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Secret Service

  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #1

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Secret Service

Страна: Швеция

Оригинальный состав:
Ola Hakansson - вокал
Ulf Wahlberg - клавишные
Tonny Lindberg - гитара
Tim Norell - клавишные
Leif Johansson - ударные
Leif Paulsen - бас

Состав 1987 года:
Ola Hakansson - вокал
Anders Hansson - клавишные
Tim Norell - клавишные
Ulf Wahlberg - клавишные
Mats Lindberg - бас

Всё началось в начале 60-х. Малоизвестный молодой исполнитель Ola Hakansson в 1963 году присоединяется к группе The Janglers, как их солист. Ola сразу же занял там лидирующие позиции, так что вскоре название этого коллектива звучало уже как Ola & The Janglers. Помимо Ola, в группу входили ещё четверо участников, среди которых можно отметить известного шведского музыканта Claes Af Geijerstam (он и являлся автором большинства песен Ola & The Janglers) и Leif Johansson, который впоследствии также попал в группу Secret Service.
Творчество Ola & The Janglers было довольно популярным как в самой Швеции, так и за её пределами. Начав репертуар с кавер-версий композиций The Kinks и Rolling Stones, у себя на родине группа записала более 20 синглов. А их песня "Let's Dance" в мае 1969 года даже удостоилась попасть в American Billboard Top 100. Ola & The Janglers засветились и в роли кинозвёзд: в 1967 году появились два фильма с участием музыкантов: "Drra pa - Kul grej pa vag till Gotet" и более известный "Ola & Julia", где Ola Hakansson даже исполнил главную роль. Саундтрек к "Ola & Julia" был написан Claes Af Geijerstam, и включал в себя песню "Juliet", вышедшую также на сингле.

С началом 70-х активность Ola & The Janglers стала угасать. Последние сингл и альбом группы вышли в 1976-м году - спустя пять лет после предшествующих релизов.

Раннее творчество Ola Hakansson'a не ограничивалось лишь участием в Ola & The Janglers: были у него и собственные сольные записи (на шведском языке). В 1972-м году появляется первый альбом новой группы, лидером которой также являлся Hakansson. Группа называлась Ola, Frukt och Flingor. Выпустив несколько альбомов и синглов на шведском, группа закончила существование под конец 70-х. Интересно, что (судя по немногочисленным фотографиям) состав Ola, Frukt & Flingor был практически идентичен будущей Secret Service: Ola Hakansson, Ulf Wahlberg, Leif Johansson, Tonny Lindberg и (скорее всего) Leif Paulsen. К сожалению, достоверных данных относительно участия в Ola, Frukt & Flingor одного из ведущих музыкантов Secret Service - Tim Norell - не обнаружено, хотя это и не исключено.
В 70-х Ola Hakansson был известен ещё и как менеджер одной из крупнейших звукозаписывающих студий Швеции – Sonet Grammofon.

В конце 70-х наконец-то появляются будущие задатки Secret Service: основными творческими партнёрами Ola Hakansson становятся клавишник Ulf Wahlberg и известный ныне шведский композитор Tim Norell. Оба имели образование преподавателей музыки, а Norell ранее вообще тяготел к классике. Результатом их работы стал проект "Ola+3". Название группы можно примерно понимать как "Ola Hakansson плюс три музыканта" - ими были Ulf Wahlberg, Leif Johansson и Tonny Lindberg. Сам же Tim Norell на обложках не присутствует. В 1979 году музыканты представили свою композицию Det Kanns Som Jag Vandrar Fram на шведском песенном конкурсе Melodifestivalen. Хотя песня не оказалась в числе победителей, Hakansson'а и его соратников это не разочаровало, и команда решила продолжить совместную работу.

И вот, наконец, в том же 1979 году зажигается новая звезда на европейской сцене – Secret Service. Помимо Hakansson, Norell и Wahlberg, в состав группы вошли знакомые по предыдущим проектам Ola Hakansson'а музыканты – Tonny Lindberg, Leif Johansson и Leif Paulsen.
Их дебютный сингл "Oh Susie" не прошёл незамеченным и завоевал высокие рейтинги как в Европе, так и за её пределами. Следующий сингл – "Ten O'Clock Postman" – только укрепил популярность Secret Service, попав в первые строчки хит-парадов Германии и даже Японии. Компания Sonet Grammofon AB открывает специальный сублейбл SEC, на котором впоследствии выходили все макси-синглы Secret Service. А вскоре появляется и первый альбом группы – "Oh Susie", подкреплённый уже популярными хитами и также имевший большой успех.

Интересен факт, что все альбомы Secret Service, за исключением последнего, существовали дополнительно в неких испаноязычных версиях. Пластинки для Испании, Венесуэлы и Аргентины публиковались с испанскими названиями песен. К сожалению, об этих релизах мало что известно, и до конца не понятно – все ли композиции на данных альбомах действительно исполнялись на испанском языке, или имел место простой перевод названий на обложках. Хотя, второй испанский сингл "Ye Si Ca" ("Carnaby MO 2045") явно свидетельствует в пользу версии о существовании espaсol-вариантов хотя бы некоторых песен Secret Service.

