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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #1

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839


Страна: Германия

Фото Sandra

Немецкая поп-звезда Sandra, она же Сандра Лауэр Крету, родилась 18 мая 1962 года в немецком городе Саарбрюкене в семье француза и немки. Сама певица по паспорту француженка. Её мечте - стать певицей - изначально было весьма трудно осуществиться, так как родной город Сандры, расположенный на границе между Францией и Германией, был слишком мал для подобной карьеры. Но Сандра думала иначе… Уже в 12 лет благодаря своей настойчивости она впервые участвовала в конкурсе детских талантов и выиграла главный приз - запись песни в студии грамзаписи на местном радио.

В 1974 году выходит её первый сингл - 7-ми дюймовая виниловая пластинка "Andy mein Freund" - записанный на немецком языке. Из небольшого тиража было куплено несколько пластинок, появились первые интервью и заметки в прессе. Вскоре всё это отошло в прошлое, но не осталось забытым. Сразу по окончании школы она неожиданно для себя получает приглашение в музыкальное издательство, где проходит отбор девушек в новую женскую диско группу. Несмотря на её юный возраст, шеф-президент компании грамзаписи был настолько очарован её милым личиком, что окончательный состав трио был уже с участием Сандры. Группа, в состав которой вошла Сандра, была создана в октябре 1977 года и получила название Arabesque. 16-летняя Сандра присоединилась к 20-летней полумексиканке Микаэле Роуз и 22-летней немке Жасмин Веттер в 1979 году при записи сингла "Peppermint Jack" после кастинга, проведенного в связи с уходом основной солистки группы из за беременности.

В январе 1979 года Arabesque принимают участие в ежегодном фестивале в Каннах и становятся открытием года. Группу прежде всего заметил г-н Кита из мощной процветающей компании "Jinko Music". Решение растиражировать в Японии "Hello, Mr. Monkey" оправдало себя - песня продержалась в чартах 38 недель. Был заключён контракт, по которому каждый новый сингл и каждый новый альбом выходил сначала в Японии а уже затем небольшими тиражами в остальных странах. Это привело к тому, что наибольшую популярность трио приобрело в странах Юго-Восточной Азии. Тем не менее интерес к ним проявляли в Италии, Франции, Скандинавских странах и в последнюю очередь в Германии. За время существования Arabesque было выпущено 22 сингла и 10 альбомов, и в течение всего этого времени Сандра была ведущей солисткой. На её стороне было всё внимание фэнов, репортеров и критиков.

В 1983 году трио распалось. Уже после распада, в 1984 году, выходит последний альбом группы с символическим названием "Time To Say Goodbye". В том же 1984 году Сандра и её давний друг, начинающий продюсер Михаэль Крету, в студии во Франкфурте готовили её первый сольный сингл. Это была песня "Japan ist weit" - немецкая версия популярного хита группы Alphaville - "Big In Japan". "Японская" тема песни была затронута не случайно, учитывая огромную популярность Arabesque в этой стране. Но в этот раз была сделана попытка завоевать отнюдь не Японию, а немецкий рынок... Пластинка небольшим тиражом вышла только в Германии, практически одновременно с новым синглом группы Arabesque "Heart On Fire", вышедшим в Японии. Однако чуда не случилась - песня провалилась. Но неудача не сломила ни Сандру, ни Михаэля Крету и осенью 1984 года она записывает новую песню - "Maria Magdalena", созданную Х.Кеммлером, М.Лёром, Р.Палмер-Джеймсом и Михаэлем Крету.

В начале 1985 года, при поддержке директора немецкого отделения корпорации Virgin, композиция выпускается на виниловом сингле и входит в историю как одна из самых успешных и продаваемых пластинок не только в Германии, но и во всём мире. Следом выходит ещё 2 сингла - "In The Heat Of The Night" и "Little Girl", вошедшие впоследствии в её дебютный первый сольный альбом "The Long Play", вышедший в ноябре 1985 года. С песней "In The Heat Of The Night" Сандра выступила на музыкальном фестивале в Токио (Япония).

В октябре 1986, года на волне всеобщей популярности, выходит её 2-ой альбом "Mirrors", буквально переполненный такими хитами как "Innocent Love", "Hi! Hi! Hi!", "Loreen", "Midnight Man". Сандра становится частым гостем всех популярных музыкальных шоу Европы.

В начале 1987 года Сандра переезжает в Лондон, где начинает посещать уроки английского языка и совершенствовать свой вокал у известного учителя пения Хелены Шмидт. Кроме того, она записывает новую песню - кавер версию известного хита "Everlasting Love", и снимает потрясающий клип к ней, в котором она в костюмах 20 различных эпох от библейских времен Адама и Евы до жениха и невесты настоящего времени воспевает "Вечную любовь". 8 мая 1987 года выходит её 3-й по счёту альбом "Ten On One", представляющий собой сборник её хитов + 2 неопубликованные ранее вещи: уже упомянутая "Everlasting Love" и "Stop For A Minute". Альбом выходит также в автобиографической видеоверсии, где кроме клипов было представлено много частных материалов из жизни певицы. Впервые на суд зрителей Сандра представляет свои детские фотографии из семейного фотоальбома. В самом же фильме Сандра предстает в образе певицы, фотомодели и просто любящей женщины. Все сцены снабжены её собственными закадровыми пояснениями.

В январе 1988 года Сандра Лауэр и Михаэль Крету становятся наконец мужем и женой, покидают Германию и переезжают на постоянное жительство на испанский остров Ибица. Здесь, в атмосфере любви и гармонии, рождаются хиты "Heaven Can wait" и "Secret Land", для которых снимается потрясающее видео. В октябре этого же года выходит 4-й альбом певицы под названием "Into A Secret Land".

В 1989 году Сандра отправляется в большое турне по Европе, выступает в США. В Европе синглами выходят "We'll Be Together" и "Around My Heart", в США издается её специальный альбом для американской публики - "Everlasting Love", содержащий все её самые популярные на тот момент хиты, исполненные во время её выступления в Нью-Йорке. Кроме того, певица участвует в проекте "Artists United For Nature", записав вместе с другими популярными звездами совместный сингл "Yes We Can". Все вырученные от продажи этой пластинки средства пошли в благотворительный фонд спасения тропических лесов.
В сентябре певица в рамках европейского турне впервые посетила с гастролями СССР, выступив с полным аншлагом в Москве, в спорткомплексе "Олимпийский". В общей сложности с 3.09.89 по 6.09.89 было дано 5 концертов, на каждом из которых присутствовало 25000 зрителей. Несмотря на довольно плотный график, певица успела осмотреть и все достопримечательности Москвы.
В конце года Сандра представляет слушателям новую песню, кавер версию хита группы "Wishful Thinking" - грустную балладу "Hiroshima", посвященную стертому с лица земли в 1945 году одноимённому японскому городу...

1990 год начинается для Сандры выходом нового альбома "Paintings In Yellow". Певица выступает в качестве почетного гостя на международном фестивале в Сан-Ремо. К вышедшим синглам "Hiroshima", "Life may be a big insanity" и "One More Night" снимаются замечательные клипы. В конце года Дон Джонсон в королевстве Монако на церемонии "World Music Awards" вручает Сандре приз как самой успешной певице Германии по продаже пластинок в 1990 году. В этом же году на прилавках музыкальных магазинов появляется первый сингл загадочной группы Enigma, к которой, как оказалось, Сандра имеет самое непосредственное отношение - таинственный шепот на французском языке, отчетливо слышимый в песне Sadeness Part I, принадлежал ей. Певица записала демо-версию "шепота", которую впоследствии должна была быть заменена "шепотом" француженки. Но Ричард Брансон - босс звукозаписывающей компании Virgin, прослушав демо-версию, настоял на том, чтобы женский вокал был исполнен именно Сандрой. В 1991 году, на фоне фантастического успеха Энигмы, проекта своего мужа, в студии на Ибице записываются песни для нового альбома "Close To Seven". Альбома, ставшего переломным в творческой жизни певицы. Песни, записанные с совершенно новыми музыкантами, очень разноплановы по стилю. Здесь и грустные баллады, и джаз, и элементы жесткого евробита. Сандра подводит итог своей творческой жизни - выходит ещё один альбом-компиляция - "18 Greatest Hits", содержащий все хиты певицы, записанные с начала её сольной карьеры. Кроме того, данная компиляция выходит в видео-версии.

В 1993 году, перед продолжительными каникулами, Сандра записывает техно-версию самого первого своего хита "Maria Magdalena". Новый звук, новый взгляд, новое видео. Так певица открывает новую эру в музыке – возвращение к популярным хитам через современные ремиксы. Позже этой идеей воспользовались практически все европейские звёзды 80-х… К обновлённой песне снимается необычный клип, в котором Сандра предстает то в виде Барбареллы из будущего, то в виде Клеопатры из античных времён. В этом же году Сандра записала ещё одну песню, которая не вошла ни в один из её альбомов. Песня называлась "I love you… I'll kill you" и известна больше как трек с альбома Энигмы "The Cross Of Changes". После чего на долгое время певица исчезает со сцены…

В начале 1995 года появляются сообщения, что певица, находясь уже на 6-м месяце беременности, записывает в студии новые песни. На первую же после продолжительного отсутствия песню "Nights In White Satin", кавер-версию хита группы Moody Blues, вышедшую синглом, снимается видео. Режиссер Angel, как мог, скрыл всё признаки беременности певицы. В июле в семействе Крету случается долгожданное прибавление – родились близнецы Никита и Себастьян. А на прилавках магазинах появляется долгожданный альбом Fading Shades. Но певица целиком погружается в семью, заботу о детях, и опять надолго исчезает с музыкального Олипма.

Крупный фан-сайт Sandra: sandraland.de

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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #2

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Еще один вариант биографии Сандры.

Фото Sandra

Сандра Энн Лауэр, известная как Sandra, родилась 18 мая 1962 года в Саарбрюкене, недалеко от границы ФРГ с Францией. Её мать, немка по имени Карен, работала продавцом в обувном магазине, а отец, француз Роберт, занимался процветающей торговлей вина. В семье уже подрастал мальчик Гастон, которому на момент рождения сестрёнки было уже два годика. Лауэры были обычной среднестатистической немецкой семьёй, но родители были очень строги в отношении хороших манер, они воспитывали детей довольно строго. С пяти лет Сандра посещала балетную школу, даже исполняла на сцене маленькую роль в "Лебедином озере", но из-за травмы спины занятия пришлось прекратить. Тогда же девочка начала активно интересоваться музыкой: на карманные деньги покупала пластинки популярных тогда исполнителей, обклеивала стены портретами Шона Кессиди, а в 10 лет получила в подарок гитару. Уроки игры на гитаре Сандра брала у учителя, жившего на той же улице, что и Лауэры. В одиннадцатилетнем возрасте она пожелала принять участие в конкурсе молодых талантов, проводимого радиостанцией "Европа-Велле-Саар". Девчушка не растерялась и выбежала на сцену, чтобы исполнить песню Оливии Ньютон Джон. Она ничего не заняла, но в её душе поселилось довольно распространённое среди детей желание - стать звездой.
В 1974 году Сандра выпустила свою первую в жизни пластинку "Andy Mein Freund". Студия грамзаписи организовала для юной певицы несколько выступлений, но дальше дело не пошло - песня не имела успеха, и контракт со студией не был продлён. Сандра отнеслась к этому довольно равнодушно: первый шаг был сделан, она уже не боялась стоять на сцене, польщённые родители отпускали её петь на свадьбы и семейные праздники, в кругу своих друзей и знакомых она уже была звездой. Сандра без проблем окончила училище. В том случае, если бы желаемая карьера не удалась, она бы училась на медицинского технического ассистента. Но по окончании школы Сандре представился второй шанс - она получила приглашение вступить в женский ансамбль Arabesque. Родители дали своё согласие, хотя для этого 16-летней девушке пришлось переехать во Франкфурт и жить там одной. Но успех требует жертв, и Сандра было готова их принести. К моменту прихода в группу Сандры Arabesque пели уже в течение года. Доминирующее положение занимала темноволосая полуамериканка Михаэла Роуз, но с приходом Сандры ей пришлось сдать лидирующую позицию. Кроме них, в группу входила бывшая гимнастка Жасмин Веттер. Arabesque были очень популярны в азиатских странах, особенно в Японии. А вот в родной Германии их долго игнорировали, вплоть до выхода сингла "Marigot Bay", но и после него удержать успех надолго не удалось.

В 1982 году при записи пластинки в одной из франкфуртских студий произошла судьбоносная встреча Сандры. Она познакомилась с молодым и тогда ещё неизвестным Михаэлем Крету, румынцем по происхождению, жившим в Германии с 1975 года. Девушка писала родителям: "Я познакомилась с мужчиной моей жизни". Она ещё не догадывалась как права оказалась. Лёгкие, стремительные диско-ритмы 70-х постепенно уступали синт-попу, успех Arabesque стал падать. Чтобы остаться на гребне успеха, были необходимы новые музыкальные импульсы. И Сандра нашла их в работе с Михаэлем Крету. Сообразительный Михаэль сразу разглядел в певице скрытые возможности и занялся разработкой её музыкальной программы. Они встречались всё чаще, строили конкретные планы, а в 1983 году Сандра окончательно покинула Arabesque, чтобы заняться сольной карьерой. Первой ласточкой оказалась немецкоязычная версия хита группы Alphaville "Big in Japan", которая называлась "Japan ist weit". Иноязычные каверы нередко пробивают себе дорогу в хит-парады, но на этот раз песня с треском провалилась. Поэтому Сандра и Михаэль решили более серьёзно подойти к сольным работам.

