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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #1

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847


Страна: Норвегия
Год образования: 1982

Morten Harket (Мортен Харкет) - вокал
Magne Furuholmen (Магне Фурухолмен) - клавишные, гитара, вокал
Paul Waaktaar-Savoy (Пол Ваактар-Савой) - гитара, вокал, ударные

Фото A-HA

Норвежская группа A-Ha - один из ведущих коллективов стиля электро-поп, появившегося на излете "новой волны". Музыке A-Ha присущи графичный, несколько холодноватый ("скандинавский") синтезаторно-гитарный звук, выразительная балладная мелодичность вкупе с ненавязчивой танцевальностью, романтичное, порой исполненное легкой грусти настроение. Для многих песни A-Ha являются ностальгическим символом юности и нежных отношений.

В 1976 году юные жители Осло Пол Ваактаар (Paul Waaktaar) и Магне Фурухолмен (Magne Furuholmen) решили собрать группу, назвав ее Bridges. К ним присоединились Вигго Бонди (Viggo Bondi) и Квестин Йеванорд (Qystein Jevanord). Когда на их пути впервые встретился будущий лидер-вокалист A-Ha Мортен Харкет (Morten Harket), он был всего лишь одним из посетителей концерта Bridges. В 1980 году у группы вышел альбом "Fakkeltog", который, увы, успеха не имел. В 1982 году Пол и Магне вдвоем отправились в Лондон, дабы продолжить свою музыкальную карьеру. Мортену тоже предложили присоединиться, но он решил остаться дома. И правильно: пробыв в столице Туманного Альбиона восемь месяцев, Пол и Магне, разочарованные, вернулись на родину. В начале 1983 года парочка друзей вновь предложила Мортену присоединиться к ним в качестве вокалиста, и тот, наконец, согласился. Дома у родителей Пола молодые люди записали несколько демо. Придумано было и новое, краткое, легкое и запоминающееся имя для группы - A-Ha.

Представив свои записи на отделение лэйбла "Warner" в конце 1983 года, группа добилась контракта - менеджеры сразу же заподозрили в A-Ha большой потенциал. И, как выяснилось, не прогадали. Сингл "Take on me", в полной красе продемонстрировавший лирическую силу чистого, как небо, вокала Харкета, трижды занимал ведущие позиции в английских чартах, оставаясь №2 и в 1985 году. Другим большим хитом стала песня "The sun always shines on TV". Дебютный альбом A-Ha "Hunting High And Low" (1985) прочно оккупировал Top 10 и получил премию "Spellemannsprisen" (норвежский аналог "Grammy"). В записи этого и последующих альбомов A-Ha помогали приглашенные музыканты. Популярности группы очень способствовали клипы (A-Ha сразу же заинтересовалось MTV), полные интересных визуальных находок.

В 1986 году песня "The sun always shines on TV" стала хитом №1 в Англии. Группа была номинирована на премию "Grammy" в нескольких номинациях и выиграла в категории "Лучшее видео", а в категории "Лучший новый артист" уступила место певице Шадэ. В том же году A-Ha отправились в свой первый мировой тур. А затем, не теряя времени даром, музыканты представили на суд публики свой второй альбом "Scoundrel Days", который вновь был принят очень горячо. Наибольшей известности добились такие композиции, как "Swing of things" и "I've been losing you".

В 1987 году Полу Ваактаару предложили сочинить тему для очередного фильма о Джеймсе Бонде. Так на свет появилась "The living daylights", ремикс на которую вошел в третий альбом группы, "Stay On These Roads" (1988). Успех этого диска превзошел достижения предыдущих: целых пять песен из десяти попали в Top 20. Тем не менее, некоторые слушатели начали замечать, что порою A-Ha цитируют сами себя.

В том же 1987 году Мортен попробовался в роли киноактера: он снялся в небольшой роли и спел заглавную песню в фильме "Kamilla og tyven", который был показан в норвежских кинотеатрах. А Магне В 1989 году решил обнародовать еще один свой талант - художника. Он выставил свои картины в галерее города Ставанджера (Норвегия) и получил хорошие отзывы критики.

В 1990 году свет увидел четвертый альбом группы - "East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon", который многие поклонники считают лучшим произведением A-Ha. На пластинке особенно выделялась первая композиция - кавер-версия прославленной песни из репертуара Everly Brothers "Сrying in the rain". Сами музыканты почувствовали необходимость взять тайм-аут и отложили на несколько месяцев гастрольный тур, который в итоге стал самым успешным туром в истории группы (особый успех пришелся на Южную Америку, где на 20 их концертов пришло более 1 млн. зрителей).

В 1991 году группа издала сборник хитов "Headlines And Deadlines", а также усиленно гастролировала, в том числе посетив Бразилию и выступив на фестивале "Rock in Rio" (по материалам тура был выпущен видео-сборник "Live in South America"). Пол Ваактаар женился на Лорин Савой и присоединил к своей фамилии фамилию жены. В 1992 году группа вновь побывала в Бразилии.

В 1993 году команда выпустила свой четвертый альбом - "Memorial Beach", единственной известной вещью из которого стала "Move To Memphis". Диск коммерческого успеха не имел - одни сочли его слишком мрачным, другие - чересчур авангардистским, третьи - откровенно слабым. При этом английский журнал "Q" назвал Пола Ваактаара одним из наиболее выдающихся песенных композиторов в современной музыке. Мортен Харкет начал работать над собственным проектом "Poetenes Evangelium".

Выпуск сингла "Shapes that go together" (1994) поставил точку на определенном этапе творчества группы. A-Ha отыграли на фестивале "Белые ночи" в Петербурге, а затем Пол, Мортен и Магне занялись собственными делами. Магне стал уделять основное внимание живописи и скульптуре, устраивая выставки в престижных музеях; кроме того, под именем Timbresound он в 1994 году со своим другом Кьетилом Беркестрандом записал инструментальный саундтрек-альбом к фильму "Ten knives in the heart" (в последующие годы проект издал еще два альбома). Мортен Харкет в 1995 году записал второй сольный альбом "Wild Sees" (стал номером 1 в Норвегии), за которым последовал "Vogts Villa". Кроме того, Харкет очень удачно продвинулся по бизнес-линии. А Пол и Лорин сформировали собственную группу, назвав ее Savoy. Команда выпустила три альбома - "Mary is coming" (1996), "Lackluster me" (1997) и "Mountains of time" (1999).

В 1998 году A-Ha - не без помощи нового менеджера Брайана Лэйна - решили воссоединиться после долгого перерыва. Группа начала выступать и записывать новый материал. Результатом этой работы стал альбом "Minor Earth, Major Sky", полный сильного и свежего материала, современно звучащий, но выполненный, при этом, в лучших традициях A-Ha. Большим успехом пользовались композиции "Velvet", "Summer moved on", "The sun never shone that day" и др. Как всегда, внимание поклонников привлекли красивые видеоклипы. В рамках мирового тура в поддержку альбома норвежское трио в 2001 году посетило Россию.

В 2002 году A-Ha выпустили новый альбом "Lifelines". Как и во всех "правильных" поп-рок-альбомах (стандарты которых заложены и норвежцами), в "Lifelines" присутствуют и спокойные среднетемповые композиции, и бодрые клубные шлягеры, и вещи более "рокового" плана, и нежнейшие баллады ("Turn the light down", дуэт Магне Фурухолмена с Аннели Дрекер из Royksopp, просто зачаровывает). В 2005 году A-Ha выпустила альбом "Analogue". В ноябре 2006 года группа посетила с концертами Россию.

Официальный сайт группы A-Ha: www.a-ha.com

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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #2

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847

Дискография A-HA:

1985 - Hunting High And Low
1986 - Scoundrel Days
1988 - Stay On These Roads
1990 - East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon
1991 - Headlines And Deadlines
1993 - Memorial Beach
2000 - Minor Earth | Major Sky
2002 - Lifelines
2003 - How Can I Sleep With Your Voice In My Head
2004 - The Singles 1984-2004 (compilation)
2005 - Analogue
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #3

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847

Тексты песен альбома Hunting High And Low (1985)

Take On Me

We're talking away
I don't know what
I'm to say I'll say it anyway
Today's another day to find you
Shying away
I'll be coming for your love, OK?

Take on me, take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two

So needless to say
I'm odds and ends
But that's me stumbling away
Slowly learning that life is OK.
Say after me
It's no better to be safe than sorry

Take on me, take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two

Oh the things that you say
Is it life or
Just to play my worries away
You're all the things I've got to remember
You're shying away
I'll be coming for you anyway

Take on me, take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two

Train Of Thought

He likes to have the morning paper's
Crossword solved
Words go up words come down
Forwards backwards twisted round
He grabs a pile of letters from a small suitcase
Disappears into an office
It's another working day

And his thoughts are full of strangers
Corridors of naked lights
And his mind once full of reason
Now there's more than meets the eye
Oh, a stranger's face he carries with him

He likes a bit of reading on the subway home
A distant radio whistling tunes that nobody knows
At home a house awaits him, He unlocks the door
Thinking once there was a sea here
But there never was a door

And his thoughts are full of strangers
And his eyes to numb to see
And nothing that he knows of
And nowhere where he's been
Was ever quite like this
And his thoughts...

