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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #1

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839


Страна: Швеция
Год образования: 1985

Пер Гессле (Per Gessle)
Мари Фредрикссон (Marie Fredriksson)

Фото Roxette

История Roxette началась осенью 1985 года, когда Перу Гессле позвонили из недавно основанной компании Alpha Records AB. Они хотели, чтобы Пер написал песню для Перниллы Вальгрен (Pernilla Wahlgren), шведской певицы, которая в то время записывала новый альбом. Пер написал песню, которая называлась "Svarta Glas", записал демо-версию и отправил ее звукозаписывающей компании. Пернилле песня не понравилась, и тогда Пер спросил у Мари Фредрикссон, хочет ли она принять участие в записи, так как они уже давно обсуждали возможность поработать вместе. Он сказал Мари, что все, кроме Перниллы Вальгрен, считали, что песня — потенциальный хит. Мари полагала, что песня совсем не в её стиле, слишком попсовая, никаких рок мотивов. Тогда Пер написал текст на английском языке, переаранжировал музыку, но до сих пор не верил, что Мари согласится. Рольф Нюгрен (Rolf Nygren) — в то время главный менеджер EMI Svenska AB — считал, что песню надо исполнить дуэтом — так получится немного необычно. В итоге Мари согласилась. Название новой песни — "Neverending Love".

Когда СМИ узнали, что Пер и Мари совместно записали песню, все стали задавать вопросы о новом проекте. Все, кто участвовал в записи, согласились с тем, что СМИ будет объявлено, что этот проект — просто увлечение. Также сообщалось, что планируется использовать название Roxette — старое название группы Gyllene Tider — для того чтобы выпустить сингл за пределами Швеции. Но чем больше людей слышали песню, тем больше спрашивали, почему бы не выпустить сингл в самой Швеции?

Многие из друзей Мари не советовали ей выпускать сингл в Швеции, так как это могло негативно отразиться на ее сольной карьере. Они полагали, что ее поклонники могут не понять смены музыкального стиля, не имеющего ничего общего с ее собственным. После некоторых размышлений, Мари согласилась на выпуск пластинки. Было решено сделать это «анонимно»: без фотографий Пера и Мари на обложке сингла. Перед выпуском "Neverending love", следовало остановить использование ее шведской версии, "Svarta glas", компанией Alpha Records AB, но к тому моменту песню уже записал брат Перниллы Никлас Вальгрен и собирался включить ее на свой альбом. К счастью, производство альбома Никласа еще не началось, песня была исключена с его пластинки и заменена новой.

Roxette выпустили свой дебютный сингл летом 1986 года, тогда был риск, что он будет незамеченным, так как все важные радио-передачи были на каникулах, музыкальные обозреватели на отдыхе и в это время года продаются мало музыкальных записей. Так как запись вышла «анонимно», люди не были уверены в исполнителях композиции. Пер решил помочь себе сам и его группа добилась определенных успехов рассылая открытки, голосуя за самих себя в радио шоу под названием «Sommartoppen», которое транслировалось по национальному шведскому радио все лето. Он просил многочисленных друзей помочь ему с открытками-голосованиями из разных городов, с другими почерками, иначе стало бы очевидно, что голосует всего один человек. Песня стала самым большим хитом лета 1986 года в Швеции, позже выяснилось, что и без помощи Пера и его друзей они бы добились этого успеха!

После триумфа первого сингла, Roxette записали их дебютный альбом "Pearls of Passion". В Швеции он стал очень популярным. Сама идея группы была в том, чтобы достигнуть международного успеха, но пока из-за границы ничего не было слышно. Когда продюсер немецкого ТВ-шоу "Pink" получил отказ за два дня до записи самого шоу, он спросил EMI, интересно ли Roxette появиться у него в программе и Пер с Мари не постеснялись! Они ездили по Европе, представляя себя как Roxette, выступая на совершенно разных ТВ-шоу, но все равно они были востребованы только лишь на шведском рынке.

Roxette отправились в свой первый "Rock Runt Riket" тур вместе со шведскими артистами, Эвой Дальгрен и Рататой летом 1987 года. Все 16 концертов были отыграны на открытых аренах. Билеты на большинство концертов были раскуплены полностью и примерно 115 тысяч человек посмотрели шоу. Мари Димберг (в то время глава отдела промоушена EMI Svenska AB) пригласила несколько своих коллег из EMI Германии, Бельгии и Италии на последний концерт тура в Стокгольме. Она хотела показать им, что Roxette это группа, которая выступает вживую. Представители EMI были впечатлены увиденным и вернулись домой с совершенно другим мнением о группе.

Roxette записали особую Рождественскую песню, "It must have been love" ("Christmas for the broken hearted"), которая вышла в ноябре 1987 и сразу же вошла в шведские чарты под № 1. Эта песня немного отличается от той, что через несколько лет вошла в саунд-трэк к фильму «Красотка». Основанием для выпуска этого сингла послужило желание поддержать интерес к группе до выхода их следующего альбома.

Чтобы придать группе еще немного международной стати, Пер и Мари хотели попробовать записать что-то новое для своего следующего альбома. Они планировали записать несколько новых песен вместе с иностранным продюсером в студии за пределами Швеции, и посмотреть, повлияет ли это на их звучание. Пер и Роэль Круизе (в то время глава EMI-Европа) отправились в Англию чтобы поговорить с 6 разными продюсерами и в итоге остановились на Адаме Мозлей (Adam Moseley). Песни "View from a hill", "Chances" и "Cry" были записаны на Trident II Studios в Лондоне в течение нескольких дней в июне 1988, но результат не достиг ожидаемого и сотрудничество с новым продюсером закончилось ничем. Альбом "Look Sharp!" немедленно стал сенсацией в Швеции в конце 1988 года и привел к тому, что билеты на шведский тур (который включал и первый концерт в их родном городе Хальмстад) Roxette были полностью раскуплены. На собрании представителей разных европейских отделений EMI было решено первым синглом с альбома выпустить песню "Chances". Пер и Мари посчитали это странным выбором, оба думали, что именно "The look" должна быть первым синглом, но позже были счастливы увидеть эту песню на сингле!

Студент по обмену, Дин Кушман (Dean Cushman) привез альбом "Look Sharp!" из Швеции с собой, в его родной город Миннеаполис, штат Миннесота, США. Он отнес CD на местную радио станцию KDWB, и попросил их проиграть в эфире песню в программе «По вашим заявкам». Примерно через неделю, Дин позвонил на радио станцию чтобы забрать CD обратно. Конечно же, хотя бы один DJ мог найти время чтобы послушать альбом. Человек, который ответил Дину был менеджер по программам Брайан Филипс. Он был на собрании с ди-джеями и сказал Дину приехать и забрать диск. Никто из ди-джеев альбом так и не послушал, так что менеджер предложил послушать диск, пока Дин не приехал. Брайан вставил диск в проигрыватель и заиграла песня "The look". Все тут же удивились и стали спрашивать, что это за группа, стали смотреть на обложку диска в поисках информации. В ту ночь, "The look" играли на американском радио впервые и в течение эфира слушатели звонили и спрашивали о песне, которая в тот момент играла в эфире. Многие просили проиграть песню снова и через несколько недель, песня была самой популярной на радио KDWB. У радио станции не было CD с альбомом, но записали копию на кассету. Брайан Филипс вскоре сделал много копий с кассеты и разослал их своим друзьям на других станциях, где песня тоже очень понравилась слушателям. В итоге, EMI USA выпустили эту песню как первый сингл, который стал очень успешным в американских чартах.

Вечером 28 марта, 1989 года в доме Пера Гессле в Хальмстаде раздался телефонный звонок. Когда Пер снял трубку, менеджер Roxette Томас Эрдман (Thomas Erdtman) кричал на том конце провода, что песня "The look" стала в США № 1! Чуть ранее в тот же самый день, Пер и Мари были в Нидерландах на промоушене, и, прилетев в Швецию, согласились покинуть друг друга на вечер, чтобы провести его с семьями в Хальмстаде и Стокгольме соответственно. Поступив таким образом, они верили, что песня "The look" станет № 1 в чартах США в ту самую ночь. Их предсказание сбылось и из-за того что Пер был в Хальмстаде, а Мари в Стокгольме, им пришлось отпраздновать успех в дали друго от друга в разных городах. Телефоны постоянно были заняты звонками людей, которые хотели поздравить их, также звонили журналисты и фотографы, желавшие увековечить этот момент. Дин Кушман позже получил золотую награду от Roxette и ужин с Пером и Мари в знак их благодарности за его неожиданную помощь. До Roxette лишь две шведские группы смогли добраться до первой строки американских чартов. Это были Blue Swede с песней "Hooked on a feeling" 6 апреля 1974 года и АВВА с песней "Dancing Queen" 9 апреля, 1977.

Некоторые люди говорят, что Дин Кушман «представил» Roxette Америке, в то время как другие говорят, что группа добилась бы успеха и без него. Дело в том, что некоторые радиостанции в Лос-Анджелесе уже крутили в эфире "The look" и песня вполне могла стать хитом сама по себе. Пер признает, что историю про студента, которые привез диск в США и тем самым «раскрутил» Roxette, очень любят многие журналисты!

"The look" стала хитом № 1 в чартах 26 различных стран по всему миру и МТВ наградили Roxette на церемонии IMA — International Music Award в 1989 году за видео, признанное зрителями лучшим в этом году.

Roxette участвовали в музыкальной ярмарке «IM & MC» в Амстердаме, Нидерланды, весной 1989 года, и пока они шли по городу, случилась забавная история. Кто-то закричал с балкона: «Эй, мне нравится ваша песня!». Это был Том Петти (Tom Petty), один из самых любимых музыкантов Пера. Он и Мари были настолько удивлены и не могли произнести ни слова, тогда их менеджер, Мари Димберг ответила: «Нам тоже нравится ваша музыка!!»

Летом 1989 года Roxette отправились в третий тур по Швеции, на этот раз они выступали на открытых площадках, большей частью в местах под названием Folkets park. Билеты практически на все концерты были раскуплены полностью, сделав тем самым тур еще более успешным. Позже, осенью этого же года, настало время для первого Европейского тура Roxette, но за ночь до премьеры у Мари обострилось люмбаго и самое первое шоу было на грани отмены. К счастью, Мари чувствовала себя вполне нормально на следующее утро и концерт в Kulttuuritalo, Хельсинки, Финляндия, прошел как и было запланировано. У Мари больше не было проблем со спиной до конца тура, который состоял из 15 концертов в западно-европейских странах. Два последних концерта прошли в Weser-Ems Halle в Ольденбурге, Германия, и оба эти концерта транслировались в прямом эфире на немецком радио.

Осенью 1989 года у Roxette появился второй американский хит № 1 - "Listen to your heart". В то же самое время с ними связались из компании Walt Disney Pictures / Touchstone Pictures, которым нужна была песня для фильма «Красотка». Пер был слишком занят, чтобы писать новую песню для фильма, ему даже советовали не заморачиваться с малобюджетной картиной с Ричардом Гиром и никому не известной в то время Джулией Робертс в главных ролях. Чтобы не показаться грубыми, они отправили продюсерам фильма "It must have been love" ("Christmas for the broken hearted"), но Пер и Мари не считали, что эта композиция подходит для фильма, так как это все же Рождественская песня. Продюсерам не понравился выбор группы и они попросили другую песню. Пер обьяснил, что это было все, что они могли предложить и надеялся, что больше он от этих продюсеров ничего не услышит. Кинокомпания изменила свое мнение, когда режиссер фильма, Гэрри Маршалл (Garry Marshall) услышал песню и моментально в нее влюбился. Он подумал, что со слегка измененным текстом, песня прекрасно подойдет его картине. Режиссер даже хотел изменить сценарий, чтобы песня лучше бы вписалась в фильм. Пер переписал текст, и Мари в студии записала новый вариант композиции. Работой остались довольны все и "It must have been love" стала третьим синглом №1 группы в США летом 1990. Фильм был в прокате по всему миру, а песня Roxette стала главной причиной того, что саундтрек к ленте продавался так успешно — более 9 миллионов копий по всему миру!

Работая над продолжением альбома "Look Sharp!", Пер однажды пришел днем домой и нашел на столе написанную от руки записку, которую оставила ему его невеста, Оса: «Hej, din tok, jag alskar dig!» — «Эй, дурачок, я тебя люблю!». Записка была подписана Вуди (прозвище Осы), и Пер подумал, что перевод фразы со шведского, может здорово звучать по-английски! «Hello, you fool, I love you!» Позже эта фраза стала началом песни "Joyride". Само название композиции и альбома было взято из интервью Пола Маккартни, в котором он описывал процесс написания песен вместе с Джоном Ленноном… это было как долгий joyride...

Планировалось выпустить новый альбом в начале 1991 года, но в середине января, на Ближнем Востоке началась т. н. Война в Заливе и выход альбома был отложен до конца марта. Выход диска сопровождался долгим промо-туром по Европе, в Японии и наконец, Северной Америке, что означало, что мировой тур, который должен был начаться в Ванкувере, Канада, в начале лета также откладывался. Название "Joyride" также использовалось при выходе сингла в начале мая, это был четвертый хит № 1 в США. Кроме США, успех был достигнут и в 26 других странах, а МТВ в 1991 году снова наградило группу за лучшее видео по результатам голосования зрителей.

После записи альбома "Joyride" появились планы первого мирового турне, которое началось 4 сентября 1991 года в Хельсинки, и, после 45 концертов по всей Европе, тур продолжился 10 концертами в Австралии до начала Рождественских каникул.

5 октября 1991 года шведская почта выпустила серию марок с изображениями известных музыкантов. Кроме Roxette на них были изображены Лена Филипссон и Джерри Уильямс, популярные шведские музыканты. Цель выпуска — приобщить шведских детей к филателии. Параллельно с выходом марок, была выпущена кассета со сборником песен представленных на марках артистов. Все эти «сувениры» продавались только в шведских почтовых отделениях, а доходы от продажи кассеты пошли в фонд исследования раковых заболеваний. Позже, в США, на шоу «Сегодня вечером с Джеем Лено» Пера и Мари спросили, каково это - быть изображенными на национальных марках. Пер ответил: «Здорово ощущать, что вся страна облизывает твою спину!»

Во время австралийской части гастролей пришла идея о живом альбоме с тура. Пер разговаривал с Уэйном Ишэмом (Wayne Isham), режиссером видео клипов Бон Джови и Металлика, в баре отеля Sebel Town House в Сиднее. Уэйна наняли чтобы снять документальный фильм об автралийских гастролях. Он тогда предложил Roxette выпустить эксклюзивный акустический ЕР для США и Канады с североамериканскими материалами турне. Пер считал, что эта идея имеет очень много общего с релизами «unplugged» и в итоге был выпущен туровый альбом с записями песен в самых неожиданных и интересных местах, по ходу гастролей. Пер уже имел наготове несколько песен для нового альбома, потом написал еще несколько, все они вошли в альбом "Tourism".

14 февраля 1992 года начался новый тур с концерта в Ванкувере, Канада, за ним последовали 25 шоу в США, Канаде и Мексике. Тур продолжился в Южной Америке и закончился 15 апреля 1992 в Сан-Паулу, Бразилия. После нескольких месяцев отдыха настало время для "The Summer Joyride Tour '92", который был продолжением предыдущего тура и происходил в Европе летом 1992 года. В это время вышел сингл "How do you do!", который группа представила вместе с песней "The heart shaped sea", исполняя их на живых концертах. Тур включал также концерт в Венгрии, первое их выступление в бывшей европейской коммунистической стране.

Roxette стали первой скандинавской группой и первыми не англоговорящими артистами, которые выступили и записали акустический концерт для «MTV Unplugged». Шведское ТВ записало концерт 9 января 1993 года в Cirkus, Стокгольм, запись поделили между собой шведское ТВ и MTV-Европа.
MTV выпустили сборник на CD с песнями из разных концертов «MTV Unplugged», на этот диск была включена песня Roxette "Here comes the weekend". Однако, та версия песни на диске была вовсе не с концерта «MTV Unplugged», а с альбома Tourism.