Они переехали в окрестности Мюнхена, где в студии был записан сингл "Maria Magdalena". Летом 1985 года эта песня взлетела на вершины хит-парадов, а в Германии до 1986 года уверенно держалась на первом месте. В СМИ заговорили о "европейской Мадонне". Американская коллега Сандры практически одновременно переживала всплеск карьеры с хитом "Like a virgin" в роли "нехорошей девчонки" - непристойной блондинки с вызывающим макияжем и рваными колготками в сетку. Внешность Сандры тоже блестяще соответствовала духу 80-х: её волосы были уложены при помощи геля, одежду украшали модные набивные плечи, тонкую талию она подчёркивала очень широкими ремнями, а в ушах всегда были массивные серьги. Благодаря успеху песни "Maria Magdalena" девушка из девичьего диско-трио, коих в то время было много, мгновенно превратилась в звезду первой величины. На неё посыпались награды - серебряные, золотые и платиновые диски. Сандра Лауэр достигла того, о чём мечтают миллионы таких же девушек - она была на самом верху. Ей завидовали, её уважали, ею восхищались. Сама Сандра поначалу очень плохо справлялась с внезапно свалившейся популярностью, она едва смогла привыкнуть к тому, что её всегда и везде узнают. Разумеется, была не только положительная сторона её громкого дебюта. Утверждалось, что певица Сандра - это синтетический продукт фабрики Крету. Злые языки упрекали её в том, что она не обладает и следами таланта: "Современный идеал стилизованного электронного робопопа". Сандра только улыбалась подобным заявлениям: "Да, Михаэль даёт мне стимул задуматься". 1985 год был до краёв загружен работой. Она практически постоянно была в разъездах: встречи на телевидении, участие в шоу, бесконечные интервью, выступления и концерты почти во всех странах мира. Помимо европейских стран она побывала в Перу, Мексике, Венесуэле, Аргентине, Бразилии, Гонконге и Японии, где её не забыли со времён Arabesque и бурно приветствовали сольный дебют.

В январе 1986 года был выпущен второй сингл - "In the heat of the night", который сразу стал хитом. "После успеха дебютного сингла надежды у всех были так высоки, что во время записи "In the heat of the night" в студии царил до треска напряжённый настрой", - рассказывала Сандра. Результат - второе место в хит-параде Германии. А уже в марте 1986 года вышел следующий хит - беззаботно-свежая песня "Little girl". Видеоклип был снят во время карнавала в Венеции. "Стояла незабываемая, дурманящая атмосфера, когда кажется, что нет ничего невозможного", - комментировала Сандра съёмки клипа. И наконец она выпустила свой дебютный альбом, названный "The Long Play". Благодаря трём хитам он был моментально раскуплен. Критика хвалила альбом за отсутствие слабых мест. А Сандра со своей командой (Михаэль Крету, Клаус Хиршбургер и Хуберт Кеммлер) спокойно принялась работать над вторым альбомом.

Первый сингл, "Innocent love", стал абсолютным хитом лета 1986 года. На Сандру обратили внимание в Англии: её песня "Maria Magdalena" вошла в британские чарты, а студия грамзаписи выпустила этот сингл на американский рынок, но на этом всё и закончилось - прыжок в "заокеанские хит-парады" не состоялся. Весной 1986 года Сандра переехала в Лондон, чтобы научиться профессиональному пению и танцам. Кроме того, она посещала лондонскую языковую школу Берлиц, где совершенствовала свой английский. "После окончания школы мой английский был недостаточно хорош, чтобы участвовать на конкурсах в Англии или Америке, давать интервью. Я целеустремлённый человек и должна сейчас исправить этот недостаток", - рассуждала Сандра. Насыщенная программа и одиночество трудно давались Сандре. К тому же она никак не могла прижиться в Лондоне, ей был чужд британский образ жизни и склонность англичан к показухе. "Они думают, что изобрели мир. Я нахожу, что англичане надменны и невежливы, хотя и не пользуются такой репутацией", - высказывала своё мнение Сандра. Для разрядки певица часто каталась верхом на лошади, посещала театры, постановки мюзиклов. В августе 1986 года она наконец-то покинула нелюбимый город, чтобы подготовиться к записи нового альбома.

В сентябре 1986 года вышел альбом "Mirrors", а следом - сингл "Hi! Hi! Hi!", который Сандра описала как воплощение собственных летних ощущений: "Солнце, пляж и море олицетворяют для меня свободу, они дают мне ощущение полёта". В январе 1987 года в чарты успешно вошёл ещё один сингл с нового альбома - "Loreen". Относительно него Сандра рассказывала: "Одна моя подруга находилась в тяжёлой ситуации, она нуждалась в моей поддержке". В марте 1987 года в хит-парады Германии ворвалась песня "Midnight man", о которой певица говорила следующее: "Иногда пребываешь в таком странном состоянии, когда стоит только увидеть лицо или услышать голос, и внутри что-то защемит и уже не отпустит". В октябре 1987 года Сандра выпустила сингл "Everlasting love", версию классических текстов конца 60-х. Песня вошла в британский хит-парад и заняла 45-е место, а сама Сандра стала для англичан символом "поп-музыки, сделанной в Германии". Эта песня, как оказалось, принадлежит к числу любимых и у Сандры, и у Михаэля. Клип снимали в Вене. Сандра вместе с Рупертом Вебером (фотомодель из Австрии) перевоплощались более двадцати раз: Адам и Ева, Антоний и Клеопатра, Бонни и Клайд, хиппи, рок-н-ролльщики, спортсмены, панки, жених и невеста.

Всё, чего касались Сандра и Михаэль Крету, превращалось в успех. В 1987 году она смогла опубликовать свою первую коллекцию синглов: "Ten On One" содержал все синглы певицы, выпущенные на тот момент, а также новый - "Stop for a minute". С этой песней Сандра дебютировала в качестве актрисы в сериале Tatort - Salu Palu, где она сыграла певицу. Фильм вышел на экраны в январе 1988 года, когда Сандра уже была занята записью нового альбома "Into A Secret Land". Кроме того, начало года стало для Сандры воплощением личной мечты - она вышла замуж за Михаэля Крету. Церемония бракосочетания состоялась на испанском острове Ибица 7 января. Медовый месяц молодожёны провели здесь же. Новый альбом "Into A Secret Land" имел огромный успех. Сама Сандра говорила, что на этот раз по-настоящему довольна альбомом, потому что принимала непосредственное участие в написании некоторых песен. Незадолго до дня рождения Сандры сингл "Heaven can wait" ворвался в Тор 10. Заглавная песня альбома "Secret land" вышла синглом чуть позже и в ноябре 1988 года занимала 7-е место в хит-параде. "We'll be together" в феврале 1989 года занимала 9-е место. А весной чарты атаковал сингл "Around my heart", прочно расположившись на 11-м месте. Сама Сандра теперь окончательно завоевала одно из первых мест на международной поп-сцене. Работа себя оправдала. Между тем, команду певицы покинул Хуберт Кеммлер, чтобы заняться сольным проектом и преодолеть творческий кризис. В сотрудничество вошёл клавишник Франк Петерсон.

В сентябре 1989 года Сандра выступила в Москве. Она выступала пять вечеров подряд и каждый раз зал был набит до отказа. И это при условии, что входной билет стоил 10 рублей (примерно 30 марок)! Поклонники доказали, что Сандру очень любят в России: во время концерта на сцену летели цветы и мягкие игрушки, а каждая песня сопровождалась бурными овациями.

После замужества Сандра стала зрелой женщиной и в плане музыки. Ей надоело, что её воспринимают как поющую куклу без сердца и рассудка. Если до этого Сандра держалась подальше от политических вопросов, так как считала, что её как женщину не воспримут всерьёз, то теперь она смело высказывала своё мнение на эту тему: "Как немка я могу сказать, что Германия всё ещё является страной, в которой можно жить весьма неплохо. Но когда я думаю о республиканцах, мне становится дурно". В интервью она рассуждала о воссоединении Германии, о защите окружающей среды. А в начале 1990 года певица вышла на музыкальный рынок с песней "Hiroshima" Вишфула Финкинга, написанной в 1970 году. Пресса и радиостанции были шокированы: так привыкли они к простеньким танцевальным песенкам. Некоторые радио ведущие внесли "Hiroshima" в список запрещённых."'Что может сделать обычная певичка с войной?" - насмехались недоброжелатели. Сандра парировала: "Хиросима - это лишь символ человеческой разрушительной силы, которая проявляется в войнах и атомной энергии. Мне страшно, потому что мы все сидим на одной большой атомной бомбе, которая может взорваться в любую минуту благодаря человеческой глупости". Согласитесь, эти размышления Сандры весьма актуальны и сейчас, по прошествии многих лет. Несмотря ни на что, "Hiroshima" заняла 4-е место в хит-параде синглов, а на новый альбом, который должен был выйти в марте 1990 года, уже посыпались предварительные заказы. Несколько бессонных ночей доставили Сандре волнения в Румынии по поводу падения режима Чаушеску: "Это меня действительно волнует. Это моя семья. Это я сама". Всё же Сандра и Михаэль спешили в студию, записывать новый альбом, который получил название "Paintings In Yellow". Михаэль Крету использовал самое последнее оборудование - цифровые клавишные инструменты и ударный компьютер, с помощью которых он создал спокойный, но танцевальный high-tech sound. Второй сингл альбома - "Life may be a big insanity" - в июле 1990 года занимал 31-е место в немецком хит-параде. В этой песне мастер звучания Михаэль Крету полностью воплотил дух уходящих 80-х: страх перед мировой катастрофой и переизбыток массовой информации (пугающие телевизионные кадры, изображающие бойни, войны, страдания приводили молодёжь всего мира в состояние пессимизма и душевного хаоса). Сандре удалось превратить эти чувства в слова и доступную танцевальную мелодию. Успех альбома не заставил себя долго ждать: сыпались золотые награды и самые высокие места в чартах. Мечтательная баллада "One more night" осенью заняла 27-е место. Последняя песня диска - "Johnny wanna live" - выражала протест Сандры против издевательств над животными. Певица боролась против меховой промышленности и опытов на животных. Она запретила вход на свои концерты тем, кто носит меха. Молодёжная пресса на такое отношение отреагировала в высшей степени позитивно. В журналах Bravo, Popcorn, Pop/Rocky публиковались фотографии Сандры со слонами, крокодилами и прочими животными, которым угрожает опасность вымирания. Написанный её рукой призыв отказаться от ношения мехов украшал страницы многих изданий. Распространялись снимки певицы в одежде из искусственного меха. Кроме того, Сандра не пользовалась косметикой, о которой нельзя было с уверенностью сказать, что она изготовлена без апробирования на животных. Защита животных стала в последующие годы одним из её определяющих мотивов, за которые она при каждом удобном случае агитировала общественность. Сандра вступила в World Wild Life Fund и приняла участие в акции United Artists For Nature. По этому случаю был выпущен сингл "Yes, we can".
Сандра и Михаэль подумывали о мировом турне, но в 1990 году их планы, к сожалению, провалились. Им просто не хватило очереди на крупные концертные залы, с этим их опередили другие артисты. Теперь только клипы и телевыступления поддерживали интерес к Сандре и разговоры о ней всё же не умолкали. В середине 1990 года увидел свет новый проект Михаэля Крету, который получил название Enigma. Удивительный успех проекта сразу завалил Крету работой. Когда стало известно, что Сандра участвовала в записи песен Энигмы, и будоражащие стоны и вздохи между монашеским пением принадлежали именно её, пресса сразу же ухватилась за эту возможность раздуть скандал. Её упрекали в богохульстве и хотели сделать из неё вторую Мадонну со всеми сексуальными провокациями. Сандра подчёркивала, что с подобным сравнением у неё не может быть ничего общего: "Я слежу за тем, чтобы мои сценические костюмы не были слишком сексуальны. Это противоречит мне и моему воспитанию". Стоит отметить, что Сандра принимала непосредственное участие в создании своих костюмов. В августе 1990 года певице были вручены сразу три золотых диска: за "Ten On One", "Into A Secret Land", "Paintings In Yellow". В конце 1990 года супруги Крету решают начать завоевание американского рынка. "Там уже есть мои пластинки, и я бы хотела выступить там с концертом", - делилась планами Сандра. В плюс ко всему певице было необходимо оправдать ожидания европейских поклонников и дать концерты по всей Европе. С большим трудом удалось договориться о нескольких выступлениях в США. Американцы холодно восприняли певицу. К сожалению, проблемы возникли и в Европе. В 1991 году из тщательно запланированного турне ничего не вышло. Злые языки шептались, что Сандра боится пустых залов и поэтому увиливает от выступлений. "Какая чепуха!" - парирует певица, - "Я с 15 лет выступаю на сцене!". Другие утверждали, что она, напротив, избегает общественности. "Конечно, я охотно сижу дома и готовлю еду для мужа, но я до сих пор без проблем общаюсь с фанатами и даю автографы".