And at heart
He's full of strangers
Dodging on his train of thought
Train of thought

Hunting High And Low

Here I am
And within the reach of my hands
She sounds asleep and she's sweeter now
Than the wildest dream could have seen her
And I Watch her slipping away
Though I know I'll be hunting high and low

There's no end to the lengths I'll go to
Hunting high and low
There's no end to lengths I'll go

To find her again
Upon this my dreams are depending
Through the dark
I sense the pounding of her heart
Next to mine
She's the sweetest love I could find
So I guess I'll be hunting high and low

There's no end to the lengths I'll go to
High and Low
Do you know what it means to love you...

I'm hunting high and low
And now she's telling me she's got to go away
I'll always be hunting high and low
Hungry for you
Watch me tearing myself to pieces
Hunting high and low

There's no end to the lengths I'll go to
Oh, for you I'll be hunting high and low

The Blue Sky

I find it hard to breathe
As life just eats away
At the faces that surround me
They look tired today
The lady at my table
Doesn't want me here
I just want to talk to her

But would she laugh at my accent
And make fun of me
Oh, it doesn't seem like this
Blue sky's here for me

There are no girls in here
As far as I can see
Only pin-up posters
Looking down at me
Watching papercups of coffee
Growing cold before my eyes
All the things I see
That make me realize

I'm in this big world without you
Nothing to my name
Oh, I never knew that
Blue sky meant such pain

I'm dying to be different
In the coffee shop
I've lived on borrowed strength
Now my supplies are cut
Though I'm older than my looks
And older than my years
I'm too young to take on
My deepest fears

Oh, I used to be confused
But now I just don't know
Since you left I've been watching
Blue skies come and go
Since you left I've been watching
Blue skies come and go

Living A Boy's Adventure Tale

I've fixed my dwelling for the night
Lights in pairs come passing by where I hide
I need some time now on my own
Leave my loneliness alone
To lick my wounds
Night has found me just in time
to help me close my eyes
one more time

Living a boy's adventure tale
In so many ways
Living a boy's adventure tale
For so many days
I'm living a boy's adventure tale
Can't escape, if I wanted to
Living a boy's adventure tale
I may be dreaming but I feel awake

I've been lost in so many places
Seeked love in so many faces
A change of weather,
the rain pours down
My head in hands,
pressed to the ground
And where am I supposed to go now

Living a boy's adventure tale
In so many ways
Living a boy's adventure tale (aah)
Living a boy's adventure tale
a voice I hear
Living a boy's adventure tale
Singing a lullaby for me
Living a boy's adventure tale
Because of you
Living a boy's adventure
Oh you know it's true
Living a boy's adventure tale
In so many ways (aah)
For so many days
I love you. I love you
So many ways

The Sun Always Shines On TV

Touch me
How can it be
Believe me
The sun always shines on TV
Hold me
Close to your heart
Touch me
And give all your love to me
To me...

I Reached inside myself
And found nothing there
To ease the pressure of
My ever worrying mind
All my powers waste away
I fear the crazed and lonely looks
The mirror's sending me these days
Please don't ask me to defend
The shameful lowlands
Of the way
I'm drifting gloomily through time

I reached inside myself today
Thinking there's got to be some way
To keep my troubles distant

Touch me
How can it be
Believe me
The sun always shines on TV
Hold me
Close to your heart
Touch me
And give all your love to me

And You Tell Me

Please don't hurt me
I have told you
All my love is all i've got
And tomorrow is the day
When I for your sake
I'm coming back

And you tell me
That i don't love you

I'm trying hard to make you jealous
Trying harder to make you stay
Days are longer
Night are crazy
It's so strange when you're away

And you tell me
That i don't love you
Let me come to you
And stay this time

And you tell me
That i don't love you
Oh you know
That it's just not true

Love Is Reason

My breath was coming fast
And as i make a start
You turn to go
oh, oh
I'll do what you want me to
I'll cry at the thought of the loss of a heart

Love is reason
Love is reason
Love is reason
Love is reason enough

My morals are changing fast
I told you it wouldn't last
You turn and go
oh, oh
I'll be what you want me to be
I'd die at the thought of the loss of your heart

Love is reason
Love is reason
Love is reason
Love is reason enough

I Dream Myself Alive

Dream myself alive
I dream myself alive
You can't deny
There's something dark
Against the light
All i can say
It doesn't have to be this way
We'll be chasing our tails madly
See days pass like wildfire
Right from the start
I knew this world would break my heart

I dream myself alive
Dream myself alive
I dream myself alive
Break my heart
And dream myself alive
What can it mean

I'm drawing pictures of the sea
Right from the start
I knew this girl would break my heart

Dream myself alive
Dream myself alive
I dream myself alive
Dream myself alive
Dream myself alive
I dream myself alive

Here I Stand And Face The Rain

Help me
I need your love
Don't walk away
The dark scares me so
We're nothing apart
Let's stay friends forever

Here I stand and face the rain
I know that nothing's gonna be the same again
I fear for what tomorrow brings

Trust me
For who I am
Place all your faith
Into these hands
I got nothing to say
But let's stay friends forever

Here I stand and face the rain
I know that nothing's gonna be the same again
I fear for what tomorrow brings
Here i stand and face the rain
I know that nothing's gonna be the same again
I fear for what tomorrow brings
Here I stand and face the rain
Knowing nothing's gonna be the same again
Here i stand and face the rain
Knowing nothing's gonna be the same
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #4

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847

Тексты песен альбома Scoundrel Days (1986)

Scoundrel Days

Was that somebody screaming...
It wasn't me for sure
I lift my head up from uneasy pillows
Put my feet on the floor
Cut my wrist on a bad thought
And head for the door

Outside on the pavement
The dark makes no noise
I can feel the sweat on my lips
Leaking into my mouth
I'm heading out for the steep hills
They're leaving me no choice

And see...as our lives are in the making
We believe through the lies and the hating
That love goes free

For want of an option
I run the wind 'round
I dream pictures of houses burning
Never knowing nothing else to do
With death comes the morning
Unannounced and new

Was it too much to ask for
To pull a little weight...
They forgive anything but greatness
These are scoundrel days
And I'm close to calling out their names
As pride hits my face
See...as our lives are in the making
We believe through their lies and the hating
That love goes free through scoundrel days

I reach the edge of town
I've got blood in my hair
Their hands touch my body
From everywhere
But I know that I've made it
As I run into the air

And see...as our lives are in the making
We believe through the lies and the hating
That love goes free
Through scoundrel days

The Swing Of Things

You say the world's an eventful place
You give me news
I don't want to know
You say that I should care
That I should speak my mind

Oh, but how can I speak of the world
Rushing by
With a lump in my throat
And tears in my eyes
Oh, have we come to the point of no turning back
Or is it still time to get into
The swing of things

Let us walk through this windless city
I'll go on till the winter gets me
Oh, "sleep..." you wrote "sleep, my dear"
In a letter somewhere

Oh, but how can I sleep with your voice in my head
With an ocean between us
And room in my bed
Oh, have I come to the point where I'm losing the grip
Or is it still time to get into
The swing of things

Oh, when she glows in the dark
And I'm weak by the sight
Of this breathtaking beauty
In which I can hide
Oh, there's a worldful out there
Of people I fear
But given time I'll get into
The swing of things

Yes, when she glows in the dark and
I'm struck by the sight
I know that I'll need this for the rest of my life

What have I done
What lies I have told
I've played games with the ones that rescued my soul
Oh, have I come to the point where I'm losing the grip
Or is it still time to get into
The swing of things

I've Been Losing You

It wasn't the rain that washed away...
Rinsed out the colours of your eyes
Putting the gun down on the bedside table
I must have realized

It wasn't the rain
That made no difference
And I could have sworn it wasn't me
Yet I did it all so coldly
...almost slowly
Plain for all to see

Oh c'mon please now
Talk to me
Tell me; things I could find helpful
How can I stop now...
Is there nothing I can do
I have lost my way
I've been losing you

I can still hear our screams competing
You're hissing your s's like a snake
Now in the mirror stands
Half a man
I thought no one could break

It wasn't the rain
That made no difference
...nervously drumming on: Run away
But I want the guilt to get me
Thoughts to wreck me
Preying on my mind

So, please now
Talk to me
Tell me; things I could find helpful
For how can I stop now...
Is there nothing I can do
I have lost my way
I've been losing you


Dawn awaits a sleepless, English town
Of coloured gray
Here I roam the streets without you
As summer fades away

...down in the city at nights
The cold wind blows

Wherever you may be right now
It must be getting late
You're probably asleep already
I am wide awake

...down in the city at nights

"Don't be lonely"
so you've told me
But don't you worry now
Loneliness can be ignored
And time has shown me how

... down in the city at nights
I'm missing you so much
Down in the city
Down in the city...