Далее последовали ещё несколько удачных синглов – "L.A. Goodbye" и "Ye Si Ca", последний из которых получил солидную популярность в Южной Америке. В 1981 году выходит второй альбом – "Ye Si Ca", не менее интересный и удачный релиз. Можно отметить, что автором песни "Angelica & Ramone" был упомянутый выше музыкант из Ola & The Janglers - Claes Af Geijerstam.

Подавляющее большинство песен Secret Service было написано Tim Norell (музыка) и Bjorn Hakanson (тексты). Под именем Bjorn скрывался сам же Ola Hakansson. Чуть позже он использовал и другой свой псевдоним – Oson, особенно это заметно на обложках последних альбомов Secret Service.
Интересно, что Tim Norell, будучи автором практически всех мелодий песен Secret Service, почему-то никогда не фотографировался вместе с группой, не появлялся на различных шоу и концертах, да и на обложках пластинок Secret Service его нет! Чем вызвана такая таинственность со стороны Тима - неизвестно.

К началу 1980-х всё больше исполнителей интересовались возможностями электронных инструментов, которые становились более доступными и массовыми. Secret Service тоже не могли оставаться в стороне от этих веяний, что наглядно демонстрирует их третья пластинка – "Cutting Corners" (1982). Звучание группы подверглось некоторым изменениям. Синтезатор теперь доминирует над другими инструментами, ударные звучат не так натурально, как в первых двух альбомах: частично исчез непередаваемый драйв первых песен. Secret Service выработали немного другой, более мелодичный, спокойный и современный стиль, который, впрочем, всё-таки выделялся из массы многочисленных европейских исполнителей. Именно на "Cutting Corners" можно услышать одну из «визитных карточек» Secret Service – легендарную "Flash In The Night".

В 1984-м году Secret Service записывают очередной альбом "Jupiter Sign". Песня «Знак Юпитера» отличается от остальных композиций своим загадочным стильным звучанием, сочетающим как электрозвук, так и живые инструменты, например, скрипку. Следующий год ознаменовался выходом очередной, пятой по счёту пластинки Secret Service – "When The Night Closes In".

К 1987 году состав группы изрядно поредел – ушли оба Leif'а и Tonny Lindberg. Но их место заняли новички – Anders Hansson (клавишные, программирование) и Mats Lindberg (бас). В таком составе Secret Service записали альбом "Aux Deux Magots". Пластинка отличается несколько изменённым звучанием, что неудивительно – появление новых людей сразу же чувствуется - Anders Hansson добавил немало интересных эффектов в музыке группы. Кстати, в числе авторов песен "Aux Deux Magots" можно увидеть Александра Барда, лидера Army of Lovers. Он и впоследствии тесно сотрудничал с Hakansson и Norell, являясь соавтором как немногих поздних композиций Secret Service, так и множества других проектов.
Вообще, к концу 80-х участники Secret Service всё меньше времени уделяли собственному творчеству, больше занимаясь перспективными молодыми исполнителями. Hakansson, Norell и Hansson даже создали творческий коллектив, названный в шведской прессе The Megatrio, работая над созданием хитов для новых звёзд из Скандинавии. The Megatrio стало своеобразным шведским эквивалентом английскому Stock-Aitken-Waterman.
В альбом "Aux Deux Magots" также вошла extended-version композиции "The Way You Are" – совместного дуэта Ola Hakansson и известной певицы Agnetha Faltskog из группы ABBA. Песня была записана в 1986 году, и, по некоторым сведениям, прозвучала в одном из фильмов, посвящённых грядущей Олимпиаде 1992 года.

К сожалению, "Aux Deux Magots" стал последним полноценным альбомом Secret Service. Видимо, работа над другими проектами взяла верх над музыкантами, и на собственное творчество времени уже не оставалось. Лишь изредка появлялись различные сборники хитов, хотя в 1990 году был выпущен интересный релиз Megamix, вышедший на 7" и 12" пластинках. Также в 1992 году Secret Service записывают композицию "Bring Heaven Down" для шведского фильма "Ha Ett Underbart Liv", которая долгое время оставалась одной из самых малоизвестных песен группы.

В 1992-м Ola Hakansson основывает собственную компанию Stockholm Records (в конце 2004 года Ola покинул её руководство, обосновавшись на новом месте - продюсерском лейбле TEN Productions). Stockholm Records, входящая в группу компаний Universal Music Sweden, успешно существует и сейчас, став «родной» студией для многих исполнителей из Скандинавии (A-Teens, The Cardigans, Stakka Bo, Army of Lovers и др).

Клиентом Stockholm Records является и довольно известная техно-группа Antiloop, которая в 1997 году порадовала всех поклонников Secret Service интересным возвращением хитов "Flash In The Night" и "Oh Susie" в новых "Antiloop Reconstruction" версиях.