Летом 1991 года Сандра начала подготовку к записи нового альбома, для этого она вновь стала тренировать голос. Название для пластинки уже было придумано - "Close to seven". Название означает, что это почти седьмой альбом певицы. За один день Михаэль Крету написал песню "Don't be aggressive", которая в 1992 году вновь принесла Сандре успех. А в марте того же года наконец-то вышел и обещанный диск. Этот альбом был охарактеризован прессой как самая удачная веха в карьере Сандры.

Крупный фан-сайт Sandra: sandraland.de

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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #3

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Дискография Сандры:

1985 - The Long Play
1986 - Mirrors
1987 - Ten On One (compilation)
1988 - Everlasting Love (Ten On One USA Version) (compilation)
1988 - Into A Secret Land
1990 - Paintings In Yellow
1992 - Close To Seven
1992 - 18 Greatest Hits (compilation)
1995 - Fading Shades
1999 - My Favourites (Remixes)
2002- The Wheel Of Time
2006 - Reflections (Remixes)
2007 - The Art Of Love
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #4

Eternal Dreamer
Иконка группы

Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома The Long Play (1985)

In The Heat Of The Night

Talk to me, want my Love,
Talk to me, but not that stuff...
You ain't enough, using my love.
You call for me, again I see:

In the heat of the night,
(You'll lose your heart and sell your soul)
I lose control in the heat of the night
(It's much too late to leave the trade)
But I can't stand it anymore
(You'll lose your heart, it's your soul)
I lose control in the heat of the night
(In the heat of the night...)

Talk to me, want my Love,
Talk to me, but not that stuff...
Who's on my side?
Losing my pride...
You call for me, again I see:

In the heat of the night
(You'll lose your heart and sell your soul)
I lose control in the heat of the night
(It's much too late to leave the trade)
But I can't stand it anymore
(You'll lose your heart, it's your soul)
I lose control in the heat of the night
(In the heat of the night...)

On The Tray (Seven Years)

Once in a year I'm looking back, counting the hurts,
Time after time it's been so hard holding my ground,
And I miss you,
(For seven years)
And need you
(For seven years),
Oh this lotto game I don't wanna play...

(On the tray),
Just for seven years,
It's the same odd fears in my heart...
I can understand my blues,
I'm still trying not to lose,
(On the tray),
Just for seven years
And if time reveals you're the one,
I hear everything you say
It's much easier to play
(On the tray)

Years passed me by and still I'm here, swallow the dreams,
Posing in silk, we spoke to smile, trying to be strong
And I miss you
(For seven years),
And need you
(For seven years),
Oh this lotto game I don't wanna play...

(On the tray),
Just for seven years,
It's the same odd fears in my heart...
I can understand my blues,
I'm still trying not to lose,
(On the tray),
Just for seven years
And if time reveals you're the one,
I hear everything you say
It's much easier to play
(On the tray)

Little Girl

Venice night at 5 o'clock, the station hazy light,
A sleeping bum, a single girl, she's leaving overnight.

And she knows that it's forever,
And she'll never ever return...

In Italy, on holidays, she had to see Da Vinci's style,
All the arts for credit cards,
She would forgive him for a smile.

And she knows that it's forever,
And she'll never ever return...

Hey little girl,
Don't wanna cause you pain but the big boys feel no sorrow,
Oh hey little girl, hey little girl,
They're all the same but they feel no sorrow...

There she is, inside a train and now she's leaning back,
She's got money for one day and nothing in the rack.

And she knows that it's forever,
And she'll never ever return...

Hey little girl,
Don't wanna cause you pain but the big boys feel no sorrow,
Oh hey little girl, hey little girl,
They're all the same but they feel no sorrow...

You And I

Changes, turning my pages,
What's gone is gone, you gotta show the way.
Changes over the ages,
It always seems too new, it's always been the same.
Take the pieces of my heart, watching all re-arrange...

You and I belong together,
You and I too proud to lie,
Don't know why it took so long, till we got this far...
You and I (you and I)
Could love (could love)
Forever (forever more)
You and I (you and I)
God knows (God knows)
We'll try,
In the mirror of your eyes I am not alone,
You and I...

Secrets, tell me the story,
I know you well, I wanna hear it all.
Secrets, power and the glory,
We're on the edge of love, I found this way before.
Let the heavens fall apart, let the earth fade away...
You and I belong together,
You and I too proud to lie,
Don't know why it took so long, till we got this far...

You and I (you and I)
Could love (could love)
Forever (forever more)
You and I (you and I)
God knows (God knows)
We'll try,
In the mirror of your eyes I am not alone,
You and I...

(I'll Never Be) Maria Magdalena

You take my love, you want my soul,
I would be crazy to share your life,
Why can't you see what I am?
Sharpen your senses and turn the knife,
Hurt me and you'll understand...

I'll never be Maria Magdalena,
(You're a creature of the night)
Maria Magdalena
(You're a victim of the fight - You need love)
Promise me delight,
(You need love)
I'll never be Maria Magdalena,
(You're a creature of the night)
Maria Magdalena,
(You're a victim of the fight - You need love)
Promise me delight
(You need love)

Why must I lie, find alibis?
When will you wake up and realize?
I can't surrender to you,
Play for affection and win the prize,
I know those party games, too...

I'll never be Maria Magdalena,
(You're a creature of the night)
Maria Magdalena,
(You're a victim of the fight - You need love)
Promise me delight
(You need love)
I'll never be Maria Magdalena,
(You're a creature of the night)
Maria Magdalena,
(You're a victim of the fight - You need love)
Promise me delight
(You need love)

Heartbeat (That's Emotion)

Heartbeat, that's emotion,
Heartbeat, it's devotion,
Ever more desire,
Tell me you're someone who's better...
Heartbeat, that's emotion,
Heartbeat, it's devotion,
Ever more desire,
Tell me you're someone who's better in my life...

I wanna know if your love is right,
Don't take your life away,
My jealous part is begging you to stay.
And even if I dream of you,
I'm doing all the scenes,
I never thought you do it once again.
I get my time to be a liar...

Heartbeat, that's emotion,
Heartbeat, it's devotion,
Ever more desire,
Tell me you're someone who's better...
Heartbeat, that's emotion,
Heartbeat, it's devotion,
Ever more desire
Tell me you're someone who's better in my life...

You locked my soul for many times,
Changing feelings in me,
Calling circles of confusion, leaving me.
I get my time to be a liar...
(Heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat - That's emotion...)
(Heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat)
More desire,
Tell me you're someone who's better...
That's emotion
It's devotion
Ever more desire
Tell me you're someone who's better...

Sisters And Brothers

Caramel kisses and children at play,
Do you remember? It's so far away...
Did we swear to be true, cause divided we fall?

Sisters and brothers are growing so tall,
Strangers and lovers, make fools of us all...

Where is the laughter, that ends without pain?
Where are the summers without any rain?
Can they ever return, all the years I recall?

Sisters and brothers are growing so tall,
Strangers and lovers, make fools of us all...

If you can hear me, I need you right now!

Sisters and brothers are growing so tall,
Strangers and lovers make fools of us all...

Change Your Mind

(Change your mind, we're getting closer,
Change your mind, we can get closer)

Change your mind, we can get closer,
These eyes that shine, are telling a story,
I'll change your mind, all I need is time,
Till I show you the way I wanna be.

You think you know me but you're wrong,
Too late for questions when I'm gone,
So if you'll hear me I'll explain,
I need your comfort, not your blame.

Change your mind, we can get closer,
These eyes that shine are telling a story,
I'll change your mind, all I need is time,
Till I show you the way I wanna be.

How can you ever be so sure?
Are you the justice and the law?
All I'm defending is my word,
Do you believe in all you heard?

Change your mind, we can get closer,
These eyes that shine are telling a story,
I'll change your mind, all I need is time,
Till I show you the way I wanna be.
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Тексты песен альбома Mirrors (1986)

The Second Day

The second day will bring the answer,
Risk of eclipse lurks in the dark...
A silent scream comes from the inside,
Don't you hear it call?
(Don't you hear it call?)

Don't Cry (The Breakup Of The World)

People crowd together, why don't you take it?
Wait a little longer and see how they make it.
(Ten, nine)
Twining with time,
Why can't you see me?
(Five, four)
Risk of eclipse,
(Three, two)
If you can't forgive me.
(One, return to zero, return to zero!)

The breakup of the world,
Don't cry,
We're gonna save our lifes and time is on my side;
Don't cry,
I'm gonna realize the breakup of the world...
(Baby, please don't cry)
We can forgive, we're gonna try
(Baby, please don't cry)
I wanna live, I fear the breakup of the world...
(Baby, please don't cry)

World is torn and tattered, why can't you take it?
Hope a little longer and see how we'll make it.
(Ten, nine)
Swallow your pride,
Why can't you see me?
(Five, four)
Risk of eclipse,
(Three, two)
If you can't forgive me
(One, return to zero, return to zero!)

The breakup of the world,
Don't cry,
We're gonna save our lifes and time is on my side;
Don't cry,
I'm gonna realize the breakup of the world...
(Baby, please don't cry)
We can forgive, we're gonna try
(Baby, please don't cry)
I wanna live, I fear the breakup of the world...
(Baby, please don't cry)
(Six, five, four, three, two, one)
The breakup of the world...

Hi! Hi! Hi!

You can't run, can't hide,
I can't leave your side.

When your heart is burning,
Turn me inside out if you can...
Love is just the yearning,
Searching for a caressing hand...

Hi! Hi! Hi! We need emotion!
(Love is incurable)
I say Hi! Hi! Hi! Gimme a sign!
We might apologize and we might realize
Hi... Hi...
Hi! Hi! Hi! We need emotion!
(Love is incurable)
I say Hi! Hi! Hi! Gimme a sign!

I can't lie, can't fly,
While we share this style.

This might be the answer
To the latest question we had...
Running round my mind,
It doesn't cease to driving me mad...

Hi! Hi! Hi! We need emotion!
(Love is incurable)
I say Hi! Hi! Hi! Gimme a sign!
We might apologize and we might realize
Hi... Hi...
Hi! Hi! Hi! We need emotion!
(Love is incurable)
I say Hi! Hi! Hi! Gimme a sign!

Hi! Hi! Hi! We need emotion!
I say Hi! Hi! Hi! Gimme a sign!
I say Hi! Hi! Hi! We need emotion!
(Love is incurable)
I say Hi! Hi! Hi! Gimme a sign!
We might apologize and we might realize
Hi... Hi...
Hi! Hi! Hi! We need emotion!
(Love is incurable)
I say Hi! Hi! Hi! Gimme a sign!
I say Hi! Hi! Hi! Gimme a sign!

Midnight Man

Strangers talking about my life,
Changes, they're gonna take my side...

Revelation in the station is following a man,
And right in this moment I'm in torment,
Hear your voice again...

I say man,
You're my midnight man,
Can't escape your voice on the radio,
I try it but I can't,
(For I need you badly)
You're my midnight man,
Hold me in your spider web,
Midnight man...

Rages, tearing up my mind,
Pages, I'm skimming to kill time...

Far till morning, hear a warning,
From the borderline,
You're right in this moment I'm in torment,
Hear your voice again...

I say man,
You're my midnight man,
Can't escape your voice on the radio,
I try it but I can't,
(For I need you badly)
You're my midnight man,
Hold me in your spider web,
Midnight man...

You'll Be Mine

I've never been lying,
You've never been trying.
To my jealousy you're leaving me every night,
If you would change your mind, just for me...

You'll be mine, you'll be mine,
But empty time seems to burn us up forever,
(We had that night and day)
Looks so fine in my mind, we will find just the corner we can hide,
(I won't delay a promise I made)
Hear the pounding of my heart,
Lying in the dark,
You'll be mine, you'll be mine,
Take my time, I won't give up...

You wanna be lonesome,
Don't wanna rely on,
Oh my jealousy, it's gonna be for my life,
And if we have no doubt, we can see...

You'll be mine, you'll be mine,
But empty time seems to burn us up forever,
(We had that night and day)
Looks so fine in my mind, we will find just the corner we can hide,
(I won't delay a promise I made)
Hear the pounding of my heart,
Lying in the dark,
You'll be mine, you'll be mine,
Take my time, I won't give up...
Take my time, I won't give up...

Innocent Love

This information is for everyone,
I've never had my chance for much too long,
I'm sick of buying lots of jewelry,
No matter if it's Rome or Tennessee...

Cause I wanna get in touch
With the man I miss so much,
And you should guarantee day by day

Innocent love,
(You need my innocent love)
My innocent love tonight,
(I cannot get enough)
You can stay by my side
And give me everything;
Innocent boy,
(You need my innocent boy)
My innocent boy tonight,
(You now can get enough)
You can stay by my side
And show me everything...