Весной 1993 года Roxette начали записывать новый альбом на Isla Di Capri, маленьком острове около побережья Италии. Запись продолжилась сессиями в Лондоне, Стокгольме и Хальмстаде, завершившись в январе 1994. В начале апреля 1994 года альбом "Crash! Boom! Bang!" увидел свет и достиг крайне высокого уровня продаж по всему миру, кроме Северной Америки, где он вышел только в октябре 1994. Там он стал большим провалом, потому что слегка урезанная версия диска продавалась в МакДональдсах за месяц до выхода. Релиз "Favourites from Crash! Boom! Bang!" продался в размере около 1 млн штук, и многие музыкальные магазины отказались закупать сам альбом "Crash! Boom! Bang!", потому что считали, что его никто не купит.

За альбомом последовал второй мировой тур, который должен был начаться в Санкт-Петербурге, Россия, но премьерное шоу было отменено. Крыша арены по расчетам могла не выдержать тяжести светового оборудования и снова, по традиции, первый концерт прошел в Хельсинки, Финляндия. Тур начался 7 сентября 1994 и закончился 2 мая, 1995. На этот раз Roxette посетили несколько стран в которых никогда не были, среди них — Россия, ЮАР и Китай.

Концерт в Пекине был первым за 10 лет выступлением западной группы с официального разрешения властей столицы Китая. До Roxette там выступала только лишь группа Wham! Пер и Мари говорят, что это несомненно было одним из самых важных событий в их карьере. Разногласия между менеджментом Roxette и Министерством Культуры Китая начались весной 1994. Чуть позднее власти согласились выдать разрешение на концерт в КНР. Перед принятием окончательного разрешения, власти хотели услышать содержание каждой песни, так что тексты песен надо было перевести на китайский. В некоторых странах считалось, что у песни "Sleeping in my car" достаточно откровенный текст песни, и до начала концерта власти попросили Roxette либо изменить текст песни, либо петь некоторые моменты на шведском. Пер и Мари в итоге согласились изменить текст, но когда они ее исполняли, то спели все в оригинале!

Сборник лучших хитов вышел осенью 1995 года, включая 4 новые песни. В середине ноября того же года был дан специальный промо-концерт в Sheperds Bush Empire Theatre в Лондоне.

Осенью 1996, Пер и Мари записали новый испаноязычный вокал для некоторых своих баллад. Оригинальная музыка была слегка смиксована, чтобы подходить новым текстам, и альбом "Ballads en Espanol" вышел перед Рождеством 1996 года. Диск продавался достаточно хорошо в испаноязычных странах, но по понятным причинам в остальных странах такого же успеха он не достиг.

Осенью 1997, был перевыпущен дебютный альбом группы под названием "Pearls of Passion — The First Album". На этот раз на диск вошли 8 бонус-трэков. Причиной перевыпуска послужило то, что альбом хотели сделать доступным для новых и старых поклонников по всему миру, в том числе и выпустить его на CD. Оригинальная пластинка вышла только в Скандинавии и Канаде и была полностью раскуплена через год-два после выхода.

Roxette провели почти весь 1998 год записывая альбом "Have a Nice Day" в студиях Испании и Швеции. Диск вышел по всему миру (кроме США) весной 1999. По религиозным соображениеям, некоторые ближневосточные страны не могли выпустить альбом до тех пор пока голые дети на обложке не будут с нее убраны. Был изготовлен спец. тираж, который продавался только в этих странах. Три песни с диска были переведены на испанский и осенью 1999, в некоторых странах альбом был перевыпущен с этими тремя бонус-треками.

Летом 2000 года наконец-то наступило время для подписания нового контракта для американского рынка с компанией Edel America Records, Inc. В сентябре того же года сборник лучших хитов группы вышел в США, с некоторыми изменениями по сравнению с оригинальным релизом. Для рекламы альбома Roxette выступили на некоторых фестивалях и радио по всей стране, но рекорд-компания не промотировала альбом должным образом и сотрудничество с Edel Records вскоре закончилось.

Практически весь 2000 год группа записывала пластинку "Room Service" на двух разных студиях в Стокгольме, Швеция. Они выпустили ее весной 2001 по всему миру, кроме США, где у них опять и снова не было контракта на выпуск альбомов. До выхода альбома, группа дала несколько промо-концертов в Германии, Испании и Швеции. Посетители этих концертов были люди, которые выиграли билеты на местных радиостанциях, либо они были специально приглашены.

Успех первого сингла "The centre of the heart" с нового альбома убедил Пера и Мари в том, что настало время нового турне. В конце мая 2001 года Roxette объявили, что осенью отправятся в тур по Европе. Это был их первый тур за последние 6 лет. Шведский режиссер Йонас Акерлунд, который снимал им множество видео клипов, занялся дизайном сцены, шоу и визуальных эффектов. Во время тура планировалось сыграть три концерта в ЮАР, но из-за террористических атак на ВТЦ в Нью-Йорке, США, это решение было отменено. Группа не хотела вылетать за пределы Европы после этих ужасных трагических событий.

11 сентября 2002 года, ровно через год после ужасной трагедии в США, Мари вернулась домой с утренней пробежки. В ванной она почувствовала себя плохо и упала в обморок, ударившись головой о раковину. Ее муж, Мике Болиош, немедленно отвез ее в Karolinska Hospital в Стокгольме, где врачи на УЗИ обнаружили у певицы опухоль мозга. Через несколько дней была проведена операция, она прошла успешно и еще в течение нескольких лет Мари проходила курс химеотерапии и реабилитации. В такой ситуации все переживали за певицу, желали ей скорейшего выздоровления, многие думали, что на этом карьера группы закончится... В 2005 году было объявлено, что Мари выздоровела и больше не нуждается в дополнительном лечении.
История группы продолжается...

Официальный сайт группы Roxette: www.roxette.se

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  Romantic Warrior
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Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Дискография Roxette:

1986 - Pearls of Passion
1987 - Dance Passion
1988 - Look Sharp!
1991 - Joyride
1992 - Tourism
1994 - Crash! Boom! Bang!
1995 - Don't bore us - Get to the chorus
1995 - Rarities
1996 - Ballads en Espanol
1999 - Have a Nice Day
2001 - Room Service
2003 - The Pop Hits
2006 - Roxette Hits
2006 - The RoxBox
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  Romantic Warrior
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Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Pearls of Passion (1986)

Soul Deep

Save a prayer for a sinner and a sait, my baby's coming back.
Say a prayer, hide hide away yea baby's coming back.
He-He-Hey Ain't gonna trouble his wanderings mind,
gonna take on the time to find out if my love is

Soul Deep - spinning the heart round a wire,
Soul Deep - a heavenly wave,
Soul Deep - heating the heart like a fire,
Soul Deep - is taking by breath away-ay-ay.

Save a tear till the curtain will fall,
well, I'm saving them all for you.
Knock on wood, is it understood
that I'm saving it up for you.

He-He-Hey Love is a hustle just a moment behind,
gonna walk on the line to find out if my love is Soul Deep…

Save a prayer for a sinner and a saint, my baby's coming back.
Say a prayer, hide hide away yea yea. Baby's coming back.
He-He-Hey Ride on the Soul Train now I'm too close to hide,
gonna take on the time to find out if my love is Soul Deep…

Secrets That She Keeps

I move all right, I got the wheels going round,
making ways in the night.
Yea we're movin' all right, wipin' the rain from the ground
and the pale from the sky,
but something happens in his heart when the morning comes.

The secret that she keeps away from me,
the tears on the pillow she don't want me to see,
well every little thing she does is for me
but somebody new is breaking us it two.

He's the kind of love that makes a whirl in your mind,
like the tide and the time.
With just a little bit o'soul he fights to find peace of mind
in these shattering eyes,
but something happens in his heart when the morning comes.

The secrets that she keeps away from me…

The love of you and me.

Goodbye to you

Goodbye to you, goodbye to broken hearts,
goodbye to romance, hidin in the dark,
nights that leave a scar.

Goodbye to you, goodbye to empty card,
goodbye to this ball of bliss,
I'm dancing from your arms.

And I fill the bedroom with silent visions of rain.
And I paint the morning with echoes from pleasure in pain.
I don't want to touch emotions, I just got to run away.
Electric blue like oceans, wild like lovers sway.

Goodbye to you…

And I seal the pillow and shatter dreams down the hall.
And I hang the heartache like pictures on the wall.
Can you hear the sound of angels playing hurting games?
Well, I'm a stranger when I'm leaving,
I was a stranger when I came.

I Call Your Name

It's a madman situation
Reminiscing in the rain
And I've lost your love again
I call your name

And I don't wanna think about it
When I go to sleep at night
Can you hear it in the wind?
I call your name

I call your name (*4)

And I close the door behind me
And I turn the lights all down
There's noone there besides me
I call your name

And I don't wanna think about it
But I wind up all the same
Nothing'll ever change
I call your name

Lie awake under the stars (*2)
I call your name (*4)


She knows I'd do anything she wants me to
The love she finds, is deeper than the ocean
She knows I'd do anything she wants me to
A river of dew, warmer than the dawning

Surrender - tie the cover to the ground (*2)
But don't turn around and walk away again.
Don't turn around and walk away again.

He knows I'd say anything he wants to hear.
Bright and clear calls the voice of lovers.
He knows I'd do anything he wants me to.
like ruby rain, I wash away the pain.

Surrender - tie the cover to the ground (*2)
But don't turn around and walk away again.
Don't turn me down and walk away again.


I knew the would happen and I don't want to be around
when it gets out.
I've closed the last picture and painted the window
inside and out.
Give me your dreams and I'll give you my time,
together we'll cross the borderline.

Voices - cracking the night.
Voices - that cut like a knife.
Voices - hear the singing: Ooh ooh.

From sparks to the fire, from here to obsession
they cover the end.
Twisting a match and see the reflection
of hunters of men.
Give me your dreams and I'll give you my time
until we make it to the borderline.

Voices - cracking the night.
Voices - that cut like a knife.
Voices - hear them singing.

Neverending Love

Chasing your shadow, the senses together,
four-leafed and clever I come from behind.
Chasing your shadow, I wander in circles,
you're one in a million, we're two of a kind.

It's you that I long for, it's you that I hunger,
oh you are the maker of waves in my mind.
We dance in the moonlight, a run on the wire,
drawing a fine line, a neverending love.

The fever turns slowly into a fire,
Chasing your shadow, moon and the water
field and the reaper, star and the sky.
Chasing your shadow, hammer and heartbeat,

clay and new concrete, I follow the signs.
It's you that I long for, it's you that I hunger,
and you are the maker of waves in my mind.
We dance in the moonlight, a run on the wire,

drawing a fine line, a neverending love.
The fever turns slowly into a fire,
drawing a fine line, a neverending love.

We dance in the moonlight...

Call Of The Wild

I know her and every notion i get from her i wear inside me
I know her all of the broken leaves of love she leaves behind
don't you hide away from the rain,
can you tell me the name of this game
I gotta get through to you

Behind the door, another wall, a lonely cry, a call of the wild,
a dancing daze, an empty face, a crystal high
a call of the wild.

And there is something that sweeps the dark
a lover's dart, the call of a broken heart.
Wrapped in the night, behind these eyes, oh hear the cry
a call of the wild

Joy Of A Toy

You wake me up in the middle of the night and burn the cover down
You're on the phone, in the air, like a record try to spin me round
Oh won't you move away, oh oh oh, oh honey get away, oh oh oh

The joy of a toy - is it all that you came for?
The joy of a toy got the look of a lie
The joy of a toy put the hurt into action
The joy of a toy - you can kiss this love goodbye

How can you win when you don't know a thing what love is all about?
Don't want to fight so get out of my sight, I won't surrender now
It's Independence day, oh oh oh, oh honey get away, oh oh oh

The joy of a toy - is it all that you came for?
The joy of a toy got the look of a lie
The joy of a toy put the hurt into action
The joy of a toy - you can kiss this love goodbye

Hello, Goodbye

From One Heart To Another

Echoes of loneliness
Traces from love affairs
Will never disappear
Always come through

And I thought I'd never know
The time to see you go
Two people turn into one
Thinking as one

A hint in the night The touch of a dream
Has come to an end
We run from one heart to another again
The rose of our love has whithered and torn
And gone from one heart to another again

Like Lovers Do

Take the line between us, and hold it close to you,
I want us to get together, like lovers do.
Let me kiss away your troubles, the cold and lonely nights,
Just take this heart I'm giving, and love is on the rise.

Like lovers do - want to hold you thru the night
Like lovers do - and when I look into your eyes
Like lovers do - oh I'm drowning in an ocean of emotion.

It feels just like forever, since I made love to you,
September days of scarlet, April morning dew.
So take the love between us, and hold it close to you,
I want us to get together, like lovers do.

Like lovers do...

So Far Away

In the coldest time of year, darkeness all around my heart.
I was alone but didn't fear to wander in the lights of stars.
In the bright and silent night, winds would knock and disappear.
Still I felt the feeling near, like the first time you were ever hear.

You're so far away, so far away,
you left me, you told me you would stay.
You never say goodbye and I keep wondering why,
I keep wondering how, oh come unto me now.

I have breathed the morning air, I have heard the four winds blow.
I was weary but prepared to follow down this lonely road.
In the room where lovers sleep, winds would knock and disappear.
Still I felt the music near, like the first time you were ever here.

You're so far away, so far away,
you left me, you told me you would stay.
You never said goodbye and I keep wondering why,
I keep wondering how, oh come inside me now.
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #4

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Look Sharp! (1988)

The Look

1-2-3-4 walking like a man,
Hitting like a hammer,
She's a juvenile scam.
Never was a quitter,
Tasty like a raindrop,
She's got the look.

Heavenly bound
Cause heaven's got a number
When she's spinning me around,
Kissing is a colour.
Her loving is a wild dog,
She's got the look.

She's got the look. She's got the look.
What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue.
When everything I'll ever do I'll do for you
And I go: la la la la la she's got the look.

Fire in the ice
Naked to the T-bone
Is a lover's disguise.
Banging on the head drum,
Shaking like a mad bull,
She's got the look.

Swaying to the band,
Moving like a hammer
She's a miracle man.
Loving is the ocean,
Kissing is the wet sand,
She's got the look.

And she goes: na na na na na na na na.

Dressed For Success

Tried to make it little by little,
Tried to make it bit by bit on my own.
Quit the job, the grey believers,
Another town where I get close to the bone.

Whatcha gonna tell your brother? - oh oh oh
whatcha gonna tell your father? - I don't know!
Whatcha gonna tell your mother? - Let me go...

I'm gonna get dressed for success
Shaping me up for the big time, baby.
Get dressed for success
Shaping it up for your love
For your love, yea yea yea.

I'm not afraid, a trembling flower,
I'll feed your heart and blow the dust from your eyes
And in the dark things happen faster.
I love the way you sway your hips next to mine.

Whatcha gonna tell your brother? - oh oh oh...

I'm gonna get dressed for success,
Hitting a spot for the big time, baby.
Get dressed for success

Shaping it up for your love. Look sharp!

Sleeping Single

Here's the house.
Here's the city and the stream.
Here's the father to my dream.
Here's the lost and lonely look in your eyes.
When you leave I will break down and cry.

Sleeping single - I will wait for you.
I'm sleeping single - 'til you change your mind.
Sleeping single - I will wait for you 'til time has gone by.

I'll pay the price
For all the love you poured like rain
"Toujours l'amour" over again,
But the midnight chills are getting so rough
And the bed is big enough for both of us.

Sleeping single...

Til time has gone by, has gone by...
Sleeping single - I will wait for you
Sleeping single - till you change your mind.
Sleeping single - I will wait for you till time has gone by

Sleeping single - I would die for you.
I'm sleeping single - won't you change your way?
Sleeping single - I will pray for you to stay,
He-he-hey... He-he-hey...