После выхода сингла с "Antiloop-римейками", долгое время ходили слухи, что Secret Service воссоединились и работают над новыми записями, но никаких явных подтверждений этому факту не было. Однако в 2000-м году слухи становятся реальностью – Stockholm Records выпускает интереснейший сборник "Top Secret Greatest Hits", главным сюрпризом которого были вовсе не ремастерированные хиты группы прошлых лет, а действительно новые песни - "The Sound of The Rain" и "Destiny of Love". Да и других приятных подарков на диске было немало – чего стоят только ремиксы на "The Dancer" и "Rainy Day Memories"! Но, к сожалению, внезапное появление новых песен Secret Service вовсе не означало их воссоединения. Тем не менее, Secret Service время от времени появляется на публике - так, например, 16 декабря 2006 года, группа, в уже обновленном составе, приняла участие в фестивале "Легенды Ретро FM".

Secret Service
Secret Service
Secret Service
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #2

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Дискография Secret Service:

1979 - Oh Susie
1981 - Ye Si Ca
1982 - Cutting Corners
1984 - Jupiter Sign
1985 - When The Night Closes In
1987 - Aux Deux Magots
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #3

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Oh Susie (1979)

Ten o'clock postman

Ten o'clock postman
Bring me her letter
Ten o'clock postman
Make me feel better
Been so many days
Since that I've met her
Ten o'clock postman
Bring me her letter
Bring me her letter

I'm walking all over the room
Wonder why I don't stop biting my nails
Why carry this feeling of doom
A couple more hours and I'll get the mail
I'll get the mail

Finding it so hard to eat
The toast and the eggs they just don't taste the same
Hearing a noise in the street
I run to the window and cry out in vain

Remembering that she said for sure
I'll write you the minute I'll get off the plane
Nothing, not one single word
It must come this morning or I'll go insane
I'll go insane

Now it's been almost five days
Could she have sent it by air or by rail
I hear someone's comin' this way
This must be it, yes it must be the mail

Hey Johnny

Hey Johnny don't tell her
I think I saw her face today
Hey Johnny don't tell her
I thought my knees are made of clay
Don't tell her I've told you
I think I saw her face today
I miss her more and more each day

Meeting a friend
Hoping to hear that she's changed her mind
I try to pretend
I left her so far behind
Deep down inside
Holding back on my loathsome lies
Much more than pride
I'm aching for love in her dark blue eyes

Hey Johnny don't tell her
I think I saw her face today
Hey Johnny don't tell her
I thought my knees are made of clay
Don't tell her I've told you
I think I saw her face today
I miss her more and more each day

Whispering her name
Nothing's so sweet when the life's grown dim
I am to blame
Letting her out to him
Maybe I'll try
To show the world that I don't really care
Look in my eyes
There you can see that pain everywhere

Hey Johnny don't tell her
I think I saw her face today
Hey Johnny don't tell her
I thought my knees are made of clay
Don't tell her I've told you
I think I saw her face today
I miss her more and more each day

Give me your love

I keep knockin' doors
One by one
I keep climbing force
'Til the day is done

Kept goin' on by your inspiration
Driven on by my 'magination
But I can't hold it back
Just can't hold it back

Give me your love
Just give me your love
Your love is mine, my creation
There to find inspiration

I can see your face
Inside my mind
I will find the place
I'll read the signs

I'm getting all of my information
Closing in on my last creation
But I can't hold it back
Just can't hold it back

Give me your love
Just give me your love
Your love is mine, my creation
There to find inspiration

Oh Susie

Oh Susie, we've run out of time
Oh Susie, say what's on your mind
We've got nowhere to run,
We were much too young

Love is warm and understanding when you're seventeen
Love is cold, kills your dreams and schemes
Much too young
The words are comin' like a neon-light
Off and on, bringin' back last night
Bringin' back last night

I'm in love and nothing else can make me feel this way
Now I'm lost, not much more to say
Radio, the song they're playing,
Can't be rightly sung
Off and on, singin' much too young
Singin' much too young

Darling, you're my girl

You are my real love
And you're always last
Inside my mind
Close off the past

Something you got
Nothing can change
Something you got
Makes it so strange, so strange

Darling you're my girl
My broken heart will never mend
Darling you're my girl
Don't try to tell me it's the end
I wanna hold you again and again
Stay with me

You keep me alive
And dry all my tears
A part of my dreams
That kills all my fears

Something within
Makes it all true
Something within
Holds on to you, to you

Darling you're my girl
My broken heart will never mend
Darling you're my girl
Don't try to tell me it's the end
I wanna hold you again and again
Stay with me

She wants me

Crying out she said she wants me
Showing off like the refugee
Thinking that love is a game

Trying hard she now justifies
Bad to see that her restless eyes
Telling me I am to blame

Baby, I've been through this before
And I don't want it any more
And our love has come from good to bad
And now I'm glad - I know that it's time to go

You don't seem to have understood
When I said I'll be gone for good
Baby, this time it's for real

Baby, I've been through this before
And I don't want it any more
And our love has come from good to bad
And now I'm glad - I know that it's time to go