This information is for the boring man,
He's not in love, he's playing just a game,
I won't give up myself in luxury,
Don't wanna let him drown my ecstasy,

Cause I wanna get in touch
With the man I miss so much,
And you should guarantee day by day

Innocent love,
(You need my innocent love)
My innocent love tonight,
(I cannot get enough)
You can stay by my side
And give me everything;
Innocent boy,
(You need my innocent boy)
My innocent boy tonight,
(You now can get enough)
You can stay by my side
And show me everything...

Two Lovers Tonight

You stop my daydream, you choke my heart,
Why does the moment find us apart?

And the heads are turning on my way
While I'm walking there alone,
I got something that I can't delay, is it you?

Two lovers tonight are right, they catch my fall,
I'm going to light that night with you,
I'm gonna be right tonight, I catch your fall,
Two lovers tonight

You will be giving, you got a start,
Why can't the music light up your heart?

Does the music drift you far away
While the hours come and go?
And who's starting now to find a way, is it you?

Two lovers tonight are right, they catch my fall,
I'm going to light that night with you,
I'm gonna be right tonight, I catch your fall,
Two lovers tonight
Two lovers tonight

Mirror Of Love

Walk of life feels so nice
And here's the perfect place...

Paradise can't be nice
For you, if you can feel...
And you know you can't be cheated of your life

In the mirror of love, please feel me,
We'll be driving away
(The walk of life)
In the mirror of love, please feel me
And I wish you would stay
(It's in the mirror of love)
Flying away
(Ooh of love)
It's caught in crystal ice
(In the mirror of love)
Mirror of love

Fail your try, fail to cry
So warm, the walk of life...

Stay in trance, live your chance,
They call and you're not there...
And you know you can't be cheated of your life

In the mirror of love, please feel me,
We'll be driving away
(The walk of life)
In the mirror of love, please feel me
And I wish you would stay
(It's in the mirror of love)
Flying away
(Ooh of love)
It's caught in crystal ice
(In the mirror of love)
Mirror of love


Take a walk on a Sunday morning,
Have a talk, be silent inside...

Did you only want the shelter?
What is turning round your mind?

Loreen, Loreen,
They are down on you,
Could you ever find again,
Just what you've been before?
Loreen, Loreen,
You're so down and blue,
It's getting better every day
But you are about to lose your way...

Take a walk and I tail behind you,
Range your thoughts look over your life,

And I know what you're reciting,
What is turning round your mind?

Loreen, Loreen,
They are down on you,
Could you ever find again,
Just what you've been before?
Loreen, Loreen,
You're so down and blue,
It's getting better every day,
But you are about to lose your way...
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Тексты песен альбома Into A Secret Land (1988)

Secret Land

(I remember,
Leaves were falling down in St. Germain,
It was a cold November,
You went away and I got a dream...)

Nobody knows who I am, maybe you would understand,
Anybody knows what I am, out in a secret land,
Nobody knows how I try not to tell another lie,
Anybody knows, in the end I'll find a secret land...

I need you, I feel you,
I can't live without you so long...
And I know that we parted,
I'll stay in this town 'cause I miss you so...
I feel it, I mean it,
The secret that I'm gonna show...
And I turn back, I see that
All my love had to fail but I miss you so...

Nobody knows who I am, maybe you would understand,
Anybody knows what I am, out in a secret land,
Nobody knows how I try not to tell another lie,
Anybody knows, in the end I'll find a secret land...

Nobody knows who I am, maybe you would understand,
Anybody knows what I am, out in a secret land,
Nobody knows how I try not to tell another lie,
Anybody knows, in the end I'll find a secret land...

(I need you, feel you,
I can't live without you so long 'cause I miss you so)

Nobody knows who I am, maybe you would understand,
Anybody knows, in the end I'll find a secret land...

Nobody knows who I am, maybe you would understand,
Anybody knows what I am, out in a secret land,
Nobody knows how I try not to tell another lie,
Any body knows, in the end I'll find a secret land...

We'll Be Together

Days in blue and nights in fever fall in Chinatown,
Flames and light, a silent fire, not a single sound...
(Who used to cry for love?)
Oh time and time again I used to cry for some love,

And we'll be together,
(With a little luck, a little luck)
We'll be coming out of the dark,
Say you will, say you'll come my way...
And this means forever,
(With a little luck, a little luck)
We'll be coming out of the dark,
Say you will, say you'll come...

Night is cold and moon is flashing in a lonesome dance,
I don't care 'cause you're beside me, I can take my chance
(Who used to cry for love?)
Oh time and time again I used to cry for some love,

And we'll be together,
(With a little luck, a little luck)
We'll be coming out of the dark,
Say you will, say you'll come my way...
And this means forever
(With a little luck, a little luck)
We'll be coming out of the dark,
Say you will, say you'll come...

It's like a wave, that touched my skin,
And I'll let you stay and we'll be together...

And we'll be together,
(With a little luck, a little luck)
We'll be coming out of the dark,
Say you will, say you'll come my way...
And this means forever
(With a little luck, a little luck)
We'll be coming out of the dark,
Say you will, say you'll come...

Heaven Can Wait

I saw your face and you saw mine
And then we got much higher...
I can't deny, you came in time
To set the night on fire...

(Close your eyes, close your eyes and say:
You're the one, don't you feel the same?)

And heaven can wait 'cause you're my desire...
Heaven can wait, you're turning up in time...
So take up my heart,
Living for this day of joy, oh no,
It's never too late, oh yeah,
And heaven can wait...

I saw your eyes and you saw mine,
You cannot be a liar...
By day and night, say what you like,
I'll keep my love much higher...

(Close your eyes, close your eyes and say:
You're the one, don't you feel the same?)

And heaven can wait 'cause you're my desire...
Heaven can wait, you're turning up in time...
So take up my heart,
Living for this day of joy, oh no,
It's never too late, oh yeah,
And heaven can wait...

(Heaven can wait, and Heaven can wait, it's never too late...)

And heaven can wait 'cause you're my desire...
Heaven can wait, you're turning up in time...
So take up my heart,
Living for this day of joy, oh no,
It's never too late, oh yeah,
And heaven can wait 'cause you're my desire...
Heaven can wait, uh-huh, you're turning up in time...
So take up my heart,
Living for this day of joy, oh no,
It's never too late, oh yeah,
And heaven can wait...

Just Like Diamonds

Fade away my time in slow motion,
Any day, when I hear you call, I tremble deep inside,
Means love tonight...

Jesus handed down his love and cried precious diamonds,
You said you'd love me, I saw your eyes shine like diamonds,
And my tears are nothing more than a dream,
Just like diamonds

Heard a song, my face on your shoulder,
For so long I could hear this song,
It lingers in my heart,
Means love tonight...

Jesus handed down his love and cried precious diamonds,
You said you'd love me, I saw your eyes shine like diamonds,
And my tears are nothing more than a dream,
Just like diamonds

My heart feels Love tonight...

Jesus handed down his love and cried precious diamonds,
You said you'd love me, I saw your eyes shine like diamonds...

Jesus handed down his love and cried precious diamonds,
You said you'd love me, I saw your eyes shine like diamonds...
(Your eyes keep shining just like diamonds)

Jesus handed down his love and cried precious diamonds,
(Your eyes keep shining just like diamonds)

You said you'd love me, I saw your eyes shine like diamonds...
(Your eyes keep shining just like diamonds...
Your eyes keep shining just like diamonds - diamonds...
Your eyes keep shining just like diamonds - diamonds...)

Around My Heart

Some time back in '85,
In July, when the Summer was high,
We've been alright,
You know what money can't buy...

One kiss on a flatbed truck,
A hot rain has completed our luck,
You said "Words don't mean nothing
But you will be mine..."

It goes around my heart,
Hey, heyah, what a criminal man,
Life will go in circles all around my heart,
Hey, hey, it's such a dangerous game,
I'm afraid you'd lose your trust in love...

Good friend in the darkest night,
You feel blind but my love is cateyed,
Just follow its light,
You've got to follow the light,

Some day you'll be face to face,
And you'll see human nature can't waste my love,
Words don't mean nothing, as long as you're mine...

It goes around my heart,
Hey, heyah, what a criminal man,
Life will go in circles all around my heart,
Hey, hey, it's such a dangerous game,
I'm afraid you'd lose your trust in love...

Around my heart,
Hey, heyah, what a criminal man,
Life will go in circles all around my heart,
Hey, hey, it's such a dangerous game,
I'm afraid you'd lose your trust in love...

Crazy Juliet

You were my everything,
You laid the foundation of my life...

I'd been stranded in notions,
You handled emotions by my side...

You said: "Take a seat, tell you 'bout a golden ring,
Married people lack emotion, love is just a fight..."

Crazy Juliet, here I come again,
Let's have fun tonight,
(Let's have fun tonight)
And everybody needs somebody,
Crazy Juliet (Juliet),
The time of your life...

You have been lost and found,
I travelled the ocean, well you know...

There's a time for devotion,
My heart is in motion like before...

I say: "Watch the bride, Juliet's got a golden ring!
I don't need no invitation, coming late at night..."

Crazy Juliet, here I come again,
Let's have fun tonight,
(Let's have fun tonight)
And everybody needs somebody,
Crazy Juliet (Juliet),
The time of your life...

La Vista De Luna

I know the name of a lonely place,
It's called "La Vista de Luna",
When you're a part of the island-life,
You feel so warm inside...

Oooh, heaven's child,
Oooh, here's what you find...

Give me another, just another sign of love,
And I say "La Vista de Luna",
Love is a brother, under cover of the moon,
I show you, it's really in my mind,
(And when a part is done, even love could fade away, oh yeah)
If you got to leave, just leave me on "La Vista de Luna"...

It's not a face of the moon tonight,
It's just "La Vista de Luna"
And if you promise to hold me tight,
I feel so warm inside...

Oooh, all my life,
Oooh, I'll stay by your side...

Give me another, just another sign of love,
And I say "La Vista de Luna",
Love is a brother, under cover of the moon,
I show you, it's really in my mind,
(And when a part is done, even love could fade away, oh yeah)
If you got to leave, just leave me on "La Vista de Luna"...

Celebrate Your Life

I can never say goodbye any special way,
Everything I left behind will keep on calling,
Can't take and understand this masquerade,
Look back, look back,
Who's to blame for putting out fire?

Like a moviestar I would dream so far,
And you?
You celebrate your life,
And with a one-way-ticket you fly up to the sky,
And earth below is blue, you celebrate your time,
But here I go, don't celebrate my life

I can't try to hold it down, when you make your day,
Everytime you cross the line, I'm way behind you,
No need to say our fate is just the same,
I put myself in your place,
There wasn't desire...

Like a moviestar I would dream so far,
And you?
You celebrate your life,
And with a one-way-ticket you fly up to the sky,
And earth below is blue, you celebrate your time,
But here I go, don't celebrate my life...

And maybe it's you,
You celebrate your life,
And with a one-way-ticket you fly up to the sky,
And earth below is blue, you celebrate your time,
But here I go, don't celebrate my life...

But I can try to understand it,
I have just one life, I celebrate it,
But I can try to understand it...

Children Of England

A child plays in silence, running wild,
He's never coming home...

King for a night (King for a night),
For a night...

Children of England, why do you run for your lives?
When you need someone, I'm gonna show,
My children of England don't have to stand here aside,
This reign has started long ago...

Mother I'll go far away 'cause my heart is young,
I find a way into their souls
And understand: They're looking out for love...

Cry for the moon (Cry for the moon),
For the moon...

Children of England, why do you run for your lives?
When you need someone, I'm gonna show,
My children of England don't have to stand here aside,
This reign has started long ago...

(Of England, England, of England, England)

Children of England, why do you run for your lives?
When you need someone, I'm gonna show,
My children of England don't have to stand here aside,

My children of England...
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Тексты песен альбома Paintings In Yellow (1990)


Fly, little bird, to Hiroshima,
And the way a load,
Speak the magic word to Hiroshima,
Let the sky explode,
Hiroshima, Hiroshima...

There's a shadow of a man at Hiroshima,
Where he passed the moon,
In a wonderland at Hiroshima,
Where he died too soon,
And the world remembers his face,
Remembers the place was here...

Fly, little bird, to Hiroshima,
And the way a load,
Speak the magic word to Hiroshima,
Let the sky explode,
And the world remembers his name,
Remembers the flame was Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Hiroshima...

(Hiroshima was the flame!
Know his face, we know his name!
We're remembering the place was here!)

Shadow of a man at Hiroshima,
Where he passed the moon,
In a wonderland at Hiroshima,
Where he died too soon,
And the world remembers his name,
Remembers the flame was Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Hiroshima...

Oh oh oh oh!
Oh no no no!
Oh, no, don't do it!

(Life May Be) A Big Insanity

Sun came up this morning, broke into my room,
I turned the TV on...
The sun was red, I heard about the news,
That turned me upside down...

It's hard when you see it, there's torture and pain,
I still have this feeling, there's something left to say...