I've got a hot chilly feeling I don't understand.
I've got to run through this minute like a hurricane.
I've got to tighten my wire from the sense to the soul.
I find my back to the wall when it's time to go.
I've got to know - is that your heartbeat?

Paint...me right.
Can you feel the heat in me tonight?
Oh I, I'm the pearl...
Paint your love all over my world.

I get a love shock/electric from the touch of your hand.
I'm getting lost in the riddles of the modern man.
I've got it up down all around tied to the bone.
Hey there's a strange situation on the late nite show.
I've got to know - is that your heartbeat?

Paint me right... (*2)

Can you feel the heat in me tonight?
Oh I, I can feel the heat in me.

Paint me right
Can you feel the heat in me tonight?
Oh I, I'm the pearl,
Paint your love all over my world.
Do it right, I can feel the woman in me tonight.
Oh I, I'm the pearl...

Paint your love all over my world.

Dance Away

There's a hidden meaning in everything he says,
every close encounter, every kiss, every caress.
Even the truth has got that bitter taste of a lie.
Well, I can read his lips now but I can't read his mind.

I can see him dance away now oh oh - oh oh oh.

He was one of the kind that seems so hard to find.
There's a change of weather, now he leaves me far behind.
That I don't matter to him came as such a surprise.
Well, I can read his lips, I thought I read his eyes.

And I can see him...
I can see him dance away now oh oh - oh oh oh


Living here without you is not an easy way of life.
I spend my time without you, I try to make it all worthwhile.
Standing in a rainfall coming down from the sky.

Why should I cry over you?
Why should I cry cry cry over you?

I keep on thinking about you. I've got no private pride to hide.
I've built my world around you like a call without reply.
My love has lost direction, she's got the sun in her eyes.

Why should I cry...

Hearing your footsteps, loud on my stairs (a-walking...)
- living without you.
Feeling the sweet sweet smell of love in the air (I can feel it...)
- living without you.
Kissing the face that I see everywhere
But I'm living without you, I'm living without.

Cry, cry, cry, over you...


Hear my call, here and everywhere
I've been walking the streets in despair.
One more fire turns a shade of grey,
One more tear is lost in the rain.

And I say that I love you. I say that I need you.
Baby I leave you a sign of desire.
No shadow will haunt you, no heart will desert you,
No one will hurt you, no space or no time.

Got to got you got to got to take your chances on me,
Like the river will lead the water to the sea,
Take on me, take your chances on me.
Don't ever let it be. Don't ever let it be.

There's a night when you close your eyes
Around a dream that shines like the sun.
Everyone knows it's beautiful,
Tell me why you want to dream it alone.

And I say that I love you, I say that I need you,
Baby I leave you the lines in my palm.
No darkness will get you, no heart will desert you,
Nothing can hurt you or do you any harm.

Got to...


You pack your bag. You take control.
You're moving into my heart and into my soul.
Get out of my way! Get out of my sight!
I won't be walking on thin ice to get through the night.

Hey, where's your work? What's your game?
I know your business but I don't know your name...
Hold on tight, you know she's a little bit dangerous.
She's got what it takes to make ends meet
the eyes of a lover that hit like heat.
You know she's a little bit dangerous.

You turn around, so hot and dry.
You're hiding under a halo, your mouth is alive.
Get out of my way! Get out of my sight!
I'm not attracted to go-go deeper tonight.

Hey, what's your word? What's your game?
I know your business but I don't know your name...

Hold on tight...
She's armed and she's extremely dangerous...

Half A Woman, Half A Shadow

Wash my pain away,
Half a woman, half a shadow...
Daylight is breaking again.
I hide in the dark. I'm watching the rain.
You're out of touch. You're out of reach.
What can I say, I never wanted it this way.

Love sleeps all alone.
The cold telephone, I know the heart.
Yes, I know the kind. The kisses of fire,
Turning to grey. I never wanted it this way.
I always wanted you to stay.

Cause I'm half a woman, half a shadow.

Love always change with the trees,
The spring and the leaves, the waves on the sea.
Wilder than light the wind in your eyes
Led me astray. I never wanted it this way.
I always wanted you to stay.

Oh I need you, yes I need you. Give me a reason to believe.

View From A Hill

Raging waves sweep this heavy heart.
Cold is the colour of the dark.
Find a byway and climb that hill,
watch the thunder cast a spell.

What did you gain from love? - Don't ask me!
All for the sweetest thrill...

I see a view from a hill - oh oh.
I see it perfectly clear
And I cry for the dreams that you kill - oh oh,
View from a hill, and it's only a moment away.

Love is a rainfall, hard on the head,
No escape though you're soaking wet.
Leave me blinded by your light.
Leave me stranded alone tonight.

What did you gain from love? - Don't ask me!
All for the cheapest thrill...

I see a view from a hill - oh, oh.
I see it perfectly clear
And I cry for the dreams that you kill - oh, oh,
View from a hill, and it's only a motion away.

(I Could Never) Give You Up

I've been hiding, lost in the love of another.
I've followed the moon and a song
And I thought it would take me forever
To find a place where I belong.

I watch a rainbow rise. I give you all I've got.

I could never give you up, the way you make my love shine.
I could never give you up, the way you make true love shine.

I believe you when you say you don't want to be lonely.
I'll carry your heart like a bridge
When you need all the time you can find
To get the hurt out of your mind.

I'll watch the rain go by and give you all I've got.
Cause I could never give you up...

Shadow Of A Doubt

I heard your heart, you held it close to me.
The wild embrace, the silent sea,
A whisper of imagery for Lovers Supreme.

But now I'm lost in the crowd, no shadow of a doubt
It's all over now, no shadow of a doubt.

You changed the dream. You changed the scenery,
the tender touch, the urge to breathe,
there under a lovelit sun what's lost could be found.

But now, no trace of a sound....

But now, no trace of a sound, no shadow of a doubt.
I'm faraway bound.

No shadow of a doubt.

Listen To Your Heart

I know there's something in the wake of your smile.
I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.
You've built a love but that love falls apart.
Your little piece of heaven turns too dark.

Listen to your heart when he's calling for you.
Listen to your heart there's nothing else you can do.
I don't know where you're going and I don't know why,
But listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye.

Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.
The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea.
They're swept away and nothing is what is seems,
The feeling of belonging to your dreams.

Listen to your heart...

And there are voices that want to be heard.
So much to mention but you can't find the words.
The scent of magic, the beauty that's been
When love was wilder than the wind.

Listen to your heart when he's calling for you
Listen to your heart, there's nothing else you can do
I don't know where you're going and I don't know why,
But listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye.
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Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Joyride (1991)


I hit the road out of nowhere, I had to jump in my car
And be a rider in a love game following the stars,
Don't need no book of wisdom, I get no money talk at all.
She has a train going downtown, she's got a club on the moon
And she's telling all her secrets in a wonderful balloon.

Oh, she's the heart of the funfair,
She's got me whistling her private tune.
And it all begins where it ends,
And she's all mine, my magic friend.

She says: "Hello, you fool, I love you,
C'mon join the joyride, join the joyride!"

She's a flower, I can paint her, she's a child of the sun,
We're a part of this together, could never turn around and run.
Don't need no fortune teller
To know where my lucky love belongs, oh no.
Cos it all begins again when it ends,
And we're all magic friends.

She says: "Hello, you fool, I love you,
C'mon join the joyride, be a joyrider."

I take you on a skyride, a feeling like you're spellbound.
The sunshine is a lady who rox you like a baby?

She says hello...


You know I'm hotblooded, baby...

Get on up and kick it all the systems are ready to go.
Well, are you ready or not? Hey, I gotta know!
Baby, lay down the blues and let those guitars bleed.
I'm everything you wanted, I'm all you ever need.

Cos I'm hotblooded, hotblooded,
I need your lovin', I need your love so bad.

Flash all the lights, I'll be a camera tonight.
I'll snap the look on your face
When I'm squeezing you tight.
Yea, sisters o' soul, we gotta burn this old house down.
Keep on beatin' those drums,
Keep on pumpin' up that sound,
Yea yea yea yea yea

Hotblooded, I'm hotblooded,
I need your lovin', I need your love so bad.
I'm hotblooded, hotblooded, you gotta know it,
I need a shot of love so bad.

I stay up late where the night's alive.
No sleep at all I work nine to five.
It's honey do that and honey do this:
"Can I call you home?" "Can I call you home?"
"Can I call?" - you can call me miss...

Fading Like A Flower (Every Time You Leave)

In a time
Where the sun descends alone,
I ran a long long way from home
To find a heart that's made of stone.

I will try,
I just need a little time
To get your face right out of my mind,
To see the world through different eyes.

Every time I see you, oh I try to hide away
But when we meet, it seems I can't let go.
Every time you leave the room
I feel I'm fading like a flower.

Tell me why?
When I scream there's no reply,
When I reach out there's nothing to find,
When I sleep I break down and cry?

Every time I see you...

Fading like a rose, fading like a rose, beaten by the storm,
Talking to myself, getting washed by the rain,
It's such a cold cold town.

Knockin' On Every Door

Hey now honey, you got to face the floor,
You headed for the heart, but you couldn't find the door,
Could you? could you?
Well, I'm standing in the sun but I'm living in the rain,
I got to get a-whirlin' like a human hurricane over you,
Over you.

Now you're looking like a fox on the run.
And you're faster than a shot from a gun.
I'm pointing at you, oh you.
Talking 'bout you, hey you.

I thought we had love in store,
You keep on knockin' on every door.
Babe, I've seen it all before
You keep on knockin' on every door.
Ain't no lovin' you ignore
You keep on knockin' on every door.
Keep keep knock knockin' on every door
You keep on knockin' on every door.

Hey now honey, time is all you've spent.
You moved into the bed but you couldn't pay the rent.
Could you?
In the twinkle of an eye you electrify.
I got to get a-shootin' like a rocket in the sky,
Bye bye, goodbye.

Now you're burning like you're hot on the scene.
Don't you love to steal a part of my dream?
I'm looking at you, oh you.
Talking 'bout you, yea you.

I thought we had love in store
You keep on knockin' on every door.
Babe, i've seen it all before
You keep on knockin' on every door.
Ain't no sugar you ignore
You keep on knockin' on every door.
Keep keep knock knockin' on every door.

I thought we used to have love in store
You keep knock knockin'on every door.
Hey babe, don't run around here no more
You keep on knockin' on every door.
Ain't no sugar you ignore
You keep on knockin' on every door.
Keep keep knock knockin' on every door
You keep on knockin' on every door.
You'd better learn your lesson now...

Spending My Time

What's the time? Seems it's already morning.
I see the sky, it's so beautiful and blue.
The TV's on but the only thing showing
Is a picture of you.

Oh, I get up and make myself some coffee.
I try to read a bit but the story's too thin.
I thank the Lord above that you're not here to see me
In this shape I'm in.

Spending my time, watching the days go by.
Feeling so small, I stare at the wall,
Hoping that you think of me too.
I'm spending my time.

I try to call but I don't know what to tell you.
I leave a kiss on your answering machine.
Oh, help me please, is there someone who can make me
Wake up from this dream?

Spending my time...

My friends keep telling me: hey, life will go on,
Time will make sure I'll get over you.
This silly game of love - you play, you win only to lose.

I'm spending my time, watching the days go by.
Feeling so small, I stare at the wall,
Hoping that you will think of me too.

I'm spending my time, watching the sun go down.
I fall asleep to the sound of "tears of a clown,"
A prayer gone blind.

I'm spending my time...

I Remember You

Are you ready? Go!

I hear your footsteps like you're walking.
I hear your voice like you're talking to me.
And I can reach every moment, every caress
Like I'm living a dream.

Down to the bone, go little darling.

Oh, I remember you, feels like it was yesterday.
I remember you, you've got me running back again.

You shared my secrets and my laughter.
I fell in love with the light in your eyes
And I believed that summer
Would go on and on for the rest of my life.

Down to the bone, go little darling.

Hey, I remember you, feels like it was yesterday.
I remember you, you've got me running back again.
You've got me running.

I say: "Na na na na na na na na na na"

Watercolours In The Rain

Going through the motions.
Ending up nowhere at all.
Can't see the sun on my wall.
Going through emotions.
Ending up on a frozen morning
With a heart not even broken.

Seems I've been running all my life, all my life.
Seems I've been running all my life, all my life, all my life

Like watercolours in the rain.

Find a place to settle down.
Get a job in a city nearby
And watch the trains roll on by.
I'll find the falling star.
I'll fall in love with the eyes of a dreamer
And a dream worth believing.

Seems I've been running all my life, all my life.
Seems I've been running all my life, all my life, all my life.
Like watercolours in the rain.

The Big L.

She's the top, she's got the world on a string.
She makes me boogie, makes me do anything yea yea.
Hey now, touch the sky,
You've got a certain kind of look in your eyes.

Well, she's a miracle, she's all that i need
Like the water and the air that I breathe yea yea.
Hey now, reach the sky,
There's a certain kind of look in your smile.

And I know what love can do.
Yes I know what hearts can do.

The big love is taking the wheel,
The big love goes head over heels,
The big lust, bring it into the small world,
The bigger, the better. big love,
Waiting to catch the big one,
Head over heels, the big one,
Bring it into the small world.
I'm building the big big love,
I'm building the big big love.

It's kinda strange, a bit mysterious,
I gotta take it oh so so serious.
Hey now, touch the sky,
You've got a certain kind of look in your eyes.

It used to be so hard, so lonely at night,
Well, she's my baby and I'm feeling alright.
Hey now, move the sky,
There's a certain kind of look in that smile.

When I'm making love with her.
When I'm making love to her yea.

It has to be a big thing.
It's bringing me to my knees.
Has to be a big thing, big thing,

Ya know what I'm saying...

Soul Deep

Save a prayer for a sinner and a saint,
My baby's coming back.
Say a prayer, hide hide away,
Yea, baby's coming back.

Hey hey hey, ain't gonna trouble his wandering mind,
Gonna take on the time to find out if my love is

Soul deep - spinning the heart round a wire.
Soul deep - a heavenly wave.
Soul deep - heating the heart like a fire,
Soul deep is taking my breath away-ay-ay.

Save a tear till the curtain will fall,
Well i'm saving them all for you.
Knock on wood, is it understood
That i'm saving it up for you.

Hey hey hey, love is a hustle just a moment behind,
Gonna walk on the line to find out if my love is
Soul deep...

Save a prayer for a sinner and a saint,
My baby's coming back.
Say a prayer, hide hide away yea yea baby's coming back.
Hey hey hey ride on the soul train now i'm too close to hide,
Gonna take on the time to find out if my love is
Soul deep...

(Do You Get) Excited?

When the day gets dark over a thousand streets
And you feel your heart is a living beat.
When you're all alone and you close your eyes,
Naked to the bone the dream comes alive.

Do you get excited when i touch you in the night? my oh my...
Do you get excited when i meet you every night?
You won't let the night pass you by.

When your body's hot, the window's open wide.
This moment's all you got in this race of life.
When you feel the fire is getting close to you,
Hey baby, you know i'm lonely too.

Do you get excited when i touch you in the night? my oh my...
Do you get excited when i meet you every night?
You won't let the night pass you by.

I wanna know...

Church Of Your Heart

Can't we leave the world outside
Just for a while? Just for a while?
And spend some time, you and I,
Under this bright glorious sky.

It's been so long since I first saw you,
But I still love that smile in your eyes.

Yes it's true, right from the start,
I believed in the church of your heart.
Yes it's you that made me be part of
And believe in the church of your heart.

Step inside, lay yourself down
Just for a while, rest for a while.
I can hear a thundering sound
Beating inside when you're around.

It's been so long since I first met you,
Since we made love, you know how time flies.

Yes it's true, right from the start,
I believed in the church of your heart.
Yes it's you that made me be part of
And believe in the church of your heart.
In the church of your heart.