Seems to me something's just not changed
You and I - always unarranged
Baby, I know this one here

Crying out she said she wants me
Showing off like the refugee
Thinking that love is a game

Angel on wheels

Oh-oh my angel on wheels
My little angel on wheels
I get my rolling skates
And then we fly - roll on all eight

Her hair and T-shirt were both black
And in my mind the one-way track
And my eyes have stuck as glued
When I saw the way she moved

It's hard to say just how it feels
When you meet that angel on wheels
When you see the sunny smile
Rolling fast in the flashy style

Oh-oh my angel on wheels
My little angel on wheels
I get my rolling skates
And then we fly - roll on all eight

It didn't start off all too well
I stick, I stumble and I fell
But in the end I saw the light
And we roll it to the night

It's hard to say just how it feels
When you meet that angel on wheels
When you see that sunny smile
Rolling fast in the flashy style
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #4

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Ye Si Ca (1981)

L.A. goodbye

Captain's telling me that I am welcome
He's saying that soon this bird will fly
He says the forecast's looking fine

'Cross the runway I can see you
Looking lost and trying not to cry
I see you getting smaller
I wish that I could stall her
Leave this plane but

L.A. goodbye, oh oh oh
L.A. goodbye
L.A. goodbye, oh oh oh
Two hearts in love that will die

In just a minute says the captain
We'll take off from here and ride the sky
He says it's still "No Smoking"

All along we knew that this would happen
We just tried to hide it from ourselves
We tried to stay together
As if it was forever
Oh forever

L.A. goodbye
From way up high
L.A. goodbye
Two hearts in love that will die

Angelica & Ramone

On a morning in May
On a beach outside Monterrey
She walked alone in the sand
With her shoes in her hand
And let her mind go astray

He was a Santa Cruz-boy
He held his head up
With pride and joy
And he was riding the surf
To where the sea meets the turf
And every wave was his toy

And then he saw her and smiled
He never knew such a lovely child
With a curly brown hair
Flying loose in the air
Looking gentle and mild

She pretends to be shy
And makes a motion to passing by
He is handsome and strong
She doesn't walk very long
Turns around and says "hi!"

And his name is Ramone
And her name is Angelica
What ever made them both reach
The same spot on the beach
Always will be unknown

There are stories that tell
That the tide has a magic swell
And that the hundred year pine
Has a secret divine
That is sung by a shell

And they smile and they know
'Cause their young bodies
Tell them so
That they're alone in the world
Unseen and unheard
For the feelings to show

So in the warm morning sun
While the sandpiper makes his run
They make a beautiful love
And the blue sky above
Blessed the day that begun

Two hearts that fly like a dove
As seagulls are circling above
Names that are carved in a stone:
Angelica and Ramone

And they smile and they know
'Cause their young bodies
Tell them so
That they're alone in the world
Unseen and unheard
For the feelings to show

So in the warm morning sun
While the sandpiper makes his run
They make a beautiful love
And the blue sky above
Blessed the day that begun

They make a beautiful love
And the blue sky above
Blessed the day that begun

Friday night

Friday night
When we say goodbye
Oh Friday night
Then summer will die
Just one look in your eyes
When you go
And summer will die
Oh what a Friday night

When I wake up early tomorrow
And I walk down in the morning dew
I turn my head when the sparrow
Sings a song to you

There're the flowers that grow in my garden
Stand in season – blue, white and red
But without you here I won't see them
To me summer's dead

Friday night
When we say goodbye
Oh Friday night
Then summer will die
Just one look in your eyes
When you go
And summer will die
Oh what a Friday night

For a moment cool breeze on the terrace
Sounds like your voice, so gentle and mild
An illusion that will surface
All from time to time

Like a child who is chasing the rainbow
I'll try to trust in day sad
Until the day in my sorrow
To me summer's dead

Friday night
When we say goodbye
Oh Friday night
Then summer will die
Just one look in your eyes
When you go
And summer will die
Oh what a Friday night

I know

I know, I know,
It's making me remember,
I know, I know
The heartache of September don't go
Oh please, it's making all my memories glow
When you play me a song that I know

Open all night, never closes - just the place I need,
And I sip my coffee, studying faces, hiding what I feel
Someone's standing at the jukebox
Choosing something slow
And I hear the beat,
I can't stop the tears
When you play me a song that I know

I know, I know,
It's making me remember,
I know, I know
The heartache of September don't go
Oh please, it's making all my memories glow
When you play me a song that I know

Morning finds you close beside me
Fingers touch my face
And we laugh together, sharing secrets,
Welcoming the day
Suddenly your smile is fading
Yesterday is gone
And I hear you sing your favorite tune
When they play me a song that I know

I know, I know,
It's making me remember,
I know, I know
The heartache of September don't go
Oh please, it's making all my memories glow
When you play me a song that I know


I was young and alone
And my heart searched the world for a home
She was free like a bird
And sang songs to me I never heard

She sang ye-si-ca
She sang ye-si-ca

Well, the sound of her voice
Made it plain that she knew about boys
I brought wine to her taste
And we didn't let much go to waste

