my insanity. Hyde is Jekyll's pleasure, there's the coercion in my being Your relief rakes my insanity.
Neighbours (Single Version)
Black men leaders cried for freedom white policemen shot them dead The survivors were sent to prison based on laws which no one understands
White man yawning in his armchair smiled while watching white TV Hundreds of people dead or injured he never understands this hysteria
What can we do what can we say? Can it be law to kill your neighbour? What can we do what can we say? Can it be wrong to end it all?
Snipers sitting in police-cars cautiously stroking machine-guns Never thought of black supression they were paid for every hit they have
What can we do ...
Little one, I'll blind you with charm, I feed you with pleasing things, you'll see, I'll make you believe, before you life was boring.
For a while, I meticulously try, to be the way you want me. But you'll see, I always believe, nothing in life's for free.
I can stand looking in your eyes, to turn around and start smiling, feel the pressure rise, you may hide, but it's far too late and you need to face the element of crime. Time reveals the harm, you awake, but it's far too late, then you need to face the element of crime.
Little one, I'm planted in your brain, to guide you the way I like. My plea, for total relief, brought you to your kneew.
Now I'm through, the things that you knew, and all you could give to me. Time has come for me to carry on, cause there's someone new com'n for tea.
This Day
Swimming in a sea of light, all that I have is a single day, that can't be changed. Flower-power, deflored mine, I'll be amused for a certain time and I can't change it, that's all that I can see.
This day, nothing's gonna knock me down, This day, nothing's gonna make the upside down.
Midday's gone, half a lifetime, I'm moving around an apple-pie, it's just refreshment, Ladies, babies, having fun, I know that I'm not the only one, but I can't change it, now it's time to leave.
This day, nothing's gonna knock me down. This day, nothing's gonna make the upside down.
They're creeping on, through your mind, won't you think it over. We know the scenes, they're marching on with torches, peeping from inside, with evil's eyes. the ferris wheel is turning, the tale is told again. And if we don't care, we end up all the same.
We stroke the flames, we never quenched all those years, we should have learned from things which may come close.
We need to talk, time has come, don't play it down, it's over. We know their themes, it's creeping on with caution, peeping from inside, with evil's eyes.
I once had a dream
I once had a dream in my head I worked on machines and it made me upset I felt so alone
She nearly had filled all my days she let me forget all the things around me she was all I wanted
You and me were approaching hiding from everyone I once had a dream in my head but I know she had gone
She quietly moved by my side I turned around and looked in her eyes I felt so in love
I once had a dream in my hands we laughed at each other and started to dance nothing seemed to be real
You and me were approaching hiding from everyone I once had a dream in my head but I know she had gone
23.10.2007, 22:13
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Sensor (2003)
Intro Sensor
Welcome to Sensor! Think electronic!
Me And You
Feel me Make it all come true Times change Between me and you
Bring it all together Break it all down Nothing's quite forever Sometimes upside down ...
It's me and you (me and you) Revolutionary true Colors will fade From night to day To something new
It's me and you (me and you) Revolutionary true Colors will fade From night to day To something new
Taste me Stick your head in clouds Make love Let it all come out
Bring it all together Break it all down Nothing's quite forever Sometimes upside down ...
It's me and you (me and you) Revolutionary true Colors will fade From night to day To something new
It's me and you (me and you) Revolutionary true Colors will fade From night to day To something new
Babylon's quiet Neonlight's telling Short cuts of night Asphalt sucked in the sun Now we're breathing as one
Waves in your smile Raves when you watch me I look aside To take a lift off and fly To crash back into your eyes
You make it real The way I feel Let's take a ride Through the night You make it real The way I feel I'm take a ride Through the night So perfect
Clean like a knife Whispered and broken Words that I said Makes me feel so abused Left me beeing the accused
Waves in your smile Clears My Horizon Your hand in mine Equalizing the sad Echoing in my head
You make it real The way I feel Let's take a ride Through the night You make it real The way I feel I'm take a ride Through the night So perfect
Harmful I touch your skin I feel you And the truth within And all I can do Is hope you feel it too
There’s pain inside My body ’n’ soul It’s alright After all my sweet lies The bitter thorns in your side
Twists on and on And all I can do Is hope to feel it too Follow me the where it’s coming from
We will find the place where we belong There is noone who compares to you And I hope that you can feel it too
Harmful you touch my skin I feel you And the truth within And all i can do Is hope you feel it too
Here She Comes
Creepy Silence Views recalled When the dream turns lucid You can feel it all It’s the director’s cut Out of scenes that I shot In fifty frames per second Favourite sound when she talked Upon water she walked Love has been a colorful surround
Here she comes She’s been my sun’s cruelest beauty Here she comes Blows disease into my mind