Small Talk

It's not the chapters he reads
When you're feeling low down.
It's not the touch of his skin
When you kiss him goodnight.
It's not the money he spends
When you want to buy a daydream
And not that miracle smile
That makes the sky bright.

It's not the way his hands behave
When you've turned out the light.

It's the small small small talk that makes it all happen.
Small small small talk that makes you want to fly,
Yes it does.

It's not the way he believes
In you like a religion.
It's not the thrill that you get
When he's holding you tight.
It's not the way his eyes persuade
You to stay the night.

It's the small small small talk that makes it all happen
(Just like that)
Small small small talk that makes you feel like flying,
Yes it does.

Information, heart and soul, a whisper, a word,
Confessions that have to be heard.
Small small talk, small small talk.

Come on now, come on now, come on -
You make it rock so heavenly.
Come on now, come on now, come on -
You seem to talk so heavenly.

Big words... Small talk...

Physical Fascination

Hi! I got to go,
Get aboard, attack a love jet, heaven and back.

And I gotta find a power station with a beat, I
Can't take no conversation.

Looking for the inspiration.
All succumb to the physical fascination,
All succumb to the physical fascination.

Hi! Shake shake it up, this love divine,
You're out of touch, babe, I'm going out of my mind.

Talk to me! Why don't you talk to me?
C'mon and use your body language,
And have yourself a good time.

And radiate your sweet temptation.
All succumb to the physical fascination,
All surrender to the physical fascination.
Yea yea yea yea.

Things Will Never Be The Same

Lay it down, pull my heart to the ground.
Time's getting cold, now the leaves all turn hard and blue.
And I know when I gaze to the sun,
No place to hide I got nowhere to run from you,
Away from you.

Hold me now girl, I don't know when,
When we will ever meet again.
That was then, baby, this is now,
I try to get over you.

Losing you... things will never be the same.
Can you hear me call your name?
If we changed it back again things would never be...

In your hand, babe, I don't understand,
You've got the eyes of a child
But you hurt like a man always do, always do.

Touch me now girl, I don't know when,
When we will ever meet again.
That was then, baby, this is now,
Time won't get over you.

Losing you... things will never be the same.
Can you hear me call your name?
If we changed it back again things would never be the same.

Perfect Day

Breathe some faith into my chest.
Lay me down, I need the rest.
Ever since the sky turned grey
I've waited for the perfect day.
Hey now - it seems you've always touched me like the sun.

There's no escape for the broken-hearted,
There's no return once you've lost your way.
I say a prayer now our love's departed
That you'll come back to stay and bring the perfect day.

Blinded by a crazy light I fell into the darkest night.
Those magic ties, the two of us, I couldn't see it turn to dust.
Hey now - it seems you've always reached me like the sun.

There's no escape for the broken-hearted,
There's no return once you've lost your way.
I say a prayer now your love's departed
That you'll come back to stay. bring back the perfect day.

Hey now - it seems...
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Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Tourism (1992)

How Do You Do!

I see you comb your hair and gimme that grin.
It's making me spin now, spinnin' within.
Before I melt like snow, I say Hello - How do you do!

I love the way you undress now. Baby begin.
Do your caress, honey, my heart's in a mess.
I love your blue-eyed voice, like Tiny Tim shines thru.
How do you do!

Well, here we are crackin' jokes
in the corner of our mouths
and I feel like I'm laughing in a dream.
If I was young I could wait outside your school
coz your face is like the cover of a magazine.

How do you do, do you do, the things that you do.
No one I know could ever keep up with you.
How do you do!
Did it ever make sense to you
to say Bye Bye Bye?

I see you in that chair with perfect skin.
Well, how have you been, baby, livin' in sin?
Hey, I gotta know, did you say Hello
How do you do?

Well, here we are spending time
in the louder part of town
and it feels like everything's surreal.
When I get old I will wait outside your house
coz your hands have got the power meant to heal.


You're sliding down a dream, o yeah.
Where nights are born in blue, that's the truth.
You're swimming in a stream, o yeah.
Fish are jumping too, next to you.

Suddenly you notice someone's at the door,
you could swear you've been through this all before.

Then she runs her fingertips through your hair.
Your life has just begun.

Her fingers, they are everywhere.
You're floating light like air, leaving the ground
and she shines on just like the sun.

You're gazing at the sky, o my.
The stars are out tonight, shining bright.
You're waving to a cloud, bye-bye.
You're drowning in the smile of his eyes.
Suddenly you feel there's no time for a deal
though a voice tells you it's for real.

And she runs her fingertips through your hair
and life has just begun.
Her fingers, there and everywhere.
You're floating light like air, leaving the ground.
She-she shines on just like the sun.

It's just a sunny afternoon.
Somebody's singing songs of love, child.

You love a lazy afternoon once in a while.

The Look

1-2-3-4 walking like a man,
Hitting like a hammer,
She's a juvenile scam.
Never was a quitter,
Tasty like a raindrop,
She's got the look.

Heavenly bound
Cause heaven's got a number
When she's spinning me around,
Kissing is a colour.
Her loving is a wild dog,
She's got the look.

She's got the look. She's got the look.
What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue.
When everything I'll ever do I'll do for you
And I go: la la la la la she's got the look.

Fire in the ice
Naked to the T-bone
Is a lover's disguise.
Banging on the head drum,
Shaking like a mad bull,
She's got the look.

Swaying to the band,
Moving like a hammer
She's a miracle man.
Loving is the ocean,
Kissing is the wet sand,
She's got the look.

And she goes: na na na na na na na na.

The Heart Shaped Sea

Babe it's time to tell me that it's over,
tell me that it's over, it's plain to see.
And this time we won't be starting over,
no crying on your shoulder into the heart shaped sea.
Oh you've been a-running from our door
and you've been enchanted by the gracious voice of love.

Babe it's time to look me in the eyes,
time to say goodbye, it's clear to me.
And this time I won't let you down,
you can turn around, I'll set you free.
Oh you've been a-sailing from our shore
and you've been enchanted by someone from afar.

Babe it's time to gather all the harvest,
to pray before the winter and sail the heart shaped sea
Oh you've been a-running from my love
and you've been enchanted by the powers up above.

The Rain

I was raised the northern way
and my farther had a northern name,
I did my crying out in the pouring rain.
And a season turned into another one,
I found a heart bright like the morning sun.
He touched my lips, so softly,
with his fingertips.

I've kept the rain falling down on me
all the time, all the time.
I've kept the rain falling down on me
all the time, all the time.

I've kept the rain falling down on me
all the time, all the time.
I've kept the rain falling down on me
all the time, all the time.

Keep Me Waiting

I hit the coast with the faith of a preacherman.
I saw a ghost with a face like a madman.
I had this dream I was sleeping at the Royal Ball.
I hit the streets, hey watch me in the monitor!
I saw a clone who looked just like a senator.
I checked the clock, I felt that it was time to go go go.

Then came you.
Why did you keep me waiting so long? (*3)

I was a spy, I was captured by the enemies.
I made a million selling secret fantasies.
I saw my love wasted in a pale grey zone. Yeah!
I was the quake shaking every monument.
I had to fi-find out what all the money meant.
I checked the sun, I knew that it was time to go go go.

Then came you...

It Must Have Been Love

Lay a whisper on my pillow,
leave the winter on the ground.
I wake up lonely, there's air of silence
in the bedroom and all around.

Touch me now, I close my eyes and dream away.

It must have been love but it's over now.
It must have been good but I lost it somehow.
It must have been love but it's over now.
From the moment we touched 'til the time had run out.

Make-believing we're together,
that I'm sheltered by your heart.
But in and outside I've turned to water
like a teardrop in your palm.
And it's a hard winter's day, I dream away.

It must have been love but it's over now,
it was all that I wanted, now I'm living without.
It must have been love but it's over now,
it's where the water flows, it's where the wind blows
it's where the wind blows

It must have been love but it's over now,
it was all that I wanted, now I'm living without.
It must have been love but it's over now,
it's where the water flows...

Cinnamon Street

Growing up on Cinnamon Street
Everywhere you look there are lots of people to meet,
It's seven o'clock, the breakfast treat.
Now the schoolbus is here, hurry up and grab a seat.

All the dreams are tiny ones,
another week has just begun on Cinnamon Street.

There was a girl on Cinnamon Street,
The same age as me, we shared the curiosity.
I won her heart coz I could play guitar
I promised her heaven at once and later all the stars.
But it all remained the same
Coz things can never change

On Cinnamon Street.
I can hear my heartbeat
The very first time we made love,
Life was a lazy rest in the sun.

Oh, later we went dancing,
staying up all night long
playing all our favourite songs,

Cinnamon songs: Oh oh na na na na na.

I say goodbye to Cinnamon Street.
Springtime is here and the air is so dry and sweet.
I walk in a cloud, the smell of cinnamon bread,
it's in my blood since the day I was born
'til I wake up... dead.
And the sun is smiling gently, a funny shade of red,
Cinnamon Street.
I still feel my heartbeat
the very first time we made love,
life was a lazy day in the sun.
Later we went dancing,
hanging out all night long - singing all our favourite songs,
Cinnamon songs: Oh oh na na na na na na.

Never Is A Long Time

You build it up and tear it down,
there's no reason to follow you.
You left the song without a sound,
you left the story I made for you.
Softly angels go and cry,
in the stillness of the night.

Never is a long time, goodbye.
No answers for the asking.
It's a long time, goodbye.
No mercy for the aching.
It's a long time, Oh my.
See no light of love forsaken.
Never is a long time, goodbye.
Let's spend the night,
when this dream has come to an end.

Sometimes you laugh, sometimes you cry.
And yes I cried over you.
You left me blind in paradise,
you left me hungry for the touch of you.
Snow white angels run and hide,
in the blackness of the night.

Never is a long time, goodbye.
No answers for the asking.
It's a long time, goodbye.
No mercy for the aching.
It's a long time, Oh my.
See no light of love forsaken.
Never is a long time, goodbye.
Let's spend the night,
when this dream has come to an end.
Never is a long time.

Silver Blue

I got to get a message through
I don't know where we're going
I wrap my arms around your naked shoulders
Take cover for the night

I see you in the morning rain
Oh step inside and lay beside me
Tender can you close my eyes and blind me?
Oh give me just a smile...

Before I fade to silver
Silver blue for you
Before I fade to silver

Here Comes The WeekEnd

Every shape, of every word you say,
that breaks the silence of an ordinary day.
Every look, that seems to mistify,
every single smile that sends me to the sky.
Makes me wanna run, makes me wanna hide
'cause you're the only one, makes me come alive.
It's getting closer now and darker by the hour.
It only goes to show, that

Here it comes, here comes the weekend.
And I'm on my own again,
with a saturday in the rain (yeah yeah)
Here is comes, here comes the weekend.
The fine line from pleasure to pain.
Is making me cry, when will I see you again.

Every breath, every vision you make,
every chance of love, you love to take.
Every move, that seems to alter my world,
every dream I've had about this boy and this girl.
Oh it makes me wanna run, makes me wanna hide
'cause you're the only one, who makes my love alive.
Time is running fast into a new goodbye.
It only goes to show, that

Here is comes, here comes the weekend.
Another walk down that lonely lane.
Another sunday that feels the same. (Hehe)
Here is comes, here comes the weekend.
The fine line from pleasure to pain.
Is making me cry, when will I see you again.

So Far Away

In the coldest time of year,
darkness all around my heart.
I was alone but didn't fear
to wander in the light of stars.
In the bright and silent night,
winds would knock and disappear.
Still I felt the feeling near,
like the first time you were ever here.

You're so far away, so far away,
you left me, you told me you would stay.
You never said good bye
and I'll keep asking why,
I keep on asking how,
oh come unto me now.

I have breathed the morning air,
I have heard the four winds blow.
I was weary but prepared
to follow down this lonely road.
In the room were lovers sleep,
winds would knock and disappear.
Still I felt the music near,
like the first time we were ever here.

You're so far away, so far away,
you left me, you told me you would stay.
You never said goodbye
and I keep wondering why,
I keep on wondering how,
oh come inside me now.
I keep on wondering how,
oh come inside me now.

Come Back (Before You Leave)

Never looked back on a love affair.
I never spent minutes on history,
it made me sad, it made me so sad.
And in no time no time at all
a change has begun and the name is You,
I feel strange, you've made my life strange.
Cos baby when you get close to me
I say there's a certain chemistry.

Come back before you leave.
I haven't got room for a broken heart.
Come back before you leave.
You shouldn't go at all, you shouldn't go at all.

So many years and so many nights,
I still can recall oh the way that you move when you dance,
do you want to dance?
We've had our habits and attitudes,
you make me remember the power when everything's right,
please stay the night.
Cos baby when you get close to me
there's something about you I really need.

Come back before you leave...

Babe, come back before you leave,
I'll be the air for you when you breathe,
I'll be the rising sun.
Close the door, let's make love,
all God's angels sing above
into the rising sun.

Things Will Never Be The Same

Lay it down, pull my heart to the ground.
Time's getting cold, now the leaves all turn hard and blue.
And I know when I gaze to the sun,
No place to hide I got nowhere to run from you,
Away from you.

Hold me now girl, I don't know when,
When we will ever meet again.
That was then, baby, this is now,
I try to get over you.

Losing you... things will never be the same.
Can you hear me call your name?
If we changed it back again things would never be...

In your hand, babe, I don't understand,
You've got the eyes of a child
But you hurt like a man always do, always do.

Touch me now girl, I don't know when,
When we will ever meet again.
That was then, baby, this is now,
Time won't get over you.

Losing you... things will never be the same.
Can you hear me call your name?
If we changed it back again things would never be the same.


I hit the road out of nowhere, I had to jump in my car
And be a rider in a love game following the stars,
Don't need no book of wisdom, I get no money talk at all.
She has a train going downtown, she's got a club on the moon
And she's telling all her secrets in a wonderful balloon.

Oh, she's the heart of the funfair,
She's got me whistling her private tune.
And it all begins where it ends,
And she's all mine, my magic friend.

She says: "Hello, you fool, I love you,
C'mon join the joyride, join the joyride!"

She's a flower, I can paint her, she's a child of the sun,
We're a part of this together, could never turn around and run.
Don't need no fortune teller
To know where my lucky love belongs, oh no.
Cos it all begins again when it ends,
And we're all magic friends.

She says: "Hello, you fool, I love you,
C'mon join the joyride, be a joyrider."

I take you on a skyride, a feeling like you're spellbound.
The sunshine is a lady who ROX you like a baby?

She says hello...

Queen Of Rain

In that big big house there are fifty doors
and one of them leads to your heart.
In the time of spring I passed your gate
and tried to make a start.

All I knew was the scent of sea and dew
but I've been in love before, how about you?

There's a time for the good in life,
a time to kill the pain in life,
dream about the sun you queen of rain.

In that big old house there are fifty beds
and one of them leads to your soul.
It's a bed of fear, a bed of threats,
regrets and sheets so cold.

All I knew your eyes so velvet blue,
I've been in love before, how about you?

There's a time for the good in life...

It's time to place your bets in life,
I've played the loser's game of life,
dream about the sun you queen of rain.

Time went by as I wrote your name in the sky,
fly fly away, bye bye
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Сообщение #7

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
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Тексты песен альбома Crash! Boom! Bang! (1994)

Harleys & Indians (Riders In The Sky)

When I go to heaven, Harley Harley heaven
I want to meet a King like the Panhead 48.
I want to meet the Fat One, we can talk for hours
When my time has come, babe I won't be running late.

Flying high, riders in the sky. Na na na na.

When I go to heaven, red-skin heaven
I want to meet the Chiefs, yeah, I want to meet all Scouts
I won't miss my friends, cos I know where they'll be.
We're all part of the Indian Family.

Flying high, riders in the sky. Na na na na.