Life may be a big insanity,
But love will conquer hate to all eternity,
Don't you know' We are strong...
Life may be a big insanity,
But there is more to life than reality,
Cause our hearts make us strong...

Picking up the phone, the pictures always change,
Children playing in the streets,
Talking to somebody, I can only watch,
Til I get on my feet...

Dark times and mean crimes, they can't beat my dreams,
The eyes of a child tell me, something's left to say...

Life may be a big insanity,
But love will conquer hate to all eternity,
Don't you know' We are strong...
Life may be a big insanity,
But there is more to life than reality,
Cause our hearts make us strong...

Johnny Wanna Live

I got something on my mind,
Makes me sad and makes my cry - oh no,
Johnny wanna live...

Just an ordinary day,
An animal will pass away - oh no,
Johnny wanna live...

Who's to say he got no rights?
Even not a right to life?
Don't know why it leaves you cold,
Don't know how to make it show - oh no,
Johnny wanna live, Johnny wanna live...

Got to give his skin away,
For coats they wear on summerdays - oh no,
Johnny wanna live...

Beauty aid and all the rest,
Come directly from a test - oh no,
Johnny wanna live...

Through his eyes I look inside his heart,
He can feel like me and you,
Can't defend himself 'cause he can't talk,
And this is why I talk to you...

Johnny isn't just a name,
He stands for every creature's pain - oh no,
Johnny wanna live, Johnny wanna live...

Go and try to look inside his heart,
You can find your own mistakes,
Try to hide them thinking he can't talk,
But he can read them in your face...

I got something on my mind,
Makes me sad and makes me cry - oh no,
Let him live!

Tell me why it leaves you cold
I swear, I'm gonna make it show - oh no,
Johnny wanna live, yeah, yeah, Johnny wanna live...

Oh Johnny wanna live,
Oh, let him live!
J-J-Johnny, J-J-Johnny, give him a chance!
You have the right to live, oh Johnny,
Johnny wanna live, Johnny wanna live,
Johnny wanna live!

Lovelight In Your Eyes

I take a train, I don't know why,
Maybe I simply don't wanna fly anymore...

Every day an endless dream
Of cigarettes and magazines, well I'm on the road...

I wonder why you didn't call today?
Everytime it rains I start to pray...

Show me how you're feeling, show me no disguise,
I am always dreaming of the lovelight in your eyes,
I'm lonely in the morning, I lie awake at night,
I am always dreaming of the lovelight in your eyes...

I'm rolling on, time goes by,
I see my life, the sorrow left behind, miss you so...

You do me cold, I'm warm inside,
You must know, that I can be alright on my own...

I wonder why you didn't call today?
Everytime it rains I start to pray...

Show me how you're feeling, show me no disguise,
I am always dreaming of the lovelight in your eyes,
I'm lonely in the morning, I lie awake at night,
I am always dreaming of the lovelight in your eyes...

I wonder why you didn't call today?
Everytime it rains I start to pray...

Show me how you're feeling, show me no disguise,
I am always dreaming of the lovelight in your eyes,
I'm lonely in the morning, I lie awake at night,
I am always dreaming of the lovelight in your eyes...

One More Night

One more night, one more night with you,
Close your eyes, I'll give you my love,
One more night, one more night with you,
Please hold me once again, 'cause I love you...

Here I stand and I can't even cry,
My heart is breaking up inside,
You say goodbye, you found somebody new,
Wherever you go, I'll be with you...

One more night, one more night with you,
Hear me now, I can't let you go,
One more night, I'll open my heart to you,
Please hold me once again, 'cause I love you...

Before you leave, just take me in your arms,
And let me feel you once again,
Can't help myself, I still depend on you,
Whatever you do, I'll be with you...

One more night, one more night with you,
Close your eyes, I'll give you my love,
One more night, one more night with you,
You know how long it gonna last, it's up to you,
I wanna hold you once again, 'cause I love you...

The Skin I'm In

People say, I need a new direction,
People say, that I won't last,
People change opinions with their dresses,
I have learned how to protect...

I don't need to run for cover,
Always feel like I'm home...

I don't care what people think,
It's just because I like the skin I'm in,
Come what may, my love is true,
It's double shelter, when I'm with you...

Can't deny, you're scared of their reaction,
Just understand, what's on my mind,
My only fear is, love won't last forever,
Come over here and look me in the eye...

You don't need to run for cover,
Make you feel like you are home...

I don't care what people think,
It's just because I like the skin I'm in,
Come what may, my love is true,
It's double shelter, when I'm with you,

I don't care what they might think,
Can't leave you, can't leave the skin I'm in,
Come what may, you must be true,
We stick together, 'cause I'm in you...

You see, People can do you no harm,
Do you feel the way I feel safe in your arms?

I don't care what people think,
It's just because I like the skin I'm in,
Come what may, my love is true,
It's double shelter, when I'm with you,

I don't care what they might think,
Can't leave you, can't leave the skin I'm in,
Come what may, you must be true,
We stick together, 'cause I'm in you...

Paintings In Yellow

I see a shining ocean, I see the sky so blue,
I see a world in motion, can you see this too?

A little piece is dying, a little piece in you,
Why don't you understand?
Life is in your hands, see the dream I have...

Paintings in yellow keep shining in my mind,
Don't know why, I just don't know why you're blind,
Paintings in yellow keep shining in my heart,
Don't know how but I try to make you see...

I feel a warm wind blowing, I feel the sun and rain,
I feel the beauty we live in, do you feel the same?

For the love that I'm feeling I rely and I count on you,
Why don't you understand?
The world is in your hands, can you hear me call?

Paintings in yellow keep shining in my mind,
Don't know why, I just don't know why you're blind,
Oh paintings in yellow keep shining in my heart,
Don't know how but I try to make you see...

Paintings in yellow keep shining in my mind,
Don't know why, I just don't know why you're blind,
Oh paintings in yellow keep shining in my heart,
Don't know how but I try to make you see...

Oh paintings in yellow (keep shining in your heart),
Paintings in yellow (keep shining in your mind),
Paintings in yellow...
Paintings in yellow (keep shining in your mind),
Paintings in yellow (keep shining in your heart),
Paintings in yellow (keep shining in your heart)...

The Journey

(A: Cold Out Here)
Darkness forever, neverending night,
Flame in the ashes, water turns to ice,
Oh it's cold out here, it's cold out here...

(B: I'm Alive)
Wake up to the break of day, wake up from a dream,
World outside is dark and grey, no one in the streets,
Can you hear me?
I'm alive!
Don't know where you've been last night, don't know where to go,
I hope that you're alright, walk an endless road,
Can you see me?
I'm alive!
Can you hear me?
I'm alive!

(C: Paintings)
Paintings in yellow, sun in the night,
Dream of life, will this dream come true some day?
Paintings in yellow, believe me when I say,
Don't know how but I try to make you see...

(D: Come Alive)
Dreaming the impossible, crying for the moon,
I keep the dream alive, I know you'll learn this, too,
Can you see me?
Come alive!
Can you hear me?
Come alive!

(E: The End)
Darkness is over, light is in your eyes,
I hear your laughter, lying by your side,
Won't be cold in here,
Won't be cold in here...
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  Romantic Warrior
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Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Close To Seven (1992)

Don't Be Aggressive

You came around here today and again you were so cold,
I could see it in your eyes, when I tried to touch you,
I just can't understand what happened,
I just know I love you...

There may be trouble, there may be pain,
But here I am, I'm longing for you,
Tell me your wishes, tell me your dreams,
I'll do everything for you,
But please don't be aggressive...

Don't be aggressive, don't be a fool,
Don't be, don't be aggressive to me,
Don't be possessive, don't be so cruel,
Just love me, don't be aggressive to me!

There was a time not long ago, our love was young,
You were totally different and I felt safe in your arms,
Now tell me, what made you change?
What made your heart turn to stone?

I could be your friend, I could be your slave,
I could be everything that you want me to,
But baby, don't be aggressive...

Don't be aggressive, don't be a fool,
Don't be, don't be aggressive to me,
Don't be possessive, don't be so cruel,
Just love me, don't be aggressive to me!

Don't be aggressive, don't be a fool,
Don't be, don't be aggressive to me,
Don't be possessive, don't be so cruel,
Just love me, don't be aggressive to me!

Don't be aggressive, don't be a fool,
Better love me, don't be aggressive to me!

Mirrored In Your Eyes

Hey babe, I'm mirrored in your eyes,
Don't say you don't know why,
Oh babe, I'm mirrored in your eyes,
I feel that it's love,
It's love you can't deny...

Remember times you touched my skin,
I knew I would be yours,
You said "I love you so",
But then you run away - why?

Hey babe, I'm mirrored in your eyes,
Don't say you don't know why,
Oh babe, I'm mirrored in your eyes,
I feel that it's love,
It's love you can't deny...

Hey babe, I'm mirrored in your eyes,
Don't say you wonder why,
Hey babe, I'm mirrored in your eyes,
I know that it's love,
(I know that it's love)
It's love you can't hide,
(It's love you can't hide)
Oh babe, don't be so shy,
(Babe, don't be so shy)
Cause I'm mirrored in your eyes...

I Need Love

I need,
I need,
I need, I need,
I need, I need, I need, I need love!

I need,
I need love!
I need, I need,
I need, I need, I need, I need love!

I don't wanna be alone tonight,
Don't wanna see the morning light,
The only thing I need is love...

I, I'm only waiting on a sign,
Anticipating you'll be mine,
The only thing I need is love,
(You need love, you need love, you need love!)

I need,
I need, I need love!
I need, I need,
I need, I need, I need, I need love!

(Oh baby, I miss you so)
I need love! I need love!
(Oh oh baby, I need you and I miss you so)
I need love!

Heart beats like crazy,
I need love!
(You need love, you need love, you need love)
Reach out and feel me,
I need love!
(You need love, you need love, you need love)

Heart beats like crazy,
I need love!
(You need love, you need love, you need love)
Reach out and feel me,
I need love!

No Taboo

It's late at night, you won't sleep,
You lie awake and think
About him and his blue eyes,
You feel a burning desire...

Imagine this: You are at home,
On dim light in your room,
You want him and he wants you,
So what you're gonna do?

Don't know if it's wrong, I don't know if it's right,
But if your love is true, there's no taboo,
(Girl, understand)
Don't know if it's wrong,
(Girl, I need you)
I don't know if it's right,
(Girl, I love you)
But if your love is true, there's no taboo...

Close your eyes - How does it feel?
Can you be sure, will you give in?
If you do, it's passion,
L'amour, toujours de l'amour...

Don't know if it's wrong, I don't know if it's right,
But if your love is true, there's no taboo,
(Girl, understand)
Don't know if it's wrong,
(Girl, I need you)
I don't know if it's right,
(Girl, I love you)
But if your love is true, there's no taboo...

Shocked, ashamed and here you go,
Want dim light in your room,
You want him and he wants you,
You do know what to do,

Don't know what is wrong,
(Girl, I want you)
I don't know what is right,
(Girl, I need you)
But if your love is true, there's no taboo,
(Girl, understand)
Don't know if it's wrong,
(Girl, I need you)
I don't know if it's right,
(Girl, I love you)
But if your love is true, there's no taboo...

When The Rain Doesn't Come

A little farm, so far away, rice fields everywhere,
Seven children with their mum
And nobody else,
They have to suffer...

When the rain... When the rain doesn't come,
When the rain... When the rain doesn't come...

Johnny Lee, about fourteen, no childlife in her eyes,
Now and then she has to leave,
To save her family...

When the rain... When the rain doesn't come,
When the rain... When the rain doesn't come...
When the rain... When the rain doesn't come,
When the rain... When the rain doesn't come...

Neon lights, big time, a child is back,
In the doorway tiny Johnny Lee,
Some guys try to touch her,
She closes her eyes and thinks "It has to be"...

When the rain... When the rain doesn't come,
When the rain... When the rain doesn't come...

Her will is stronger than her pride,
She sells her body to let her family survive,
Go and tell the child behind those eyes,
Don't play on the situation...

Even if the rain... If the rain doesn't come,
Even if the rain... If the rain doesn't come,
Even if the rain... If the rain doesn't come...
Yeah, yeah...

Steady Me

Come to me,
Cool water's running all over me,
I can't help myself,
Baby steady me...

Come to me now,
There're fantasies I can't be without,
You can set me free,
Baby steady me...

Je veux aller avec toi,
Jusqu'au bout du monde,
Je veux tout comme tu veux, comme tu veux,
Je t'aime...

I can wait,
I think about you every day,
I can find no sleep,
Baby steady me...

Call it sin,
I feel I've got you under my skin,
Won't you do me no harm, no,
Baby steady me...

I just wanna say,
Let's do everything that I can take,
You can set me free,
Baby steady me,
Baby steady me,
Baby steady me...


Shadows over my head,
Shadows, it's driving me mad,
I'm so afraid what rules my mind,
I only wanna live my life...

(Can't run, can't hide)
Will I ever find some piece of mind?
(So sad, we tried)
We can't live together, tell me why!