Manhattan Skyline

We sit and watch umbrellas fly
I'm trying to keep my newspaper dry
I hear myself say,
"My boat's leaving now"
...so we shake hands and cry
Now I must wave goodbye
Wave goodbye

You know
I don't want to cry again
Don't want to cry again
I don't want to say goodbye
Don't wanna cry again
I don't wanna run away
I don't want to race this pain
I'll never see your face again

Oh but how
How can you say
That I didn't try...
You see things in the depths of my eyes
That my love's run dry

We leave to their goodbyes
I've come to depend on the look in their eyes
My blood's sweet for pain
The wind and the rain bring back words of a song
And they say wave goodbye
Wave goodbye

You know
I don't want to fall again
I don't wanna know this pain
I don't want another friend
I don't wanna try again
Don't want to see you hurt
Don't let me see you hurt
I don't wanna cry again
I'll never see your face again

How can you say
That I didn't try
You know I did
You see things
in the depths of my eyes
That my love's run dry
(I don't wanna cry again...)

...So I read to myself
A chance of a lifetime to see new horizons
On the front page
A black and white picture of
Manhattan Skyline

Cry Wolf

"Night I left the city,
I dreamt of a wolf..."

He came from where the winds are cold
And truth is seen through keyholes
...strange longings never sleep
Now he's come where no hearts beat

Cry wolf
Time to worry
Cry wolf
Time to worry now

You can start, but you cannot stop
You give in, but you can't give up
You can tell all your desperate jokes
To a world that puts your
Love on hold

Cry wolf
Time to worry
Cry wolf
Time to worry now

...the sunken-in eyes
And the pain in his cries
A shape in the dark...

Cry wolf
Time to worry
Cry wolf
Time to worry now

We're Looking For The Whales

One left low left two who left high
They seem so hard to find
Three came twice took once the time
To search...
We're looking for a little bewildered girl
We're looking for a little bewildered girl
We're looking for the whales

Restlessness is in our genes
Time won't wear it off
Born into this world with our eyes wide open

We're looking for a little bewildered girl
We're looking for a little bewildered girl
We're looking for the whales

I found angels
Beached outside your doors
Don't you set those lonely eyes on me
We're looking for the whales
We're looking for the whales...

The Weight Of The Wind

Your face looked new against the town
You've come to lose some memories
Like you came to touch new grounds

But you want to lose
The weight of the wind
Rests hard on your shoulders
It's bringing you down
The one that you love
Will never be found

You speak into the falling rain
Words you'd lost, but found again
I see their snakey arms entwined
So clear and cruel
In your jealous mind

But you've got to lose
The weight of the wind
Hard on your shoulders
Getting you down
The one that you love
Will never be found

Maybe Maybe

Maybe you were joking
When you said that you were walking out on me
Maybe, maybe

Maybe I was joking
When I said that I was running out on you
Maybe, maybe

I could be wrong, so wrong
I could be wrong, so wrong
I could be wrong

I don't know, but it's been said
Decisions travel far from heart to head
Maybe, maybe

Maybe it was over
When you chucked me out the
Rover at full speed
Maybe, maybe oh baby

I could be wrong, so wrong
I could be wrong, so wrong
I could be wrong, so wrong

Soft Rains Of April

The soft rains of April are over
The soft rains of April are over, over

Anybody home now
I am on the phone now, please...
The soft rains of April are over
The ferry across the water to Dover, over

Anybody home now
I am on the phone, oh I'd like to go back
Is it raining back home
I'm so alone

Just got up today
And my thoughts are miles away
With you

Well, they gave me four years
Three more to go
Keep writing letters
Time's passing so slow

So soft rains of April are over
The soft rains of April are over
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Eternal Dreamer
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Тексты песен альбома Stay On These Roads (1988)

Stay On These Roads

The cold has a voice
It talks to me
Stillborn, by choice
It airs no need
To hold

Old man feels the cold...
Oh baby don't
'cause I've been told:

Stay on these roads
We shall meet, I know
Stay on...my love
We shall meet, I know
I know

Where joy should reign
These skies restrain
'Shadow your love...'
The voice trails off again

Old man feels the cold
Oh baby don't
'cause I've been told

Stay on these roads
We shall meet, I know
Stay on...my love
You feel so weak, be strong
Stay on, stay on
We shall meet, I know
I know
I know, my love, I know

The Blood That Moves The Body

It's the way we feel
As if it's all unreal
All right
My love, won't you come back to
Our love, you know I'll react to
The blood that moves my body
Now covers the ground
The blood that moves the body
The blood that moves the body

There's nowhere to go
Lend some warmth to our cold
And lonely lives
Red stains on 'Eyes Of A Blue Dog'
My pains fade as the interiors fog
The blood that moves my body
Now colours the ground
The blood that moves the body
The blood that moves the body

Not long ago
It hurt us so
A tremble through our lives
The love and care...
The way we were
Lost its way at nights

It's the way we feel
Lend some warmth to our cold
And lonely lives
My love, won't you come back to
Our love, you know we'll react to
The blood that moved our bodies
Now covers the ground...
Now covers the ground
The blood that moves the body
The blood that moves the body


Donna found us in her slow and dreamy way
I can't hear a word the waiter says
She's looking older now...the color of her hair
She walks into the room too pleased to find me there

Me I'm touchy
Touchy you
Me I'm touchy
And you know what to do
Me I'm touchy
Touchy, touchy you
Me I'm touchy and you know what to do

Both of us together in a room by ourselves
I sneeze to look around, but there's no escape
What can I do, what can I say
She's waiting for this moment to explain itself

Me I'm touchy
Touchy you
Me I'm touchy
And you know what to do
Me I'm touchy
Touchy, touchy you
Touching love is the best I can do

Hey, this time youґve gone too far
You know how touchy we are

Donna found me in her slow and dreamy way
Now she reads me what the papers say
The way she laughs at what I do
I'm waiting for this moment to explain itself through

Me I'm touchy..... etc.

This Alone Is Love

This alone is love
No small thing
This alone is love
That my love brings

And all of us
Who are travelling by trap-doors
Our souls are a myriad of wars
And I'm losing everyone

It will make my last breath pass out at dawn
It will make my body dissolve out in the blue
Oh baby, what can we do.

Hurry Home

Hurry home
Freight train running
I've been gone
Too long, honey
Why did I waste away
the only good thing left to save me
Hurry home
Freight train running

She's alone
Got no money
(She's alone...she got no money
Coming home, I've done my running)
Iґm coming home
No more running
Why now should I deny
the only true thing left inside me
Hurry home
No more running

I'm doing right
For once in my life
(He's doing right!)
No more running...

(Rolling countries... fields unfolding
I swear the winds are calling)

So I hurry home
No more running
She's all alone
Got no money
(She's alone...she got no money
coming home, I've done my running)
Why should I go and hide
The only true thing left inside me
Hurry home
Freight train running

The Living Daylights

Hey driver, where're we going
I swear my nerves are showing

Set your hopes up way too high
The living's in the way we die

Comes the morning and the headlights fade away
Hundred thousand people...I'm the one they blame
I've been waiting long for one of us to say
Save the darkness, let it never fade away
In the living daylights

All right, hold on tighter now
It's down, down to the wire

Set your hopes up way too high
The living's in the way we die

Comes the morning and the headlights fade in rain
Hundred thousand changes...everything's the same
Iґve been waiting long for one of us to say
Save the darkness, let it never fade away
In the living daylights

Comes the morning and the headlights fade away
Hundred thousand people...I'm the one they frame
In the living daylights

There's Never A Forever Thing

Dry your eyes now
Don't you cry
It's all right

Lie back
Leave the lights on
It's all right, dear

I'll be there through the night
With you till the first signs of light
Say the word and I'll come tonight

It's all right now
Don't you cry now

Wipe your tears away
There's never a forever thing

All through the night
I'll try so hard to be there somehow
With you till the first signs of light
Say the word and I'll come

Darling, don't you

Out Of Blue Comes Green

My wings are clipped
See the steps that made me trip
Now I'm so lonely

Time's frozen flame
Seem to linger in the rain
Holding me only

Like a river I'm flowing
And there's no way of knowing
If I'm coming or going
I need something to chain me down
But it don't matter
My eyes have seen...
For better
Out of blue comes green

I have gone wrong
Work my fingers to the bone
All I've been doing

Proud that I am
To be born into such hands
Your love so renewing

And I know I can lose it
Part of life... you can't choose it
As I touched the horizon
It just felt like I'd die soon
Don't matter
My eyes have seen
For better
Out of blue comes green

You Are The One

You are the one who has done me in
Guess you knew from the start
I call again, but there's no one in
Don't know where, with whom youґve been
But I do
Love you
Anyway you want me to

You are the one...now the state I'm in!
Catching you was so hard
I fought for you, did you let me win!?
Don't even care, you don't care
Where I've been
But I do
Love you
Anyway you want me to

I've done all I can do
All the letters...I've sent through
Put my life in the palms of your hands
Maybe now you can see
That it's got to be me
But if you leave me
I'll understand, yeah
If you leave me, I'll understand

You are the one who has done me in
Guess you knew from the start
I call your friends, but there's no one in
Catching you is so hard
You are the one!