It's alright, baby. I'm ok, honey -
I'm only travellin' thru this state of mine.
Hey, it's alright, Mama. I'm doin' fine now, Mama,
I'm only in a certain state of mind.

When I go to heaven, Hog Hog heaven
I'll have a drink with Elvis, while Marlon's on his way.
We're kickin' and we're revvin', we're dressing up in style
It's time to take a ride on that freeway in the sky.

Flying high, riders in the sky. Na na na na.

Come on, come on.

Crash! Boom! Bang!

My Papa told me to stay out of trouble:
"When you've found your man, make sure he's for real!"
I've learned that nothing really lasts forever
I sleep with the scars I wear that won't heal, they won't heal.

Cos every time I seem to fall in love -
Crash! Boom! Bang!
I find the heart but then I hit the wall -
Crash! Boom! Bang!
That's the call, that's the game
and the pain stays the same!

I'm walking down this empty road to nowhere
I pass by the houses and blocks I once knew.
My Mama told me not to mess with sorrow
But I always did, and Lord, I still do
I'm still breaking the rules
I kick it up, I kick it down.

Cos every time ...

That's my real middle-name
It has always been the same
That's the call, that's the game
and the pain stays the same.

I still feel the heat
(Slowly fallin' from the sky)
and the taste of the kissing
Shattered by rain
(Comin' tumblin' from behind)
And the wild holy war

I kick it up I kick it down...


I once new a girl I can't remember her name,
But I remember her face, cos her sister looked the same.
They both left school, but they couldn't find a job,
So they said farewell and stole a small town car.

As they were riding by the beach some summer night
the radio shouted out one of those songs that might just change your life.

It went like this: "Checkin' in checkin' out
Making love I like watching all your fireworks
I like it when I light those stars in your eyes
Just like fireworks in the sky".
Yes it did.

Throwing some poems to the ports and docks
They were sleeping outdoors puching all their luck
They sent me a letter full of pills and thrills
Then they both got rich and moved to Hollywood Hills.
Yea they made a lots of money playing folk guitars
Coz everywhere the boys went crazy just to hear these words of art:

"Checkin' in checkin' out (take it to the sky)
Making love I like watching all your fireworks
I like it when I light those stars in your eyes
Just like fireworks in the sky".

They're coming to get you,
They're coming to get you now (right now).
Coming to get you now…

Watch the sky!

Run To You

Baby, sometimes I feel like dying,
Driving while I'm closing my eyes.
Moving in and out of hiding,
Trying to catch some truth in my life,
watching your stars and your moonlight,
come tumbling down from the sky… Take it now.

I'm gonna run to you, I'm gonna come to you
I wanna find you in everything that I do
I'm gonna run to you, I'm gonna count on you
I'm gonna follow, baby what else can I do?

Sunday morning my town is sleeping,
lying all alone in my bed.
There's not a sound, I can't help but listening,
wishing I was somewhere else instead
but sometimes they're to hard to handle,
those voices inside my head… Listen now.

Take a walk inside my dream: a church, a lonely road.
All the people come and go, and come and go...
Do it now!

I'm gonna run to you, I'm gonna come to you
I wanna find you in everything that I do
I'm gonna run to you, I'm gonna count on you
I'm gonna follow, baby what else can I do?

Sleeping In My Car

I'll tell you what I've done, I'll tell you what I'll do -
Been driving all night just to get close to you.
Baby, babe - I'm moving so fast, you'd better come on.

The moon is alright, the freeway's heading South.
My heart's going boom, there's a strange taste in my mouth
Baby, babe - I'm moving real fast, so try to hold on
Try to hold on!

Sleeping in my car - I will undress you.
Sleeping in my car - I will caress you.
Staying in the back seat of my car making up…

So come out tonight I'll take you for a ride
This steamy ol' wagon the radio is getting wild
Baby, babe we're moving so fast I try to hang on
Try to hang on!

Sleeping in my car - I will undress you.
Sleeping in my car - I will caress you.
Staying in the back seat of my car making love, oh yea!

Sleeping in my car - I will posess you.
Sleeping in my car - certainly bless you.
Laying in the back seat of my car making up

The night is so pretty and so young (*2)
So very young...


Everywhere I look I see her smile,
Her absent-minded eyes.
And she has kept me wondering for so long,
How this thing could go wrong?

It seems to me that we are both the same,
Playing the same game,
But as darkness falls this true love falls apart
Into a riddle of her heart…

She's so vulnerable, like china in my hands,
She's so vulnerable and I don't understand
I could never hurt the one I love
She's all I've got,
But she's so vulnerable, oh, so vulnerable

Days like these no one should be alone,
No heart should hide away.
Her touch is gently conquering my mind
There's nothing words can say.

She's coloured all the secrets of my soul
I've whispered all my dreams
But just as nighttime falls this vision falls apart
Into a riddle of her heart
She's so vulnerable...

The First Girl On The Moon

She was the first girl on the moon,
She didn't compromise.
When she took off that cold afternoon,
Heading for the northern skies.

I told her I could come, that I could come along.

She was the first girl on the moon.
I think I was her only friend.
She bought her ray-gun, an old harpoon
Just in case of accidents.

I told her I could come, that I could come along.
(She didn't let me come along)
Wave goodbye, wave goodbye.

She was the first girl on the moon,
Standing tall, flag in hand.
She looked around humming a tune
The strangest song known to man.

I told her I could come, that I could come along.
(But she never let me come along)
Wave goodbye, wave goodbye.

Place Your Love

Sunday, sick of my tears,
Monday morning I could have felt much better.
Tuesday, you're in my way,
I whish you would've typed my heart a letter.

Place your love, in my world - it's for you, it's all made for you.
I need time, a lot of time to get you, out of my mind.
(to get you off my mind)

Wednesday, nothings okay,
Thursday afternoon I whish I was sleeping.
Friday, Saturday Sun,
getting up early but I can't get nothing done.

Place your love, in my world - it's for you, it's all made for you.
I need time, a lot of time to get you, out of my mind.
(to get you off my mind)

Maybe you'll come here, maybe we'll disapear.
Maybe the clouds I see will turn to flowers in the air.
These cool vibrations, are hitting me all the time.
You got me digging and diving in the garden of my mind.

I Love The Sound Of Crashing Guitars

Mao Mao Mao...
I love the sound of smashing guitars
I love the sound of crashing guitars
Red guitars against the wall
Big guitars can turn so small
I love the sound of crashing guitars

Show it!
The 6-string kick inside (*3)

I love the sound of breaking guitars
I love the sound of crashing guitars
Hey you long haired vintage Jesus
Break the guitars into 1000 pieces

The 6-string kick inside (*2)

Don't you love the sound of crashing guitars?
Don't you love the sound of crashing electric guitars?
Don't you love that sound, drivin' in your car?
Don't you love the sound of crashing electric guitars?
Don't you? Don't you?

I love the touch of watching the stars
I love the sound of trashing guitars
Custom made, Townshend's ace
Smash the axe and break the case
I love the sound of crashing guitars
Crashing and crashing!

The 6-string kick inside, the 6-string kick inside
Mao Mao Mao...

What's She Like?

What's she like?
When she turns around to kiss you goodnight,
when she wakes up in the morning by your side.
What's she like?

What's she like?
The yellow moon on the deep blue of the sea,
do you feel the same way you did when it was me?
What's she like?

Oh, I've been holding on,
I've been holding on, much too long.

What's she like?
When you're making love and stars are in her eyes,
when you're looking for the answers in her smile.
What's she like?

Oh, I've been holding on,
I've been holding on, much too long.

I never knew that I could love somebody,
the way that I love you,
I never thought I'd be the broken hearted,
nothing hurts you like the truth.

So what's she like?
When she turns to you when push comes to shove,
when she whispers in your ear that she's in love.
What's she like?

Oh, I've been holding on,
I've been holding on, much too long.

Do You Wanna Go The Whole Way?

Before we take off all our clothes and get close together
Before it gets too serious, both of us need to know
Are we gonna go the whole way this time? This time?

Before all secrets are revealed, old scars must heal or wither
But it's getting very late, and I can't wait anymore
Are we gonna go the whole way this time?
Do you wanna go the whole way this time? This time?

Do you wanna go the whole way now? We're taking it easy
Do you wanna go the whole way, babe?
Kick it in, kick it in slowly

Do you wanna go the whole way this time?
Do you wanna go the whole way this time?


Put 'em on, put them big boots on,
baby put them big boots on.
Make your mark, make a good kick start,
kick yourself right out of my heart.

It's a cookin, jumpin, jivin shout,
'cause you're every little thing I can do without.
Every line you lay, every trick you trade,
It could never ever make the grade.

Lies, la-la-la-la-lies
It's all lies, la-la-la-la-lies
You're all lies!

Honeybut, keep your big mouth shut,
baby keep that big mouth shut.

It's a steamin, jumpin, jivin shout,
'cause you're every little thing I still dream about.
Every love you lay, every prayer you pray,
It will never ever make my day.

Lies, la-la-la-la-lies
It's all lies, la-la-la-la-lies
You're all lies!

I'm Sorry

The first time we met time stood still
You left me breathless, suddenly speechless.
Within the hour we were one -
Two total strangers kissing the moonlight.

Oh, you know I'm sorry I had to go.
I'm really sorry it had to die.
I'm really sorry I made you cry, cry…

We fell in love between the nights
Of too many lovers and too many teardrops.
And fate won't resist some satin sheets.
I was so helpless, totally ruthless.

Oh, you know I'm sorry I had to go (I'm really sorry).
I'm really sorry you're hurt inside (I'm really sorry).
I'm really sorry I made you cry, cry.

Love is lifting you up and draggin' you down,
Makes you go round, and round, and round.
Time makes a stop, then it's all gone.
Funny how memories keep lingering on…

Love Is All (Shine You Light On Me)

Love is all. Love is all around you.
Love is there in your laughter.
In your hair, love flows everywhere.
Love is old, love is older than you.
But the light shining through,
makes me see your love is all new.

Hey, sha la la. Shine a light, shine on me.
Shine your light on me.
Sha la la, shine your light on me.

Love is all. Love will always be The Law.
And higher love, radiates, on us all. On us all.

Hey, sha la la. Shine a light, shine on me.
Shine your light on me.
Sha la la, shine your light on me.

Hey, sha la la. Shine a light, shine on me.
Shine your light on me.
Sha la la, shine your light on me.

Love is all...

Go To Sleep

Baby… before you go to sleep… baby…

There's a shadow on the terrace,
a snow dance for the living.
There's heavy weather on the way,
I heard it on the news.

And life's a tough principal who won't reward the losers.
Your name is on the tea-cup,
there's nothing I can do.

But to wish you'd think about me before you go to sleep
and I wish you the best there is before you go to sleep.

There are tears without the colour,
a million seas without water
an ocean full of people
where shattered hearts can go.

And love's a golden ripple where answers are so simplee
but the explanations are very hard to do.

And I wish you'd think about me before you go to sleep
and I wish you the best there is before you go to sleep.

Go to sleep.
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Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Don't bore us - Get to the chorus (1995)

June Afternoon

Didn't I tell you everything is possible in this deja vu?
Try the river boat, the carousel, feed the pigeons Bar-B-Q.
Look at all the people, happy faces all around
Smiling, throwing kisses, busy making lazy sounds
It's a bright June Afternoon, it never gets dark
Wah-Wah! Here comes the sun
Get your green green tambourine, let's play in the park
Wah-Wah! Here comes the sun

Some folks are on blankets, slowly daydreaming
And reaching for their food
Let's go buy an ice-cream
And a magazine with an attitude
And put on a cassette, we can pretend that you're a star
Cos life's so very simple, just like la-la-la

It's a bright June Afternoon, it never gets dark
Wah-Wah! Here comes the sun
Get your green green tambourine, let's play in the park
Wah-Wah! Here comes the sun

There's a painter painting his masterpiece
There's some squirrels jumping in the trees
There's a wide-eyed boy with a red balloon
All my life I've longed for this afternoon

You Don't Understand Me

I've been up all night, You've been putting up a fight
Seems like nothing I say gets through
How did this bed fit a world between me and you
We said goodnight but the silence was so thick
You could cut it with a knife
We've hit a wall again and there's nothing I can do

You're the one yea I've put all my trust in your hands
C'mon look in my eye here I am here I am

You don't understand me my baby
You don't seem to know that I need you so much
You don't understand me, my feelings
The reasonI'm breathing my love

Almost Unreal

Babe, come in from the cold and put that coat to rest.
Step inside, take a deep breath and do what you do best.
Yeah, kick off them shoes and leave those city streets.
I do believe, love came our way, and fate did arrange for us to meet

I love when you do that hocus pocus to me
The way that you touch, you got the power to heal
You give me that look, it's almost unreal... it's almost unreal

Hey, we can't stop the rain. Let's find a place by the fire.
Sometimes I feel, strange as it seems, you've been in my dreams all my life

I love when you do that hocus pocus to me
The way that you touch, you got the power to heal
You give me that look, it's almost unreal...it's almost unreal.
It's a crazy world out there.
Let's hope our prayers are in good hands tonight

Oh, I love when you do that hocus pocus to me
The way that you look, you got the power to heal
You give me that look, it's almost unreal... it's almost unreal

She Doesn't Live Here Anymore

We grew up together, we've been here forever.
Barefoot in the summer, cold in stormy weather.
She taught me all there is, like magic and love,
lots of forgotten words.

But now, she doesn't live here anymore.
She's off and she's gone, she doesn't live here anymore.
I'm sorry that's all there is to it,
I'm sorry that's all.

She dressed just like a painter,
a female street Picasso and I,
I will remember the heaven in her laughter.

And the scent of her sweet perfume
when we made love under an August moon

But now, she doesn't live here anymore.
She's off and she's gone, she doesn't live here anymore.
I'm sorry that's all there is to it,
I'm sorry that's all.

But now, she doesn't live here anymore.
She's off and she's gone, she doesn't live here anymore
She's gone since long, so long, she doesn't live here anymore.
She took off and left home, she doesn't live here anymore.
I'm sorry that's all there is to it, I'm sorry that's all.
That's all.

I Don't Want To Get Hurt

In everything I see you appear with me, how come? How come?
And everything I do involves you too. We are like one.
In my life there has been so many changes
and I don't want to be left out in the rain.

I don't want to get hurt, I've done my time.
All I want from you is to tell the truth.
I don't want to get hurt no more this time.
I don't want to go blind and find
it's falling apart all the time.

In the middle of a dream you are there for me, your face, your lips.
But there's no way you can tell cos I hide it really well, so well.
In my life there has been loving and lying
And I don't need another reason to cry.

I don't want to get hurt...
I'm falling apart one more time

I don't want to get hurt, I've done my time.
All I want from you is to tell the truth.
I don't want to get hurt no more this time.
I don't want to go blind and find
it's falling apart all the time
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Сообщение #9

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
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Тексты песен альбома Ballads en Espanol (1996)

Un Dia Sin Ti (Spending My Time)

Que hora es?
bienvenida la manana.
Tan sola yo y el cielo tan azul.
En mi cafe, en mi radio y en mi tele,
siempre estas tu.

Para empezar me levanto de la cama
y voy vistiendome asi como asi.
Gracias a Dios tu no puedes verme
llorando por ti.

Un dia sin ti
es una eternidad, es un adios
que duele por dos.
Solo esperar, la soledad.
Un dia sin ti.

Busco tu voz y el telefono me lleva
al puerto gris de tu contestador.
Ayudame, yo no se como pasarme
un dia sin ti.

Un dia sin ti
es una eternidad, es un adios
que duele por dos.
Solo esperar, la soledad.

Un dia sin ti
es una eternidad, es un adios
que duele por dos.
Es una pena.
Un dia sin ti.

No tengo amigos
ni otra cosa que hacer
solo pienso fuertemente en ti... Oh...
Me niego a ser tu amor
a cambio de un dia sin ti.

Un dia sin ti, sin ti
es una eternidad, es un adios
que duele por dos.
Solo esperar, la soledad.
Un dia sin ti.