Shadows over my head,
Shadows, it's driving me mad,
I'm so afraid what rules my mind,
I only wanna live my life...
Will you stand by me? Just hear me now!
I've been always waiting, can't you see?

Shadows over my head,
Shadows (shadows), it's driving me mad (shadows),
I'm so afraid what rules my mind,
I only wanna live my life...

(You're on the run)
Over my head,
(You're on the run)
It's driving me mad,
I'm so afraid what rules my mind,
I only wanna live my life!

Shadows over my head,
Shadows, driving me mad,

Seal It Forever

Can I find the words to say, how I feel tonight?
We always change, we can turn back time,
Just look at me, I'm so scared,
Would you be here, if I was sad,
Would you do?

I wanna be your guiding light,
Wanna stay right by your side,
And seal it forever with love...
I wanna say how much I care,
Wanna tell you I'll be there,
And seal it forever with love...

Will you let me down someday, will the heart get burned?
I count on you, we must leave and learn,
Just look at me, I love you,
I still believe in what we do,
I count on you...

I wanna be your guiding light,
Wanna stay right by your side,
And seal it forever with love...
I wanna say how much I care,
Wanna tell you I'll be there,
And seal it forever with love...

Babe, I know that you're mirrored in my eyes,
A long time I was wondering why,
Maybe I was foolish and shy,
But now I know, that it's true love,
Love I can't deny...

Now my life is in your hands,
Seal it forever!

I wanna be your guiding light,
Wanna stay right by your side,
And seal it forever with love...
I wanna say how much I care,
Wanna tell you I'll be there,
And seal it forever with love...

Love Turns To Pain

I can't get it right,
Cause what I'm feeling, conquers my mind...
Always understand,
That time'd be a healer but it hurts to lose a friend...

I see your face, those eyes so blue,
I'm still under your spell,
Leaving me you smiled and waved

When love turns to pain,
(The big boys never cry)
I can't play the game,
(The big boys never cry)
So look what you're doing, can't hold back the tears,
I just go insane, when love turns to pain

I'm crying for you,
You play it cool now, so what can I do?
It's driving me mad,
I'm talking 'bout a fever, that burns in my head...

I don't know why you act so mean,
I shiver deep inside,
Leaving me you smiled and waved

When love turns to pain,
(The big boys never cry)
I can't play the game,
(The big boys never cry)
So look what you're doing, can't hold back the tears,
I just go insane, when love turns to pain

When love turns to pain...
I can't play the game,
When love turns to pain,
(The big boys never cry)
I can't play the game,
(The big boys never cry)
Oh, when love turns to pain,
I can't play the game,
The game, when love turns to pain,
(The big boys never cry)
The game, when love turns to pain...

Your Way To India

You and I,
Here we are stranded,
You and I,
Still taste the tears of cry,
The world keeps turning,
Without you I'm like a soul without a mind,
You keep on searching for something you left behind...

(Deep in my heart I feel for you,
If loving ain't all, what can I do?)
On your way to India you'll see the light,
On your way to India, your eternal light,
On your way to India you'll have me in mind...

Now I find,
I just need you like I never did before,
You love me blind and we can't talk anymore...

(Here is my heart, I feel for you,
If loving ain't all, what can I do?)
On your way to India you'll see the light,
On your way to India, your eternal light,
(I'm like a soul without a mind)
On your way to India,
(My world keeps turning)
You'll have me in mind,
(I keep on searching all the time)
It's gotta be alright,
(I miss you)
On your way to India...

On your way to India,
(I need you so)
You'll see the light,
(I was a fool to leave you)
On your way to India,
(Babe, I really had no choice)
Your eternal light,
(I'm like a soul without a mind)
On your way to India,
(My world keeps turning)
You'll have me in mind,
(I keep on searching all the time)
It's gotta be alright,
(I miss you)
On your way to India...
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  Romantic Warrior
Сообщение #9

Eternal Dreamer
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Сообщений: 3336
Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома Fading Shades (1995)

Nights In White Satin

Nights in white satin, never reaching the end,
Letters I've written, never meaning to send,

Beauty I'd always missed with these eyes before,
Just what the truth is, I can't say anymore...

Cause I love you,
Yes I love you,
Oh oh, I love you!
How I love you!

Gazing at people, some hand in hand,
Just what I'm going through, they can't understand...

Cause I love you, (cause I love you)
Yes I love you, (Yes, I love you)
Oh oh, I love you, (Yes, I love you)
How I love you!
Cause I love you, (cause I love you)
Yes I love you, (Yes, I love you)

Cause I love you, (cause I love you)
Yes I love you, (Yes, I love you)
Oh oh, I love you,
How I love you!
(Yes I love you)
How I love you!
(Yes I love you)
(Yes I love you)

Son Of A Time Machine

Open your eyes, don't say goodbye,
Son of a time machine,
Stay for a while, learn how to smile,
It's not the end of time...

It wasn't a dream, I was on a journey,
I heard a cry,
It didn't sound like other children,

He was alive, was looking like dying,
He saw my tears,
Heaving his hands like he was reaching out for help...
(For your help)

Open your eyes, don't say goodbye,
Son of a time machine,
Stay for a while, learn how to smile,
It's not the end of time...
(I wanna be alive)
Could you believe, all that you need
Is hidden in your dreams?
(I wanna make you mine)
Don't say goodbye, the circle of life
Is like the endless time...

How does it feel when your heart is breaking?
How does it feel,
Taking the pain without complaining?

I'm talking to you, I hope you can hear me,
Just close your eyes
And you will find it in your heart and in your dreams...
(In your dreams)

Open your eyes, don't say goodbye,
Son of a time machine,
(I wanna live my life)
Stay for a while, learn how to smile,
It's not the end of time...
(I wanna be alive)
Could you believe, all that you need
Is hidden in your dreams?
(I wanna make you mine)
Don't say goodbye, the circle of life
Is like the endless time...

(In your dreams)

Open your eyes, don't say goodbye,
Son of a time machine,
(I wanna live my life)
Stay for a while, learn how to smile,
It's not the end of time...
Could you believe, all that you need
Is hidden in your dreams?
(I wanna make you mine)
Don't say goodbye, the circle of life
Is like the endless time...

Open your eyes, don't say goodbye,
Son of a time machine,
(I wanna live my life)
Stay for a while, learn how to smile,
It's not the end of time...
(I wanna live my life)
(I wanna make you mine)

Won't Run Away

(I won't run away from you, I won't run away from you)

I won't run away from you,
And I won't try to hide myself for one more time...
(I won't run away from you, I won't run away from you)

So many people come and go,
They can be mean but they won't show,
Smiling to all you've said, talking behind your back,
But I won't care forevermore...

When I'm feeling like a stranger, lost in the universe,
When it's cold, I know you'll come and warm my heart,
(Hear you)

I won't run away from you
And I won't try to hide myself for one more time,
(I won't run away from you, I won't run away from you)
Won't you please, please tell me who I am?
Cause I can only feel myself, when you are mine...
(I won't run away from you, I won't run away from you)

So many people interfere,
They know it all and disappear...
They didn't know a thing, Wonders are happening,
They said our love won't find a way...

When you're feeling like a stranger, lost in the universe,
I'll be there, it doesn't matter where you are...
(Hear you)

I won't run away from you
And I won't try to hide myself for one more time,
(I won't run away from you, I won't run away from you)
Won't you please, please tell me who I am?
Cause I can only feel myself, when you are mine...
(I won't run away from you, I won't run away from you)

I won't run away from you
And I won't try to hide myself for one more time,
(I won't run away from you, I won't run away from you)
Won't you please, please tell me who I am?
Cause I can only feel myself, when you are mine...
(I won't run away from you, I won't run away from you)

(I won't run away from you, run away from you,
I won't run away from you)

Tell Me More

Tell me more, tell me more,
Whatever I hear, it will be alright,
Tell me more, tell me more,
I wanna believe in you for all time...

Baby you try to find solutions,
When there is nothing you can do,
Baby I'm hiding my confusion,
Just when all I need is you,

Can't we try to understand each other?
I will listen to you now, I will turn you inside out...

Tell me more, tell me more,
Whatever I hear, it will be alright,
(I was never ever trying to hurt you)
Tell me more, tell me more,
I wanna believe in you for all time...
(I didn't get to tell you I love you)

I've got to tell you just one reason,
Why we can never be apart,
Cause when I look you in the eye,
I see, you feel so good when I'm around,
You just have to let it out...

Tell me more, tell me more,
Whatever I hear, it will be alright,
(I was never ever trying to hurt you)
Tell me more, tell me more,
I wanna believe in you for all time,
(I didn't get to tell you I love you)

Will Your Whisper

Yes, I believe in you, as you believe in me,
So will you whisper "Don't give up" to me once again?

We hide so many fears, we cry so many tears,
So will you whisper "Don't give up" to me once again?

There was a time, soft and tender,
I could feel the earth below,
When it slowly turned, I found myself alone...

Take me by your hand, I know you'll understand,
So will you whisper "Don't give up" to me once again?

Yes, I'm afraid of life, I know it takes some time,
So will you whisper?
Open up your heart, rise and shine...

I wanna know, can you tell me,
Why we have to be so cruel?
Do you know how deep it hurts,
When love is leaving you?

Why don't you say, you don't want me,
You don't need me in your life?
Do you know how deep it hurts to be alone?

It's deep inside of you and deep inside of me,
So will you whisper "Don't give up" to me once again?

The voice inside my dreams is talking to the wind,
I hear you whisper,
Open up your heart, rise and shine...

There was a time, soft and tender,
I could feel the earth below,
Do you know how deep it hurts to be alone?

I wanna know, can you tell me,
Is there never a forever thing?
Don't you know it hurts to be alone?
I wanna know...
Can you tell me?

Invisible Shelter

Invisible... (Invisible...)
(Invisible...) Invisible...
(My invisible shelter)
(My invisible shelter)

Feel me, I'm by your side,
Can you feel me tonight?
Can you hear me?
I am crying for you one more time,
Can you feel me inside?

I couldn't make it right and now you're out of sight,
But there is something you should know:
Your love is like a knife, it's driven deep inside,
I'd rather die than let it go...

I never thought, this world was running out of love,
I always thought, for me there's more than just enough...

Can you feel me?
Like a shadow I'm by your side,
Can you feel me tonight?
(My invisible shelter)
Can you hear me?
I am crying for you one more time,
Can you feel me inside?
(My invisible shelter)

A world in black and white, I learn to live my life,
I gotta find a way without you...
(My invisible shelter)

I never thought, that I could ever hate myself,
I never thought, that all I'd do was cry for help...

Can you feel me?
Like a shadow I'm by your side,
Can you feel me tonight?
(My invisible shelter)
Can you hear me?
Hear me, feel me, hear me,
Can you feel me tonight?
(My invisible shelter)

Can you feel me?
Hear me?
Can you feel me tonight?
(My invisible shelter)
(Invisible Shelter...)
(Invisible Shelter...)
(My invisible shelter)

You Are So Beautiful

You are so beautiful to me,
(As long as the world keeps turning)
You are the only thing I need in my life...

Will you be my guiding light?
And forever on my side?
Really need to know where I belong,
When any show that's on TV
And any fashion magazine
Make believe what's right and what is wrong...

Sometimes I feel lonely,
But that won't last forever,
I'm leaving this just behind...

You are so beautiful to me,
(As long as the world keeps turning)
You are the only thing I need in my life...
You are so beautiful to me,
(As long as our hearts keep burning)
You are the only thing I need in my life...

Could you ever turn around?
I could never let you down,
Wanna look you straight into the eye,
I don't even care about,
What is in and what is out...

Sometimes I feel lonely,
But that won't last forever,
I'm leaving this just behind...

You are so beautiful to me,
(As long as the world keeps turning)
You are the only thing I need in my life,
You are so beautiful to me,
(As long as our hearts keep burning)
You are the only thing I need in my life...

So beautiful, you're so beautiful...
So beautiful, you're so beautiful...
So beautiful, you're so beautiful...

You are so beautiful...
You are so beautiful to me,
You are the only thing I need in my life,
You are so beautiful to me,
(As long as our hearts keep turning)
You are the only thing I need in my life...
(In my life, in my life, in my life!)

I Need Love '95

I need,
I need,
I need, I need,
I need, I need, I need, I need love!

I need,
I need love!
I need, I need,
I need, I need, I need, I need love!

I don't wanna be alone tonight,
Don't wanna see the morning light,
The only thing I need is love...

I, I'm only waiting on a sign,
Anticipating you'll be mine,
The only thing I need is love,
(You need love, you need love, you need love!)

I need,
I need, I need love!
I need, I need,
I need, I need, I need, I need love!

(Oh baby, I miss you so)
I need love! I need love!
(Oh oh baby, I need you and I miss you so)
I need love!

Heart beats like crazy,
I need love!
(You need love, you need love, you need love)
Reach out and feel me,
I need love!
(You need love, you need love, you need love)

Heart beats like crazy,
I need love!
(You need love, you need love, you need love)
Reach out and feel me,
I need love!

First Lullaby

Evening sun is going down
Out on the ocean,
Wind is blowing round and round,
And this is your home, it's your home now...