Here she comes Seen her lately Links unplugged She’s a stranger to me Givin empty hugs Now the picture we’re in Where the acting begins Shows my own b-movie So it’s bitter insight How she changed her mind Love has been a colorful surround Here she comes She’s been my sun’s cruelest beauty Here she comes Blows disease into my mind Here she comes Once she meant home To my hands and my soul It’s incised Once she meant home To my hands and my soul It’s ghostwrite
I Can't Feel You
Hold on now, hold on now It’s all so clear Our circles followed to here I’m cradled in unhappiness We’re not the same You swore it wouldn’t be like this Love won’t spend it’s days like this Trapped in loneliness Wrapped in solitude Without having you I can’t feel you Can’t get near you Walk right through you I can’t feel you We’re so arrested I’m still invested now Can’t come near you I can’t feel you
I’m trapped inside This shell you own I taste my fears And suddenly it reappears You still live inside of me Walking through my dreams You always disappear But I’m still here I can’t feel you Can’t get near you Walk right through you I can’t feel you We’re so arrested I’m still invested now Can’t come near you I can’t feel you
I will be lost When you leave us Broken minded, binded We should keep trust Deep inside us There is more than meets the eye …
Sitting in a hole Feeling 2 foots all Writing down your name You’re the only one Bringing out the sun I wish the night away …
I will be lost When you leave us Feared by demons screamin' We’ve got our love Deep inside us There is more than meets the eye …
I'll Follow Behind
I know we travel a world to get to A place in our mind … Brother We’re born alone and raised with suffer More or less fine But if you stay on the line There will be something else You’ll find 'Cause if you're walking ahead I'll follow behind There's nothing left for bad It's in your mind
And if you're walking ahead I'll follow behind It's in your mind
A nerd to see the world is changing And step back behind Brother A whole life's running through your hands boy And you waste your time But if you stay on the line There will be something else You'll find 'Cause if you're walking ahead I'll follow behind There's nothing left for bad It's yin your mind And if you're walking ahead I'll follow behind There's nothing left for bad It's in your mind
Lift the receiver girl Come to me The sun and the moon colides You know that! It could last a lifetime Shimmering the surface of the sea Dive into the water Open up your eyes That you might ... See, we're diving Although we should know It's more like flying And you might feel Just like a leaf Carried away Until you're dying In my arms ... It's been a long time now I agree I'll carry the weight away You know that! It could be last a lifetime Shimmering the surface of the sea Dive into the water Open up your eyes That you might ... See, we're diving Although we should know It's more like flying And you might feel Just like a leaf Carried away Until you're dying In my arms ...
Waiting's over Feel it in my blood And in my veins All the pleasure and the pain Is coming back again
Shine a little shine on me From within I know that Life's making me a make believe ...
Like a little devotion Hidden somewhere Like a thief is waiting for the night Like a precious emotion Cautious somehow Like a thief is waiting for the night
Words unspoken Floating from your mind Into your brain All the feelings, all insane Drives me on again ...
Shine a little shine for me From within i know that Live's making me a make believe ...
Any time, anyhow Ever all you said Is hurting now Heading back To the scene Rushing adrenaline Through my veins Right now ... Heading back, back to the scene Right now Rushing adrenaline through my veins Somehow Heading back, back to the scene There is no more left for real But you said: Here right now We're together as you know There is more than words can say To stay together And we're together! Words may come And so far they came undone But there's a way within the faith To stay together, stay together, stay together ... Wave my name Hit the track You're a tattoo placed on my neck Even though It's insane Rushing adrenaline Through my veins Right now ...
74 Minutes
You Turn
I've seen the eyes of an angel I've built on lies with you I've read your lips of longing For this reckless ride so cruel I've been in reach of danger I've seen this rise before I take my hands off the wheel And see It's coming to an end We never noticed where we are It's coming to an end We didn't see we went too far It's coming to an end We never notice what we are It's coming to an end We never noticed what we are It's coming to an end
No destination for the car I've picked you up in eden And now we're corner hell Cause I've been believin' That this hitch-hike ends up well I've clicked the belt while speeding You've put my foot down more I take my hands off the wheel And see It's coming to an end We didn't see we went too far It's coming to an end We never noticed what we are It's coming to an end No destination for the car
Perfect Sensor
23.10.2007, 22:15
Eternal Dreamer
Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 845
Тексты песен альбома Relocated (2006)
We are lovers
In a sea of moments We were sinking down the ground After all these years together We're still traveling around All the places All the faces Led us to another point of view In a world of "A.W.N.I.A.H." It is hard to find the truth
We are lovers in different ways We still dream of the better days We hear promises on the phone But life differs, right from wrong
In a field of mindgames Time is coming up again - And our memories are fading Every now and then All the places All the faces Led us to another point of view In a world of "A.W.N.I.A.H." We're still seeking for the clues
All we do together This is forever Believe me, a dream comes true...