Un dia sin ti, sin ti
es una eternidad, es un adios
que duele por dos.
Es una pena.
Un dia sin ti.

Crash! Boom! Bang! (Crash! Boom! Bang!)

Mi propio padre que me conocia
no se equivoco, dudaba de mi.
Mi madre siempre todo lo sabia
no doy mas de no, mo doy mas de si
soy asi.

Cada vez que me enamoro yo...
Crash! Boom! Bang!
Siento algo como vertigo...
Crash! Boom! Bang!
Soy un tren
un misil.
Voy a cien, voy a mil.

Mi corazon me ha superdemostrado
que pierdo el control en la intimidad.
Que soy capaz de
dar mi amor privado
a aquel que me da sus ganas de amar.
Me dejo llevar.

Cada vez que me enamoro yo...
Crash! Boom! Bang!
Siento algo como vertigo...
Crash! Boom! Bang!
Yo no se
ni quien soy.
Nada pido, todo doy.

Soy asi, natural.
Vaya bien
o fatal.

Me dejo llevar
por la piel
por instinto.
Puedo morir
por amor, sin solucion.

Cada vez que me enamoro yo...
Crash! Boom! Bang!
Siento algo como vertigo...
Crash! Boom! Bang!
Soy un tren
un misil.
Voy a cien, voy a mil.

Soy asi, natural.
Vaya bien
o fatal.

Oh, yeah... Oh, yeah...
Soy asi: Crash! Boom! Bang!

Directamente a Ti (Run To You)

Oye, a veces me siento mal
es una cuestion personal.
Tengo un corazon para nadie,
nadie se lo quiere quedar.
Pero si lo parto contigo,
yo vivo de tu mitad.
Tu mitad.

Voy directamente a ti,
directamente a ti.
Para encontrarte
yo puedo llegar hasta el fin.
Voy directamente a ti,
directamente a ti.
Aunque no quieras
voy a caer sobre ti.

La ciudad parece tan triste,
todo esta en silencio total.
Deseo que algo pase en mi vida
pero nada pasa de verdad.
Voy a buscar la salida,
me marcho de la ciudad.
Hacia ti.

Voy directamente a ti,
directamente a ti.
Para encontrarte
yo puedo llegar hasta el fin.
Voy directamente a ti,
directamente a ti.
Aunque no quieras
voy a caer sobre ti.

Un paseo por el sol
oir tu voz
y mi vida marcha bien,
mucho mejor.

Directamente a ti,
voy directamente a ti,
directamente a ti.
Aunque no quieras, ah, ah.

Voy directamente a ti,
directamente a ti.
Para encontrarte
yo puedo llegar hasta el fin.
Voy directamente a ti,
directamente a ti.
Aunque no quieras
voy a caer sobre ti.

No Se Si Es Amor (It Must Have Been Love)

Es como amor
pero no lo se.

Sabe a besos
mi almohada
y el no esta.

en mi cama
si el me ama
por que se va.

Es amor
o no es amor
no lo se.

No se si es amor
pero lo parece
con el soy feliz
pero vivo sin el.

No se si es amor
pero crece y crece
tan dentro de mi
que se ve a flor de piel.

Que curioso!
siempre juntos,
el con nadie
yo con el.

Y se me escapa
entre los dedos
medio angel medio cruel.

Es amor
o no es amor
no lo se.

No se si es amor
pero lo parece
y me temo que yo
estoy loca por el.
No se si es amor
todo puede ser...
Es algo calido, es algo intimo.

No se si es amor
pero lo parece
con el soy feliz
pero vivo sin el.

No se si es amor
pero crece y crece
tan dentro de mi
que se ve a flor de piel.

No se si es amor
pero lo parece
y me temo que yo
estoy loca por el.
No se si es amor
todo puede ser...
Es algo calido, es algo intimo.

Cuanto lo siento (I'm Sorry)

Nos vimos los dos,
que sucedio.
Todo perfecto, todo correcto.
Un beso tu, un beso yo.
Dos prometidos,

Cuanto lo siento, te quiero, si.
Cuanto lo siento, me voy de aqui.
Cuanto lo siento por ti, por mi,

debo seguir
porque mi vida
es una huida.

Te quiero una vez
y nada mas.
Es mi destino,
piedra y camino.

Cuanto lo siento, te quiero, si.
Cuanto lo siento, me voy de aqui.
Cuanto lo siento por ti, por mi.
Oh si...

no quiero pensar
prefiero vivir.
Hay que seguir, seguir, seguir
Pide perdon
vete de aqui
Sigue el camino de tu corazon.

Cuanto lo siento, te quiero, si.
Cuanto lo siento, me voy de aqui.
Cuanto lo siento por ti, por mi.
Cuanto lo siento, te quiero, si.
Cuanto lo siento, me voy de aqui.
Cuanto lo siento por ti, por mi,
por ti, por mi.

Cuanto lo siento
por ti, por mi,
por ti, por mi.

Timida (Vulnerable)

Es asi, la veo sonreir
con ojos distraidos,
quieta en una esquina como si
yo no estuviera alli.

Creo yo
que el juego es para dos,
Los dos el mismo juego.
Pero no se da,
de pronto ya no esta
y no me deja ni un adios.

Ella es timida, se esfuma si la ves.
Ella es timida,
pero es como es.

Yo no soy capaz
de lastimar su corazon.
Ella es timida,
mas que timida.

Fijate, la quiero pero se
que es dulce y vulnerable
tan fragil como hilos de cristal.
No quiero hacerle mal.

Conozco sus secretos pero no
la voy a hacer sufrir,
porque es tan debil
como petalos de flor
y su dolor me hiere a mi...

Ella es timida, se esfuma si la ves.
Ella es timida,
por eso es como es.

Yo no soy capaz
de lastimar su corazon.
Ella es timida,
mas que timida Yeah!
Ella es asi.

Ella es timida, se esfuma si la ves.
Ella es timida, por eso es como es.
Yo no soy capaz
de lastimar su corazon.
Ella es timida
se esfuma si la ves.
Ella es timida,
por eso es como es.
Yo no soy capaz de lastimar su corazon.
Ella es timida, mas que timida.

Habla el corazon (Listen To Your Heart)

En realidad yo dudo tanto de ti,
por mas que intento no me dejo llevar.
Bebo tu amor
y me siento fatal,
pero y te quiero
bien o mal.

Habla el corazon
que no sabe mentir
Habla el corazon
a todas horas de ti.
Oigo cosas bonitas
y presto atencion
habla el corazon
y yo escucho su voz.

A veces pienso
que no hay nada que hacer
que tu y que yo tenemos poco que ver.
Pero al final
habla el corazon
dice que te quiero
Habla el corazon
que no sabe mentir.

Habla el corazon
a todas horas de ti.
Oigo cosas bonitas
y presto atencion
habla el corazon
y yo escucho su voz.

Oigo las voces
que hablan de ti
yo no te quiero
y ellas dicen que si.
Soy obediente
se que tienen razon
dejo que hable
mi corazon.

Habla el corazon
que no sabe mentir
Habla el corazon
a todas horas de ti.
Oigo cosas bonitas
y presto atencion
habla el corazon
y yo ... Oh.

Habla el corazon
que no sabe mentir
Habla el corazon
a todas horas de ti.
Oigo cosas bonitas
y presto atencion
habla el corazon
y yo...
Escucho su voz.

Como la lluvia en el cristal (Watercolours In The Rain)

Tantas emociones
sin vivir.
Tanto desamor,
aqui no entro nunca el sol.
Cuantas ilusiones
sin compensaciones.
Corazon como te pones.

Pase por la vida
sin pisar,
sin amor.
La gota perdida
que se va,
que se va,
ya no esta.

Como la lluvia en el cristal.

Cuantas veces he sufrido,
Cuantas veces he caido
por confesar la verdad.

He dado tanto amor
Mm, tanta pasion,
como loca por la vida
sin control, sin salida.

Pase por la vida
sin pisar, sin amar.
La gota perdida
que se va, que se va,
ya no esta.
Como la lluvia en el cristal.
Como la lluvia en el cristal.
Como la lluvia en el cristal.

Soy una Mujer (Fading Like A Flower)

Puede ser
que la tonta sea yo
que sin saberlo algo fallo.
Puede que si... puede que no.
El caso es
que mi vida va al reves
que me arrepiento siempre despues
cuando no hay nada que hacer.

Soy una mujer y a veces me equivoco
porque me fio de mi corazon
soy una mujer y por amor yo soy
capaz de todo.

Soy asi
impulsiva y natural
en el fondo persona normal
para bien o para mal.

Soy una mujer si,
y a veces me equivoco
porque me fio de mi corazon
soy una mujer y por amor yo soy
capaz de todo.

Soy capaz de todo
soy capaz de todo
hasta de perder.
Soy una mujer
si me quieres tener no juegues
con mi amor
Oh... no juegues con mi amor.

Soy una mujer si, y a veces me equivoco
porque me fio de mi corazon
soy una mujer y por amor yo soy
capaz de todo.

Soy una mujer y
a veces me equivoco
porque me fio de mi corazon
soy una mujer
y por amor yo soy capaz de
Soy una mujer y a veces me equivoco
porque me fio de mi corazon
soy una mujer y por amor yo soy
capaz de todo.

Quiero Ser Como Tu (I Don't Want To Get Hurt)

Lo mucho que vivi
te lo debo a ti.
No se
por que.

Lo que yo senti, lo senti por ti.
No se
por que.

En mi vida tuve mil elecciones
pero siempre quise ser como tu.

Quiero ser como tu
igual que tu, ni mejor ni peor
igualita que tu.

Quiero ser como tu
igual que tu.
Necesito cruzar
tu mar
nadando hasta donde tu estas.

Todo lo que vi, lo aprendi de ti.
No se
por que.

Lo que puedo recordar
me recuerda a ti.
No se
por que.

En la vida tuve mil elecciones.
Pero siempre quise ser como tu.
Quiero ser como tu
igual que tu,
ni mejor ni peor, igualita que tu.
Quiero ser como tu
igual que tu.
Necesito cruzar
tu mar
nadando hasta donde tu estas.
Quiero ser como tu
igual que tu,
ni mejor ni peor
igualita que tu.

Quiero ser como tu
igual que tu.
Necesito cruzar
tu mar
nadando hasta donde tu estas.

Como tu.

Ah... Quiero ser como tu...

Una Reina Va Detras de Un Rey (Queen Of Rain)

Una puerta mas
una llave mas
y todas me llevan a ti.
Hace tiempo que
tu casa abri
y no te encontre.

Yo senti
el perfume del amor.
Me he enamorado de ti, pero tu no.
Hay un dia para querer
y un dia para olvidar.
Una reina va
detras de un rey.
Una casa mas, una cama mas,
y todas me llevan a ti.
Todas las abri, y las dormi
y nunca te encontre.
Yo senti
las alas del amor.
Me he enamorado de ti
y tu no.

Hay un dia para querer
y un dia para olvidar.
Una reina va
detras de un rey.

Hay un dia para ser
y un dia para recordar.
Una reina va
detras de un rey.

Yo no se
cuantas cosas olvidare.
Pero de ti
me acordare.

Hay un dia para ser
y un dia para recordar.
Una reina va
detras de un rey.

Una reina va
detras de un rey.

Una reina va
detras de un rey. Mmmm.

El Dia del Amor (Perfect Day)

Dia gris
sin ilusion.
Donde va
mi corazon.
Necesito descansar.
Este no es
un dia mas.

Sola, desolada,
esperando al sol.
que lo malo pasa.
Asi es la ley,
esa es la verdad.
Porque no hay mal
que cien anos dure.
Espera con valor
el dia del amor.

Que mas da
como te va.
A veces bien,
a veces mal.
Nada que hacer,
solo esperar
y sabe Dios
lo que vendra.

Sola, desolada,
esperando al sol.

que lo malo pasa.
Asi es la ley,
esa es la verdad.
Porque no hay mal
que cien anos dure.
Espera con valor
el dia del amor.

Oh, oh... Oh, oh...

Sola, desolada,
esperando al sol.

que lo malo pasa.
Asi es la ley,
esa es la verdad.
Porque no hay mal
que cien anos dure.
Espera con valor
el dia del amor...
El dia del amor.
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  Romantic Warrior
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Eternal Dreamer
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Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
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Тексты песен альбома Have a Nice Day (1999)

Crush On You

I'm a zombie in the moonlight
I'm sleepin' when it's daylight
I really should be alright
But I'm feelin' kinda uptight
I'm messin' with a neighbour
Who killed my amp and Fender
He looked to sweet and tender
It's hard to tell his gender
Got coffee on the paper
My dog's an alligator
I want you now and later
I got a crush got a crush on you
Got a crush got a crush on you

I'm rentin' the wrong movie
I'm laughin' at the wrong guy
I'm drivin' on the wrong side
My brain is gettin' cock-eyed
The flag is never chequered
Can't find my F-beat records

The money's in the oven
Got dead flies in my scotch with ice
My talents always vaporize
I want your bird of paradise
I got a crush got a crush on you
Got a crush got a crush on you
Crush! Crush! We got a good thing goin' on
Crush! Crush! Such a good thing goin' on

I'm freezin' in the summer
I'm sweatin' in the winter
No middle in the centre
No colours in the printer
No treatment at the pharmacy
No lessons learned from history
No future in the factory
No meaning in the poetry
No changin' in the weather
No Elvis in the leather
I want you now or never

I got a crush got a crush on you
Got a crush got a crush on you

Wish I Could Fly

Halfway through the night
I wake up in a dream
Echoes in my head
Make every whisper turn into a scream

I dreamed I could fly
Out in the blue
Over this town
Following you
Over the trees
Subways and cars
I'd try to find out
Who you really are

In the middle of the night
Cool sweatin' in my bed
Got the windows open wide
Thinkin' about all the things you said

I wish I could fly

Over this town
Following you
I'd fly over rooftops
The great boulevards
To try to find out
Who you really are
Who you really are

I wish I could fly now
Wish I could fly now
Wish I could fly now

I wish I could fly
Around and around
Over this town
The dirt on the ground
I'd follow your course
Of doors left ajar
To try to find out
Who you really are
To try to find out
Who you really are

You Can't Put Your Arms Around What's Already Gone

I saw red, stayed at home
Placed a big pillow over the phone
In this town where I'm from
I've learned two is so much better than one

But you left me alone
You can't put your arms around what's already gone
Watch you sink like a stone
You can't put your arms around what's already gone

Well, you hurt to the core
You used to kiss like no one had done before
And your taste turned me on
Now you drive me real crazy just by being born

Cos you left (left left left) me alone (left me alone)
And you can't put your arms around what's already gone
Watch you sink like a stone
You can't put your arms around what's already gone

Baba b-baba b-baba ba

Took the tram 'round the bay
Where everyone tells you to have a nice day
And my pride almost broke
When the tears don't fit you, you look like a joke

And you left (left left left) me alone (left me alone)
You can't put your arms around what's already gone
Cryin' eyes gettin' worn
You can't put your arms around what's already gone

Hey, you left (left left left) me alone (left me alone)
You can't put your arms around what's already gone
Watch you sink like a stone
You can't put your arms around what's already gone

Baba b-baba b-baba ba
Baba b-baba b-baba ba

Waiting For The Rain

I'm waiting for the rain
I'm waiting for you
I'm waiting for the rain
To clean my soul
I'm waiting for the rain
Nothing's gonna be better
Without you

The day you left me
The day you came
I'll never forget you
Feel you in my pain
The time stood still
The time was flying
I wonder why
I'm not dying

I'm waiting for the sun
I'm waiting for a new day
I'm waiting for the night
To close my eyes
I'm waiting for the dark
Oh it's gonna be harder

The way we danced
I'll always miss
I'll never forget
The way we kissed
The time stood still
The time was flying
I wonder why
I'm not dying

Na na na na na
Na na na na na


Anyone who have a love close to this
Knows what I'm saying
Anyone who wants a dream to come true
Knows how I'm feeling

All I can think of is you and me
Doing the things I wanna do
All I imagine is heaven on earth
I know it's you

Anyone who ever kissed in the rain
Knows the whole meaning
Anyone who ever stood in the light
Needs no explaining

But everything more or less appears so meaningless
Blue and cold
Walking alone through the afternoon traffic

Anyone who felt like I do
Anyone who wasn't ready to fall
Anyone who loved like I do
Knows it never really happens at all
It's over when it's over
What can I do about it
Now that it's over

Everything more or less is looking so meaningless
And fades to grey
Lying awake in an ocean of teardrops
I float away

Anyone who ever felt like I do
Anyone who wasn't ready to fall
Anyone who loved like I do
Knows it never really happens at all
It's over when it's over
What can I do about it
Now it's all over

It Will Take a Long Long Time

Sunny called, I was in the hall
And made a note I have to paint the kitchen walls
An angel smiled across the room
All in all, it was a lazy afternoon

Then I thought about you
I think it was some sweet song that I heard

Got to get goin' goin' ahead
It will take a long, long time
Got to go ahead and deal with my life
It has taken such a long time this time

Sunny called, I was in the bath
And heard the rain hit the roof and tiles real hard (hit the roof real hard/hit the roof)
Then I ran through my magazines
A few letters poorly hidden in a jar (hidden in a jar/oh what a jar!)