Here's the place we go to sleep
And here is your garden,
I've got one arm for each of you,
One lullaby for two

Now it's time to close your eyes,
Dream and have no fear,
The monster's gone, he's on the run,
And your mom is here, it's your lullaby,

There will be joy and there'll be pain,
You will find out it's just the same,
This is your life that now begins,
Here you belong my pair of twins,
Will you be patient with your mom?
Some day you'll follow up the sun,
I'll be forever by your side,
And you will hear from time to time
Your first lullaby...

There will be joy and there'll be pain,
You will find out it's just the same,
This is your life that now begins,
Here you belong my pair of twins,
Will you be patient with your mom?
Some day you'll follow up the sun,
I'll be forever by your side,
And you will hear from time to time
Your first lullaby...
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Eternal Dreamer
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Из: Ленинград
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Тексты песен альбома My Favourites (1999)

Mirrored In Your Eyes ('99 Remix)

Hey babe, I'm mirrored in your eyes,
Don't say you don't know why,
Oh babe, I'm mirrored in your eyes,
I feel that it's love...

Hey babe, I'm mirrored in your eyes,
Don't say you don't know why,
Oh babe, I'm mirrored in your eyes,
I feel that it's love,
It's love you can't deny...

Remember times you touched my skin,
I knew I would be yours,
You said "I love you so",
But then you run away - why?

Hey babe, I'm mirrored in your eyes,
Don't say you don't know why,
Oh babe, I'm mirrored in your eyes,
I feel that it's love,
It's love you can't deny...

Babe, I know that you're mirrored in my eyes,
A long time I was wondering why,
Babe, I was foolish and shy,
But now I know, that it's true love,
Love I can't deny...
Love I can't deny...

Hey babe, I'm mirrored in your eyes,
Don't say you wonder why,
Hey babe, I'm mirrored in your eyes,
I know that it's love,
(I know that it's love)
It's love you can't hide,
(It's love you can't hide)
Oh babe, don't be so shy,
(Babe, don't be so shy)
Cause I'm mirrored in your eyes...

I'm mirrored in your eyes...
(Love I can't deny...)

I'm mirrored in your eyes...
(Love I can't deny...)

Secret Land ('99 Remix)

Nobody knows who I am, maybe you would understand,
Anybody knows what I am, out in a secret land,
Nobody knows how I try not to tell another lie,
Anybody knows, in the end I'll find a secret land...

(I remember,
Leaves were falling down in St. Germain,
It was a cold November,
You went away and I got a dream...)

I need you, I feel you,
I can't live without you so long...
And I know that we parted,
I'll stay in this town 'cause I miss you so...
I feel it, I mean it,
The secret that I'm gonna show...
And I turn back, I see that
All my love had to fail but I miss you so...

Nobody knows who I am, maybe you would understand,
Anybody knows what I am, out in a secret land,
Nobody knows how I try not to tell another lie,
Anybody knows, in the end I'll find a secret land...

Nobody knows who I am, maybe you would understand,
Anybody knows what I am, out in a secret land,
Nobody knows how I try not to tell another lie,
Anybody knows, in the end I'll find a secret land...

Nobody knows who I am, maybe you would understand,
Anybody knows what I am, out in a secret land,
Nobody knows how I try not to tell another lie,
Anybody knows, in the end I'll find a secret land...

I'll find a secret land...

Nobody knows who I am, maybe you would understand,
Anybody knows what I am, out in a secret land,
Nobody knows how I try not to tell another lie,
Anybody knows, in the end I'll find a secret land...

We'll Be Together ('99 Remix)

Days in blue and nights in fever fall in Chinatown,
Flames and light, a silent fire, not a single sound...

(Who used to cry for love?)
Oh time and time again I used to cry for some love,

And we'll be together,
(With a little luck, a little luck)
We'll be coming out of the dark,
Say you will, say you'll come my way...
And this means forever,
(With a little luck, a little luck)
We'll be coming out of the dark,
Say you will, say you'll come...

Night is cold and moon is flashing in a lonesome dance,
I don't care 'cause you're beside me, I can take my chance

(Who used to cry for love?)
Oh time and time again I used to cry for some love,

And we'll be together,
(With a little luck, a little luck)
We'll be coming out of the dark,
Say you will, say you'll come my way...
And this means forever
(With a little luck, a little luck)
We'll be coming out of the dark,
Say you will, say you'll come...

It's like a wave, that touched my skin,
And I'll let you stay and we'll be together...

And we'll be together,
(With a little luck, a little luck)
We'll be coming out of the dark,
Say you will, say you'll come my way...
And this means forever
(With a little luck, a little luck)
We'll be coming out of the dark,
Say you will, say you'll come...

And we'll be together...
And this means forever
(With a little luck, a little luck)
We'll be coming out of the dark,
Say you will, say you'll come...

Won't Run Away ('99 Remix)

I won't run away from you,
And I won't try to hide myself for one more time...
Won't you please, please tell me who I am?
Cause I can only feel myself, when you are mine...

So many people come and go,
They can be mean but they won't show,
Smiling to all you've said, talking behind your back,
But I won't care forevermore...

When I'm feeling like a stranger, lost in the universe,
When it's cold, I know you'll come and warm my heart,

I won't run away from you
And I won't try to hide myself for one more time,
(I won't run away from you, I won't run away from you)
Won't you please, please tell me who I am?
Cause I can only feel myself, when you are mine...
(I won't run away from you, I won't run away from you)
I won't run away from you...

So many people interfere,
They know it all and disappear...
They didn't know a thing, Wonders are happening,
They said our love won't find a way...

When I'm feeling like a stranger, lost in the universe,
When it's cold, I know you'll come and warm my heart,

I won't run away from you
And I won't try to hide myself for one more time,
(I won't run away from you, I won't run away from you)
Won't you please, please tell me who I am?
Cause I can only feel myself, when you are mine...
(I won't run away from you, I won't run away from you)

I won't run away from you
And I won't try to hide myself for one more time,
Won't you please, please tell me who I am?
Cause I can only feel myself, when you are mine...
(I won't run away from you, I won't run away from you)

When you are mine...
When you are mine...
I won't run away from you!

Maria Magdalena ('99 Remix)

You take my love, you want my soul,
I would be crazy to share your life,
Why can't you see what I am?
Sharpen your senses and turn the knife,
Hurt me and you'll understand...

I'll never be Maria Magdalena,
(You're a creature of the night)
Maria Magdalena
(You're a victim of the fight - You need love)
Promise me delight,
(You need love)
I'll never be Maria Magdalena,
(You're a creature of the night)
Maria Magdalena,
(You're a victim of the fight - You need love)
Promise me delight
(You need love)

Why must I lie, find alibis?
When will you wake up and realize?
I can't surrender to you,
Play for affection and win the prize,
I know those party games, too...

I'll never be Maria Magdalena,
(You're a creature of the night)
Maria Magdalena,
(You're a victim of the fight - You need love)
Promise me delight
(You need love)

I'll never be Maria Magdalena,
(You're a creature of the night)
Maria Magdalena,
(You're a victim of the fight - You need love)
Promise me delight
(You need love)

Heaven Can Wait ('99 Remix)

And heaven can wait... And heaven can wait...
'Cause you're my desire... 'cause you're my desire...
And heaven can wait...

And heaven can wait 'cause you're my desire...
Heaven can wait, you're turning up in time...
So take up my heart,
Living for this day of joy, oh no,
It's never too late, oh yeah,
And heaven can wait...

I saw your face and you saw mine
And then we got much higher...
I can't deny, you came in time
To set the night on fire...

(Close your eyes, close your eyes and say:
You're the one, don't you feel the same?)

And heaven can wait 'cause you're my desire...
Heaven can wait, you're turning up in time...
So take up my heart,
Living for this day of joy, oh no,
It's never too late, oh yeah,
And heaven can wait...

I saw your eyes and you saw mine,
You cannot be a liar...
By day and night, say what you like,
I'll keep my love much higher...

(Close your eyes, close your eyes and say:
You're the one, don't you feel the same?)

And heaven can wait 'cause you're my desire...
Heaven can wait, you're turning up in time...
So take up my heart,
Living for this day of joy, oh no,
It's never too late, oh yeah,
And heaven can wait...

And heaven can wait... And heaven can wait...
'Cause you're my desire... 'cause you're my desire...
And heaven can wait...
Heaven can wait...

And heaven can wait 'cause you're my desire...
Heaven can wait, you're turning up in time...
So take up my heart,
Living for this day of joy, oh no,
It's never too late, oh yeah,
And heaven can wait...

Hiroshima ('99 Remix)

Fly, little bird, to Hiroshima,
And the way a load,
Speak the magic word to Hiroshima,
Let the sky explode,
Hiroshima, Hiroshima...

There's a shadow of a man at Hiroshima,
Where he passed the moon,
In a wonderland at Hiroshima,
Where he died too soon,
And the world remembers his face,
Remembers the place was here...

Fly, little bird, to Hiroshima,
And the way a load,
Speak the magic word to Hiroshima,
Let the sky explode,
And the world remembers his name,
Remembers the flame was Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Hiroshima...

(Hiroshima was the flame!
Know his face, we know his name!
We're remembering the place was here!)

Shadow of a man at Hiroshima,
Where he passed the moon,
In a wonderland at Hiroshima,
Where he died too soon,
And the world remembers his name,
Remembers the flame was Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Hiroshima...

Oh no no no!
Oh, no, don't do it!

Tell Me More ('99 Remix)

Tell me more, tell me more,
I wanna believe in you for all time...
Tell me more, tell me more,
Whatever I hear, it will be alright,
Tell me more...

Baby you try to find solutions,
When there is nothing you can do,
Baby I'm hiding my confusion,
Just when all I need is you,

Can't we try to understand each other?
I will listen to you now, I will turn you inside out...

Tell me more, tell me more,
Whatever I hear, it will be alright,
(I was never ever trying to hurt you)
Tell me more, tell me more,
I wanna believe in you for all time...
(I didn't get to tell you I love you)
Tell me more...

I've got to tell you just one reason,
Why we can never be apart,
Cause when I look you in the eye,
I see, you feel so good when I'm around,
You just have to let it out...

Tell me more...
Whatever I hear, it will be alright,
Tell me more, tell me more,
I wanna believe in you for all time,
(I didn't get to tell you I love you)
Tell me more, tell me more,
Whatever I hear, it will be alright,
(I was never ever trying to hurt you)
Tell me more, tell me more,
I wanna believe in you for all time...
(I didn't get to tell you I love you)
Tell me more...

Celebrate Your Life ('99 Remix)

I can never say goodbye any special way,
Everything I left behind will keep on calling,
Can't take and understand this masquerade,
Look back, look back,
Who's to blame for putting out fire?

Like a moviestar I would dream so far,
And you?
You celebrate your life,
And with a one-way-ticket you fly up to the sky,
And earth below is blue, you celebrate your time,
But here I go, don't celebrate my life

I can't try to hold it down, when you make your day,
Everytime you cross the line, I'm way behind you,
No need to say our fate is just the same,
I put myself in your place,
There wasn't desire...

Like a moviestar I would dream so far,
And you?
You celebrate your life,
And with a one-way-ticket you fly up to the sky,
And earth below is blue, you celebrate your time,
But here I go, don't celebrate my life...

And maybe it's you,
You celebrate your life,
And with a one-way-ticket you fly up to the sky,
And earth below is blue, you celebrate your time,
But here I go...

But I can try to understand it,
I have just one life, I celebrate it,
But I can try to understand it,
I have just one life, I celebrate it,
But I can try to understand it,
I have just one life, I celebrate it...

Around My Heart ('99 Remix)

It goes around my heart,
Hey, heyah, what a criminal man,
Life will go in circles all around my heart,
Hey, hey, it's such a dangerous game,
I'm afraid you'd lose your trust in love...

Some time back in '85,
In July, when the Summer was high,
We've been alright,
You know what money can't buy...

One kiss on a flatbed truck,
A hot rain has completed our luck,
You said "Words don't mean nothing
But you will be mine..."

It goes around my heart,
Hey, heyah, what a criminal man,
Life will go in circles all around my heart,
Hey, hey, it's such a dangerous game,
I'm afraid you'd lose your trust in love...

Good friend in the darkest night,
You feel blind but my love is cateyed,
Just follow its light,
You've got to follow the light,

Some day you'll be face to face,
And you'll see human nature can't waste my love,
Words don't mean nothing, as long as you're mine...

It goes around my heart,
Hey, heyah, what a criminal man,
Life will go in circles all around my heart,
Hey, hey, it's such a dangerous game,
I'm afraid you'd lose your trust in love...

It goes around my heart,
Hey, heyah, what a criminal man,
Life will go in circles all around my heart,
Hey, hey, it's such a dangerous game,
I'm afraid you'd lose your trust in love...

Around my heart,
Hey, heyah, what a criminal man,
Life will go in circles all around my heart,
Hey, hey, it's such a dangerous game,
I'm afraid you'd lose your trust in love...