Motif sky
Feels like elevation of my soul And feel sensation's rising out the cold We're intimate strangers And carefully now An idea is growing Somehow... We're intimate strangers And carefully now An idea is growing Somehow in ourselves
You think you're in a motif sky
Reach the point of never get enough Go past a height I've never been above We move in slow motion And strip raw our minds A kick, from emotions Collides... We move in slow motion And strip raw our minds A kick, from emotions Colliding in ourselves...
You let my spirit fly
Reach the point of never get enough Go past a height I've never been above...
Real thing
By the end of night You're my lucky sight Embraced by the quiet Moment of glory
Silence in your face Still life full of grace Watching you traveling Without me
Real thing You're letting my soul sing A song of my own
Gone is inner strife Flavor of my life Make me feel I've arrived In the days after
Now I see it clear Nothing is to fear Sharing all the tears Crying and laughter
Real thing The ashes that I've seen You bring back the glow
Passing by
Fly to the moon See the stars passing by I feel someone's near Even though I know There's nobody here...
Passing by the sea - Passing be the sea of light
Like a stream Like a breeze There's your voice inside my head And in between The pressure increases - I know, I'll never get back
I sit on the moon Good and bad disappears I feel the relief When I see my homeland Shining from here...
Passing by the sea - Passing be the sea of light
Like a stream Like a breeze There's your voice inside my head And in between The pressure increases - I know, I'll never get back .. I'm dreaming to fly all the way back
I love with no regrets I give you what I get How can I let you know About to let things go
Change it for you And not for me Things have been done too long I've got a name A name for you 'Cause thing have been done too long
Don't fool yourself Confusion Don't keep all your begging inside your heart Don't fool yourself Confusion Try to catch up to me Though you misses the start Don't fool yourself!
I stand right by your side There's nothing more to hide How can I let you know About to let things grow
Change it for you And not for me Things have been done too long I've got a name A name for you 'Cause thing have been done too long
The perfect key
I was locked And knocked to ground You said that love can turn things 'round You said to me: Love's the perfect key I tried so hard to get things done I tried so hard to be the one As you said to me That love's the perfect key
I bless the ways that we're walking Words that we're talking And there's more than eyes can see Beyond the wall of the things I've done You're awaiting me And love's the perfect key
I crossed the line Another time Existence build on coward lies But you offered me A new reality I cried to you to hear my plea Our souls in one tonality You set me free Love's the perfect key
I tore down all of these walls But somehow I never thought it could be enough Now I know there is something rising high above A perfect love...
Everyone Should act with common sense But what you see is Quite hard to understand You feel the world (Or try somehow) No need to share the pain You wait for the kingdom come In your dressing gown
Sometimes you feel it It's coming up - you see it You know this longing in your heart
(You're only) Dreaming Of a lifelong pleasure No expense just leisure An everlasting treasure That never gonna let you down
You come undone To fit into every size You never know how To look into your children's eyes You seize your day (Or try somehow) No need to share the gain You smile when you fall asleep On your subway seat
The pleasure remains
We had it all But nothing to lose Our worlds collide Just whenever we want them to Now we are here And try not to move So the pleasure remains for a while
All these words But nothing to tell You said it all with a flick of your eyebrow Now we are here With nothing to do But spend our time worth while
I've been waiting a long time for you I've been waiting a long time now...
Everything you need Everything you'll do I see in your open eyes Everything I need Everything I'll do Is trying to move along with you
I've got it all But nothing to lose Sharing my love with the one that I wanted Now we are here And try not to move So the pleasure remains for a while The pleasure remains with you...
Bitter taste
Whatever I've done maybe Late the last night I can't remember How I came down Into this light
Swallow the bitter Taste in my mouth Morality shivers Unfamiliar walls around
For whatever I've been searching It's not by my side My heart's uneasy To the mirror I lied
Watching the blurry Scenes behind my eyes This kiss and tell story Keeps me unidentified
Beyond the curtain it's dawning Solitude is calling Somebody is breathing It's my last night's beauty queen...
Something wrong
I walk alone And my World's overthrown And I Need to be saved and kept from harm I'm moving on But I Know it would be wrong When I Would do things the way they used to be...
There's something wrong since you were gone My ship is drowning in a storm It seems to be I can't go on I can't go on there's something wrong Since you were gone since you were gone
I sleep on thorns And I'm Just flesh and bones And I Need to be saved and kept from harm I grab my gun And I Know it would be wrong When I Would do things the way they used to be...
Need to be saved and kept from harm Need to be saved and kept from harm
How do you feel?
How do you feel My old friend Touching the universe?
What do you see When you travel Back on floating steel?
How do you feel My old friend Lost in the atmosphere?
What does it mean To be seen As just a silver stream?
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