And I thought about you
It must have been some old pictures I found

Got to get goin' goin' ahead
It will take a long, long time, yea yea
Got to go ahead and deal with my life
It has taken such a long time this time

Inganakee leo


7twenty7 is ready to move
You know she packed her bags
With nothing left to prove
I thought I didn't care
Now I'm fallin' through
Wouldn't you?

Well, it's a long long journey to the other side
Oh I've been wishin' all night I was on that flight
And god, you'd better take care of the sweetest eyes
I hear myself swallowin' the tears I cry I hear myself swallowin' the tears I cry

7twenty7 is up in the air
You know I feel her hands
On me everywhere
I thought I didn't care
Now I'm saying a prayer
Hey mister, do you know the way
To salvation square?

It's a long long winter 'til the birds will sing
Oh I'll be waitin' all night for the phone to ring
I'm goin' up in smoke and phoney magazines
Everything is just pieces of my stupid dreams
Everything is just spieces of my stupid dreams

With the clouds passin' by
With the clouds passin' by
It's all right
7twenty7 is close to the sky
It carries the world
Between hello and goodbye

That disappeared in a breath
Like the Sunday she left
Forever smellin' of death

Another jet black night, another drink to go
Oh I'll be diving my head in the pure white snow
God, you'd better take care of this gold skinned friend
Tell me, will I ever see her again
Tell me, will I ever see her again

I Was So Lucky

It's no secret I've been waiting
But I didn't expect this
Nothing will remain
Nothing stays the same
After you came

It's no secret I've been starving
I never felt anything for years
I sat up all night
Just to watch your smile
When you're sleeping

I was so lucky you came by
And turned a different corner
I could've been somewhere else
You could've passed by, could've passed by

Come on and sail the sea with me
Come on, let's go around the world
Maybe find a flat
Or a canyon house
For the season

I was so lucky you came by
And turned a different corner
It could've been someone else
You had in mind
I was so lucky you found me
My rags turned gold and silver
I could've been somewhere else
You could've passed by, could've passed by

What would you make of this, my baby?
The sun through the trees
Is there a better place to be?
I was so lucky you came by
And turned a different corner
It could have been someone else

I was so lucky you picked me
My trash turned to silver
Yea, I could have been somewhere else
You could've passed by, could'be passed by


Other side, other side
You keep on walkin' on the other side
Other side, other side
Wherever you go, I'm going with you
Shouldn't you know I'm bound to follow
Whatever you say, whatever you do
I give you a clue, I'm gonna follow

And the stars will show
Where the waters flow
Where the gardens grow
That's where I'll meet you

Why don't you let me, let me come along
Na na na, na na na
Why don't you open, make me come along
Na na na, na na na
Wherever you go, I'm going for you
Oh, I was truly born to follow
Like fire and wood and paper and glue
Only a few were born to follow

And the stars will show
Where the waters flow
Where the gardens grow
That's where I'll meet you
And the sun will glow
Melting all the snow
Knowing all I know
That's where I'll meet you

Stars will show
Where the waters flow
Where the gardens grow
That's where I'll meet you
And the sun will glow
Melting all the snow
Knowing all I know
That's where I'll meet you

And the stars will show
Every breeze will blow
Knowing all I know
That's where I'll meet you


I can barely remember my past
Everything seems to disappear so fast
But I recall being jealous and alone
Gazing at the dreams going by

I started my life when you knocked on the door
Found something inside I didn't dare to ignore
Now I do believe in flowers on the moon
I'll swim beside the golden tide

You crashed by the gate
Captured my fate
My eyes couldn't see
I hardly breathed
I was diving so deep

I'm down in the study holding on to my luck
Will you still love me when I call you up?
I gave you my body, the power over me
Come on, bring out the best in me

You crashed by the gate
Captured my fate
My eyes couldn't see
I hardly breathed
My heart was asleep
Some will get broken
Others will get lucky like me meeting you
Don't pass me by

You crashed by the gate
Captured my fate
My eyes couldn't see
I hardly breathed
I was down on my knees
Some will get broken
Others will get lucky like me meeting you
Don't pass me by
Don't pass me by

I found salvation, oh yea
You bring me salvation
I found salvation

Pay The Price

I try to keep your name
And still get rid of your face
I hate to be by myself
All locked away in this place
You turn me inside out
You turn me outside in
Around and upside down
A rollercoaster within

Pay the price of love
When he calls for you
You've got to
Pay the price of love
When he calls for you

I grab my big black book
And call the numbers I know
Something is melting this town
Like it was all made of snow

You turn me outside in
Around and up and down
The elevator within

Pay the price of love (ooh la la la)
When he calls for you
You've got to
Pay the price of love (ooh la la la)
When he calls for you

Spending the evening alone
With the 10 o'clock news
Looking at you through the holes
In the soles of my old brown shoes


Cooper went out late last night
I heard the slam from her door
Foggy ways, November daze
All the white wolves were smiling

Cooper went out walkin' the clouds
She left everything in a mess
"Shut your mouth when you talk to me"
Her words were always so small

And there's a sound from the telephone
When can I say she's coming home?
Leave me the number you're dialing from
And may I ask who's calling?
May I ask who's calling?

Cooper went out, 3 o'clock sharp
I heard the bells from the church
Someone said they saw a car
Picking her up by the stations

I'm just no one from next door
Everything will be alright
When all the flowers have cried

Then there's a voice on the telephone
When can I say she's coming home?
Leave me the number you're dialing from
And may I ask who's callin'? (Who's calling?)
May I ask who's calling? (Who's calling?)
May I ask who's calling?

Staring At The Ground

I'm staring at the ground
I'm bloodless, thrown away from the sun
What's lost cannot be found
I can't return your tears
If I ever live to be a thousand years

I'm staring at the ground
I never wished you a broken heart
Coincidence put you down
He won't withdraw those tears
If you ever lived to be a thousand years

What do I have to say to make you stay?
What do I have to do to make you happy?

I'm staring at the ground
I wish I could bring the spring to your door
To the coldest side of town
I carry your wounded dreams
Like the devil's deeds in the pocket of my jeans

What do I have to do to make you happy?

Beautiful Things

Are comin' my way
Beautiful things
I want them to stay
But after a while
My beautiful things
Don't seem beautiful at all

Terrible things
Like when you wake up
And all of your dreams
Seem to crack up
Like things you have done
Like breakin' my heart
For you it don't seem
Terrible at all

Is there someone I can talk to?
Someone on the line?
Does anybody want to hear
What's on my mind?

Beautiful things
Like leaves on a tree
Beautiful things
The sky and the sea
Since you've been gone
No beautiful things
Seem beautiful to me

Is there someone I can talk to?
Someone out there on the line?
Does anybody want to hear
What's on my mind?

Make the grass grow in the garden
When the rain is passin' by
Does anybody want to know
What's on my mind?

Quisiera Volar (Wish I Could Fly)

Una noche mas
En blanco sin dormir
Tu sombra en la pared
La mente se me va en ti

Quisiera volar hacia la luz
Ir mas alla donde estas tu
Lejos del mar y la ciudad
Besar el azul por donde tu vas

Otra noche sin dormir
Yo que voy a hacer
Dando vueltas sin parar
Lo que diera por poder volar

Quisiera volar hacia la luz
Ir mas alla donde estas tu
Lejos del mar y la ciudad
Besar el azul por donde tu vas, por donde tu vas

Quisiera volar, quisiera volar, quisiera volar

Quiciera volar hacia la luz
Ir mas alla donde estas tu
Lejos del mar y la ciudad
Besar el azul por donde tu vas

Por donde tu vas
Quisiera volar, volar
Una noche mas
Otra noche sin dormir
Quisiera volar, quisiera volar

Alguien (Anyone)

Alguien para descubrir el amor para quererse
Alguien para compartir el dolor y perdonarse
Toda la vida buscandote lejos de mi y eres tu
Esa persona que sabe querer y eres tu

Alguien para dar un beso total y abandonarse
Alguien para dar un salto mortal y no morirse
Quien iba decirmelo tu eres el unico tu, amor
mi corazon desde el suelo al cielo buscandote

Alguien para conocer la vida
Alguien para concervar el calor
Alguien para creer en todo
Alguien para disfrutal del amor
Despues mas que nada estar feliz contigo
Mi buen amigo

Siempre buscandote ahora sintiendote aqui en mi
Para los dos un amor sin testigos gracias a ti

Alguien para conocer la vida
Alguien para conservar el calor
Alguien para creer en todo
lguien para disfrutar del amor
Despues mas que nada estar feliz contigo
Oh mi buen amigo, amigo

Alguien para conocer la vida
Alguien para conservar el calor
Alguien para decidir en todo
Alguien para disfrutar del amor
Despues mas que nada estar feliz contigo
Oh mi buen amigo
Tu eres ese alguien

Lo Siento (Salvation)

Poco a poco me olvido de ti
Es natural las cosas son asi
Me equivoque buscaba un corazon
Hecho para mi, mi mitad

De pronto la vida cambio de color
El viento bailaba separandonos
Mi mundo feliz dejo de ser feliz
Y apenas nos mirabamos

Yo voy a seguir sola sin ti
Lo siento
Voy a olvidar lo que gane lo que perdi
Lo siento

Ahora me queda detener el reloj
Volver atras y ver que nos paso
Comerme la vida pasando de ti
Pensando solamente en mi

Yo voy a seguir sola sin ti, lo siento
Voy a olvidar lo que gane lo que perdi
Lo siento

Algo que termina
Algo que se queda en el aire
Se va no volvera

Yo voy a seguir sola sin ti, lo siento

Algo que termina algo que se queda en el aire se va no volvera
No volvera, cuanto lo siento, cuanto lo siento, cuanto lo siento
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  Romantic Warrior
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Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
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Тексты песен альбома Room Service (2001)

Real Sugar

Right in the front door I recognized the perfume
The scent was perfect in the dusk by the moon
There must be many ways to ask her to my room
Why didn't I dare?

Well, every hour I try to get somethin' done
Out in the weekend when I'm just havin' some fun
I'm windin' up with none, just zeroes, no 1's, just space with no air

I get: "Bye-bye baby-baby bye baby-baby bye-bye…"
Real sugar, I don't wanna climb the walls
Real sugar, that's what I want or none at all
Real sugar, sweet as a sweet can be
Real sugar, that's what I want and what I need
That's what I need.

Yeah, every Friday I'm gettin' ready to roll
I want her blue eyes start sayin' "Hi" and "Hellow"
but I can always tell she'd rather be alone with some other guy

I get: "Bye-bye baby-baby bye baby-baby bye-bye…"
Real sugar, I don't wanna climb the walls
Real sugar, that's what I want or none at all
Real sugar, sweet as a sweet can be
Real sugar, that's what I want and what I need
Real sugar, I don't wanna climb the walls
Real sugar, that's what I want or none at all
Real sugar, sweet as a sweet can be
Real sugar, that's what you've got so what's for me?
Hey, what's for me?

I turn myself in, turn turn turn
I turn myself out, outside and in
Gimme gimme real sugar
I don't wanna climb the walls.

The Center Of The Heart (Is The Suburb To The Brain)

What am I gonna do when I get a little excited a little in vain? Tell me,
What am I gonna say when I find the center of the heart is the suburb to the brain?

You wear them so well, those innocent eyes
You're putting on a wonderful disguise.
I want you so bad, I'm pushing my luck
It feels like beeing hit by a truck.
This is no place special, don't know why I came
If someone has a minute, won't you explain?

What am I gonna do when I get a little excited a little in vain? Tell me,
What am I gonna say when I find the center of my heart is the suburb to the brain?

Singing: "Na na na na na na, Na na na na na na"

Beeing with you, dealing with fire
Oh, won't you come around (come out) come out (today) and play
I want you so bad, answer my calls
Let's spend the night within these walls
This is no place special, nothing for the same (nothing for the same)
If someone's got a minute, do please explain!

What am I gonna do when I get a little excited a little in vain? Tell me,
What am I gonna say when I find the center of my heart is the suburb to the brain?

Singing: "Na na na na na na, Na na na na na na"

What am I gonna do when I get a little excited a little in vain? Tell me...
(tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me)
What am I gonna do when I get a little excited a little in vain? Tell me,
What am I gonna say when I find the center of my heart is the suburb to the brain?

Singing: "Na na na na na na, Na na na na na na"

What am I gonna do now?
What am I gonna do when I get a little excited a little in vain?
The center of my heart... yeah, yeah, yeah!
What am I gonna say when I find the center of my heart is the suburb to the brain?
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon hoooooooo!
Na na na na na na
What am I gonna do now?

What am I gonna say when I find the center of my heart is the suburb to the brain?

Milk and toast and honey

Milk and toast and honey make it sunny on a rainy Saturday, he-he-hey
Milk and toast, some coffee take the stuffiness out of days you hate, you really hate
Slow morning news pass me by
I try not to analyze but didn't he blow my mind this time
Didn't he blow my mind?

(Here he comes)
To bring a little lovin', honey
To take away the hurt inside
Is everything that matters to me
Is everything I want in life

Milk and toast and honey
Ain't it funny how things sometimes look so clear and feel so near
The dreams I dream, my favourite wishful thinkin'
Oh, he's bookmarked everywhere, everywhere
True love might fall from the sky
You never know what to find but didn't he blow my mind this time
Didn't he blow my mind?