You'll End Up Crying

You'll end up crying
With your mother's eyes
Pretend you can't see yourself
Could have been better
Could have been worse
You could have been yourself

Brought up in mom's arms
Nowhere to fall
Now you're out climbing
Taking it all

You'll end up crying
with your mother's eyes
Suffer that moment's pain
Could have done better
Could have done worse
Lost in your love for more

Now you're out climbing
And you should know
You'll end up crying
wherever you may go

Brought up in mom's arms
Nowhere to fall
Now you're out climbing
Climbing to fall

You'll end up crying
with your mother's eyes
Something is lost from the start
Could have been better
Could have been worse
You're going to need me there
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Eternal Dreamer
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Тексты песен альбома East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon (1990)

Crying In The Rain

I'll never let you see
The way my broken heart
is hurting me
I've got my pride and
I know how to hide
All my sorrow and pain
I'll do my crying in the rain

If I wait for stormy skies
You won't know the rain
from the tears in my eyes
You'll never know that
I still love you so
Though the heartaches remain
I'll do my crying in the rain

Raindrops falling from heaven
Could never take away my misery
But since we're not together
Iґll pray for stormy weather
To hide these tears I hope
you'll never see

Someday when my crying's done
I'm gonna wear a smile and
walk in the sun
I may be a fool
But till then, darling,
you'll never see me complain
I'll do my crying in the rain

I'll do my crying in the rain
I'll do my crying in the rain
I'll do my crying in the rain

Early Morning

Early morning
Eight o'clock precise
I see the lonely August sun arise

Say you know
You will
Move me like you do

Out on the fields...
I'm waiting the whole night through
Early morning, early morning, yeah

Ran the whole way
Down to the tracks
Through the doorway
then a last look back

Say you know
You will
Save me like you do

Out on the fields...
I've waited the whole night through
Early morning, early morning, yeah

I climbed all the stairways
To find the rooftop clear
Got the shotgun lying with me here
Say you know
You will
Move me like you do

Out on the fields...
You know how it feels, yeah
Early morning, early morning, yeah

Early morning
Eight o'clock precise

I Call Your Name

We got married on a cold mid-winter's morning
We said our lines
Then kissed
And it was over

Those pronouncements had such weight
I guess they made us hesitate

When she moved her hips
And swayed in my direction
I thought we could make it yet
And beat the isolation

But in that gentle dark
Man, we tore ourselves apart

Through the fire and rain
Through the wilderness and pain
Through the losses, through the gains
On love's roller coaster train
I call your name

Oh God... we used to laugh
Is the fire dying, babe
It hurts to ask

Let me hold you for awhile.

Slender Frame

Your coat is hanging loosely
On your slender frame
There's many roads to leave by
But few come back again

I don't believe it
I believe it

Take a look around and see
What's stopping you is stopping me
One moonless night we'll make it right
And vanish in the dark of night

Pack up your things and go
Run down the road, don't take it slow
Pack up your things today and run away
Yeah, run away

You say it's useless crying
Never got you far
You claim there's none as lonely
Lonely as you are

I don't believe it
I believe it

Take a look around and see
What's breaking you is breaking me

One moonless night we'll make it right
And vanish in the dark of night

East Of The Sun

Half of a letter
Tells half a story
The way I see it
It's half the worry
Where I came from
I forgot too soon...
East of the sun
And west of the moon

Money talks
And hey, I'm listening
I've lived without it
Enough to miss it
Where I'm going
I'll get there soon....
East of the sun
And west of the moon

Ooh, never gonna get there later
You know, I wanna get there soon
Never gonna get there, baby
On a desert road to home
East of the sun
And west of the moon

Another day leaves me aching
I try to wake up
But something's breaking
Here inside me
Deep and hollow
A sound that no other sound
could follow
I know the pain
Before the wound....
East of the sun
And west of the moon

Ooh, never gonna get there later
You know, I wanna get there soon
Never gonna get there, baby
On a desert road to home
East of the sun
And west of the moon

Sycamore Leaves

Can't stop thinking 'bout it
It fills me with unease
Out there by the roadside something's buried
Under sycamore leaves

Wet grounds, late September
The foliage of the trees
I came upon this feeling that someone's lying
Covered by sycamore leaves

And I could never make it
And I could never see
And I could never break out
And shake its grip on me

Waiting For Her

Waiting for her
That's all I ever do
Waiting for her

So why didn't I
Take the measures justified

Our love has always been the same
She comes, then goes away again
Oh yeah

She used to say
We never have the breaks we should've had
Coming our way

But why didn't I take that time and put it right

Our love has always been the same
She leaves me standing out in the rain -
Oh yeah

Send her my love
She's all I'm thinking of
Oh yeah
I'm telling you

And when she's sleeping by my side
Eyes closed, all knowledge trapped inside
- Oh yeah

So why didn't I
Take the measures justified
Send her my love
She's all I'm thinking of...

Oh yeah
I'm telling you

Cold River

I took a ride in an automobile
Pushed my hands out against the wheel

Asked a girl if she needed a ride
She said, "Sure, babe, but I wanna drive"

Hey now, wait awhile
We're going down with a smile
Cold river - she took me down
Cold river - she took my pride

River runs so deep
It runs so deep
It runs so deep

Had to stop on account of the storm
Seemed like years since I'd been warm

We drove all night till the tires blew
Got in the back and did what you do

Hey now, wait awhile
We're going down with a smile
Cold river -- she took me down
Cold river -- she took my pride
On a sunny day
On a sunny day
(She took my pride)
All the money you made
Did you need it, babe

The Way We Talk

Sometimes the way we talk isn't all that good
We can't change though we know we should

Baby, these fights we have aren't always fair
Was this problem always there

If I could, I'd change, I swear
I I could, I would, I swear

Rolling Thunder

It's the weight below us
And our fate before us
Like a rolling thunder
Rolling up from under
Don't ever leave this way
I know it's getting harder, but hey
If your world should crumble, yeah
And the rain gets in
Running through your skin
Soaking you outside in

The rain ... see it falling
But I don't know how long it will be
Until the storm is over
I'll wait
I will

Like the years of silence
To the growing violence
Like a rolling thunder
Rolling up from under
Don't ever leave me this way
Wait a little longer, yeah, stay
Through all the night I tumble, yeah
When the rain comes in
I will shed my skin
Losing it from within

See the rain ... it's falling
But I won't be leaving your side
Until all is over
I'll wait
I will

So many lifetimes you've been waiting for it
All through the good times
When you tried to ignore it
You hesitate
It's come too late
You hear the sound
Of when wheels engage

When the rain comes in
I will shed my skin
Losing it from within

(Seemingly) Nonstop July

Walking by strangers
Stranger than me
We talk of the future
Between you and me

Sweet little darling
Where will we be
Sweet little darling
Where will we be

It's hard to conceive it
All comes to an end
A joke when it's funny, well...
I laugh and pretend

We're fools to believe it
We're fools to try
To slow down this seemingly
Nonstop July
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Eternal Dreamer
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Тексты песен альбома Memorial Beach (1993)

Dark Is The Night For All

It's time we said goodbye
Time now to decide
O' don't you feel so small
Dark is the night for all

It's time we moved out West
This time will be the best
And when the evenings fall
Dark is the night for all

It's time...yeah, to break free
It's time to pull away
For you and for me

It's time...yeah, to break free
We need to celebrate the mystery

It's time we said goodbye
Time for you and I
O' don't you feel so small
Dark is the night for all

Move To Memphis

Walked around no one around
You were the one who taught me better
This old town brings me down
You were the one who told me
You've got to

Move to Memphis
That's what I'll do
Gonna move to Memphis and follow you
Trace that highway
Down to your doorway
Gonna move to Memphis and be with you

On the day you walked away
I was the one who said
You'd better stick around stay in town
You were the one who told me
You've got to

Move to Memphis
That's what I'll do
Chase the shadow that follows you
Trace that highway
Down to your doorway
Gonna move to Memphis
And be with you

I'm gonna be with you
I'm gonna be with you
Gonna move to Memphis

Move to Memphis
That's what I'll do
Move to Memphis to be with you
I'm gonna be with you
I'm gonna be with you
Gonna move to Memphis!