We sang ye-si-ca
We sang ye-si-ca

And the boys in the band at the hotel
They played it all over again
I knew it by heart in the morning
And her body was more than a friend

She sang ye-si-ca
She sang ye-si-ca

Late at night when the wind
Passes by like the touch of her skin
It will bring to my mind
A song and the sweet smell of wine

She sang ye-si-ca
She sang ye-si-ca

She sang ye-si-ca
I sang ye-si-ca

And the boys in the band at the hotel
They played it all over again
I knew it by heart in the morning
And her body was more than a friend

She sang ye-si-ca
She sang ye-si-ca
We sang ye-si-ca

And the boys in the band at the hotel
They played it all over again
I knew it by heart in the morning
And her body was more than a friend

She sang ye-si-ca
She sang ye-si-ca

King and queen

I was king and you - my queen
We ruled the world happy wild this means
And I read our future in the stars
We skipped school like everyone
And we made love in the morning sun
Since then we've trevelled not so far

I stand and gaze at the old oak tree
Where I carved out "Susie loves me"
You said:
I'll stay I'll leave the morning
Stair I grieve the light
Now you means/meets the sunrise
You praise the night

I was king and you - my queen
We ruled the world happy wild this means
And I read our future in the stars
We skipped school like everyone
And we made love in the morning sun
Since then we've trevelled not so far

Tomorrow came as a big surprise
One day is born, another dies
You said:
We only live one life time
We only get one try
Now I can see the sorrow in your eyes, in your eyes

I was king and you - my queen
We ruled the world happy wild this means
And I read our future in the stars

Stay here the night

Stay here the night
I don't wanna be alone
Say it's alright
That you don't have to go on home.

Baby listen you know I care
You light a fire when you are here
Let me forget all my pain
Tell me that you will remain

Everybody that I know
Has gone to some midnight show
You and I are on our own
There's no need for you to go on home

Stay here the night
I don't wanna be alone
Say it's alright
That you don't have to go on home

Don't say you leave and walk away
Tell me you care oh I want you stay
Stay here the night
I don't wanna be alone

Let's light the candles, open the wine
Let us sit down and just feel fine
Baby I can understand
Why we can find a promised land

Say it's alright
That you don't have to go tonight.
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #5

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Cutting Corners (1982)

Fire into ice

When I came I was a stranger
Spanish boots just walking by
At your house I saw that danger
So alone and terrified

Can't you see me bleeding?
Can't you hear me call?
Can't you see what you were reading
What I've written on the wall?

Nothing ever scares me like the silence
Turning all your fire into ice
Candles that kept talking by the violence
Twisted words another sacrifice

When I came I was much stronger
Touching souls and tasting moon
Shadows now seem so much longer
Selling raise from door to door

Don't you know I'm meaning
Don't you care at all
Don't you find that make believing
Ways we're tryin' to learn to fall

Nothing ever scares me like the silence
Turning all your fire into ice
Candles that kept talking by the violence
Twisted words another sacrifice

Flash in the night

As a break of dawn came closer
All my hopes seemed so forlorn.
There're misty sounds of laughter
And the light eluded all.
And my despair was caught emotion
A face just paly true
Shadows in blue.

A flash in the night...

In the changing of the seasons
Releasing one lost name.
And the scar once healed forever
Dissolving in the rain.
A twig snapped in the clearing
A glimpse on golden skin
My face within

A flash in the night...

And my despair was caught in motion
A face just paly true

A flash in the night...

Cry softly (Time is mourning)

Fingers walk the edge of time
We don't know just how to taste it.
Like a blue and wailing song our time runs in
And then runs out wasted.
Rubbing sleep out of your eyes
Waking up to find me calling.
Let's not wait or take too long
The castle you once built so strong is falling

Cry softly time is mourning
Longing for you at the dawning.
Baby dreams will last forever.
Tell me your heart is burning
Knowing that the tide is turning
Baby dreams will last forever

See the nightmares in my eyes
Feel the pain inside me crying.
Like a blue and wailing song
Out time runs in and then runs out dying.

Cry softly time is mourning
Longing for you at the dawning.
Baby dreams will last forever.
Tell me your heart is burning
Knowing that the tide is turning
Baby dreams will last forever

If I try

Questions never described
I'm on my feeder flying high
That is a lie
If you know what I mean
Just stand up and tap the tambourine
Say «no» to the team

Time is right
I know what's ever wrong are pleased more over time
Late at night
I wish I knew today what else I left behind

It's just that if I try
Never give it up
If I try
Holding on to you
Won't you tell me not to worry
If I try
Never give it up
If I try
Would I lie to you?