(Here he comes)
To bring a little lovin', honey
To take away the pain inside
Is everything that matters to me
Is everything I want from life

Oh lay a little lovin', honey
To feel you're gettin' close to me
Is everything that matters to me
Is everywhere I wanna be


Jefferson was always out of luck
I remember when we both grew up
Jefferson got hit by a westbound truck
I guess that didn't make him look like a million bucks
That night when Sally really stole the show
And every boy was captured diggin' for gold
Poor old Jefferson was left in the snow

I'm gonna pray for Jefferson
Pray for Jefferson's soul
I'm gonna pray for Jefferson
Pray for Jefferson's soul

Jefferson is always on my mind
When him and me were runnin' out of time
Jefferson was sure enough left be behind
The cops came in and took him by surprise
That night when Sally really showed her game
The neighbourhood would never be the same
Poor old Jefferson got the blame

I'm gonna pray for Jefferson
Pray for Jefferson's soul
I'm gonna pray for Jefferson
Pray for Jefferson's soul
I'm gonna pray for Jefferson
Pray for Jefferson's soul
I'm gonna pray for Jefferson
Pray for Jefferson's soul

I do believe he didn't do wrong
I say a prayer for someone I care for
I do believe he didn't do wrong
I say a prayer for someone I care for

That night where Sally really gave it all
And made us small boys look quite tall
Poor old Jefferson left the ball

I'm gonna pray for Jefferson
Pray for Jefferson's soul
I'm gonna pray for Jefferson
Pray for Jefferson's soul
I'm gonna pray for Jefferson
Pray for Jefferson's soul
I'm gonna pray for Jefferson
Pray for Jefferson's soul
a-a-a-a-ah (*3)

Little Girl

Once upon a time there was a little girl
Once she was mine
In my heart the only one
I wonder where you are
I know you're somewhere in me
I can see your smile when I close my eyes

Oh, little girl
Where did you go, little girl
I miss you so
I remember when she was mine

Once upon a time there was a little voice
Singing loud and clear
In my heart the only one
Once upon a times there was so many dreams
Once they were mine
Where did you go, little girl
I miss you so
I remember when she was mine

Looking For Jane

Where did she go?
Where did she go from here?
The last time I saw her
she made all the clouds disappear
She said, with a smile,
yea, the weather's alright
She left her coat at home that night

Where do I begin today?
Where do colours never fade?
In the sunshine, in the rain
it's quite the same
It's never gonna change
I'll be looking for Jane

Why did she come?
Why did she come to me?
There must have been millions
in the world she'd rather see
At least in my mind
as time has gone by
it's always harder to laugh then to cry

Where do I begin today? (ba-ba-ba)
Where the colours never fade (ba-ba-ba)
In the sun and in the rain
it's quite the same
It's never gonna change
I'll be looking for Jane

Where do I begin today? (ba-ba-ba)
Where the sunshine never fades (ba-ba-ba)
In the sun and in the rain
it's quite the same
It's never gonna change
I'll be looking for Jane

Where do I begin today?
Where the colours never fade
In the sun and in the rain
it's quite the same
It's never gonna change
I'll be looking for Jane

Where do I begin today?
Where the sun will never fade
In the sun and in the rain
it's quite the same
It's never gonna change
I'll be looking for Jane

In the sunshine in the rain
it's quite the same
It's never gonna change
I'll be looking for Jane

Bringing Me Down To My Knees

Been thinking about you
Without even trying, I've done it
There's something about you
I can't put my finger on it
Monday was fine and I was on a high

I'm begging you please to ease, allow your feelings to show, oh oh
You're bringing me down to my kneesw cos I love you so

If your love is strong I want to be sure about it
Oh is it all wrong to go on talking about it?

Oh you thrilled me
I should be alright but Friday I died when you killed me
You're bringing me down to my knees, oh oh
Love me forever or baby, just let it go, oh oh

Monday was fine, yea the hours went by like a summer breeze
But way down the line you might make up your mind and it's time to freeze
You're bringing me down to my knees
I've been thinking about you

Make My Head Go Pop

I don't know much about you, but I pretty sure I wanna be with you
I haven't got a clue what is wrong, what is right, what is left to do
I read a magazine
I watch a TV-screen
I dive into a dream only to find me in love with you

I wish you'll never stop to make my head go pop
You make my head go pop pop pop pop pop pop every time you're around

It's a pleasant valley Sunday and everything seems to be beautiful
People go to church, but I'm found contemplating by the swimmingpool
I'm gazing at the sun
I watch him bringing joy to everyone
I feed the ducks with a ban only to find me in love with you

I wish you'll never stop to make my head go pop
You make my head go pop pop pop pop pop pop

You make my head go pop pop pop pop pop pop every time you're around
Press to play and never stop to make my head go pop
Yea, you make my head go pop pop pop pop pop pop every time you're around

Make my head go pop pop pop
Make my head go pop pop
Go pop pop
I feed the ducks with a ban only to find me in love with you

Try (Just A Little Bit Harder)

I left and wrote down this song cos my life looked so shatterd
I thank the Lord I'm still strong like before
I picked myself up from the floor and tried

I tried just a little bit harder, oh yea
If someone wants you to bleed and it feels like your're dying
Don't make the moves you don't need, don't cry, just say ba-ba-bye-bye and try, try

Try just a little bit harder, you'll survive
Try just a little bit harder, go ahead and try

Mondays and rainy days were in my pocket
I don't want to send them on to you
Bring them home to you


I was alone
I told my mouth to shut up cos I was talking to myself
like I always do when I'm stuck
Well, I was crying
You could be crying too
I was screaming throungh the window, I keep missing you
And the tears came down from the sky
And the rain feel hard on my eyes

Now you know what I look like, I'm feeling like a fool
I lose on my own, I'm going back to school
And I will pray, Hallelujah, you'll be breaking every rule
and come back to stay, I'm feeling like a fool

I really tried so hard to design my life
There's a big black void in head like it's been cut by a knife
Every time your name comes around this stupidity follows me down

Now you know what I look like, I'm feeling like a fool
I thought I could swim I'm drowning in the pool
And I will pray, Hallelujah, you'll be breaking every rule
and consider to stay, I'm feeling like a fool

Please, come back to stay, I'm feeling like a fool
I'm feeling like a fool in my heart
I'm feeling like a fool

It Takes You No Time To Get Here

Why don't you take the rest of the day off
You do deserve a break
Follow that road, it ain't long
Just cross that silver lake
Yea, pass the pond, the off-white fence
When you see the mailbox to the left you've made it all right,
No way to go wrong
All you do is blow that horn

It takes you no time to get here
Just drive out of town today
It takes you no time to get here and when
You've arrived you might as well stay
You might as well stay

Why don't you leave your desk for a short while
You do deserve some time
Enjoying the other side of life you forgot to memorize
Stay in the sun, reach for the moon
Make a little love in the afternoon
You're doing all right, no way you go wrong
This is the place where you belong

It takes you no time
No time to get here

My World, My Love, My Life

Somedays are covered in rain
While other days are made of glory
And you are the summer sun
The only one who knows the story

Do you want to talk about it?
I dont know
Do you want to say some words?
Oh, I can't let go

I'm talking 'bout my world, my love, my life
Everytime I try to close my eyes
You just entered my mind
and you lay yourself down beside me... oh why...

Some streets are covered with sweat
there are no regrets
just new connections... ohhh
You are the summer the sun
And I'm the one who wants affection

Do you want to talk about it?
I dont know
Do you want to speak some words?
Oh, I can't let go

I'm talking 'bout my world, my love, my life
Everytime I try to close my eyes
You just entered my mind
and you lay yourself down, beside me... oh why...

My world, my life...

I'm talking 'bout my world, my love, my life
Everytime... I try to close my eyes
You just entered my mind
and you lay yourself down, beside me... oh why...
You just run through my head
and you lay yourself down, beside me... oh why...
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #12

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома The Ballad Hits (2002)

A Thing About You

I pick up the phone, I'm dialing your number
while I pray you're at home, at home and alone
'cause I can't function on my own
And I'll never stop believing

The reapwork is done. You are the one
The radio is on but sound is all gone
And I wanna walk out in the sun
But lately that's been very hard to do

I've got a thing about you
And I don't really know what you do
'cause I've got a thing about you, hey you

I pick up the phone, I'm dailing that number
And my heart like a stone waits for the tone.
Oh, I can't make it on my own,
And I'll never stop believing.

I know what is right and this is so wrong
Alone in my bed, better off on my own
The TV is on, but the colours are gone
And lately you've been painting my world blue

I've got a thing about you
(I've got a thing about you)
And I don't really care what you do
I've got a thing about you
(I've got a thing about you)
Hey you

I've got a thing about you
I've got a thing about you-ou-ou-ou

Lately you've been painting my world blue

I've got a thing about you...
I've got a thing about you...
And I don't really know what to do


Breathe your life...

I've got to come down
I've been awake for far too long
My eyes look torn, they were so strong
I wore the crown, I wrote the song
Now it's fading
My heart was open
Like a window to a summer breeze

I breaaaathed your love,
I filled my lungs and veins
And I breaaathed your love
Until I felt the pain
And like rain it slipped away

I tried to find out
What love was realy all about
Behind the curtain waits the sky
It's rare I feel enough to cry
I'm drying up inside
My life was open
Like a window to the summer breeze

I breathed your love,
I filled my lungs and veins
And I breathed your love
Until I met the pain and like rain
It slipped away, just like a little rain.

I breathed your love
And nothing stayed the same.
Yes, I breathed your love
And filled my heart in vain cos like rain
It slipped away, just like rain it swept away.

The Weight Of The World

Sunday morning
I'm still hiding in bed
Listening to the rhythm of the rain above my head
And all that I have said
I sure saved a lot for you
But what could I do?
If I'd been talking to the wall
It wouldn't make any difference to you
That's the art of being you
I think I carry...

The weight of the world
Sometimes you lose
The weight of the world
Sometimes you cryyyyy

I kiss your smile
I wish you'd stay the night
I put my arms around your golden head
And turn out the light
Oh I love to watch your eyes
When I make love to you

Wait little world
Sometimes you lose
The weight of the world
Sometimes you cryyyyy
Sometimes you cryyyyy

The weight of the world
Sometimes you lose
The weight of the world
Sometimes you cryyyyy
Yes, sometimes you cryyyyy

It Hurts

Can you tell me where we'd meet
When it's never ending
Can you tell me where to go
When noone's home

And I know you know it hurts
It hurts to be alone
Your arm, your arm
On a one way train going down

Can you tell me what to say
When there's noone listening
Can you show me what to do
When all is done

Oooooh, I know you know it hurts
It hurts to be alone
The plan has gone wrong
Like a one way train going down
Going down, down, down
Going down.

Yes I know you know it hurts
It hurts to be alone
Your arm, oh your arm
On a one way train going down
Going down, down, down
Going down.

It hurts to be alone, it hurts to be alone
Going down...

See Me


With the moon and the sun in his eyes
He's arriving
And I don't know what I'd do without him
I got life suddenly

See me - I've got nothing to hide
See me - I've got nothing to hide
See me

I'm leaving my heart in the palm of his hand
So gently
I know he knows that I love him
Though I've never said
Is there an easy way?

See me - I've got nothing to hide
See me - I've got nothing to hide
See me

Coming home
I'm coming home
It feels like I'm coming home
Coming home
I'm coming home

See (see me see me)
See me - I've got nothing to hide (nothing to hide)
See me - I've got nothing to hide (nothing to hide)
See (see me see me)
See me

Every Day

Every day I see him coming
Every day he walks on by
Life used to be so plain and simple
Before he came into my life

Every night I keep on dreaming
Every night I take him home
We always go to bed together
I always wake up all alone

Oh it's strange, so strange
What he's doing to me
Oh it's strange so strange
Did this ever happen to you
The way it has happened to me
The way it just happened to me

Every day outside my window
Always minutes close to eight
I wish he'd stay a little longer
But this basis never laid

Every night he dances lonely
I play the music he adores
Like the themes that we're talking
All important thing for short
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #13

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома The Pop Hits (2003)

Opportunity Nox

Well, I like you, I couldn't think of anything but you
For a week I was in love with your hairdo
I couldn't chew those muffins I used to
I knew I was way over the moon
When I met you, when I met you, I didn't know what to do.
When I saw you, when I saw you you said:

I'm living in a box but I'm out when opportunity nox...
I'm living in a box but I'm out when opportunity nox...
I'm dying in a box but I'm out when opportunity rox on

I'm sleeping and I'm dreaming so solo
I saw you in the crowd in the front row
You couldn't get it right in the disco
You're dancing so much better in slo-mo
When I met you, when I met you, I didn't know what to do.
When I saw you, yeah, when I saw you, I said:

I'm living in a box but I'm out when opportunity nox...
I'm living in a box but I'm out when opportunity nox...
I'm dying in a box but I'm out when opportunity rox on

Little Miss Sorrow

She had those magic eyes you could see from miles around
She wore her summer dresses bright
Quite like the sky
She always came in colours
All smiles in daffodils
She let her hair down in the breeze

But every little thing has changed today - little Miss Sorrow
Every little thing turned pale and faded - little Miss Sorrow
The sunlight doesn't show
Although the colours go
Out through the window

She used to go out dancing
Cool silver fingernails
I used to watch her from the bar
Following her car
She always came in colours
She always kept control
She painted yesterday in gold

But every little thing turned grey today - little Miss Sorrow
Every little thing turned pale and faded - little Miss Sorrow
The sunlight doesn't show
All the colours go
Even the rainbow

Allow me to introduce myself
I'm just a local boy
She was my little Miss Joy
I want to call her name
My life won't be the same
Dear God

Every little thing has changed today - little Miss Sorrow
Every little thing turned pale and faded - little Miss Sorrow
Yes, every little thing turned grey today - little Miss Sorrow
The weakling plays the strong
The bird forgot the song
What's going on?
What's going on?
Tell me what's going on?
What's going on?
What's going on?
Tell me what's going on?


Everything you do you do so right
The clothes you buy are awfully nice
You wear your image bullet-proof
Your stocks are always thru the roof

You make me feel so stupid
Make me feel stupid

And you grew up, made in the sun
They all loved you from Day 1
You always remembered everyone's name
You always won the guessin' games, ooh yeah

You made me feel so stupid
Made me feel stupid
And I'm not gonna take it anymore
Not gonna take it anymore

You always pick the perfect wine
Your money is sho nuff greener than mine
Your wit pours out when you open your mouth
My hometown is smaller than your house

You make me feel so stupid
Make me feel stupid
And I'm not gonna take it anymore
Not gonna take it anymore

Makin' Love to You

If there was a night to say
Something to cherish on a rainy day
If I close my eyes I go blind
I'm in the middle of a rush, rush

Makin love to you
Is all I ever wanted to do

Am I leaving world behind?
I laugh at all the things I've done for you
If there was a dream to say
I'm in the middle of a rush, rush

Makin love to you
Is all I ever wanted to do

Makin love
Makin love to you
Makin love
Makin love to you

Your love is so sweet to recall
The greatest of them all
I'm easy on my knees for you

Makin love to you
I couldn't love you any more than I do
God knows it's all I wanted to do

Makin love to you
Is all I wanna do
Is all I wanted to do
Is all I ever wanted to do

Better Off On Her Own

My girl came home to me just the other day, acting ok.
I was reading alone in my favourite room, the tv was on.
May I be excused for not telling the truth

'cos she's gone, she said she's better off on her own.
She turned her head much better off on her own.
My girl knocked on the door to the place I usually refer to as home.
I died, shoelace untied she looked in my eyes, small and surprised.
And God closed every gaze the moon fell into the lake.
Boy, she's gone, a drift she's better off on her own.
She closed, then she left much better off on her own.
Sitting naked by the windowsill watching cars upon the hill.
Am I sleeping?
I was dreaming for just a moment time stood still.
Better off on her own, better off on her own.
Now she's gone, she said she's better of on her own.
She turned her head much better off on her own.
She's gone, she sighed she's better of on her own.
The tears I cried much better off on her own.
My girl came home to me just the other day.

Bla bla bla bla (You broke my heart)

You promised me it would last forever
You said there's no way it could die
Everything you ever told me
Was a bunch of lies

Hey, I'm on the back of the outside
You know that's not where I belong, no
Every truth, everything I believed in
Has turned out wrong

It's all bla bla bla bla bla
You broke my heart so many times
A lot of bla bla bla bla bla
You broke my heart

It's all clear when you scratch on the surface
Going deeper deeper down
All I wanted was to make you happy
But baby, what's that sound?
But baby, what's that sound?

It's all bla bla bla bla bla
You broke my heart so many times
A lot of bla bla bla bla bla
You broke my heart
You broke my heart
You broke my heart

All you ever cared for was to make you stronger
No-one I have known has looked so weak
Oh yeah

It's all bla bla bla bla bla
You broke my heart so many times
A lot of bla bla bla bla bla

A lot of bla bla bla bla bla
You broke my heart so many times
A lot of bla bla bla bla bla
You broke my heart
You broke my heart
You broke my heart
You broke my heart
You broke my heart
So many times
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