Cold As Stone

You're back again
You roam the streets
And crack again
You're back again

You're travel-worn
Standing here in the town
Where you were born
It's not your home

The mirror sees you
So alone
...Cold as stone - Yeah

You're not your own
You feel a chill
Go through your bones

You're not your own
There's something wrong
You call the doctor on a phone
He's not at home

So you leave a message
After the tone –
"I'm cold as stone"

Emerald green neon lights above
Sapphire red falls on you below
Cold as stone

Emerald green neon lights above
Sapphire reds fall on you below

You're back again
You send a curse out
In to the night
You're back again

You're travel-worn
Standing here
In the town you were born
It's not your home

The mirror sees you
So alone
...Cold as stone
Cold as stone

Angel In The Snow

Angel, angel or so
Wherever you may go
Hmm, yeah...
I'll follow
Wherever you may go...

And always will I be there
Shake worries from your hair
Hmm, yeah...
I'll be there

Angel, angel or so
Wherever you may go
Hmm, yeah...
I'll follow
Wherever you may go...

You're my angel in the snow
You're my angel in the snow


Don't be afaid
It's a harmless moon
All we can do
Is to assume

Our lives must change
A change is due
I hear you say
What are we gonna do

I don't know - make it
I don't know - shake it
I don't know - break it down
What are we wanna do
I don't know - make it
I don't know - shake it
I don't know - break it down

O' weeping night
O' grieving sky
O' rabbit wind
You just flew by

Grant me this
Some small reward
Don't announce
The time of the final call

My dream was this:
Across the sky
A slate-grey cloud
That filled the eye
...a slate-grey cloud...
Comes through the dust

Dont' be afraid
It's a harmless moon...

Lie Down In Darkness

With all our goals and destinations...
Everything must be this way
Vague are hopes
That try our patience
Listen now to what I say

Oh, lie down in darkness
I want you next to me
Oh, lie down in darkness
Here with me

All our trials and tribulations...
Will it ever make much sense
All these years
They disappear
They leave me here
Without defense

Oh, lie down in darkness
I want you next to me
Oh, lie down in darkness
Here with me

How Sweet It Was

Uh...yeah, that's alright
Lend us a voice in this howling night

Just about a month ago
You made a promise, babe
Not to go
Yes, you did now
You were the heart and soul

One to the nightfall
One to the stars
One to the haunted fools we are
One to remember
One to recall
One to acknowledge
Just how sweet it was, yeah

Just about a month ago
You make a promise
Ain't that so
Yes, you did now
Into this howling night

You got
You got
You got
You got me so
You got me so low

I wouldn't lie, babe - not again
It's such a crime
To while away my time
Little babe...

One to remember
One to recall
One to acknowledge
Just how sweet it was
We were so happy
We were okay
We let our good thing, honey
Just slip away

Lend us a voice in this howling night...

Lamb To The Slaughter

I went down to the water
Like a lamb to the slaughter
Didn't know
What was waiting for me there
Nobody warned me
Nobody told me
My excuse is I wasn't prepared

I drank deep from the river
And sealed up my fate
I should have seen the trap, baby
Before it was too late

We go down
We go down
Go down is the only way out

Who is this fool
Who believed all the stories
I wish I could say
It's not me
You polluted my head
With all the things you said
I became what you wanted to see

All of these years
I've built up this hate
I had my chance coming
But now it's too late

We go down
We go down
Go down -is the only way out

Between Your Mama And Yourself

Hey listen honey
Something you should know
This can't wait
I've been meaning to tell you
A long time ago
And today's that day
I'll put it straight
No, it just can't wait

Oh sure, it took a little time
I know that's true
But this business
Been preying on my mind
Since I met you
The thing is babe,

Between your mama and yourself
Forced to choose and without help
With a margin, you know it's true
The one I love
Well, it's eh...probably you

C'mon now, stay a little while
Before you go
This thing, it's been preying on my mind
But even so
This I know

Between your mama and yourself
Forced to choose and without help
With a margin, you know it's true
The one I love
Well, it's eh...probably you

You've got to know
It's got to show
Yeah, I've got to let her go

Memorial Beach

I pace the length of my unmade room
In times of change
My bags are packed, guess I'm leaving the womb
Into the rain

We never found
A place to hide
Some peace of mind
God knows we tried

Toes in the sand, the seductive sway
Ooh...nothing better, babe
Across the bay--Sarasota Way
We held together

We never found
A place to hide
Some peace of mind
God knows we tried, yeah

Into the rain...
The summer rain...

So we walk down to Memorial Beach
Where things began
Honey days and nights without sleep
Lost in the sand

We never found
A place to hide
Some peace of mind
God knows we tried, yeah

We never found
A place to hide
Some peace of mind
God knows we tried, yeah

So we walk down to Memorial Beach...
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Тексты песен альбома Minor Earth | Major Sky (2000)

Minor Earth Major Sky

I can't see me in this empty place
Just another lonely face
I can't see me here in outer space
It's so hard to leave a trace

And I try and I try and I try
But it never comes out right
Yes I try and I try and I try
But I never get it right

It's a
Minor Earth Major Sky
Minor Earth Major Sky

I can't see me in this lonely town
Not a friendly face around
Can you hear me when I speak out loud
Hear my voice above the crowd

And I try and I try and I try
But it never comes out right
Yes I try and I try and I try
But I never get it right

It's a
Minor Earth Major Sky
Minor Earth Major Sky

Minor Earth Major Sky
Minor Earth Major Sky

But I try and I try and I try
But it never comes out right
Yes I try and I try and I try
But I never get it right

It's a
Minor Earth Major Sky
Minor Earth Major Sky

Minor Earth Major Sky
Minor Earth Major Sky
Minor Earth Major Sky
Minor Earth Major Sky

Little Black Heart

I never saw sunlight
Burn as bright
I never felt darkness
The way I feel it tonight

You say it's getting better
You say it's allright

But I never felt darkness
Like I feel it tonight
Little black heart

Raindrops on my window
I can't tell them apart
Like the few things forgiven
In my little black heart

You say it's getting better
We just never got it right

But I never felt darkness
The way I feel it tonight
Little black heart

Some day we will shine
Like the moon in the morning
Like the sun when it's dawning
Yes the sun when it's dawning
The sun

Some day we will shine
Like the moon in the morning
Like the sun when it's dawning
Yes the sun when it's dawning
The sun

Raindrops on my window
I can't tell them apart
Like a few things forgotten
And a few things ignored

You say it's getting better
You say it's allright

But I never felt darkness
The way I feel it tonight
Little black heart

My little black heart


Her skin is like velvet
Her face cut from stone
Her eyes when she's smiling
Will never reach home
But hear how she sings

Her touch would be tender
Her lips would be warm
But when we're together
I'm always alone
But hear how she sings
But hear how she sings
Hear how she sings

Her skin is like velvet
So I went to her home
Her place like a palace
With things you can't own
Her skin is like velvet
And hear how she sings
Hear how she sings...

Summer Moved On

Summer moved on
And the way it goes
You can't tag along

Honey moved out
And the way it went
Leaves no doubt

Moments will pass
In the morning light
I found out

Seasons can't last
And there's one thing
Left to ask

Stay, don't just walk away
And leave me another day
A day just like today
With nobody else around

Friendships move on
Until the day
You can't get along

Handshakes unfold
And the way it goes
No one knows

Moments will pass
In the morning light
I found out

Seasons can't last
So there's just one thing
Left to ask

Stay, don't just walk away
And leave me another day
A day just like today
Stay, don't just walk away
With nobody else around

Seasons can't last
And there's just one thing
Left to ask

Stay, don't just walk away
And leave me another day
A day just like today
Stay, don't just walk away
With nobody else around

Summer moved on

The Sun Never Shone That Day

The sun never shone that day
From an early dawn the sky was grey
I never should've walked away
I know that now, but I'm here to say:

Everybody walks away
Everybody's led astray
Breaking every plan to stay
It happens all the time
The sun never shone that day
From an early dawn the sky was grey
I never should've walked I know
I see that now, but it's hard to show

Everybody's got to go
Everybody tells you so
Everybody wants to know
Why it happens all the time

I can't see the point of turning everything upside down
I can't see the point of greeting everything with a frown
I can't see the point of painting everything black or white
I can't see the point of leaving everyone full of doubt (oh doubt)

The sun never shone that day
From an early dawn the sky was grey
I never should've walked away
I see that now, but I'm here to say

Everybody holds their own
Everybody lives alone
Everybody hogs the phone
It happens all the time

Everybody feels the strain
Everybody holds the pain
Everybody stays the same
It happens all the time

I can see the point of turning everything upside down
I can see the point of greeting everything with a frown
I can see the point of painting everything black or white
I can see the point of leaving everyone full of doubt
Everyone full of doubt

The sun never shone that day
The sun never shone that day

To Let You Win

You know I always had the strength to fight
But I got tired of the wars at night
Thinking they would end if I gave in
But I wasn't strong enough

..To let you win
..To let you win
..Let you win

I knew the fight but I didn't know the cost
And how to stop the wheels when they're in spin
I thought you couldn't love a man who'd lost
No, I wasn't strong enough