It goes around my heart,
Hey, heyah, what a criminal man,
Life will go in circles all around my heart,
Hey, hey, it's such a dangerous game,
I'm afraid you'd lose your trust in love...
It goes around my heart!

In The Heat Of The Night ('99 Remix)

Talk to me, want my Love,
Talk to me, but not that stuff...
You ain't enough, using my love.
You call for me, again I see:

In the heat of the night,
(You'll lose your heart and sell your soul)
I lose control in the heat of the night
(It's much too late to leave the trade)
But I can't stand it anymore
(You'll lose your heart, it's your soul),
I lose control in the heat of the night
(In the heat of the night...)

Talk to me, want my Love,
Talk to me, but not that stuff...
Who's on my side?
Losing my pride...
You call for me, again I see:

In the heat of the night
(You'll lose your heart and sell your soul)
I lose control in the heat of the night
(It's much too late to leave the trade)
But I can't stand it anymore
(You'll lose your heart, it's your soul),
I lose control in the heat of the night
(In the heat of the night...)

(You'll lose your heart and sell your soul,
It's much too late to leave the trade,
You'll lose your heart, it's your soul),
I lose control in the heat of the night
(In the heat of the night...)

In the heat of the night
(You'll lose your heart and sell your soul)
I lose control in the heat of the night
(It's much too late to leave the trade)
But I can't stand it anymore
(You'll lose your heart, it's your soul),
I lose control in the heat of the night
(In the heat of the night...)

Way To India ('99 Remix)

You and I,
Here we are stranded,
You and I,
Still taste the tears of cry,
The world keeps turning,
Without you I'm like a soul without a mind,
You keep on searching for something you left behind...

(Deep in my heart I feel for you,
If loving ain't all, what can I do?)

On your way to India you'll see the light,
On your way to India, your eternal light,
On your way to India you'll have me in mind...

Now I find,
I just need you like I never did before,
You love me blind and we can't talk anymore...

(Here is my heart, I feel for you,
If loving ain't all, what can I do?)

On your way to India you'll see the light,
On your way to India, your eternal light,
(I'm like a soul without a mind)
On your way to India,
(My world keeps turning)
You'll have me in mind,
(I keep on searching all the time)
It's gotta be alright,
(I miss you)
On your way to India...

(I need you so)
(I was a fool to leave you)
On your way to India,
(I need you so)
You'll see the light,
(Babe, I really had no choice)
On your way to India,
(I really miss you, Baby)
Your eternal light,
(I'm like a soul without a mind)
On your way to India,
(My world keeps turning)
You'll have me in mind,
(I keep on searching all the time)
It's gotta be alright,
(I miss you)
On your way to India...
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Eternal Dreamer
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Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
Пользователь №: 1
Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома The Wheel Of Time (2002)

Forgive Me

Forgive me now, for all the words I said
Forgive me now, for all the things I made
Forgive me, for all the words I said
Forgive me now, I hope it's not too late... too late

I'm waiting for any reaction
Tell me what changed my mind
Don't know what is, don't know what you'll find

Maybe it's my imagination
That turns the friendly card inside
I've no answer, but I feel it's time to say

Forgive me now, for all the words I said
Forgive me now, for all the things I made
Forgive me, for all the words I said
Believe me now, I hope it's not too late... too late

Forgive me now, for all the words I said
For all the words, for all the words I said
Forgive me now, forgive me
Forgive me, forgive me now

Forgive me now, for all the words I said
Forgive me now, for all the things I made
Forgive me, for all the words I said
Believe me now, I hope it's not too late... too late

Forgive me, forgive me now
For all the words, for all the words I said
Hey, hey
Forgive me now
Forgive me
Too late
Forgive me
Too late

Forgive me now


Reaching higher ground, past the moon through the stars
Pray for you to stay, for a chance for a new start

Rhythm is the life, life for my beating heart
Pastime fade away, but every moment leaves a mark
Words will break the water but not the sand

Footprints over my heart
People who stay never depart
Footprints in the sands of time
No one can take the love that's mine
Footprints - you hold my hand
Leaving footprints in the sand

Some will run and hide when the tide is getting high
They don't, they don't, they don't know
How hold on tight, ride the storm
See the sun shine again

The one's who held my hand
The one's try to understand
This is for the ones
Who leave their footprints in the sand

Footprints over my heart
People who stay never depart
Footprints the sense of time
No one can take the love that's mine
Footprints hold my hand
Leaving footprints in the sand.

Footprints over my heart
People who stay never depart
Footprints in the sands of time
No one can take the love that's mine
Footprints - you hold my hand
Leaving footprints in the sand

The one's who held my hand
The one's try to understand
This is for the ones
Who leave their footprints in the sand

Footprints over my heart
People who stay never depart
Footprints in the sands of time
No one can take the love that's mine
Footprints - you hold my hand
Leaving footprints in the sand

Footprints over my heart
People who stay never depart
Footprints in the sands of time
No one can take the love that's mine
Footprints - you hold my hand
Leaving footprints in the sand


You are my motivation

From time to time, I lose all faith in what I'm doing
Every avenue I'm pursuing
Seems to be a dead end
And from time to time, I lose all trace in where I'm going
When the weariness is showing
It's then I need a good friend

Who's building out my confidence
Who's speaking out in my defence
Who's giving me the strength to carry on

You are my motivation
I'd be helpless if I wasn't for you
You are my motivation
Motivation, the motivation is you
You, you, you, it's you
The motivation is you - now I know it's you

And every day we fight a battle for survival
We treat our fellow man as a rival
Life is like a wargame
And every day we take a step in the wrong direction
Did we forget about love and affection
Isn't it a crying shame.

Now me, I've always struggled through
Was losing ground 'till I met you
You gave me back a reason to believe

You are my motivation
I'd be helpless if I wasn't for you
You are my motivation
Motivation, the motivation is you
You, you, you, it's you
The motivation is you - now I know it's you

You are my motivation

You are my motivation
I'd be helpless if it wasn't for you
You are my motivation
You are my motivation
You are my motivation
I'd be helpless if I wasn't for you
You are my motivation
You are my motivation
You are my motivation
You are my motivation

I Close My Eyes

It's not the first time that I'm feeling, feeling alone
It's not the last time, that tears will flow
I pray to God, I prayed to everybody who can help me
You should know, you should know, where to go

I close my eyes and see
The word beside of you and me
I close my eyes and feel
Your breath, your touch, be there for me

It's not the first time I say hello, you say good-bye
Misunderstandings, the reason why
It's not the last time I say hello, you say good-bye
Remember all the dreams we shared for so long
For so long time

I close my eyes and see
The word beside of you and me
I close my eyes and feel
Your breath, your touch
Your breath, your touch
Be there, be there for me

Perfect Touch

You've captured me and killed my emotions
In your cage - of love
Run away - deep inside - feel the danger

I'm running from your perfect touch
I want you
See me running
I've had too much in the jungle of love
Perfect touch - I want you see me running
Perfect touch - you've killed all I got
Perfect touch

You've lost your game and I'm sure
You'll pay for your crime - babe - oh yeah
You've strangled me but I'll know how to get out

I'm running from your perfect touch
I want you
See me running
I've had too much in the jungle of love
Perfect touch - I want you see me running
Perfect touch - you've killed all I got
Perfect touch

I'm running from your perfect touch
I want you
See me running
I've had too much in the jungle of love
Perfect touch - I want you see me running
Perfect touch - you've killed all I got
Perfect touch

I'm running from your perfect touch
I want you
See me running
I've had too much in the jungle of love
Perfect touch - I want you see me running
You've killed all I got
Perfect touch

Silent Running

Take the children and yourself
And hide out in the cellar
By now the fighting will be close at hand
Don't believe the church and state
And everything they tell you
Believe in me, I'm with the high command.

Can you hear me, can you hear me running
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you
Can you hear me, can you hear me running
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you

There's a gun and ammunition
Just inside the doorway
Use it only in emergency
Better you should pray to God
The Father and the Spirit
Will guide you and protect from up here

Can you hear me, can you hear me running
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you
Can you hear me, can you hear me running
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you

Swear allegiance to the flag
Whatever flag they offer
Never hint at what you really feel
Teach the children quietly
For some day sons and daughters
Will rise up and fight while we stood still

Can you hear me, can you hear me running
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you
Can you hear me, can you hear me running
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you
Can you hear me, can you hear me running
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you

Such A Shame

Such a shame to believe in escape
'A life on every face'
And that's a change,
Till I'm finally left with an eight
Tell me to relax, I just stare
Maybe I don't know if I should change
A feeling that we share

It's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me with rage
It's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me in haste
It's a shame
(Such a shame)
This eagerness to change
It's a shame

The dice decide my fate
And that's a shame
In these trembling hands my faith
Tell me to react, I don't care
Maybe it's unkind that I should change
A feeling that we share

It's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me with rage
It's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me in haste
It's a shame
(Such a shame)
This eagerness to change
Such a shame

Tell me to relax, I just stare
Maybe it's unkind that I should change
A feeling that we share

It's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me with rage
It's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me in haste
It's a shame
(Such a shame)
This eagerness to change
Such a shame


Now, I can really see the light
After years, of being blind
Self-destruction in my mind
Oh you, you were always on my side
After days of loneliness
After years of emptiness
I would never ever see the light like now

(I lived for years, without knowing
What's an illusion or what is real
All around smiling people, empty talkings
Many friends, but only when there is no need
When the time is rough and it's so cold outside
No one's helping, but you, facing the tide)

Now, I can really see the light
After years are being blind
Self-destruction in my mind
Oh you, you were always on my side
After days of loneliness
After years of emptiness
I would never ever see the light like now

Now I can see the light
Now I can see the light

(When the time is rough and it's so cold outside
No one's helping, but you, facing the tide)

Now, I can really see the light
After years are being blind
Self-destruction in my mind
Oh you, you were always on my side
After days of loneliness
After years of emptiness

Now, I can really see the light
After years are being blind
Self-destruction in my mind

Now I can see the light

Oh you, were always on my side
After days of loneliness
After years of emptiness

Now I can see the light
Now I can see the light

Free Love

If you've been hiding from love
If you've been hiding from love
I can understand where you're coming from
I can understand where you're coming from

If you've suffered enough
If you've suffered enough
I can understand what you're thinking of
I can see the pain that you're frightened of

And I'm only here
To bring you free love
Let's make it clear
That this is free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love

I've been running like you
I've been running like you
Now you understand why I'm running scared
Now you understand why I'm running scared

And I'm only here
To bring you free love
Let's make it clear
That this is free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love

You've got to take this moment
Then let it slip away
Let go complicated feelings
Then there's no price to pay

And I'm only here
To bring you free love
Let's make it clear
That this is free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love

We're only here
To bring you free love
Let's make it clear
That this is free love


I will remember your first kiss
Forever - forever
You're my shining star, my bliss
Forever - together
They must have sent you from heaven
And I feel we're the ones - you and me

I'll walk the desert to be with you
I'll swim the ocean to get to you
I wanna love you 'til the end of time, forever
(Wanna fly with you)

I'll climb the mountain - you set me free
I'll cross the valley - you shelter me
I wanna stay with you all my life together
(Wanna die for you)

You come and wash away the rain
Forever - forever
You're gonna dry my tears of pain
Forever - together
They must have sent you from heaven
And I feel we're the ones - you and me

I'll walk the desert to be with you
I'll swim the ocean to get to you
I wanna love you 'til the end of time, forever

I'll climb the mountain, you set me free
I'll cross the valley, you shelter me
I wanna stay with you all my life, together
(Wanna die for you)

(I wanna love you 'til the end of time)
I'll swim the ocean, I'll walk the desert
I wanna stay with you

The Wheel Of Time

Time to say, my laughter wasn't real
Time to cry 'bout you inside

And I don't know where i'll find you
But I feel inside of me
Something's around, it showed me love
It's changed my life, that's the wheel of time

Till now I don't know, when I'll see you
Miss you so...
Sometimes I feel, you're close to me
But still invisible

I changed my life, my style, I changed my mind...
My life has changed my mind, the wheel of time
I had to change my life, my style
'Cause that's the wheel, that's the wheel of time

Time, time, time
That's the wheel of time
Time, time, time
Time, time, time
That's the wheel of time

I changed my life, my style, I changed my mind...
My life has changed my mind, the wheel of time
I had to change my life, my style
'Cause that's the wheel...

I changed my life, my style, I changed my mind...
My life has changed my mind, the wheel of time
I had to change my life, my style
'Cause that's the wheel, that's the wheel of time

I changed my life, my style, I changed my mind...
My life has changed my mind, the wheel of time
I had to change my life, my style
'Cause that's the wheel, that's the wheel of time
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  Romantic Warrior
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Eternal Dreamer
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Регистрация: 25.1.2007
Из: Ленинград
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Благодарностей: 839

Тексты песен альбома The Art Of Love (2007)

What D'Ya Think Of Me

The Way I Am

The Art Of Love

What Is It About Me

Dear God ... If You Exist

Silence Beside Me

Once Upon A Time

Put Your Arms Around Me

What's Left To Say

Casino Royale

Love Is The Price (with DJ BoBo)

Shadow Of Power

All You Zombies
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