Answers running around
I'll pay the cost to turn them down
If they are found
Outside mapping the stars
Diamond girls are playing cheap guitars
Showing off their scarves

And I'll be seeing you if you don't stop this care
After you
I think I always stick around up there and here

When the dancer you have loved walks out the door

It was a simple story of provocation
No claim of aim no glory - just degradation
That might be an answer fading away
Crawling like a shadow wanting to stay


It was a simple story
Burning heart too learning
When you tip-top cross the floor
It's hard to face a music
When the dancer you have loved walks out the door
Burning heart too learning
Like I froze on picture frame
No one else can help me stop the pain

There's not a hint of priesting, no investigation
At dance my mind resisting to much citation
All that midnight fair dolls sharing my bed
Mixing up the reasons inside my head


It was a simple story
Burning heart too learning
When you tip-top cross the floor
It's hard to face a music
When the dancer you have loved walks out the door
Burning heart too learning
When you tip-top cross the floor
It's hard to face a music
When the dancer you have loved walks out the door
No one else can help me stop the pain

Burning heart too learning
When you tip-top cross the floor
It's hard to face a music
When the dancer you have loved walks out the door
Burning heart too learning
Like I froze on picture frame
No one else can help me stop the pain
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #6

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Jupiter Sign (1984)

Jo-anne, Jo-anne

Jo-anne Jo-anne Jo-anne Jo-anne
Burning sun in the night
Up footsteps I walk the floor
So I face in the light
At face from the time before
I couldn't stop from recalling it
As a night will bright my eyes
Sweet young emotions never die

Jo-anne Jo-anne
When the night meets morning
At that time we'll meet the sun
We'll meet again Jo-anne Jo-anne

Ripples in your hair
We've just a day holding on
Feelings like we share
Their magic is just that strong
And then the time thus soften me
As a night will bright my eyes
Sweet young emotions never die

Jo-anne Jo-anne Jo-anne Jo-anne
When the night meets morning
At that time we'll meet the sun
We'll meet again Jo-anne Jo-anne

Jo-anne Jo-anne
When the night is burning
I will take you by the hand
When the tide is turning
And the roads turn age aside
We'll meet again Jo-anne Jo-anne

Will you be near me

When the songs begin the fading
And the silence breaking through
Will you be near me
Will you be near me

When the words are only spinning
And I don't know what to do
Will you be near me
Will you be near me

If the laughter turns to sorrow
And all friends are moving on
But today's not tomorrow
Who can tell what's going on

Looking up to the stars
I'm looking up to the stars
Looking up to the stars
Is it all in the stars

When you tell me words that matter
When I'm moving much too fast
Then I will hear you
Then I will hear you

When your head is on my shoulder
Will you tell me 'bout the past
So I can hear you
So I can hear you

If the laughter turns to sorrow
And all friends are moving on
But today's not tomorrow
Who can tell what's going on

Looking up to the stars
I'm looking up to the stars
Looking up to the stars
Is it all in the stars
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #7

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома When The Night Closes In (1985)

Night City

Night City
Night City

After midnight you want to sleep
Go out and feel the city beat
A new romance another chance
Can you feel the heat? It's in the air
The city beat is everywhere

Night City
Night City

You never know what's on tonight
Lot of faces lot of lights
Lot of looks and secret dreams
Can you feel the heat? It's in the air
The city beat is everywhere

Night City
Night City

Behind white/wide door there're different worlds
You cross the floor cause you've seen her
Tomorrow is still far away

Night City
Night City

Let us dance just a little bit more

Night is gone
Now we're alone
I feel your body near mine
We just have to dance one more time
Your face turned down
I can't deny
This feeling with you is a fate
I don't care if the hour is late at all

Let us dance just a little bit more
Even if the band walks out the door
And all the others go
Let's pretend that the music's on
Even if we're dancing all alone
And the night is gone

Just for a while
I saw your smile
I know I've sang in your ear
«God it's good to be near»
Your hand in mine
So warm and fine
If only this moment would stay
If only the band was to play some more

Let us dance just a little bit more
Even if the band walks out the door
And all the others go
Let's pretend that the music's on
Even if we're dancing all alone
And the night is gone

Special songs

Special song brings the memories back
I remember, when hearing, those facts
I wonder I wonder I wonder
Where are you now

This song by Rick Nelson
Was played on the radio
The song filled with mem'ries
Mem'ries I share with you

You and I amiss on dating
You and I at the dance
When they played that song
You took me by the hand

Special song brings the memories back
I remember, when hearing, those facts
I wonder I wonder I wonder
Where are you now

The place where they played
It is up there today
Just like the mem'ries
Leanous to yesterday

But I will always hear your murmur
You and I at the dance
When they played that song
You took me by the hand

Special song brings the memories back
I remember, when hearing, those facts
I wonder I wonder I wonder
Where are you now

Do you remember

Do you remember, remember?
There was nothing we could do
Spend the first night together
Remember, remember
You said I belong to you
Love is forever

I walked the streets where we've been walking
I've been to places where we used to be (used to be)
I've seen cafes where we've been talking
I know we talked about us - you and me (you and me)

How it hurts to see these places all alone
How did it happen all the feelings really gone?

Do you remember, remember?
There was nothing we could do
Spend the first night together
Remember, remember
You said I belong to you
Love is forever

What would you say if you should meet me
In a cafe where I have been with you? (been with you)
How would you feel, how would you treat me
If then I told you that I missed you so? (missed you so)

Cause it hurts to see these places all alone
How did it happen all the feelings really gone?