..To let you win
..Let you win

It used to scare me to wake up wondering
If I'd forgotten what I was fighting for
You know that you said that you were weak and I was strong
Well, I wasn't strong enough

..To let you win
..To let you win
..Let you win
..To let you win

You know I always had the strength to fight
But I got tired of the wars at night
Thinking they would end if I gave in
But I wasn't strong enough

..To let you win
..To let you win
..Let you win

The Company Man

Andy was the company man
Responsible for signing the band
Songs came out of our mouths
And into his hands
Oh yeah

Legal help, yes we had plenty
Bank-accounts are easy to empty
Everybody's trying to help
Everyone is so friendly
Oh yeah

And we all come down
Don't make a sound as we hit the ground
Yes we all fall down
Don't make a sound as we hit the ground

Give us something easy to sing to
Give us something simple to cling to
Something we can all understand
Said the company man
Oh yeah
We sing

And we all fall down
Don't make a sound as we hit the ground
Yes we all fall down
Don't make a sound as we hit the ground

Yes we all fall down
Don't make a sound as we hit the ground
May we all fall down
Don't make a sound as we hit the ground

Thought That It Was You

I thought that it was you
The things you saw me do
They were true

Little did I know
You found me in your joy
And there was I, a little boy

My shadows they're not new
My soul's split in two
Lord, I thought that it was you

This Christmas snow that falls
Gives silence to us all, amen, amen

You know my deepest sin
You've seen me deep within
So fill me now like wind
And let the miracle begin

There's a river and you know
There's a place we used to go
That's where I throw our ashes now

I must have walked into a cave
Among these things that you must save
And there I touched the grave

You know my deepest sin
You've seen me deep within
But fill me now like wind
And let the miracle begin

You know my deepest sin
You've seen me deep within
But fill me now like wind
And let the miracle begin

Sometimes I felt so sure
When I opened up your doors
That there'd been no one there before

You know my deepest sin
You've seen me deep within
But fly, fly higher from it
Just look into my eyes

You know my deepest sin
You've seen me deep within
But fill me now like wind
And let the miracle begin

And the secrets that you say

I Wish I Cared

To hold me closer or set me free
To trust completely or let it be
You don't know my destiny
You can't see what I can see

Hey - I wish I cared
Hey - I wish I cared

To love me truely or let me go
Inbetween I don't want to know
This is how it has to be
No more us and no more we

Hey - I wish I cared
Hey - I wish I cared

Once again, on the station
See your face in a crowd
Comes again the sensation
You can't hear yourself think
With their voices inside your head

Hey - I wish I cared
Hey - I wish I cared
I wish I cared
Yes I really do
I wish I cared
(Hey) I wish I cared
Yes I really do
I wish I cared
(Hey) I wish I cared
I wish I cared

Barely Hanging On

I used to be so sensible on my own
Now I'm so sensitive it's a joke
I'm getting by on decibels like a drug
And greet every brand
New day with a shrug

I'm barely hanging on
I'm barely hanging on
I'm barely hanging on
I'm barely hanging on

I used to be so comfortable in a suit
Almost presentable next to you
I used to be so confident in a crowd
Now I can't say my own name aloud

I'm barely hanging on
I'm barely hanging on
I'm barely hanging on
I'm barely hanging on

And now I guess you're
Wondering why
We never could see eye to eye
Oh but never mind
And now I guess it's hard to see
What has gotten into me
Oh but never mind
Oh but never mind
Oh but never mind

I'm barely hanging on
I'm barely hanging on
I'm barely hanging on
I'm barely hanging on
I'm barely hanging on
I'm barely hanging on

You'll Never Get Over Me

You say you want some fun
You're not the only one
Not the only one

And you say you wanna run
You're not the only one
Not the only one

You will never get over me
I'll never got under you
Whenever our voices speak
It's never our minds that meet

You will never get over me
I'll never got under you
Whenever our voices speak
It's never our minds that meet

You say you want some
You're not the only one
Not the only one

And you, you say you've come undone
You're not the only one
Not the only one
You will never get over me
I'll never got under you
Whenever our voices speak
It's never our minds that meet

You'll never get over me
I'll never got under you
Whenever our voices speak
It's never our minds that meet

You'll never get over me
You'll never get over me
You'll never get over me

You will never get over me
I'll never got under you
Whenever our voices speak
It's never our minds that meet

You'll never get over me
I'll never got under you
Whenever our voices speak
It's never our minds that meet

Never get over me
Never get over me

I Won't Forget Her

I won't forget her
She was once my love

I won't forget her
She was once my love

When I hold you in my arms
Oh yeah
You know I'll let you come to no harm
Oh yeah

But if one day
Much like today
You stop and wonder what I'd prefer
Well, you know I won't forget her

I won't forget her
She was once my love

I won't forget her
She was once my love
She was once my love
She was once my love
She was once my love

Did you see it in my eyes
Oh yeah
Did it make you realise
Oh yeah

That one day
Much like today
My mind would wonder
If she's still there

Cause you know I won't forget her

I won't forget her
She was once my love

I won't forget her
She was once my love

I won't forget her
She was once my love

When I hold you in my arms
Oh yeah
She was once my love
She was once my love
She was once my love

I won't forget her
She was once my love

I won't forget her
She was once my love

I won't forget her
She was once my love

I won't forget her
She was once my love

Mary Ellen Makes The Moment Count

Mary cries out: "for the love of God"
As she's walking out of the laundromat
Down the street and it's the short way home
Feeling special cause she's so alone

But we know:
(The world's full of lonely people)
And it shows
(The world's full of lonely people)

She shrugs her coat off and unlocks the door
Eats her dinner on the kitchen floor
Writes a poem and turns the radio on
Every singer sings the same old song

And it goes:
(The world's full of lonely people)
And it shows
(The world's full of lonely people)

But when we she wanted me to go
She just had to let it show
To bring me down if she wanted me to leave
She just wore it on her sleeve
But at least, I was around

But when we she wanted me to go
She just had to let it show
To bring me down if she wanted me to leave
She just wore it on her sleeve
At least, I was around

Mary Ellen makes the moment count
As she's looking through old photographs
Pictures taken from an early age
Faces look back at her from the page
And they say

(The world's full of lonely people)
It's ok
(The world's full of lonely people)
It's ok
(The world's full of lonely people)

But when we she wanted me to go
She just had to let it show
To bring me down if she wanted me to leave
She just wore it on her sleeve
But at least, I was around
I was around
I was around
I was around

Mary Ellen makes the moment count
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  Romantic Warrior
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Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847

Тексты песен альбома Lifelines (2002)


One time
to know that it's real
one time
to know how it feels
that's all

one call
your voice on the phone
one place
a moment alone
that's all

what do you see, what do you know?
one sign; what do we do?
just follow your lifeline through
what if it hurts, what then?
one sign, what do you say?
don't throw your lifelines away

one time
just once in my life
yeah one time
to know it can happen twice

one shot
of a clear blue sky
one look
I see no reasons why
we can't

one chance
to go back to the point where everything starts
one chance
to keep it together when things fall apart

just one sign
to make us believe it's true

what do you see, where do we go
one sign; how do we grow?
by letting your lifelines show
what if we do, what then?
one sign- how will I know?
don't let your lifeline go

you're letting your lifeline go
don't let your lifeline go

You Wanted More

You know the way, you've been before
I've seen the signs outside your door
you've set the rules
their bitter taste can't be ignored
it just the same, just like before;
you wanted more

I loved the sun, I loved the rain
I gave it up, but all in vain
I loved the way it was before
so bittersweet to be adored
we had it all, you let it go
you wanted more

but in the end, what is a friend
if not someone, to help pretend
remember me
you know my name, I'm still the same
but not for you, that's not enough
you wanted more

I loved the sun, I loved the rain
I gave it up, but all in vain
we couldn't change, you know the score
so bittersweet to be adored
we had it all, you gave it up
you wanted more

just say it:
you loved the way it used to be
the way it was with you and me
it came to late and left too soon
just like the rings around the moon
we had it all, you let it go
you wanted more

we had it all
you gave it up
you wanted more

Forever Not Yours

Hold me tight
This is a lonely night
And I've hurt you baby
Because you are my light

Make me strong
Just like you make me weak
When your hands reach out for me
Even in your sleep

(I 'll soon be gone now)
Forever not yours
(It won't be long now)
Forever not yours

they keep coming through
The good ones hurt more
Than the bad ones do
The days were high
And the nights were deep
And I miss you baby
I miss you baby

I'll soon be gone now
Forever not yours
It won't be long now
Forever not yours

I'll soon be gone now
It won't be long now
Forever not
Forever not yours

I'll soon be gone now
Forever not yours
It won't be long now
Forever not yours

I'll soon be gone now
Forever not yours
It won't be long now
Forever not yours

There's A Reason For It

Don't know how it got away from me
don't know how I let things go, you see
don't know why it took a sudden turn
didn't seem to be a big concern

and everything is all too much
hot and bothered, yet cool to the touch
and everyone is worlds apart
it must have been this way right from the start

when there's nothing here to save the day
then we have to say
there's a reason for it
when there's nothing left for us to do
you're left without a clue
there's a reason for it

don't know how it got away from me
don't know how I let things go, you see
don't know why it took a sudden turn
guess it means I have a lot to learn

and everyone is all too well
all well-adjusted people, can't you tell
and everything is all too fast
just add water, nothing's built to last

when your colleagues can't recall your name
time and time again
there's a reason for it
when your name's the butt of every joke
you're just about to croak
there's a reason for it
there's a reason for it

Time & Again

The sun brought me
the moon caught me
the wind fought me
the rain got me

the road sent me
the years bent me
the stars overwhelmed me
time and again

but now
I can't see the stars
a star is a thing I can't see
and now
I don't feel the same
to feel is a thing that can't be

work rushed me
fame brushed me
the streets hushed me
as life touched me

time placed me
events dazed me
love saved me
now and again

but now
there can be no love
love is a thing that can't be
and now
there can be no trust
trust is a thing I can't see

but now
there can be no love
love is a thing that can't be
and now
I can't be so strong
strong is a thing I can't be

time and again
time and again
the sun brought me

Did Anyone Approach You?

You never look up
you never look back
you never say anything based on fact
you've got issues going way back

you never say hi
you never say much
you never make an effort to stay in touch
I got this feeling something happened here
something happened here

did anybody feel you
did anybody deal you
did anybody make you do some things now
did anyone approach you
did anybody coach you
did anybody tell you what to say now

hopeless, it's not hopeless
doubtful, but not hopeless
at all

you never come clean
you never stay clean
you never do anything in between
everything is black and white with you

you never believe
you never belong
you never make milestones to call your own
I got this feeling something happened here
something happened here

did anybody hide you
did anybody fight you
did anyone decide to do some harm now
did anybody read you
did anybody bleed you
did anybody feed you lots of junk now

hopeless, it's not hopeless
doubtful, but not hopeless
at all

Afternoon High

Ah, the sunlight hits the corner
of your eye
as it bounces off the morning sky
a summer in the 70's fly by

ah, daylight hits the corner of your mind
steals the thoughts you thought
no one could find
close your eyes
and it will rob you blind

incidental memories collide
sentimental reveries abide
an afternoon high

ah, daylight hits the corners
of your mouth
steals the words
that filled you up with doubt
open up and let them all fall out

ah, honey smooths the wrinkles from the bed
gone the indentations of your head
leaving just a frown upon your forehead

worry works a wrinkle over time
open up and let it rob you blind
incidental memories collide
people tell me you've been blinded by;
an afternoon high
afternoon high

Oranges On Appletrees

Oranges on appletrees
bugs that mate with bumblebees
oranges on appletrees

water comes and water goes
where it ends up no-one knows for sure
water rises, waterfalls
where it comes from no-one knows for sure
it seeps from every pore

we have seen the rain before
but not like this, it's flooding every shore
people come and people go
I can hear their laughter through my door
but no-one's keeping score;

oranges on appletrees
bugs that mate with bumblebees
one big happy family
endless possibilities
oranges on appletrees – and more

I see your face in front of me
you believed what no-one else could see
I feel it deep inside of me
everything we know shall be renewed
and everyone will see

oranges on appletrees – and more

I used to be the only one
not now since you have come
'cause you and I have seen the signs
that's why we're running blind

oranges on appletrees
birds that mate with bumblebees
endless possibilities

oranges on appletrees
all the things that we can see
multigender wannabes

oranges on appletrees
bugs that make with bumblebees
one big happy family
endless possibilities

A Little Bit

And it will take a little bit of extra time
to make it shine
to make it shine

and it will take a little bit of extra care
to bring it where
you think it's there

and there's no one else around
but this is what i've found

anyone you see
anyone you meet
someone at your feet
anyone could be the one
anyone you know
anywhere you go
someone at a show
could be that one

and it will take a little less than all you've got
to get a shot
to get a shot
and it will take a little bit of extra care
to bring it where
you think it's there

and there's nowhere else to go
but this is what I know

anyone you see
anyone you meet
maybe down the street
anyone could be that one
everywhere you look
the pages of a book
all the years it took
everything that got you down

and it will take a little while to get back home
the road is long
the road is long
and it will take a little work to get it back
to mend the cracks
to bridge the gaps

anyone you see
could be the one
anyone you meet
could be that one
someone at your feet
could feel the same
making you complete
could share your name
everywhere you look
the pages of a book
everything she took
never let it keep you down
you're holding out for news
all broken up and bruised
a loser born to lose

anywhere you go
anyone you know
you think it doesn't show
but everybody knows
anyone you see
maybe down the street
someone at your feet
could be that one

Less Than Pure

We're gonna go downtown
I hear this great new place
has opened up
and when we get there
I don't know
it's taking ages, don't you know

how long, how long
will this go on?
how long, how long
the time drags on
how long....I find I can't go
on much longer now

but the place in question
is hard to find
not a cab-ride to the door
and you wonder in your doubtful mind
is it really worth all that, and more?

we seem to be
a little lost or something
I'm not really sure
about the choice we're making
the toll it's taking

how long, how long
will this go on?
how long, how long
the time drags on
how long.....I find I can't go
on much longer now

but the place in question's
hard to find
like an illness without cure
and our minds are growing wearier
and our hearts are less than pure
less than pure

Turn The Lights Down

Turn the lights on, the night is too long
keep yourself warm, I'm coming home
I cannot help you, you yourself must see
decide now what you want to be
turn the lights down, the lights are too strong

when you're down and out, just hold on
realize that nothing lasts long
we must believe the things we cannot see
everything's allright with me
turn the lights down, the lights are too strong

I just want to sleep by your side
it makes me feel so alive
I just want to sleep for awhile

turn around, the night is still young
realize that things can go wrong
you must decide now where you want to be
you're the one that said to me:
realize that nothing lasts long

I just wanna sleep by your side
it makes me feel so alive

so easy to love from a distance
hard to be near when you can
impossible now to get back to
where we began

I just wanna sleep by your side
it makes me feel so alive
I just wanna sleep by your side
I just wanna sleep through the night

Cannot Hide

Can you see me babe

standing in the light
I feel your cat's eyes on me,
phosphor in the night

I'll move inside
got those eyes
something's burning
baby that's allright
you and I here tonight

meet me on the other side
('cause you can do me right)
take me where I cannot hide
('cause you can do me right)
meet me on the other side

you don't know me girl
I'm faceless in the crowd
the things I could show you, girl
c'mon , c'mon to my cloud
I…I'm alive and tonight
something's falling, babe
you and I
or the sky
I can see it in your eyes

take me to the other side
('cause you can do me right)
take me where I cannot hide
('cause you can do me right)
meet me on the other side


White Canvas

Stories are painted
in lines on your face
misunderstandings and little mistakes
a chance to start over
is all that it takes – you know if you do;
your life is a canvas, the colours are you

follow me out, follow me round
let's make the road up as we go along
just as we planned
you want to believe it, you know that it's true;
your life is a canvas, the colours are you

you cannot erase them;
the words that were said -
just paint them over inside of your head
all that is needed;
you know you must make just one leap of faith
everything else will fall into place

follow me out, follow me round
let's make it up and go back
to where we began
all that is needed is one leap of faith -
everything else will fall into place

anywhere you'll ever go
everyone you'll ever know
you may never find it
everyone you'll ever see
anyone you choose to be
how you look will decide
what you see

follow the moon
follow the sun
let's make a deal this time
to stay with the plan
all that is needed is one leap of faith
everything else will fall into place

stories are painted
in the lines of your face


I will never let you down
I will always be around
I will never raise my voice
I will keep this tender poise

in the time we are here
we'll see love disappear
in the time that we're here
we'll be lost in our fear
lost in our fear

I will never bring you down
I will always stick around
I will heat you when you're cold
I will nurse you when you're old

in the time we have left
we'll raise eyes to the sky
don't ask how don't ask why
just fly dragonfly
fly, dragonfly


Some sign of forgiveness
some form of relief
is all that she asks for
is all that she needs

she waits for the day when
she'll feel more at ease
some time to be cared for
some time left in peace

cold stars of the future
they burned bright in the past
but these moments of solace
they won't last
they don't last

you're wasting the moment
biding your time
no-one got ahead
standing in line

so something is over
before it's begun
so close she could taste it
but now it is gone;

cold stars of the future
they burned bright in the past
but these moments of solace
they won't last
they cannot last

you're hoping for solace
well just look around
everyone here is
standing in line

solace now
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #10

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3295
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 847