I looked up when you asked for the chair
You looked tired
Lots of raindrops there were falling from your hair
You had tea, you said nothing at all, nothing I can recall

It was eight when they said they were closing
Up there I didn't know what to do
It's so rainy, we retired, you were frozen
We walked I was walking with you

Walking, walking in the rain
Walking I didn't know your name

You took my hand when we walked for a while
Lonely words
You just looked, you just looked at me and smiled
So strange what did I feel for you, was it real was it true

It was eight when they said they were closing
Up there I didn't know what to do
It's so rainy, we retired, you were frozen
We walked I was walking with you

Walking, walking in the rain
Walking I didn't know your name

When the night closes in

Let us take a walk in the citylights
'Cause this night is right and time is tight.
Come and take my hand
Put your cigarette out

I would like to know all about you.

A few blocks from here is a boulevard
Where we can find a late night cafe.
We got everything to win when the night closes in.

Let me dry your tears
I know what you've been through

But baby
Feel no fear
I've been through it too.
So just take my hand
Take a chance on me

This night belongs to us - you and me.

A few blocks from here is a boulevard...

We got everything to win when the night closes in.
When the night closes in - when the night closes in.

How I want you

Running at this darkness
I can't hear a song
I am kind of nervous
Are you still around

I see someone coming
When I pass I see your face
It's now the time to tell you
Would it be in vain if I do explain

How I want you how I need you
You're so beautiful tonight
How I want you when I see you in the light
It's time since I have seen you
What we had was right let we try again tonight

I am often wondered have you called my name
Or was it just a morning for a little game
Can you still remember how you kissed my eyes and smiled
It's now the time to ask you
Would it be in vain if I do explain

How I want you how I need you
You're so beautiful tonight
How I want you when I see you in the light
It's time since I have seen you
What we had was right let we try again tonight

Closer every day

Will I see you tonight?
'Cause the last time we met
We couldn't talk alone

There's no reason for lies
We don't have to regret
We did nothing wrong

What happened between us was right
Tell me where will you be tonight?

Come a little closer every day, yeah-yeah-yeah
Come a little closer every day

Come a little closer every day, yeah-yeah-yeah
Come a little closer every day

Maybe your friends gonna talk
When they see us again
What they talked before

It's so easy to walk
We don't have to explain
To them anymore

What happened between us was right
Tell me where will you be tonight?

Come a little closer every day, yeah-yeah-yeah
Come a little closer every day

Come a little closer every day, yeah-yeah-yeah
Come a little closer every day

Feel you near me

Just been walk around in circles
Nothing's happened for too long
Haven't been around at all
Dunno what's going on

That day will soon be over
A day just like the day before
Why go on just waist your time
All we're longing for more
Do you care

I can feel you near me
I can feel

There've been times I tried to call you
And times I tried to write
But I just looked into the dark
All through the night

Why should I go on pretending
Go on and play this game
I've tried I can't forget you
Do you feel the same
Do you care

I can feel you near me
I can feel

Just a friend for the night

When I close my eyes
I can still recall at night
I just close my eyes and turn –

Turning out the light
Darkness brings you back in sight

Why did you have to go?
Woke memories of the night
Sure I feed a dream that won't come true

Things all lovers do can make me
Just a friend for the night
Till darkness turns into light
How can I hide my tears when I cry?

When I close my eyes
I hear you voice call my name
I just close my eyes and try –

Try to hear again
Deep inside words remain

Now when you are gone
Three words have left my life
I only use 'em when I write a song

Words all lovers use can make me
Just a friend for the night
Till darkness turns into night
How can I hide my tears when I cry
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #8

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Aux Deux Magots (1987)

I'm so, I'm so, I'm so

(I'm so, I'm so)

(I know, I know, I know, I know)

I'm so, I'm so, I'm so
I'm so in love with you
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so
I'm so in love with you
(So in love with you)

The way that you walk
The way that you talk
I'm lost got nothing to hide
The things that you do
The places you go
Can't fight this feeling inside

Ooh ooh we're dancing the night away
Ooh ooh I wish I've found something to say
I want you to stay

I'm so, I'm so, I'm so
I'm so in love with you
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so
I'm so in love with you
(So in love with you)

I'm watching you dance
Is there a chance
You've got a hold of my soul
This pleasuring pain
Drives me insane
With you I'm out of control

Ooh ooh we're dancing the night away
Ooh ooh I wish I've found something to say
I want you to stay

I'm so, I'm so, I'm so
I'm so in love with you
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so
I'm so in love with you
(So in love with you)

If you need me

Hold me close the night is ending
Take me on before you go
Stay in touch and I'll be sending
My love to you, love to you

Don't be scared, afraid of living
I'll be there to help you through
Still a friend I'm always giving
My love to you, love to you

If you need me
If you need me
If you need me

Don't pretend, trust your feelings
Stand by me, let dreams come true
Save the night and tender sealing
My love to you, love to you

If you need me
If you need me

Even if a distance comes between
Even then you still can trust
My love to you, love to you

If you need me
If you need me
If you need me

Don't you know, don't you know

Everyone can see it
In everybody's eyes
A special kind of feeling
Take you by surprise
I've got it in my eyes
When I'm looking at you
You're much too good to be true
If only I knew what to do

Don't you know, don't you know?
Don't you know how I feel
When I'm looking at you?
Don't you know, don't you know?
Don't you know, can't you see -
I wanna have you
Don't you know, don't you know?