Тексты песен альбома Analogue (2005)


it's in the way you hurt me
I know that I'm alive

open up inside
make me want you
make me want to
wrap yourself around me
hold me tighter
hold me tight as you can

it's in the way you hurt me
you sharpened all my senses
I know you're on my side

it's in the way you teach me
to chase the thoughts away

you opened up my eyes
made me want you
made me want to
you know it feels so nice
hold me tight now
hold me tight as can be

it's in the way you hurt me
I know that I'm alive
you sharpen all my senses
I know you're on my side

Don't do me any favors

you offer your assistance
but you won't accept my help
you draw your own conclusions
and there's room for little else

your own participation's
based on how much you can lose
I cannot help but feel that this
won't be of any use

don't give me any credit
cuz I do not want the blame
don't do me any favors
I don't want to play that game

I do not want to see myself
as someone that you saved
I'd rather be your adversary
than to be your slave

cuz every friendly gesture
turns my stomach inside out
don't do me any favours
I am better off without

don't offer me a credit
cuz I do not want the blame
don't do me any favors
I don't want to know your name

but it's alright
yes it's alright

ooh - don't offer me any credit
cuz I do not want the blame
don't do me any favors
I don't want to see your face

but it's alright
yes, it's alright

Cozy Prisons

take a moment if you dare
catch yourself a breath of air
there's another life out there
and you should try it
dead-ends hide on every street
look before you place your feet
cracks and fissures keep the beat
and you're inside it

every thought you never dared to think
every mood you always knew would sink
every line you spoke out loud in a jest
all the time you took to be your best is soon forgotten

the sun must never touch your skin
it could expose the dark within
you're paranoid about the paranoia
and panic hits without a sign
you worry 'bout it all the time
every perfect moment is a hidden warning

cuz everything makes your pretty head spin
nagging thoughts are starting to sink in
with everything this way it's better to forget
than end up in a place with something to regret

your transatlantic shopping sprees
your health forever guarantees
organic-bio-life's a breeze in cozy prisons
but hiding out in the salad bar
isn't gonna get you far
and bottled wine is vinegar tomorrow

and everything around here makes your pretty head spin
it's piling up high - you're back where you begin
moments you try so hard to forget
are promising to've been the best ones yet

yeah, everytime you shut your eyes it appears
everytime you trace your steps back here
none of your convictions have the same old ring
but no doubt you will find a place for everything
in cozy prisons

so if you're careful
you won't get hurt
but if you're careful all the time
then what's it worth?


come back, my darling one
I'm calling on you
the road ahead is long
and I must warn you
I wonder
where did she go?
if I failed you
I tell you right now
all I want you to know; I love you
all I need
is the time to show you

come back, my fallen son
don't let them fool you
cos when the day is done
they'll never move you
lay down your senseless pride
got more than you
put out your mournful tones
I tell you right now
all I want you to know; I love you
all I need is the time
to show you how I feel


you don't wanna hang around
said you were leaving town for the summer
at least til sundown

cuz time ain't gonna grind you down,
ain't gonna waste your life
chasing rainbows like some clown

but who's gonna come with you tonight
who's gonna tell you it's alright?
everything changes over time
just like wine

time ain't gonna hold you up,
ain't gonna make it stop
long enough to ease your mind
ain't gonna make it last forever

and you...
whatcha gonna do?
walk it solitary
so unnecessary
but it's alright
it's your birthright

everything's different down the line
everything changes over time

time ain't gonna make it worse
it's gonna make you start
feeling better
just like wine
we're gonna make it last forever

hey you...
whatcha gonna do?
just the ordinary?
so unnecessary

but it's all right
it's your birthright

Holy Ground

take your pride and lift it high
I've come to say goodbye

you've got your life and I've got mine
sometimes hard to draw that line

I like to walk and my way is my own,
you taught me how
don't you know

and there must be some place to meet
I take off my shoes I'll walk barefoot when I do

standing there in front of you
want to be honest I want to be true

I like to walk and my way is my own,
you taught me how
don't you know what we found

brother maybe

we're on holyground
take your pride and lift it high
I must leave without you
good advice I grow stronger
where the mountains rise

standing there in front of you
I want to be honest I want to be true

in front of you

Over the Treetops

hey, beautiful farm on the top of the hill
whenever I pass by
I'm thinking I will
find someone like you
goodbye avenue
and then I'll be yearning for this too

over the treetops fly
birds in the sky
over the treetops high
high in the sky

stop calling her restless
she moves in the sun
gets out of bed past noon
closer to one
I follow her mind
I follow her blind
she leaves and I'm two steps behind

over the treetops fly
birds in the sky
over the treetops high
high in the sky

a trip is a fall
to fall is to trip

she changes how she feels
about things, that's okay
it works for me
I think I like it that way
no thing is true
some thing is false
address the child as a whole

over the treetops fly
birds in the sky
over the treetops high
high in the sky

Halfway Through the Tour

halfway through the tour
we'll be somewhere else tomorrow
halfway through the tour
we'll be somewhere else tomorrow
and you know
I can't do much more
than walking out that door
and make for home tomorrow
halfway through the tour

halfway through the tour
houses set back from the road
halfway through the tour
across a dry expanse we go
and you know
I can't do much more
than walking out that door
and make for home tomorrow
halfway through the door

but when the crowd engage
and takes you to a place
that you know
everyone can be a part of
everyone can be a part of it

halfway through the tour
while there's money to be made
halfway through the tour
from the public eye we fade
and you know
across a dry expanse
we're flying by the seat of our pants
we'll be somewhere else tomorrow

halfway through the tour
I can't do much more
than make for home tomorrow

A Fine Blue Line

take a look and see
what's become of me
remember how it used to be

people that we'd meet
were falling at your feet
you didn't even see it

time marches on ahead - enough said
there's only one way through it
time marches on ahead - one day we'll see it
how there's a fine blue line
running through it

we read each other's books
we gave each other looks
like we couldn't trust ourselves
and we knew it

so tell me where you've been
and I'll show you where you're going
you can shout, you can scream
your way through it

well time rushes on ahead - enough said
that's just the way we blew it
time marches on ahead - one day you'll see it
love is a fine blue line

time races on ahead - enough said
that's just the way we blew it
time marches on ahead - one day you'll see it
love is the fine blue line
running through it

Keeper of the Flame

give it up for rock'n'roll
give it up for rock
give it up for how it makes you feel
give it up for vinyl days
kicking back from school
turn it up to make it
real sweet

give it up for rock'n'roll
give it up for bob
give it up for how it makes you see
give it up for silvertone
give it up for golden
adolescent daydreams

incidental incidents
instrumental instruments
a plan evolves too grand to entertain
monumental monuments
sentimental sentiments
you could've been
the keeper of the flame

incidental incidents
instrumental instruments
swallowed by the place from which you came
sentimental sentiments
you should've been
the keeper of the flame

give it up for summer days
laying in the grass
everything is happening in your head
you raise your fist up in the air
clench your fist and say
four more years and I'm outta here

Make it Soon

I watch my love she's sleeping
the air around her deepened
tomorrow she will smile again
tomorrow she'll get wild again

my love
and the moon
take your time
make it soon

I didn't mean to hurt you
it's what I use the words to
every time we lose our way
get so many things to say

my love
and the moon
take your time
make it soon

I see you and I hear you call
but sometimes when I lost it all
I go out of my mind
to see what I can find
I can find

I watch my love she's sleeping
the air around her deepened
tomorrow she will smile again
tomorrow she'll get wild again

my love

White Dwarf

there's a big, black picture
and it's hanging on your wall
with stars and all the planets
the milky way and all
and in the left hand corner
perhaps a small white dwarf
ready to explode/implode
I really can't recall

but it's out there
and I'm down here
and so far from it all

everything's expanding
in a constant state of change
everything's demanding
in a constant state of pain
you radiate away
your last remaining heat
your atmosphere has blown away
when you admit defeat

but you're out there
and I'm down here
and so far from it all

your time
your grace
your story in place
a life-span erased

there's a big, black picture
and it's hanging off your wall
with stars and all the planets
the milky way and all
and in the left hand corner
perhaps a small white dwarf
ready to explode/implode
I really can't recall

but it's out there
and I'm down here
and so far from it all

and I'm out here
down where
I'm so far from it all

The Summers of our Youth

there's nothing you can say
to make me change my mind
it happens all the time
just let the plot unwind

as we look back and see
our yesterdays entwine
the beauty and the truth
the summers of our youth

and you can go there anytime
the movies of your mind
and you can see it clearly
where we overstepped the line

what are you gonna do when lights go out
what are you gonna think it's all about
what are you gonna do when time is up
what are you gonna do to make it
change the way you feel

how life's a precious gift;
you've felt it once or twice
how everything comes once
but once a million times

but you can find it anywhere
you know I speak the truth
I wish there was a way back
to the summers of our youth

what are you gonna do when time is up
what are you gonna do to make it stop
what are you gonna do when lights go out
what are you gonna think it's all about
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