I see you through my window
I see you everywhere
I wake up in the morning
Wishing you were here
You know that I can feel
Every beat of your heart
You came into my life from the start
Help me from falling apart

Don't you know, don't you know?
Don't you know how I feel
When I'm looking at you?
Don't you know, don't you know?
Don't you know, can't you see -
I wanna have you
Don't you know, don't you know?

Turn to me

I have watched every motion
That you've made tonight
By the look in your eyes
By the look I can tell
You don't feel alright
Tell me why you've been crying
Let me help you dry your tears
There are reasons for trying
If you turn my way
You will hear me say

Ooh ooh you can turn to me
Ooh ooh you can turn to me

I'll be here if you need me
I won't go away
If you want me to listen
If you want me to hold you
Just turn my way
In the mirror I see you
You've been crying for a while
But you've got someone to talk to
If you turn my way
You will hear me say

Ooh ooh you can turn to me
Ooh ooh you can turn to me

The way you are (duet with Agnetha Faltskog)

You take me high
Out of the blue
You're by my side
Whenever I need you
The way you smile
The way you move
Why should I try
I can't get over you

All through the night
You take me on
When we unite
I know where I belong
When winter reigns
I'll be your friend
What we create
May last until the end

And through the time
That's passing by
I hope you'll always be
You'll be forever

The way you are
The way you are

Where mountains rise
I stand by you
My heart assigned
Like only lovers do
If we're apart
I'll cross the sea
Don't close your heart
This love was always free

And through the time
That's passing by
I hope you'll always be
You'll be forever

The way you are
The way you are

And if you leave
Don't go too far
In your beliefs
Just be the way you are

The way you are
The way you are

Say say

Say, say 'cause I'm longing to hear
I know love don't come easy
Say, say I have looked everywhere
Where else could I find someone like you

You're lying here by my side
You're sleeping we're close together
I didn't even know
That I could feel the way I feel for you

I kiss you and touch your hair
I have to leave – it's morning
If only I can stay
If only I could hear you say

Say, say 'cause I'm longing to hear
I know love don't come easy
Say, say I have looked everywhere
Where else could I find someone like you

Why do I have to hide
When I wanna stay forever
I don't know what to do
Could I tell how much I need to know

Say, say 'cause I'm longing to hear
I know love don't come easy
Say, say I have looked everywhere
Where else could I find someone like you


When we're heart to heart
No more darkness - only light
The world may fall apart
But we stay heart to heart

If you're blue or left alone
Insecure or on your own
Let me help you through the night
Don't you know there's always

When we're heart to heart
No more darkness - only light
The world may fall apart
But we stay heart to heart

There's no reason to be sad
What we found we'll make it glad
Is it wrong or is it right
I don't know there's always

When we're heart to heart
No more darkness - only light
The world may fall apart
But we stay heart to heart

All the night, all the night
You're my light, you are my light
Shining so bright

When we're heart to heart
No more darkness - only light
The world may fall apart
But we stay heart to heart

Where the wind blows

Been waiting for such a long time
For you to come along
I knew right from the start
Straight from my heart
The place where we belong

Every dream that we've been chasing
Every dream we shared
What the two of us are facing
In the open air

We can go anywhere
We sail where the wind blows
It's alright, alright by the sea
We sail where the love grows
It's alright, alright come with me

Been hoping to see you follow
You know how much I care
Always there on my mind
Two of a kind I'll show you everywhere

Every dream that we've been chasing
Every dream we shared
What the two of us are facing
In the open air

We can go anywhere
We sail where the wind blows
It's alright, alright by the sea
We sail where the love grows
It's alright, alright come with me

Thank you for that night

Thank you for that night
For teaching me that I existed
Thank you for that night
For the byways we travel together
Softly through my soul
You're still inside my head

Oh keep me in your heart
Let the image of me find a shelter
Keep me in your heart
While you lay down your head on my shoulder
Drifting from afar
You're still inside my head

Thank you for that night
That which I leave behind with the hours
And thank you for that night
This one only for your flowers
When the dreamer falls asleep

Reach out for the time
Try to hold on while love is in season
Reach out for the time
And see if your fingers can touch me
Walking through my mind
You're still inside my head

Thank you for that night
That which I leave behind with the hours
Thank you for that night
And thank you for that night
This one only for your flowers
When the dreamer falls asleep

Softly through my soul
You're still inside my head

Oh, and keep me in your heart
Let the image of me find a shelter
Just keep me in your heart
While you lay down your head on my shoulder
Drifting from afar
You're still inside my head
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